If I Wanted to Stop Chasing and Start Attracting: A 10-Step Blueprint

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Margarita Nazarenko
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Video Transcript:
in this video we are going to talk about how to start attracting everything in life that you want the guy the job the stuff the everything the everything the feeling the body everything as opposed to chasing it because I know you're tired of chasing I know you're tired of writing all the messages I know you're tired of pursuing everything and feeling like you can never get what you want so let's dive in how you're going to become that girl and stop chasing and start attracting what is this pink beautiful thing that you have just pulled
out from behind mind you ignore the not for release Banner because we are getting the actual final version soon this is her journal your Journal my journal harness your feminine energy in 90 days has it come for a perfect time for New Year and to really changed your life yes it has yes it has Margarita has been working over time with her 500 children and 700 businesses to bring this to you because we've had the courses we've had the master classes we've chatted about it you've watched the thing you've done the the listening and now
it's time to put it into practice what do we have here let's discuss let's discuss affirmations every day we have prompts questions that we need to go through it's very important and gratitude prompts and also a very juicy thing about this is it's got a lot of things about archetypes the queen The Alchemist the warrior every single feminine vibe that you could possibly want go on my website you can get it there you can get it on Amazon you can get the PDF download if you can't wait for the physical thing to arrive but let's
not talk too much because you know someone could start blowing the wind outside my daughter could wake up something could happen because we need to get clear on what we truly want if we want to become that girl we need to stop sabotaging ourselves and become That Girl moving forward and growing up I was always like how do I beat that girl I don't know who that girl is for you it could be someone from Gossip Girl it could be someone from Sex in the City for me at the moment it's like an Angelina Jolie
Bridget Bardo mix I've said it before I'll say it again I'm going to give you the 10 steps to becoming that girl and stopping ruining it for yourself and I'm glad you're here I'm glad about your feedback too I try and Implement everything you say but one of the feedbacks is is I love how you just get into it Margarita so Margarita is going to get into it get clear on what you want I've got it all written down here okay the reason you need to get clear on what you want is if we don't
know who that girl is and where we are going then we are going blind Moses LED the people through the desert because he had an idea of where he was going and this is how you must be if you're easily swayed and easily fall for everything else that everybody tells you you cannot truly become the best version of yourself so step number one to stop chasing everything in your life and start attracting and become that girl that you've always wanted to be you need to know what we are aiming for for example you want a
loving supportive partner and you want that or you want to get an ideal body or you want to pass those exams okay number one write a vision statement create a detailed vision of your dream life breaking into categories love career lifestyle and self-care I often fall into the Trap of forgetting one of these but I have put it into kind of three categories for me for myself body business and babies those are the three things that I'm focusing on at the moment and the 3bs the literation helps me program it in my mind as being
important you create the vision board by prioritizing what those things are it could be a literal pictures pictures pictures on a vision board or it could be written down for me it's often written down because I respond to word and some people could respond to images you could be somebody who loves to look at images spend 5 minutes daily imagining your life in these scenarios and in these categories you can only attract through manifestation where you are going by visualizing it because the way manifestation works is by feeling the emotion that you will feel once
you are there that is the essential key to dream boards to dream life planning to all this stuff you need to feel how you're going to feel cuz when you feel that emotion more of that emotion is attracted to you if you're feeling the emotion of I'm lost I don't know what to do I don't know what my goals are you are going to be chasing everything everyone and everywhere you are not going to be attracting effortlessly to you you number three to get clear on what you want you need to remove everything else out
of your life identify on what's important and cut things out cut out people that waste your time and energy I know it's hard Bo I know it's really hard cut out clutter this I'm going to be vulnerable with you is a problem for me I work a lot I'm in this creative mode in my life where I want to do so much that's going to bring usefulness and joy to people I want to spend time with my kids I want to do productive things things but I just my house looks like a bomb sometimes because
it's like I think I grew up with everything have having to be so careful and so pristine and so you know lovely and manicured and looked after that I felt stifled in that energy yes everything was clean but it wasn't free and I've leaned a little bit into the other way where I'm like in my manifesting energy of like doing everything I want to do I'm killing it with my projects as in like I feel Joy from doing it I'm with my children but I will say that mental and physical clutter will not let you
align and attract things to yourself that you want you will end up running around chasing your own tail doing all these things so marry condo your life throw out everything you don't need identify what your core values are and let's go accordingly in that direction talking of moving accordingly to in that direction better help is the paid partner on this video thank you for partnering on this video with me if you find it hard to get out of Loops where you keep going round and round you cannot declutter your house you cannot know what is
the right thing to do sometimes you are stuck in a mental space that you cannot get out of no matter what you do baby girl and that is where better help is a really good idea us women we do better when we talk when we talk things out I think it's just pivotal and life-changing when we do so if you go in the description box you can get a percentage off or your first month and use that you can get a therapist match to you by about 48 Hours usually but not always and you can
start talking either bya text or by a phone and I love that because you don't have to go anywhere also if something happens in your life that you want to talk about you can get that conversation started and if that person does not gel with you you can swap them to somebody else and again get that match up within usually 48 hours it's a pretty fast system it works if you want someone to talk to so check that out use my code and yeah thank you for considering that and thank you for partnering with me
on this video step number next let go of desperation if you want to be a key a tractor and not a chaser when it comes to men women and animals if you want to be like Snow White in the field and everything is coming to you you need daily affirmations hello affirmation Journal hello her journal what is meant for me will always find me you are not desperate you are not trying to control people this is my core message to myself and and we're going to get deep and stop joking around for a second okay
the key to an abundant and happy life where you attract things and you don't chase things not men not anything is knowing that is what is meant for you will come to you you need to have those affirmations write them down make them up yourself look them up on online buy my journal they're available everywhere go on Pinterest if you need your own if you want mine they're in my journal but you need to know that letting go of desperate energy is the key to success I was just talking about it on my stories on
Instagram follow me there if you don't already because I'm there being candid and wild as per usual it was my daughter's first birthday by the way yay well done Pat myself in the head um for raising such a cute little bear of a daughter I didn't do much she's amazing but um I was talking about desperate energy and letting go of it because the universe punishes you for desperate energy now this is a bit of a side tangent but my mom back in the day got me a Birkin I know this sounds bougie but it's
not I grew up with a single parent mom who had so many jobs that she you know killed herself to provide for me and we didn't grow up very rich at all I was like can we have enough milk on our cereal you know it was one of those vibes but she worked so hard and got herself a job in fashion and eventually started collecting amazing pieces and one of these pieces was this uh big Burkin that she had and she had it for her whole life and then she handed it down to me and
I was like oh my God this is so precious and we live in Australia and very humid here so she always told me how precious it is and how humid it is and I was so desperate to not ruin it for my mom and to not and to prove to her that I can have nice things finally and this was like 67 years ago and that I got all these dehumidifiers and I got those little crystals that dehumidify God forbid something happens to the thing what happens what happens what happens in the audience yep that's
right the thing explodes all over the bag Burns it to Smither and it is gone I was so upset my friend was here with me at the time not for the bag I don't care about these kind of things truly but I care about my mom's hard work for years to to collect these beautiful items that I ruined with my desperate energy then I got myself recently a malachite bracelet which was beautiful it was gold it was expensive to say thank you to myself well done Margarita for number one writing my book having my daughter
in that year I have hyperemesis during pregnancy which is really really hard I was raising a toddler I created my business all within one year I was like oh my God maybe I can have one nice thing I always used to take it on and off because it was Malachi and they told me you know you can't ruin it and tarnish it in water but I've got two babies live in Australia in the ocean d d d I should have won that damn thing and ruined that malachite okay because what happened it's gone it's lost
because it was on and off on and off on and off because I was trying to protect it with my desperate energy this is the the thing if you try and hold something so close like a bird you know like like like a bird you break its wings so you need to let go of outcomes you need to let go of that boyfriend who you think if you control his actions if you monitor everywhere he goes if you always watch that he's doing the right thing like as if if you monitor him strongly enough he
will always do right by you that is not the case that is not how life works okay focus on your actions not the outcomes put energy into things you can control and release attachment to immediate results what does that mean it means releasing outcomes for long-term things it means like when I first had my son I was obsessed obsessed with like looking good losing the weight being the best I could be and lo and behold I was 15 kilos heavier round about 10 kilos heavier something like that which is a lot of pounds look it
up okay I did a stories on my Instagram of me post my daughter and me post my son and I will make a whole episode on it but essentially it is let going letting go of outcomes and becoming focused on who you are in that moment and how you want to feel second part of it is limit overthinking set a timer for 10 minutes to think about a subject and then let it go what I like to do if something is on my brain and it is spiraling spiraling spiraling and looping like a song is
I imagine I've got a box I'm like okay brain thank you we cannot decide this right now I know what you're trying to do is trying to protect me from this whole situation and you trying to help me I'm going to put this idea inside this box Sack or whatever you want to do pretend imagine that you've closed it and then put it on your bedside table or whatever wherever it is that you're overthinking if you're like oh my God why did he not reply to me brain thank you I know you're trying to protect
me and have the best outcome what I'm going to do is I'm going to put it over here and put it to the side if we cannot fix it now we cannot think about it now what is going to make me feel better in the long run going to the gym making my green juice focusing on my business launching my journal or thinking about him spiraling spiraling spiraling even if he is meant to be the one for you he's going to like you more if you've got your own thing going on step number three if
you want to be a master a tractor versus a chaser in life align your energy with your desires dress act speak and live like the person of your dreams I think this is one of the most powerful things ever ever ever with my background in acting and acting as if you are before you become that thing you need to act like that person your archetype your avatar the one that you feel that you want to be like the Angelina Jolie the all that let's let's let's have an example right Bridget B for me is so
Chic so classy so amazing I'm going in soon to get my haircut put layers into it so that when I put my hair up I don't put it up like a Sleek rat but I put it up with the whisks the Wisps and all of that stuff and I can embody that kind of of energy as I'm growing up I am looking more into women like how Bridget BAU aged or Pamela Anderson how cool is Pamela Anderson with her like she's so girly and so youthful as she grows up I just love it and so
I'm going to act like it even if I don't feel like it because I'm quite a cerebral like thinking person I'm like a bit of a Leonard Cohen in the head you know so I'm going to emulate that use the vision board use the affirmations make playlists of the character you want to be is it Blair from Gossip Girl is it who is it who is it become that person I'm going to download some Ralph Lauren Jazz for my Christmas celebration because I want it to be cozy and amazing for me having children has really
narrowed me into what I feel I because I'm creating the magic for them right we create the magic for our children around Christmas create the magic for yourself create the scenario of how that character lives because if you feel like that character on the everyday basis guess what you're going to start attracting the things that that character naturally in life would have ask am I treating myself the way my future self would want me to is my future am I acting like my future self the biggest question you can ask yourself too this is a
powerful one so sit back lean back relax is if I loved myself would I do this if I loved myself would I do this is the question that changed my life ladies and gents if I loved myself would I write a paragraph Soliloquy to that person who doesn't even want to hang out with me no I would not because I would not advise my my my friend to do that my pet to do that my child to do that no I would not if my pet wanted to write to another pet about why don't you
want to hang out with me anymore anyway I would not let them because that's not what somebody who loves themsel does if you loved yourself would you do that my problem and I want to be vulnerable with you because we've been friends for years is I still try and attain Love by performance I still try and attain Love by doing enough for somebody as if they're going to love me for it they're not going to love you for it baby they're not going to love you for the fact that you buy them gifts and do
things that's my new thing I buy people stuff in order to get their love it's ridiculous but you need to be love for being you you know next prioritize your inner world that's step four four write down your feelings and thoughts at the end of each day to better understand what you want to align to even 5 minutes of breath work makes a huge difference Focus what's working in your life no matter how small if you prioritize your inner world if you clean out your internal chakras as it were baby you will easier align because
if you got garbage going on inside you you cannot operate with that trash you need need to process things you need to you know why cuz you're on Instagram you're on Tik Tok you're on YouTube you're doing all these things you're filling up your mind with information when do you have time to process that information get yourself a journal honestly I'm not talking about it because I want you to buy this like it would be great if you buy it but to be honest get your own journal you can download the PDFs it's more uh
cost effective because obviously they have to print this so they need to make that profit but or just make up your own prompts to process every day because the quicker you process things and don't distract yourself or run away from your reality the quicker you can move through things because the way through things is literally through them not above them not below them not around them you cannot avoid the thing that is chasing you or catch up with you go through it prioritize your inner world if you want to cultivate a magnetic presence if you
want to have this like juicy Aura juicy aura that's my new nickname juicy Aura number five cultivate magnetism through presence give people your undivided attention if you want to build a deeper connection you know what I've just realized I can hear them blowing their leaves outside but that's not going to stop us no because we don't have time for them to stop us okay let me manifest them stopping I feel Joy from just having a conversation with you that is quiet and Serene I'm not feeling the joy and feeling frustration okay manifestation not working give
people your undivided attention when you speak to them smile genuinely make eye contact prioritize being a good listener and being interested because then you will become interested when you sit down and you have an have an anchor in your life like when you have your morning coffee have a moment of quietness where you come into yourself when you're not rushing around when you're not trying to do 100 things answer 100 emails make it a practice that when people talk to you to put your stuff down and give them a moment of undivided do you know
how powerful you're going to be in this world if you can give people undivided attention and look at them in the eye and actually be present because people can't do that anymore do you know if you can provide people with a a human connection even if you're a content creator okay even if you want to because we're going to Pivot into this next year okay women and business and how you can both mother your babies but also crush it if you can be present for people people if you can be a genuine friend if you
can uh appear as real you're going to crush it in this world of AI and not fakeness it's not fake it's just curation a world of curation if you can genuinely connect to a person and see their soul girl number six Master the art of receiving instead of deflecting oh thank you I appreciate that no you're better you're better than you you look better than me your hair is nicer than mine everything just genuinely soulfully just say thank you just look at a person and say thank you when somebody does something say thank you learn
to ask people for things I am so guilty of not being able to do this ask people for things when someone's offering assistance accept it it opens you in this portal of abundance somewhere in the magic Universe it opens a portal of abundance it's like unlocked because you are receptive because you are grateful think about when you give someone a present right think about when you give someone a present genuinely come here microphone so that you can hear me when you give someone a present genuinely okay and and they're like oh I don't need that
anyway or whatever like you never want to give them anything ever again so if God of universe is giving you something and you're like wow I am so happy I am so abundant thank you so much that is exactly what you need to do write down all the things you've received the gifts love everything and come open to a gratitude practice my life changed when I began my gratitude practice when I became grateful for all the things I have if you want to have a nice car be grateful for the car you have if you
want to have a nice house be grateful for the house you have if you want to have an incredible uh relationship be grateful for the relationships you have that is the way the world works so you need to really become good at receiving and that is key to feminine energy too if you're a feminine energy woman you're like yes life wants to do stuff for me and guess what people feel Joy from doing things for me they do they do feel Joy from doing things for you number seven set and respect boundaries I had a
real big Epiphany recently I realized that I like to give people a lot of freedom and by giving people a lot of freedom I don't like to a ask them for anything and it blocks how much I receive from people even friends who want to do nice things for me and number two I don't want to set boundaries because I feel like I'm infringing on someone's freedom but what I need to remember and you need to remember because if you're attracted to me then we probably have the same thing being an ex anxiously attached person
SL still kind of you know there but mostly secure is you you need to not feel like your own boundaries they're coming into your vicinity is going to infringe on their freedom because what happens is if you feel that by you setting boundaries and you saying look you can't act this this and this way around me I'm I I don't stand for that I don't really like that if you feel that is like infringing on someone's freedom and you don't want to be all intrusive on that what you're doing is you're compromising yourself completely and
the worst thing happens is that you then snap and you rip their face off this happens to me and this happened to me with a friend of mine I Was preparing for my daughter's party I have the sweetest most amazing lovely friend and nobody was helping me I had the kids all night by myself my husband's renovating at the moment so he's never around and he slept in that morning and my beautiful friend came and him and her were chatting about stuff lounging on the sofa and the kids were hanging off me and I'm trying
to get these sausage rolls out of the [ __ ] oven and I was like get someone just help me because I didn't set the boundaries of like when she came I didn't say hey I'm really overwhelmed like I haven't had help for weeks because we're doing a lot and it's not your fault baby but could you help me just take this thing out get my son off me like save me but instead I'm like oh don't want to infringe on people's freedom let them be free let the people be free and then I'm like
I'm going to smash these free people because I'm not free people okay like I am doing stuff if you set your boundaries and you tell people how to treat you you don't have to rip their face off write down people activities and habits that drain your energy and start saying no to things start saying yes to things start saying exactly what you need practice with low Stak situations like if somebody says oh do you want this donut and you're actually try trying to live your life in a healthier way no thank you say no when
saying no try and say that you appreciate the offer but you can't do things right now don't just stuff yourself full like a Christmas turkey of of things that you owe people and ideas and and and just it's too much it's too much set boundaries so that you don't have to become an uglier version of yourself number eight tap into gratitude write down three things that you're grateful for every night I like to do it in the night because I'm like the day has just passed expect and also Express gratitude to others I'm so grateful
for you you're an amazing person I love you so much while walking mentally list things you're grateful for my daughter was like hanging off me the other day would not release me and I had so much to do but we went in the shower and her little body I was just holding her and we were cuddling in the shower and I was like this is literally Peak Human Experience that lovely feeling of there's running warm water babe peasants died throughout centuries of our whole world my ancestors I'm pretty Nordic as as far as they come
we're in the north freezing and here I am because they decided to procreate and have children here I am in Australia with my running hot water holding my child that is safe and happy thank you Lord what like I could cry that experience is just how you pivot it okay release attachment to outcomes number 10 focus on what you can do daily applying for a job working out being kind not the end goal not being skinny uh if you're trying to lose weight not having a big butt if you're trying to gain in the gym
not getting the dream job if you're just still trying to get hired because you're going to get overwhelmed um practice Detachment meditation look it up it's online somewhere if it's not put it down there and I'll create one for you celebrate efforts over results baby I had everything is like a map it will come together in the end okay I did acting I did Miss Universe that's right came second in the UK thank you well done um I I did all these things and I did not know how they would come together it was a
really confusing time for me until it finally did if I did not focus on just actioning something every day so that momentum kept rolling because if something is static it dies and it does not progress there needs to be movement constant flow constant movement in order for you to progress in life step number 10 surround yourself with positive energy basically elevate your Vibe you know when you're around those people who have a high vibrational frequency you come out after being with them like life is wonderful I am so free in my spirit de your home
become aligned with high energy vibration watch amazing things stop watching the crime stuff if it makes you feel down stop watching the news that you can't affect if it makes you feel down do one thing daily that also elevates your vibration if you are confused about what to do go into my master classes get my bundle something like that I've got so much content out there on it and curate your space I talked about this on the become her course that I released and hopefully will release again your environment really cultivates your feminine energy and
and how it is that you want to appear in spaces it's exhausting being rooted in fear and running from things but attraction is rooted in trust and Alignment to your goals if you have trust and you're aligned to your goals and you're grateful you will gravitate things to you like a magnet and it will be literally something that is like magic thank you for the listening to this podcast and watching if you're watching I love you lots like jelly thoughts I'll see you on the next one bye [Music]
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