I Hear Your Prayers | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

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God's Message Now
I Hear Your Prayers | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say ▬▬▬▬...
Video Transcript:
my beloved I want you to understand that you are never on your own both day and night I am by your side picture me tenderly brushing your hair aside and Whispering soothing words into your ear words that mend the soul and instill a profound sense of Serenity and joy within you as a new day Dawn you'll find yourself equipped with the resilience and bravery needed to face it my love for you runs deep I hold you close and shield you with all my might your dwelling and loved ones are secure under my watch I am
your father Your Guardian the one who steers you through storms when Fierce winds blow and dark clouds Veil your path in those moments I embrace you with a love unparalleled for you are irreplaceable and of immense value to me it's my heartfelt desire to care for you and express my love at every opportunity from the first light of day until the sun settles in the Horizon as you rest I offer comfort as you dream I speak to your heart and upon Awakening I am present once more I will grasp your hand and together we shall
navigate a day brimming with challenges and triumphs trials and blessings your heart is resilient do not succumb to fear or hang your head in defeat no adversary can overpower you because you are mine and my protection is absolute progress with conviction treading confidently on this path Laden with blessings I have led you here for I have Splendid plans in store for you ready to unfold in the fullness of time now is the moment to advance the dawn breaks and it's time for prayer cast aside your anguish and errors I have flung them into the abyss
so they may trouble you no more now I bestow upon you a special anointing that invigorates and uplifts your spirit stand before me attuned to my words of love words that resonate and are inscribed upon your heart they shall forever illuminate your way towards the abundance I have reserved for you even in moments of vulnerability or weariness remember I am your sanctuary in every decision every stride my love and my spirit accompany you should you feel sorrow or trepidation bear in mind that even then I remain your ally my word and my affection are your
Solace and strength I never retract my friendship nor turn a deaf ear to your supplication ations as you endure trials I am your Shepherd perpetually guiding and nurturing you I Safeguard you against the Menace of lurking predators that bear their teeth eager to consume they plot your downfall yet if you trust in me your precious heart is secure in my grasp and no malevolence shall ever harm you no foe dares to confront my children and those who attempt will find themselves thwarted remember always my cherished one the depth of my perfect love for you you
dwell securely within my care I journey ahead of you Paving your way yet it is your faith and Valor I long to witness persevere fight and never yield for the blessings I have destined for you are ripe for the taking today I invite you to embrace them venture outside let the sacred rain drench your hair for I am opening the heavens showering you with prosperity beyond measure you are destined for greatness not for failure recognize your courage Your rewards are ready and waiting it's time to rise particularly when concerns like those about finances weigh heavily
upon you fear not I will provide trust in me to look after you and your loved ones in all circumstances yet your effort is essential work with Vigor wisdom and integrity protect your position respect those who employ you and maintain honesty in your actions and I will bestow immense blessings upon you opportunities to elevate both spiritually and materially will arise when least expect Ed know that I am everpresent shielding you fulfilling your needs and guiding you towards Paths of love and prosperity communicate with me daily my affection is a balm for your soul no dilemma
you face can overshadow my love recall that I am your Navigator through life's storms when challenges arise remember these words they will comfort and pacify you today open your heart to my peace let the Solace of my words envelop you and my joy pervade your spirit if sorrow visits allow me to wipe away your tears and immerse you in my profound love let this moment be transformative from now on you will be liberated from all concerns you will awaken with a smile spreading happiness among your loved ones continue forward with belief trust and continual reception
of my love this Embraces my gift to you I love you I am your God who lavishes your life with grace and mercy I lift you from despair provide solace in your pain and fortify you as the eagle Soares I heal you nourish you with my Everlasting word and have opened the gates to a supernatural Realm I Empower you to overcome all adversities ensuring no harm befalls you the words I offer today are to calm your doubts bringing you Serenity and vigilance over your Eternal well-being in these end times as daily battles and temptations besiege
you know that I'm steadfast by your side even when surrounded by hostility when friends betray and family deserts in your hour of need my unwavering support remains you must not depend solely on the fallible or the transient but understand my eternal promise to you as you Traverse this life I am with you absolving your sins and anointing you with my Holy Spirit those who oppose you will falter obstacles in your path will be overcome many May seek your downfall and face profound disgrace some may even turn upon themselves yet no force can rest you from
my grasp trust in my promises embrace my words of mercy and know that your Victory is secured open your heart and let my Divine breath transform your thoughts there is so much life ahead of you so much to accomplish you have a sacred and wonderful purpose to fulfill yet understand that your true support and strength do not come from this world or those around you if you seek profound and Lasting blessings if you yearn for significant changes in your life and within your family turn to me I am your sole source of transformation you're on
the right path press on for more love me with all your might make me your first priority I ask for little a few minutes each day begin with this small commitment and you will soon find yourself longing to spend more time in my presence perhaps on your knees moved by the beauty of our communion do not squander your time instead gather strength find encouragement fill your spirit and Rise refreshed to face the world's challenges you are already accepted and chosen through my death and Resurrection though not perfect you are covered by my grace you are
not defined by your sins or mired in darkness whenever you seek guidance come to my word open your Bible if it is wisdom you need consult my Faithful Servants they will direct you I will communicate with you in many ways you must Simply Be attentive I will Aid in your success you know well that I have never promised an easy life but responsibilities and worries will always be present yet there is a profound difference for someone like you who trusts in me sincerely I breathe life and joy into your soul I now Crown you with
Victory I clothe you in Purity endow you with authority and Grant you the skill and courage to overcome any obstacle to travel far and wide showcasing my miracles to the world I prepare you to Triumph and stand firm in your faith to inspire those who remain trapped in their past and Overlook the blessings I offer it brings me joy to clear your path and open doors for you to hear your prayers and provide answers to fortify and guide you through trials I wish for you to grow to learn from each difficulty with humility if you
open your heart to me I will reveal A New Path marked by my glory where the impossible becomes possible people transform hardened Hearts soften your Provisions are plentiful debts dissolve sorrow departs and joy Embraces you my love and mercy will forever accompany you even when unseen I am ever present in your life I witness every tear you shed and every smile that Graces your lips in your darkest moments I am your light in your weakest times I am your strength in your confusion I am your Clarity trust in me Rest In My Embrace allow me
to lead you step by patient step towards a life filled with happiness tell me now with all your heart I will trust in you beloved Heavenly Father trust in my Assurance that all will be well if you persist in fretting over matters you've already entrusted to me your strength will diminish you you have extended your hand to me allow me to lead you gently to verden pastures I desire for you to want for nothing I aim to fill your soul with Divine love and sacred tenderness do not fear the adversities that may arise you will
stand steadfast and I will be by your side I will never release you I will never abandon you I understand your moments of weakness which is why I am reaching out to your heart my child I am here with you instead of wandering in circles of confusion and despair come and sit with me rest a while do not be anxious about the future or troubled by the state of the world concentrate on what truly matters your family your spiritual life nourishing yourself with my word praying doing good deeds and showing Mercy to those who have
wronged you and continue to treat you poorly despite your kindness if they strike you again turn the other cheek demonstrate that your love is so profound that just as I sacrific my life for my children you too are prepared to persevere to the end so that your family may know me be blessed and experience freedom and as the Earth continues to turn amid rumors of wars do not cease your prayers record in your prayer book the names of those you cherish share with me your desires for them although I already know their lives and thoughts
I want you to activate your faith to learn learn to pray for what truly matters even if everyone around you is paralyzed with fear by the signs they witness neither you nor your family should be afraid I will never leave you nor forsake you you must be ready While others succumb to fear you will witness great Miracles the trumpets have sounded the era of your Liberation is near but for now pray believe struggle live fear not what is to come have faith in my word nothing is impossible for me I love you tell me that
you love me too hearing it from you brings me joy you must trust in me and take my hand in these trying times so that threats and troubles do not steal your peace and confidence I feel compassion when I see you in distress your sincerity moves my heart as I have promised before I will bless you because it is my desire to do so tell me now that you will accept my blessing and cherish it with profound love remember during your moments of Sorrow I hold you securely in the palm of my hand I envelop
you in my holy mantle I bless you because it is my desire and within my power my promises are steadfast and will surely come to fruition I have always been by your side I have never forsaken you and even through the tempests I remain steadfast my designs surpass your own my thoughts are Eternal leading you towards a future filled with peace and prosperity life may seem daunting without Faith and Hope but if you shift your perspective and Trust deeply in my word transformative Anna will follow seek me each morning pray throughout the day and at
night before sleep kneel before me this communion brings me great joy although it may not be visible to you now know that the heavens resonate with the sound of your praise When you pray with conviction asking for my protection over your family or seeking deliverance from illness and hardship when you implore with tears never to be abandoned listen for my answer even if the entire world turns away from you I will never leave you should those who profess their love disappoint you remember my love surpasses theirs I am unfailing I will never deceive you your
family your future your health these rest securely in my hands value protect and treasure your blessings handle them with care and do not take them for granted my word assures that if you are faithful in small things and Steward well what I provide during times of need your blessings will increase and I will entrust you with even greater Treasures of Eternal significance my child your love for me is evident you're blessed and will continue to receive Abundant Blessings your faith is unwavering you have chosen the right path and you are doing exceedingly well keep your
gaze fixed on my Commandments and let my love perpetually fill your being the effort to correct your course has been considerable you steered Your Vessel with all your might adjusting its direction so that Divine winds might Propel your sails due to your changed attitude and your willingness to transform I now bless you in super natural ways these words you hear are life itself this is how I demonstrate my love for you and guide you through your challenges I am blessing you with wisdom enhancing your discretion refining your character and granting you abundant patience I am
transforming your life completely my spirit envelops you infusing your entire being you will no longer wander toward missteps or crave sin temptations that once Drew you toward Darkness will lose their pull I am fortifying you equipping you to break free from the chains binding your thoughts from this moment forward your mind will dwell on what is good beautiful pure and just you will resist the urge to engage with slander and lies that tarnish your mind and weaken your heart you will Marvel at your transformation and how blessed you have become those around you will recognize
this change they will disregard your past mistakes and any offenses you've caused will be forgiven such is the grace I pour into your soul that doors will swing wide open ushering in New blessings you will find job opportunities that provide for and prosper your family I'm carving out A New Path for you leading to a future free from the fears and anxieties bred by past errors a life of Peace steeped in Serenity devoid of fear or nightmares the power of My Sacrifice has liberated you no falsehood or malevolence no sorcery or its bearers can touch
you you are cleansed in spirit Soul lips mind and heart this is is the reward for those who boldly share my word who turn from wickedness who embrace my forgiveness and who choose daily to seek my presence and blessing I love you you will Thrive you and your family are safeguarded in my hands I dictate your fate I have the final say your task is to persevere despite all you have endured keep your head held high your dignity unass available do not cower before adversaries seeking to degrade you acknowledge me as your soul Sovereign your
king your lord and your heavenly father before you is an ocean of challenges that threaten to engulf you yet you will trust in my strength over the tumultuous waves of conflict you will stride with confidence you will not falter you will not succumb my hand is ever poised to save you and should doubt seek to unsettle you cling tightly to my hand depend on me I am Forever by your side have the assurance that when you reach out to me I will never turn you away I will extricate you from your troubles I will Propel
you toward Victory even as you battle against stormy winds I love you I am infusing you with courage and determination fear nothing for you are graced with my favor and your Victory is woven into my plans March forward as a warrior triumphant you are not frail you are fortified you are never alone I am always with you I will Elevate you as a beacon to your family and friends demonstrating that overcoming challenges scarcity sickness and even formidable foes is not only possible but certain anticipate a season of Joy during which your loved ones will see
you as a blessing in their lives I have bestowed upon you my grace anointed you richly and positioned you as a leader for Generations through you I will perform great Miracles witnessed by many yet guard against pride and vanity maintain a heart humble and obedient to my word treat everyone with love and humility through you I desire to show my love to the world now is the time for the purpose of your life to unfold I cherish you things will prosper for you I authored your future before your birth held within my hands are your
deepest desires and dreams the yearnings long harbored in your heart and your prayers for those you cherish everything is chronicled in my book I forget nothing every matter has its appointed time my intent is to bless you to unlock doors for you to cultivate in your heart wisdom Faith humility and patience you are my child planted in Fertile ground to grow and flourish the blueprint for blessing is in your hands encapsulated in my holy and potent word engage with it faithfully and passionately treasure it within your heart if your past is marred by failures if
you've surrendered too often and lost valuable opportunities Heed These words speak them aloud I long to hear them from your lips my past is behind me from now on my life my family and my future will be blessed declare it with me my past is behind me from now on my life my family and my future will be blessed never hesitate to share my word it holds eternal life miraculous Supernatural deeds and profound answers when confronted with insurmountable obstacles a sacred utterance will grant you the wisdom to Prevail open your Bible and delve into it
a new with the Zeal for knowledge and growth growth as you study feel my presence alongside you I will guide you through each verse enhancing your understanding of me bolstering your faith in my steadfast love and reassuring you that I'm not a God who punishes at every fault but one who guides and Forgives I have made my home within your heart bringing with me a bag filled with blessings opportunities Gra Grace forgiveness Divine strength and a steadfast true purpose for your family the days shadowed by fear are now behind you I have banished the Devourer
from your presence now surrender to me fully trust in me without doubt or hesitation I promise you abundant happiness a vow I made and sealed before your very existence I love you and no harm can befall you I will liberate you from your troubles and provide the solutions you seek today you will witness a supernatural sign of my immense love for you brighter beautiful days lie ahead prepare to be blessed but refrain from filling the book of your dreams with complaints instead saturate it with hope and refuse to entertain thoughts of defeat ignore the judgments
cast by Darkness and let your being be bathed in the Majestic light of the Holy promise the era of suffering will soon be left in the past you have endured a long painful wait but the moment for your resolution draws near the dawn of your deliverance is close at hand soon you will see that your patient silent vigil was worthwhile awaiting the grace of your Sovereign God I hear your cries for help I am moved by compassion for you do not fret I will grant you far more than you have requested offering the very best
for your life marvelous things beyond your imagination as days and months pass never forget that the joy you will experience has sprouted from Pain nourished by tears and fostered by despair yet transformed into a new era of love and blessing remember this always so you do not succumb to Pride falsely believing you achieved such wonderful blessings through your own efforts remain Vigilant in prayer aware that the enemy lurks like a prowling lion eager to devour your conviction aiming to shatter your faith and ruin the plans you hold today but you recognize my voice you you
are my flock and deep in your heart you know this truth I am the one who assures you that nothing can stand against you no one can seize the blessings destined for you commit yourself to me dare to believe in my promises and I will not forget them when the time comes to respond I will remember your tears they will not have been shed in vain at the precise moment you will receive the rewards for your bravery and the compensation for all that you have sacrificed time indeed flies swiftly and for that reason I implore
you to hold dearly and Revere the words I speak to you now rest assured you will never lose my love you will never be severed for my grace and my Mercy will always be within your reach rejoice and be glad for you are about to receive my answer with open arms no force will topple you because I will uphold you no one will defeat you for I am your protector no one will curse you because I am your blessing no one will shame you for I am your support no one will harm you because I
am your guardian those who dare to harm you or slander you will have to contend with me I vigilantly watch over my children You Are Not Alone cast aside your fears step out and pursue your dreams with increased Faith dare to expect great things from this moment I encourage you to take bold strides letting no one dismay you or persuade you of their superiority I created all beings equal in my image and likeness my children who love and seek me who know their father and understand whom to trust and believe stand out this is what
disturbs your adversaries on the surface you might appear ordinary but within you dwells my Holy Spirit and this they recognize and envy elevate your faith acknowledge who you are what you possess and what you aspire to achieve you desire to fulfill my will to improve continually and to transform fear no one stand tall and engage in the battle for victory is assured if you walk in faith protect your heart and avoid the corruption of this world do not concede to thoughts that suggest you are too old for dreams or achievements that your time for desires
has passed or that disappointments have extinguished your Ambitions such Notions grieve me deeply especially after you've witnessed many miracles do not believe that my blessings are not meant for you I will accomplish great things in your life regardless of your age many will witness your transformation and seek your guidance and trusting their secrets to you and you will lead them to me continue to pursue your dreams nurture your desires and fight with faith for the goals you wish to achieve no ad adversary will have the power to confront or harm you I am with you
and together we will Ascend to a realm of Supernatural blessings today I am here to alleviate the unexplainable anguish that sometimes grips your heart I aim to eradicate any source of sadness that inexplicably afflicts your soul trust in my presence and my eternal commitment to your well-being I love you and within my grasp I hold the Divine and true Joy meant for you a letter of Freedom delivered Straight from Heaven my child let go of your Despair and any worries right where you are as you listen to my words imagine my hands gently caressing your
head feel the healing flow of my Holy Spirit washing over you every ailment every mental struggle and that hidden torment that gnaws at your soul I command now be healed you are cleansed from head to toe even in the most concealed crevices of your thoughts there's no longer any need for suffering you have direct access to my Throne I am your father and I have gifted you life not just to exist but to enjoy it with those you love hear me clearly I am infusing you with the energy and SP Spirit needed to wake each
day with a renewed Sparkle in your eyes go outside let the sunlight brighten your face let the fresh air kiss your skin and without fear or embarrassment raise your arms and Proclaim to the world that I am your Shepherd your provider your healer your strength my word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path the map that guides you safely to a land of Supernatural opportunities for work and prosperity But first you must heal your fears must vanish your emotions need to stabilize you cannot grasp new blessings if your soul is
besieged by anxiety you cannot focus on better things if you are chained to the past I am the only holy and Supernatural remedy for all your afflictions approach me with confidence when you're feeling unwell Grant yourself a new chance your sadness pain anguish and despair are now relics of the past today you are liberated you have been healed spare a moment for me to embrace you and Whisper more fortifying words to strengthen you I desire for you to rise each day filled with happiness boyed by unshakeable faith in the vast love I hold for you
today I've witnessed your tears and I understand their cause I Am The Sovereign almighty God creator of everything nothing escapes my notice beneath the skies and you should recognize this truth I'm deeply concerned with all that troubles your heart I know loneliness is painful especially when those who claim to love you depart leaving you bereft and comfortless yet nothing in your life is beyond my oversight deep within you resonate with the language of my love the sound of my voice once a bomb for your pain remains unchanged I am the same as I was yesterday
and today I offer you Joy and strength listen to my voice now do not withdraw or Harden your heart embrace the love you need the love that has sought you out for for my name's Glory I care for you I defend you and even when situations appear dire I will ensure all things work together for your good because I will never abandon you not ever My Words of Love are here to dry your tears heal your body and transform the intense pain in your heart into boundless Joy I am your God the Alpha and the
Omega the beginning and the end I promise to fill your soul with immense joy and each morning I will rise as your Liberator your Advocate your protective Warrior beloved child do you recognize me I am you've endured a season marked by Tears marred by contempt and pain but I'm lifting you from your suffering this is your year to rise your time has arrived days of Joy weeks of harvest and Precious Moments to cherish are on the horizon fear not my child do not cry do not despair be strong be courageous soon you will receive the
answers you seek your needs will be met your health restored believe in me for I am your God who speaks to you today trust me in your heart I hear your plea I feel the pulse of your humble heart your prayers reach my throne and today the doors of my grace swing wide open I am pouring out my blessings and favor upon you the word has been spoken your abundance is declared I do not lie and what I promise will come to pass always remember this so your mind remains free from anxiety and worry but
do not keep silent do not remain idle take this message to those who are struggling who face scarcity who find themselves in trouble and Proclaim it I have blessed you so abundantly that I will extend the same blessings to all who accept my love my Commandments my peace and my provision my presence resides with those of simple Faith with the humble hearted with all who sincerely and eagerly call upon my name never fear back bad news the threats of men or the negativity the enemy tries to plant in your life always be assured that you
can rely on my power and faithfulness I will never leave you unprotected I will not abandon you nor will I forget you as the years pass if I endured the cross and shed my blood for you it was not to abandon you when enemies and troubles assail you or when you feel weak need needy and sick I am with you always and I repeat this so that you never forget I desire for you to seek me every day to recall my words I have the power to deliver you and if I reiterate this daily it
is because I truly will make it happen I do not deceive I love you I will always bless you it shall be so you call upon me for help because you know of my love and you trust my promises certainly I will assist you rest with peace step into life with the confidence peace and joy of knowing that your heavenly father is always by your side even in moments of weakness when you think you have failed remember even when things do not go as planned and even when you falter my grace is boundless my Mercy
unconditional I have not failed you before and I will not fail you now not when you need me most when your heart aches when your soul cries I cherish your steadfastness and the commitment you show in nurturing your spiritual life and preparing for each challenge you do not simply stand by you engage vigorously fighting with with courage this has fortified your character and solidified your faith the days when fear could paralyze you have passed even when fear lingered in your heart you did not succumb to cowardice you have confronted your challenges and overcome your foes
I rejoice in your Champion spirit and I'm confident in the great successes that await you sloth will not claim to dominion over your life you will act with diligence and kindness in all your endeavors proving yourself as my child my beloved daughter and for this you will be richly rewarded trust in me and the plan I have for your life you're stronger than you realize and immens blessings await when you fully surrender to my will prepare to be astounded by what I can accomplish through you I am everpresent guiding you each step of your journey
with patience and wisdom together we advance you cannot resolve every issue in a single day but remember I wield the power to shift the very Earth to benefit you do not fret over future uncertainties let them not disrupt your rest you seek peace and I provide tranquility now play your part and find calm within yourself should challenges arise or urgent matters encircle you remember the peace I have granted you and Trust in my goodness lift your hands to the heavens and with your radiant Faith Proclaim thank you my God for your faithfulness let me hear
those trusting words my angels celebrate and worship when they hear your praise the Heavenly Choir exalts singing Glory to almighty God and all creation pauses in acknowledgement know that I will reach out my hand and as a loving father I will answer your prayers with Miracles and wonders your gratitude and worship will catalyze profound movements in your life the gates to my presence are wide open to you your heartfelt praise is the key that unlocks these Gates enter and I will drench you with my spirit you will be endowed with power I will enhance your
spiritual vision and bestow upon you Myriad gifts in times when you feel overwhelmed by troubles when the light seems obscured by the burdens you bear understand that you are not being buried but planted I'm trimming away the barren branches that stifle your growth new roots are taking hold I've placed you in fertile soil so that you can Thrive and Blossom right where you are my love for you is vast and everlasting you possess extraordinary strength within you and are capable of achieving Beyond Your Wildest Dreams you are imbued with my Holy Spirit and loved more
deeply than you can fathom if you aspire to and fulfill your dreams you must release the burdens that weigh you down let go of material attachments the pursuit of fleeting titles and trophies that many covet but hold no True Value remember no one and nothing in this world can dictate your life's course your joy does not hinge on your possessions while material resources and financial stability are necessary to bless others do not be consumed by worry prioritize me in your life surrender your soul and your heart to me focus on nurturing your family and deepening
your prayer life conduct your work with diligence and honesty treat everyone with respect and I will ensure you have all you need without the burden of Sorrow tension sleepless nights conflicts or fears I promise to prosper you beyond your imagination heed my words absorb this message again let these Revelations gently permeate your soul word by word I will inscribe my plans in your mind and etch my promises in your heart stay focused do not be distracted by things that drain your energy in time I want you prepared alert trained and ready I am personally equipping
you through this powerful message rise from each defeat and failure these are merely steps in your journey stop dwelling on the past and concentrate on what you can achieve From This Moment forward what today may seem like a hurricane in your life will in time reveal itself to be merely the wind maintain your faith keep pressing forward and you will uncover the beauty and hope that each new beginning holds I will forever be by your side loving you and guiding every step you take trust in me in my power and in the dreams gifts and
talents I have planted within you treat your family and those who support you with love and respect I have orchestrated everything for your benefit not for selfish gains but so you can be a blessing to others I will make you you a Beacon of Hope an oasis in the desert all those seeking to know about me will be drawn to you Embrace this Divine love joyfully and with it you can conquer any challenge that comes your way now with heartfelt affection tell me I receive your love beloved God look you've called out for guidance yearning
to know you're on the right path and today I'm here to share my plans and Thoughts with you first cleanse your soul of any negativity I forgive you cease believing you're alone I have never forsaken you distance yourself from those who refuse to embrace my promises who dwell in solitude by choice remember I have always promised to be by your side do not let the disbelief of others diminish your faith I assure you I am here with you believe and feel I am your father reflect on this even during your darkest days and most challenging
nights when were you ever truly defeated look at yourself in the mirror touch your face feel your heart beating your spirit is vibrant if you're lacking materially remember that it does not reflect on the steadfast love I have for you I was with you then I am with you now and I will always be with you my promises are unwavering and deep down you know this on the cross I declared it is finished sealing the greatest act of love in the annals of time a love that no one can take from you a love that
few truly understand only those who cling to my Sacred Love Can Face any obstacle and remain steadfast through the storms my plans for you are known to me my thoughts towards you are consistent through all ages I have loved you I love you and I will always love you trust in this and find Solace In My Embrace hand over the challenges that have burdened you your faith remains strong continue to believe in my word and abide in me I am always by your side Loving You Without End do not fear do not despair help and
support will come from heaven in my perfect timing bringing you blessings and joy beyond measure today I affirm my presence in your life I am here watching over you and your loved ones guiding your steps to ensure nothing derails your journey I know your worries I understand they are significant because you are human but remember The God Who loves you faithfully and lives within you is far more powerful than any adversary bring your burdens to my feet and I will turn them into blessings through my promises and power remember my words I was I am
and I will always be with you forever I will never abandon you you must remain strong you are braver than you realize and I equip you with gifts and tools to overcome the challenges around you you will conquer the battles you face you will overcome obstacles you will defeat the adversaries that rise against you and by adhering to my promises you will cleanse your home of any malevolent Spirits stand firm and Proclaim my word break the chains that bind your loved ones your faith is meant to confront the Unseen spiritual forces that lurk they fear
me and will flee from your presence when they witness your courage and conviction however if you let fear dominate if you complain and doubt especially during tough times these malevolent forces will find an opening to strike stand strong never wavering and show them the power of a faith-filled heart fear not but but guard your heart diligently and immerse your mind in my holy and good word cling steadfastly to your faith and no matter what unfolds or what sights might shake you never cease to believe refrain from using your voice for doubt or complaint and do
not speak against this sacred love that cares deeply for you and yearns for your well-being even if you feel weakened by failure continue to hold tightly to your faith for my forgiveness is readily available to you when you come to me in Repentance rejecting sin no adversary can overpower you as you dwell under my protective Shadow hear this understand it and let it sink into your soul I am your God your savior the one who forgives your missteps and purifies your heart the one who has silenced your accusers the one who rescues you from Despair
and fill your mouth with words of Praise You know the reality of my presence profound Miracles unfold when you kneel and speak with me today as you listen to my words meditate deeply and let my message permanently Mark your spirit the difficult days are passing brighter days are on the horizon the bad times are nearing their end be assured of this your heavenly father will always stand beside you life may present challenges trials and situations that may dampen the flame of faith that once blazed within you my desire is for your faith to burn brightly
with passion and fervor and for you always to remember that your spirit your motivation and your zest for life are gifts bestowed by my love now is the time to return to the path of Hope to nourish your spirit with my promise and my truth even if your journey takes you through dark valleys fear no evil for I will always be with you holding your hand encouraging you to surmount obstacles protecting your dreams and aiding you in achieving your aspirations this world may be fraught with trials but trust in me for I have conquered pain
I hold the keys to life and my desire is for you to live it filled with immense Joy from Triumph to Triumph from Victory to Victory it is my will that your future brims with success and blessings and that you never encounter defeat remember all the words you have heard before as you become happier and more blessed Envy from Others May surface wishing to see you fall this is an aspect of the super natural life where those uplifted by love often face opposition due to their joy and Faith but do not fear this is the
truth no harm can touch you as long as you walk in my will Perfection is not what I seek for I know you are human and prone to mistakes my request is simple give me your heart and keep your gaze fixed on my holy word loyalty is what I desire you turn to me in good times and also reach out in your trials continue on this path praying through your tears of Faith you may cry many tears whether in Joy or sorrow but persist without ceasing I will halt the storms and still the Seas for
you I will declare an end to your conflicts I am here to handle your troubles but I need to see your unwavering commitment to love me and seek me first in all you do this steadfast faith will become a sword that vanquishes evil strengthens you against weakness and provides spiritual and Supernatural might to conquer Temptations fears and all adversities each time you leave your house take a moment to Bow your head dedicate your plans and concerns to me pray for your family and speak words of faith and peace Rejoice for I am your Shepherd and
you shall want for nothing you are my children but also my cherished flock I will lead you to Lush pastures and make you rest by Peaceful Waters no longer will there be shouting or Strife within your walls the heart-wrenching conflicts will cease I will remove from your home those who disrupt peace the thie of love and the Destroyers of Harmony I will eradicate any hidden sin or error that seeks to undermine your faith and joy I promise to banish sorrow misery and poverty will not be found at your table you will witness bread in abundance
and at the right time I will open the Heavens to shower you with blessings employment and educational opportunities will flourish new possibilities for growth will emerge negative influences and vices that threaten your integrity and faith will be removed from your home but remember we will always journey together I will take you by the hand and never let go Focus your attention on what is good and pure on the Magnificent plans I have for your life do not be distracted by harmful associations or revert to the company of those who refuse to rise from their struggles
I am your provider and I offer you more than sustenance I offer you Joy thus you need not seek validation or approval from others I do not require anyone's permission to bless you so never question whether you should love and serve me the answer is clear only in me will you find a love that is pure indestructible consoling and healing I alone in this universe have died and risen for you so that you may have eternal salvation and Joy by my side now say to me beloved God grant me this love forever prepare yourself for
a torrent of blessings I am ready to pour over you there is no need to fear crises hold no power over you the threats of this world may seem d haunting showing you a path that appears to have no exit but I am here to breathe life into you to bolster your faith to open your spiritual eyes to see that the value and love I hold for you will not Wan due to your shortcomings or the multitude of your problems I will lift you from the pits into which you have fallen you are immensely valuable
to me and I need you to know this in the morning as the sun rises remember me when a ray of light streams through your window let it remind you that my Mercy is renewed each day calling you to a time of prayer share with me your feelings your plans your fears and I will reaffirm my word and respond to your needs a single minute of sincere Faith spent with me will let you feel my loving Embrace providing the reassurance you need to face each day I have obliterated the record of your tears forgotten your
sins and erased from your heart all sources of your pain with my hands I have uprooted the reminders of your despair you are truly free believe it write it down I am forever free because of this love this freedom is not something you earned or due to your Perfection it is a gift because you could never liberate yourself from Eternal consequence your debts are paid your Victory is secure my promises are absolute signed with a love so profound and beautiful it defies understanding live this love feel it embrace it this incredible love that fills your
heart especially if you had ceased to believe in love due to past disappointments and now I the cre creator of the universe come to you expressing how deeply I love you you don't need to travel far or climb mountains to hear my voice I here reaching out to touch your heart in this very moment you already sense the immense love I have for you even if you are hesitant to accept it my love is so vast that I will never let you drift away from me embrace the this new life free from loneliness and fear
cradled in my love sailing across the ocean of Happiness while my love steers you toward the harbor of Victory there you will be crowned with eternal joy prosperity and sacred wealth that no Thief can take from you change your life by shedding disbelief the enemy seeds doubts in your mind because he fears you discovering the truth of my promises offer me your simple Faith each morning let me Shepherd you to The Verdant pastures you've longed to see in this place my presence Reigns Supreme not your emotions here anxiety finds no foothold and your heart rests
in peace anticipate the day you come to know me better to receive my forgiving and accepting love this love will transform you altering your character and you will no longer wake in fear of what each day might bring you're not weak you're imbued with strength you're not cowardly you're endowed with courage you're not a victim to discouragement because I have blessed you with a spirit of love and power those fluctuating emotions that rise and fall will yield to my command in place of anxiety and fear my strength will fill your heart it is settled today
you Embrace freedom and you recognize your true identity you are my daughter my son I envelop you with my grace you radiate my truth my peace and my blessings and these will follow you wherever you go today I instill abundant courage in your heart stand strong and prepared for victory is within your grasp the conflict may be intense but I'm here to support you never fear to engage in battle or to persist in pursuit of your dreams when the world seeks to halt your progress when adversaries conspire to pull you down remain steadfast as a
rock dismiss negative thoughts and the grip of Fear that obstructs your path reject any notion that might extinguish the dreams I have planted within you stay true to your plans do not succumb to adverse circumstances if I have given you dreams it is because I possess the power to fulfill them trust in me I am by your side contending alongside you this will always be the case carry out the tasks before you with determination a person steadfast in faith can achieve wonders and miracles Beyond anyone's imagination faith is essential for realizing ing what seems impossible
and your obedience Delights me be aware that the envious will criticize you it matters not if they deem you mad or fanatical for following my commands continue advancing like a Victorious Warrior those who criticize will find themselves confounded and left behind ignore any voice that attempts to divert you from your path you have come so far and are on the cusp of receiving Abundant Blessings it would be tragic to forsake your journey now I did not choose you to fail by my side you are destined to be more than a conqueror I paid a tremendous
price for your Triumph on the cross it was you I thought of if you are listening to my words now understand that your tears are not shed said in vain I am your Sovereign God and I have placed my hand upon you to honor your faith and loyalty your life is dedicated to me never forget this I will never reject you or cast you aside whatever actions you undertake today commit them first to my care with humility and gratitude and wherever you tread that place will be blessed my presence and power will accompany you delivering
you and your loved ones from adversaries dangers and strife what concerns you is already resolved I have listened attentively to your prayers your concerns are in my capable hands cast aside all thoughts of defeat and fear rejoice and be patient although waiting peacefully is challenging now is the time to exercise your faith rest and trust in me like a child close your weary eyes Lay Your Head Upon My Shoulder that has borne your tears and find Solace my beloved child I love you deeply it is not my desire for you to endure such suffering I
want you to be free from worry for I am replenishing your soul with the crystal clear Living Waters from the river of my Divine love I have prepared this blessing to be poured into your heart heart refreshing and Reviving your faith each day leave behind the hardships of yesterday you've prayed and wept enough today Embrace rest joy and Tranquility live each day as it comes knowing your future is securely held in my hands do not be overwhelmed by problems and situations that only I can resolve Your Role is simple Trust trust move forward pray and
maintain your faith do not allow Affliction to halt your activities or confine you to Solitude when You Face mockery or fear creeps into your thoughts speak my name aloud the enemy seeks to bind your soul with chains of Illusion and convince you of lies that he holds more power than I remember no curse Cur or dark spell can influence your life and no falsehood or slander can separate you from my love I have cleansed you with my precious blood and lifted you from the depths I want you to live unburdened by regrets or depression your
mind saturated with my Holy Spirit and a joy that is both immense and indestructible Let There Be No More Tears no more anguish no more fears of sickness or disp spare move forward so that you can receive your Victory and accept your blessings with faith you may feel undeserving but now it's time to trust in my benevolence I bless you out of love not judgment or punishment you are afforded forgiveness understanding support and divine love unchanging and everlasting hear me clearly I will defend you mightily against those who oppose you stay calm and do not
react to provocations or seek revenge instead come to me in prayer I will comfort you and reveal the Victorious plans I have for you I take it seriously when your enemies aim to destroy your dreams crush your spirit and trample your aspirations they may try but they will not Prevail if you maintain your faith and stand firm your adversaries will be overtaken by fear when they witness your resolve your bravery and your unshakable confidence they may hurl accusations and lies but you are shielded by Divine protection my angels are poised ready to act on my
command and once I decree it the schemes of your foes will be thwarted permanently they will Retreat and not trouble you again again my child I assure you of my unwavering support and the abundant resources I will provide for your preparation I will grant you favor with influential people and the necessary doors will open ensuring that you're not overcome but emerge strengthened and joyful after your trials you're hearing these words because I have destined a future of blessings for you in your heart you feel a Burning Flame and a profound desire to persevere for the
sake of your family the solidity of your faith and character will instill fear in your adversaries after hearing this promise ask yourself whom you should fear there is no being in the universe that can harm you do not be misled by absurd Tales claiming Powers greater than mine such as spells witchcraft curses or fantasies remember clearly no one has placed any enchantment upon you dismiss the lies of this world my blood was shed on the cross and on that very day all forces of evil were disgraced the original record of your sins was nailed to
the cross and occasionally your accusers may show you a meaningless copy to remind you of past mistakes and instill fear live in the present here lies your blessing no one can harm you if you surrender your life and heart to me you are liberated from all curses Debs Affliction and sickness so it is and so it'll be my love heals you my care soothes you my hand supports guides and lifts you my presence envelops you and my Holy Spirit fills you such that you rise in a river of pure and crystal clear waters feeling immensely
joyful it has been too long since you felt this protected and loved you've endured a period of struggle and loneliness feeling abandoned and forgotten but that time is now behind you you will leave it in the past today I come to empower you and dispel the discouragement that has plagued your soul from this day forward my promises will not depart from your lips you will speak them and remember them should you ever feel alone again you will Proclaim that I'm with you every day if weariness and worry weigh heavily upon you come to me for
the rest your heart requires remember daily that I am your Shepherd and you shall want for nothing I hold the perfect provision so that you will lack nothing I am your path to Salvation my divine presence banishes all fear from your life I'm fortifying your roots by a river of Living Waters ensuring your life becomes a blessing to your family and many others if you seek something true and eternal if you need genuine love here I am on days when tears come unbidden find refuge in my love you have no better option many will offer
affection expecting something in return demanding more from you and abandoning you when you can no longer give no being in this world can offer you what I can love peace healing steadfast loyalty come and claim this blessing now it is yours freely I'm not selling it I don't need your money only your heart your faith Faith your loyalty and your commitment to leave the past behind and begin a new chapter by my side stretch your faith toward a promising future wait with confidence be patient declare with your own words I give myself to you my
God I commit to believing in your word with all my heart and I respond my child I accept your faith I will support you through the storms even if Fierce Winds buffet you you will be sheltered by my love shielded from all assaults you are not and will not be a slave to despair if you are struggling now if you find no reason to continue fighting cling tightly to me do not be swayed by the attacks of others hold fast to me and do not be distracted by fear there is no one in this universe
who loves you as I do nor anyone with the power to free you from the chains of your sins the cruel and cynical assaults of false friends and the humiliations inflicted by your own relatives today they may attack and seek to pull you down but I will lift you up among your family and soon they will come to respect you they will regret their actions with tears and seek your forgiveness just as I forgive you will offer them love while wisely guarding your heart to prevent further pain offer your heart to me here it will
be safe and no one will be able to harm you today marks a new beginning for you rise and look forward with faith for Abundant Blessings are on their way to you and your family however I seek your devotion pursue me obey my command commands and allow me to work through you let me use your voice to spread my word and your hands to heal the suffering and liberate The Afflicted your faith empowers me to perform Supernatural miracles in your life I trust in your commitment and you can approach my presence with confidence any good
pure and uplifting request you bring before me I will fulfill today I declare in the open book of life that our covenant is renewed that you have chosen to serve and trust me know that I love you deeply and am ready to perform wonders in your life this commitment is sealed by my sacrifice and Resurrection now affirm this Covenant with dedication and love you have my absolute promise that in this life you will be victorious with a humble spirit and steadfast Faith you will navigate through adversities I am your God and you are my warrior
serving me wholeheartedly I will never fail you maintain your humility and simplicity for these virtues are dear to me I will continue to open doors for you and make your paths clear amen
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