Black Magic The Dark Side of Kabbalah

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Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
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we usually associate spirituality with a very positive experiences uplifting transcendent free-spartedness the ability to go beyond ourselves and experience higher States Of Consciousness and awareness but is there a dark side to spirituality are there Shadows are there risks are there challenges please join me in this important conversation black magic the Dark Side of Kabbalah and let us discover both on a cosmic level and a personal level that with all the Great and Powerful experiences we are capable of we must never forget that there is also another side the other side the darker side and what
we can do about it both to preempt it and to harness it toward the good [Music] hi this is Simon Jacobson and we will be speaking about black magic the Dark Side of Kabbalah this program is dedicated by Bonnie Kellogg in honor of her birthday so spirituality what is it illicit what's the knee-jerk reaction free-spiritedness elevation Joy Transcendence opening us up to broader Horizons to higher States Of Consciousness and awareness the exact opposite of what materialism or other ways of defining so-called our physical existence which is about survival the pressures the challenges Spirit by definition
we say the word soul whether it's Soul music or soul in general we're talking about something that is beyond the senses the suprasensory so it seems only beautiful more than beautiful It Is What Makes Us uniquely human actually what allows the human to touch the divine where Heaven meets Earth and yet we find that there's another side for things is there a dark side to the mystical experience to the spiritual experience the Dark Side of Kabbalah black magic we hear about sorcery the occult throughout history this has been discussed shamanism Witchery and other forms and
I'm not just talking about sleight of hand and Magic but actually forms of experiences that people associate that lead them to another place is there a dark side to that and today as well I just remember as it comes to mind a few years ago invited to someone's home and there was a guru there people that I saw when I drove up a driveway filled with rolls royces the most expensive cars I walk in yes this is man sitting on the floor and he has his beloved followers and disciples literally worshiping him and I felt
the vibe that was not uh I will call it a healthy vibe let me started a conversation I was invited I wasn't even sure what the agenda was but I was invited just to speak but then I realized that the people invited me wanted me to help get some people out of this cult and it was definitely something was wrong now this man was brilliant and sensitive but I felt a certain it was his ego did it get to him did he justify behavior in the name of some higher spiritual state and it was then
but I came to discover and I'm not going to go through the graphic details but it was quite sorted let's put it this way I realized firsthand that there's a very thin line between spirituality sensuality and sexuality and if you don't know how to straddle that line if you don't know how to navigate boundaries can be crossed in ways that create quite a lot of damage because remember the deeper you go into a person's soul the deeper and more intimate you go into the psyche into the spirit so on one hand yes it can open
up completely new channels can get Beyond traumas and fears and inhibitions and insecurities that block us but you're also opening up a very vulnerable place think of like open heart surgery you don't just do that in the street used to be a sterilized environment everything perfect because the more the deeper you go into something the more sensitive it is the more even one drop that goes off the more destructive it could be you know think of a piece of dust on your finger isn't very significant but on your eyeball quite irritating and the same thing
is with our psyches which is why anyone who's a practitioner a therapist a mentor a psychologist a psychiatrist a soul doctor whatever you want to call the person who's dealing with soul matters has to be extra careful even more than a physical doctor because you're opening up literally the most vulnerable defenseless place in the person you want to make sure that this is Purity that enters there's no other agendas because one iota off can create very deep damage I say damage I don't mean irreversible but it can create big problems that's why we find that
abuse at the hands of people who love you is far worse than from a stranger not to minimize A stranger's abuse because the person who loves you you've opened up you trusted them a parent an educator a mentor a a teacher you trusted them and they've gone into the place where you were vulnerable especially as a child that has no defenses and when you enter there every little thing every delicate thing is an interesting concept the holy of holies in the Holy Temple was a place no one ever entered only the high priest once a
year and for a short while why not the holy of holy is the ultimate place because when you enter in a place where there are no filters and no layers and no coverings complete naked vulnerability you have to be really really careful and if anyone entered the holy of holies with one blemish they wouldn't survive do you know that the high priest was bound by ropes in case that would happen and no one could enter so they would pull them out not as punishment the exact opposite you're Blinded by the Light if you don't have
the right filters but if you're pure and your intentions are pure and humble that allows you to experience the greatest experiences so let's talk about the the both sides and it's interesting in the Kabbalah in mysticism the expression used for the dark side is actually the other the other side referring to an important verse that I want to quote from ecclesiastics where it says that the existence was created in a way of basically alter egos a mirror image everything that exists in light exists in darkness so they're like Polar Opposites but they're equals now what
does this mean now what's the significance of that and let's look at life let's just start with basically choosing when you have to choose a person with great strengths we know can use them to develop and produce something tremendous but great strengths can also be used in the other direction used in the wrong way it could be the most destructive so power can be directed in both directions and we see this people with charisma leadership qualities people can motivate others so we've seen unbelievable change happen in the world in a positive way we also see
horrendous things that happen obviously the example that always comes to mind is the 20th century example of Hitler look at his fanatic power over a people I imagine he would have used it for the good instead of spewing hatred and Venom and promoting only that agenda that he wanted to promote tremendous power so Powers power nuclear energy atomic energy is it good or bad it depends how you use it is a knife good or bad depends how you use if you use it to cut food or for something productive then it's a valuable if you
use it the wrong way it's destructive and the more powerful it is the more destructive it is the queer question is why why is it that way why do we have these two diametric opposites in many ways as I said alter egos mirror images so it really gets back to the very purpose of existence and why we're here in the first place I always wondered I don't know if you ever thought of this question you know today we're comfortable with the invisible every time you use your phone a computer technology you're basically engaging the invisible
visible forces how long how could there be in one little one little smartphone so much power so much information so much data so you have to go into understanding the world of microscopic physics quantum mechanics the microchip that once upon a time ostensibly we thought the physical world whatever is larger is more powerful physically large and we came to learn that the forces that really Drive existence are actually very minuscule what is how big is DNA sell a cell an atom a subatomic particle and yet those are the building blocks that Define everything you think
of computer programming so we're using an interface upon an interface upon an interface that's what you're pressing on the keyboard and seeing on your screen or your touch screen but what's going on beneath the surface that when you press that button or you touch the screen it triggers a whole series of things that go back to the main language of zeros and ones and those zeros are ones in turn translate into another language another language until it becomes user friendly meaning the user interface that we can use so I always wondered why was it that
the invisible is invisible and the visible is visible why not the other way around if the driving forces the true reality of things is that integral internal and visible Network why is that not so obvious and what is obvious is only the tip of the iceberg it's when I began to study Kabbalah mysticism and especially it has the application a Hasidic thought which turns it also into a psychological model an applicable one came to understand the concept that the Ariza of isaacloria the great 16th century Mystic maybe the greatest Mystic of them all where he
revealed what was called The Secret of the symptom you'll soon see the connection to our discussion critical connection the secrets say that symptom in Hebrew the secret of the Simpson what is Simpson symptom literally means contract it means to concentrate it means to conceal to hide to diminish all of the above but the what the the key thing to understand is not just the word the concept what is the concept the concept is that when you first have a seamless singularity meaning a seamless reality and consciousness where there is no Duality there aren't two entities
it's all Oneness there is no room in that type of environment for diversity for another Consciousness in other words for us so as he describes it in the using the mystical language the infinite Divine Light That filled everything what does everything mean everything that will be and everything that was it's a very broad word or everything that we can even imagine everything now as long as that Consciousness dominates as I said there's no room for anything else to use an example the Rapture of the ADI the great Mystic as well founder says the example of
a teacher think of an infinitely brilliant teacher and his intelligence is all revealed would there be room for any student to be able to even enter the room I don't mean physically entered to be in that space no so the teacher needs to do something to allow room space for another and what is that that Simpson needs to withdraw recede think of water receding and allowing dry land to emerge the teacher allows his intelligence withdraws it so to speak it doesn't disappear it just goes within it's not being expressed so Simpson is actually the power
of refrain the power of restraint of withholding just as a good teacher will do will fit his ideas to the tailor to the students but in this case you first need to have a total silence to create a new paradigm and what is the new paradigm that there's another consciousness and the higher state of conscience that Singularity that integral Unity has to be concealed and that leaves room for now other the other to emerge and other is not a bad thing on the contrary there's a reason for that we need the individual separateness with the
goal and intention that these two reunite essentially it's a story of love and romance really that from a integral seamless Unity we turn into a fragmented multitude that in its mind and its own Consciousness can see itself as separate but in truth it's also part of that reality and it's up to us through our work through our efforts let's go back to the example so now that this teacher has received his ideas or his Brilliance has received it he's left room for a space for the the student now begins after that concealment and sounds begins
a slow flow of Consciousness a float slow stream what he calls the cave means a line and a thread think of it like a laser beam that now flows but in a way that will be commensurate to what the capitalists call the containers of the budding and developing other consciousness and if you want to look at it look at how a child is conceived so when an egg is fertilized by a seed and there's a conception it doesn't begin that suddenly you have a child you have one cell one fertilizer one cell that cell will
split and then split again and split again first trimester second trimester third trimester until you have after nine months a healthy viable child you think about all that one seed you look at that one cell you never would imagine and the same thing is everything in existence is that where you plant an apple seed in the ground the same thing and then it blossoms into a tree so there's a process and that's the process that is called by the kabbalist the cedar estacion is the cosmic order the evolution of how energy evolves into matter how
Singularity evolves into diversity and the purpose is that the diversity should recognize the integral Unity which is essentially the search for the unified field theory for Unity that human beings have always been searching for it's actually the essence of science science is really a spiritual journey they may not call it that but essentially it's looking for the underlying connection between seemingly separate and diverse phenomena and now we've discovered that now we know it's a given that there is an integral Unity so we have now somewhat of a dichotomy an integrality Unity that connects all subatomic
particles and all DNA and so on and yet at the same time there is definitely diversity there's you and I self-interest has come into play so that Simpson has a side effect and what is its side effect with the beautiful intention of creating diversity there's also the possibility and there has to be the possibility of we'll call it Rebellion if you wish with individual defies the whole that even though we're all fundamentally connected I now have my self-interest and I don't see the concealment as a concealment I see it now I'm here everything begins and
ends with me me me now what does that end up turning into if you allow that to devolve not just self-interest selfishness greed narcissism ultimately you're taking something from me it leads to conflict to Discord and ultimately War itself every inhumanity that man has perpetrated on man as a result of this symptom which is actually a misunder misdirected understand that symptom was meant to give you individuality so you should be independent Consciousness and come back and connect just as it is with with the the Bible calls male and female created them as one they separate
in order to rejoin that's what love is about love is a form of transcendence of connecting to something to a greater Unity that's more than the sum of the parts but when it's misunderstood or misguided the concealment oh I don't have a teacher necessarily here I am I'm an independent entity and that's where things can wander off and it's interesting nobody wanders off overnight it takes time that's also a process so let's go back to the example of the child that I gave so now a child is born a child is seamless there's no duplicity
there's no lies there's no deception there isn't even self-consciousness a child is naked and completely not self-conscious why should it be it's pure innocent but then it enters a world we'll call it a selfish world a world driven by self because that symptom that concealment has now concealed that inner Unity and that's why we can hurt each other think of it the talmud asked a question that says how is it possible if we're all one organism meaning everything in nature and all human beings how could one person hurt another it's like hurting your own persons
because we don't see it and indeed that's exactly the story think of your body think of your right hand the left hand seeing themselves as adverse as adversaries or what do we have other different in order and an autoimmune diseases where the body turns on itself that's tragic well it's all due to a blindness that's why it says a person will not transgress unless they have a moment of blindness a moment of insanity you never put your hand in fire if you knew it was fire and it could hurt you but we don't know so
we're able to hurt others and we're actually hurting ourselves it's part of Who You Are so we're abusing I would actually betraying ourselves and the inner Unity that we're all part of when we hurt each other and there's so many other implications but I want to bring it back to our discussion here this is where the Simpson can go in both directions now the next step the capitalists explain now this is a type of Market correction remember there is now a dissonance going on because the true reality is the higher Consciousness that is seamless and
unified but in order for us to exist we need to have a concealment so now post concealment how do we connect to that which is preconcealment when the entire existence of an independent Consciousness is predicated on that symptom on that concealment so there's another mechanism sort of called The Cosmic spiritual mechanism comes into play It's called The World of Tayo the world of chaos cited right in the beginning of the Bible the second verse refers to a world that's the capitalist Mystics call schvira takalim the shattering of the containers that the energy and the containers
are not compatible and why not because the energy represents a deeper Unity the containers represent independent identity and they have not yet made peace with each other so there's a shattering of the containers which can be seen as a negative in a certain way it is but it's also a positive think of that up think of it in psychological terms denial when you think everything is good and it's not what is that better than when you actually feel shock when you feel trauma when you feel pain feeling pain is at least you're aware there's something
wrong and awareness is half the Cure so the shattering of the containers is essentially a recognition in our lives that something is not working to apply it to ourselves Beyond The Cosmic into the personal he said when something has broken in your life and you realize something is not working my relationship isn't working why why can't I love why can't I trust why is there something going on why am I self-interest getting in the way maybe you're blaming the other whatever the reason is because there's a deeper lying dissonance that has not been resolved attention
attention between the attention but tension between the inner truth of your Oneness and the outer fragmentation or separation of the diversity of life now the goal is not to annihilate God forbid or eliminate diversity it's to find Harmony within diversity to find the unity within it all and that's why the zeros and ones remain invisible because that symptom conceals that inner sense and what we're left with is the tip of the iceberg now let's bring it now back to Blackmagic the Dark Side of Kabbalah so in essence to rephrase what I've been saying is that
reality as we see it existence as we see it is just the tip of the ice but it's the outer shell that's another word used clip an outer shella outer husk that has fruit within what's the fruit the spiritual Sparks the Divine Sparks the inner energy within everything and it won't matter there is energy and actually matter is energy E equals m c squared comes into play as well objective of life is to reveal that energy and that essentially is not just a religious Journey or a spiritual journey this is a scientific Journey as well
to reveal the energy within all matter and to access it and to use it to improve life that's what electricity is that's what atomic energy is that's what nuclear energy that is every form of modern technology is doing that not just modern technology now if you think about it as they say technology the first time it's used it looks like magic if anyone would have used technology today a thousand years ago you'd think it's magic but it's not really magic what you're doing is really accessing and manipulating the inner energies that Define existence is that
magic now you can imagine a spiritual person can do that in in different methods as well Sciences do it in the laboratory through nuclear fission or nuclear fusion or extreme heat or extreme speeds whatever it may be the universe is naturally doing it whether it's the process of photosynthesis or other processes that shape something from one to another the explosion of stars Big Bang however you want to apply it so it's not complicated to understand that there may be a person who has that spiritual power like we see you meet somebody that just has a
certain sense it's not Magic it's it's a deeper it's accessing the deeper forces that can be done in a way that helps you grow or it could be done in a way that's manipulative how many people have manipulated others because the more the deeper you guys I explained there has that power so the end of the day Kabbalah or mysticism or spiritual energy can also go in both directions and that was the intention that it should have the possibility to go in both directions but we should Choose Wisely to use a verse from the Bible
that says I have given you two paths the path of life and the path of death the path of light the path of Darkness and choose choose life choose light but I have to give you the two paths because there's the only way that you can be independent and your life can be meaningful so there is a dark side the dark side is meant to be avoided but it is a byproduct of the symptom the concealment that need is necessary for us to exist and be independent realities and makes our life valuable we're not robots
we're not clones we're not puppets so let's talk a little more about this black magic so on one hand it's there on the other hand this could be quite dangerous which is why the Bible and many sources dictate that this is prohibited it's prohibited to go there is a disagreement whether it actually has power or something that's in our minds but either way and we are definitely talking about especially from the mystical point of view it does have power and that power is fed by us so we're told to avoid it what are we told
them to avoid not the energy we're told to use the avoid using the energy the wrong way we'll talk about that wrong way shortly what that means exactly and how it applies to us so there's a whole body of of literature on what you call black magic the occult Witchcraft and I'm not talking again delusions things that actually so people have the power to enter into spiritual spaces but it's used for the wrong reasons either selfish reasons destructive reasons But ultimately not for the purpose for which it was created to quote the words of the
Tanya he says anything that's holy and pure is selfless the selflessness allows that powerful energy to enter as soon as something doesn't have that utter an absolute selflessness he calls that the other side that's why it's not called evil that's why it's not called bad it's called The Other Side other side means it's not the side that's dedicated to the purpose of existence because that's how we begin to wander we don't always wonder because we have malicious or nefarious intentions it begins sometimes I'm doing it my way so one day you just you've moved a
little off the reservation that's how all transgressions begin nobody gets lost in the woods overnight but slowly slowly what happens is you become more important in your own eyes and to the point that you can begin using it completely for your own tensions and we see this all the time people of great talents and geniuses let the ego or arrogance or some other thing get in the way it could be uh it could be a woman it could be a man it could be sexuality it could be anything and suddenly that energy not suddenly over
time that energy suddenly being subverted hijacked in the wrong direction and leaving others down that path as well self was a superficial thing a superficial wound okay deal with it in a short-term way but when you're dealing with inner spiritual Energies that's when it gets takes on a whole different dimension and that's why you'll find you'll find in the Bible you'll find the talmud you'll find in historical different books literature the talk about Sorcerers Witchcraft and so on actually it's acknowledging that there is real power there as I said there's a disagreement of how much
power there is something is the actual power 's rights there yes there's power that God invested in existence forces that when you manipulate them can change even natural things and that's why we're not supposed to go there it's not an area ago when we hear about the morale who built the Golem which is all discussion of its own even if you accept that many do authorities say that it actually happened but it's not something common and it's not something that anyone should be doing it's actually frowned upon to use Kabbalah mysticism in ways to create
something I mean some compare the Golem now to Chad GPT but I'm not going to equate it as something that is you're actually creating something but it could look like it because it looks human it seems so but it's actually technological powers but point being is it's not something that we do challenge is not an issue technology is not an issue unless again it's used for the wrong purposes I'm not going to quote technology witchcraft or sorcery but it has a similarity that if you use powers like that to manipulate or to spread hate and
destruction it can be equally damaging and destructive so the issue is not the Witchcraft the issue is the manipulation of spiritual energies or for that matter psychological energies in the wrong direction for the wrong purposes now you find in the Bible the prophet bilam for example who's equated to Moses a great prophet to the point that even though he did not like the Jewish people and he was commissioned to curse them he says he says as much as you commission me I could only speak what I'm told and he had to say things that were
exact opposite of what he felt instead of curses blessings came out of his mouth but he was a prophet but he understood where his power came from and he had bad intentions and later up left his own devices he actually gave a very good idea to balik he says you can't destroy them with this prophetic or spiritual Powers you have to destroy they have to destroy themselves seduce them challenge them tempt them and you'll see that they will weaken not from us but from within which is why what's the so what's the story so one
of the commentaries beautifully explains this idea of black magic he says it's the mind that gives it power so let's let's discuss that for a moment does it actually have power it does not have power so it's a combination of both as I said before there are energies in existence and if they're used the wrong way they can go into the dark side we spoke about the shattering of the containers let's use it psychologically if a person has suffers some trauma in their life serious trauma and then it affects their lives in a very um
problematic way they themselves become abusive or or the opposite they start abusing themselves sadly I'll just give an example of someone I just recently met among many unfortunately grew up in a very abusive home and now she sells her body and she doesn't feel the dignity what has happened the energy of sexuality which is so powerful and beautiful completely been diverted into the dark side because she has no self self esteem she's worthless in her mind so fire cells on my body I don't mean to use such a graphic example but it's an example sexuality
is a perfect example it's deeper Spirit spiritual energy that's what it is that's why it can create such beautiful things and love and nobility and and sacrifice that people do in the Name of Love healthy sacrifice but also look at the damage it can because you're not dealing with a small thing it's like fire fire can without fire we have no warmth we have no food we don't we're unable to survive but imagine fire is out of control what happens it destroys the same thing with sexual energy as I said before a very thin line
between spirituality sensuality and sexuality because you're dealing with the deeper inner forces of life which is why it has such a hold on us that's why it has that that that mysterious hold on us because it's not just a regular thing out there it's coming from the deepest places of going into the holy of holies and you have to be very careful when you enter there because if it's used in the wrong way it can create tremendous damage that doesn't mean there's no hope but you have to understand that so there is Spirits again the
shadowing of the containers in psychological terms any trauma anything that has broken you that in turn has created a shattering in some way to your system what's happened so you began as an innocent pure seamless child like preached symptom pure white snow then life has taken over and hurt and abused in some way trampled on you undermining and invalidating the person's self all the other things that abuse does or even worse and now you have a distorted view you've become not just duplicitous you've become fragmented there'll be so many different parts of you shattered the
goal was that the concealment was in order for you to be an independent individual and reconnect to that unity and now you may be lost at sea and the goal now is to find that Unity because it's still inside you that's the key thing to remember as dark as it may be and as sad as it may be there's still always an ember that's still burning there's still a pilot flame because ultimately everything originated from a truth even that symptom itself even the concealment came from a divine power of concealment the teacher concealing it didn't
come from a bad place it was diverted it was hijacked it was it was um take taken control over by other forces but you can always reverse it so this is somewhat of an overview of that darker side now we all have it within us you don't have to be a sorcerer or a witch or any other type of uh spiritual black magic magician to be in this way we all have our dark corners those very sad places those places were very much alone some called The Ugly Corners some call it the Shadows we all
have it see when you look at it some of us is just pure shame recognizes didn't come from nowhere it's the microcosm within you of this darker side that we're talking about it originates from a concealment it's meant to give you the independence and the ability to choose and to be wise where it could end up is a very dark side so yes shame is a healthy thing because at least you're recognizing shame it's much worse if you're not even ashamed of it you got to the point where you can behave in ways that are
atrocious you know like the Portrait of Dorian Gray and that and you're not even feel conscious conscious so be happy if you have a conscience so the conscience however is that little light that's allowing you to at least do something about it so most of us want to get rid of the shame so we do more destructive things to numb ourselves what I'm suggesting is no let's work our way back let's try to regain that innocence the pre-symptom innocence of our childhood and they would do that is to access your beautiful soul that is there
all the time no matter what there is on the other side but we need to know there's another side we don't ignore it but we don't give it more power than it deserves because by being obsessed over it that itself feeds it to take go back to the theme I was speaking about so there is energy there but remember that Simpson itself is also energy it's when it's misunderstood by us that that gives it even more power think of an enemy that's not that strong but you and your mind think that that enemy is strong
they made you they're bluffing you psychological warfare and then you feel that you're giving it Power by believing in it by thinking it's really that powerful so it's a combination of a concealment which is real but a combination of our attitude so in a way the darkness dissipates when we don't give it too much Credence and Power to start worshiping your traumas to start worshiping your negative energy is not what you want what you want to say it's there I know where it's coming from and now I've traced it to the shattering of the containers
all the way to the Simpson but that's not who I am who I am is a child that was born seamless pure Singularity wanted Oneness Unity and that's what I need to find so it's recognizing but not allowing it to control you and definitely not allowing it to Define you Define you how many of us begin with one identity and then do to whatever reasons we've developed another identity either to protect ourselves or some called out of body the inner child remains concealed now is the outer adult the different ways we describe are the masks
we wear in order to cope because we think is the only way to go what we want is to get rid of that splintered identity and reconnect to reintegrate and reintegrating is returning back to that pre-simpson reality the reason that Simpson was there in the first place the reason the concealment was there in the first place so we all have black magic within us we all have the possibility for that power that negative dark power the dark side but darkness is really just the antithesis of light and light dispels Darkness they're not equals ultimately so
even though the work of ecclesiastics says there's two equal forces it's true ostensibly it's too equal but it now comes down to your attitude as soon as you say to yourself I am really a personification a Channel of light not of Darkness that's who I am Darkness has happened to me I may have suffered but I'm not a sufferer I've made been I have been hurt but I'm not a defined by my hurt you now weaken the hold of the Simpson because you're recognizing his true purpose so the more the less Credence you give it
the less power you give it the less power it has it feeds off our fear it feeds off our negativity so negativity which is a result of it is also the cause of it so we have to eliminate that which is by bringing positive energy into our life which is the whole purpose of this program in the first place as intriguing as it is to talk about that dark side Blackmagic the Dark Side of Kabbalah we have to remember is there to remind us to remind us of what can happen when things go awry goes
off the reservation off the the healthy path but with the goal of actually discovering deeper light and deeper truth and that's where Darkness actually can catapult us and Propel us into far deeper levels to the point where we reach a place that's beyond Simpson and Beyond Beyond Simpson meaning higher than light and higher than Darkness a place that transcends both and that's where it has the power to create both so but we have to contend first with those tracks the track of light the track of Darkness and indeed when you think of it and you
think of all the different um viewpoints about how we're forbidden to go into that world what we're telling us don't don't engage yourself with that negative energy if it's there bring light into the path bring light into your life that's the key thing to always always remember so with that my friends I want to say this we all have these poo voices within us it's up behooves us to choose the path of life and the path of light and we have the ability to do so I hope this sheds some light no pun intended on
that dark side and with that itself allowing to expose it because remember Darkness does not like light all the maggots all the parasites where do they gather when there's no bright light they like moisture but they want it to be the light as soon as you shine the light the burglars and the criminal elements and the dark elements run away the vampires disappear in the light they thrive in Darkness Darkness is also an ignorance and things that we don't see clearly so it's critical to shed light on these Dark Matters and that allows us to
understand existence in a completely different way now there's so much more that can be said on this topic I hope this illuminated some part of it but I'm sure we'll talk about it some more this has been Simon Jacobson meaningful is our website where you can find a wider rate of materials relevant materials psychological spiritual life skills to help us deal with every challenge in life please love to hear your feedback your comments and please share subscribe to our YouTube channel which has been growing and skyrocketing actually and share with others share with your
friends and hopefully let's get this message out and let's turn this world which has so much Darkness scientists recently discovered how much dark matter dark energy that is out there But ultimately that darkness is all part of a bigger plan that allows us to discover the purpose of the darkness itself is deeper light thank you so much be well and be blessed this program is brought to you by the meaningful Life Center please help us continue our programs make even a small contribution at donate
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Healing Forest Ambience | 369Hz + 639Hz Cleans The Aura And Space | Attract Prosperity, Love & Lu...
Healing Forest Ambience | 369Hz + 639Hz Cl...
Healing Energy Frequency
Escape The Matrix | Rabbi Simon Jacobson Full Interview
Escape The Matrix | Rabbi Simon Jacobson F...
Mulligan Brothers Interviews
528Hz + 741Hz + 432Hz - The DEEPEST Healing Frequency, Alpha Waves Heal the Whole Body and Spirit
528Hz + 741Hz + 432Hz - The DEEPEST Healin...
Healing Melody for Soul
How to eliminate SELF-DOUBT forever
How to eliminate SELF-DOUBT forever
Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
What is Kabbalah?... Here's the truth
What is Kabbalah?... Here's the truth
Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
The Four Personality Types: MASTER yourSELF
The Four Personality Types: MASTER yourSELF
Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
Thaumaturgical Reality; Magic is Real
Thaumaturgical Reality; Magic is Real
The Most Powerful Frequency of The Universe 888 - Love, Health, Miracles and Infinite Blessings
The Most Powerful Frequency of The Univers...
Frequency Harmony
432Hz- Deepest Recovery & Healing Frequency, Full Body Repair - Relieve All Negative Thoughts
432Hz- Deepest Recovery & Healing Frequenc...
Inner Healing Energy
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