Before the time of kings, before the Flood, there was a man who walked with God and bore witness to the secrets of the heavens. His name [Music] was Enoch. Enoch was taken to the heavens beyond the realm of mortals to behold what no man was meant to see: the secrets of the fallen [Music] angels, the chambers of creation, and the divine judgments that would shape the fate of [Music] humanity. But with knowledge comes the weight of truth, and what Enoch uncovered was a war between worlds—angels who descended to Earth, forbidden covenants, and a corruption
that awakened the wrath of the [Music] Creator. This is not merely the tale of a man; it is the story of a rebellion, of the fall of immortal beings, and of a final judgment that would alter the destiny of the heavens and the Earth [Music] forever. Write, Enoch, so that future generations may know the truth and prepare for what is to come. Enoch, secrets of Heaven and Earth: Enoch, Enoch, Enoch, Enoch, Enoch, son of Jared, you who have found favor in my eyes, hear my call. "Lord, what do you ask of me? I am but
a man, small before your greatness." "I have chosen you as my messenger. What is hidden shall be revealed through you. Rise, Enoch, and follow my celestial messenger. I am Uriel, the guardian of God's mysteries. Walk with me, Enoch, for I shall reveal to you the secrets of the heavens and the corruption of the Earth." "This is beyond anything I ever imagined. Where are we?" "You stand at the threshold of the heavens, but not all that you witness will be beautiful. Enoch, you must know the truth, even if it breaks your heart. Write, Enoch, write what
you see and what you will see. But remember this: knowledge is a burden; not all will understand it, and many will reject it. Will you accept this fate?" "If it is God's will, I shall accept it. Though my heart may break, I will write what must be written. Lord, grant me the strength to fulfill this calling." The secrets of the heavens have been revealed, but at what cost? This is the account of what Enoch saw in the heavens. **Part 1: The Book of the Watchers** **Chapter 1: Introduction and Context of Enoch's Vision** The words of
the blessing of Enoch, with which he blessed the righteous and the chosen who shall live in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and the ungodly shall be removed. Enoch, a righteous man whose mouth was opened by God, beheld the vision of the Holy One and of the heavens. This is what he saw: "I saw a vision for the generations to come, not for this generation, but for a distant future concerning the elect. I spoke, and for them I wrote: The Holy and Great One shall come forth from the heavens; he shall tread upon
Mount Si and be revealed in his camp and shall appear in his mighty power from the heavens. He shall come with 10,000 of his saints to execute judgment upon all, to destroy the wicked and to convict all flesh of all the impious deeds which sinners and the ungodly have committed against him. All who dwell upon the Earth shall awaken, but the righteous shall live, and the wicked shall be destroyed. Then there shall be peace, and the righteous shall walk in paths of justice, and the Lord shall be their guide, and they shall have eternal light."
**Chapter 2: Observations on Creation and Nature** "Look upon all that happens in the heavens, how the luminaries in the sky do not stray from their paths, how each one rises and sets in order according to its seasons and does not deviate from what God has commanded. See the Earth and pay attention to all that takes place upon it from the beginning to the end—how nothing upon it changes, and all obeys God. Observe the signs in the heavens, how all the stars appear in their appointed time and how the Sun and the Moon follow their perfect
courses according to the command given to them by the Lord. They do not alter their orbits, and all works together in obedience to God. But you men have disobeyed; you have not followed the ways of the Lord, and your wickedness has exceeded all limits. The Watchers, too—the angels sent to guide you—strayed from their mission and corrupted their ways. Therefore, the wicked face judgment, and the punishment will be great. Observe how each tree bears fruit in its season, how the rivers flow in their course, how the sea remains within its boundaries; all creation follows the laws
of the Most High. Yet men and fallen angels have not respected his commandments. Judgment will come upon all who have sinned and upon those who have followed the ways of injustice. The righteous, however, shall be rewarded and shall find eternal peace; the wicked shall be destroyed, and no memory of them shall remain. Look how the seasons change in their appointed time, the days of summer and winter. See how everything in the Earth and heavens bears witness to the glory of God. Yet men have brought chaos into this world through their actions. Judgment is prepared, and
the Most High shall not delay in executing it." **Chapter 3: The Fall of the Watchers and the Rise of the Nephilim** In those days, when the sons of men multiplied, beautiful and comely daughters were born unto them. The angels, the sons of heaven, saw them and desired them, and they said to one another, "Come, let us choose wives from among the daughters of men and beget children with them." Then Sjar, who was their leader, said to them, "I fear that you will not agree to do this deed." I alone shall bear the blame for a
great sin. But they all answered him, "Let us swear an oath and bind ourselves by a solemn curse that we shall not turn back until we have accomplished this thing and brought it to pass." Then they all swore together and bound themselves by a curse. There were in total 200, and they descended in the days of Jared upon the summit of Mount Herman. They called it Herman because upon it they swore and bound themselves by a curse. These are the names of their leaders: Semjaza, who was their chief; Oraki; Baril; Akil; Tamel; Ramuel; Danel; Ezekiel;
Barakiel; Asel; Amaros; Batel; Anel; Zakel; Samsel; Sarel; Turel; Jel; and Sarel. These were the chiefs of T, and all of them took wives unto themselves, each choosing one, and they began to approach them and fill themselves with them. They taught them enchantments and sorceries and revealed to them how to cut roots and herbs. They became pregnant and bore giants, whose height was 300 cubits. These devoured all that men could produce, and when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and began to devour mankind. They also sinned against birds, beasts, reptiles, and
fish, and they devoured one another's flesh and drank blood. Then the earth cried out against the lawless ones, and Azazel taught men to forge swords, knives, shields, and breastplates. He revealed to them the metals of the earth and how to work them, as well as bracelets, ornaments, the use of antimony, the beautification of the eyelets, all kinds of precious stones, and all manner of dyes. Then much wickedness arose, and they committed fornication and were led astray in all their ways. Semjaza taught enchantments and the cutting of fruits. Armaros taught the undoing of spells. Barakiel taught
astrology. Cabel taught the constellations. Ezekiel taught cloud divination. Arakel taught the signs of the earth. Samil taught the signs of the sun, and Sarel taught the course of the moon. As men perished, they cried out and their cry ascended to the heavens. Then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw the great bloodshed upon the earth and all the iniquity being committed. They said to one another, "The earth cries out with the voice of its lamentation unto the gates of heaven. Now to you, the holy ones of heaven, the souls of men
cry saying, 'Present our case before the Most High.'" They said to the Lord of the heavens, "You are the Lord of lords, God of gods, King of kings, and the throne of your glory remains for all the generations of the world. Your name is holy, great, and blessed for all eternity. You have made all things, and you have power over them all. Everything is open before you, and you see all things, and nothing can be hidden from you. You have seen what Azazel has done, who has taught all kinds of injustice on earth and has
revealed the eternal secrets that were kept in the heavens, which men were striving to learn. Semjaza, to whom you have given authority to rule over his associates, has gone to the daughters of men and has lain with them and has defiled himself and has revealed these sins to them. The women have given birth to giants, and the whole earth has been filled with blood and iniquity. And now behold, the souls of those who have died cry out and lament up to the gates of heaven, and their groaning has ascended, and they cannot rest because of
the iniquity that has been committed on earth. But you know all things before they happen. You know this and tolerate these things, and you do not tell us what we should do about them." Then the Most High, the holy and great one, spoke and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech, saying, "Go to Noah and tell him in my name, 'Hide yourself and reveal to him the end that is coming, that the whole earth will be destroyed and a flood will come upon the whole earth and destroy everything that is on it. Now instruct the
righteous one, Noah, on what he must do to preserve his life and the seed of the whole earth for future generations.'" Again the Lord said to Raphael, "Bind Azazel by his hands and feet and cast him into the darkness. Make an opening in the desert that is in Dudiel and throw him there. Place rough and sharp rocks over him and cover him with darkness, and let him remain there forever and cover him so that he does not see the light. On the day of the great judgment, he will be cast into the fire. Heal the
earth that the angels have corrupted and announce to it that I have healed the earth and that all corruption will be removed. Let all the children of men not be lost because of the mystery that the Watchers have revealed and have taught their children. The whole earth has been corrupted by the teaching of Azazel's works, and upon him shall fall all the blame." And the Lord said to Gabriel, "Proceed against the bastards and the reprobates and against the children of fornication, and destroy the children of the Watchers from among men. Send them against each other
so that they may destroy themselves in battle, for they will not have long lives and no petition that their fathers make will be heard, for they hope to live an eternal life and that each of them would live for 500 years." And the Lord said to Michael, "Go and announce to Semjaza and his associates who have joined with women to defile themselves with them in all their impurity, their destruction is determined. Bind them for 70 generations in... The valleys of the earth, until the day of their judgment and consummation, until the Eternal judgment is completed,
in those days, they will be led to the abyss of fire and to torment, and they will be confined for all eternity, and destroy all the spirits of the reprobates and the children of the Watchers; for they have harmed men. Destroy all injustice from the face of the earth, and let all evil work come to an end, and let the plant of righteousness and truth appear, and let it be a blessing. Let the works of righteousness and truth be planted forever with joy, and then all the righteous will escape, and they will live until they
beget thousands of children. All the days of their youth and their old age will be completed in peace. Then the whole earth will be cultivated in righteousness, and it will be planted with trees and filled with blessing. All the trees of the earth will yield fruit, and there will be vineyards in abundance, and every seed that is sown will produce a thousand times more. A measure of olive will produce ten presses of oil. Cleanse the earth of all oppression, of all injustice, of all sin, of all impiety, and of all contamination that is being done
upon it. Destroy from the earth all the children of men and all the impious things, and let all evil work come to an end. And now, my children, speak of righteousness and walk in it; for in the paths of righteousness, you shall be planted forever. [Music] Chapter 4: Enoch as Mediator and the Judgment of the Watchers In those days, I was taken from among the children of men, and the angels called me and led me to a remote place. They said, "Enoch, you scribe of righteousness, go and speak with the Watchers of Heaven, who have
abandoned the Heavenly Heights and defiled themselves with women, behaving like the sons of men. They have taken wives for themselves and have corrupted the earth. Tell them there will be no peace for you, nor forgiveness of sins." So I went and spoke with them. They were gathered in the place called Abel-Man, which is between Lebanon and Senir, covering their faces in shame. I told them all the words of righteousness that had been given to me, and they began to tremble with fear. They pleaded with me to write a petition for them, so they could ask
for forgiveness and have me bring their request before the Most High in Heaven, for they could no longer approach Him nor lift their eyes to Heaven because of the sins they had committed. I then wrote their petition and the pleas of the fallen angels and carried their request to Heaven. I ascended and reached the waters of the heavenly region. There, I saw the gates of Heaven open and entered the place where the throne of God was. I fell on my face and spoke before the Most High, delivering the petition the Watchers had asked me to
present. But the Most High responded, saying, "Go and tell the Watchers of Heaven who sent you with this message: you were once holy and spiritual, living eternal life, but you defiled yourselves with women like the sons of men and fathered children of flesh and blood. Because of this, you have brought great wickedness upon the earth. You were never given permission to reveal the secrets of Heaven, nor to teach such things to the sons of men; yet you did so. As a result, they have learned things they were never meant to know, and now they are
corrupted." The Most High continued: "You, the Watchers, will have no peace; there will be no forgiveness for your sins; you will be condemned forever. As for your children, the Nephilim, who were born from your union with women, they will be destroyed, for they have brought chaos and bloodshed upon the earth." Then I returned and told them everything that God had said. I explained that there was no possibility of intercession, no mercy for them, because they had committed an unforgivable sin by abandoning their heavenly state. Enoch describes a vision in which he was shown the heavens
and the future judgment of the Watchers. In his vision, he saw a dark place filled with fire and endless columns of flames; this was the fate that awaited the fallen angels. There, they would be chained forever, awaiting the final judgment. The Most High said to him, "This place that you have seen is the prison of the angels; here they will be held until the great day of judgment when they will be condemned to the Eternal Abyss for their sins." Then Enoch was shown a radiant throne surrounded by rivers of fire; there sat the Most High,
surrounded by angels who sang and praised His name. It was then that Enoch understood the magnitude of the judgment to come. God explained to Enoch that the children of the Watchers, the Nephilim, would be destroyed, but their spirits would remain on earth as malevolent beings. The Most High said, "The spirits of the giants who were born of flesh will become evil spirits upon the earth. The spirits of the giants will leave their bodies, for they were born of men and of the holy Watchers. Their origin is of blood and flesh, and they will bring destruction
upon the earth. They will be known as wicked spirits; they harm, destroy, attack, and fight. They will not eat or drink, but they will be invisible to human eyes. They will rise against the sons of men and against women, for they came forth from them." God declared that the Nephilim would be physically erased from the earth, but their spirits would remain as a curse until the end of... Time God entrusted Enoch with the task of writing all these Revelations and Visions so that future generations would understand the sin of the Watchers and the consequence of
their rebellion. Enoch was to record how the Fallen Angels had brought corruption to the world and how God's judgment was inevitable for the wicked. "You, Enoch, write all of this, for these things will serve as a warning for future generations. Let them know what happened when the Watchers abandoned heaven and when their children brought destruction upon the Earth, for the judgment of the Most High will be just, and no one will escape from Him." Enoch completed his mission as a mediator between God and the Watchers, faithfully delivering the divine message. Although the Fallen Angels hoped
for mercy, God made it clear to them that their sin could not be forgiven. Their children, the Nephilim, would be physically destroyed, but their evil spirits would remain on Earth as a testament to the corruption they had brought. Enoch, as a scribe of righteousness, recorded everything he had seen and heard so that future generations would know of the sins of the Watchers and the justice of the Most High. **Chapter 5: Enoch's Visions of Heaven, Hell, and the Final Judgment** After delivering the Most High's message to the Watchers, I was taken by the angels to different
places to witness the wonders of the heavens, the earth, and the abyss. The angels guiding me said, "Enoch, scribe of righteousness, these things will be shown to you so that you may understand the order of creation and the destinies reserved for the righteous and the sinners." First, I was taken to a place where the waters never ceased. I saw rivers of fire and columns of flame descending endlessly. The entire place shone with an intense light. I asked the angels who were with me, "What is this place?" They replied, "This is the edge of the heavens
and the earth. Here lie the foundations of the sky." Then I was taken to a place where the elements were mixed: wind, water, and fire. There I saw the foundations of the earth and the storehouses of thunder, lightning, and storms. Everything was perfectly arranged according to God's command. The angels said to me, "These are the treasures of creation prepared for the day when the Lord will execute judgment upon men and angels." In another place, I saw the Watchers who had been chained for their disobedience. They were terrifying figures filled with despair. The angels accompanying me
said, "These are the Watchers who descended to earth and united with women. Now they are bound until the great day of judgment. Their children, the giants, were physically destroyed, but their evil spirits remain on Earth, causing destruction and wickedness." Then I was taken to a place where the spirits of the dead resided. I saw four separate chambers: one for the righteous who rested in peace and three others for the sinners, filled with suffering. I asked the angels, "What is this place?" They replied, "This is Sheol, where the spirits of men await the day of judgment.
The righteous are at peace, but the sinners suffer in anticipation of the judgment to come. On the day of the final judgment, they will be cast into the eternal fire." After that, I was taken to a place of burning fire that never went out. It was filled with pillars of fire that moved without ceasing. I asked, "What is this terrifying place?" The angels replied, "This is the place reserved for rebellious spirits and sinners who have rejected God. Here they will remain for all eternity." Then I was taken to a sacred mountain, higher than any on
earth. Upon this mountain, I saw the throne of God, surrounded by rivers of fire and thousands of angels who sang and praised the Most High. The angels said to me, "This is the throne of the Most High, where He judges all of creation." On the sacred mountain, I saw a massive tree, its fruit more beautiful than any other. I asked, "What is this wondrous tree?" The angels replied, "This is the Tree of Life. On the day of restoration, this tree will be given to the righteous, who will eat its fruit and live forever." Then they
showed me a valley full of rocks and fire. This valley, the angels said, was the place where the kings and the mighty who had oppressed the righteous would be judged and destroyed. I was taken to different places on earth where I saw the treasures of creation. I saw mountains of gold, silver, and precious stones, and I also saw rivers and gardens filled with life. The angels said all this was created for mankind to enjoy, but many have used it for evil. On the day of judgment, these things will be restored to the righteous. Then I
was taken to the heavens to observe the stars, the sun, and the moon. I saw how all the celestial bodies followed a perfect course, obeying the laws of God. The angels said to me, "Just as the stars obey God, so too must mankind. But the wicked have disobeyed, and for this they will face judgment." Finally, the angels took me back to the sacred mountain, where the Most High spoke to me directly. He said, "Enoch, write down everything you have seen and heard, for these words are for future generations. The righteous will live in peace and
inherit the earth while the wicked will be destroyed forever. I will judge all of creation, and my justice will be eternal." And so Enoch concluded his visions, leaving a record of all that he saw and heard. These visions were given as a warning to the wicked and a promise to the righteous, so that they would know that God's judgment is just and true. Parables, Chapter 1: Introduction to The Parables This is the beginning of the second Book of Enoch. It includes visions that Enoch received regarding the destinies of the righteous and the sinners, the wonders
of the heavens, and the mysteries of the celestial world. This book is composed of three parables, each revealed to Enoch by the angels who guided him. This is the second vision I received, which concerns the inhabitants of the Earth. I, Enoch, was blessed by the Lord of Glory, the Eternal King, who showed me all these things. Enoch explains that in this vision, the secrets of Heaven and Earth were revealed to him, and he saw the final destiny of both men and angels. He says, in this vision, I saw the dwelling place of the righteous, the
place prepared for them in eternity, and I also saw the fate of the sinners who will be cast away into eternal fire. All this was shown to me so that I might write it down and reveal it to future generations. Enoch describes how the Lord of the heavens spoke to him directly and unveiled mysteries that had been hidden from humanity. He states that the purpose of these parables is to teach men about righteousness, the coming judgment, and the promise of eternal life for the righteous. The Lord of Spirits showed me all things, both visible and
invisible; he revealed to me the secrets of the heavens, the stars, the lightning, and the thunder, as well as the mysteries hidden in the depths of the Earth. All this was made known to me by His will so that I might be a faithful witness. Finally, Enoch concludes the chapter by introducing the three parables that will unfold in the following sections of the book. The first parable speaks of the destiny of the righteous and the sinners and the day when the righteous will be vindicated. The second parable focuses on the mysteries of the Son of
Man, who will be the judge of all creation. The third parable describes the future kingdom of God, the restoration of justice, and the final destruction of the wicked. These parables were given to me so that men may understand that the Lord of Spirits is just, that His judgment is eternal, and that all secrets will be revealed in His time. Chapter 2: First Parable The destiny of the righteous and the sinners. I, Enoch, have seen great visions revealed by the Lord of Spirits. This is the destiny of the righteous and the sinners that the Most High
has shown me so that future generations may know what is to come. I saw how the righteous rose like the light of the sun; their righteousness shone, and their faces radiated with glory. They would fear no more, for the Lord would be with them, and they would walk in His light forever. But I also saw the fate of the sinners: they were cast out, expelled from the Earth, and taken to a place of eternal darkness. Their shame would have no end, and there would be no rest for them anywhere. I saw how the world would
be transformed; the Earth would yield its fruits in abundance, and the mountains and hills would be filled with joy. I saw how the righteous would walk with the Son of Man, and His light would be with them for all eternity. This is the day when the righteous will be vindicated and the sinners will be destroyed. The Lord of Spirits took me to a wondrous place where I saw the dwelling of the holy ones. Everything was filled with light and peace; the rooms of the righteous were like a paradise surrounded by trees bearing fragrant and beautiful
fruits. There the chosen ones of the Most High dwell, and there was no sorrow among them; everything was eternal joy. But I also saw the fate of the sinners; they were taken to a place of torment where there was neither rest nor comfort. I saw their shame, and I understood that they themselves were witnesses to their own destruction. In my vision, I also saw the four great archangels who stand before the throne of God. They are Michael, who protects God's people and fights against their enemies; Raphael, who heals diseases and guides the righteous; Gabriel, who
announces the judgments of the Most High and reveals the secrets of Heaven; and Uriel, who guards the hope of the righteous and leads them to eternal life. I saw how the four archangels sang and praised the Lord of Spirits. Their voices were like the roar of many waters, and they said, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Spirits; all creation is filled with His glory." Then I was taken to see the secrets of Heaven and Earth. I saw how the sun, the moon, and the stars followed their courses, obeying the command of the Most High.
I saw the storehouses of the wind, the rain, and the storms, and I understood how everything is perfectly ordered according to God's will. I also saw the heavenly books where all the deeds of men are recorded. In these books, the righteous are remembered for eternal life, but the sinners are recorded for punishment. I knew that on the day of judgment, these books would be opened, and each man would be judged according to his works. I saw how wisdom descended from Heaven, seeking a place among men, but they, in their wickedness, rejected it. Wisdom lamented and
said, "I will not find a place among men; I will return to the throne of the Most High and rest there forever." My heart was grieved to see how men rejected the wisdom of God, for in doing so they also rejected His blessing. I saw the stars in the sky, and each one had a name and a purpose given by the Lord of Spirits. Spirits, I saw how some stars had disobeyed, abandoning their course, and therefore they were cast into the abyss along with the fallen angels. There they remain until the day of judgment, when
they will be destroyed. I also saw the spirits of men; the spirits of the righteous ascended to heaven and were received with joy, but the spirits of the sinners were rejected and sent to dark places where they awaited their punishment. Let the righteous rejoice, for the Most High is their refuge and strength, but let the sinners tremble, for the day of judgment is near, and no one will escape the justice of the Lord of spirits. Chapter 3: Second Parable - The Son of Man and the Universal Judgment I, Enoch, have received this parable from the
Lord of spirits, and in it the deepest mysteries about the Son of Man, the one who will be the judge of all creation, were revealed to me. This is what I saw and heard: I saw a glorious throne, high and majestic, surrounded by light and fire. On the throne sat one whose face shone like the brilliance of the sun, and his robe was whiter than snow. Angels surrounded him, thousands upon thousands serving him and singing praises. I asked the angels who accompanied me, “Who is this who sits on the throne of glory?” They answered me,
“This is the Son of Man who was revealed before the creation of the world. He will be the judge of kings and the mighty, of the righteous and the wicked. He is the one who will bring justice and light to the righteous and will destroy the wicked forever.” I saw how the Lord of spirits summoned all nations, and every man, from kings to the humblest, stood before the Son of Man. He opened the heavenly books where all the deeds of men were recorded, and each one was judged according to what they had done. I saw
how kings and the powerful trembled with fear before the Son of Man; they knew that their riches and power could not save them. They tried to hide, but there was no place where they could escape his judgment. The righteous, however, were called to the throne, and then their faces shone with joy. They were recognized and rewarded for their faithfulness. The Son of Man lifted them up and said, “Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of time.” I saw how the sinners were cast out and taken to a place
of eternal darkness. There the flames never ceased, and the torment had no end. The angels told me, “This is the fate of those who have disobeyed the Most High, who oppressed the righteous and followed the paths of wickedness.” I saw how the fallen angels and the rebellious stars were also taken to this place. They cried out for mercy, but there was no hope for them, for they had defied the Creator and corrupted his work. Then I was taken to a wondrous place where the righteous dwelt. There I saw trees full of fruit, rivers of living
water, and a light that never faded. The angels said, “This is the place prepared for the righteous; here they will live in peace in the presence of the Son of Man, and they will never suffer again.” I saw how the righteous sang and praised the Lord of spirits, saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord who has saved us and given us eternal life.” The angels told me, “The Son of Man will not only be the judge but also the defender of the righteous. He is the one who will bring justice to the world and will
eliminate wickedness forever. From the beginning, his name was mentioned before the Most High, and he will be the king over all creation.” I saw how the Son of Man stretched out his hand and restored the Earth. Everything that had been corrupted by men and fallen angels was renewed, and righteousness flourished like a tree in spring. I saw how the righteous dwelt in peace and how the Son of Man ruled with wisdom and power. Then the Lord of spirits spoke and said, “This is my son, my chosen one, who will be a light to the nations
and a hope for the righteous. He will judge with righteousness, and his kingdom will have no end. All secrets will be revealed, and every knee shall bow before him.” Thus ended the vision of the second parable. I saw the fate of the righteous and the sinners and understood that the Son of Man is the key to redemption and judgment. This was revealed to me so that future generations may know it and live in righteousness, for the day of judgment is near. Let the righteous trust in the Lord, for he is their refuge and strength, and
let the sinners repent, for the judgment of the Son of Man will be just and true. Chapter 4: Third Parable - The Kingdom of God, the Restoration of Justice, and the Destruction of the Wicked I, Enoch, received this third parable from the Lord of spirits. In it, I saw the future kingdom of God where justice will prevail forever and the final fate of the wicked who will be removed from creation. This is what I saw and heard in my visions. I again saw the Son of Man seated on a throne of glory, surrounded by light
and fire. All of heaven was filled with angels who served him, and his presence filled creation with peace and justice. I saw how the Son of Man extended his hand, and the Earth was renewed. The righteous walked in his light, and all that had been corrupted was restored. The whole world was filled with justice, and there was no longer any... Place for evil: I saw how the Son of Man judged the kings and the powerful who had oppressed the righteous. They were brought before his throne, and the heavenly books were opened. Everything they had done
was recorded, and there was no place for them to escape. They knelt before him, but not out of reverence; rather, out of fear. They cried out for mercy, but the Son of Man said to them, "You knew the truth, but you chose evil. Now you will receive the punishment you have prepared for yourselves." Then they were cast out and taken to the eternal abyss, where the flames never go out and where there is no rest. After this, I saw how the Lord of Spirits renewed the Earth. The mountains and valleys were covered in greenery, the
rivers flowed with pure water, and the trees bore abundant fruit. Everything that had been destroyed by sin was restored to its original state. I saw how the righteous inherited the Earth; they lived in peace without fear or pain. Their light shone like the sun, and the glory of the Lord was with them. The Son of Man walked among them, and his presence filled the world with joy. The angels who were with me said, "This is what the Most High has prepared for the righteous. Here there will be no more death or suffering, for everything will
be perfect in the presence of the Lord." In another place, I saw how the Watchers who had fallen were brought before the Son of Man. They were bound in chains and filled with terror. They knew there was no hope for them, for they had corrupted creation and disobeyed the Most High. I saw how they were judged for their sins. The Son of Man said to them, "You were created to uphold justice, but you chose evil. Now you will be removed from creation, and you will never see the light again." Then the fallen angels were cast
into the abyss, where they would remain for all eternity. Their offspring, the spirits of the Nephilim, were also judged and sent into eternal torment. After these things, I saw how the kingdom of God was established forever. The righteous lived in perfect communion with the Most High, and the Son of Man reigned with justice and wisdom. The entire universe was filled with his glory, and the angels sang praises, saying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Spirits! All creation is filled with his glory, and his kingdom will have no end." I saw how every knee bowed
before the Son of Man and how every tongue confessed his name. The secrets of heaven and earth were revealed, and there was no more darkness or evil. Everything was in harmony under the rule of the Most High. The Lord of Spirits spoke to me and said, "Enoch, these things have been revealed so that future generations may know them. Let the righteous live in hope, for the day of their salvation is near; but let the sinners repent, for the day of judgment is at hand, and no one will escape my justice. I will renew my creation,
and everything that has been corrupted will be purified. The righteous will shine like the stars, and their joy will have no end; but the wicked will be eliminated, and their memory will disappear forever." Thus ended the vision of the third parable. I saw how justice triumphed over evil and how the kingdom of God was established forever. These words have been written so that future generations may read them and know that the Most High is just and true. Let the righteous rejoice and trust in the Lord, for his kingdom is eternal; but let the sinners repent,
for the judgment of the Son of Man will be just, and no one will escape from him. **Part Three: The Astronomical Book, or The Book of Luminaries** The Book of Luminaries begins with Enoch being taken by the angels to observe the secrets of heaven and earth. In this section, the movements of the sun, the moon, the stars, and the cycles of the year are revealed to him, all perfectly ordered according to the commands of the Most High. These revelations not only describe the precision of the cosmos but also serve as a testimony to the obedience
of creation in contrast to the disobedience of mankind. I, Enoch, was taken by the angel Uriel, who is in charge of the celestial luminaries. He showed me the paths of the sun and said to me, "This great luminary is the one that gives light to the world and rules over the day. Each day it rises from the eastern portal and sets in the western portal, fulfilling its course according to the commands of the Most High." Uriel explained to me how the sun has six portals through which it enters and exits during the year. On the
longest days of summer, the sun uses the highest portals; on the shortest days of winter, the lowest. Thus, the year is divided into 364 days. The sun completes its annual course with precision, never deviating. Each season has its assigned time, and all of this was established by the Lord from the beginning of time. The sun, as shown to Enoch, follows a precise course marking the seasons of the year. In spring, the days and nights are equal; in summer, the days grow longer; in autumn, they become equal again; and in winter, the nights dominate over the
days. Each season is perfectly designed to fulfill the purpose of creation. Uriel showed Enoch how the sun not only regulates time but also sustains life on Earth. Without its heat and light, nothing could grow or survive; it is a constant testimony to the greatness of the Most High. After showing me the paths of the sun, Uriel... took me to observe the movements of the Moon. He said to me, "The Moon follows a different course than the Sun; it completes its cycle in 29 or 30 days, depending on the month. During its course, its light waxes
and wanes according to the commands of the Most High." I saw how the light of the Moon increased during the first half of the month until it was completely full; then its light diminished until it disappeared, thus completing its cycle. Uriel added, "Although the Moon's light is not its own, it reflects that of the Sun. Both luminaries work together to illuminate the Earth and mark the times and the seasons. The Moon not only regulates the months, but is also intimately connected to the tides and the cycles of life on Earth." As shown to Enoch, the
Moon serves as a complement to the Sun, offering light during the night and maintaining balance in creation. However, Enoch was warned that in the last days, men would corrupt the knowledge of the Sun's and Moon's cycles, straying from the times and seasons established by God. Then I was taken to observe the stars. Uriel said to me, "Each star has a name and a purpose given by the Lord of Spirits. They follow their paths faithfully, and none deviate, except for those who disobeyed and were cast into the abyss." I saw how the constellations revolved in their
courses, marking the seasons and the years. Uriel added, "These stars are a testimony to the glory of the Most High; their obedience is an example for men. But men, in their foolishness, have disobeyed God and corrupted His creation. Among the stars, some rebelled against the Most High, abandoning their designated courses. These rebellious stars were judged and cast into the abyss, along with the fallen angels. There they remain in chains, awaiting the day of final judgment. The rebellion of the stars is a reminder of the consequences of disobedience." Uriel showed me how the year is divided
into seasons. I saw how the seasons changed with the movement of the Sun, the Moon, and the stars. He said, "The year has 364 days, divided into four seasons. Each season has its exact duration, and all of this was established by the Most High so that men may live in harmony with creation." In Enoch's visions, the luminaries of heaven not only serve a functional purpose, but also bear witness to divine judgment. On the day of judgment, the Sun, the Moon, and the stars will testify against the wicked, showing how they obeyed the Most High while
men disobeyed. The Lord of Spirits spoke to me and said, "Enoch, write all these things and teach them to future generations. Let men learn from the luminaries to obey My ways, for they follow My commandments faithfully. While men have strayed, the Most High warned me that in the last days many men would corrupt the knowledge of the Sun, the Moon, and the stars; they would alter the times and seasons and turn away from the truth. But the righteous will stand firm; they will be guided by the light of the Lord and will not be deceived
by the wicked." Thus concludes the Book of Luminaries, a revelation given to Enoch so that future generations may understand the obedience of the cosmos and the importance of walking in righteousness. The order of the Sun, the Moon, and the stars is a constant testimony to the greatness and authority of the Most High, and a warning to those who disobey His ways. Blessed be the Lord of Spirits, who created heaven and Earth with wisdom and perfection. May men learn from the luminaries and glorify His name forever. Part Four: The Astronomical Book, or Book of Luminaries. In
this section, Enoch recounts two important visions that were revealed to him. The first focuses on the flood that will come upon the Earth as judgment for the corruption of mankind. The second is a symbolic vision that describes the history of humanity from Adam to the final judgment, using animals to represent different groups and events. The First Vision: The Flood I, Enoch, was in my house, resting, when I had a vision in which the sky collapsed and fell upon the Earth. I saw how the Earth was swallowed by the waters and everything upon it was destroyed.
I trembled at the sight and cried out to the Lord of Spirits, "Oh Lord, what is this that I have seen? Will all of creation be destroyed? What will become of the righteous on that day?" Then the Most High answered me, "Enoch, this vision is about the judgment that will come upon the Earth because of the wickedness of men. I will send a great flood to purify creation; however, I will preserve the righteous. You must warn your family, and from among them, I will raise up a man who will be My servant. He will build
an ark, and in it he and those with him will be saved." I felt relieved upon hearing this, for I knew that the righteous would not be forgotten amid the judgment. The Second Vision: The History of Humanity Enoch had another vision known as the Vision of the Animals, in which he was shown the entire history of humanity from Adam to the final judgment. In this vision, men are represented as animals and nations as different groups of animals. Angels also appear, guiding or judging these animals. I saw how a white bull emerged from the Earth; this
bull was Adam, the first man. Then I saw that from him was born another white bull, and his name was Seth. After Seth, another bull was born, and then many more, all white. This represented the first righteous men who walked in the ways of the Most High. Enoch saw how some of the... Bulls began to mix with other animals, giving rise to strange creatures. This symbolized the corruption of humanity and the sin that spread throughout the Earth. In the vision, the angels watched sorrowfully as men strayed from the paths of righteousness. Then I saw how
the Lord of Spirits called one of the angels and commanded him to build an ark. This ark was raised to protect the righteous white bulls from destruction. Then I saw how the waters covered the entire Earth, and everything that was not inside the ark was destroyed. After the flood, I saw how a new white bull emerged from the ark; his name was Noah. From him were born three calves, representing his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. These three calves gave rise to new nations. In the vision, Enoch saw how men began to build a small tower
to reach the heavens, but the Lord of Spirits destroyed it and scattered the bulls across the Earth. This represented the event of the Tower of Babel and the division of the nations. I saw how the Lord of Spirits sent angels to guide the white bulls. These angels protected the righteous and led them along the paths of justice. I also saw how among them a special ram appeared, full of power and glory. This ram was a righteous leader sent by the Most High to guide the lost sheep. The ram would gather the righteous and lead them
to the place that the Lord has prepared for them, but the wolves and predators, which represent the wicked, will be destroyed. In the final part of the vision, Enoch saw how the Lord of Spirits established His kingdom on Earth. The white sheep, representing the righteous, lived in peace while the wolves and predators were eliminated forever. I saw how the Earth was renewed and there was no more place for wickedness. The Lord of Spirits dwelt among men, and His light filled all creation. The righteous lived in eternal joy while the wicked were forgotten. I, Enoch, wrote
down all these visions so that future generations may know that the judgment of the Most High is just and true. These things were revealed to me as a warning for the wicked and as hope for the righteous. The Lord of Spirits will judge all creation; the righteous will be vindicated, and the wicked will be destroyed. Let all men remember this and walk in the paths of righteousness, for the day of judgment is near. Thus conclude the visions of Enoch concerning the flood and the history of humanity, revealing judgment, redemption, and the promise of an eternal
kingdom of justice. Part Five: The Warnings and Blessings of Enoch I, Enoch, write these words as a warning for sinners and as hope for the righteous. These things were revealed to me by the Lord of Spirits, who showed me the destinies of men, both the righteous and the wicked. My children, listen to my words and keep them in your hearts, for they are true and eternal words. To my children and future generations: my children, live in righteousness and walk in truth. Do not follow the ways of sinners, nor stray from the commandments of the Most
High. Know that the Lord of Spirits sees all things and nothing can be hidden from His sight. I now speak to you, future generations: know that days of tribulation will come, but so will the judgment of the Most High. In those days, sinners will think they can escape, but the Lord of Spirits will not forget their deeds. He will see how they have oppressed the righteous, shed innocent blood, and corrupted the Earth. The sinners will be taken to a place of eternal darkness; there they will find no rest or comfort, and their memory will be
erased from creation. But the righteous will live in peace, and the Most High will protect them on the day of tribulation. About the fate of sinners: I saw how sinners prospered in this world, filling themselves with wealth and power. They thought their position would protect them, but I witnessed how everything they possessed was taken from them. I saw them witnessing their own destruction, and there was no one to help them. I saw how the sinners were taken to the abyss; there the flames burned unceasingly, and the torment had no end. They cried out for mercy,
but there was no response, for they had disobeyed the Lord of Spirits and corrupted His creation. Know that the Lord will not forget the deeds of the wicked; He will judge each according to their works, and there will be no excuse for those who have followed the path of evil. The Reward of the Righteous But I also saw the fate of the righteous, and my heart was filled with joy. I saw how they were gathered by the angels and taken to a place of peace and light. There was no suffering or pain, only eternal joy
in the presence of the Most High. The righteous shone like the stars, and their light illuminated everything around them. I saw how the Lord of Spirits walked among them, and His glory filled them with joy. They inherited the renewed Earth, where there was no more death or corruption. I tell you this, my children, so that you may not fear in the days of tribulation. Those sinners may prosper now, but their time is short, and your reward is assured in the kingdom of the Most High. The Weeks of Enoch The Lord of Spirits showed me a
vision of human history divided into ten weeks. This is what I saw: In the first week, I saw the creation of the heavens and the earth and the formation of Adam, the first man. In the second week, I saw the rise of sin among men and the... Coming of the flood, which purified the Earth. In the third week, I saw Abraham and his lineage, who were chosen by the Most High to be a holy people. In the fourth week, I saw how the Most High gave His law to Moses so that men might walk in
righteousness. In the fifth week, I saw the Kings and Prophets who would guide Israel. In the sixth week, I saw the corruption of God's people and their exile among the nations. In the seventh week, I saw the Messiah, the Savior, who would bring redemption to the righteous and destroy the power of sin. In the eighth week, I saw how righteousness flourished on Earth and the righteous inherited the kingdom of the Most High. In the ninth week, I saw the judgment of sinners and the eradication of all evil. In the tenth week, I saw a new
Heaven and a new Earth where the righteous lived in eternal peace and the Lord of spirits reigned over all creation. These weeks are a testimony to the justice of the Most High and His plan for humanity. Know that all that has been promised will be fulfilled: the joy of the righteous and the lament of the sinners. In my visions, I saw how the righteous praised the Most High, saying, "Blessed be the Lord of spirits, who has given us eternal life and delivered us from evil. His judgments are just and His mercy is everlasting." But I
also saw how the sinners cried out in desperation, "Why did we not listen to the words of warning? Why did we follow our own ways? Now we are in darkness and there is no hope for us." My brothers, I write these words so that you and future generations may know that the Lord of spirits is just and true. Walk in His ways, and you will find peace in the eternal kingdom. But if you turn away from His law, your destiny will be the abyss. Know that the judgment of the Most High is imminent; the righteous
will shine like the stars, and the sinners will be erased from creation. Let these words serve as both warning and hope, for the Lord of spirits reigns over all creation and His kingdom shall have no end. Part Six: The Final Chapters—Enoch's Last Revelations and Farewell. I, Enoch, saw how my son Methuselah approached me with great concern and said, "Father, a son has been born to my son Lamech, but this child is not like the others. His flesh is white as snow and red like the flower of a rose. His hair is white as wool, and
his eyes shine like the rays of the sun. When he opens his eyes, he illuminates the entire house like the light of day. Father, this child does not seem human; he appears to be a descendant of the angels of Heaven. What does this mean? What should I do?" When I heard these words, my heart trembled, for I understood that the birth of this child was a sign of what was to come. So I went in prayer to the Lord of spirits and asked Him to reveal the meaning of this event. The Lord answered me and
said, "This child, Noah, will be the righteous man who will save humanity from the coming judgment. I have decided to send a great flood upon the Earth to purify it from all corruption, but through Noah and his descendants, the Earth will be restored. He will be preserved along with the righteous who are with him, while the wicked will be destroyed." When I received this answer, I returned to Methuselah and said, "This child is special, for the Lord of spirits has chosen him for a great mission. Take care of him, for he will be the savior
of future generations." In my final visions, I saw the fate of the sinners, and my heart was filled with sorrow. I saw how the wicked were taken to a place of eternal darkness where the fire burned unceasingly. There was no rest or comfort, only lamentation and despair. They cried out, saying, "Why did we not listen to the words of warning? Why did we follow our own desires and disobey the Most High?" Then the Lord of spirits said to me, "Enoch, write these things as a warning for future generations. Let men know that there is no
hope for those who rebel against Me. Their riches will not save them, and their power will not deliver them from judgment. They will be forgotten, and their memory will be erased from creation." I also saw how the fallen angels, along with their offspring, the Nephilim, were judged and condemned to the abyss. They were bound and cast into the eternal fire, where they will remain for all eternity. Such will be the fate of all who disobey the Lord of spirits. Let these words serve as a reminder for men to walk in righteousness and avoid the path
of sinners. In contrast, I saw the fate of the righteous, and my heart was filled with joy. I saw how they were taken to a place of light and peace where they dwelled in the presence of the Lord of spirits. There, there was no more pain or suffering, only eternal joy. The righteous shone like the stars of the heavens, and their light illuminated all of creation. The Most High walked among them, and His glory filled the entire place. They received their eternal inheritance and lived in perfect communion with God. Then the Lord said to me,
"Enoch, write these blessings for the righteous, so they may know that their faith will not be in vain. Though they may suffer in this world, their reward will be great in the eternal kingdom. I am their refuge and strength..." I will not abandon them. After receiving all these visions, I knew that my time on Earth was coming to an end. I called my children and said to them, "My children, these are the words that the Lord of Spirits has entrusted to me: keep them in your hearts and teach them to your future generations. Walk in
righteousness and truth, and avoid the paths of sinners, so that you may find peace in the Kingdom of the Most High." Then the Lord of Spirits called me, and I was taken to Heaven by the angels. I saw the Earth fade away beneath me as I was carried to the place where the Most High dwells in eternal glory. There I was given a place among the righteous, and my spirit rested in peace. These are the words of Enoch, written for future generations. Let all men know that the Lord of Spirits is just and true; His
judgments are eternal, and no one will escape His justice. Walk in His ways, and you will find eternal life; but if you rebel against Him, your destiny will be the abyss. Closing of the Book of Enoch. Thus ends the account of the righteous Enoch, who was taken to heaven to witness the mysteries of the Most High. His words stand as a testimony for all humanity, a warning for sinners, and a hope for the righteous. Let all men hear and keep these words, for the judgment of the Lord of Spirits is just and true. The Book
of Enoch is considered an apocryphal text, meaning it is not included in the official canon of scripture in most religious traditions, such as the Christian Bible. The word "apocryphal" comes from Greek, meaning hidden or secret. This does not necessarily imply that the book's content is false or without value, but rather that its authenticity and authority as sacred scripture have been subject to debate. Despite this, The Book of Enoch has profoundly influenced religious literature and the understanding of themes such as the fallen angels, the final judgment, and the fate of the righteous and the wicked. It
is considered a fascinating and mysterious work that offers a unique perspective on the spiritual and theological thought of its time. Thank you for reaching the end of this journey through the fascinating Book of Enoch. If you enjoyed this content, don't forget to leave a comment and share it with someone who might also find it interesting. Subscribe to the channel for more videos like this, and turn on the notification bell so you don't miss any updates. Now you have two more videos waiting for you on the screen. Click on either of them and continue exploring with
us. God bless you. Amen. [Music] [Music]