Trees talk and share resources right under our feet, using a fungal network nicknamed the Wood Wide ...
Video Transcript:
[Music] trees may look like solitary individuals but the grounds beneath our feet tells a different story trees are secretly talking trading and waging war on one another they do this using a network of fungi that grow around and inside their roots the fungi provide the trees with nutrients and in return they receive sugars but scientists have found this connection runs far deeper than first thought by plugging into the fungal Network trees can share resources with each other the system has been nicknamed the Wood Wide Web it's thought that older trees fondly known as mother trees
use this fungal Network to supply shaded seedlings with sugars giving them a better chance of survival those trees that are sick or dying may dump their resources into the network which might then be used by healthier neighbors plants also use fungi to send messages to one another if they're attacked they can release chemical signals through their roots which can warn their neighbors to raise their defenses but like our Internet the Wood Wide Web has its dark side too some orchids hack the system to steal resources from nearby trees and other species like the black walnut
spread toxic chemicals through the network to sabotage their rivals arboreal cybercrime aside scientists are still debating why plants seem to behave in such an altruistic way the hidden Network creates a thriving community between individuals when you're next in woodland you might like to think of trees as part of a big super organism chatting and swapping information and food under your feet