hello everybody welcome to the believers voice of victory broadcast I am so blessed and honored to be your host this week my name is Jeremy Pearson's now listen to me we have a week of broadcast ahead of us that you do not want to miss let's pray or get right into the Word of God today father we worship you today with this broadcast Lord we bring this before you and we honor you with it father I'm asking today that as we get into your word as we come boldly before your word I'm asking you that
you would grace us and grant us eyes that see Jesus ears that hear his voice the voice of our Good Shepherd and hearts that understand who we are in Jesus and who Jesus is in us we worship you and we praise you today in Jesus name Amen now listen to me you and I are in for it because today on this broadcast and all week long we are blessed and honored to have pastor Joseph Prince all the way from Singapore right here on the believers voice of victory welcome sir thanks for having me it's a
blessing brother Copeland this is the glorious Warner absolutely I just got to speak with my grandfather for a few minutes not you know just a few days ago told him you were in town and I said I've never asked to do broadcast or never asked to host anybody but I felt like the Lord was in this and I just said pastor Joseph's here I know he loves you and know that he loves your ministry and you guys I wanted our viewers and our partners to know that you guys have been partners together for a long
time now and this has been a ministry I know that's been a blessing to you and I know that your ministry has been a blessing to them so he said go for it okay let's go for it go for it so all this week on this broadcast we're going to get into the word together and those of you who don't know maybe you've been hiding under a rock somewhere for the last several years but pastor Joseph pastors new creation Church in Singapore this outstanding growing thriving Church and I wanted you to tell us a little
bit about the church and then - we've got some pictures of the new building the Lord has just blessed you guys with and let us know what's going on there well last Christmas we moved into our new took us about five years to build that building it's called the star and we work together with a retail site to the shopping on the lower floors but we on the upper floor and we have the whole auditorium as you can see on the screen this is our building the star pack stop star Performing Arts a convention hall
for acts that come through Singapore so we can lease out as well during the weekdays and make money off the world is a beautiful place let's look at some of these pictures I wanted them to see go ahead and scroll through those guys and once you see what are we looking at here I guess this is still the outside of the building and out of the building I think people look at this and think is is this an actual place there's an actual place it's from the future it is on locations if you buy night
Wow right the auditorium itself praise Jesus what gets my congregation this is a our Christmas celebration Wow Wow well I miss home already I know you do well we are very blessed to have you today sir I know as we tape these broadcasts you guys have been in the States for the last month yeah a month and I know you've had a fruitful time here and you're probably ready to get home and see your beautiful wife - Momofuku one and a half year old is he's picking up words that I missed when I was here
and it's like a growth spurt you know it's like yeah yeah at this age and I'm waiting writing to go home as well almost but not only lust burst the fight right here pastor I do want to say this before we get into the word I know you get a lot of testimonies from a lot of people I was reading your latest book the power right believing and there's so many testimonies one right after another but I've never really had the opportunity to share with you or to say publicly my personal testimony of how the
Lord has impacted my life my wife and I Sarah our family our home our ministry through what he's done through you and it's it's something that has really shaped the course of our ministry in 2009 I was getting ready to preach my dad was traveling and he asked me to preach on to Sunday and I prepared a message and I sat back and looked at it and thought well that's boring and I knew if it bored me to prepare it then it was gonna bore the people that had to hear it and just in in
the time of preparation that day I heard this come up in my heart just preach Jesus beautifully I didn't really know what that meant I thought okay well that sounds great well what do I say about this or about that he said just preach Jesus and I was I was alarmed at how ill-prepared I was for that and but the Lord you know he's gracious and he's merciful and he helped me with that and what I thought was a message I realized was my wife and I Sarah and I we realized it was our ministry
and we found ourselves in Colossians chapter one we said him we preach and that's what we set out to do and it was just a couple of months after that of course I was familiar with you but it wasn't really listening much and we came across you on television and that same thing rose up on the inside I said that's it that's what I'm supposed to be doing just preach Jesus and I asked the Lord well what about what about preaching healing he said preach Jesus and watch what happens amen what about preaching prosperity he
said preach Jesus and watch what happens so can you imagine what we're going to talk about on this broadcast of sweet Jesus will you get us into the word sir yes let's do you know III think that one of the best places to start off in the Word of God is Romans chapter five and on the power of right believing when we come to Romans 5 we find their I mean Romans 5 is precious it has so many truths that we are still digesting and feeding on I think it's probably even our life time here
on earth we're not able to finish off everything that's in Romans chapter 5 if you go wrong in chapter 5 verse 19 it says for us by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so also by one man's obedience many will be made righteous okay now we see here that sinners are sinners not because they sin they are sinners because of one man's disobedience adamson made them sinners therefore they sin because they are sinners all right now also by one man's obedience and they'll be the last Adam Jesus Christ is okay by his obedience many
will be made righteous now the thing is this the essence of the Warfare's here the devil wants us focused on our righteousness or the lack of it okay he wants us focus on are you righteous enough are you obedient enough are you holy enough and even when you you attempt to be holy he says that it's not enough you know you study the Scriptures USA so-and-so studies five chapters you only studied two chapters you study five chapters somebody else that is ten chapters you pray one hour somebody else prays three hours you always point to
you even when you do right you'll point to you is not enough when you do wrong of course he tells you is wrong right okay so the devil is always keeping yourself occupied but in 2nd Corinthians 10 verse 5 verse 4 and 5 the weapons of our warfare they are not tunnel but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing and watch this bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ not our obedience but the obedience of Christ so the essence of the warfare is to
have our thoughts focus on the obedience of Christ right the devil wants it focused on you but the Lord wants our focus to be on one man's obedience that man's obedience the made us righteous at the cross all right here baked God at the cross there's that one act that made us righteous now the thing is this the amazing thing the body of Christ what I see is that we preach to the sinner okay now there's no good or righteous thing that you can do to undo the fact that you're a sinner okay isn't that
what we preach to tell people once you're a sinner okay unless you are born again alright you can do good you can give the charity or whatever you do it cannot undo the fact you're a sinner but now that Christ his obedience has made us righteous we can undo our righteousness in one day all right in other words you can be righteous in the morning and be unrighteous in the evening and then get yourself free righteous before night falls you know and and something is wrong and we are not even talking about much more yet
we're not even talking about much more yet we're talking about Jesus the second atom and the first atom on the same ground on equal fun or equal footing something is wrong we are not giving a value to the work of the second atom where we exalt the work of the first atom what he did was so powerful we cannot undo the fact that we are a sinner but what Christ is did we can undo it so I think that it almost not here to realize that Oh beat righteousness the Bible talks about obedience I believe
in obedience but Paul talks about obedience in Chapter 1 of Romans and the last chapter of Romans he talks about opions like this obedience to the faith to the faith yeah it is right believing it's not this legalistic obedience in fact when you have right believing for example you believe that it is that one man's obedience that make you righteous okay that is right believing and right believing will always produce right living yeah just preaching right leading from the pulpit that's not necessarily produce yes and I've been I grew up in the church where I
got saved when I was I was very young and my aunt brought me to Christ and and ever since I was safe I hear sermons a lot of sermons in fact I remember hearing a sermon about the finished work it's all about what you need to do arise about right living but I can see that in in the pews there's not much right living but people are sincere I really come from a perspective where I believe Jeremy that the body of Christ is not looking for a way to sin they are looking for a way
out of sin that's right I don't look at them negatively and I think it's time for us to also realize that like when Jesus saw the multitudes right in the Gospels the Bible says when Jesus saw the multitude he was moved with compassion because they were scattered and they were fainting yeah as sheep without a shepherd whereas when we look at a multitude what do we see they are scattered because they like they like discipline they are fainting because they are just disobedient you know I'm saying is that how we look at the multitude just
didn't look at them that way he saw them as sheep without a shepherd and then the Bible says and he began to teach them yeah many things coming out of compassion for him anything and feed them don't beat them yeah so that's where I come from from the perspective of one man's obedience yeah and I hear you say this and this has been a major theme throughout your ministry and especially in this this new book that you've written the power of right believing and that is that this desire that we have and it's the right
desire the right design to to live lives this year bring glory to God that are that are separate which is the definition of the word holiness just separated but what it comes down to is where do you get the power to do that is actually because if you do what we've been doing for so long which was lean on the our own strength to do it right we've been frustrated it's true so what what the Lord is having you minister and I want you to say it again and really elaborated on it is right believing
produces right living amen if we look at Galatians chapter 5 we see the fruit of the Spirit alright in Galatians chapter 5 we see Paul speaking by teaching by the spirit all right elucidating on on on the gifts I mean the fruit of a spirit or you find a list here in Galatians chapter 5 okay all right we have the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace alright in verse 22 alright long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness notice it's called the fruit of the Spirit okay the verses before that in verse 19 now the works
is not called the fruit of the flesh it's not the works of the flesh and what is works competive fruit works is a result of effort fruit is a result of life Wow okay so for the first four chapters of Galatians Paul talked about law and grace law and grace law and grace law and grace and in chapter 5 he talks about now if you are under grace the fruit will be love joy peace even self-control temperance is a fruit yeah think about it yeah you know but if you're under law the works of the
flesh is adultery party spirit bitterness unforgiveness witchcraft all these are the works of the flesh I like to be last wait like this if you look at Israel you know when they came out of Egypt on the night of the Passover they were laden with gold yeah right but they had no temptation they had no desire to build a golden calf before the Red Sea they were not tempted through the Red Sea and on the other side they were not tempted all the way to the foot of Mount Sinai they were not tempted until they
said the works come in all right well meaning like you say Jeremy sincere the most all that God said but they didn't realize it was a statement of pride all that God has said to us we will do it sounds it sounds good it's not so great but in the Hebrew is it literally says Kol I shared a beer adenine na sa na is an emphatic we can do it they're not even hurt the tension is but they told God we can do it and the moment they said they can do it okay God change
his stone God say to them Moses tell them don't come near now God never had that tone all of a sudden that's distance you see from from Egypt God was with them to the Red Sea in order in the pillar of cloud by day in a pillar of fire by night but all of a sudden God changed his tone why man has presumed on his own righteousness and God brought Israel out not because they were good but because he was good it was not because they were faithful it's because he is faithful it was based
on the cabinet of Abraham Isaac and Jacob which is an unconditional covenant okay but at the foot of Mount Sinai in essence when they said those words all the Lord says we can do it they were actually exchanging covenants it was almost like God don't don't bless us don't assess us any more based on your goodness but our goodness yeah no longer and your faithfulness but on our faithfulness we can do it and then one the moment they did that God changed his stone and the next chapter God gave them the Ten Commandments okay what's
the result you see a golden calf yeah they had the goal all the time I mean Egypt gave them the back-pay we have all this years of slavery plus interest all right but notice they never used that goal in this manner yeah but the moment they they put themselves on the law the strength of sin is the law first Corinthians 15 56 the moment they put himself under law they broke the very first commandment thou shall have no other gods before something that had there was a golden he never been a thought yes never been
a temptation never been even logical to him all of a sudden you're saying when they when they you talkin about the power of right believe what doesn't be wrong believing that's right I can do that I can do that and like a kid would say it I can do that without anybody helping me which is funny and cute when it's a little kid but not so much when it's me and you telling the Lord I can do this when so and so obviously we can yes but something that had never been a temptation to him
all of a sudden yeah and I venture to say this along those lines I think that there are believers who never committed some sins that they have committed when they were a sin when they were sinners but after they came to church all right all of a sudden some temptations became really strong and I think they got a check that believing you know we have we have one of the ways you you know you have wrong believing okay is when you you have a toxic emotion okay like fear guilt you can tell you about wrong
believing you might even think that everything is okay you believe right but whenever you have emotions of fear you own up to it there's a wrong belief in somewhere because why are you fearful there is a wrong thinking why is there wrong thinking there's a wrong believing okay and many times the wrong believing is because of wrong hearing yeah in going through this book and listen to what the Lord saying through you you know you help identify things that we need to see the right way seeing the way God sees and then seeing what he
doesn't see your and I as he's broadcast continue through that week and I really want us to get into that but one of the foundation scriptures for that is Romans chapter 12 verses 1 & 2 that talks about not being kind form to this world but be transformed yes of course conform just simply means taking on an outward appearance that's not reflective of what's going on inside but transformation is letting the inside come out and he says to do that by the renewing of our minds right the renovation of it which would mean you take
out things that don't belong and you put things in that do help us identify some of those things what are you talked about some of those indicators fear guilt condemnation ation let's do some renovation let's pull some stuff out right now before we put some stuff in there belongs there help us identify some of these things that don't belong yeah first I mentioned those things and you mentioned very eloquently just now all those things that we need to be you see this can be conformed to the world it's not just your dressing or your the
length of your hair or your makeup how thick it is I mean do you think makeup having makeup is wrong for a lady I think if you your face needs makeup go for it you know I'm saying well how much makeup you think a lady needs to know depending on her face the world is not that the world is the pride the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh and notice what what the Word of God says about the world be not conformed to the world it says it says that love not the
world nor the things that are in the world If any man love the world the love of the father not the love for the father right the love of the father is not in him and most people think that and people you know there can be a confirmed words because you don't love God enough but what God is saying you know if you read it right it's love of the father's not at him he doesn't know how much he's loved yeah no one has been preaching to him no one has been telling him how much
he's loved now we all preach the love of God but I think we have not plumb into the depths of the length breadth the height and our sermons it's always like a mixture yeah God loves you but God loves you but imagine doing that to your wife you know it's easy to love Sarah but imagine doing that to anybody else you know but you know it's like there's never a sense of security in that relationship sure okay so if we give security love people I believe they not love the world yeah that's what I feel
like needs to come out not just in these broadcasts but now in the world is that it's you are so deeply madly passionately loved by the father and it sounds so simple and it is so simple yes it's beautifully simple but that's when fear gets driven out that's what I want to happen in these broadcasts as we continue this week gonna get into the Word of God but there's one thing I want you to walk away with more than anything else and that is this you are loved by your Heavenly Father you are loved by
the Lord Jesus and that's what I want us to really begin to dive into because that's gonna rip out some of those ways of thinking that don't belong what would you say we have just a moment left on this broadcast what would you say that would sort of get us into where we're going from here we're taking out things that don't belong putting things in we want to see the way God sees how would you wrap this up for today I think we're going to talk about you know many things during this week about how
God is not angry of you and that debt is not being emphasized and the sense of God's love for example is tied up with the fact that there's a lot wrong believing in so many areas you know and I find that we say we are work people but then when these words are being expressed even grace itself it's amazing how we we are actually like Jerry Savelle said it very well we have favorite word we need to be open this coming week to all these new aspects of learning you know I'm still a learner you
know and so I you let's learn as much as we can about the grace of God because the New Covenant is not about us it's all about Jesus Jesus and I'm so glad for that if it was about us this thing would have been over a long listen it's not about you it's not about what you've done or haven't done it's about Jesus what he's done and do you believe what he's done we're finding out some things from the Word of God about number one who God really is you know you got to let God
to find himself and not let tradition or some other man's opinion define it but then find out who you are in him find out who you are in Jesus and we we started yesterday's broadcast by looking at Romans chapter 5 which which I love Romans chapter 5 I heard Judah Smith say like this he said I don't do drugs I do Romans chapter 5 and somehow the Spirit of God got the entire New Testament in one chapter and we're talking about elevating the work of Jesus amen it does not belong on the same level that's
what Adam did write it but it is much more yes what God has done for us in us is doing through us His grace is much more yes than what much sin did to man amen and I believe that there's so much that needs to be said about this and my grandfather said something not long ago I heard him say it in a meeting talking about some of these things he said you know this this revelation of the grace of God it's it's been in the body of Christ it's been here since it was written
yes he said but right now I love the way he said this he said right now God's got the big light on it mmm not good that's very good he's got the big light on it in other words through ministries like yours and what you're doing and and what the Lord is doing through you the Lord is shining a light on this I believe it's because we need to hear it and I know when when I first got turned on your ministry and was reading your books and listened to your teaching you know what it
did for me as somebody who grew up in a it will I call this the household of faith it it came in and just reinforced everything I believed and what it what had helped me with through said okay that's why I believe this why you believe that's why I can lay hold of the things of God and claim it for my life and my family in my marriage my ministry and that's what I believe a revelation of who Jesus really is when the the light comes on and the cover comes off and you see him
we will be like him right when we see him as he is and sir I'd ask again today that you just get us into the Word of God and minister to the people watching this broadcast all over the world whatever the Lord would have you say okay let's go back to Romans chapter 5 let's do it and Romans chapter 5 there is a verse that I want to call your attention to this is the verse probably the number one verse that I think that is still neglected you know and and such a powerful truth built
on these power twins I call it our in Romans 5 verse 17 and my book the power right believing has so many testimonies of people all right who put into practice this one verse okay especially when dia in addictions to depression or eating disorders anxiety attacks you know pornography we have many testimonies of of people all right who suffered from eating disorders and addictions to pornography especially who found freedom okay and how they found it is this I teach that while you are still in bondage alright confess I am the righteousness of God in Christ
you see when when when there are symptoms of like you know our bodies okay in our lives we confess my God supplies right alright there are symptoms in our bodies we confess we don't confess the symptoms we confess by His stripes I am healed when we sin we confess our sin right we never rise above it as in everything all right everything in the Christian life works by faith okay when it comes to sin we're not using our faith we're confessing what's there and have a whole teaching I know that you know for some people
is a huge controversial issue in on it but to me it's very simple all right when you confess the righteousness of God who Christ has made you he honors the father it glorifies Jesus because we finish work yeah and so I have people that we teach from Romans 5:17 while you are still smoking they still do it yeah while you're still watching that pornography they'll still do it and not tell the pastor's about it confess I'm the righteousness of God in Christ now Jeremy the last thing you want to do right in the middle of
it the last thing you want to do while you're smoking is to feel like a hypocrite because the devil gonna come and tell you what do you just say yeah you know you're such a hypocrite he does not want you to say that but I got so many testimonies in that book all right that where they confess that they are the righteousness of God of God in Christ people I did that the pornography lifelong habits you know bro just not met up overnight but many of them came on confessing and they say that pastor Prince
just let you know I was addicted to pornography one young man in New York said he was a bound by pornography since the age of 13 Wow and and after became a believer he's now in his 20s he said that he's still bound by it but he used his willpower as much as he could to overcome it he grew us but it's the moment I confess I'm the rights of God in Christ I began to confess again and again even the myths of it just let you know and many of them were share things like
after a few months after a year of not watching pornography then they wrote to me this thing is real I'm a living testimony that grace is the antidote yeah to sin and it's a desire from within people look at that they think how how could there be that kind of power and just saying something like that but the word confession itself just means to say the same thing homologue you Judas just say the same thing and and you have to realize if there was no power in confession then none of us would be born again
because that's how we were born again which we said the same thing about Jesus right that God said about him amen God gave him that place as Lord and we said the same thing well that's the same thing you're doing in the middle of that sin I'm gonna say about me what he has said about me and it's the power of agreement and it's got righteousness by faith because you know there are times you wake up in the morning and you won't feel righteous you feel like some goose you know you know you feel unclean
sometimes you wake up feeling unclean you might have some bad you know dreams or whatever but that's a time to confess by faith I am the righteousness of God in Christ and we were talking about the verse let's read that verse in Romans chapter 5 verse 17 it says for if by the one man's offense we know that this is Adams offense death reigned through the one much more look at that much more those who receive and this would receive in the Greek is a is a present active tense which means continually receive now that
doesn't mean that we need to always get born again born again you know but what it means is that a continual consciousness especially when you sin that's the time you need working yes so the word received here in the is a present continuous Lamba no present continuous tense those who receive two things abundance of grace well this past the prince sometimes he you know he preaches too much on grace here it says is by the abundance of grace yeah and the other gift of the gift of righteousness notice it's not the reward of righteousness here
for something is the gift to these two power twins all right those who receive these two will reign in life through the one Jesus Christ now notice that if you receive the abundance of grace actively every moment you know every day you are you're conscious of that and you receive that and the gift of righteousness you will reign in life when you reign the devil doesn't that's so good when you reign your addictions don't that is so good you can have two persons reigning you know yeah yeah when you arraign your bad habits don't and
and if if I were the devil and I'm not the devil he's not it's not this good looking but if I were the devil yes which teaching would I attack these two abundance of grace I will attack any ministry any minister that preaches too much on grace yeah number two our attack the teaching of the gift of righteousness I'll make it appear like righteousness is something you attained as as opposed to obtain all right and now I take these two because I know that you're the body of Christ ever wakes up to this - yes
yeah that's it they will reign over me I do know this I know that there's somebody or multiple people watching these broadcasts that are dealing with those exact things that you named fear that they can't seem to get rid of addictions that they can't seem to get rid of just being held in that bondage and you need to know today as you're watching this that this is your freedom there is freedom in the middle of this I read that in your book just just last night it's so simple and I how many times have I
read romans 5 but when you said when you reign addiction doesn't mmm when you reign fear doesn't that's right wow that is so powerful I'm so thankful I'm so thankful for Romans chapter 5 it's all because of Jesus is through him yeah it's true Hema and Jeremy the thing is that for the body of Christ you know we've learned this I me I thank God for for you know teachers like brother Copeland you know brother Hagin and brother aw Canyon you know they taught that righteousness is a gift yeah you know you hardly hear that
preach and and therefore if you don't preach righteousness as a gear for just what you're not preaching the gospel yeah you know we hear a lot of preaching you got to be more righteous whenever I hear people saying you got to be more righteous I know that they are missing it okay and the Bible says this how you can tell a babe in Christ for he that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness so you can always tell someone is a babe when they're unskillful in that word righteousness when you tell them define
for me what is righteousness or you see the way they distract righteousness they describe it as a behavior or works righteousness you know that they're a bit or something that you can fall in and out that's right that means they are still using milk but if they define righteousness as a gift then they are going beyond babyhood stage yeah Wow all right so uh righteousness it's not something that you can lose there is something I want to come on strong all right if you can lose righteousness you can lose Jesus okay the thing is this
you know when you were a sinner could you renounce your sinner ship the fact that you're a sinner can I can i with my free choice people say well pastor Prinze if somebody just renounced you know God understands and knows the weakness of people already knows why they say what they say under pressure okay we are not to judge them right okay but can I as a sinner I say I renounce the fact that I am a I'm a sinner would that happen but I'm using my free choice can a sinner use his free choice
I'm using my free choice to renounce my sinner ship would that happen so free choice is not as as powerful as we make it to be what's going to happen when when a believer and the pressure whatever he renounces you know his favor Jesus and all that we're not to judge who who is safe who is not but but the thing is that if he renounces even his faith does he become unsaved alright so if he can then what Adam did is more powerful again than what Jesus did it's bringing what Jesus did back down
to that back down to the level this said much more yes much more and we have not even plumbed the depths of the on equal footing yeah let alone that much more how can we teach him the much more it is much more Jeremy because of the value and the preciousness of that one man thank you it is like like God paid like let our sin is like for example 1 million debt 1 million dollar debt to God God you know what God did God picked for us the debt but he gave us a hundred
billion dollar debt he paid off our 1 million debt because the man if you know the value of that men all right he's an overpayment for all our sins if there are other planets other universes where there are other sinners his blood steal avails for them that's why he can die for all those who lived before he lived before he walked on the earth they could die for all those in the future and beyond yeah because of the value of the one man Christ Jesus and if my debts paid why do I need to keep
paying on a debt yes and and and you know what the amazing thing I find in my life is that when I know I'm forgiven as it is I can be honest about my sins you know sometimes I Drive down the road and I get a little bit impatient with a you know and I and oh I do yes you know where Sarah okay the thing is this you know and and the thing is that I used to be defensive my wife says in a darling and you're driving a bit too fast and you'll be
impatient and I say I'm very impatient I'm a man of God I'm a man of rest you know but the thing is this once I realize all my sins of those are the early days in my in my you know sure but but once I realized that my sins are forgiven as it is okay I can just smile it has it I I did that again deny there's no way to defend yourself you know why it's like like a ledger maybe this illustration in my book if if a businessman has a ledger alright he's a
counsel edger and he's heavily in debt okay when it comes into office he doesn't look at the ledger he tells the secretary just pay what you can okay he doesn't see the red why it reminds him of how much in debt he is but supposing someone hears his friend a wealthy friend hears about his predicament pays off Depp he goes into the office the next week he opens up his ledger to see all the read and realize he didn't realize he was dead heavily in debt now he's filled with gratefulness to his benefactor yeah he
doesn't Wow look at all that I owe I didn't know I owe that much you know and it's all paid for yeah in other words what I'm saying is that people become you know open with your sins with one another there's no need to defend yourself no need to try to you know you found me out you know the kind of thing even like I said you know I can drive down the road Wendy will say hey you lost your cool a little bit yeah again I did that pray for me darling you know you
can have that relationship and it's peaceful it's wonderful to have that kind of relationship in God and it's it's a the light has got to come on for a believer that when they do miss it you're like you're talking about when they're it when they do sin Oh God so angry with me now God's so upset with me is that is that true is that how it is that's what I used to believe you know you're looking at a man all right you're looking at a man who in his teenage years believed he had committed
the unpardonable sin and what confess his sins almost every moment because I really believe that God is angry with me and I believe that I need to get right with God no one told me about all these truths and this is what's you know true blood sweat and tears I would say you know my life testimony that's why I appreciate this truth so much but you see I think the people who appreciates grace are people who have really really really tried hard they have done everything they can and they've fallen flat they know they can't
those who still say well we can keep the law those who have not really you know you thought we say to them well another lap around the mountain yeah you know you have not learned the lesson so we need to know we are forgiven of all our sins past present and future that gives you a rest not that you want to sin you see those who say well pastor Prince if you push that to the people there's no telling what they'll do you're giving people license to sin you know Jade Hagin your your debt were
always your grandad will always say you know you don't have to get people license to sin right yeah amen so the thing is that Jesus did obviously Jesus thought all right that that woman who wept at his feet and he says Simon Simon was a Pharisee that invited Jesus you know there were two two debtors that order creditor one ordered thousand one or a million when they both could not pay he friendly forgave them both who would love him more he spoke his language you know that Pharisee had dollar signs in his eyes he spoke
his language so he says I suppose the one who is forgiven more you see this woman in essence he's saying I came to your house you didn't love me much yeah you think you mean the basic courtesy even you know why you think you're forgiven little you see this woman you know why she loved me much she knows she's forgiven much yeah so Jesus Jesus believed and taught all right that those who know they're forgiven much well nothing much yeah so if people know that they are forgiven of their sins past present and future it
will make them less anxious you'll make them fall in love of Jesus and when you fall in love with Jesus you've fallen for out of love is sin yeah talk about this I heard you mention this recently you talked about what happened in the life of Peter from the time he met Jesus to those last moments of Jesus on the earth and how he responded to him differently you're one of the first times you know it really blew my mind when I saw this you know and I saw this man one of my trips in
Israel I was with my pastors and I was just sharing with them how I saw this it was amazing because we teach that grace you know pastor Prince grace is wonderful a man you know grace is basic is for the new believers but we are going to holiness as if holiness is University grace is kindergarten but when when Peter met Jesus one of the first times he met Jesus Jesus says launch out into the deep and you know the story he got a net breaking boat sinking load of fishers he didn't you the man that
was in the boat he was odd he fell on his knees and turn to Jesus and says depart from me I'm a sinful man I'm a sinful man response this man just filled your boat fresh so in other words a sinner or one of our first encounters of Jesus all right the basic the kindergarten response for anyone for that matter is always the aspect of his love know his holiness not the Lord is holy tries holy but he wants us to know him in the aspect of his love all right now watch this three and
a half years past okay and Peter denied knowing Jesus all right on the night of the passion that Jesus went through the sufferings and all that he with cursing and swearing he denied knowing Jesus okay now the Bible tells us in in look that the disciples said when Jesus rose from the dead the Lord has appeared to Simon now that interview that personal private moment which Jesus had with Peter is not recorded for us in the Gospels it's built from us the Holy Spirit didn't seem fit see see fit to unveil to us that private
moment but the Lord appeared to Simon when he rose from the deep all right now obviously Jesus forgave him now watch these two weeks after day after he rose from the dead they were by the shores of Galilee they were fishing again and the law says children have you called any food they say no throw your net on the right side the right side is always a place of righteousness you know my right hand of righteousness and they cost so much fish okay then John recognized it's the Lord and Peter jump into the water to
go to Jesus yeah now which aspect of the Lord now that he saw his love if not he'll be jumping the other side of the boat you know so maturity is as you grow in the Lord the mob is loved you see what's the basic response of a sinner if an angel appears it's throughout the Old Testament get away get away from me depart from me I'm a sinful man you don't have a teacher sinner does holiness but you have to teach people the love of God no sinner will say O Lord thy loving-kindness is
better than life no sinner would say that they will do we frightened you know so we do I have to teach holiness yes but let's not have this idea that holiness is deep grace is basic it's the other way around the love of God we'll never know at whole eternity to learn the language app the breadth the height of the love of Christ and we will drive ourselves into the ground we will live really kill ourselves trying to be holy apart from a revelation of how much he's loved us being strengthened by the grace a
men to do what he's called us to do there's some things we've got to get into in these broadcasts I know where we're getting so close as we go on tomorrow I really want to take that next that next step into this something that you and I've been talking about privately here and that is we know who our Father is but do you know who your mother is we have been sitting at this table with Pastor Joseph Prince all the way from Singapore sir thank you so much once again for being on these broadcasts this
is a longtime friend and partner of this ministry Kenneth Copeland ministries I know my grandparents were in your country yeah 2005 I think and I you were a strong support to them in that meeting and I know they've never forgotten having them and I of course they love you and they love your ministry and this this unrelenting desire that you have that people see Jesus and I can tell you to serve personally that when when I sit and I listen to your ministry I quit looking at you I hope you're okay with that but I
just look at Jesus a man I just see him and I'm thankful that's been a blessing why these ayat both everything else that people see Jesus I fall in love with him it's not about Joseph being on Jeremy pre-us answer no it's not about us it's about him yes it is that must be why my my son says he doesn't want to be a preacher like daddy I you've heard me tell us on this broadcast before but I asked my son who's now three he was 2 at the time I said justice you wanna be
a preacher like dad and he said no Joseph pince and I guess he was having a hard time with his ours at that one but he he knows you and even as a two-year-old just we have it on in the house he's just soaking it in and you're your little one it's not too young to be around the Word of God to be around the anointed word Jesus began growing in the grace on his life from the very beginning and our little ones should be doing the same things right we closed yesterday's broadcast by talking
about something that I know you're met with a lot when people I don't think it's by anybody that's actually heard you I think it's by people who have heard from others something that you've said or or something they thought you said and I know that's something my grandfather even 40 almost 47 well over 47 years ago now started preaching so strong on faith in God and faith in Jesus faith in the word and people almost immediately started talking it was well - oh yeah and in saying all this stuff but you know what it did
is it made people run out there and get these tapes what is it I'm not supposed to be listening to which is kind of funny because that's what the law will do to so much right you tell a little kid don't go on the street don't go on the street don't go on the street well what do they want to do right well the same thing has happened I believe to you in some cases in your ministry where people have heard something that they thought you said once they well he's he's just preaching a message
that you know anybody can go out there and sin and I've heard you say this too why don't you go ahead on this broadcast and just tell us where you stand on sin I always say I Joseph Prince and I'll rattle off my serial number or my channel ID in Singapore and I'll say that I'm categoric categorically against but humanely against sin yeah okay sin will take you farther than you want to go keep you longer than you want to stay it will cost you more than you want to pay all right sin destroys there's
no doubt about it all right I am for holiness I think we're differ from some people is this how to get there from here yeah all right this is by your efforts right you do it hard enough strong enough discipline enough I say it's by grace yeah okay but grace has become a cliche I had a had a precious man of God in my country that asked me out one time for tea and he wanted to know how our church grew so fast you know in such a short time so I told him is the
grace of God you know and he looked at me and says yeah it's the grace of God what are you doing right you know he wants he wants the formula but the grace of God is no longer an answer for many people yeah he's a cliche that you put at the front of a sentence or the end of a sentence but you really mean it yeah my whole life and I think that Jesus grace is spelt j esus is jesus you know the law was given by Moses is seven but grace and truth came by
Jesus Christ know this truth is there on the side of grace but the law is true but that's not it's not law and truth if the law was given by Moses and who is Moses a servant who is Jesus the Son and and and we we esteemed the sermon greater than the son yeah yeah so that that is the thing but when it comes to holiness we touch on this last night yesterday how when Peter first knew Jesus he knew him in the aspect of his holiness and rightly so Jesus is holy and and and
he's Trice holy but his holiness is such debt his holiness without fanaticism okay it's conviction without intolerance or he could move among the the the sinners they could touch him and they could receive all right it wasn't his holier-than-thou but the one aspect that the Lord wants us to know him more than anything else is his love and they will take an eternity for us to know because when when Peter all right in in in the two weeks after his his resurrection Peter was fishing with John and all the rest and and Peter knew Jesus
in his love now because he's been forgiven of denying Jesus with cursing and swearing so we touch on that and an only good father in Galatians chapter 4 today we look at Israel now when Israel was a child look at verse verse 1 of chapter 4 in Galatians now I say that the air as long as he is a child now in the great child here is the word nappy oz the word son is who use who use is full sonship mature sonship where you inherit everything but as long as as he is a child
a nappy of an infant he does not differ at all from a slave though his master of all okay though his master of all but he does not differ from a slave imagine you have a domestic helper at home with a friend okay but that friend is not your heir justice is yeah but justice cannot cannot fly your plane he cannot drive your car he cannot you have a beautiful car you know its horsepower I mean Lamborghini or whatever but he cannot he's gonna try this I don't I'm just lying here and the thing is
this but but justice cannot do that right because justice is still an infant yeah but is he the Arab yes so when issue was an air the Bible says all right God put him under Guardians verse two Gardens Guardians and stewards unto the time appointed by the father so guardians and stewards is the law and the prophets because the entire book of Galatians like my law and grace so when Israel was a map EOS God put Israel under law okay the Ten Commandments all right now even so when we were children when he he mentioned
we here here in particular this passage he is talking about the Jews he's identifying with his Jewish heroes all right when we were children when we were nappy us we were in bondage under the elements of the world but what elements here story on which is that ABC's Greek word for ABCs elementary or a kindergarten we were under the elements the lowest elementary okay but when the fullness of the time had come God sent forth his son born of a woman born under the law to redeem those who were under the law that we might
receive the adoption as sons now the word adoption is not there literally it is placement as sons and the word sons here is not no longer neppy us but who EOS full mature sonship Jesus brought full mature sonship the moment you are born again you are full much your son in terms of your position in Christ yeah okay and that's why we can cry all right Abba Father it is daddy literally daddy and and the thing is this it's interesting when people say that grace grace is wonderful grace is basic you know we need to
know grace young converts you know need to know grace but let's go into holiness you know as if holiness is a deeper stuff but actually the thing is this when Israel was under when Easter was an infant at baby God gave them the law for 1500 years because God wanted him no all right by the law no one no one can be made righteous by the law is the knowledge of sin not not righteousness when the fullness of time came God sent his son and brought grace so which one is mature all right grace gave
us maturity Whois log made Israel an infant you know when when Jessica was young her friends would come over to my house okay and I would tell them don't go to the kitchen don't play in the kitchen all right don't touch the guest stuff don't play with the kitchen knives all sorts of loss okay now if you come to my house okay and I say to you Jeremy don't touch the situation of kitchen knives all right don't don't don't play the guest of you know I'll be insulting you and I'm saying so which is maturity
when Israel was an infant God put them on the law we have it backwards yeah we have to identify we know who our Father is amen one of the things that I believe has been so strong and in a revival a rescues me revelation the way it comes to you is identifying who your mother is and I know that sounds strange when you're just sitting there listening scripturally we're on which side of this walk us through that because it'll make much more sense coming out of you than it does even out me it's from the
same chapter in Galatians chapter 4 let's go to verse right now we're in Galatians 4 let's drop down right now to verse 21 tell me the Apostle Paul says tell me you who desired to be under the law now he's talking to people who designed to be under the law you who desire to be under the law do you not hear the law now before I go to this I must tell you this all right this is this is a powerful revelation that God just shook me with it you know if you look at verse
9 it mentions the law the stoichiometry and beggarly in verse 9 the weak and beggarly elements or ABCs he calls it weak and beggarly do you know that what weak in the greek is the same word for heal the sick jesus healed the sick that's the word for weak the what beggarly here is the same Greek whereas there was a beggar named Bartimaeus it means poverty so what would the law do it brings you to a place of sickness all right and poverty nothing wrong with the law yeah all right we'll keep you a slave
yeah nothing wrong with the law the law is holy but I cannot make you holy the law is just me can I justify you I thought I just put that in yeah okay but look at what we talked about just now tell me who designed to be under the law do you not hear the law it is written that Abraham had two sons the one by a bond woman which is Hagar Hagar was from Egypt all right the the other by a freewoman and we know this Sarah Abraham's wife but he who was of the
bondwoman of Hagar which is Ishmael he was born according to the flesh notice how God defines the flesh self-effort so Hagar excuse me Ishmael was born of Hagar when Abraham still had strength yeah okay and he are the free woman true promise which means by the spirit all right Abram could not perform anymore if I can put that way he cannot have the strength and God came in yeah and Isaac was born so watch this which things are symbolic these two women they are symbolic all right I didn't say the Bible says it for these
are the two covenants the old and the new the one from Mount Sinai which gives birth to bondage we just had our the Ten Commandments is from Mount Sinai the laws are from Mount Sinai and Mount Sinai is Hagar the slave girl and it produces what bondage for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to Jerusalem which now is and is a bondage with her children but the Jerusalem above is free who is the mother of us all that's Sarah okay so which are you alright which the viewers that are watching I like
to ask the question are you my brother are your brother from another mother yeah you know so the thing is this we have the same just like Ishmael Isaac they have the same Heavenly Father it's the same father Abraham yeah so we have the same Heavenly Father okay but they have different mamas okay Ishmael's mother is Hagar which is the law from Mount Sinai which produces bondage Isaac's mother is Sarah which is grace so the Bible tells us he goes on to say in verse 28 let's drop down to verse 28 but we brethren as
Isaac was our to not promise but as he who was born according to the flesh which is Ishmael then persecuted him there was born according to the spirit even so it is now the child of law persecutes the child of grace is never the child of grace persecutes a child of law and what is God's verdict what is God's diagnosis and Goss recommendation verse 30 nevertheless what does the scripture say cast out the bondwoman who is the bondwoman the law from Mount Sinai cast out the bondwoman and her son for the son of the bondwoman
shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman is a very serious question here on inheritance the heir who will be the heir ok so then brethren we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free so the thing is this today some of our biggest problems are coming from people or people challenged you know who tried to assassinate your character and all that it comes from people persecution in other words come on people who share the same heavenly father as us but not the same mother they were fight for the law our
mother is Grace yeah okay and just as it was in times pass all right the devil is trying to always take grace away from faith Abraham represents faith twice the devil tried to take Sarah away from Abraham one true Pharaoh another time to Abimelech it is always the devil attempting to take Grace Sarah away from faith because he knows that when they are together it's gonna be explosive and when you mentioned this to me before when did Ishmael begin to persecute yes let's turn to that real quick and in Genesis 21 if you look at
Genesis 21 in the scriptures it tells us when this happened when did Ishmael persecute his half-brother Isaac alright Janice is 21 it tells us very clearly here in verse 8 the child grew Isaac was wind he was wind remember we said that he that is he that he who defines righteousness as an act a behavior is unskillful here there's an skew in the word of righteousness is a babe in other words he does not know the word righteousness it means give not an action that person is a babe but obviously the body of Christ right
now is being wind they are not understanding righteousness and guess what's happening at the same time persecution when the issue of persecute Isaac when Isaac was weaned from milk yeah so the body of Christ now is being weaned from milk the understand righteousness so the persecution is starting and that's also the time that God says cast out the bondwoman and God spoke through Sarah's mouth geremy Sarah's mouth yeah I know that this is setting you free as you're listening to this right now and there's so much going on I think probably what's happening inside is
your your brain is going wait a second wait a second you got to get out of that and let your heart grab ahold of what you're hearing right now because it's truth and truth knowing this truth isn't that what Jesus said what would happen to it what would happen to me you'd be made free and that's what's happening I believe in the hearts and the minds and the lives of people that have praised the Lord they're born again they're born they're in church and they have the same Heavenly Father absolutely mother you see that the
in essence they're saying what you're saying Sarah can do a good job in raising Isaac Sarah grace cannot do a good job let's bring Hagar back Wow let's bring the law back no Sarah is well able to raise her Isaac so you know I'm not sitting and looking at the law every day you know I'm not reading it going on I gotta try to keep that but there is there's a I don't know if this is the way to say it but the the spirit of that you work what how would you describe that because
some no nobody sitting there going I gotta keep these trained are those 600 you're right and and and people are not consciously under the law one of the best ways to say it is like this I I think this really helped me as the Lord how how to define this so that people can put it you know into into practice on practical way on a daily basis and he said this just remember my law is all about demand my grace is all about supply the law demands righteousness grace supplies righteousness as a year ago the
law says you shall not gray says I will yeah all right so it's always demand so if I wake up in the morning and I have so many things to do and I'm demand oriented oh you know my wife demands this of me my boss demands this of me you know my congregation demands this of me you are demand mind that you'll be under stress and practically even you understand law and grace you actually under law but if you wake up and you say well I got a big project ahead of me and I gotta
finish this I got this meeting to do I got that you know preaching assignment I've got this thing but if your supply mind that God will supply everything yeah and then God will supply it so okay I'll just flow into it then you are under grace in a practical way so what we've got to do in our lives is set up indicators right engages yes the same way you would in a car if you want to know what condition your cars when you look at the gauge right well you I'd like to know what condition
you're in where's the where's the rest this level where's the joy level because when there's the nap since this what I'm hearing you say and you tell me something right but when there's an absence of rest right and I'm looking to myself and I'm depending on me to get me from here to done minded and you're under stress yeah you're looking to yourself but if you lose someone even to his busy look at Jesus there's never I've never seen anyone as busy as Jesus and yet he's never so restful Yeah right as you see him
in the in the Gospels in the midst of the multitude he always has time he always has time yeah it's the rhythm of grace to everything he did the unforced rhythms of grace and you can tell you can tell when people hear this that there's there's a lot of undoing that has to be done you can tell the Apostle Paul had a hard time trying to get it out you know that's why I think that's why he had to say so many times yet not I yeah how do I explain this to you I'm I'm
crucified but I'm not but I am but I'm not you know he had to say yet not I that's got to become the description of our lives hmm I'm alive yeah it's not me it's Jesus in me and that's what he said - said the same thing when he said I labor more abundantly than they all yet not I if he left it there this message is ruined but he said I'm working hard harder than anybody but yet I'm not yet I am but I'm not well if it's not you Paul who is it it's
the great race of good which is to say it's Jesus and what is so cool is this Jeremy you know any when he says when when when when Paul says yet not i but the grace of God that causes me to labor more abundantly think about how cool this is the Lord gives you the grace to be a Bible teacher the Lord gives you the grace to be a shepherd all right God gives you the grace to do whatever you need to do God kiss you the grace to do it and when you do it
when you execute the grace that he gives you he rewards you for for doing the grace that he first gave you that he did it's great you know the one that's worthy is the lamb we receive the crowns we know where to place it yeah you know because it's all him I want that to resume as we close this broadcast today identify in your life and you can do it in a hurry the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit and you will help you Jesus what have I been doing under my own strength that I need
to turn over to you right now and when you do it he is your care taker he'll take it and you can be free of it what we're doing is changing the way we think about some things number one changing the way we think about God this might be brand new information to you but God is not mad at you he's not angry with you yeah but you don't know what I've done I don't know what you've done but he does and he's still not angry with you that's how good he is and that's how
much he loves you and it's you believing that that will produce the power to change in your life and and and nobody would argue with the sir I mean that god there's a way to live that is pleasing to him and brings glory to him and it's different than the rest of this world it's a high way of living but what we've got to address and what we've been addressing is how do we get there how do we got there we get from A to B and that to me the way I've heard this I'm
like you I'm hesitant to call it the grace message the the way I've heard the gospel in a way that I have these last few years that's what I hear when I hear that it's it's not that there's nothing to do it's that number one Jesus has done it and that not that I do nothing but that I do only write what I hear what I see my father do just like him and then even then I depend on God working in me yes to will and to do it and that's what these broadcasts have
been about and if I could be so bold that's what your ministry is about and that's why so many people all over the world are being blessed and finding the strength to change people who have been bound up in addictions and bound up by fear a bondage of any kind they're finding their freedom they're finding that they can reign in this life and when they do those things don't and it's so simple people want to know what do you do to get free right Jesus Jesus said to people when they said we want to work
the works of God he say your work it's to believe you know there's something in man that's like yeah okay I get that but what else yeah there's something in man that wants to say look what I did I earned it I made it me man me make living for family you know it's and that's natural that's natural you know great not super Israel it's not super natural it is logic logical all right but grace it's not logical all right if you tell me do good get good do better yet bet that's logical it makes
sense every religion teaches then that's the essence of the law but if you tell me I can receive good I don't deserve because another receive all the bad that he didn't deserve that takes the Holy Spirit that takes the Enlightenment of the Holy Spirit to understand you doesn't make sense that takes believing how much you're loved how much you're loved yeah it's back into this today where do where do we go from from where we've been as we keep layering on this I think my heart my heart goes out too pastors and leaders I think
they are all for the same thing they want they want a vibrant growing healthy congregation people who are full of the spirit and not just people who are you know moving in the gifts but also in the fruit of the Spirit and I'm saying and we touch that on the on the first broadcast this week we touch on how the fruit of the Spirit comes about is a fruit it is not something you do it's a fruit and we have taught it like it's a discipline you got to discipline yourself to have all this you
know but when you're under grace that's the fruit so we gotta focus on grace because grace not only saves Jeremy graves also teaches grace also teaches grace in Titus 2 it says the grace of God teacher says there you go pastor brains you got you got a fish on deny ungodliness and wait a minute it doesn't say you teach this the grace of God teach grace of God teaches us we teach grace to our people the grace of God would teach them Wow from within in that what he said - and he said I will
write my laws on exactly you won't have need of somebody standing there telling you exactly and and and no one knew each other no the Lord all shall know me at least the greatest there's a class of the New Covenant and what makes what makes all that work what makes all the cloths of the New Covenant work the last phrase because I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins I remember normal well and I still hear preaching on Deuteronomy where it says I'll visit your iniquity to the third and fourth generation wait a
minute which carbon are we preaching now from yes we are still preaching from Mount Sinai all right a new covenant God says I will remember your sins no more I will remember your sins no more means what there was a time I remembered your sins but no more yeah why I remember them all at the cross and III punish my son all right for all your sins so today because I am holy people think that that grace is because or you know there is therefore now no condemnation or you're just making me God appear like
it's often sin no there is therefore now no condemnation because God is holy yeah because he is holy because he is just he cannot punish the same sin twice once in the body of my surety and then in my body in my life they'll make him unjust okay so it's because God is holy there is no imputation of sin in my life he unjust to you and yes to Jesus and he's not about to do and it's not about to do that now I've heard well-meaning great man of God wonderful precious people you know and
they tend they tend to repeat something they've heard like for example if God does not judge America God we have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah you know and and I understand where they're coming from but I say it got judges America he'll have to apologize to Jesus okay because even Sodom and Gomorrah when when Abraham intercede that he says if you find ten righteous were you destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if you find ten God is for ten I will not destroy you mean to tell me you cannot even find ten righteous men by the
gif of righteousness through the blood of Jesus in America today so IIIi think that we got to change the way we preach we got to push from Mount Zion not from Mount Sinai yeah from the New Covenant not from the Old Covenant yeah it's time for us to preach you know for example the Bible states in Colossians you are complete in Christ okay you are complete in Christ and there's a starting post of the believer what do we do we take the studying posts make it a finishing post one of these days you'll be complete
in Christ but no you've got to realize that you are complete in Christ you are seated with Christ now walk out from that sense of completeness brother Copeland likes to say this I'm not trying to be here yeah I am the heel yeah amen yeah it is so restful when you realize I'm not trying to get it I had it I'm complete in Christ yeah let's deal with some of these things that I know you hear quite a bit and and anybody would really I think you call them the what about somebody here's a message
on power the grace of God and and what they're responding to is the the to goodness of this is too good to be true it's but really it's so good that it is true what are some of these that you've heard and that you want to address I have I have a whole series of teachings it's called what about literally yeah what about what about what about and and we have what about Ananias and Sapphira what about repentance what about Hebrews chapter 6 you know the falling away what about Hebrews 10 so it's all covered
it's not possible for me to cover everything here but if you want to you know that series covers everything but one of the things I like to cover is what about repentance you know people have ideas about you know if you're between Grace and operational repentance well number one how do you define repentance the Greek is this meta Noah which is change of mind okay so every Sunday all right in my church as I'm preaching the beauty and the lovely and the glory the loveliness and the glories of Jesus all right repentance is going on
all the time of how good god is repentance is going on all the time you know and repentance is not this smiting your breath saying Jesus Jesus because you can cry your eyeballs out and still go away the same all right repentance is hearing something that causes you to change your mind the Apostle Paul in acts 20 verse 21 he says repentance towards God and faith towards the Lord Jesus Christ the first area repentance must happen is to ask God change your mind towards God you used to think that he was against you yeah now
change your mind he's for you used to think that God wants you to perform no he wants you to rest and let him perform in you through you for you so it's a it's a it's a mind change and that mind change is going on like in brother Copeland's ministry you know every time he teaches people are repenting all the time without using the word repentance now you can use the word repentance if you want but it's nothing more than change your mind by the way the other kind of you know crying Jesus the smiting
your breast kind of thing and feeling remorseful some people think that you must cry enough and then you know feel remorseful don't forget in Matthew 29 I believe I'm a 227 it says that that Judas after he realized that Jesus did not defend himself he realized that they're gonna crucify Jesus he felt remorseful now in the old King James it says he repented himself he brought back the thirty pieces of silver that what repentant is that the what remorseful is there in the New King James so remorseful doesn't mean but he committed the ultimate act
of self-righteousness he hung himself Wow he punished himself if you had only waited a few hours more Jesus would have become he substitute yeah on the cross and Peter did wait for a while yeah and receive the forgiveness you know and and I think that this what about is is very important because we need to always remember when you meet an obscure passage that seems to contradict the grace of God just remember you can't use obscure passage to interpret obscure passage yeah you need to interpret obscure passage with certain clear passage and one of them
I like to go into right now is Isaiah 54 all right about God swearing something very powerful to us in Isaiah 54 here here we know Isaiah 54 comes after Isaiah 53 all right as I 33 says he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities by his stripes we are healed we know Isaiah 53 as the famous chapter on the sufferings of the Messiah the Savior but look at Isaiah 54 that comes right after after the sufferings of Jesus the results the end suit from his sufferings as a 34 look at
verse 9 God is talking for this is like the waters of Noah to me for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah with no longer cover the earth so have I sworn that I will not be angry with you no rebuke you now the what rebuke here is the would condemn it is used like the Lord rebuke Satan in Zechariah is a strong word God promises Jared Jeremy God has lifted his hand and God does not have to swear his word alone is enough you and I we have to swear you know but
God lifts his hand in and got swore here all right he swore I'll never be angry with you law condemn you is that clear or is it obscure passage it's clear yes crystal and not only that dislike the waters of Noah God says so when I see a rainbow now I don't think I've got not flooding the earth again I think of Isaiah 54 alright that God would never be angry with me again and that's why there's a rainbow around the throne in Revelation alright which means when you come to the throne of grace always
see a smiling god yeah a God who approves and accepts you Rahul loves you and he has sworn he will never be angry with you yeah alright now that what is interesting is this if you look at Jesus and what makes him angry we assume he's angry at the money changes but you don't find that the scriptures saying he was angry that statement is not there we assume he was angry and for all you know he was angry but it's not stated in the scriptures that he was angry it just says he drove them out
but in one place it says Jesus there was a man who was impotent all right now he his hand was with it and if the ruler of the synagogue was and the Pharisees were there and they were watching to see whether Jesus would heal yeah think of how hard their heart is they knew he could heal they were watching to see whether he would heal on the Sabbath and the Bible says and Jesus being angry that's the first time in the Gospels you ever find the only place you find the Holy Spirit stating Jesus was
angry not only that and Jesus being angry comma being grieved at the hardness of their hearts okay so in just this passage alone you find Jesus being angry being grief alright what the lack of grace yeah not because they were they were they were smoking pot not because you're sleeping around these people work work work work work defenders of the law they were trying to see whether he would heal on the Sabbath day all right and Jesus was angry at that he was grief at that so what makes Jesus angry today you know he's the
same yesterday today and forever when there's a lack of grace by the way that what being grief at the Hartness the what grief death is the same Greek word the same root word as the word grief not the Holy Spirit of God all right but if you look at efficiencies and grief not the Holy Spirit it starts with conjunction and you don't start a statement with end all right so you must look at the preceding verse it says let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of
edifying watch this the mmm Minister grace to the hearers whatever is not talking about profanities or you know I'm against profanity and vulgarity but it's not talking about that whenever you speak words of grace guess what you please the Holy Spirit whenever you speak words of legalism and law if you speak words that's you know you implied like your children for example that is gonna love you if you behave that's not grace and increase the Holy Spirit the whole context there is the holy sprit is grief when your words do not minister grace and that's
the only place that it stays the Holy Spirit grief now today we have people thinking that verse out of context saying that well her makeup just grieves me you know you know when she stepped into the fellowship I just felt grief you know no you're a jealous woman they just blame jealous because she's better looking than you and I'm saying so what would you say to somebody who in light of all this or listening to this would say well you know it's too late for me because I have fallen from grace because the thing we've
used a lot of an expression you're right throw around but I don't think we know really what it means very good Jeremy let's turn to a Galatians I you know we got a refer I got so much to share but we need to look at the Bible because Bible must interpret Bible even terms that we use so freely we say things like fallen from grace you know that that pastor ran off with a secretary he fell from grace you know that guy embezzled money you know he fell from grace now these are wrong these things
are sin all right but but fallen from grace has been so abused that phrase appears only only once actually I would say twice because in Hebrews 12 it talks about the two mountains look diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God you know about a shaking but let's look at this what what is fallen from grace Galatians chapter 5 verse 6 it says for in Christ excuse me verse 4 you have become estranged from Christ now I'm reading from the New King James if you look at the old King James it says Christ
is become of no effect unto you that's not good that's not good if you if you are sick you don't want Christ to become of no effect if you you you're poor and broke you want Christ to become of no effect if you are depressed you don't tries to become of no effect okay and it says here Christ is become of no effect unto you whosoever of you are justified by the law you have fallen from grace in other words when you attempt to be justified by the law Christ becomes of no effect because you
don't need him anymore your your your trying on your own strength alright and not only that your falling from grace okay so falling from grace it's not falling into sin in fact those who fall into sin when they sin they fall into grace now what are you gonna do about it yeah you need to take advantage of the grace right now and get out of your sin okay but falling from of fall from grace is notice fall from which means grace is higher than the law for you to go to the law you must fall
from that's why in the Ark of the Covenant the mercy seat you know the covering alright that covers the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant it's called the mercy sit but what's inside you have the ten commandments when you go back to the Ten Commandments notice you fall from your high ground you fall from grace okay so falling from fall from grace is actually someone someone trying their best with your own effort alright Christ becomes a no effect notice in Jesus's ministry in the Gospels when Jesus moved among the multitudes and all there
who were those that he had effect on sinners prostitutes tax collectors all right social outcasts as many as touch him they receive who are the ones that cannot receive self-righteous the self-righteous Pharisees all right and by the way Jesus never categorized people alright for example you know in his healing ministry you never said all those of you who need to get right with your spouse okay alright you get right right now before I pray for you you stand over here in a group all right those of you who have you have unforgiveness in your hearts
okay you stand over here now I'm again and forgiveness all right but I think many at times we put a lot of qualification on the person about to receive healing to the point that they don't have faith anymore yeah you know and and we tell them you stand over there you you if you if you feel there's sin in your life you're staying over here all right I'm gonna deal with these people first at the end there's no one else left here he never did that you never qualified people for for healing as many as
touch him there is I'm sure that in the bunch of the multitude I'm sure there are people who are quarreling that morning I'm sure that there were people who are not right with their spouse I'm sure there are people were business in their hearts I'm sure they were gossipers among but they all received here all right and when they received the goodness of God it is a goodness of God that leads you to repentance many times but we tell people unless you do this you cannot receive unless you do this and I used to push
like that you know I used to preach like three reasons why people are not healed and then it became five reasons why people not seven reasons why they are not here and I one day I was between like this and classes stopped disqualifying my people of I said no I wasn't I was well intent my heart was in the right place I think God III because it's don't don't disqualify my people my blood has qualified them so that changed my preaching you know I don't see any more in in a hard way all right if
you're not heal okay all right there's something wrong with you okay no all right they're the wrong thing is the wrong believing that's the only thing something wrong with you in terms of behavior is the wrong believing and there's a broad Copeland teachers also it's all about hey guys god is good yeah you know God loves you and God wants you healed more and me me I mean your grandma would say and God wants you to heal more than you want to be healed yeah you know God God we look for you to be well
we can just push that and tell it but what about my sin what about I did this you they don't know me you I did all that that's why forgiveness of sins must be a sepal reality in their lives we need to push this more and more I tell you what you know I I think that many at times you know people here grace one time and they think they got it you know whereas grace next you need to hear it again and again and again and again because you can hear grace preach in in
five successive weeks back-to-back on the six weeks on the sixth week all right you hear mixture you can forget all ten there's something about flesh propensity towards legalism and we've got to hear it and hear it here because it's undoing things that need to be undone and as it's building structure in you that will hold up the truth of the word of God about who you are and who Jesus is in you and who you are in him sir what an awesome week it has been it's been my honor thank you thank you thank you
and I want to thank my grandparents Kenneth and Gloria Copeland for allowing me this opportunity and getting behind us in support of these broadcasts I know they've been friends and partners with you and your ministry for a long time and I know that you have been a strong strong partner to them and on behalf of them they said give him our love and tell them we're coming so they're they're coming to preach at the Stars just as soon as the Lord would allow him to do it and and now it's on tape you know he's
gonna be on until 120 years old you need to learn how to see you you need to learn to see you the way God sees you and when he looks at you he's not looking at you he's looking at Jesus and you and I need to learn to see ourselves as totally justified right the righteousness of God in Christ deeply loved by him that's what these broadcasts have been about that's what your ministry is about and I'm so thankful for it it's been a blessing to my life my wife Sarah our marriage our ministry her
ministries a psalmist and songwriter I mean you go through the the songs the Lord has given her and have so much to do with living life in the light of a love and the grace of God this is a lettuce album right yeah in the light of that's it and it's how we should leave our lives amen amen I want to get right back into this today where we've been looking at how to get from where we are to where we know God has called us to be who called us to be and there's a
lot more rest in it than I think we've realized when Jesus said look at the lilies he said look how they grow and then he said they neither toil nor spin right he said this is how they grow by what they don't do and I think that's what we've been getting into in the Word of God that's that's the revelation of Jesus him at work in us and I want to finish this strong today what's on your heart sir take us into this again I think my heart goes out to people who are who are
suffering and people who with who are looking reaching out for healing all right and and they've been trying to be healed and I find it it's amazing I've been in the body of Christ you know since I was a teenager born again but really spirit feel you know in my late teens but I've been the Word of Faith sort of speaking we call it the Word of Faith you know for for many years now but the thing is that some of the people who are struggling to receive healing are people in the world of faith
you know and buddy hears so much about it you hear so much about it and and and I think that what they need to know is is to feed on along the lines of the forgiveness and and the fact that yes sins are forgiven past present and future because many at times Jesus would say to a man for example the guy who was lowered from the roof all right son your sins be forgiven you before he healed him he that many did the assurance that his sins are forgiven then he will say rise take up
your bed and walk Psalms 103 who forgiveth all our iniquities the next line says who heals all our diseases notice that all the tools but unless you know the first all your sins are forgiven past present and future all your sins are forgiven then can you experience all your diseases being healed so now we have partial healing because we are believe in a partial forgiveness all right and always the assurance that we must settle in is our sins are forgiven that puts you in a posture you have even your physical body goes into rest there's
many times when your body when you experience guilt and condemnation even doctors succulent doctors unbelieving doctors will tell you that that some some conditions that cause what I call auto immune disorders is caused by a body fighting itself all right there's an intelligence in our DNA for example when we sin we are guilty all right we do not know how to revert that to the cross I tell people all the time when you when you sin when you've seen how do you handle it confess I'm the righteousness of God in Christ look at the cross
always look at the cross there is my punishment there is my beating stop beating yourself yeah because if you don't you start feeling guilty condemnation kills will start feeling guilty or was gonna happen your DNA is so intelligent that's been proven by science your DNA will say guys this guy wants to punish himself let's create a disease but when you look to the cross and said there is my punishment there is my beating everything about you that your DNA goes boys chill out rest we had peace standoff to know many a times I think people
are sick not because of sin they are sick because of condemnation and that's why this message is so important all right since I preached this message I have so many testimonies many of them I also in the book power right believing wish and many of them are from America you know we share how they got here one lady for example in my church I thought on a first John 4:17 how as he is present James as he is at the Father's right hand so are we in this world not when we die and go to
heaven all right as he is so are we in this world is he under God's unclouded favor so are we all right is he healthy yes so are we all right now people say things like how can you just confess as he is to a mind then things happen to your body all right no look at what happened to Peter when Peter saw Jesus walking on the storm the stormy waves as long as is his I was on Jesus something supernatural happened to him he also was s he is so was Peter above the stone
walking on the water the moment he took his eyes off Jesus and look at this boisterous winds and the waves he sang he became natural so likewise when we say as he is so are we in this world alright something happens to us all right also in the area of our bodies I have a lady in my church she went for a mammogram test and the doctors found a lump that they concerned about in her breast and they said she must come back for further tests that we can I push on as he is so
are we in this world and she showed me her medical report she says pastor Prince look at this all right I wrote down as Jesus is so are we in this world does Jesus have lumps in his breast as here so am i she said and guess what she went back for that the father tests and they found nothing now in my book I share about lady who wrote a lady from America who wrote to us she read that account that I shared in my book unmerited favor she said that she she was diagnosed she
went from emigrant mammogram test she was diagnosed as having a lump that cost concern for the doctors didn't want to run further tests she read the party went back through a book and read that part and she says Lord Jesus as you asked Who am I in this world all right and she wrote down also does Jesus have lumps in his breast all right you are free from lumps so am I in this world went back to the doctors they found no lumps the thing is this it may not happen overnight but always keep on
looking at Jesus and whatever you need if you are you are suffering from depression just a lot are you free from depression as you are free from depression so am I in this world the Bible says the Holy Spirit transforms us as we behold not as we strive as we behold he transforms us from glory to glory less than the second Corinthians 3 right now sure I just want to call your attention and and the viewers to verse 9 verse excuse me who also made a sufficient God made us sufficient as ministers of the New
Covenant not of the letter not of the law but of the spirit for the letter kills see that the letter kills condemnation kills alright the spirit gives life now how do we know is referring to the law because the next verse says but in the Ministry of death written and engraved on stones the only part of the law is engraved on stones Jeremy is the Ten Commandments the other part of the law aright the washing of hands and killing of animals that the feasts of Israel are all written on parchment s-- scheme parchments the only
part of the law that sorry and grave on stones is the ten commandments and God calls it the Ministry of death and sometimes we are unleashing this ministry as a series a Sunday seriously in ho and killing people slowly notices in the letter kills but the Spirit gives life when God first gave the law to Israel the Israelis will tell you this you're right they celebrate Pentecost for the healing of the law alright pass over the first Passover Israel came up to the blood of the Lamb number fifty days the first the first Pentecost and
God gave the law okay so today Jewish people celebrate Pentecost as the giving of the law we celebrate Pentecost as the giving of the Spirit notice when God gave the law on Mount Sinai 3,000 people died okay you fast-forward to the Acts chapter 2 when the day of Pentecost was fully come notice the phrase God waited until the day of Pentecost was fully come God gave what the law no the spirit and 3,000 people were saved which goes to show the letter kills all right you become sick all right you be introspective you become sick
emotionally sick physically but grace gives life when God gave the spirit on Mount Zion this time 3,000 people were saved okay and by the way the tongues that they heard were declaring the wonderful works of God whereas when the law was given it is men's works you shall not you shall not you shall not but when God gave the spirit it was about the wonderful works of God so here we attention the attention that focus changes that's right that's right and on to him and this is why he feels so strongly about you and I
living under this self-righteousness right he calls it yeah filthy yes in comparison and we become self occupied you know we become like instead of looking to Jesus looking away from self we are looking within have iobit enough why why am I feeling like this why am i thoughts like this we don't realize that the devil wants herself occupied he will tell you look at your thoughts in fact he would throw the thoughts in your mind all right he will use the personal pronoun he wouldn't say you're an addict you have an eating disorder you are
depressed he won't say that he will say I am depressed he would throw that thought and you begin to like brother Copeland says why take tot saying yeah alright you know Jesus said that's how you take pot by saying with your mouth the most I well I guess I'm an addict I'm depressed alright you accept it ok so you gotta know his his game and the only way out is to look away from self and to Christ yes he is so am i and that is where the battle is we need more and more preachers
and and teachers that were point people to Jesus make them Christ occupied yeah you know and then when they're Christ occupy all right the lot would transform them just by beholding Christ yeah all right don't worry about now I just wanna see the person leaders don't worry about about their transformation when you put Christ in front of them all right the Holy Spirit goes into action yeah that's not our job that's not our job the Holy Spirit goes into action and they are transformed by beholding amen that's what this chapter and second Corinthians yea by
beholding reflecting right gone from that glory that partial incomplete thing that Moses saw that day we've gone from that to this glory then this this whole thing here's the comparison but the comparison also between Ministry of condemnation and the Ministry of righteousness okay in verse 9 if the Ministry of condemnation had glory mind you God is not saying those past revivals that focus on sin alright that costs a lot of students to come to the altar they were genuine revivals but they focus on sin and the Bible says they had glory that ministry had glory
but God says the Ministry of righteousness if that Ministry of condemnation had glory the Ministry of righteousness exceeds much more glory you ain't seen nothing yet in this last days God is raising ministers of righteousness and the glory of this ministry be greater X it's much more than that Ministry of condemnation and here we have glory here we are Friday reading about much more which which is where we started on Monday in Romans chapter 5 and with what Jesus did yes much more much greater than what happened throughout III think that you hit it right
you're right on the money there you know and this is where I think you know I just feel impressed right now to turn to a portion just to share what God is doing around the world you know if we have time Justin right now the Jeremiah 23 and I think that it's good that we end then fire thing on this last broadcast with Jeremiah 23 what God is doing right now around the world and I'll tell you is is a prophecy of our times Jeremy this part here number one you will tell you what God
is doing alright number two the effects number three the message that's been preached and when this will happen real quick look at verse chapter 23 of Jeremiah verse verse three I'll gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries now this is our times Israel was in bondage in the Old Testament only in Babylon they came back only from Babylon never from all countries this is our time okay verse four I was set up Shepherds over them in verse one he talks about war three shepherds who destroy and scatter the Sheep of my pasture
but look at verse four I will set up Shepherds over them who will feed them and three things will happen they shall fear no more nor be discouraged not be dismayed or discouraged nor shall they be lacking so say is the Lord so God is raising Shepherds like you Jeremy alright Shepherds like brother Copeland Shepherds that will feed not beat number one three things will happen okay the people were fear normal not be discouraged not be lacking wow okay now what is the message that these Shepherds would feed them during this time it goes on
to say because of time let's drop down to verse 6 the whole I'm preaching from context here alright in his days the days of the Messiah Judah will be safe and Israel would dwell safely now this is his name by which he will be called the Lord our righteousness Jehovah sitka know so not only he tells to you what he's gonna do in the end times our times when Israel comes back from all countries Kawa raise up shepherds and I'm saying that happen all over the world especially here in America God is raising a whole
new generation all right the church is saying we don't know what to do with a young generation in fact from the young generation God is raising a whole new breed of preachers that are preaching the Lord our righteousness that's the message they are preaching grace all right and the result is that people are fear normal not be discouraged not be lacking we have to leave that verse in its context the message is the Lord our righteousness now when will this happen the verse the next verse says in verse 7 therefore behold the days are coming
says the Lord that they shall no longer say as the Lord lives who brought up the tune of Israel from the land of Egypt in the Old Testament write the story of Exodus verse 8 but as the Lord lives who brought up and let the descendants of the house of Israel from the north country now this Russia we are seeing this happen right now Russian Jews are coming back to Israel okay so in other words yes when you see this happen the message of that hour all right not only from the north country from all
the countries where had driven them and they shall dwell in their own land we are seeing that Jews come back from Russia and from all the countries back to Israel this is the time God says I'm gonna restore that message I'm gonna recover for the church that message the Lord our righteousness okay I'll raise up Shepherds during this time I'll raise up Shepherds to a preach this message and the people will feel normal not be discouraged not be lacking it's not that we are our own righteousness very good but that's Jesus we talked about this
and when these cameras weren't running but David said that David looking forward looking at us hmm operating in that office of the Prophet said his righteousness will endure forever excellent yeah that's the right to that that is the gift of righteousness enduring everlasting amen I connect this to the healing of our bodies because these two things are not they're not two different topics this is not one message healing is another yeah in first in first Peter 2:24 it says who is own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we being
dead to sins should live unto right righteousness now again what do you think of when you think of righteousness some people think well being dicta since we live unto right behavior right but that's a gif of righteousness but it's not true yet being date the sins should live unto righteousness , by whose stripes you were here now the way it is phrase it's not a normal kind of phrasing it is saying righteousness living to righteousness is the fulfillment of by whose stripes you are healed in other words when you realize you are righteous that fulfillment
of that what Christ did by His stripes will happen yeah when you awaken to the fact that you are righteous you are healed and that's being here in your body inside yes and then manifest on the outside yeah that's right and and and this is where I think people are missing it because they are trying to get healing they hear about healing and it's all good but the things they're trying to get healing from sin consciousness yeah you can do that in fact what is interesting is that during the times when before the law was
given Jeremy alright the Bible says sin was in the world until the law came sin was in the world okay in Romans think about it before the law was given men live hundreds of years I mean this was sinners they they they they had sin but they were not condemned they didn't feel condemned for their sins not as thing is right or wrong I'm just telling you that that people without the law without the sense of condemnation and guilt they leave hundreds of years guess what's gonna happen we remove the law from the body of
Christ longevity be restored amen that's been a major theme in this ministry as you may know my grandmother Gloria she's has been preaching heavily along those lines we talked about this but in Psalm 90 and people thinking well that's what God's given us 70 or 80 years but that that's not for us is it that's not if you read the context of that passage some night he talks about the days of our years if you turn to it real quick in 90 the Bible is very clear it tells us that the days of our years
you know be seventy years old alright and here it is okay in verse 10 the days of our lives are seventy years in by reason of strength there are eighty years but look at the context the verses before that talks about your wrath in verse nine your wrath the days of our days have passed away in your wrath look at the verses of the Dead verse eleven who knows the power of your anger alright so is your wrath it's like it's like a Israel in the wilderness was under God's wrath okay so they leave only
seventy to eighty years they got the sense of God's wrath imagine people under sense of God's wrath or an authority figure even a parent the parent has that sense of you know you feel like you're your father is always angry at you you can have an effect I know of children that grow up sick having an incurable disease or whatever because another adults but they don't know where it came from because of the sense of anger in their lives imagine we free the body of Christ from this falsehood the next Sam will avail for us
the next time is for us with long life will God satisfy us grace that's for us hallelujah well you we've got just seconds left on this broadcast I want you to pray the prayer of faith there are people watching this believe in God for healing in their body and today is their day to receive that we pray uh lately no friend I want to proclaim to you that all your sins are forgiven I know it because if you believe in Christ I know from the Word of God that your sins are forgiven past present and
future will you kindly do me a favor please where you forgive yourself before I pray for you where you say in Jesus name if your name is George say George I forgive you of all the stupid things you have done I forgive you some of you are kicking yourself you are hurting yourself you're beating yourself up you need to forgive yourself it's as much you know unforgiveness not to be forgiving yourself so Fran I feel like many of you you are hurting yourself you're beating yourself and that's why this sickness has come because of that
sense of condemnation the sense of guilt you are punishing yourself but look away from self to the cross look at what Christ has done his beating was your beating his condemnation was your condemnation so friend right now I declare you completely forgiven of all your sins receive that love received that forgiveness from God in the name of Jesus and I pronounce your body in the name of Jesus heal whole and completely in the name of Jesus why because God loves you Jesus name a name [Music] come to a Kenneth Copeland ministries event the 2014 Branson
victory campaign February 27th to March 1st with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland at faith Life Church in Branson Missouri the 2014 Southwest believers convention June 30th through July 5th with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their special guests in Fort Worth Texas the 2014 Washington DC victory campaign November 13th through 15th with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland of the Hilda memorial chapel in Woodbridge Virginia partnership is the anointing of increase just like in John 6 where the little boy's lunch was received blessed and distributed through the hands of Jesus and His disciples to feed more than 5,000 people
so it is when your gift is placed in ministry hands God's Way is for seed to come into the ministry ministry to receive it bless it and distribute it then for it to go out multiply it in greater numbers than when it came in that's the anointing of increase we get the benefits of it because we're a part of the ministry could we get the anointing that's that's on that ministry how it's flown in our lives the anointing that is on the men and women in the fivefold ministry offices can be transferred to any believers
through partnership you need to put pressure on that partnership not pressure on me pressure on the partnership pressure on the word partner in this ministry and I believe for every morning that's own captain for the purpose of the anointing of increase through partnership is to accomplish something that neither the partner nor the ministry could ever do alone what you believe to be true can and will impact the way you live your life wrong thoughts produce wrong actions right believing produces right living how do we know what is right to believe we discover that in God's
Word and the power of right believing package can help with pastor Joseph Prince's latest book the power of right believing you'll learn 7 practical yet powerful ways to finding freedom when you know you're loved and forgiven you have confidence to live whole and complete your identity can be anchored in Christ causing you to live stress-free in his rest the Bible says the Holy Spirit transforms us as we behold not as we strife as we behold he transforms us from glory to glory Kenneth Copeland helps you discover the truly compelling power of God's mercy as well
as the depths of his love and compassion in this book mercy the divine rescue of the human race be transformed in your belief system by the power of his love believe write and live free order the power of right believing package for only $24 and sent Joseph princes book the power of right believing and Kenneth Copeland's book mercy will help you discover the compelling power of God's love and mercy for you be free from every addiction in fear and begin living a life and his peace and joy today go to KCMO org / TV special
or call eight hundred 676 mentioned on this broadcast earlier this week that righteousness the righteousness of God is a gift it's a gift from God to you through Jesus and that's what makes it His grace towards you and you need to receive that gift if you never have if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life you need to do that right now because in that when you receive that gift you are free from sin you are free from shame and condemnation and I want you to get free today if you've never made Jesus
the Lord of your life to just pray this prayer with me say from God in heaven I come to you in Jesus name I believe in my heart and I confess with my mouth Jesus is Lord he is your son I believe he lived for me I believe he died for me I believe he rose again for me and I thank you Lord for filling me with your Holy Spirit Jesus be the Lord of my life take my life and do something with it in Jesus name Amen now listen if you prayed that prayer with
me for the first time then you need to know all of heaven is rejoicing with you throwing a party for you because you came home and everyone at Kenneth Copeland ministries rejoices with you and we have a free salvation package that we want to send to you this is a book called he did it all for you by my grandparents Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and we're gonna send you two brochures on how to study your Bible how to get into reading the Bible and find out what the Bible says about you what it says about
God and who you are in him these things will just help you get on your way learn to see you the way God sees you he sees you through the eyes of Jesus so request your free salvation package today go to KCMG org we'll send it to you now the word of the Lord that came to brother Copeland about 2014 is that this is the year of our victory over death and the year of God's manifested love the more you grow in the love of God the more you will see how much he loves you
and then your faith will begin to grow amen faith works when you know how much you're loved so thank you so much for joining me on this broadcast today pastor Joseph Prince and I'll be back again tomorrow we're going to be learning more about the freedom that we have in Christ Jesus and how to reign in life through him this is Jeremy Pearson's reminding you once again that God loves you and we love you and Jesus is Lord I am the Lord I change not everything around us seems to be in turmoil but praise God
if you're a believer you have something you can depend on the unchanging Word of God if you won't make the word the final authority in your life it will give you stability when everything else around you gives way if you'll let what God says settle the issues of life you'll be confident when others are confused peaceful when others are under pressure you'll be overcoming when others are being overcome commit yourself to God's Word and there won't be anything that can steal your security from hello everybody I'm Gloria Copeland Billy brims back and she joins me
again on the believers voice of victory we're continuing our study on the Book of Daniel and then studying the scriptures about God's calendar in the signs of the times you won't want to miss these special broadcasts with such a powerful prayer that pastor Joseph prayed at the end of this broadcast today and you need to know that you're forgiven you need to know that you are free from condemnation and guilt and above all you need to know that God loves you and I hope you receive that word today I hope you received that love and
the forgiveness that comes from Jesus and through Jesus and when you do that's when you will be healed from the inside out the healing of your body happens after the healing of your soul and you can be whole and complete amen I'm so thankful that we had that time with him today on this broadcast and all this week now Friday is always offering Day on the believers voice of victory broadcast so let me read to you from the book of Galatians chapter 6 verse 6 it says let him who has taught the Word of God
let whom who has taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches do not be deceived God is not mocked whatever a man shows that he will also reap and we've had two weeks of outstanding broadcasts so thankful that Sarah took the time to join us here so grateful that Pastor Joseph Prince - at the time - Minister the Word of God to us and if you've been blessed by this go before the Lord as I say father is there something you'd have me do in response to these broadcasts and if he
leads you to give then do it knowing that your partnership is going to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ all over the world father I pray the blessing over every partner over everyone sowing into this ministry and these broadcasts I thank you Lord for strengthening them and returning to them and causing them to know that their seed has been sown in good ground we give you praise in Jesus name Amen I encourage you to go back and watch these broadcasts from the last couple of weeks and get a hold of what the Lord
has been saying to us you can download them absolutely free on KCM dot or go back and look at the archives of all the broadcasts just feed on these things and watch as the Lord works them in you and through you now next week my grandmother Gloria Copeland and her guest Billy bream are going to study on these broadcasts as they always do they're gonna study God's calendar and his signs of the times you need to know that Jesus is coming soon and our hope is in him that's why we do these broadcasts because they're
going to equip you with the Word of God give you courage to be bold and win souls praise God for Jesus so get these things down on the inside and feed on and like Sarah and I talked about feeding on the faithfulness of God feed on who you are in Christ Jesus feed on who he is in you and be constantly aware he's coming soon he's coming soon he is coming soon amen thanks so much for joining us on this broadcast this week and all last week it's been my joy and honor to be your
host thank you so much this is Jeremy Pearson's reminding you that God loves you and we love you and Jesus is thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory to purchase this week's broadcasts on DVD or mp3 on CD go to our website or call us today remember this week's product offer these ministry tools are designed to help you live a happy and successful life in Christ get the word working in your life and experience all God has for you if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today be sure
to request your free salvation package this will help you understand who you are in Christ and how to start living in victory [Music] you [Music]