in this video I'll share three instant ADHD fixes that I've used to not only manage my ADHD but also to thrive with it and all without having to rely on medication these three instant fixes are 100% scientifically backed and allowed me to come off my ADHD medication without my life turning right back into a complete mess I get done what I want to when I want to I have no executive paralysis I have laser focus I'm rarely overwhelmed but more importantly I'm now finally making consistent progress while living a well balanced and fulfilled life and
I bet my channel that these can do the same for you if you think this sounds too good to be true I dare you to stick with me till the end and if you don't like them feel free to roast me in the comments Jokes Aside let's get started next to going viral with these three strategies I was even invited onto NBC News recently to talk about them and the best part is that compared to medication these don't have any negative side effects the only side effects these natural strategies have our life of more clarity
energy and purpose plus a healthier body it's a win-win on all fronts my friends but before we dive in we need to understand what happens to our brains when we take medication so we know the effects we're going to try and copy side effect free as adhders we have lower levels of neurotransmitters dopamine and nephrine these hormones regulate our mood and detention and stimulate medication works by increasing the concentration of these neurotransmitters in our brain which immediately boosts our attention focus and executive functions however it boosts these levels artificially and so if you take medication
you may often also suffer from rebound effects where ADHD symptoms temporarily worsen anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours after it can feel like falling off a cliff trust me I've been there and it's one of the main reasons I actually decided to come off it it's almost like your brain needs time to recover after medication which is not ideal this is actually one of the many side effects that medication can have and do you actually know the percentage of medication users that experience that effect it's shocking put your guesses in the comments I'll Circle
back to this in a minute but for now let's get back to the benefits of the three natural strategies because instead of giving your brain something to recover from these strategies will help you build and create these neurotransmitters without needing to worry about what happens later and by the way make sure to stay until the end for a special bonus strategy that just happens to be my favorite let's Dive Right In welcome back to ADHD Vision where we help you thrive instead of just survive so if you have ADHD hit that subscribe button and ring
the notification Bell because that way you won't miss out on any more uploads we upload twice per month number one movement Studies have shown that exercise can enhance executive functions such as impulsivity control and attention in children with ADHD and when I learned about this it just made so much sense because back in school I always found myself chasing movement I played football during break I ran up the stairs before class which turns out was all just a coping mechanism to allow my brain to get focused and engaged and the best part is that this
still holds true when you're an adult during the first 60 minutes of exercise dopamine levels gradually increase peaking around the end of the exercise session after the exercise session ends dopamine levels start to decrease gradually returning to Baseline over the next hour and so you're more focused and energized during this time but what you may not know is that that regular exercise can even help sustain higher Baseline levels of dopamine over time this means even when you're not exercising in the moment you will naturally be more focused and attentive over time the more you do
it also this is one for all of my anxious adhders out there I see you I'm one of you 50% of people with ADHD also suffer from anxiety and exercise even helps reduce your levels of stress hormones such as cortisol something many people don't know is that the best type of exercise for producing dopamine is aerobic like running as well as high-intensity interval training but we as adhders are consistently inconsistent when I started exercising I always did it in 3 weeks Sprints and then stopped again for 3 weeks so how can we stick with it
well by finding an activity you actually enjoy our brains are wired for interest not importance and so we need to make exercise interesting to activate our ADHD brain once I got Outdoors for additional stimulation and sensory input joined classes or teams played a sport instead of just wait lifting alone or listening to my favorite music whilst doing so everything changed all of a sudden I stuck with it it was actually fun and on top of that studies have confirmed that exercise you enjoy produces more dopamine and helps with overall mental well-being more compared to exercise
that feels like a chore and that's true especially for us so let me know what your favorite exercise is down below but even then we are consistently inconsistent so it's okay to do something completely different for a week or two just remember to come back after before we move on to the second natural strategy which builds onto this one perfectly if you want to be successful with this one you got to be very careful to trigger your All or Nothing mindset here exercise can be 10 minutes long or 2 hours long the reason why a
lot of us adhders can't stay consistent is because we want to do everything all at once all the time which spoiler alert makes things too overwhelming to start on it's why we're Master procrastinators one of the main things I had to learn was that every small bit of exercise is good small movement intervals throughout the day like taking a walk taking the stairs or just doing jumping jacks before a meeting will still get you some of these benefits you're not a failure if you don't manage to go all out let's move on to mindfulness I
know such a buzz word but mindfulness in ADHD is actually widely misunderstood it's not about sitting still on a mountain top for hours which we would definitely feel the need to jump off of after just a few minutes imagine you're a traffic control clerk at an airport airport you see each plane taking off and Landing now imagine each plane represents one of your thoughts in short that's what mindfulness is watching a thought and not engaging in it simply noticing it from the outside and this is the crucial part deciding whether it has permission to land
or not now here's something you may not know that just also makes a whole lot of sense we as adhders are often plagued by ants no I don't mean the small insects that invade our home I mean automatic negative thoughts we often experience a heightened level of these ants because they're very stimulating to think about which however can make your inner World a lot more volatile and you guessed it a lot more negative imagine planes landing every 1 to two minutes at your airport constantly colliding with each other Pilots completely ignoring air traffic commands it's
a mess which contributes to a much more negative self-image increased stress levels and therefore less focus and attention and so mindfulness isn't just a to have for ADHD it's a must if you want to actually enjoy and take back control of your life imagine a life where you're intentional with your thoughts where you get to choose what you believe imagine what that could be like sounds great right but how can you get there well one of the best ways to learn is through meditation but that does not mean you have to just sit still and
focus on your breath everything changed for me once I learned about active meditations taking a walk and always coming back to the sensations of your steps focusing on on your body's Sensations like rubbing your fingers together taking walks in nature are all gamechangers for ADHD because they're stimulating the truth is that we as adhders can actually have fun and have an advantage when it comes to mindfulness how well since your brain is interest driven you're actually able to hyperfocus on your internal dialogue once you get interested in it once you get into the habit of
asking yourself why did that thought come up and get curious about your inner experience you can catch those planes even before they breach the clouds you literally turn into a fighter jet escort and let's be honest what's more interesting than what's up here think about all the things that are influenced by your perception your relationships your job your drive your energy literally everything and now imagine you had the power to choose what to act on the power to shoot down any thought that doesn't agree with who you want to be that's what mindfulness can do
for you and it's changed my life but where a lot of people with ADHD go wrong is they try to control their minds they have heard about all this neurotypical mindfulness talk and want to tame their ADHD brain which is like trying to tame a wild stallion with a red ribbon you'll just make it worse what you want to do instead is to just explore sensations of restlessness with curiosity compassion and validation you are not changing or altering you're just observing studies show that mindfulness can significantly improve attention and focus as well as executive functioning
and it's easy to see why let's move on to sounds I want you to now imagine you're sitting in one of these airplanes for a second do you hear that no it's not the crying baby or the couple arguing about what food to order it's that background noise that steady flow of deep sound that for some reason magically just clears your mind this sound is called Brown noise and next to other colored noises is one of the most helpful naturally occurring sounds to quiet your restless ADHD mind because it sounds like a gentle breeze that
clears your inner chatter without without being too overwhelming or distracting there's also White Noise pink noise or green noise which can not only help you focus and get things done but even sleep something that ADHD medication often actually makes worse and by the way 50% of people who take ADHD medication have been shown to experience side effects you thought I'd forget about coming back to that didn't you but back to sounds studies show that people with ADHD need more noise to hit their Peak cognitive performance now I don't like to take credit for things but
we were actually one of the first channels to shed light on this incredible Brown noise sound getting over 22 million views on Tik Tok then being invited to NBC News to talk about it where they said that the special thing about Brown noise or white noise is it's it's cheap and simple which is so true you can find hourlong versions everywhere including on my channel of course and the effect is immediate just as promised now that you know about my top three ADHD remedies you may want to know about One bonus strategy that I use
every single day which out of all other strategies help me to become hyper consistent like never before even though I suffered from executive paralysis almost daily ever since using this strategy I'm less stressed rarely overwhelmed and I make consistent progress on my life goals more than ever it's a simple strategy that works for almost anyone with or without ADHD and doesn't require any discipline or willpower it's something called curated external triggers and is a science-backed way to trick your brain into a state of focus whenever you want to complete any task at rapid speed no
matter how boring it is I would love to tell you about all the details right now but it would simply take too long for the rest of this video so I recorded another free video which you can find over on my website that breaks down the entire strategy in detail click the link in the description to watch it in it I'll show you exactly what curated external triggers are how they work why they work and most importantly how you can make use of them to erase your procrastination executive paralysis and finally be able to focus
and get things done consistently this strategy is proven to work by thousands of adhders and more and more are jumping on it by the minute click the link in the description check it out and see for yourself how powerful it really is see you there