Genius Awakened After 3700 Years And Used The Power Of Science To Save The World!

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Anime Name: Senku Ishigami Dr. Stone Don't Forget To Subscribe: And Hit...
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the story starts that all of humanity was petrified then we'll see a few hours before taiu told his best friend senu that he will confess his feelings to his Crush yuzuriha senu found it silly that he had been in love for 5 years and had no courage to confess his love to a Yuzu he then showed taiu a love potion which will help him but taiu refused taiu walked out and senu told the others that his love potion was just gasoline after that yuir was called under a tree and she waited for taiu then taiu
showed up and he was nervous about admitting his feelings then taiu started to confess his love and Yuzu blushed before taiu could confess his Declaration of love a green light appeared the whole earth was enveloped in the green light and all people became petrified in the last moment taiu tried to protect his crush with all his power after that all people were petrified and the world plunged into chaos the people could not move but they were all still alive meanwhile they could not see anything and everything was dark taiu tried to keep his Consciousness and
he hoped that Yuzu is still alive he didn't want to die because he hadn't gotten an answer from Yuzu yet all men were petrified only the animals of the world were alive then several centuries passed and the Earth changed the cities and civilization sank under tsunamis and World catastrophes taiu was still conscious and he didn't know how much time had passed several Millennia passed and modern civilization disappeared from the face of the Earth one day a liquid dripped onto Tai's Rock and he woke up taiu was able to break out of the Rock and he
was shocked however he discovered that Humanity was petrified and everyone were turned into stone statues taiu was sad and prayed for the Petrified people after that he spotted a river and he followed the direction of the river suddenly taiu remembered that in his past two girls had found a petrified bird he thought the bird was afflicted with a disease as a result taiu took the bird to a a vet to revive him suddenly his Crush yua appeared however yuzuha also showed a petrified bird she had the same stupid idea like taiu taiu started laughing and
they became good friends back in the present taiu found his school's old tree he was happy to have found yuzuha and thanked the tree because yuzu's statue was not destroyed taiu also thanked Yuzu ihira because just thinking about her kept him sane and Alive the whole time then taiu was able to confess his love for yuir and he cried because she couldn't answer him after thousands of years taiu has successfully confessed his love suddenly taiu swore that he will revive her in the Stone Age also he spotted a message for him and he immediately followed
the river later he met his best friend senu who was already waiting for his Awakening taiu tried to hug him but senu didn't want to hug a naked guy and stopped him then senu said that 3,700 years have passed and taiu couldn't believe he knew the exact date senu replied that he was constantly counting the seconds that had passed since the petrification so senu said he almost passed out while counting but he managed to persevere taiu was impressed by his best friend senu and he was led to a shelter when senu showed taiu his built
home he was shocked senu built the basics of survival from scratch on his own however senu said he knew his feelings for yuir is stronger than anything else in the days that followed senu tried to restore civilization with taiu senu intended to recreate the world from scratch and Save All Humans then several days passed and senu was exhausted by taiu collected resources senu immediately sorted out the poisonous foods and told him what is non-toxic after that they grilled Tai's collected mushrooms and ate them taiu thanked him for the delicious meal because senu produced salt to
season it following this he immediately went on looking for more food later he found grapes and he tasted The Grapes which were sour suddenly he saw the statue of the strongest primate high schooler named Tsukasa subsequently taiu discovered a basket in a cave and taiu thought that another person had survived then senu appeared and said he was the person who put the basket there senu said their ultimate goal is to free More Humans from petrification then senu explained that he tried to dissolve the petrification with nitric acid taiu didn't know what nitric acid was however
senu poured nitric acid on the bird and his test failed senu was depressed but he didn't give up and wanted to do more experiments to find a solution with his knowledge about science suddenly taiu asked a stupid question and senu was happy senu explained to him that he wants to make a new mixture so taiu said he didn't understand most of it but he showed him grapes to make alcohol followed taiu showed his physical farming skills and they were able to quickly produce their own wine 3 weeks later they successfully made wine and taiu said
that that they aren't old enough to drank booze senu said that 3,700 years have passed and now they are allowed to drink wine after that senu planned to distill the alcohol and he built a crazy vase senu believed in science but his try failed as a result senu tried more attempts to create distilled alcohol every day then winter came and they still had no success but they didn't gave up then spring came and senu tested his miraculous fluidity again suddenly senu managed to create a mixture that dissolves the petrification he then tested the mixture on
a bird again and they managed to find a solution through science a bird got out of the petrification and taiu was happy to see their success the bird flew in the sky and senu was glad because they were getting a little closer to civilization following this taiu asked his friend who he planned to free from the petrification first senu immediately replied that taiu is allowed to choose the first person that they will revive arrived at the Statue of yuir t taiu asked if the water could surely save yuzuha after that the time finally came when
taiu was able to save yuzuha suddenly he realized that she is naked during her Awakening taiu hurt senku's eyes and he was annoyed with his stupid friend taiu insisted on carrying her back to the base first and putting clothes on her suddenly senu heard animal noises deep in the forest then a lion appeared and they were stunned senu said the Lions most likely escaped from a zoo they then jumped off a cliff thinking they had escaped the Lions so senu and taiu tried to escape from The Lion but more Lions appeared taiu ran away and
he chose to sacrifice himself to protect his friend he wanted his friend senu to survive with yuzuha senu said that he shouldn't say such nonsense and they will both find a solution however he stopped taiu and senu knew that taiu is a good person who always protects others without taking care of himself senu and taiu kept running and taiu came up with a plan senu decided to revive Tsukasa and he apologized to yuir for his decision then he poured the miracle water on the Statue of Tsukasa the Lions surrounded them but sukasa was revived in
time and saw the Lions senu immediately reported the situation to him and sukasa was ready for the fight Tsukasa then attacked the lions with stones and he hit them with his fists Tsukasa was able to knock the lion leader unconscious with just one punch then the other lions were intimidated because tukasa was stronger than Mike tyon suddenly Tsukasa said that they never have to be afraid of wild animals again suddenly senu said that Tsukasa is a double-edged sword because maybe through greed he could become a tyrant taiu was afraid and he imagined yuir being seduced
by sukasa followed Tsukasa asked for a tool to cut the Lion's meat senu told him that lion meat doesn't taste good and got a sour taste however sukasa replied that he will ate the Lion's meat to pay his respects for taking a life taiu was happy that t sukasa is a kind person so senu gave him a knife and he agreed to him eating that precious meat despite the disgusting taste later taiu promised that they would produce more Miracle Water and she would be revived next meanwhile T sukasa was surprised by senu and they all
got to know each other better subsequently sukasa learned that they have no meat and he immediately went hunting in the forest T sukasa found wild bores and he defeated them all with ease in addition sukasa also caught a bird while flying in the sky then he went hunting fish in the sea with just a spear and caught with his monster power many fish taiu was impressed by Tsukasa with his Stone Age skills T sukasa then said that as a team member he promises to always provide enough meat so they can eat well suddenly T sukasa
smashed a rock to save a statue of a young woman taiu was glad that sukasa is a kind person and thought he is a saint following this they ate the grilled fish and senu asked them a question taiu tried to find the solution and his answer was incorrect senu was shocked at his stupidity and sukasa tried his luck then senu resolved the answer and said they need calcium carbonate for their next goal as a result taiu was asked to collect many shells for crafting taiu collected a large amount of shells and crushed it into white
powder senu intended to use the ground calcium carbonate for many works so senu produced a kind of cement and he also created soap in the Stone Age world senu became Dr Stone and he gained the respect of sukasa sukasa praised senu and senu became suspicious at his words then sukasa replied that he had no ill intentions suddenly taiu appeared and he interrupted their conversation he asked about other uses for the shell in the night taiu was sleeping and sukasa noticed that senu is outside of the Hut meanwhile senu built a crossbow to provide security the
next morning Tsukasa said that the stone world is great because sea and land have no owner after that he told a story that once a poor boy tried to make a necklace out of seashells for his little sister suddenly a man with fishing rights beat up the boy and called him a thief then sukasa destroyed a human statue senu said he had just killed a human followed sukasa asked if he wanted to save all the people including the adults with the corrupted Souls then sukasa said that adults will destroy the world again and he got
the plan to create a world ruled without greed then sukasa tried to destroy another statue senu stopped him and said he will save everyone in the world also he planned to bring back civilization following this senu and T sukasa became enemies and each pursuing different goals senu knew that t sukasa is crazy and they have to be careful that sukasa doesn't get to the Miracle Water suddenly taiu appeared and he was happy to have collected enough Miracle Water to revive yuzuha senu had no choice and he chose to show tukasa the effects of the Miracle
Water however taiu was happy to save his Crush but senu said they didn't have enough Miracle Water taiu wanted to go collecting more but he was stopped by sukasa senu already suspected that t sukasa would immediately try to get information about the source of the Miracle Water thus in tsukasa's absence senu planned to complete the mixture to create the Miracle Water meanwhile T sukasa found out that the miracle water is nitric acid then we see senu again and he explained to taiu that tsukasa's ideals are wrong so taiu trusted his best friend's words later he
learned that sukasa is a good person but also a killer at the same time after that taiu wasn't ready to pour the miracle water over Yuzu so senu poured the water over his Crush then the rock didn't break off from her body senu explained to him that the reaction takes time because the molecules are connected taiu didn't understand anything but he waited until yuzu's Rock shell shattered as a result taiu remembered the time before he could finish his confession of love he waited several thousands of years and was finally able to confess his feelings to
Yuzu again after all this time yuir was alive again and she was caught by taiu taiu calls her name and he apologizes to her then Yuzu replied that she was still asleep and thanked him for saving her following this senu interrupted their reunion and he said they had to choose between two options so senu said Tsukasa was on his way back and they would face him as an enemy taiu and yuzuha decided to help senu fight against Tsukasa suddenly Tsukasa appeared and he was determined to impose his ideals on the world then taiu saw that
sukasa had killed a human he decided to stop sukasa but senu knew taiu didn't stand a chance senu shot sukasa with an arrow but he easily deflected it then he also attacked taiu who was able to block his strong kick sukasa noted that taiu isn't willing to use violence at all taiu made a statement that he would avoid violence and offered sukasa to vent his anger on him Yahira and senku were shocked by taiu his stupid words meanwhile T sukasa was confused and and overwhelmed by taiu stupid logic then sukasa asked what he would do
if he killed yuzuha suddenly taiu head was bleeding and he passed out T sukasa knew that senu and his friends are not his enemies but they had different opinions and he said goodbye then senu woke up taiu and he knew how tough his best friend is taiu got up immediately and he said he was fit again after waking up he immediately wanted to stop sukasa from murder More Humans then senu said that they can only stop sukasa with the power of science this this is how the war between science and the Stone Age started against
each other senu actually planned to build a weapon against sukasa after that senu wanted to go Gathering materials so they set off and on their way cherry blossoms fell from the trees senu said that these are a new species of cherry trees that are no longer from their old world following this they were on top of a mountain and senu pulled a homemade tool out of his pocket he determined the distance of their destination to the meter sudden suddenly yuzuha spotted something in the distance so they all followed yuzuha through the forest then they found
a Buddha statue that they remembered from their old lives Yuzu then recalled her childhood when she went to visit the Buddha statue with her family Yuzu cried tears of joy and taiu thought he did something wrong the reason Yuzu cried was that she just woke up recently and the memories of the old world made her emotional following this senu and taiu cheered her up taiu said that they found Buddha and he will show them the way meanwhile senu realized that the statue is made of bronze which is very useful for his plan so he planned
to destroy the statue to take the valuable materials with him in the following days they gathered many useful materials and ate stews together at night taiu wanted to protect them but senu told him to rest the next morning senu was on a raft with yuzuha and taiu was their human engine suddenly he noticed that yuzu's foot is still petrified so taiu decided to use the Miracle Water to break the petrification after that they went further and he said that they will soon reach their goal meanwhile sukasa found the tracks of senku's group he immediately realized
it was just a trap then sukasa suspected that senu plan is to build a weapon with science to defeat him in the evening they arrived at their destination and senu said that they can start to create a strong weapon with his knowledge about science senu wanted to build a gun he said that they will now Advance through time and use gunpowder to create new high-tech weapons then we see senu again he mined the volcano's Rock and said they can start making a weapon against sukasa in the followed night taiu wanted to talk about his confession
3,700 years ago because back then he couldn't confess his love for her in time yuir wanted to know what he wanted to say back then taiu replied that since he was petrified he has something important to confess to her Unfortunately they must first bring civilization back following this taiu said that together they will bring back civilization and then then he will confess his true feelings to her on the next morning senu had mined enough ingredients for gunpowder and he wanted to start to create a weapon that can withstand sukasa so Yuzu then added sulfur to
the bag second senu added the collected charcoal finally senu had taken nitric acid from the miracle cave then senu mixed his materials in a hive and he added dextrose to it when senu finished shuffling taiu went to help him but yuir stopped him senu said the stone will not cause an explosion senu explained why but he made a mistake as a result the gunpowder caught fire and they narrowly escaped the blast despite the failure senu was happy because they didn't lose any body parts while experimenting senu could make a dangerous weapon and he was planning
to make a deal with t tukasa the reason about his decision to make a deal is that senu was sure tukasa is not a bad person because he didn't got the intent to kill them senu was confident that they could find a peaceful solution but he was aware that if the deal failed he would would have to wipe out T sukasa after that they put out the fire and yuzuha saw smoke rising in the forest senu was shocked by the smoke signals and he was sure it wasn't sucasa he suspected someone was responding to their
smoke signals senu came to the conclusion that other people lived in the Stone World senu didn't want to put out their fire so they could attract the attention of the strangers Unfortunately they would also showed Tsukasa their location and they didn't know what to do next meanwhile Tsukasa was on his way to find s he suspected that senu was smart enough to create gunpowder in the Stone World suddenly Tsukasa spotted the smoke signals from senku's group on the mountain as yuzuha gathered firewood T sukasa appeared behind her he took yuzuha as his hostage and senu
was aware that Tsukasa had become scared he admitted that he can't stand against the weapons of the old world after all the actions of senu Tsukasa was willed to kill anyone who didn't conform to his ideals sukasa threatened senu that he would kill yuzuha if he didn't stop making weapons from the old world senu lied to him and said that he doesn't care about yuzu's life T sukasa knew he was a good person and he would never betray his friends sukasa said that he is a smart person but he would never sacrifice other people after
that t sukasa was sure he had won suddenly yuzuha said that she is ready to die she wanted to sacrifice her life so that senu could save Humanity senu was touched by yuzu's words and he began to reveal the secret of the Miracle Water to Tsukasa meanwhile taiu collected firewood and he detected more smoke signals from The Unknown People taiu immediately wanted to go back and report his friends about the great news then we see an unknown girl answering the smoke signals of senu following this sukasa let yuir alive and offered senu to give up
his plan because otherwise he would die by tsukasa's hand so Tsukasa didn't want to kill senu if he promised to quit science suddenly senu remembered his childhood at school senu said to the teacher that he will travel to space at that time he was still young and he studied every day in order to get a lot of knowledge one day followed his father sold his car because he wanted that senu had enough equipment to research more about the world after that senu started his scientific research the older senu got the crazier his projects got one
day bullies tried to destroy senku's built machine but taiu tried to protect senu senu was angry and built a weapon with science he attacked the bullies on the followed day and they received their punishment a few days later s befriended with taiu and taiu helped him with his crazy experiments at some point senu tried to build a small rocket that exploded immediately senu did not give up and he continued to research science then we see senu in the lab and taiu wanted to give him a present Yuzu made three dolls for his rocket project he
then started another rocket test and his rocket flew into the sky senku's rocket exploded when he arrived at space then he told his friends that his rocket attempt was a success when senu finished thinking about his past T sukasa said he didn't want to kill him so he asked him again if he was willing to give up science senu declined his offer because he couldn't give up his passion T sukasa replied that he will end his life quickly and painlessly with one clean attack meanwhile taiu had a strange feeling and immediately ran to the volcano
before senu was killed T sukasa said that if they had met earlier they would have definitely become good friends senu agreed sukasa then attacked senu and he broke senku's neck with his sword after the final blow T sukasa realized that if they had met in childhood they would have become good friends he wishes he had met senu in the old world before they went to the Stone World below we see senu who is no longer alive and taiu didn't manage to save his best friend in time taiu and Yuzu cried for their beloved friend senu
taiu couldn't believe he died and he didn't want to accept his death then sukasa said that they should bury their friend properly farewell taiu was Furious and sukasa sensed his lust for murder immediately he he knew that taiu and rage could fight him he hoped taiu would keep calm so he wouldn't have to kill him when taiu lifted a huge Rock sukasa was ready for a battle against taiu taiu was angry and sad at the same time but Yuzu managed to calm him down she said that senu sacrificed his life to protect her then taiu
threw the rock in the air to distract sukasa sukasa was confused and tried to figure out their plan meanwhile yuir tried to get the gunpowder she believed in senku's dream and she threw the gunpowder at sukasa then T sukasa destroyed the pot full of black powder taiu and yuzuha have promised to fight together against sukasa with the help of science following this taiu was ready to defeat sukasa with whatever means they had when the giant rock landed the rock created Sparks that immediately exploded tukasa was hit by the blast and he couldn't see through the
smoke we then see tukasa and he was unharmed by the blast he suspected that ta's plan was to escape from him then taiu ran away with his dead friend hoping to save his best friend senu sukasa was sure that senu could not be revived in this world meanwhile taiu tried to revive him with a heart massage senu showed no reaction and he planned to do the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in that moment yuzuha said it's her fault that senu sacrificed himself to save her life following this taiu remembered a question from school at that time senu said
that he will always try to save everyone with science taiu was sure that senu would never sacrifice himself without a plan suddenly yuir remembered that senu Drew attention to his neck before he died then taiu realized why he was always touching his neck as a result they found that senku's neck was still petrified they immediately understood senku's plan to revive himself they then used the remaining Miracle Water and poured it over senku's neck after the petrification was gone senku's friends hoped he would be revived taiu yelled at him saying that he needs to wake up
to achieve his dreams he knew that senu was their last hope to rebuild civilization then we see the Earth from space and a single person counted all the seconds since petrification senu was petrified but he tried to stay conscious when senu still couldn't see after 3,700 years he hoped to be able to see something again suddenly the petrification was dissolved from his body senu was glad to be free of The Rock and was finally able to move again then senu immediately started researching the petrification suddenly monkeys appeared who were scared on senku's body because he
saw a human for the first time senu was also surprised because he had discovered a new species of monkey after that senu looked around and said his plan to rebuild civilization senu knew the exact time that had passed so far and he carved the exact date on a tree however senu was already looking forward to his goal of saving the whole world with the help of science then senu tried to make a fire and the monkeys thought that senu is stupid in the evening senu realized that he doesn't have enough strength or skill like his
friends to make a fire he didn't give up and knew he had to create fire with his knowledge of science subsequently senu smashed many stones to find a solution to his problem he tried to find the right type of stone to achieve his goal senu failed trying to make tools but he didn't give up he knew that like in his old life he had to experiment a lot and find a way to solve his problem he was then able to build stone tools that helped him solve his problems then he ties tree roots together into
a rope in the evening senu tried to create a fire again with his manufactured cord however senu generated heat into the night and he combined it with oxygen as a result senu successfully created fire in the Stone World in the weeks that followed he cut down trees for a shelter also senu tried to hunt meat but he didn't have enough stamina senu was aware that he had no special physical Powers so he came up with a new plan to hunt animals senu was able to solve all his problems with science and he caught a deer
year in the months that followed he ate the meat he killed additionally he built new inventions every day to advance science after several months senu managed to create a shelter with all the necessary infrastructure following this senu looked down on the monkeys and he was already looking forward to saving the world one day a few weeks later senu collected mushroom and he finished the construction work suddenly he fell over from exhaustion and he wished for a person who would do the physical work on the next morning he dug up a Stone statue because he planned
to revive his best friend first he became sentimental when he saw his best friend's face and looked forward to his Revival after 3,700 years he then tried to figure out how to revive his friend and came up with the multiple causes of the petrification number one was that aliens purified them with a super alien petrification beam number two was that the military created a crazy weapon which got out of control the last hypothesis was that a new Corona virus caused the petrification ification of the world after that senu tried to figure out the rules of
petrification using a bird as his first test subject he pondered the solution to why he came out of the petrification and suspected it had something to do with a natural spring suddenly he noticed something and recalled the moment he was revived senu got a great idea and remembered that the fragments closest to his head were on the ground in a pile following this he found a cave and he smelled in the cave nitric acid senu used the hair of his neck which was still petrified and he held it under the dripping mixture senu waited for
a result and his experiment was a big success following this he poured a bottle of the mixture over the statue of his best friend he hoped that taiu is still alive but his first try failed so he began with many experiments and realized the mixture wasn't working on humans in the followed days he thought about the situation and found the missed puzzle to his final success he understood e equal sign MC square and was sure Albert Einstein is the solution for his problem then senu started to grind and he was sure to find the solution
he built a laboratory and made many experiment in his little Hut after many weeks he was able to create a solution and tried to awake his best friend finally senu found the formula for his solution and he waited for his friend to wake up back in the present taiu believed like senu a few months before that his best friend will revived so he hoped for a miracle and he knew senu is one of the person who didn't gave up as a result the storm clouds passed and it stopped to rain suddenly taiu looked to the
sky and heard senku's voice then they were glad to see him alive senku trusted that his friends would notice the petrification on his neck taiu was glad that he was alive and he almost crushed his entire body however senu thanked them for Reviving him and yuir cried tears of joy after that she thought the pattern of a sheet looked like a rocket and she said it will look good on senu senu then said his self-sacrificing human experiment ment was a success but he was surprised about the restorative effects of undoing petrification taiu said maybe this
petrification is the stone of life that replaces doctors for them senu realized from Tai's words that he is right and the phenomenon really becomes like a doctor Stone who heal all injuries they then covered their tracks and Yuzu wondered if they could revive the broken statues senu replied he tried it before but it didn't worked suddenly he had a great idea and knew he could only entrust the mission to Yuzu she accepted his mission and taiu also wanted to know the secret between the two of them so Yuzu told him they should go to sit
Tsukasa but taiu shocked about her words and he was very confused about her decision senu explained him that sukasa thinks he is in the afterlife in addition he told them to infiltrate sukasa Empire as spies and he gave yuzuha the details about the mission he said sukasa intends to use the Miracle Water to amass an army of young people to make a new world but senu got the plan to make an army with science to fight against him as a result senu planned to find allies for a scientific revolutionary Army and he sent his friends
to infiltrate sukasa yuzuha was surprised that they both are so casual about his plan taiu replied that senu is always logical and he realized they won't be seeing each other for a long time so taiu ran back and he knew his voice won't reach him taiu showed a sign that symbolized his friendship following this senu said goodbye and he showed his best friend the flag of Science in the meantime sukasa noticed that someone was following him suddenly a cute girl with blonde hair appeared and she brought him flowers he wondered if she was a person
revived by taiu suddenly she attacked T sukasa and he dodged her attack sukasa was attacked by the blonde girl and he understood she isn't a revived person because her martial arts skills are insane then kohaku said she saw all his evil Deeds that he had done on the mountain she thought he was an evil sorcerer and tried to kill Tsukasa with her Stone Age knife he dodged her attack and he understood that she didn't knew what an explosion is however tukasa found out that she belongs to a new generation who didn't knew about science he
didn't see primitive humans as a threat and had no reason to fight kohaku his goal was to return to the cave and claim the miracle water before they do so tukasa said goodbye and just pushed her back then we see senu he heard the loud noise and immediately ran in the direction kohaku was surprised to see senu but he said she should stop talking and he tried to save her following this senu said he got two options but one of them is very dangerous she replied her organs and bones are fine senu was glad she
wasn't hurt and he used his knowledge of science to save her safely kohaku was surprised about his construction and he explained that he will use science to save her at the end of the day senu successfully managed to save her and kohaku was impressed by the power of science following this kohaku said she got a liking on him him and senu misunderstood her words in the evening senu noticed that kohaku slept with her swords she replied she liked they way he live but she don't trust him yet senu said he wouldn't dare attack a lonus
and told her to relax so kohaku learned about senku's rude Behavior but she knew he is a good person as a result she offered him to help him fighting against sukasa he told kohaku about his plan and kohaku decided to team up with senu in the followed morning kohaku told senu she needs the hot water to make a hot spring bath for healing purposes senu made fun of her again and she replied the hot water is for her big sister senu learned her sister was seriously ill and he understood that she loves her big sister
because she brought the heavy jar to her Village every day suddenly kohaku slipped but senu saved her in time and told her to hand it over senu couldn't handle the heavy jar and built a car to transport it so kohaku was impressed by his invention suddenly they crashed crashed into a tree and kohaku managed to survive unharmed while senu lay injured on the ground then he saw the village of kohaku and he was surprised to see many people senu couldn't believes to see the Villager also he thought the village is a settlement of revived people
and he realized there is no sign of a Revival fluid suddenly he was attacked but kohaku protected senu jinro and kinro didn't allowed senu to enter the village they said the rules didn't allow Outsiders to enter the village because they are all CRI crial suddenly kohaku asked them if they want to fight against her but they knew kohaku would beat them up as a result senu tried to convince them without violence and he showed them soap bubbles kinro and jinro were fascinated and senu planned to use science to win them over to his side suddenly
jinro knew he needs to use his special technique and decided to let someone else handle the problem he got the intention to find his friend chrome chrome introduced himself and said he is a super smart sorcerer following this senu introduced himself and told them that he is a scientist senu was surprised about Chrome because he wasn't scared like his friends suddenly Chrome said no one will beats him in sorcery and he accepted Chrome's challenge after that Chrome showed him a fire and JRA was the only one who thought they will start a dangerous sorcerer battle
followed Chrome said he will show them his Rainbow Bridge so Chrome threw something into the fire and he turned the fire yellow kohaku and the boys were impressed to see his fire turning into many different colors but Sen knew it's just a flame test reaction Chrome couldn't believe that senu knew about his trick and he thought senu could read his mind as a result his plan failed and he tried to justify himself to kohaku Chrome went to his laboratory and he created with a ball electricity he scared his friend with the electricity and jinro thought
he attacked him with his sorcerer skills then senu saw his ball of sulfur and he was surprised that Chrome managed to create that ball of sulfur he got a liking of chrome and he showed Chrome the true power of his ball so senu paralyzed Chrome with his own trick and he fainted out kohaku asked him about the trick and senu gave them the ball of sulfur following this senu looked at his Treehouse and was amazed because he collected all minerals and scientific materials by himself Chrome replied he collected everything and called the reactions sorcery in
that moment senu smiled because he found a guy who got the potential to become a good scientist however Chrome challenged him to a last duel but he had no chance of beating senu on a math question following this senu got his shed of Science and chrome joined his team he discovered all of Chrome's treasures and they became good friends later kohaku let the two boys play with the rocks and senu got the plan to convince the two brothers with science then senu sticked his spear into the fire and he successfully created a golden spear kinro
said he can't buy him off with this nonsense following this they noticed that kinro liked his new gift and ginro was jealous later senu discovered Ed that Chrome collected plants Chrome said he collected them because he tried to find a solution to cure ru's disease this was the reason that Chrome decided to become a sorcerer in the meantime ruy thanked her little sister for bringing her hot water for her illness ry's servants learned that Kaku slept a night in the forest followed ruri asked them to leave for a second they refused and said they couldn't
let the Priestess be on her own Rory convinced them to leave and she was worried about kohaku and knew something happened yesterday suddenly ruri collapsed and she told Kaku not to put herself in danger for her after that we see Chrome who asked senu if he could use science to cure ruri's disease following this chrome learned about the modern civilization and all inventions of the old world he told Chrome about the petrification and the disaster of the world 3,700 years ago as a result chome began to cry and couldn't believe that someone destroyed the modern
civilization Chrome was angry but senu cheered him up and said Humanity isn't wasn't going down that easily then Chrome decided to build a nation of science with him and he intended to defeat Rory's sickness with the power of science senu smiled by hearing his words and he planned to make antibiotic in the Stone Age world in the followed day jinro told the villagers about senu and they didn't saw him as their enemy then the village Chief learned about the Foreigner who was brought by kohaku he got angry because he disowned his daughter and she still
doesn't obey the rules suddenly Rory's illness got worse and she collapsed in the meantime senu planned with his friends to save ruri but senu had ulterior motives and wanted to make all the villagers his workers following this senu told them the kingdom of science will produce antibiotic which saved hundred millions of humans kohaku and chrome were motivated to help senu and they told him to start right away senu explained them there are two roots to making antibiotics senu tried to explain the theory but they didn't understand anything and let senu do the planning the then
he said he will able to produce antibiotics with 10 billion per. as a result senu planned the steps to make their Miracle medicine and he showed his friends the plan they were shocked to see his complicated plan but believed that senu would pull it off chrome got excited and asked senu about his plan to create iron after that senu taught Chrome more about the world and he was exhausted to be a teacher Chrome was glad to learn about gravity in the space so senu told them about the space and he showed them the North Star
suddenly he noticed that the positions of the Stars had changed and he realized the Earth's axis is Shifting he understood that the whole planet has tilted slightly over the past 3,700 years and the North Star moved Chrome thought he knew more than senu for the first time and showed him a Magic Stone but senu destroyed his self-confidence and told him that his rock is a magnet a few days passed and they went to a river to find more magnet rocks kohaku found many of the black sand and senu looked forward to produce iron in the
Stone Age World later senu learned that kohaku was the only woman with Gorilla abilities and she was angry at being called a gorilla subsequently crom had the idea to ask the village for help but kohaku said nobody would help because they are both suspicious Sorcerers suddenly a watermelon appeared out of nowhere and kohaku knew the girl senu was surprised that her name is Suka and she got the intention to help them Chrome saw the iron sand and she said she couldn't never make herself useful as a result she asked senu if she could help him
by searching the iron sand senu was grateful about her help and he counted on Suka to find more iron sand she was surprised about senu who was the first person to not ask her about the watermelon on her head following this senu wondered that they knew about Legends of his old life so they told senu that ruri told them about the story about motaro in addition kohaku said she heard all kinds of stories from her big sister senu was interested in ruri and he decided to cure her illness with all cost suddenly Chrome got jealous
and he found out that Chrome had a crush on her after a few days they collected enough iron sand and senu told them the next step senu explained they will burn it with the highest temperature so kohaku asked him about his plan and senu showed his self-made Stone Age oven kohaku was motivated to see senku's new tool then they started to generate air with senku's tool senu told them that they only need to last 20 to 30 more hours so they can make iron in the evening jinro saw the fire and had the idea to
help senu but kinro said they need to follow the rules jinro was jealous about his golden Spear and they started arguing in the followed morning we see senu realized he needs more manpower to make iron senu and chrome got the idea to bait jinro with science and kohaku said they should stop calling it bait then sua said she will find out what they need to recruit the villagers as a result they trusted great detective sua with the important mission to find out the Villager desires later sua went to the village and everyone knew about senu
living in the shed of chrome sua gathered a lot of information about the villagers and she went back to report senu in the evening sua told them that the dazzling sister wished to find a handsome boyfriend senu knew it's impossible to create a handsome boyfriend with science then Chrome called kohaku a gorilla and he was punished by kohaku who doesn't like his words after that Suka reported to senu that the boy Ganon was sick to 8 fish every day senu had a great idea and said he could already see the scientific bait that would got
them to his side meanwhile sua played with a dog and senu noticed about her toy Suka told senu the dogtail Millet is Chalk's favorite toy the next morning senu harvested foxtail Millet and said they would make gourmet survival food from scratch kohaku passed to eat foxtail Millet and didn't understood his plan so senu explained kohaku that foxtail Millet is 10 billion per a grain followed they processed the Grain and mixed it with water so senu told his friends that they successfully made wheat flour and they celebrated afterwards he started the final step and mix the
flour with eggs to cook it with fresh ingredients senu cooked a feast with high quality meat and his friend smelled his soup as a result senu said they called his noodle soup Ramen Chrome tried the ramen as the first one and he was overwhelmed by the delicious taste however kohaku and sua taste the noodle soup too and they couldn't believed that such a thing would exist in the world world then senu tasted his cooked Ramen and he was disgusted later they went to the village and senu intended to bait all villagers with his Ramen all
villagers smelled his dish and kohaku told senu that he looks like a villain then we see a mysterious guy who smiled after he found senku's location meanwhile senu cooked foxtail Mill at Ramen to find enough manpower to make steel all the villagers loved his noodle soup and senu became popular because he showed them such an amazing dish following this chrome offered jro and kinro to try senku's Ramen but kinu stopped his little brother from accepting the offer after that kokuyo was reported that his daughter is feeding the villagers kokuyo refused to eat the food of
senu and ruri wondered what kohaku is doing with the outsider suddenly an unknown guy said he would prefer the noodle soup with a drink like Cola kohaku asked if he knew the guy and she told his friends about an enemy they then surrounded The Stranger and asked if he was an ally of tukasa he played dum and he replied that he had been alone since he was no longer petrified following this senu realized he was the famous asagiri Jen senu told kohaku that he is a magician who wrote trashy psychology books Jen said he is
a mentalist and asked them to lower their weapons kohaku noticed that he wasn't scared and all his words are lies to manipulate the peoples then senu said everyone who had Ramen has work to do and he forced all his customers to help him with his project as a result they started to produce steel and every everyone were exhausted senu knew sukasa sent him to spy on him and he asked him about his friends Jen replied that both his friends were fine and he admitted to being an ally of Tsukasa following this senu learned that he
decided to tell him the truth after he discovered his crazy oven at night senu looked up at the sky and Jen watched him a few days later senu was finally able to create metal also Jen told him that his job was to confirm that senu is dead but he changed his plan the reason was he saw senu making steel and believed that he got a chance to defeat sukasa however senu and his friends produced successfully steal and Jen said he's going to tell Tsukasa a lie he said it doesn't matter who wins because he just
wants to be on The Winning Side so he just wait and see if the kingdom of scientists will win or the Tsukasa Empire suddenly kohaku appeared and she threatened him but senu stopped her senu said he will convince Jen to change the side after he showed him his new invention so Jen learned that he planned to build a generator and Jen was shocked about his words suddenly the weather started to change and storm clouds appeared senu was nervous and said they need to hurry suddenly sua appeared and she brought him the collected magnetic sand he
then planned to combine his magnetic sand and steel to build a generator senu told sua to find a lacquer in the village and he was sure he will make it work followed senu scratched lines on a wooden board and poured the molten steel into them in the meantime a girl reported that senu destroyed the bridge a group of villagers rejoiced at the news because they now have a reason to kill senu kohaku reported that trouble awaited them and senu knew his plan would fail if they had to fight in that moment Jen offered to help
them and he asked sua to collect some flowers after that Jen brought them flowers and they thought he made fun of them Jen said they tried to stop the lightning with their sorcery but magma didn't believe them so he tricked them and kohaku was surprised about his magic tricks senu said he is just a scammer using his mental strength to turn lies into truth as a result magma went home and senu worked on his plan to create a generator senu climbed a mountain with his friends after that they set up the generator and jinro wanted
to help them but kinro stopped him then they realized they need a spear and kohaku discovered Kino's golden spear she stole his Spear and managed to store the lightning in senku's magnet in time as a result he successfully created a huge magnet and was able to build his generator next so senu was happy that his plan worked and he was excited by seeing the magnet later kohaku apologized for destroying kinro Spear and his little brother teased him suddenly kohaku wondered why his magnets didn't worked senu solved the problem followed Jen learned he planned to build
a muscle power generator a few days passed and they were able to build more things for his project senu and his friends made good progress building a generator but senku's face swelled suddenly Jen asked him about his face and and learned that the lacquer gave him a rash finally senu built his dual wield hand crank generator after that senu said they needs to find two people work in perfect sync they asked kinro and jinro but they refused to help them following this Jen tried to convince kinro and he said they could use electricity to make
a gold and silver spear Jen convinced the siblings to help them and they took the bait in the night kinro and jinro worked for the kingdom of science then senu showed Jen a steam roasted bamboo string later Jen realized that senu planned to invent the Edison Light Bulb senu asked Chrome if he is afraid of the night the reason for his question was that he knew he had brought an important Edison invention to the Stone Age he said with science they can defeat the Knight following this senu created light and everyone was shocked to see
senku's invention in that moment senu was one step closer to his goal of bringing civilization back then senu remembered reading Thomas Edison's biography for the first time from that day on he asked himself many questions about electricity and he started to teach himself everything about electricity as a result he was able to create many crazy inventions and he managed to bring light into the darkness in the Stone Age senu realized that he had received a great human achievement in electricity he was extremely happy with his success and smiled because he was well on his way
to building civilization again meanwhile Jen was surprised that senu had invented electricity in the Stone Age World later they explained sua about sukasa and chrome said he is a bad guy sua couldn't believe that Jen is a bad guy because he helped them to solve their problems senu said Jen isn't a bad guy but they needs to win them on their side following this chrome asked Jen if he had heard them Chrome said he should join senku's team because the kingdom of science is just way more fun Jen replied all he just care about is
whether or not something will benefit him afterwards Jen recalled the moment he was revived and thought it was all just a prank suddenly Tsukasa told him they are in the Stone Age and Jen recognized the strongest primate high schooler Tsukasa said he gathered all the statues who ought to be revived first including him Jen was shocked to see tsukasa's Empire and Jen learned about his plan following this he showed senku's built Treehouse and he asked Jen to use his Mentalist abilities to find senu if he is still alive Jen learned about senu and he understood
that t sukasa is a dangerous man back in the present Jen looked at senku's generator and mag showed up magma beat him up and he planned to murder him then Jen was badly injured by magma with a spear and they immediately fled a short time later senu and his friends showed up to see after Jen they were worried but senu noticed that he guarded himself with bags of fake blood after that kohaku said he blocked it with those bags but he was severely injured they didn't know who the culprit was and sua decided to find
the culprit in the village in the days that followed senu and his friends tried to nurse Jen back to health one day later sua found the culprit and she told her friends that the culprit was magma he celebrated his bad deed and wished to kill kohaku as well he knew that kohaku was way too strong and he planned to make ruri and kohaku his wife however kohaku understood why they had stabbed Jen the reason was they mistook him for senu because of the rumors about a sorcerer following this senu asked kohaku why magma is looking
for an opportunity to kill her she explained that once every generation The Village holds a large martial arts battle called the Grand bout she said that the winner will marry ruy and be made the village Elder the problem is the Priestess ruri was seriously ill and the only marriage candidate was not a good fighter kohaku knew that magma is not a good person and only wants the position of Village Elder also after winning he intended to let ruri die as a result kohaku didn't let magma to win because she couldn't allow a man like him
to have her big sister ruy she joined the grand bout to stop him him and jinro thought that kohaku will marry her big sister afterwards senu learned that the next Grand bout would be in a month and they believed that magma thought Jen could win the competition senu understood that if magma became the eldest it might be difficult to even get the medicine to ruri following this kohaku asked kinro and jinro if they would be willing to marry ruri jinro said she is pretty and kinro was shocked that he only looks at a girl's appearance
then kinro said that as a guardian he doesn't ask questions and he knows that senu has no bad intentions kohaku replied that her only goal was to save her big sister's Life as a result the two boys decided to help kohaku and were trained by kohaku to fight magma later kohaku noticed that Chrome was deep in thought and she knew that Chrome truly loves Rory she apologized for not training him and chrome knew himself that he wouldn't stand a chance in the fight against magma at that moment Chrome remembered his childhood ruri said her illness
could not not be cured but Chrome promised to do everything to save her so Chrome said he is totally cool with that and he looked forward to save ruy with the power of science senu smiled and he was happy to found a new scientist on his side later kohaku said she planned on participating the grand bout also they were worried about Jen because his recovery will take a very long time senu knew that time was running out otherwise sukasa would find out that he was still alive during the night senu whispered something to Jen and
he started to smile in the followed morning Chrome was shocked to see that Jen vanished he was on the way back to Tsukasa and kohaku feared he would betray them he ran to the Tsukasa Empire as fast as he could and one of his Warriors stopped him with an arrow he reported to Tsukasa that he found a primitive Village and told him about the death of senu then we see senu who stopped kohaku to catch Jen he explained her that if Jen really didn't had a an interest in science he never would would have cooperated
with them so senu knew he wouldn't betray the kingdom of science the reason was that the day before Jen asked him if he could make Coke senu replied that he sure can make Cola as a result Jen didn't snitched on him and reported that senu is dead so Kaku was happy that they won the first battle and looked forward about their new team member in the Kingdom of Science in the meantime Jen couldn't believe that he risked his life for a bottle of cola then senu planned to make a bottle of Coke in time for
his return in the followed week we see kohaku training jinro and kinro for the upcoming competition meanwhile senu planned the next step to create a medicine for ruri he told Chrome that they will produce glass chrome didn't know what glass was and he explained that you can mix chemicals very well with it also senu planned to make glasses for sua and kohaku was surprised how cute sua is unfortunately she can't see properly without her melon following this sua said she had the fuzzy sickness in her eye eyes as a result she end up looking weird
when she tried really hard to see senu explained to them that after inventing glasses they can correct sua's poor eyesight senu told Suka that she was nearsighted and not a disease this is how Suka learned about the glasses in the old world which allowed many people to live normal lives sua wished to see the beautiful world with all her friends and senu wanted to fulfill her wish following this chrome showed senu a place where he found quartz senu dug on the mountain and he showed him the raw material to make glass then they start working
together and they had a lot of fun digging up the quartz sand in the evening senu started the next process and he heated the quartz sand in his furnace the next morning senu was exhausted but he wanted to continue working finally he produced lens glass and everyone wondered what he was going to do with the new device Chrome understood his plan and they began to grind and polish the lens glass they worked every day and made good progress a few days later senu was able to create lens glasses so that he could Grant Suka her
wish later they set out to show Suka the beautiful world she had never seen senu asked her if she could see the flowers in front of her and she tried to focus her eyes on them suddenly senu put the bowler hat with the lens glass on her and she could see the beautiful sunflower in front of her Suka cried tears of joy and was grateful about senku's gift meanwhile kohaku mimicked Magma's attacks and kinro didn't manage to block them she made kinro aware that he always misjudged judged the distance and jinro knew about his Big
Brother's problem the reason for this was that he also had poor eyesight and jinro was worried about his brother but promised not to tell anyone about it then we see senu he was already planning his next project and was yelled at by Chrome not to express his words like a villain the following morning senu began making glass instruments sua helped them and collected many black rocks that foamed when heated senu explained her that they used the foam as insulation to make a glass blowing furnace then senu produced an iron straw to blow up the glass
with air unfortunately his attempt at making glass instruments was a failure and senu suspected that working with a Craftsman would be more successful so Chrome kidnapped an old man and he asked kasiki to help them but he got angry and said he wasn't into bondage games then sua showed up she wanted to return the lacquer she had borrowed senu learned that kaseki was the person who made The Fantastic Shield of kohaku in that moment kohaku remembered the happy time time when she was given her father's Shield knowing that kaseki is a talented Craftsman senu showed
him his projects senu knew he could bait him with his glass then senu explained his plan to make glass instruments Chrome was able to Peak his interest and keki couldn't stand their clumsiness senku's plan worked and keki freed himself from the bonds also he transformed into muttin roshi and they were surprised about his muscles following this kaseki showed them his Craftman skills and he started the process of rounding the glass senu and chrome were impressed and kasiki had a lot of fun making the glass instruments the following morning senu acquired a science lab and was
able to begin his experiments senu remembered when his father created a space for him for Science and he looked forward to further achievements then senu said that from now on they will invent more awesome things and they will all have more fun than in sucasa land after that we see meca senu he explained senku's science Kingdom and it started with his base second we see senku's food truck that served Comm as the third Mecha senu showed us that senu also unlocked an industrial furnace to produce metal then Mecha senu introduced his Fighters preparing to fight
against magma jro was lazy and he was forced to generate power at senku's generator in addition senu has obtained ceki who uses his muscles to make glass instruments as a result senu was given a lab and they were well placed to save ruri with antibiotics Chrome knew their Kingdom of science is starting to heat up and senu agreed with him then senu told Chrome that the technology was even crazier before the world collapsed in the meantime jinro was jealous about the sorcery team because they looked like they had much fun suddenly jinro said that shining
Spears give them more motivation to become stronger kinro agreed and they asked senu to embellish their Spears with gold and silver senu knew that a gold or silver spear would do him no good in combat but he accepted their request so senu said he will make jinro a silver Spear and kinro was sad suddenly senu told jinro not to Rejoice too soon because it would be dangerous to make him a silver spear the following day Chrome was surprised that senu was using a Strang looking plant to make silver jinro was happy to get a silver
Spear and he teased kinro for not getting anything from senu as punishment he was knocked unconscious by kohaku for teasing his brother then senu successfully created a silver spear for jinro and senu wanted to use his spear for another purpose he said his job will be the team's bodyguard and they went off following this senu told his friends that jro's spear serves as a sensor he said that if the deadly threat appears his spear will turn black in addition senu explained to them that they all have to run away immediately so that they don't die
later they discovered a river where no fish were swimming senu said they goal is Upstream from the river meanwhile jinro was scared of dying and senu yelled at him for running back kohaku offered him to swap places but he refused to give up his silver spear then they reached their destination and senu was totally exhausted from the mountain hike kohaku was surprised by the sight the reason was they found a whole Emerald spring at that moment jinro hallucinated an angel calling to him jinro ran towards the emerald spring and senu had a strange feeling he
wondered why jro's spear didn't react to the poisonous gas then they saw jinro running into the poisonous Emerald spring senu ordered jinro to come back but he was hypnotized in the last moment kohaku saved jro and a group of crows were lured into the Springs water so they saw the enemy trying to kill them and kohaku tried to calm jinro down senu explained to them that sulfuric acid is a miracle drug of science but also very dangerous later senu told them they can't make antibiotics without the sulfuric acid kohaku was willing to risk her life
but senu stopped her senu told her about a story when a group went to do research around an air of sulfuric acid then senu smiled and said he will solve the problem with gas masks in the evening senu was ready for the fight against sulfuric acid and he knew an error would mean their death then senu asked Chrome to stay in their base he said there was no guarantee that the gas masks would work and he had to stay because no one else could save ruri so senu said he will going to pass down all
the science he know to him right now senu said that he doesn't plan to die but he didn't want to risk losing the science Chrome replied that he will come along because he won't let him down the reason for this was that Chrome considers senu an important friend and he can't just let a friend die following this he said that he doesn't want to be protected and he showed his determination to senu Chrome said that they are both scientists who can save each other in times of need senu was touched by his words and chrome
was able to convince him Chrome knew that senku's friends also risked everything to advance science so Chrome said he will follow him no matter how dangerous their Adventure will be senku trusted him with his life and they formed a team then kohaku remembered the day it was decided deed that she should be the next Priestess she had no intention of helping with a plan that made it okay for ruri to die as a result she refused and tried to find a way to save her beloved sister she thought that if she wasn't able to take
on the role of the Priestess ruri would have no reason to leave the world after hearing Chrome's words kohaku was happy and she wished Chrome could marry ruri she knew Chrome had always loved her sister and would risk his life for her at any time unfortunately the marriage between them would not be possible and kohaku asked if she should be his wife Chrome understood that she wasn't serious about her proposal and said that he would never marry a gorilla in the morning we see senu he started to do the final process for his gas masks
after some crafting later senu and chrome received gas masks later senu and chrome were on their way to the emerald spring jinro was ashamed because he was terribly scared he declined accompany them and said he will never return to that place following this senu said they couldn't force him and they went off without Jin back in the present senu and chrome arrived and his silver spear turned black chrome was aware that they could die instantly but senu just ran into the danger place without hesitation senu said freaking out helps him even less then Chrome realized
that senu was scared too and he accompanied senu without complaining meanwhile kaseki noticed that jinro was in a bad mood and he freaked out ceki told him that he shouldn't be ashamed of being afraid he said that all people have fears and there is nothing they can do about it at that moment jinro realized that keki was right he realized that despite their fear they faced the dangers however jinro was cheered up and keki said he accidentally made another mask later we see senu and chrome mining rocks and chrome alerted senu that his gas mask
is melting senu was glad there were two of them and immediately repaired his mask suddenly Chrome tripped and senu tried to save him but Chrome knew he was going to die jinro appeared at the last moment and tried to save Chrome with his spear he tried to pull chome out with all his strength and senu told him to control his breath following jinro tried to save Chrome and Chrome believed his friends will make it jinro faced his fear and he used all his power and was able to defeat the evil monster they managed to capture
the sulfuric acid and their mission was a complete success senu and his friend celebrated their Victory and they were ready for the final step the following day we see sua waiting for her friends to return suddenly senu appeared and kohaku couldn't wait to make the medicine for her big sister she was then reminded of the long road map but senu assured her that they have all the resources needed to start producing antibiotics following this senu started to boil the sulfuric acid and he added a little bit of salt sua wondered what the weird glass sculpture
was for and she learned that it was a water dripping machine as a result senu received hydrochloric acid and he explained to them that the chemical is very dangerous he then produced more dangerous chemicals and he stated that chemicals could kill a person instantly kohaku learned that no one will drink the chemicals and she was shocked when senu produced ammonia later senu said that they only need alcohol to make the miracle medicine keki told them that they can win alcohol in tomorrow's tournament they were happy to hear this and chrome expected the two brothers to
win tomorrow's Grand bout then we see kokuyo and he was glad that the new Village Chief will be chosen tomorrow also he was reported that all preparations are proceeding well unfortunately they had a problem because kohaku signed up for the grand bout too and kokuyo learned of senku's participation the reason for this was that ginro helped him register for the grand bout and the girls were shocked about the news senu replied that he didn't plan on winning and he will only try to increase their team's chance of Victory kinro wanted to win fairly and the
two boys said they would help him win the grand bout he was disgusted by their plan and complained to Kaku she then replied that she only wanted to save ruri and kinro was touched by her words the following day we see the villagers and everyone was waiting for senu he walked on the bridge and kohaku was happy that he was allowed to enter the village after half a year senu knew it would be the first step to success and all the villagers stared at him kokuyo learned his name was senu and ruri knew the name
for some reason she said she knew his name even though he had never met him then she ran towards senu and she spoke to him she wanted to know his last name before he could answer ruy collapsed in front of him and he was was ordered to stay away from ruri she was carried back to the Hut and senu understood that they had a lot to talk about together meanwhile magma made fun of ruri and Chrome stopped kohaku so she wouldn't do anything wrong at that moment kohaku remembered that Chrome also helped train the two
brothers every day because he wanted to protect ruri from magma following this the contestants learned their matchup and senu planned for kinro to win against magma in the finals sua prayed to God and hoped that everything will go smoothly a short time later the matchups were chosen and they learned that kinro will fight against magma in the first round senu wasn't discouraged and he revealed to them that he had made a special drink using science he then said that it would make them stronger and ginro drank the drink alone because he was nervous however senu
said it wasn't bad and sua went to collect more of the grass later they waited for the first battle to begin suddenly mantel appeared and reported that sua was drowning near the river senu and chrome knew he was lying and they asked how he knew about the grass by the river then kohaku said that she is aware that mantle is lying but she is still worried about sua afterwards Chrome tried to stop the fight but Jasper replied that if she doesn't show up on time for the third match she will be disqualified magma was happy
and he was sure that with kohaku's absence he will win the grand bout then magma said if kinro surrenders that he will appoint him as his right-hand man kinro refused because he wants to fulfill his duties to his friends after the conversation the fight between kenro and magma began he attacked magma with powerful attacks and he was surprised by the strength he gained meanwhile mantle tried to sabotage kinro but Chrome warned him that Jasper will punish his team senu heard the conversation and decided to stop his sabotage attempt we then see sua who was tied
to a tree but she managed to free herself and she went back to the Village meanwhile magma distanced himself and kinro had trouble judging the distance sua noticed that kinro has the same same eye problems as her she ran to senu and said that kinro also suffers from the fuzzy sickness then magma started attacking him and he managed to seriously injure kenro because he couldn't judge the distance he couldn't move anymore but he didn't allow himself to let his friends down suddenly sua stood on the highest point of the island and she planned to support
kinro she rolled down the stairs and used the momentum to throw her helmet at kinro she told him to use the eyes of Science and he jumped towards her melon helmet kenro transformed into melon Ranger and the boys were shocked meanwhile kinro couldn't believe that through the power of science he could see all the movements clearly kinro gained observation hockey and dodged all of Magma's attacks with ease then kinro started attacking and he punched him in his face after his strong attack he said that science helped him overcome his weakness sua was amazed by his
melan ranger performance and they celebrated Kino's Victory against magma because they had defeated the most dangerous opponent then magma said that he had broken the rules by wearing the melon mask magma wanted to accept his loss unless the referee declared the fight invalid kinro asked if his melon helmet was against the rules but Jasper said it's not a rule break suddenly magma appeared behind kinro and he hit him on the head with all his might as a result kinro was knocked out and magma won the fight because he let his guard down kinro apologized and
senu was still confident of Victory afterwards mantle provoked them and said that kohaku will be disqualified because she wanted to go save sua sua was worried but she couldn't see well without the lenses everyone was aware that the situation was serious and kohaku found out that sua was safe then the second fight began and chrome tried to buy time for kohaku to return but she was already on her way back to the Village magma immediately ordered mantle to give up the fight and chrome won the fight afterwards the third battle began and senu was declared
the winner because she failed to return in time Suka couldn't forgive herself that kohaku was disqualified but she was happy because Suka was UN hurt Suka apologized but kohaku hugged her and she wasn't angry at her afterwards all the villagers thought that magma will marry ruri and ruri was disgusted by him suddenly senu said that jinro must become a hero and everyone doubted him jinro was sure to win because he drank senku's special drink then jinro got ready for battle and he thought that the grass would give him a power up as a result jinro
imagined he had been transformed into a superhero but in reality he was staggering like a drunk senu was confident that jinro can win then jinro attacked and he got his opponent into trouble with super fast attacks then his opponent tried to use the same attack but he was immediately exhausted while jinro was bursting with energy unfortunately it didn't correspond to reality and jro was seriously injured by his opponent's attack despite everything he managed to defeat his opponent and he won the fight later reality caught up with him and he had stomach problems that made him
unable able to continue fighting this left senu and chrome to win against magma so they could save ruri Chrome was motivated to win against magma and they entrusted him to save ruri with whom he had been in love since childhood everyone hoped that Chrome would find a way to outsmart magma and the battle began after the fight began Chrome was immediately knocked to the ground and was tormented by magma everyone wanted Chrome to give up but he refused because he knew Rory would die otherwise suddenly Jen showed up and noticed Chrome's Di situation magma made
fun of him and said that he is happy to see Rory's tears as she begs for his life but Chrome couldn't accept his defeat and tried to do something with the melon helmet then he attacked magma and he tried to use science to defeat magma following this they wondered what Chrome was doing and he planned to start a fire by using a lens senu immediately realized the plan and he explained that he was trying to make a fire kohaku and sua learned that he uses science to try to win the fight meanwhile Chrome believed that
that with the science he learned from senu he will save ruri magma looked down at him and senu said his plan won't work senu suddenly realized that Chrome had planned to get injured so that his tear could change the concave lens afterwards senu noticed that Jen appeared in the village watching the fight he was looking forward to his Cola and asked when the fire would start then senu calculated using his mc equal sign Square formulas and he found out that Chrome needs one minute to start a fire Jen wanted to use his Mentalist skills to
buy Chrome enough time so he confused magma and said that he used magic to survive his murder attempt magma was confused and he said that he will put a curse on magma senu supported Jen and he claimed that his heart would explode if he tried to complain afterwards magma was scared and chrome also lied to him his acting was horrible but Jen managed to immobilize him for a minute meanwhile Jen knew that magma fell for his lie and they waited for the chance for Chrome to win they knew that magma had fallen for their trick
and that he had no chance of winning unfortunately he noticed that the liquid was shaking he calmed down and he did his best to save ruri as a result he managed to start a fire that burned magma then Chrome said he won't kill him and he hit magma in his balls so Chrome was declared as the winner of the grand bout everyone celebrated Chrome's Victory because team science had won the grand bout Rory was happy and everyone congratulated Chrome on winning the grand bout after the fight against magma said that he will wait for senu
outside the village meanwhile ruri was very happy that Chrome won jinro said he will give up because they know she is in love with chrome she loved Chrome but she replied that as a priestess she only serves God and would marry any winner this led to jinro deciding to win to become her fiance and Jasper couldn't believe how stupid jinro is then the second fight started and jinro attacked senu with full force because he wanted to marry ruri kinro and kohaku were shocked and disgusted by him he set himself to create a hair with his
new power as Village Chief no one wanted him as their Village Chief and senu tried to avoid his attacks suddenly Chrome used his last strength and he threw him the melon helmet senu took advantage of the opportunities and he planned to defeat jinro with science so senu defeated his opponent and kokuyo understood that senu is really a genius senu was declared the winner and chrome was happy that they can save ruri later senu planned to lose on purpose so that Chrome could marry ruri unfortunately he was unconscious and they realized that the winner means senu
as a result senu was crowned the winner of the grand bout and he was chosen as Priestess ruri's Fon following this senu decided to marry ruri in order to preserve the whole village kokuyo didn't want to accept him but senu annoyed him and said that he should show more respect to the new Village Chief afterwards senku's alcohol was brought to celebrate his wedding but ruri collapsed and she spit out blood senu planned to return to the kingdom of science the V villagers wanted to celebrate with him but he said he was getting a divorce he
then ran back to the kingdom of science to make antibiotics the villagers were shocked and ruri became the first divorced Priestess ever meanwhile kokuyo was angry but kinro told him that senu is a good person later we see kaseki building a new invention Jen was forced to help him with the work and he couldn't refuse afterwards they went to the lab and senu woke up Chrome with the smell of ammonia Chrome woke up and they immediately started making medicine for ruri Chrome noticed that they were out of charcoal senu explained that he had nothing to
worry about and he collected the burned coal so he mixed vinegar and alcohol together and chrome learned that they have a lot of tasks ahead of them until tomorrow then team science started working to produce antibiotics and they worked through the night the following morning Jen poured water into a glass and he realized that senu was making carbonated water he remembered that senu planned to make him Cola and was excited when he arrived at the lab he found senu and chrome passed out on the floor he explained that he added too many chemicals and it
caused an explosion however senu planned to use carbonated water and Jen hoped that his Cola would be made he was wrong and senu completed his plan to make medicine for ruri at that moment everyone gathered together and they remembered the hard work and fun times together as a result he was able to successfully create antibiotics in the Stone Age world and they all celebrated the successful project senu said that it's not time for k to cry yet and she should wait until ruri is rescued following senu was on his way to the village and Jen
couldn't believe to see senku's bottle of coke he smiled and he was happy to drink his beloved Cola after a long time in the meantime senu entered the village and he showed ruri the medicine he had made ruri trusted senu and she was willing to take senku's medicine she was then given antibiotics and senu examined ru's body all the villagers wondered what he was doing and he tried to hear her breathing that evening zenu planned to do an experiment with a mouse and Jen was confused he replied that he will do some researches and he
suspected ruri was infected with a bacterial infection afterwards he said that ruri may not be cured if she has pulmonary tuberculosis suddenly sua reported to them that ruri was in pain and kokuo was worried about his daughter when they arrived at the hut senu behaved strangely and kokuo wanted to kill senu the reason for his behavior was that he realized that ruri can be cured found out that Rory's illness can defeated with medicine and said that they won followed he suggested that ruri should take more antibiotics kohaku convinced her father that he should believe senu
and that he is not an enemy everyone showed that they trust senu and kokuyo tried to believe in him a few days later senu was impressed that ruri could live until 18 and he knew that kohaku was the reason for this because she brought her big sister hot spring water every day which protected ruri everyone was happy that ruri was healthy again after all this time and she told her father a secret about senu then ruri was happy that she could run again after a long time in the afternoon senu was officially named chief of
ishigami Village he couldn't believe it and ruri said that she had known his last name for a long time following this senu thanked her for the information and said that everything now makes sense to him senu said that he probably came up in the Priestess mythology and ruri confirmed his statement Chrome and kohaku were confused but they remembered the hundred Tales at that moment she remembered her mother telling her that there was a story the previous Priestess told her that one of the tales is a true story she said the title was ishigami senu the
story of senu started in a night when senu asked himself questions about the moon his father noticed early on that he was interested in science byakuya teased him a little bit and he gave his son some advice in that night senu learned that his father failed the astronaut exam again and after the conversation he had a new goal the following day he decided to fly into space since then he has been experimenting diligently to one day fly into space a few months later byakuya was chosen as a candidate to go to space in the meantime
senu planned many experiments and stole a doll from the school he experimented with his friend taiu and they learned a lot the reason for this was that he wanted to help his father learn to swim unfortunately his experiment failed and his father felt pain from powerful electric shock waves byakuya understood senku's message and he smiled underwater as a result byakuya learned to swim and in his interview he said that he only made it this far because senu believed in him the interviewers were convinced of him and byakuya wanted to become an astronaut at all costs
because he wanted to give something back to his son 5 years later the crew members boarded the spaceship suddenly byakuya stole the microphone and told him that he will bring him many science souvenirs then the launch into space began and the story of senu ishigami ended after that senu told everyone that the founder of the village was his father following this we learn about the story of byakuya who was in Space the rocket docked with the International Space Station when byakuya arrived at the space station Jacob greeted him and introduced himself byakuya was grateful to
meet them and he introduced his friend Jam suddenly Lily caused problems and she introduced herself as a famous celebrity Jacob was scared of her but byakuya started to laugh at her performance so her prank was ruined because byakuya found her bad acting too funny Lily apologized and said it was just a prank Dalia was happy that she was just joking and she said that she and her husband are doctors they then got to know each other and Connie showed up she was a huge fan of Lily Connie asked if she could get an autograph from
popular singer Lily however byakuya teased Lily and suggested that they will play her songs every day in the following days Lily held a live concert in Space the whole world heard her voice and people enjoyed her song she was on every screen and had many fans who admired her everyone on Earth knew her and many fans were always happy to hear her beautiful voice then she ended the live stream and she asked if the two boys wanted to call their families byakuya said that his son was probably researching things right now following this we see
senu who saw the Petrified Birds on the whole world he researched it and found what was happening in the world hilarious in that night Lily couldn't sleep and she apologized for waking up byaku Yan he teased her a bit and he shot his load then she said that she had liked music since she was a child one day her Walkman was destroyed and she started singing herself suddenly she noticed that byakuya had fallen asleep and he said sorry to her then byakuya looked at the Earth and he asked her if she could sing a song
to senu someday a few days later we see byakuya and he was playing with miso soup in space later he planned to let Jam taste Japanese dishes and he was shocked to learn that he drank the same thing every day he then gave Jam his custom made ramen however J tried the ramen and he had a surprised expression on his face he looked shocked because the Earth glowed green then the others also saw the disaster and they couldn't believe what was happening on Earth at that moment all the residents were petrified and byakuya was worried
about his son senu Unfortunately they couldn't do anything in space and they couldn't reach a single person they realized that something happened on Earth so they tried to search for information about the Earth on the internet byakuya had the idea of watching a live camera suddenly they saw that everyone on Earth had been petrified All crew members were shocked by the disaster and didn't know what to do at that moment byakuya suggested flying back to Earth he said that they are Humanity's Last Hope and they will save all of humanity then we see the time
right before senu was petrified and he dropped his Monster Energy drink at that moment meanwhile byakuya found out that the petrification beam was launching from South America he planned to save his son and Humanity at any cost followed he put on his astronaut suit and planned to fly back to Earth immediately but Jam offered that he will fly down first because byakuya has a son who was waiting for him he said that if he will die that nobody will raise his son and jam was able to convince him that the best option would be to
send him because he has no family waiting for him bakuya didn't want to risk Jam's life for his selfish goals but Jamil promised that he will arrive safely on Earth senu counted the time and a group of of astronauts managed to land safely on Earth unfortunately J reported that it ended up in the sea and the hatch would sink as soon as it was opened then we see senu again and he didn't give up counting and he tried to be conscious so that one day he could save the world after that byaku had decided to
fly back to Earth and he planned to save their friends many hours later we see Jamil's group and they were almost out of air in the hatch Lily decided to sing and she said they don't have to worry anymore the reason for this was that byakuya paddled a boat and he was on his way to save them he apologized that it took him more than 10 hours to arrive and jam was happy to see his friend so they were rescued and they rode to an island where Dalia and Jacob were waiting for them later they
saw a person on the island and they immediately ran to check if anyone had survived the petrification beam they realized that the person was petrified and they had to accept that no one had survived then they started looking for firewood and jam noticed that Connie was crying a short time later byakuya found a survival kit and they were confident that they would survive on the island suddenly Connie said that she had lived on a farm and that she was able to find food they were lied on Connie and Jamil decided to accompany Connie into the
forest since that day 3 years passed andalia looked at the sea with her children's then we see Connie and Jam's wedding they celebrated their wedding and everyone congratulated the two on their marriage Jam said that they have more important things to do than celebrate his wedding suddenly Lily offered to sing a song to celebrate her friend's wedding they enjoyed enjoyed their time together and listened to Lily's song she remembered the time when she learned about music and realized her passion for singing she then started crying and ran away Lily told byakuya that she felt sad
at the thought that the music would one day be forgotten so byakuya cheered her up and he said that his son senu will definitely save Humanity also he said that he is not blood related with senu but he was sure that senu is 10 billion times smarter than himself then he promised Lily that senu will save humanity and they must do their best to support senu in the future back in the present they learned that they were all descended from the six surviving people kohaku thought that they are all related to senu and he said
that he is not blood related to byakuya then they were invited to the festival and they celebrated together that senu became the new Village Chief everyone had a great time and kohaku was happy that their Village had become so Lively since senku's appearance suddenly kinro appeared and he forced jinro to guard the bridge to the village with him then we see senu and he was walking with ruri and she was telling him about the end of his father's story following this we see that Connie suffered from a serious illness Dalia planned to sail with her
husband to the main island to find medicine Unfortunately they never returned and Connie died from her illness Jam was saddened by the death and he could not believe that his beloved wife had died a few months passed and jam was also affected by the same illness at the last moment before his death he said that he had a lot of fun with them he also thanked byakuya and said that he never imagined having children and a wife back then he was happy to have met byakuya in his life and he thanked him for the great
time they had together in the evening Jam passed away and byakuya looked at the stars that were shining brightly a few weeks later he thought of imparting wisdom to their descendants and he called it the hundred Tales byakuya believed that one day a story about minerals will lead a person to collect Stones this is how senu learned about byakuya's plan and senu smiled that Chrome became became that person afterwards they arrived at the grave of all ancestors and senu was amazed by his father's work before byakuya died he had delivered a message in the final
story of The 100 Tales his words were to senu that he was fine and that he had fun in life despite the disaster additionally he told senu that he believes in him and he knows that senu will save Humanity byakuya's last words were very emotional and senu could feel byakuya's words in his heart before he went back to the feast he wanted to take a look around his father's grave he smiled and senu was touched by his beloved father as a result senu looked forward and he was motivated to save Humanity later Jen said he
had another message and senu asked what was happening in the Tsukasa Empire he told senu that Tsukasa and his army were coming and senu was ready to fight against him with the power of science however Jen reported to them that t sukasa planned to attack the village because he was trying to avoid senku's Victory if he were still alive then we see jinro who was jealous because he wasn't allowed to celebrate with the other villagers kinro realized that an enemy had appeared and asked jinro to call for help jinro was shocked by the enemies and
kinro ordered his little brother to destroy the bridge if he was killed kinro then walked backwards to keep his distance and his opponent was impressed by kin's instincts then the enemies began to run towards kinro and they were sure to defeat him kinro immediately defeated the Warriors of tsukasa's army with his strong attack yyoga looked down on the weaklings and they apologized to him for their failure then he ran towards kinro and he immediately noticed that kinro had bad eyesight meanwhile Jen explained that they were in danger because hyoga was revived and he is also
very strong suddenly jinro appeared and he warned the villagers about enemies kinro fought against hyoga but he barely managed to avoid hyoga's attack afterwards Jen saw kinro fighting hyoga and he fatally injured him with his spear they were worried about him but he ordered his brother jinro to cut the bridge kuko ordered jinro to destroy the bridge because they needs to protect all the villagers so jinro ran to the bridge and he hesitated to cut the bridge because he would lose his brother kinro accepted his death and jinro began to cry suddenly he stopped and
he started crying because he knew his big brother was going to die senu decided to save kinro with the help of Science and he put the last gunpowder he had into a jar Jen understood senku's plan and he asked magma to throw a stone at the enemy unfortunately magma refused to help him but Jen convinced him with his Mentalist skills following this senu began to light the gunpowder and magma threw the stone Jen supported them and he tried to convince the tukasa Army to retreat they retreated because they thought senu had a gun and hyoga
was amazed by him he knew that sukasa would be happy and senu said that he had already made thousands of rifles as a result they managed to save kinro and senu gave him medicine to make him healthy the next morning kinro feared that the enemies would return and senu replied that he can rest because the Tsukasa Army will not show up until a storm then we see the Warriors of the Tsukasa Army and senu was sure that Jen will convince them to wait for a storm but hyoga decided against the option of waiting for a
storm the reason for this was because he knew how dangerous senu was unfortunately he could not convince The Peasants of the Tsukasa Army to return and he did not stop their plan to fight against senu after that senu made kinro a pair of glasses and he liked them sua also received a new helmet and she was happy about it then we see kohaku and she was still worried about hyoga but senu was planning something keki liked his plan and started implementing his project with his team a few days later kohaku feared that a storm was
coming soon the tukasa Army were happy that their chance came to attack senu and they went to the Village then we see senu and he was aware that the enemies will attack soon suddenly the enemies appeared and he lured them into his trap however his friends appeared and they attacked the enemies with katana swords senu knew that with the blade of science they could defeat the enemies with ease and hyoga was impressed by the power of the science's Kingdom as a result team senu overwhelmed the opponents and they destroyed the opponent's weapons senu remembered the
days when he heated the metal and keki forged the swords while forging the swords senu explained that they can create powerful weapons in a short time kaseki had a lot of fun forging the blades and he understood how dangerous the katanas would be this is how senu managed to produce the strongest blades in the stone world back in the present the Tsukasa Army was frightened and hyoga looked down on the weaklings he was sure that his kudari is stronger and he attacked magma suddenly almost all of Team senku's warriors were attacked and kohaku realized that
hyoga is a different League meanwhile Jen told hyoga about the strongest fighter in senku's Army and kinro understood that he secretly told them that the three people mentioned should be careful but magma didn't listen to kak 's orders and he charged towards the opponents kohaku had no choice and she planned an attack with kinro unfortunately hyoga managed to react to kohaku's attack and she couldn't see through his spear attack just before kohaku was stabbed the tip of his spear disintegrated and everyone was confused he remembered Jen touching his spear a few days earlier so Jen
was accused of being a traitor and he was aware from the start that he would be caught meanwhile Suka remembered when she received a mission to deliver a knife to Jen a few days earlier senu relies on detective sua to be able to find the traces Jen Left Behind following this sua found flowers and she was able to find Jen's location Jen received the knife and he couldn't believe it when he saw the gift back in the present he took his chance and made fun of hyoga for falling for her trick senu praised Jen and
they defeated the enemy with the blade of science following this we see the day when sukasa was Reviving a guy who he was looking for all this time hyoga was revived with the miracle water and he was greeted after after his Awakening by sukasa then he told him that 3,700 years passed and hyoga learned about his plan to create a new world later the other guys made fun of him for being skinny and they bullied him suddenly tukasa asked if hyoga would like to spar with the other guys he agreed and said that he will
defeat 10 of them with his favorite weapon after the fight sukasa apologized that the weaklings weren't enough to warm him up hyoga replied that the only real fighter was standing before him and they shook hands then sukasa LED his new member into his Tsukasa Empire which consisted of many strong and young people he told hyoga that he intended to create a peaceful world following this manami welcomed hyoga to the Tsukasa Empire and she agreed that she is happier in the new world also she said that she is a big fan of the strongest primate sukasa
everyone admired sukasa and Jen remembered that he was always a charismatic person he was aware that it would be difficult to convince the enemies to switch sides followed sukasa asked his new member if if he shared his opinion that the weapons of science should no longer exist he was of the same opinion and said that the desires of the old world must remain extinguished forever then sukasa said that senu is trying to bring civilization back and he will kill him with his own hands if he is still alive back in the present they managed to
surround hyoga and the gorillas of the sucasa army decided to retreat meanwhile hyoga was impressed by senu and his friends but he said that the fight was just a distraction senu looked at the village and he realized that ishigami Village was burning the villagers of ishigami Village tried to put out the fire but the fire spread far too quickly the reason for this was that hura sneaked into the village and tried to kill them also she destroyed a bridge and she caused a huge trouble for the villagers of ishigami Village this is how team senu
discovered hamura and they learned that hamura is hiy yoga's right hand he told that she is very capable and she dodged Koko's attack then kohaku attacked hura but she managed to dodge her attack with crazy czy moves hyoga and homur fled and the village didn't stop burning meanwhile Jen tried to evacuate the residents and senu ordered the villagers to flee immediately ruri was desperate and senku's team tried to save everyone as a result they managed to evacuate all the villagers and the Tsukasa Army was watching them one of the men was about to cause trouble
and hyoga planned his next attack senku's team had fallen into a trap and hura caused a fire all the villagers tried to put out the fire and jinro despaired because their heart work was being destroyed sua intended to protect the kingdom of Science and she lured the gorillas away from senku's Kingdom hyoga was grateful that they were stupid because it increased his chances of winning then we see sua and she managed to successfully lure the enemies away from Kingdom of science senku's team later learned that she wanted to lead the enemies to the hot springs
where they got the dangerous water kohaku and senu were worried about sua because the weather might change then we see sua and the wind carried the poisonous gas towards her causing homura to feel death at the last moment kohaku appeared and she managed to save sua from the poisonous gas the gorillas noticed the danger too and they climbed on a tree senu looked down on them and he made fun of them that he won against them with science senu laughed at them and said that they have no choice and have to wait in the tree
for a long time until they can go down again then hyoga decided to sacrific some of tsukasa's soldiers to see that senu wasn't lying he learned that senku's masks were real and he understood that senu is a dangerous enemy kokuyo celebrated the victory against the Tsukasa Army and he praised sua for helping them meanwhile hyoga came up with a plan to defeat the kingdom of science a few days later Jen asked senu about his plan he said that unfortunately he cannot produce gunpowder he explained to them that t sucasa has the cave to obtain nitric
acid and he can't make gunpow without it additionally Tsukasa has an army ready to attack them senu explained that his plan is to attack the Tsukasa Kasa Empire first and kohaku liked his plan so senu told them that with the power of science he will build a great machine which will help them to win the war following this senu told them that he planned to produce cellular phones Jen thought he was crazy and wondered how he would do this later all the villagers found out about the usage and they were all confused senu told them
that communication will help them win so he said that they can win the war against sucasa without fighting jro wondered who the double agent was and senu looked at the flag of science he said that he already had spies in the Tsukasa Empire and knew that taiu would love the idea after that they started drawing their next road map to produce a smartphone in the Stone World meanwhile hyoga returned to the tukasa Empire and he reported sucasa that senu is alive he was shocked by the news and he was angry then Jen used his Mentalist
skills and he put himself in sukasa position they couldn't believe that Jen had even copied sukasa voice meanwhile sukasa decided to revive more Fighters and hiy yoga told him that attacking in Winter would be most effective Chrome then asked if senku's friends were in danger but he assured him that they would serve as hostages for Tsukasa if necessary hyoga then said that he told hura to keep an eye on senu he was aware that communication is the most powerful weapon in the Stone World in the following days all the villagers helped them with senku's project
Kaku was happy that senu became Village Chief and that they could progress faster suddenly croman keki wanted to know more about his invention and they were excited senu explained to them that they use vibrations in their voice to transmit sounds to another device this is how they use radio waves that come from another device to hear the words being said they didn't understand anything and senu said that their next project will be making a cotton candy machine Jen was confused and he didn't understand why he needed a cotton candy machine following this senu poured molten
iron into a container and keki began shaping his components then senu said that he uses his invention to make cotton candy by spinning sugar over a fire Chrome realized he wanted to make gold threads and Jen understood his plan so Chrome went to get gold but senu first wanted to do a test by making cotton candy senu went to the destroyed Village and learned that the sugar fell into pieces at the edges of the barrels however he took advantage of the teamwork of the two brothers and he created sugar thread the girls were excited and
got to try senku's cotton candy they loved senku's fluffy snack and they praised the Sweet Taste of his delicious food afterwards kokuyo tried the cotton candy and the other villagers were grateful to taste it too senu was happy that he could see the villagers smiling and Jen gave senu an idea so he asked about hamura and jinro misunderstood something senu told him that they were being watched by hamura and they were shocked by the news senu said that she was watching them from a far away place and jinro was scared however Jen told them she
won't cause any problems because she won't disobey hyoga's orders in the evening senu visited homura and he brought her cotton candy that he made for her he left a letter and he wrote that the cotton candy wasn't poisoned the reason for his gift was that he was trying to use his cotton candy to get hura to switch sides suddenly ruri remembered the evening with senu she said that senu was just pretending to be a bad guy but he was really just trying to be nice meanwhile Hur licked senku's cotton candy and she remembered her childhood
the following morning we see jinro and he was serving cotton candy Jen thought he was Gordon Ramsey and he said his cotton candy wasn't fluffy enough suddenly jinro complained and he wondered what cotton candy had to do with the war against sucasa then senu said that he should relax and that they won't tease him but will soon make threads with the valuable gold so they continued making cotton candy and they found the problem which was causing the clumps senu thought of a plan to make the rotation smoother and they all suggested an idea to senu
suddenly senu had an idea and asked kaseki for help keki carved him into a gear and he wanted to use kohaku's Shield kokuyo was shocked because it was a good luck charm for his victory that he gave to his beloved daughter then he hoped that kohaku would stop senu but she didn't care about her Shield gifted by her father in the afternoon they received gear that improved the production of candy cotton suddenly Chrome had an idea and he asked kaseki for help kaseki was excited about his plan and he immediately wanted to implement Chrome's idea
in the meantime senu had successfully made gone coil out of gold and he wanted to process it further he told about the further plan and they were shocked by his plan so the villagers worked together on senku's new invention and they repeated the process senku's team worked every day without a break and they came closer to his goal of building a phone a few days later Chrome returned and he worked through 3 days to build his invention later senu saw the water wheel built by kasiki and chrome he was surprised by the plan that Chrome
came up with himself Chrome was disappointed because senu was already aware of his invention however he praised Chrome and keki for being a great help to him in the war senu immediately planned to use the water wheel and he Incorporated it into a new invention as a result senu received a hydroelectric power plant he showed the miracle that they created together and they were All Amazed by the power station following this his friends asked what he had built and senu explained that they would use the new generator to generate electricity he told them that his
power station is not yet complete so he said that they would build a box to collect the escaping electricity later senu started his plan to make a battery to collect the electricity kasiki and chrome helped him out and he used the sulfuric acid and named it Ryu senu built a battery in just a few hours jinro learned about the danger of electricity and kohaku enjoyed the show at that moment he realized that with kinro he would never have to exert himself to generate energy again afterwards kohaku workout plan began to prepare the boys for the
fight against sucasa senu was working on the next invention but he made a mistake suddenly keki and chrome woke up and they couldn't stop working because they were having way too much fun so they started helping senu and they managed to build a new machine as a result they received an air blowing machine at level three later kokuo learned about an option to preserve food for the winter he was impressed and excited to learn new things then senu started his attempt to build a light bulb but his attempt failed many times meanwhile keki said that
despite all the hard work he is having a lot of fun and enjoying his time building things with him he said that senu is a great person and all the villagers enjoyed to support senu on his goal together the villagers harvested a lot of vegetables and they came closer and closer to their goal of building a civilization then we see the two cute twins who were stomping grapes to make wine they all continued to work diligently and managed to expand the kingdom of science a few months passed and the weather began to change senu and
his friends were ready for the winter to fight against sucasa when winter came Chrome remembered that the last time the light bulb went out immediately following this he explained the process to build a light bulb in an environmentally friendly way as a result they managed to build a light bulb that didn't go out immediately at night all the villagers were gathered by kohaku and senu said that the time would come soon suddenly it started snowing and ceki replied that they are ready to go at the right moment senu turned on the lights and he created
a beautiful Christmas tree that marked the beginning of the Christmas season senu said that today is Christmas in addition Santa Claus from another isekai anime appeared who was reincarnated into the Stone Age world in the mornings that followed Chrome realized that they could enter the caves without getting lost Chrome was motivated to find more rare stones and he wanted to help senu with his project to build a cell phone senu understood that Chrome wanted to explore the cave and he asked him to return before the new year afterwards senu planned to invent the next level
of the light bulb and he told ceki about his plan senu explained to them that they will serve as the heart of a cell phone and they realized that they made a mistake as a result the light bulb broke and senu came up with a plan to solve the problem he developed an idea and worked with his team Into the Night a few days later Chrome returned with a piece of Cooper and S confiscated a collected Stone he then started to build a solution to his problem but his attempt failed the reason for this was
that a bamboo filament burned out and they tried further attempts in the evening senu was depressed but kohaku tried to cheer him up unfortunately senu didn't have a plan to solve the problem all the villagers wanted to help senu and they hoped that they would find a solution in Chrome's Stone Collection meanwhile jinro learned that he was holding raccoon poop and senu became even more depressed sua wanted to cheer senu up and she tried to find a rare Rock meanwhile senu couldn't sleep because his project to build a cell phone had failed suddenly Jen appeared
in front of him and said that it was New Year all the villagers gathered to watch the sunrise together then Jen said that he doesn't even know how old he is anymore but senu knew his exact age shortly afterwards they arrived at the highest point of the mountain senu realized that the stone of sua was glowing and he knew that it was a gift from Santa Claus sua found a gemstone and senu explained to her that it is ski light in addition he said that the stone reacts to the rising of sunlight he knew it
was the solution to their problem and he said they could build a cell phone using the most heat resistant Rock in the universe in the afternoon senu began building a team so they could find more of the valuable gemstone senu looked at his friend's strengths as a result magma was chosen and he planned to go on a dungeon Expedition senku's friends were worried about his decision but all he thought about was building his cell phone Chrome understood that they needed more of the rare gemstones and magma plan to kill the both scientists before they went
into the cave he whispered something in Magma's ear and they said goodbye suddenly Jen started smiling because senu had left the village a few hours later they arrived at the cave where Chrome always looked for his rocks Chrome didn't trust magma and he wanted to know the reason behind senku's decision then senu replied that they have no other choice and they urgently need the power of magma to obtain the rare Rock suddenly Chrome said that magma might be planning to kill them but senu wanted to take the risk afterwards senu warned his team and he
explained about the danger of Frable rocks magma asked senu if they would die if they fell into the holes following this senu made a wrong step but magma sacrificed his life to save him magma fell into the hole but senu reached his hand so Chrome thought that magma was trying to push them into the hole and magma played the bad guy to get senu to let go of his hand unfortunately senu didn't give up on saving him and the ground started to crumble as a result the two fell into the hole and chrome failed to
save them a short time later senu tried to find a solution to get out of the hole and magma was annoyed with him senu replied that it's better than doing nothing and chrome poured water on his head the reason for this was that Chrome planned to pour water down the hole so they could swim out senu laughed and he didn't think the idea was bad he calculated the depth of the hole and came up with a complicated scientific formula Chrome replied that they can count on him and magma threw him a water pump then senu
talked to magma and he explained to him that all people are important to a civilization in addition he said that for this reason they need smart people as well as strong people with a lot of physical strength suddenly senu began to show him the true power of science magma remembered the amazing and interesting things created by science in the meantime Chrome was having trouble filling the hole with enough water the water flowed slowly into the hole and senu no longer had the strength to endure the cold however magma offered to let senu stand on his
shoulder he said that he would accept him as his boss until they defeated sukasa he then threw senu out of the hole with all his strength and chrome was shocked that magma accepted him afterwards they both got out of the hole and talked about the worst case scenario senu said that the worst case scenario would be that they would have to warm the themselves up with their body heat like vegans they were all happy not to be vegan and we learned that the boys were all into girls after a nap senu made a flashlight and
they continued their dungeon exploration later senu smiled and he said that they have come to the right place he discovered a scar deposit and explained that they had found treasure senu explained to him how the different colors of the rock came about he also said that without magma they would never have discovered the rare Place following this magma took out a pickaxe and he said that he could kill them with ease senu wasn't afraid and he knew that magma was just playing the villain however he explained to Chrome that magma had been trying to protect
them the whole time and he never intended to kill them at that moment Chrome understood that he was wrong and apologized to magma then they started to play Minecraft and they acquired the most heat resistant Rock in the universe after getting the rare Rock Chrome said that they found something more important than a treasure in the dungeon and that would be the true value of friendship senu and magma were disgusted by his words and they began to dig up the treasure before they returned magma remembered Jen's words about bringing senu back after 3 days magma
then forced the two of them to leave the cave with him immediately in the evening they almost arrived at the village and magma blindfolded senu Jen and kohaku were waiting for him because they had a surprise for him kohaku said that they all worked with Jen and he thought that his friends planned to betray him Jen replied that he has no idea what he's talking about and he said that kohaku can take the blindfold off following this he realized that his friends had built him an observatory with a telescope at that moment he remembered the
gift from his father suddenly kohaku said that senku's special day has come he learned that all the villagers and his friends were planning to celebrate his birthday with him then we find out that Jen had suggested building a surprise for senku's birthday 3 days ago all the villagers heard Jen's great plan and they offered to help them as a result everyone worked to build senu a laboratory meanwhile Jin WR teased him and he told senu that he should be happy to have such great friends senu was grateful about his birthday gift but he wondered how
they knew his birthday date then he remembered when he had told Jen his birth date a few days ago Jen replied that he discovered his tree where he had carved the date of his Revival so senu found out about Jen's story and he learned that Jen had decided to support him before they even met he knew that senu wasn't an emotional person and he was right a short time later Suka was allowed to test the telescope and she was amazed to see animals from from far away in the meantime senu and his friends noticed that
the rare stones from the cave Shone like diamonds in the sky kokuyo thought that they were using gemstones to make weapons and they were shocked at how stupid he was then Jen explained to him that they are using it to build cell phones and senu said that they have body parts to build it now senu planned to use the collected tungsten in the vacuum tubes and he knew that they had found a truly valuable treasure magma learned that senu needed the inside of the stone and he began destroying the stone Koko was surprised to see
magma volunteering to help and he asked if something happened in the cave the reason for this was that senu and magma became friends in the cave in the following morning senu explained that they would begin heating the tungsten toothpaste then Chrome learned that they can't heat tungsten toothpaste and glass senu explained to them that they will split up and one person will have to make a pinpoint heating machine suddenly Chrome realized that he was being entrusted with the important task Chrome was happy and he said that that with science he will succeed in his task
keki was jealous of their great friendship and he told them about his past they learned that he loved building new things so he said that he would also like to have a maker buddy suddenly Chrome said that he is wrong and he and senu are his maker buddies ceki thought he was too old and chrome replied that his age didn't matter at that moment he remembered the wonderful time he had spent with the two boys he realized that they were both right and he was grateful for their words as a result he transformed into muten
and he started working on the new project meanwhile Jen was forced to assist senu and he didn't understand a single word of his orders soon after Chrome created a giant lens and they all trusted Chrome's idea ceki wondered if the heat was enough and they started the test following this they conducted a test but they noticed that the lens did nothing Chrome tried a new idea and he used all his knowledge of science to solve the problem then his plan started working and he was punished for calling kohaku a gorilla the following morning senu finished
making tungsten toothpaste and he was shocked after seeing Chrome's build machine Chrome said that he used all his knowledge and senu was proud of his student then senu said that with the power of science they will change the world senu and his friends started working as a result they received the most heat resistant metal in the universe which is also called tungsten filament following this senu said that they have all the parts and they can start building a cell phone kaseki was motivated ated and senu explained the plan and the necessary glass instruments to his
friends keki looked at his idea and he was shocked by senku's Hickman pump senu said that they have already built a level one Hickman pump and now they need to build a more complicated pump unfortunately kasiki was unsure if he could build a Hickman pump and Jen used his Mentalist skills to motivate him kasiki replied that he didn't want to be cheered up by The Mentalist skills but he wanted the support of his maker buddy and senu entrusted him with the project sua also wanted to help senu and he entrusted the children with the wires
so sua and the other children began to help senu with his project later senu started making plastic with the chemistry team and Jen wanted to know how he planned to create it suddenly kaseki appeared and he forced Jen to help him with his work senu started making plastic and chrome didn't understand the work process however senu explained him the details and he was disgusted by the smell of a chemical shortly after he noticed that Suka and the other villagers were shaking and he decided to help them with his next project senu planned to get a
large amount of coal with his friends and jinro planned to run away kinro stopped him and he was forced to go collecting coal with them so senku's friends went to the mountains and he and the others made a furnace senu built a warm Hut for the kids so that they would not freeze in the cold winter besides he could use the co Ash for his project later kokuyo showed up and he was happy that senu became the village Chief because he created many miracles since the day he arrived in the afternoon senu asked Jen to
do him a favor he started rolling zinc like an onigiri and he realized that building a zinc carbon battery isn't that difficult to build so he started building several of them and he was shocked that senu needed 800 of the batteries meanwhile kohaku brought him a wine barrel and he explained that they will use the pink grains stuck on the lid in the days that followed senu began the final steps to build his cell phone all the villagers joined forces and worked for days straight someday jinro tried to run away but kinro forced him to
help them with building the body parts for the cell phone as a result they managed to produce many new inventions to expand the kingdom of science after a few weeks together they managed to build the body parts needed for a cell phone senu said that they can create the most powerful weapon in the modern world and the final day has come to build a cell phone so after months of work senu and his friends received a cell phone in the Stone Age world we then see the petrified statues and senu was aware that he had
progressed very well since his Revival he looked at his latest invention with his friends and they celebrated the successful project that will bring them Victory then kohaku imagined sending her voice from a long distance to another place unfortunately senu said that they would need a second cell phone and everyone was disappointed he then set up a long cable and said that it would also work combined with a speaker meanwhile jro realized that he could use this to confess his love to Ry everyone wanted to hear his confession of love and chrome planned to confess his
love to her so sua activated the cell phone but Chrome didn't have the courage to confess his love to her he said that science is great and everyone was shocked that he didn't take advantage of his opportunity meanwhile ruy said that it works like a speaker and senu realized that a speaker doesn't exist in the Stone World he learned that the children also know about the word speaker then ruy said that one of the 100 Tales tells about a bee the story is about a bee that injures its needle and becomes very loud because of
the pain at that moment senu remembered his father's grave and he understood the reason for the story about the bees senu ran with his friends to his father's grave and he believed that there was a treasure in the gravestone then he had to laugh and he said that the gravestone was a time capsule that came from his father magma planned to destroy the gravestone senu stopped him and kohaku used her skills to get to the Time Capsule after that he went to his laboratory and he realized that he received a record from his father Jen
was shocked to see a record and he was excited to see what happened next senu replied that his father and his crew had left them a message then senu told them that they could use it to capture voices but they didn't understand a single word senu explained to them that they would add the voice into the record using sound and a needle they were impressed by senku's father but he knew that his father wasn't smart enough to build it then we see byakuya and he found a glass bottle on the beach he had the idea
of making a record out of it and asked his friends to help him suddenly Jam walked away and he said that they don't have enough parts to make a record byakuya thought he didn't want to help him but he learned that he went to look for the missing components in the soyu then senu had the same idea as his father a thousand years ago and planned to build a record player with his friends ruy brought him a needle but they still needed a hard rock to build a record player following this we see that Dalia
wanted to use her diamond wedding ring to build the record player she said that she would be happier using it as a component for the record player after that we see senu build a record player too and all the villagers were called to his laboratory they learned that they will hear the voices of the founders of ishigami Village then senu began to prepare everything necessary and he placed the needle on the record suddenly the villagers heard byakuya's voice and they were happy to share this special moment together everyone was fascinated to hear senku's father's voice
and they learned that he was just like senu byakuya had a special message for senu and senu learned that his father believed he would be revived however he knew that senu is not a dramatic person and he started talking about his gift then he handed the microphone to Lily so they all listened together to Lily's beautiful voice the reason for this was that byakuya wanted to bring joy to his son through music so that he would never give up as a result all the villagers learned the miracle that came through music and they couldn't believe
that she sang as beautifully as Rihanna at that moment senu remembered the day after he was revived he experienced numerous adventures and was able to achieve many achievements in science he smiled and was grateful for the nice message his father gave him suddenly all the villagers started crying and they admired the Beautiful song that Lily had sung they realized the power of Science and they looked forward to experiencing more miracles with the power of science with senu then they decided to defeat the Tsukasa Empire and Jen was impressed by byakuya that after his death he
managed to motivate all the villagers to bring back civilization senu looked forward and kohaku said that he kept his promise she remembered when senu said that he will build the whole village into a nation of science following this she said that she is willing to spend her life with him and they will defeat the Tsukasa Empire to bring back civilization meanwhile taiu and yuzuriha were aware that one year has passed sukasa was sure that he would win the final battle against senu and he looked forward to the future afterwards we see senu and he planned
to use the power of Science and his Elite Warriors to win against sukasa
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