David Goggins INSANE Workout and Diet Revealed (SCREW SCIENCE!)

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If you wanted to know all about David Goggins’ workout and diet, especially to look and perform the ...
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with success in life comes more haters use it for fuel in times of need put them on theing mental roller decks in your mind and when you don't want to do [ __ ] pull up that [ __ ] that you need that person who said you couldn't do something worker fast enough good enough smart enough use it for energy instead of killing them with kindness Tor him with [ __ ] success stay hard well that [ __ ] worked what's up guys Jeff Cavalier aex.com so for those of you out there those very few
of you who are unfamiliar with David Goggins well that 30 second clip is my gift to you to make you well aware of why you need to watch more of him especially when you need that well-timed kick in the ass you see David gagin is a former Navy SEAL now turned Master motivator who even the best athletes in the world seek out like Damen Lillard from the Milwaukee Bucks or Tony Ferguson from the UFC and what these athletes seek out is not just to be tested and pushed to their physical limits but more importantly to
their mental limits and I want to investigate today whether or not there is some validity to the training methods that are again sometimes borderline psychotic but I say that incredibly respectfully and to that end there is one quote from fellow Navy SEAL Shane Patton from The Lone Survivor that's actually been closely attributed to the methodology of David gogins and that is anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing moderation is for cowards but is that true I'm 49 years old I train every [ __ ] day two hours of cardio every [ __ ] day
at least along weight training four or five days a week I overt train like a [ __ ] so a lot of you guys think you guys know the [ __ ] you talking about no trt no creatin find a doctor that gave it to me nothing ever nothing I do protein I eat [ __ ] good I eat foods that have [ __ ] like one or two ingredients not all that [ __ ] 49 stay hard and so when it comes to the scale of badassery if David Goggins is up here I like
to think that I'm maybe down here and that's okay I'm comfortable with that thought however we do share a couple things in common and that is we're both 49 years old and both natural and I'll tell you this I don't question for one second whether or not he's natural there are people out there that do they think he either can't do the Superhuman things he does or he looks too good to be natural and again let's look at that physique again I see muscular development he's got a big chest he's got big arms he's got
bigger shoulders but when you start to see the workouts that we lay out here and all the push-ups that he does and all the pull-ups that he does it is no surprise why those muscles are as developed as they are but when it comes to overtraining when you start to have legs that look like this to me it's an indicator that maybe you're doing just a little too much and I understand that this swelling and this pitting edema that David has in his lower body came after a surgery but it didn't stop him from do
what he was doing maybe you should just start to listen to the signals a little bit cuz it might actually get you where you want to be be faster by taking one step backwards that said I think it's time to look through the workouts and see is it too much or is it something actually you and I could do people don't get it man it's not like lifting weights it's like you know we go and do like so many reps people go oh you're only doing was like 90 some pounds on the incline [ __
] do five sets of 25 with a super set of push-ups super set of curls super set of pull-ups super set of triceps it's a super set man so we're going through lift and lightweight for massive massive amounts of reps and so you're like totally swollen and like it's just some of the best workouts in the world so I have to agree here I think first of all you have to Define what David goggin's goals are and how they might be a little bit different than yours because his aren't just to build as much muscle
as you humanly can he wants to be able to go more than show David needs to be able to perform and his workouts are based around that and you can see in some of the specific workouts exactly how that plays out like for instance the first one here is one called nickels and dimes right and what you do here is you do five pull-ups that's the Nickels part and 10 push-ups that's the dimes part you go back and forth and back and forth his goal is to get two rounds every minute so that means 10
pull-ups and 20 push-ups every minute on the minute and he does it for about an hour and a half or two hours I'm not kidding for real now I've done this workout and I lasted for you know 20 minutes 25 minutes I was able to keep up the pace but I could could imagine that at some point very soon I was going to start to tire out and not be able to keep up that pace but he's able to keep going because he's built his work capacity up by doing more of that that being said
he gets called out some people think he edits the videos some people think it's not real he never actually did that for an hour and a half so guess what he does he just goes on IG live and he winds up doing the thing in front of you live and shows you everything he's doing and by the way when you start to see this clip here it's cut and edited that's Jesse's work not his this is is alive straight feed of all the work he's doing there's no [ __ ] here guys he doesn't cut
corners but what he's doing is again he's trying to do the work to build up total work capacity because if you just trained to super high repetitions the literature is out there we could actually still build muscle but you have to take it to failure when you get to those really high repetition ranges anything beyond let say 15 20 25 for sure you better forth the effort that takes you all the way to failure if you want to see muscular growth from that work a lot of us don't have that capability we can't train hard
enough for long enough we don't have that David gogin Gene that allows us to push through the burn the discomfort to get to those points of muscular failure we just succumb to the burn and if you're going to do that then your volumes better be really really high because let's face it we know that David gagas has muscle but again it's probably coming from the acrel of just a lot a lot of volume I even told you about my wife who was a barber who had her hands in this position cutting hair for hours upon
hours every day it was a side effect that she got bigger traps she didn't want big traps but as a side effect she got bigger I think sometimes David goggin's muscular growth is a side effect of all the volume that he's doing but it goes even further than that because the people that call him out sometimes they get a visit from David Goin so they get invited to go train with him so he'll just do the the workout with you and most importantly he does this with his haters sometimes maybe only one out of every
1,000 actually shows up but the ones that do I give them credit they got balls but if we look at some more specific workouts here's another favorite of his again it's push-up base that's why he's got that big chest it's 150 push-ups with a 50 lb vest so how he does this is he does 15 sets of 10 push-ups with 30 seconds rest between sets if you want to try this you don't really necessarily need a vest you can take a 45lb plate close enough right and subject yourself to that type of workout now the
goal of the workout of a Navy SEAL was doing it was to be able to complete it in those 15 minutes just sticking to that rest that I said and being able to perform it however mere mortal guy was actually able to do it with David gogin in 22 minutes but then doesn't just overload his push-ups with weighted vest he can actually do it with Tempo too and I've often times told you guys what a great tool that is here he does something called the Bring Sally Up Challenge the song he goes down every time
it says bring Sally up he's up every time it bring Sally down it's down but you have to hold it until it starts to get back to bring Sally up again so it increases the time under tension in that bottom position there which we know is a good position for stretch anyway so manipulating timing of the work workouts is a great thing changing the exercise up and doing something more explosive like a burpee he's got a burpee test he wants to know how long does it take you to do 100 burpees now I'll give you
some personal experience here I once tried I think on this channel to do 53 burpees I believe in 2 minutes my wife had to come back downstairs about 30 minutes later and tend to me and offer me water cuz I was still laying on my back saying please don't touch me don't come near me I need to recover I'm gasping for air she thought about calling 911 so to give you an indication could I make in 10 minutes probably but is this easy no a score of under 10 minutes is solid under 11 minutes is
acceptable and over 13 minutes is totally unacceptable and you have to do it again now he goes back to more of those pull-ups again cuz again one of my favorite exercises he likes to do them as well he has something called Pull-Ups and chin-ups what does that look like again people give him [ __ ] for this they say his form is bad I'll get to that in a second but it basically he does 100 pull-ups in under 10 minutes takes a three minute rest and then he just does five pull-ups every 5 Seconds do
five pull-ups rest for a count of five do five more rest for a count of five see how many he can do until he can't do five anymore when he can't he stops but that's only halfway through the workout cuz I said it was pull-ups and chin-ups for chin-ups now he goes back after a 10-minute rest 100 chin-ups in under 10 minutes and then after a 3 minute rest he's going to do the five and five five and five so five chin-ups 5 Seconds rest five chin-ups 5 Seconds rest so how long can he go
there until he can't do five channels again he says stay hard this is pretty [ __ ] hard that being said go back to the form again people want to critique this form they say this is no good I don't see anything wrong with this leaning back this is not a Kipping pull-up and I be the first one to call that out he's leaning back to do the pull-up he's turning it into a bit of a row but that doesn't take away from the difficulty of the exercise he's still got the vertical component he's still
got a little bit of a lean back that might hit the upper back a little bit more favorably over the lats but again still good clean Pull-Ups here and nothing that I have a problem with at all but then it gets into sort of The Psychotic stuff okay because I'm not really a conditioning guy I'm going to give you my gu's honest truth here and once we start to hear the word run my knees start to yell at me from down below it's just what happens but this one's called run push-up run and the goal
here is to do a six mile run but at every half mile he's going to stop and do 25 push-ups so run a half mile do 25 push-ups run the rest of the half mile do 25 push-ups and he starts with a 9 minute mile Pace then he's got five more miles to go though and the second mile is going to drop 10 seconds off the pace so now his goal is 8 minutes and 50 seconds still do 25 push-ups every half mile 25 push-ups when you're done with the full mile then drop the pace
down to 840 and then 830 and 820 and 810 so at the end of the workout you've done six total miles of work and 300 push-ups again this is taxing your entire Energy System is this a good workout I do do think it's a good workout I think it can have far-reaching benefits Beyond sometimes what we just accomplished with really focused contractions in the gym again that's not the goal here is total work capacity that he's trying to build but this is where it just gets downright stupid and when I say stupid I mean that
very respectfully again because when I look at this workout my knees actually throw up my mouth and this is called the 4448 and that is run four miles every 4 hours for 48 hours my God that's almost too Marathon B in two days but do you have the mental capacity and toughness to do this do you even have the mental toughness to wake yourself up and get yourself out for a run 4 hours later because again this is every 4 hours for 48 hours not something I want to do but again David does and he
can and it's not a secret when you realize again that unbreakable spirit and drive and determination is what allows him to do that but there is a secret that he has and it comes down to how he maintained his skin tightness when you lost all that weight you might want to listen to this one you lost 100 pounds in three months right and you don't like you are like cut most people lose 30 lbs and they have a bunch of marks everywhere yeah and their chest is like falling down and stuff like how how' you
do that is there a secret there is a secret and um I hate to even divulge it but I'll give you a little piece of it it's a little piece of it I developed a psychotic weight routine mhm so most people who want to lose weight they go into the serious cardiovascular just dropping calories yeah so yeah that helps you lose weight but what happens is man you have this loose skin all over your body so I pick a lightweight and I go in there and I smoke out that like so let's say it's bench
press let's say I can do the bar a 100 times without stopping you want to pick something that you can do over a hundred times without stopping if you do stop you stop in the so so your rest position is the up position you don't rest it you know like rack it you don't rack it you rest up and by you resting up your muscles are still working and you can only rest for 10 seconds until you get a 100 reps yeah and what that does what what it did for me I kind of invented
this on my own it literally was burning so much muscle like my muscle was just getting fatigued the lactic acid and it kind of kept that muscle nice and tight yeah and that's what helped me out a lot there's a lot to talk about here so first of all this technique that he's talking about it's actually similar at a much higher level to the effective rep strategy that we've covered in our 100 workouts here on the channel where you take yourself to this extreme degree of failure although we do it with heavier weights and lower
rep ranges but you get back into what we call those effective reps because once you start again after just a 10sec rest in this case you're hitting right back into that zone again where the repetitions are challenging but because because the weight is so light here he's able to continue to grind out but here's one of the big differences you're not David Goggins and don't get me wrong neither am I and again you have to be able to push through that burn and pain and discomfort if you want to see the results of these types
of workouts or more importantly to see the muscle growth effects of these because what I think Dave is talking about here is the ability to grow muscle even at some of these higher rep range in insane psychotic workouts as I just talked about before those extreme volumes and what happens is as you lose that weight instead of just being left with loose skin from just losing weight from extreme dieting or just cardio work you want to be able to fill that skin in much the same way that a shirt sleeve will be baggy if it's
loose and there's no muscle in there and actually fill up if you actually can build some muscle and stretch out that shirt sleeve the same thing can happen with your skin giving it a better looking appearance in the long run that said if you have loose skin right now here's the three factors that are really going to play into what it looks like on you number one how long have you been overweight right because the longer skin is stretched out the more it's going to lose this elasticity and have the ability to bounce back to
that end how old are you when you're trying to do this because as we get older our skin starts to get thinner and the elasticity is lost and you're just going to have a much tougher time as you get older maintaining that tightness to the skin and thirdly how much weight did you have to lose how big how much were you trying to stretch that skin out because the more overweight you were then the more you're going to have to struggle with trying to get back that tightness in the skin and sometimes it's not even
able to be eradicated without surgery that being said the best way to approach and prevent that loose skin is to have your nutrition and diet dialed in and that's something David does too that we definitely need to learn from so as far as managing my diet when I eat it it always varies but the biggest thing about diet for me is timing is I truly believe in timing I shut it off shut off Meals by 6:30 so this is actually something that I don't really agree with him about as someone that works out at 10:30
every night and eats dinner at 12:00 midnight I certainly don't prescribe to the belief that you can't eat after 6:30 and still remain lean as I've proven now for over 20 years I believe that ultimately it's the calories that you take in the calories that you burn that Nets out to your body weight that you walk around with that being said I do believe in eating around the clock I don't snack at all in between meals if you eat four meals a day five meals a day whatever it is do not snack in between meals
and that's what I believe in so the way I say to eat for the most success is to make yourself impermeable to The Temptations of eating between meals and the way to do that is to Simply eat around the clock so if you assign I don't know let's say five meals your three basic meals breakfast lunch and dinner and you have one snack time in between breakfast and lunch and one between lunch and dinner you'll be eating around every 2 and 1/2 hours and let's say you ate a breakfast the likelihood that you're starving a
half an hour later an hour later is not likely especially if you're eating the right foods and what happens is maybe you'll start to get a little hungry with just a half an hour left but you don't have to wait all the way till lunch you're able to eat in a half hour from then for your snack and anybody can have the ability to withstand that Temptation for 30 minutes rather than me telling you well you have to wait until the next Meal which could be hours away it becomes more difficult and when you know
that the clock is determining when you can eat next you're never succumbing to those in between meals and snacks that often times are the biggest culprits when it comes to the number of calories that you eat in a day I'm a big believer having small meals throughout the day with protein and every one of the meals very little carbohydrates unless I'm running big mileage and again here I'm a big believer in that protein and what that does it actually helps you to make it to that next meal whether it be a snack or a regular
meal because it's satiating right it helps to fill you and not just that it helps in your pursuit of building muscle so the more protein you have which I recommend at every single meal then the Better Off You Are by the way if you're looking for a good high quality protein athl X pro 30g available over at aex.com that being said what about cheat meals I have a lot of cheat meals bro so I'm doing [ __ ] that we did you know that always did in the military so I'm eating like I have a
whole large pizza sometimes with some [ __ ] cookies but when I'm not training at that level my diet is very much about you know bison meat grilled chicken [ __ ] uh sweet sweet potatoes protein shakes oatmeal and that's again something that I prescribe to if you want to have a cheat meal fine you don't have to be perfect to be incredibly ripped but you want to make sure it's a cheat meal and not a cheat day and you'll never hear David gogins talking about necessarily cheat days he understands the discipline just like everywhere
else in his training to limit it to a single meal I on the other hand sometimes I limit it to one meal per year but again in some ways I guess I am a psychotic as David Goggins but if you're able to work your cheat meals in as just that meals then by all means have them it might help you keep the sanity to keep yourself committed for the full year but while David goggin might believe in cheap meals he certainly doesn't believe in cheating yourself I rather you hate me and get better than like
me and stay the same a lot of us are full of [ __ ] I was one of those people back in the [ __ ] day and sometimes I'm still full of [ __ ] we think that we're working our ass off working hard you know we've been working out hard in the gym for a month but we haven't seen any results so we get all [ __ ] down and poopy pants and [ __ ] you study for 30 minutes for a [ __ ] test and you didn't do as well as you
thought what the [ __ ] did you expect you're not putting in the work you have to do more you got to stop telling yourself that you're doing enough in life is never enough until you feel this overwhelming feeling of [ __ ] man I'm out working the crowd I'm not working everybody I'm doing more it's not until then once you get there that's when you [ __ ] know you've done enough stay hard and this to me is where it all comes together if you remember nothing else from this hopefully you'll go listen to
more David Goggins because that right there makes even the motivators motivated the reason why is because sometimes I even have to check myself if you walk away from a workout and you know that you didn't even give your own best you didn't even reach your own capacity then you know for a fact that you didn't outwork every other person in the world and what David's saying is only when you feel and it may not be true but you feel like you've outworked everybody will you know that you at least gave your best and that's all
you can do and when you're looking to make changes you have to challenge yourself if you're not challenging yourself you're cheating yourself guys hopefully you enjoyed this video If you're looking for more of them tell me who else you want me to cover if you're looking for full programs and again that Pro 30g you can find it over at athl next.com guys I always say stay strong but in honor of David Goggins stay hard I'll see you next time
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