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we are back happy Monday y'all happy Monday happy Monday it was an eventful Sunday it was we are here a lot to talk about for sure uh shty how's the kingdom good Kingdom's good the people ask they want to know if the kingdom is still in place two Super Bowls in three years congratulations to the Eagles first first time that they got a Super Bowl so second they beat the Patriots in 2018 2019 Jaylen her's first Super Bowl win yeah I him sayquan a AJ was cooking oh my God shout out to Jaylen man shout
out to him uh obviously saquan you know coming over from the place here in New York to to Philadelphia to see him win like that is dope um it was it was a dominating performance man it was a dominating performance yeah I was shocked that's what follow the blueprint if they literally followed What Tampa did verse uh for sure a few years ago where it's just like have that front four that can Dominate and the rest you can figure out with no blitzing is crazy though no Blitz is crazy yeah and this does as why
I said that there's no question about the greatness of Patrick Mahomes he's still the the best player in the NFL there's no denying that the fact that he's playing in the Super Bowl five out of six years is incredible and like he said last night they will be back they will be year next year now that boy got a chip on the shoulder this off season yeah better stop questioning Jaylen Herz man stop questioning that guy man he's played in two Super Bowls and he's performed at a high level man shout out to himout kelse
go back to the Bronx hot taper fade could that La porn old had with fit looked crazy that wasn Ultra John TR Roo on the fit now look crazy come on my boy you got one or two more seasons left for Taylor believe you get it you better get it when your baby get booed and you ain't playing well G call her Hey get rid of it hey B you out shout out to you Eagles fans I I can I could support them winning but they fans be crazy man my for sure he from Philla
yeah shout out to Y salute um so yeah you know a lot on in the world Mark Mondays we got a lot to talk about we're going to be um this blackout Wednesday 10 o'clock tune in yes 10 o'clock Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday blackout we back um Thursday at six o'clock we got um owner of say less D say less is New York uh and actually it's perfect time too because they always do the activation for Allstar Weekend Allstar Weekend we will be out there San Francisco we G be out there holl we got
um the G League partnership shout out to the G League we are going back to defend our Crown year two we have a team we have a team in the g-league allstar game yes tap in please tap in say it again yeah are y'all broadcasting I think so I think I think so you might see us that's a fact that's a fact tap into that Broast in it so um shout out to the G League good folks over there and everybody allar um and you deserve to be rich don't forget do remember New York Times
for sure that's a fact so get your copy of you deserve to be rich um it's the book that has uh changed changed the game in in many in many ways I sent some to some some some inmates on the inside so they said it's been circulating in the jails it's becoming very popular on the inside um so fire it's uh it's one of these things it's spreading like wildfire so definitely get a copy read it uh and then implement it um you deserve to be rich out right now yeah in all on all platforms
all your story too yeah yeah that was crazy so I was taking out the garbage this morning no joke and uh this woman rose up on me Rose the window down it was like amazing book I'm looking at it like huh she was like oh I work for penguin publishing she was like I'm part of the sales team she was like I opened the book and look I said that's my neighbor that's my neighbor so shout out to everybody shout out to the entire publishing teams the entire roll out everybody that made this this possible
uh New York Times bestseller is not something to sneeze at people can write books their entire lives and never reach that list to do it out the gate is incredible this is just the first one man so uh we appreciate all the love and support keep coping it and make this the new blueprint for how we build uh wealth in our community in all communities really for sure sure Carnegie Hall get your tickets to that February 27th we back car Hall Robert Smith CEO of Louis Vuitton North America we got uh the legendary rock Kim
performing with a live Orchestra it's gonna be a night to remember so go to our Instagram all the information is there when I'm get your tickets to Carnegie Hall February 27 one night only New York City Dr to impress that's a fact Mark and Mondays fans February 27th y know what day that is man that is the boy birthday so make sure you do Squan perform and then after party he went crazy shout out to sequan and happy birthday to my brother Taylor yeah Chuck what up happy birthday boy birthday's today man so yeah you
know uh Aquarius season is in full effect yeah yeah shout out to Chuck man uh shout out to B so all those mini movies that you seen come from ear Legion man our boy Brandon put that together I know his birthday was Friday happy birthday to be Happ my guy yeah yeah yeah yeah and Fe fee happy birthday to Felicia her birthday tomorrow all all our February babies shout out to y'all we love y'all home team first y'all know this we do this yeah for sure so happy birthday to my nephew's birthday's on Saturday also
which one p yeah Lamar happy birthday my boy um Ian any announcements uh happy birthday to my brother AJ moer let's keep the birthday going and my guy Mur beats yeah um congrats to Drew for his win I told my guy give him a shout out if they won and they won a domond the fashion if you want to get rich from investing into the market go to iin docomo Club call will be tonight after market Mondays over 120 different prices of where to get in where to get out um if I made you money
please put yes in chat and more to come shout out to my red panda Sports family will we certain players and the owners one game at a time if you're a player agent and want to get rich from investing in the market contact me I will see y'all on the 27th and some other dates and some other announcements are coming soon reach chill shout out to my red panda family love y'all let's run it up and uh congrats to saquan and AJ and jayen I'm happy an agent Nicole we got interviewed so shout shout out
to I'm glad you said that shout out to to uh Nicole who is uh super agent shout out to the the K clutch Sports Nicole Lynn is the head over there and um yeah she got jayen his uh deal which at the time was the highest contract for a quarterback in NFL history so yeah look at that man hard work and dedication shout out to Nicole all right yall know how this works man do your own research our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only it's very important to
do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances you should take independent Financial advice from a professional and connection with or independently research and verify any information that you find on our show and wish to rely upon with for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise please continue do the research share the research show love to where you got the research from let's build community let's build wealth let's build our Brokers accounts together y' love is love send some love to my boy Rashad we getting them next year
y I'm GNA jump on the bandwagon who we need to get off season wait who we you a te fan now no but I do support Patty n I I respect greatness man I'm never GNA say not great so we gotta start with a company that we didn't talk about last week um peler pal paler pal paler um has been on a on a rampage over the last 18 months um great earnings went up like $20 after that earnings report that it had and um you know a lot of people have been asking about our
thoughts on Palance here it's um 52 we High almost currently M um you know a company that went from $20 to $116 m in one year so how long can this can this last in this paler company that you missed a boat on or is it still some room no I think it's still room to grow um it's black history month so we gotta send some praise to Alex Alex Court yeah like CEO um doesn't get enough credit probably because of the Nvidia boom and that's the only reason why I wasn't the biggest on it
but you can't argue with the production we've talked about it a couple months ago um there there a few people in mark on Mondays at The Mastermind who showed me their portfolio when they got in on the price that I call but has a lot more room to run I think the AI and defense space is is a space that's going to grow over the next8 to 10 years for sure they are the leader as of now I think when Ander goes public eventually they will uproot Palante teers being number one but for right now
they are the King of the Hill you can't argue with the returns like you said they went from 20 bucks and currently at 114 there more room to go wait for a pullback um if we get anywhere in the I don't know let's say 104 range sub 100 range I love it um and if you go to enan invest.com I'll give you the prices of where to invest in paler three different prices but it's a solid company they're here to stay it's not a fly by night company at all they they're definitely here to stay
we uh when we talked about defense um it's it's like a new genre right um and so we we spoke about this when we came back from Davos we told y'all the company that did we sat inside a paler and we said look what they're about to do hasn't been done and maybe we should be worried um but they they' they're in a space where most people don't talk about so yeah defense Tech is is a thing but they have a software lead right so like I know you don't like talking about Salesforce but when
we talk about Ai and software yeah if you even if you look how sales force has performed over the past year it's nothing to be sneezed at P obviously has performed a lot better but those two are leading in the AI software Department right so we talk about connectivity we talk about power we talked about energy we talked about servers and cooling but like the software space is a space too that's why call it a AI Revolution because inside it there's going to be a lot of subcategories and sectors that are going to thrive right
now paler has taken a leading software Salesforce is right in that mix um and it's not going anywhere right if we're talking about making sure that we're protected is if AI is going to continue to be the story the number one thing we talked about cyber security this is this is part of it the thing is with Val number one we spoke about this last week I think you guys talked about on Blackout is like Government Contracting yeah like we're looking at where money's coming from how these companies making so much money how they growing
so fast government contractor is one of those things that paler kind of relies on and has done a great job so the way that we're going to defend ourselves anymore like I said it won't be as much tanks and arms Bo it won't be I mean you're gonna have to have boots on ground but defense Tech is going to be the way and paler has the software right now in the leag um so yeah definitely a company that has some more some more room to grow lesson of the week better to listen than criticize the
same time when y they sld their soul going the Davos you could have turned 20 grand into 100 Grand now listen they literally came and reported other channels didn't do that literally came from down off the mountain and told you yo this next they so they went to the economic form and DeVos and they did a blood ritual your accounts in the red my boy should have listened when it came back and told you like what else do you want the Illuminati yeah it's all cool to have the conjecture online but then when get to
the end of the year and them Gams ain't gaining how they should have listen yeah sometimes being on the ground you get to put your eyes on the things right so companies you weren't even thinking about right sales all these companies that we're talking about we saw them they had activations there so if we weren't thinking about them automatically it's like now I have to pay attention what they're showing up in these places where the most influential people in the world are meeting in terms of capital there's a reason they're here there's a reason here
so yeah it's one of those things and set the stage yep well speaking of that um so Business Insider put a report out yesterday I don't know if anybody saw it but it said why the S&P 500 is due for five years of dismal returns ahead and I pretty much saying it was basing off of historical uh trends that have happened um yeah pretty much saying that it's too it's too concentrated amongst the Magnificent Seven and when we' seen this level of concentration at the top before 1929 and 1999 it was followed by subpar performances
from the S&P 500 and better performances from like middle middle stocks like 30 30 to like 70 on market cap as opposed to the top 10 market cap so it was saying based off of historical data and High concentration that magnficent 7 will is due for a fall and that in return that would um negatively impact the S&P 500 and and this is something that even before um the last year I think uh one of these firms have put out saying that we gonna see 3% a year for S&P 500 yeah um they have they
have reported that the S&P 500 was going to have like low low growth for the next 10 years actually so the S&P 500 is this something to be concerned about if you invested in the S&P 500 yeah and as a person who loves hyper concentration um even the strategy I gave up for free to Tech to index is hyper concentration that is great when you see an incumbent leader about to come in and take over you don't want to invest in that at the top um but what I do know like going back to Stats
if you missed the 10 biggest days investing into the market you could lose half of your gains for that year or decade so stay invested S&P is going to recalibrate they're going to take out the companies that are underperforming the difference between 99 and now though there's a lot of pressure on these companies to innovate because the country literally needs it like they I keep saying I'm invested into the companies that move the GDP Microsoft let's take paler Nvidia Oracle they're building real infrastructure that matters yeah it's not just cute software apps anymore and chat
Bots and stuff they're building things that we really need I think we're going to see a wave even in in Lily we're going to see companies innovate more into things that we actually need opposed to just connectivity which was the last decade but con hyper concentration is only good if you're there early if you got there too late it isn't the best strategy but hold for the long term no matter what yeah it brings up the thought of like me 99 we're talking a do com bubble and I know the word AI bubble it's kind
of cliche but it's tough right if if this bubble pops you're talking about the entire economy we're not just talking about semiconductors you're talking about energy you're talking about every Max Heaven you're talking about we just AI software we just talked about defense Tech all those Industries will be affected and so will it have a pullback will it have a correction for sure for sure will have a correction um but that's part of it I mean we we've seen that in 2022 we saw a correction and we saw was on the other side of that
right and it was interesting we we were just listening to a commentation they were like look never let people trick you out of your position never right so sometimes these articles get over sensationalized to trick people out of their positions and so that you never invest so if you keep that mentality and you read the headlines you're saying hey it's going to be down for the next 10 years I shouldn't start or hey there going to be recession this year I shouldn't start then you'll never start yeah that's why it's important to to read the
headlines but make your own educated decisions based on it listening to this show obviously we're giving you information on a weekly basis that not only are we implementing but the vast majority the audience is implementing don't get tricked out of your spot right these are the companies they're going to be here S&P pulls back they'll still be here S&P thrives they'll be a major part of it right we talked about how weighted in media apple and Microsoft are inside of the S&P so don't get tricked out of your spot stay invested and then also it's
you got to be Diversified too because you know went down a r but the diversification is in the S&P yes it is but also the the SNP is a long-term hedge I look at the S&P like a like a savings account what what like you know it's it's better than having your money do nothing right um so you have to have a portion of your portfolio that's some level of protected even though you know technically nothing is protected in the stock market but it's just it's a relatively safer BET right like it's a safe bet
so if it's like okay if you're looking at it from that standpoint the risk reward ratio in the S&P 500 over the next 10 years is is still no matter even if it's low rate of return it's still safer bet than putting money into a bank account right so like if this give 7 10% over the next decade that's not something that you know you might be overly enthusiastic about but it's better than returns that you would get just from bank account then if you look okay now you got diversify as far as having there
are going to be stocks that's going to outpace the S&P 500 right most people think the AI technology sector that's been leading so you look at Nvidia Microsoft AMD TSM SMH stuff like that so that does if that does 15 to 30% now you have out stretched that um as far as you got to have crypto that if you look numbers those is 20 to 40% if you look at Bitcoin just Bitcoin alone then you add in ethereum but that's a higher risk for war ratio because that's a lot more volatility right then I mean
real estate you could probably expect 8% 15% that's more cash intensive but that's another place to to put money um then you got to look at bonds I mean bonds you're looking at probably 4 to 8% so that's on the lower side of things if you're like a very conservative investor so if you look at an allocation of you you you you mix it but you got to have crypto that's important because that's going to give you outstretched rates of returns but it's also going to be extremely volatile so if you put your whole thing
in crypto that's that's the part that can become tricky because if you actually need the money or if you have a tremendous downturn on it and you lose 40% in one year that's harmful that's so if you have the the index the tech the Bitcoin the real estate healthare now you put together the portfolio now you have it so so you have to take things in consideration it's if it even if it is lower like I said I mean how you look how you should look at the S&P 500 is more of a safety net
anyway so you're not really looking at it like if you can get 50% that's great but you're not looking at it Like It's Gonna Give You 50% every single year that's that's kind of setting yourself up for disappointment yeah and I don't even think you need to have it 50% a year like it goes into that mindset piece like kind of like to what you're saying is getting 7 to 10% a year we should be like yes like yo that's great that's amazing we had a great year it's just that over the past five we've
seen things go way outside those boundaries but your savings account is doing 0.3% a year and your high yield savings account is giving you 4.5% a year and you're fine with that like you're completely fine with that no sneezing you don't question the bank you're just like all right well it's better than being nowhere when you get 7 to 10% from the S&P it's like only only seven only 10 yeah last year was 25 the year before that was 24 there right we should have that same level of enthusiasm on P like every year and
we used to say seven to 10 but now the average is G up to like 12% on average which is like where where else are you getting that I'll wait and a quick solution is if the market drops five or 8% that's a easy to buy buy at those areas and that's an easy way to outperform the 3% that's expected or Lord forbid if we get sub 15% to buy in then or you can go to the NASDAQ for those who are going to say S&P doesn't dip that far when NASDAQ dips plus 10% buy
it hold it and then you'll be able to make up those gains but I wouldn't worry about this the thing I do know about the the team over at S&P Global and when they in Vanguard they're going to find the best companies make the allocation work to get the highest gain and we'll talk about it maybe later especially with Vanguard cutting those fees eat to the market share of other competitors well how do you make up those fees having better Returns on v v vti vgt vht so when a market falls apart five or s%
that's the time to buy to outpace the lower gains and it's a good time to build a base if we're flat for four years and we only get 3% returns those are good years to put more money in to load up so when the market takes off would be a yeah no it's a good strategy as far as um dollar C averaging but then put more money in on the on the Downs absolutely to make up like you said that's actually mathematically the that's that's in your favor to U invest when the market is down
more even more than you would TR reserves that's why we got to have those reserves absolutely be ready okay speaking of magnificent 7 if we were to make a new magnificent 7 that was created what companies would would be in it um of course Nvidia of course Microsoft I will put in Eli Lily okay um not publicly traded yet but we saw the announcement Eli got T my hat starlink let everyone get on the uh sign up list that was F when there well play Ander real will be number five I will put palen here
in there as number six and then number seven that seven slot is tough to think about but if Google can make this Quantum chip reality true Google I would definitely remove Tesla though the volatility is too high and you have other assets now of course everybody going to say Bitcoin but I'm just talking publicly traded equities not crypto but um if Google can make that Quantum chip come to life they'll have a huge Competitive Edge in there as well so so Starling that's that's that's no SpaceX so you think that they gonna you think they're
gonna spin starlink into a private company no I think starlink when it goes public is probably going to be the like if you look at it from a marketing standpoint they did a lead capture on a Super Bowl commercial everybody in the nation signed up for it used starlink for free for the first month yeah they they did the statistics on the commercials based on usage after the they aired yes it was number one the T-Mobile Starling commercial was number one well played well everywhere well that goes back before we answer this question this goes
back what you say about Bitcoin I saw another article that said parents should start investing in Bitcoin for their kids' college education and said set of 529 points oh how you feel about that that's interesting um I never thought about it of course you know hindsight being 2020 at that 20,000 28,000 32,000 level it's a better return for sure but you can't argue with the return of Bitcoin like it depends if you can H handle the volatility though that's only the only thing that I'd be worried about if most parents can handle seeing the savings
drop that much but in terms of return over a five or 10 year period no question no qu because even if it slows down let's say Bitcoin just gets you 15% it's still beating the S&P it's gonna beat the NASDAQ on average it's gonna be a little bit safer um it may not be for everyone's risk appetite for sure and maybe there should be like a financial threshold if you make over 55,000 that's a good investment strategy but definitely beating the 529 plan for sure but what do you think yeah well I already started investing
for my son in ibit um I just feel like if we talking about what's going to be the future for sure you know of course technology but we talking about crypto is going to be the future so it would make sense to invest if you think that this is going to be the future it would make sense to invest for somebody that's young for sure into the future right like that's and like you said as far as like the outstretch return possibility I mean you don't do the whole entire thing I think it's a portion
but um everyone who wants to know you think will be responsible 10% yeah 10% you got you got you gotta be aggressive with it with with that and I think yeah I think that um so it was interesting because I started doing that before I even heard this but when I saw it I'm like yeah I makes sense if you going to say that this is the future you got to give young people Expos to that um yeah why not yeah I'm I want a different seven so I want to make sure I don't have
the same seven as you so you had Lily oh okay yeah paler you had SpaceX when they publicly tra traded uh you had you had Microsoft in there yes no apple and you had Nvidia yep all right so you left you're leaving Apple out of this yes see okay all right so mad at me y can y'all unlock my account whater boy so I'm gonna I want to give it I'm gonna give a different seven because I had Lily I had Lily but I'll remove it I had a backup just in case you had Lily
so I I am keeping Apple um okay you didn't have meta which was interesting because I thought you would oh zck sorry so that's my two Amazon of course yall know how I feel about on that would be my three Google was four uh Nvidia was five okay um and then I have Microsoft but I feel like that's too easy right it says a new mag seven so those you said are already in mag s that's what I said we you left those some of those out but I'm adding I'm adding new ones now I
think it was the new I think it was not including companies that's already in the mag 7even a new MA 7 cuz we know that Mac 7 is already the MA 7 I know but people get replaced so like I'm putting Netflix in there I'm putting Netflix inside of my seven that's a good pick that's a yeah yeah yeah I'm putting them inside of my seven I'm putting broadcom inside of my seven and I'm putting TSM inside of my seven so like that's like eight but I'm putting though and now TSM obviously not an American
company all the other ones I named are American um and so you can take that with a grain of salt or however you want to mix that but I would add those would be the ones I would add in if I had to take some out I would I would mix it definitely I gotta have meta I can't not have that in there obviously I gotta have Amazon yeah um so I gave you like eight so broadcom I'm putting there I had Li said Lily so I I said if he says Lily I'm putting TSM
yeah who you got I mean there a lot of companies that's already named that's that's kind of tough yeah but as far as Max 7 I think Bitcoin it's not a publicly traded company but you can't have seven yeah you can't have seven Investments without once again if this is going to be the future yeah you got to include it and it pretty much is a publicly traded company now because there so much money coming into um ETFs so Bitcoin for sure um I mean of course Nvidia um TSM I think um that's a great
three starting with boy you on fire yeah Eli L you said the healthcare you know if we talking about Healthcare the biggest area the economy that's only going get that's only going to continue to get bigger then like you said from a defense standpoint I think cyber security too you got you gotta have cyber security company in there who you going with um crowd strike okay number one that's important I mean I think that it's only gonna become more and more important as far as cyber security you know everything is all these these data hacks
and all that stuff um allegedly allegedly Alle allegedly yeah um yeah paler is definitely you know one of these companies if you look at defense you know you gota look at you know making they making commercials for drones and making that defense Tech space sexy right it's yeah I mean something that you know people not paying attention to but can't cut the defense spending he get it yeah and majority the one like Lily's not Lily is um TSM is these are trillion dollar companies now for sure so I know it's like we kind of sneeze
at it which is crazy right like 10 years ago there were no trillion dollar companies yeah and now we have like eight trillion dollar companies with Netflix like not far not far far at all and we didn't talk about you know we could have threw Visa in there like that was a card I had sure I always base it on what I think like you guys are going to say so I'm like let me just throw some wild cards Visa is a company I'm invested in but that could be there Powerhouse yeah sa r m
well I know it's on the international we all skipped it I know we all skipped that though why why why did we all skip it creeping up Saudi R we got to see the future of oil um and that's interesting too I just saw something about Alo Dan go his oil refiner in um in Nigeria and how they saying that he's he's he's alleging that it's actually getting sabotaged from the Nigerian government oh at the highest level oh gosh and so he's fighting with the um he got infight right now with the Nigerian government and
um you know Nigeria is one of these countries that produces oil then send sends it to Europe to get refined and then sends it back to them because they don't have the refinery so now it's like they got the refinery but it's a lot of people that's going to go out of not go out of business but lose a lot of money shell one of them and a bunch of other companies so they saying that these companies putting pressure on the government paying off the government allegedly which um is intentionally slowing the development of his
like he want he went as far to say that um I was watching he was given a press conference he was saying like you know there's people internally that that's trying to sabotage it even internally like as far as working in this company like I'm sure it's it's crazy if you watched over the past uh eight years let's say the past six years his net worth has gone from 21 billion down I say down in quotations to 11.6 billion and a lot of a lot of it is the capex that's going into this project now
this project could make him top 20 wealthiest people in the world you're talking about going from a country that has to import their oil to a country that could potentially go to I think when we reported it like one of the top 10 countries number n or eight in the world as far as expor imagine what that does to the GDP of a country so to sabotage their own plans just like it's crazy well it's one of these things it's crazy man um but it also goes back to political influence because they said like you
know he always had great relationships with all of the presidents this presidency he doesn't have a good relationship with I think he back other guy so you got to head your bet properly because um now you know they raided his office that their version of IRS raided his office months ago so they've been they've been kind of putting pressure on him for for like 6 months now and um it's it's interesting because uh the only countries in Africa that's self-sufficient with oil is Libya and Algeria I believe he was saying so he was saying like
you know as far as his model he was like they've been trying to do it in other countries in Africa subsaharan Africa for years and they haven't been able to do it so if he's able to do it he'll be the first country really in Subs afca for sure to actually be able to refine oil at a high level and not have to import oil from Europe but I mean makes no sense to have to make oil then send it to Europe for them to send it back to you um but once again it goes
back to leadership we talked about with you know té um a lot of it falls on on the feat of leadership unfortunately um and it's an exploit of system so hopefully they can figure that out because um that could be something that could not only change Nigeria's future but the continent They're Not Gon to let it go smoothly of course not they're not goingon to let it go smoothly it's too much money that that companies are making so um yeah anything that that they can do to sabotage the situation they will this is a $
36 billion do project 36 billion which is I mean but it can change the economy for the country and the continent forever forever I just so I looked up the net wor you know like they do that you Robert Smith is right there they're like almost neck and neck at this point Robert Smith is on on Pace by the end of this year to be the wealthiest uh black man on the planet yeah Dave Stewart right now no he passed they they just did a new one Dave Stewart is Legend I wonder if anybody's everever
heard an audio of him speak I heard I seen a speech of him you saw it how long ago it's on YouTube I'm saying how long ago was it I don't know how long ago but it was like at a Christian University he's a very devout Christian so he spoke at some Christian University in Texas um so yeah reting I saw him speak before um but uh it's a great business Lon though it's always something when you're trying to innovate and this is the lesson of the Year decade that we can learn from Drake and
this applies here too when you're trying to innovate and disrupt this system you got to know who every enemy is on the table and that's why I always tell you in order to be able to thrive while you're taking on the Empire you you got to pay The Vig back to the Empire the Enemy Within always and then you got to go look at the other countries like we're not we'll talk about it one day when we get clearance G5 certified all that classified but China's investment to Nigeria is scary in the pace at which
they're doing it ins the continent overall like we saw it firstand in Ghana insane so yeah it's a lot it's a lot going on these days for sure it's easier to sabotage from the inside than it is from outside forces but in combination combination yeah you gotta be careful gotta be careful yeah yeah um okay you see Elon mus on his um he been following the South African thing so that's why even Trump trump spoke about it he what's your thoughts on that I want you're a political expert political expertise back to you Rashad what
do you think oh man oh man for real y'all going to Allstar next just ease up y'all don't give it up how y'all used to a part of Chess is not revealing your hand to the world about everything you think so it can be weaponized against you that's a fact speaking of trump he's not disrupting every system and uh the market has been on edge for the first couple of weeks of his presidency so what's three stocks that will Thrive regardless of any tariff that's put in place or any um decision that he makes while
he's in office yeah I'm going to give two classic ones that I've mentioned before one new one um one is JP Morgan regardless of him and Jam's tumultuous relationship smart the banking sector is going to thrive they're going to be the biggest beneficiary of and we can make the argument if you have exposure to bitcoin do you need exposure to Bank in not necessarily but if you want to safer hedge JP Morgan is one McDonald's is number two given the real estate even though they're having the issues with getting like on demand or foot traffic
into the stores um the sales are doing well overall year-over year but the third one is um Acuity brand so they do like lighting and in lighting management for corporations dominant player in the space I would kind of compare them to Striker and Healthcare it's like a brand inside of a ecosystem that not many people talk about but those businesses won't be affected so JP Morgan McDonald's um acity Brands and I can also make an argument for for Cava but those are the three that I'm going with oh that's my you know that's my company
right there yeah yeah so I I'll go again I I'll choose three different ones um so visa for sure for sure for sure and then like I said when when you think about who tariffs affect obviously goods and services and products that makes sense but I'm not sure how that affects Netflix so that that's another company I had um on here uh I had lily as well um from a healthcare standpoint when and even if you watch their earnings report you know the demand has gone down but the the interest and The Innovation that they
have coming LED their guidance for the future so I don't think T Lily Lily Lily okay yeah yeah so like I I don't I don't see how the tarff will will play a role in in that um so those would be my my three um and then I kind of like ashis put meta on there from a social media standpoint um but the fact that you know do they dominate in China no do they exist in China no and so I know that those are the tarff but you know there could be customer bases in
Mexico and and Canada and who knows you know he might be looking at Europe next as this is another you know uh country or continent that we need to look at So Meta aceris but those three for sure yeah vis a Netflix and Lily that's a three I'll take those that's the other big three yeah I know the the safe thing is to say all right consumer discretionary or Consumer Staples right like if you read about it's like well p& makes sense I'm like well they have products and services that have to get shipped and
yeah I'll take those three um okay so um thoughts on Elon South Africa no I'm just joking but you see his father's been speaking out interesting the arrow musk said that Elon was not even a fan of trump eight years ago his father actually was the one that got him to have interest in Trump but he cut his dad off for embarrassing a met a Democratic party that's why like financing Wars well shorty L say it must be two sides you better Finance both sides in business if you're going to go to war you got
to finance both otherwise you're leaving a lot of risk on the table so don't give your commentary on South Africa Eli I know it's blacke history mon y'all but we want to be here for the Long Haul going to be here for the long ha so Trump said uh on Sunday that he will announce 20 25% tariffs on All Steel and aluminum Imports into the US are we tired of the tariffs already like the executive order just like you know when people like go through a heartbreak and they like block everybody they used to know
right um I'm over the Terrace thing will I have a short term I'm glad that us steel decided to go a certain route and not be sold off and they're doing a partnership with Japan great but I don't think all these tariffs are going to wait work out the way that his team believes they will um I know you know as a result the market moved around a little bit but I think in 3 months two months we want even care about the story at all for all of you who are worried about us steel
and the price of steel and aluminum so just like yeah block everybody te like oh wait I a mean to block you my fault my bad my bad sorry my bad I I was tripping yeah like we've explained what the cars are it's just like a new day who's the Target and if you overuse a weapon at some point that's not as effective as it was when you first wielded it yeah like we it was like Canada it's Mexico it's China then it's like oh no you know we got 30 days to figure this out
we got 30 days to figure this out yeah tick Tok we're gonna ban it all right we got 90 days to figure this out it's like yeah it starts to wean on you like is something really gonna happen it kind of loses the pointy isn't it doesn't feel the same way as when you first heard the news of it big investment lesson though you have to know the temperament of the president that you have in office when you know that Trump has leaned towards being a transactional president there's weaknesses in that and there strength in
that but um when being strategic especially when you have bricks the AI Revolution or AI race is really important you can't have a lot of transactions or that be the focus you have to think very long term even past his tenure even though he I'm sure he's trying to find a way to be in office forever um there's a lot of weaknesses in a transactional leader you have to think about the long term so the Tariff thing is like if we have fatigue from it and even sean bom said like okay we don't need a
lot of your materials like we can partner with the other C countries like they're the little brother of the that bricks Alliance it's better to get along um while our debt is at the highest it's ever been for our country so yeah so you're going to charge tariffs for the for the importing which would inversely make people iess domestically us steel would be something that obviously you'd have to have more for and for infrastructure you needed so I guess it's that idea is kind of like let's make America first so let's use our steel and
not ship any out or have any come in which I like the premise but the execution of it is poor yeah yeah yeah it's just like some of these ideas are they who's thinking them out before we tweet them or we're just saying the offive coordinator of the Kansas City Chiefs get your ass fir what's his name Louis man and go whatever hey bro wrap it up go to the locker pack your [ __ ] up call her day what happened y'all wasn't protecting Pat at all y'all was in New Orleans there you know mean
they got three pros they got three all Pros on the line bro all Pros it was all proing before the Super Bowl it looked like man what oh man what do you feel about um so Trump Trump's Media Company plans to drop uh launch a Bitcoin ETF true social making it the first uh US president to introduce an ETF so not an ETF based around companies but a Bitcoin ETF big bitty I to when he launched that Meme coin and y'all let him get that off I said the next Market Mondays you know you're goingon
to do ETF right now if I'm Trump and I see Michael S get on the cover of Fortune Forbes Forbes Forbes excuse me shout out to micro strategy and the the Rebrand y'all doing I know Big T was like [ __ ] if he can do it I can do it cool so if if and it's it's evil and smart at the same time to take a group that is so fanatical they'll support anybody who is behind that product but it's crazy to think that he wouldn't lost this and there's nothing anyone can do about
it and it's going to work because every everyone who's a Bitcoin Maxi doesn't care about politics more than they care about the gains they're going to support the hell out of this and it's going to make Donald Trump richer on the media side it's actually an evil brilliant plan it's yeah it's wored I mean he's already done it right like I don't know anybody that has true social anybody that use true social but I did watch the stock run up I did see it pull back I did see him make eight billion from it so
let's the that did when that company was failing what yes you just kind of glaze over that that that change in the name like it's no longer micro strategy anymore like uh yeah revamping it we we're gonna rename this whole thing strategy that's the name that's nothing Mike about this pause shout out to Mike for getting that off man a whole yeah pause what can you do what do you think about the 60,000 US federal government employees that have accepted Trump's um buyout offer to quit job so far I'm not a political expert media trainer
I won't even throw it back to you but if you want to give your commentary we need a federal worker or someone in the system to speak on this you know what I'll be h i there was a federal worker who was at the Mastermind and we did have this conversation and outside of saying that every day things change every day it's something new don't go to the office don't show up to the office be in the office this was one of the topics that you know we spoke about and it was you guys have
till September like we're gonna pay you out till September and so six I didn't know that many people would accept it um that's crazy obviously there's more employees than that that are trying to figure out what this actually means can we fight this is he even permitted to do this which is part of it but 60,000 is a a huge number of what are we going to do now number that's a lot of like I know it's I mean people have watched entrepreneurial Journeys increase and we've looked at the ADP numbers and obviously that means
you know people are are employing or self- employing or playing out employees that's a lot of people man I don't know what the pay is out into that point but like what's what is the plan what is the plan especially for a lot of people who that's what they've been doing for the past 10 15 some 20 years plus yeah and given the E and flow nature of said president to give Grace who says that pay house stays September if Elon go and be like line cut we can save ex and I mean meta has
layoffs today it's been swept under the rug a couple other companies have layoffs like true this is scary um that that many people at one time can be let off knowing that they not may not be on boarded back into the workforce it's pretty scary yeah and as business owners we know just cutting expenses does not save a company or entity sounds good let off 60,000 people or 120,000 in four years to save company we're 37 trillion in debt they said that number might that might number might not be true I think Eli was saying
that today like the 37 stream might not be true because of fraud I'm like it gets I mean every day like you on stripe you know every day this thing gets more interesting quantive easing if we gonna be honest without quantitative easing 2000 through 2020 would have been flat they would have blew up Wall Street allegedly had to do something allegedly just yeah what has anybody seen like what the compensation was like the compensation packages that they were offering 60,000 people to say yes I would imagine it had to been something that was I mean
how what do you yeah how do you get 60,000 people to say yes or something within a week expenses go by fast yo quick quick yeah yeah so we'll see um okay okay so uh what companies who has earnings this week are you most optimistic about um I like McDonald's they did well today Shopify yeah Shopify S&P Global of course app loving Paulo Alto easy winner and Med Bas medical space those are like the ones I love because I know every like y I'm tired of you talking about Apple Microsoft Nvidia how can you be
tired of a winner notice Andy re and the owner of the didn't let Mahomes go this morning after the loss lesson number two hold on to your winners for a lifetime Kelsey you can let go come on [Laughter] man you may need to call Kayla what Hating Ass yo shout out to them man shout out to uh I am athlete the new I am athlete um I got I got a few others too um because I I've been talking about them for for a while now so uh verv will be reporting this week and so
we talked about the in company cooling solutions so ver this company we spoke about when we went to um their conference and this is another one of those things when we visit somewhere we always come back and tell y'all they have Innovation be on the lookout for them if you haven't been watching what Robin Hood has done since that conference they are cooking they're going to be reporting earns today we already know how Bitcoin has performed we have seen in the past their correlation to the uh growth of Bitcoin and so this quarter will have
had that run up to 100,000 after the election so I'm definitely interested in in Robin Hood coinbase will be reporting this week as well same reasons right during that that quarter you you saw that again this the election happened and we saw up to 100 100,000 for for Bitcoin um I got data dog on there as well right so D when talking about the cloud space they have had a nice run and then of course of course this is like this is kind of getting swept under the rug because Nvidia have been pulled back and
broadcom pulled back but super marel is gonna be reporing this week so now we get to finally see these numbers what has happened even them right they were down at 19 they've crawled up here to like let me see where they at today we're up at 36 32 this is interesting we're we're going we're going to see what supermichel has in store so I'm watching all those companies verv and pal Alto um I actually put in E University shout out to all the earners in there so po Alo I'm actually gonna put a case I
they like when I put the case as to why I did it I'm gonna put the case for po Alto in uh in the community tomorrow uh because I love that company and uh yeah so those those are the ones I'm looking at it's a great list I appreciate you my [Music] brother um okay so what what's what's the high going back to paler what's the highest price you think it can get to this year um for disclaimer I'm not trying to rock the palent band wave for when this get clipped up so um but
given the spending and defense Tech in three years I can see him getting to 22815 yeah 220 15 going um because from what I am hearing and may not go public until 28 if they were going public in 26 that may change but if you want exposure to defense and you don't want northr grundman or any of the typical players like you said this is like a new category um palen is on a tear and they are slowly becoming a fan favorite Alex may be a little bit um diff different than your typical CEO but
the fact that he's engaging with the retail audience pretty fascinating pretty fascinating yeah he's adapting so yeah that's he's like on that next tier of CEOs that are outspoken we know his name like a lot of CEOs we don't know their name we don't see them I remember we had that clip when he was talking about cocaine and we like yo what but it drew attention and yeah when you draw attention sometimes people start believing in you and then they'll start believing in the company right like we watch Elon do this over and over right
it doesn't matter how many cars they sell or don't sell people believe in him and they believe in the leadership and so he he has a chance here to to do that as well yeah micro it almost touched 41 today super micro that's that's interesting that's interesting they know something over there I think okay we're watching that we're circling that yeah I want to see what the numbers are on it but as far as Palante they delivered on the numbers like you can't argue against them um and and I get it too if you are
looking for a company that isn't in the three four $500 range like Lily's price like a tech stock get it so there are a lot of retail investors that are there who like it just because it's uh relatively affordable as well so I get that how do you stay the course and stick to the plan when greed and fear sets in I thought this was a great question um I think you have to have a big vision for what you want your goal to be for me my North Star is to never have to depend
on one client customer or person to be able to provide for me and my family um but you have to have a goal that is bigger than you and also looking at the data like every week news media's job in investing is to tell you something else so that they can sell ads like I'll ask you guys when you went to Davos did you hear one person say man I can't wait till next year to sell off all my positions the greatest owners and Executives on Earth hold every asset forever the land man clip with
J Jones amazing that that was really an oscar but if if he never wins another Super Bowl if my goal was to raise my kids and have them with me while building an empire that's way that's worth more than a Super Bowl so you have to realize it as terrible as Dak may be at times he wins every day that he gets a chance to hang with his family and have them inside of his Empire while it's value it's the number one brand without winning the Super Bowl so yeah Sports yeah like you have to
figure out what your end goal is first and a lot of times when people can't stay on track it's because they're not very clear in what they want to do so but but for you guys y'all work hard y'all travel all over and they only see the Party part of drip report like how do you guys stay focused and locked in on what the goal is day in day out even when you're tired shotty had the flu hey covid test next man Mastermind Bane mask bird flu test for real how do you guys stay locked
in I you guys stay focused I think um you know it's one of these things that you can't lose sight of the mission until until it's over you know what I mean so um that's it really just until you until until the game is over ain't Think Can Happen yeah so you know you seen crazy things happen before so gota just stay on point gota stay focused gota you know maximize the opportunity while you have it um and just win a day focus on a day one day at a time really yeah yeah I think
we are relentlessly always in the hunt like people look at and like what's next there's an expectation of what's next because we're always on Hunt like we we you do invest Fest and then you know you come out with the book and then you got the curriculum it's like it doesn't surprise them when something else happens but we're always in pursuit of the next thing anyway right while people are focusing on what's Happening Now we're looking at the next thing and we're keeping our composion through it all so yeah I mean the key to it
is that we have a plan going into before we start so this is how we're going to do it here's how we're going to execute it yep by the time it's execution it's like all right we already have drawn this up in our head already right now we just got to go play the game right it's like leading up to the Super Bowl they've practice every day for 10 months for one day yeah so by the time the one day you you you're so prepared that it's like all right well I'm playing this out exactly
how we envision of course there might be some audibles in there but the end result the mission is always gonna be the same let's go in and I'll say this too to to wrap this part up stop taking the blessing that you prayed for for granted I see a lot of people in business who were doing okay and they got comfortable or took it for granted or took the fan base or customer base for granted and now you don't have that [ __ ] anymore I was going back through some podcast to listen to in
202 21 I'm like damn tough businesses if you don't adjust it's going to be tough and you may not ever get in the position to get that lead back so stay grateful for the blessings you've been given as well yeah for sure I think you got to have a healthy dose of um paranoia and sure and uh disappointment for sure like you got to be disappointed in yourself on a certain level um because you if you are not then you don't feel you can't feel like you you're a success you gotta feel like you're more
of a failure than a success it's a balance because you don't want to you know be depressed but it's like if you look if you study the greats none of the greats really ever felt like they were really great in that moment yeah actually most people that actually highest level of success is insecure that's why you got to balance it out because it does lead sometimes you get you go too far and you get overdose and drugs and stuff like that but if you look at it like Michael Jackson and the highest people most of
the time they have levels of insecurity but that's what kept them going because when everybody else saw they didn't see themselves how they saw them like Kanye had on his documentary like a giant can't doesn't know he's a giant from looking in the mirror you know what I mean like you can't see yourself how everybody else sees you that's that's beneficial that's helpful when you start to see yourself how everybody else sees you you you lose what got you to that point because what got you to that point is trying to prove somebody wrong and
you got a chip on your shoulder and you working and everybody doubted you and you trying to you know be make a name for yourself so you got to keep that edge at all time because if not that's the part if not if you lose that edge and you start to read your own press clippings and start to believe the hype yep then you're not gonna be in the trenches still you're not going to have that same level of desire and it's only so long before somebody else surpasses you because they they're more hungry and
they they do have the desire and it does mean something and they do have something to prove and they and they do want to make a name for themselves so always always got to be paranoid for sure because a you know it's so many different things that can happen but you're also got to have some level of like disappointment in like okay I did 10 I could have did 11 I did I did 50 I I could have did 100 like it's a disappointment yeah that's my philosophy yeah I wanted to disagree but you landed
the plane I'm glad I let I didn't interrupt because I was like I don't necessarily agree with that but I what you're saying about the giant looking at that's 100% true it's like why people when they walk and they meet us in real life it's like oh my gosh these guys are so humble like no not once in I looking at you like a celeb or him a c or myself like a c like we're not like even that word fame to me is like is kind of not I'm like y we're everyday people like
we've been championed by people yeah right like we come from I want to say the dirt like we come from like levelheaded mindsets levelheaded surroundings and so when somebody sees me taking the garbage out they're like yo what are you doing or when they see me shoveling snow Ian what are you doing like no bro like this is like everyday people everyday life like we're human beings at the end of the day yeah right but we're always in the hunt I think that's I'm glad you landed that you have to stay hungry you gotta you
got to you got to and the expectation too like I don't know I don't know if I want to use the word dis disappointment I want to have I probably would say have a a certain level of expectation that you put on yourself that in your mind you're saying like I could have done more I could have over exceeded what i i people expected of me because when you go into these things it's like you want to overd deliver you want to overd deliver and then when it's done it's like did I the people might
perceive that yes you overd delivered it was great and your mind is like y if we could have improved on that I kind man I left that out I did it last night soon as Kendrick is done perform I pulled up my vest Fest I'm like damn I should have got Jackson St be okay it's sou it's Trum available late August got you Sam Jackson in the per oh Uncle Sam start making some calls already hey we need okay you keep a wolf hungry that's the key you keep a wolf hungry if a wolf not
hungry he's not a wolf anymore so they gonna put you on the plate you know that you got to you keep the Wolf hungry when I say a wolf you yourself you got to keep you keep yourself hungry you know if you if whenever whenever you lose your hunger that's a very dangerous that's very dangerous place to be in as a human being especially as a man because once you once you lose your hunger once you lose that some little young pup G they take the game that's going nope going right right to GNA be
they're gonna have you running on the beach man yeah can't can't man that's the fact they running on the beach talking about you destroying me you destroying me for all my gotta keep the find ways to get better every day find ways to get better every single day that was like on it's crazy now you think about it I know we've referenced this before but like when when when Kendrick is on um Tober butterfly and it's that Pock in he was like yo the that time of energy between 25 to 30 is the peak because
you're hungry you're ambitious and you're ra to go disrupt the world and if you don't execute in those time frames like you start to see that weighing off a little bit by the time you 35 over yeah for a lot of people yeah you gotta be special you're either a hustler or a customer in this world for sure you're either a hustler or a customer Hustler is always going to be scrambling then you got a number two that gold helps I remember you know say I seen Sam was talking he was like he wanted to
make a million when he was selling mixtapes and DVDs black Sim I'm referring to and he was like yeah he ain't care about clothes he ain't care about he a even eat he ain't care about nothing he was in the rain he was doing whatever he was just stacking the money get the money stack it stack it get the money stack it I don't glorify drug dealing because I do feel like it's harmful to our community but I always respect The Hustler even from that perspective like just seeing it like I saw people like having
shoe boxes full of money that was always something that was interesting to me because I'm like some people get money just to spend it but then some a lot of people really get money and it's it's a goal it's like a reality show like they think like I got 5,000 put in the box I got the 10,000 20,000 the 30,000 30 50,000 so you keep that same mindset like no matter what you do like you know I mean like just like clothes doesn't mean anything jurry doesn't mean anything cars don't mean anything even a home
in the grand schema don't mean anything like you focus on your number don't get distracted by social media don't get distracted by what somebody else is doing don't get distracted if you see somebody in Turks and Kos you focus on what you got to focus on stack your bread till you get to that number that's it and it's like a reality show every day you gonna have good days you gonna have bad days you gonna have UPS you gonna have Downs you focus on getting your bread right it's just like it was a shoe box
but it's not a shoe box but it's just that same mentality like you focus on getting your money right that's it your brokage account as your new shoe box straight up facts like and the crazy part when you hit that number a couple times you be like damn this is it you'll be for those you who haven't got there yet I promise you whatever number you have in mind you're going to hit it and be like I should have went four or five times higher knowing you can do it like believing you can do it
is the first thing yeah then actually putting a planation oh my God we got marketting Mass oh inflation come ramping up okay let's get them out of here yeah rules for Airbnb Nationwide change y okay yeah I said the the The Telltale sound will be when they stop allowing people to open brokerage accounts or they start charging you again or they put limits on whether you can trade futes the minimums are going to be high the minimums you might have to have 10,000 in your brokerage account or 20 they'll put some type of minimum in
place where everybody can't participate that'll be that'll be a game changer like that'll be like all right they're in this system they're making it how do we get them out of here yeah stop don't go on dates don't waste no money on on that that's a waste of money all that a distraction dates is the distraction cloes is a distraction we got Valentine that's a distraction manmade holiday it's a manmade H it's a manade say that for Wednesday please it has nothing to do with love it's a man-made holiday to extract money from once again
Hustlers and customers that's a distraction yeah Valentine's Day is a distraction please please remember that these thoughts shared I'm you got to be extreme and to get where you want to go that's the biggest myth that people think that you could be balanced you got to be extreme you could be balanced once you get to where you want to go right now you want to come up you try to save 10,000 you trying to save 100 you trying to make your first million you gotta be extreme I'm I'm just gonna be honest with you you
can't get to that point if you're not gonna be extreme so you gotta have short-term sacrifice short-term pain to get to that goal you could there's a million times where you can sell you can do Valentine's every single day if your money's right fact until then we not doing Valentine's Day we not doing trips we're not doing none of that we not spend $100 on dipped cherries cherries and chocolate dip cherries that that might that's so Balan right because that might be true for some people some people that that may not be true right yeah
but you got to figure out what's true for you that's the most important thing forget what he says forget what I say what's gonna work for you can listen to this and you can don't what I say I'm saying Jing whatever works for you is going to work for you but have a plan no but what I'm speaking is firsthand experience so that that's that might not be my first only I could I could really give that's I said yeah that's I said You Gotta Give Your blueprint but it's a successful blueprint it has worked
but so here's the thing my blueprint different and it's successful as well right so that's why I'm saying they got to figure out what they blueprints gonna be so you got to figure out what your archetype is I I feel exactly that's what I'm telling you bro that's what I'm saying lock in N no now you can go celebrate if you want to but even when you get to that Pinnacle you still have to remain hungry we just talked about it they're trying to overthrow his company even at the Pinnacle the people who may came
up with you may not be the happiest or they may feel entitled you didn't pay enough or somebody may give them an offer that they can't refuse to topple your stuff right you too paranoid rather be paranoid than poor that's what I'm saying he he's a giant in that industry he's gotten to a top of a proverbial mountain right he's looking back like how can I help and as soon as he get there he looking like yo there's this's higher mountains one day we gonna have a conversation about helping how helping leads to your own
ruin potentially one day yeah not today or Valentine's Day week shout out to all the lovers Monto what is Montoya doing on Valentine's Day thir F yeah for real you're destroying me you're destroying me H that's if you still living you're destroyed Valentine's Day cancel Valentine's Day that's crazy spoken by Rashad B every day is Valentine's Day every day should be Valentine's Day yep I love you every day B I love you every day but you know that's I've been consistent I love you every day Christmas now why you focusing on spending $5,000 for Christmas
gifts if you don't have money saved it's a distraction $2,000 bag no money in your purse that's a distraction if she loved you she going to understand if she doesn't understand it she's not the person for you yeah she not the one for you for real that part that's the part what's your arch what do you what's the plan in everything who if you gonna have a person who is that person like what's what are the things that you're looking for on that person stay down till you come up fact yep that's a fact and
if if if she not gonna stay down so she come up she's a distraction vice versa he could be a distraction the biggest the biggest liability in your life is going to be the relationship that you have that's and the person you choose to be with that's relationship big it could be relationship friends too though that's why I said ships ship yeah I know I know I know what you're saying I what you saying friends family all facts wife hband allocation on on the inner circle and who you dating that [ __ ] assets over
WRA it up that's another thing that could take you off path man you get kids ain't no latex it's it's not over it's not over forever but it it throws a monkey wrench in your plans for sure for sure all right what do I know um what's your outlook on EF um I've talked about the stock before yeah yeah they they've gotten demolished um for a little bit and um but I told the correction price like I like it sub 58 to buy back in um this what I don't like though when he said uh
the CEO said that can I read it can I read it please because I KN so well it took a 30% hit last week and I thought this this is the quotee from from the the CEO he said the LA wildfires and the looming Tik Tock band lowered social media conversion for sales which the company says is key for the reason why the company is lowering its fiscal outlook for the rest of the year right so the blow from the elf Beauty really relies on social media advertising and user generated uh content for sales so
you're blaming like that's like not even read the room like what hey my boy you and the Kansas City oine coordinator both of y'all go pack your bags up you about to lose your job you blaming Tik tock b Tik Tock didn't get banned You Can't Ban man if you don't know it's up I know you probably don't use it I don't like leaders who don't take um accountability for why things are not going well I don't love this this reason that makeup space Great Space to be in but this is why every year when
I do a presentation I'll tell you go look at the founder or the CEO and their characteristics because their personal beliefs will bleed into the company blaming the WiFi is okay that that could affect inventory but if your margins are not thick enough to withstand that two day TI one day Tik Tok B yeah but the language around it right I don't think he was talking about it from an in inventory standpoint it was more of a sense where it was a distraction whereas more algorithms were were showing what was happening in California right during
that horrific time as opposed to showing what somebody in a natural algorithm would have been makeup and beauty and mology happening on their feed which is what they lean on to have people convert oh what what what lipstick was that or what onlineer was that what blush was that what Contour was that if the algorithm's not showing those things then it's going to affect sales well it wasn't showing those things because there was a disaster in the state and a lot of people were affected to use to say that that's a distraction obviously it hurts
the business but like I don't think as a CEO I'm not sure that might have been the right pulit to to say something like that listen I don't know what school you went to Berkeley wherever you went to you need to be fire bro you need to go to Executive management I'm go chairman that's not like if if these flimsy reasons have caused shift in your business that are this dramatic and that's okay cuz all of us are not great leaders in every area but this should be unacceptable to say to an investor class as
to why you went from 222 so like you're the range of like Salesforce and real tech companies to then fall this far and and how about you pay those employees better because there's been some gripes there and put together a better ad campaign than just leaning on social media I know Omni presence has been a big thing the last four or five years but for especially in the beauty space you have to invest some of that Capital to be everywhere because you have Fierce competitors all over the world Beauty space like that's like me saying
like the weather in Mexico is bad so that's why the crystal ball is broken [Music] what what the um ethereum ethereum's price drop is related to aluminum no I just thought that was funny when everyone was like um um ethereum is falling apart because uh the tariffs on Alum aluminum like and I want to get into war between Bitcoin and ethereum long-term ethereum is going to do fine it's going to outpace S&P I do want to know where is the Russian kid it's been very quiet metalic genius yeah Mastermind brilliant he's been very quiet though
yeah true true been very quiet I wonder why what's some of your favorite St that are subscription based like Netflix Oh I thought this was a great question um I've never looked at a category in this fashion to base solely base off that but if we have to pick the big three going back to that thing um Kendrick ptio but I would do Netflix first tryy your point um Amazon second because of Amazon web services and then third Spotify like damn okay listen sometimes the big three like like if you go who's the greatest basketball
players of all time it's gonna be Kobe Michael Jordan LeBron consensus like I think Netflix amazing hedge and as they have increased the pricing and locked down the sharing revenues went up Amazon everyone else for the retail side but AWS is amazing but Spotify and the symbiotic relationship that they have with the IND as the industry owns I think 28% of it has done incredibly well um so yeah those are my three I would pick for a long I know it was the same three no no no no no I'm I'mma give one because I
I just always throw an extra just in case Shopify I was definitely gonna have one there okay Shopify is making a good turnaround but the one that people don't think about is Apple for right like when you talk about Services businesses that the Ser just the service forget the iPhone which we know to 48% of the sales the service business brings brought in a hundred billion doll last year so your Apple music all just that alone when people think of subscriptions it's just something that's naturally being paid right like I'm sure everybody that has a
iPhone probably has some type of subscription that they pay in apple um and so that would be one of those ones when you you're not thinking of a Ser as a service business something that's generating 100 billion if you look at the market cap of come how many are even doing that as a company let alone as a sub tier of a company yeah I'm putting Apple in there as well especially when they charge you at three o'clock in the morning just randomly you're not even thinking about it you stop looking at the emails at
all you know what the sneakiest one is right out outside of Apple music is like the storage one like it's not9 St storage one is what you gonna do not get more storage all right 299 no you need more swords you got a lot of pictures and you saving a lot of videos and doing all this all this Tik Tok now you need the 999 plan all right you're gonna do it you're not yeah yeah gotta Netflix Amazon Spotify Apple NASA that's solid that's a good four what about pelaton I'm asking for somebody SP Santo
mua nope no got nope not peltin gotta what do you feel about um energy sector in 2025 um I think that the players that have been big in energy are G like of course Chevron xim mobile uh both prices are in stock Club so go to en invest.com mid roll go to en invest.com if you want to know the best prices of where to invest into oil eqt is pretty interesting um I like this question a lot I think I won't say that the energy investment tied to AI rally is over but you're not going
to get oversized games how you did last year a't it eqt is okay but Chevron xon mobile for sure are going to do great um back in what was this 2014 eqt got to 5818 and then fell apart it's at 53 now I'm not looking to invest at that price if it goes back down to 30 or I get back to 17 I wouldn't mind taking a stab at it but Chevron and Exon are going to do incredibly well regardless if it's tied to AI or not I like having stocks where I don't have to
read the news to know if it's going to do well like not one day have I woke up and been like even when Jensen s's breast I still was like okay the company's gonna be okay right like I don't have to worry about what Sati is doing at Microsoft when I work I never had a panic attack investing into those so invest in the leaders should be good yeah I and that I I'm gonna put in Visa only because I've been talking about it for the about five months now and if AI is gon to
be the story you know they'll be at the Forefront of it um but again if you don't want to rely on that like you're talking about those traditional ones make a lot of sense but if you look at the number one company last year in SCP was there it's having a pretty good year so far um I know it's still early uh had a nice pullback during that deep seek or that deep fake we're going to call it allegedly deep fake Scandal the Deep fake Scandal uh and it's still it's still over over 170 uh
I know it touch 198 early this year I still see some growth for it so I'll add that inside the the energy companies that we like what was your uh favorite ad of the Super Bowl of any publicly traded company publicly traded company ad H I like that night commercial Starbucks y'all better wake it up y'all failing sorry that dck and donuts took a shot at them Starbucks doesn't I don't really see you don't really see Starbucks commercials the nikad with with uh with Doshi narrating that was dope but yeah I think that uh T-mobile
joint was was fire too T-Mobile yes I think they did a great job what yall got maybe not from a creative standpoint but from like a B2B lead generation inflow Revenue standpoint brilliant yeah definitely you got what you got I ain't watched the commercials enough to know I saw Kanye had a commercial saw this commerci yo again they didn't air that in New York bro for real yeah some areas of the the country did not get the ye he said he spent all the money on I said I wish I had stuff to show but
I spent all the money on my teeth go you need to spend that money on calling Elon and repair the relationship before he put you on the other side of that black ball list no they deactivated well he left I think he left on his own oh he did cuz then they well maybe then they deactivated his account he was it's always starts with like yo and then it's like bruh br going kind of far Mur a live rest in peace to Earth Gotti rest in pezo that was heartbreaking yo oh man take care your
Yeezy he did that collaboration with Sean John blackout that was my when they asked that's my that was my favorite clothing line man that's Sean collaboration with sha John did I know Jim said it before but were y'all wearing sea John in New York when it came out cuz it was on fire in the midwest 100% okay 100% you was I was going right to Riv we used to go to the store on fth half um got yeah still on Fifth half for sure right next to the library I wasn't wearing like a heavy amount
but seanan definitely they had some good lawsuits the V lawsuits was crazy he had some stuff some footwe too footwe was all right yeah that was a good brand man yeah it was a good brand for sure the CL was just the t-shirts though I didn't see anything else yeah just t-shirt all right um what's the biggest Financial mistake that people should avoid in 2025 um you alluded to it earlier but I think um even like some of the conversations I have on social I can tell the people who are really locked in and invest
in and I know some like I got a message from a guy yesterday who commented about yo Kendrick destroyed your man Drake on the Super Bowl and his last comment to me in DM was 2021 and I'm like you join stock Club in 2021 let me see the Gams oh I quit executing you know I didn't have time for it how do you not have time to get rich to take care of your family regardless of what y'all think y'all use that glazing word too heavy and you got a glaze over that Network first for
you have some of these conversations but Kendrick and Drake are good the boy may be a little bit sensitive but PG Lang and everybody I talk to over y'all they good focus on you like eliminate all distractions and focus like my kid just turned 10 like I remember what I wore when he was born we're halfway into the decade some of you are going to look up and it's going to be 2028 and you're going to be like I don't know what I did with 8 years My Life Lock the [ __ ] in all
of these wars and rat beefs and that's a distraction from your real life I don't care what you invest in Bitcoin paler uh jail stool coin shout out to oh boy from baru getting that Meme coin off Trump coin and pick a asset class and invest into it in perpetuity people yo how you work so hard yo if you're actually a responsible dad you're going to put in work every day to provide for your family I don't care what asset class it is crypto equities private Equity Real Estate your business pick something and invest into
it forever and if you're not doing that I know people love to tell you money is not everything and those will be the same people when you need something won't give you a [ __ ] dime to help you on your family cost of living is going up crazy people $11 okay then the car and jewelry conversation and even buying into startups all of those cost the cost of the Super Bowl at was 8 million I remember when 2.5 was a big number in four years they have that number being at 12 million what so
much so that starlink and T-Mobile had to partner together which they already had for that ad to help drum up what so lock in lock in it's the reason why we do the show every week um to give you this information which other networks don't do I think we've made investing the easiest for anybody in the world because other networks were not giving you the companies where they were going to fall to and where to exit so but for you for 2025 for both of you what is the biggest lesson the biggest less well the
biggest mistake I think that people could make is buying a home that they can't afford or just buying a home that they're not prepared for that's that's that's the one that nobody not prepared for the key yes that's that's gonna hurt you more than anything in life for sure seen it happen a lot of different places I just saw cash do on Shannon sharp show yes that her worst financial decision ever was buying a home $2 million mansion I think it was in Atlanta I'm not sure um so that's that's a tricky one because you
think that you're doing something productive you think that you're actually doing something beneficial when you're buying a home and and if you're not that's how we did that episode with ke Watson you should definitely watch it things to know before buying a home yeah if you don't fully know what you're getting yourself into what you think what you think is actually productive is actually extremely harmful for you in your future yeah a lot of cost there's a lot of hi cost yeah definitely go watch that episode um and we speaking from experience like like like
that's one of the things that we get to actually live these things learn from these things and then teach these things whereas most people won't even tell you that it happened and then you'll just see the outcomes of it so it's like hey hope that that so hopefully you have to go through that like we've always lived by that I think the the biggest mistake is and this goes into investing this goes in life don't let people trick you out of your position yep the people that are in your ear the people that are feeding
you information the people that are doing they want to be in your position and a lot of times hello right and that goes in business like I said in investing right let let's move the market down let's pull the rug if it's crypto to get better positions for bigger people with Bigger Pockets to get in invest and make more money and when we see it we leave positions and we say we're never going back and then we wonder what happened in two years I was invested or so never let anyone trick you out of your
position and uh I wrote this quote and it kind of fits what we were talking about earlier when we talk about like stay hungry and stay like always hunting never let your achievements block your vision never be satisfied with with with what's happened right made a few deals but there's no parading like it's one thing to say it it's another thing to live it actually live it yeah yeah those would be mine yeah yeah yeah there you have it there you have it because I think as we have a desire to and that's why I
always bring up the bank and the crypto point if three years ago I would have told you that the White House would have a crypto Zar you would have called me crazy kudos to saaks for making that move and on entrepreneurship level but we just saw an entire retail community of crypto Advocates get tricked out of their spot by the banking Elite in one year I never thought like I I knew the little you know take over's gonna happen with JP Morgan I didn't think at scale that this would happen stay locked in stay locked
in but what do I know you don't know nothing about crypto I knew that part and I knew we've been here for it all it's crazy like we've been here when it was that 20 we was here when it was 16 so like people who took advantage of that information and actually was like all right what they saying kind of makes sense or here comes a pullback this might be a good time to invest like the people who took advantage of that oh my God like they out of here you're out of here I ask
you guys you guys have you met one billionaire who came to you and said I can't wait to sell off these group of assets never never and they do it in the contract and perpetuity shout out to all the talent side for those you sound Talent contracts you got to look for those term in perpetuity that mean for that is a whole time frame forever forever so one of those words you better look for in your contract that goes for everybody if you see that word make sure that you have unless I'm giving them to
you it's okay about be my new move in perpetuity all derivative works and any okay so key word to look um real quick in trador um Troy can and Rashad can you give three tips this remind me of our conversation with shans what are three tips you can give to traders in 2025 who are looking to make a lot of money um but it's their first year investing in the market number one create your plan know your attitud strategy before you ever enter a position number two um surround yourself with mentorship or like-minded people who
are also uh investing or at beginning stages of investing so you can learn lessons quick and your education can be expedited and number three execute please right like after you have the first two now you actually have to start and a lot of times we see people over and yo I'm G start tomorrow I'mma start tomorrow or I've been watching y'all for two years but I'm about to open my brokage account why haven't you done it already those are my quick three for sure but we have a we have our guest we got a we
got a guest for you guys before before we wrap the program none other than John hope Bryant let's let's bring him up if we can front of the show how you doing say hey brother how you doing Happy 2025 happy 202 happy 2025 yeah likewise likewise people that don't know John entrepreneur philanthropist financial literacy Advocate founder of Operation HOPE um is the owner his company owns over I think 663 single family residential homes in America um just had the conference where he had uh the head of all the major sports leagues go on and on
but um very accomplished gentlemen when it comes to business really estate investing financial literacy a voice he spoke at invest Fest two years ago uh so yeah first and foremost thank you for joining us yeah my my honor to be with you I was just with your dude Robert Robert F Smith and Poland two weeks ago and uh uh and commend what you guys are doing and what you're building you really mainstreamed uh this financial literacy topic for the masses and not just the classes so I commend you appreciate appreciate it so uh talking about
wealth building financial literacy you You' said before nothing changes your life more than God or love than moving your credit score 100 points God love and moving your credit score 100 points um so can you can you explain why moving your credit score 100 points is so so important because um yeah a lot of people most people wouldn't think that 100 points in the credit score is going to be equal to finding God or your your wife I mean look I'll go further than that um if the vice president um Harris had listened to what
you're saying and what and what I'm saying um more attent attently um she be president um because that election was ultimately not about red or blue or black or white it was about Green it was about everybody making cutting an economic deal uh whether that deal is going to work out or not you know we're about to find out but everybody basically cut a deal you know that says I'm G to do better you've told me I'm going to do better economically not morally not ethically not not societally not environmentally Not Human Rights not civil
rights economically we live in a capitalist democracy people for people forget this they don't remember this we live in a free enterprise democracy uh on a good day we live we live in a capitalist democracy on a rough day uh but it is unfortunately true that going back to the time of Jesus we had a choice to make we could have put our culture inside of we could have put our economy inside of our culture which is what we should have done but actually we put our culture inside of our economy so almost everything is
economic in nature yeah uh you can't run a church without money you need Tide and offer it um you know in fact one of the biggest churches in the world one of the biggest banks in the world is the Vatican church uh the Vatican Bank uh so answering your question and I've said this as a joke but I'm serious you go to the club today's Monday you go to the club on Friday uh after you worked all week man she's fine lady's like oh he's handsome what's your name and then what's your credit score because
that's your business partner for Life the the looks are G to fade the re the rear end is go and and the breath is gonna drop right uh the dude's gonna get a the the big chest GNA turn into a big belly at some point but after 20 or 30 years that's still your business partner and those who marry well do the best uh economically as a as a side point but marriage was ultimately even an economic before it God endowed marriage with spiritual principles God marriage would be went was was present 3,000 years before
that as a business principle yeah so I mean slavery was about money nobody brought us 3,000 6,000 miles 6,000 miles away from home went all through all that trouble because they didn't like us they did it because we were Geniuses of the land we could take dead dead um soil and bring it back to life well what's the southern soil which is where all the cotton was the the you know the tobacco all the the the gold crops of that time it was in the southern soil it was very hot very humid whether it's here
or the Caribbean and poor white folks couldn't work it they're like oh we good we we can't handle this and so they went and found somebody who could not only handle it but who could take dead soil and bring it back to life the genius of agricultural um Excellence which is what we were in that era so whatever conversation you want to have it comes down to money what's the number one cause of divorce money what's the number one to cause the domestic abuse money what's the one to cause for stress I mean heart attacks
I'm sorry stress what's number one cause for stress money um what's behind politics money I mean whatever conversation you want to have comes back to that so in a world you've never had a now I'm about to drop the mic on your question because you like people like this guy's rambling this has to do with my question about credit scores there's never been a global economy that wasn't there wasn't never been a superpower that wasn't the economic power at the same time in the history of the world there's never been a a major economy including
the us or a major city like the city of Atlanta where I'm at now that didn't do it on the back of good debt and a great credit rating I was on the phone with Tony russler this morning who's I don't want to tell his net worth but it's public information he's like the 200 richest man in the world um he he did on back a good debt no billionaire has done it has become a billionaire except through good debt no multi-millionaire uh times whatever has done it without good debt so if your if your
if your credit scores tow up from the flow up those who who make the least pay the most if you're in a 500 credit score neighborhood I mean the only way to survive that neighborhood is to be an illegal an illegal economy business because the cost of debt is so high the cost of credit so high from the from Pooky and them and and Jojo and them that you're paying such a high rate the only way to to profit is to do some illegal stuff right the underground economy so you have a Check Casher next
to a payday loan lender next to a rental own store next to a title lender next to a liquor store next to a pawn shop fast food restaurant uh you know all praying on financial illiteracy 500 credit score neighbors and you live to 61 years of age as a sort of the insult on top of insult you live in that neighborhood to 61 15 minutes away you live to to 81 years old 20 year difference and that's a 700 credit score neighborhood 500 credit score neighborhood you lived to 61 crime murder Mayhem drugs depression single
parent households so I over answer your question but it was it was like the question like we have got to get our credit right the number one lowest credit rating in America group are African-Americans it's like an I think it's like what's the average what's the average credit score for African-Americans I think it's like 620 now that sounds like not so bad but that means that you you dudes have a 780 or 800 credit score and our cousins Jojo and them have a 520 or 480 credit score and it and it it the balance out
the average is that our great credit score combined around all of our friends tow up credit score averages out to 620 so it's it actually sounds better than it really is it's actually much worse um unfortunately and the number one calls folks sorry number one group de being declined for credit black people lowest credit score black people uh you know the you know one of the biggest economies in the world is you know bigger than you guys talk about this all the time our our consumer spending is 1.7 1.8 trillion bigger than as big as
Mexico and Canada but 92% of that's consumption okay so so you you just combine you combine all these and our home ownership rate is 41 to 44% uh compared to 75% of our white counterparts whether them way you build wealth as home ownership I mean you know again this ain't complicated then you say well what's our net worth in 2053 you can buy all these things zero yeah I mean so you don't need racist to come after you anymore you know you don't have to worry about the clan you don't have to worry about you
know what the man's doing to you we we what Malcolm say we've been bamboozled we've been tricked we've been fooled we've been hoodwinked right so but this is stuff we one thing I love about credit scores you can fix it yourself that's what I love about it's self-empowerment at its height and and you do that and once you have a 800 credit score you're not black anymore you're green that computer says yes at midnight whatever you want yeah it's it's important the education around is important um and we just went over credit shout shout to
Martin for everybody that in it make sure y catch that but let's get back to Jojo and Pooky them right in order for them to get their credit score and actually have income they have to have jobs and I know something that you've stressed over the years is uh entrepreneurship over employment now I can understand that because I've been on both sides of it right but for somebody who's trying to transition in this era right where AI is prevalent where we're seeing people lose jobs and cutbacks are happening what advice do you have some for
somebody that's trying to make that transition to say I want to create a business I understand the economics of not having a business for my future how do I get started well it for the first time ever black folks actually have an advantage um we've been doing so much with so little for so long we can almost do anything with nothing and I mean we're so used to hustle and and being beat upon and disrespected and looked after Lo looked over uh that we've taken it as a I mean that's like waking up in the
morning for us most people like are offended by the current moment we're used to it so we're natural Hustlers what I would say is take that natural hustle and move it from Just cashing a check to a mindset of writing a check so I I as you guys know I've written several books there's one now that's the bestseller called financial literacy for all the book before that was called up from nothing that's the book that and the book from that was called the memo those are two books that you should read on this topic um
because it's first thing get is got to get your mindset right right because an entrepreneur Works 18 hours a day to keep from getting a job you guys are always hustling you're you're you're always working you're always on if you try to do this from nine to five you'd be you'd be you'd be a failure right um so you you gotta you gotta get your mindset right that you're working for yourself right and it's not about the dollar like this whole thing about getting that dollar getting that dollar getting that bag getting that cash it's
it's a distraction it's it's a lie ignore it you want to build wealth wealth in your brand wealth in your reputation wealth in your name so you people say okay John I hear all that philosophy but answer this question like well I'm trying to answer the question because if you don't get this right poverty isn't here Beyond sustenance poverty roof over your head food on the table Health reasonable Health Care all other forms of poverty are mindsets which is why I love what you guys are doing by trying to get people's get our mindset on
open the door a new form of affirmative action open the door I'll get it myself so once you get your mindset right then you start looking at things that are right in front of you uh what's a source of capital when you don't have any earn income tax credit what's that if if if if you make $60,000 a year and you're listening or watching this program and you make 60 Grand a year or less and you never heard of eitc congratulations these guys who gave you some Capital if you make 38,000 a year you're in
small town in Columbus Georgia or wherever you live and you have three children the government owes you a check for about 7500 bucks if you don't know what eitc is you never file for it and most people make less than $50,000 don't have a tax Pro by the way so they they wouldn't know this then it's retroactive for three years my math that's about 20 grand give or take 20 grand and and there's no limitation of what you use that money for so 20 grand uh if you make 38 Grand is more Capital than you'll
ever see in one time and you have ever seen in your entire life now you can go party in which I don't suggest you do you go on vacations or you can take that pay down your credit cards uh so that gives you more limit on the credit cards to use that for your business I started my first business on credit cards or buy a house uh down payment there becomes a a wealth creation mechanism and a a function in three or four years of pulling a home equity line out to finance a business or
literally use that capital for capital for your business uh so here's 10 grand you know put set set aside 5 10 grand for a sunny a rainy day use 10 15 grand um as a capital formation maybe even put that up to get a matching line of credit from a bank um so that's just one example uh and there's City eitc there's state eitc in many places there's all but of course I'm about Federal eitc there like 20 billion dollar a year last time I checked never gets claimed by our people for Earned Income Tax
Credit One out of four people who qualify for eitc never asked for it uh I also use credit cards when I was coming up um to start my and finance my first businesses I went to Pep Boys doesn't does Pep Boy still exist yep I think so I went to Pep Boy for my Automotive I went to sear that doesn't exist anymore uh for my suits and my my business equipment I went to Radio Shack doesn't exist anymore for my first computers I had credit cards that I would use and I would you know I'd
manage those minimums right to make sure my credit score didn't get off jacked up I I had a montot Jeep I leased I didn't buy it I leased it it was it was a easier payment um for a business purpose hope we cover that payments versus interest rates but um um and I ultimately they chase me on that on that Montero Jeep because I defaulted on it on the lease didn't make didn't pay it and they I was homeless living in the back of when they were looking for it but ultimately when I did well
I paid him back and then have to five bankruptcy so even I had struggles and I was homeless economically and now you know we we now know what the reality is so anybody can go from the bottom to the top and I I did it with pure hustle because I didn't have um my mom worked an hourly job it me I his aircraft even though she passed away with a million dollar net worth and 800 credit score but I didn't have a inheritance and my dad was a businessman was essentially illiterate so he died broke
I took care of him so I literally had to start with nothing eitc my financial coaches at Operation Hope by the way can help people with this I'll give everybody listening to this program a$ thousand coaching scholarship to get the credit screw up their debt down their savings up and access things like eitc and other programs and your city like here in Atlanta invest Atlanta does uh investment grants actually um for small businesses grants which is almost unheard of um ex me stop I I can talk about this forever but I but I you know
um I love the post you had up last week I have a question for you um what's the blueprint for us building our own table so we don't have to ask for seats of others that may not want us there an excellent excellent question um look this is the most disruptive this is the most disruptive time in modern history I let that think in for a minute I I used to call this the third reconstruction now it's the third reconstruction on steroids the first reconstruction was after the Civil War Freedom second reconstruction Civil Rights Movement
access third reconstruction George Floyd's murder the pandemic 2020 to 2030 and I just figured it was opportunity for all and after every reconstruction within a two years we get Freedom High we get happy because we had opportunity and the other people are like oh hicn and they start knocking it back has it's every time so this is no surprise but now you have artificial intelligence tech technology Titans um who are the new uh industrialists of the 20th century are technology Titans today then you got on top of that artificial intelligence which actually while changing everything
and destroying 75 million jobs will create 88 million jobs and well will destroying anybody anybody who's lazy with a high school education has got a real problem because that job at Taco Bell or McDonald's or CVS is gone the grocery store job where you had the attitude and you didn't want to Ser what you want I want my service that person's gone because artificial intelligence not is going to take take it out it's taking it out right now right you go right now there's a little tablet that you place in you're doing self-service that's all
robotics AI Automation in real time uh so the good news about AI the quot van Jones is that black 99% of black people don't know nothing about AI 99% of white people don't know nothing about AI either so we're all starting at the same disruptive place and while it would destroy our jobs if you're an accountant half those jobs gone maybe all those jobs gone uh as we know it if you're a lawyer half of those jobs are gone uh mortgage processor banking industry all that's going to be disrupted and changed all these documents we
have to sign when I signed when I bought those almost 700 homes you talked about I literally had to ass signed 700 stacks of paper yeah one by one uh that's all gone I mean the next couple three we won't you you won't recognize the world we live in by 2030 um so it's gonna be incredibly and this is a stuff I'm and then you got what's going on in Washington I hav even mentioned the obvious right the complete destruction and disruption by the way all of which won't be bad I mean there's some stuff
that was actually broken in Washington they just I don't like the way they're going about it um but but whatever they buy you know you break it you buy it so the dog is called the ice cream truck the president now has everything he complained about in his grasp so if he screws it up it's his he owns it um the sum total of his question though is this is the most disruptive transformational from Dei to to DIY period in modern world history di do it yourself um so Ambassador young at once told me he
was on that do with Dr King he told told me 10 years ago Don't Take Your Eye Off economic empowerment financial literacy because if ever politics Fall Away civil rights Fall Away social justice Falls away and he said quote I don't think it will but if it does all you're GNA have is e all black people will have is economic strength and so I wanted to create Plumbing for us which is what you guys are also doing in different ways and now what used to be on the periphery is right at the center so financial
literacy is now the Civil Rights issue of this generation is as important as the right to vote that's why I thought the credit score piece question was again other than God or love is nothing more important than so you you got to get your mind right you got to figure out whether you want to be an entrepreneur or whether you want to work for somebody when work for somebody you have to recast your skills uh to the new era which is if technology is at the center of your if not at the center of your
world you're screwed you're not S standing still you're going backwards um it's not about love or hate anymore it's about radical indifference people don't care enough about you to hate you anymore that's the new Norm private schools private roads private planes private transportation private security Private health care now see this see we didn't rehearse this say yeah it's just it just jumps out at you once you once you say it once you mouth it it becomes incredibly obvious and these cap capitalism is a gladiator sport like it's not emotional it's not personal um you can
make it moral I try to be a good capitalist in my businesses I try to I've directed $ four and a half billion dollars of capital under our neighborhoods I try to do it in a way that makes me feel like I go to bed at night but some people aren't religious or spiritual and they'll take they got to take it from you to to add to their balance sheet so be it and that's between them and God at some point but in the meantime you're hurt so what we've got to have is a black
Jewish business plan I was in Poland two weeks ago as I just mentioned and you know the Holocaust when you really fold that back it was economic they took they took the Jews from their homes what they do with the homes the the the German Nazis took them they took their stocks they took their bombs they took their paintings they took the gold teeth out of their mouth I I probably shouldn't say this on your program was really disgusting they took the hair turned it into rugs and sold it they took the skin and turned
it into the lamp shades and sold it I mean they monetized everything in the so we talk we focus on the horror which is horrible but underneath that was an economic agenda what was slavery that was economic first and foremost but we focus on the horror of it all so we've got to stop being surprised by people who are just about themselves and we've got to get a non-emotional business plan and I think we need one in the ne I call it Silver Rights from civil rights to Silver Rights bedded on the sitting on the
the the platform of the third reconstruction don't be surprise people coming at you I just mentioned that it happens after every reconstruction don't react respond resp don't react emotional respond we need a business plan and if I follow up what would that plan be basic stuff I was about to use another word but I realized I'm on radio uh podcast it was a French word you know I was about to say um yes basic stuff I mean my mother passed away at at you know two years ago September 89 years of age high school education
uh 850 credit score million dollar net worth she had a will she worked 30 32 years and M Donald do aircraft $1 $18 an hour $15 to $18 an hour so nothing genius here she had a will she had a life insurance policy so anybody watching this you're at 25 28 years of age a life insurance policy for you for $100,000 first of all there's a $25,000 policy inside of your health plan that you don't even know about if you work for a company of these sides people even know this why are we doing why
are we doing GoFundMe campaigns to to bury somebody is embarrassing we should be doing that to start a business that there's 25 Grand if you work your health policy in the details financial literacy there's a death policy in in 90% plans to give you 25 Grand to bury somebody I know that I have to do that for my employees when somebody dies in in our for forign group family of employees um and I make sure people know about that but beyond that a $100,000 policy would cost you a Term Policy 10 bucks 20 bucks maximum
a month you spend that on on Starbucks a million-dollar policy if you're young and in good health is at most a hundred bucks a month maybe even 50 if you pass away and you will you don't know how long you gonna die you sure the hell going you don't know how long you live you sure the hell gonna die that's generational wealth so when you pass away you direct through your will that that life insurance proceeds of a million dollars is going to go to Joe Jacko your husband your wife your kids and you want
them to you can even direct what you want them to do to do with it by the way you can you know you can direct purposes for it so if you don't have any Capital that's one way of creating it we need a life policy we need we need a a will everybody has to become a homeowner stop trying to rent from folks who don't want you in places that don't that don't accept you with money you don't have to impress people you don't know about [ __ ] that don't matter okay I use the
French word uh uh anyway um go go by downtown versus rning Uptown if you're in Atlanta from the heck with Buckhead God bless him from midtown Atlanta where Centennial yards is where I'm an investor south of the airport read black and brown people that's a gold mine it's a gold mine buy everything up there buy it rehab it rent it do not sell buy it rehab it live in it because do not do not sell property values will do nothing but go up um you're in La South Central LA South Central anybody know South Central
it's been moving the definition of South Central been moving West for 20 years right yeah it was a four if you if you know if you know La it was a four off it was a Vernon Vermont and nor in uh Normandy yeah it was 40 I think it was a not 405 it was a 110 right that was that was South Central then when other folks moved in then it moved then it became over khaw LaBrea um Lena right that's South Central LA well however you want to Define it it's centrally located real estate
near freeways now now anybody listen to this wherever you live thinking about this now freeway there are freeways near transportation near ports Harbors jobs economic activity the beach uh waterways that's centrally located real estate an inner city in Europe is called Paris it's called London they put poor people in the suburbs they figured this stuff out let them travel what did racism was so bad here these people were so ignorant they gave us the the most valuable real estate and they moved two hours outside of town but now traffic's so bad they moving back the
kids who don't who don't mind hanging around us are moving back and owning are on real estate so it's not too late every inner city in America is a gold mine so home ownership what do we say we call a will uh a life insurance policy term if not whole um start a part-time hustle you let make sure make sure you're 9 to5 finances you're 5 to n so start a part-time Hustle but but keep your day job because until you until you make sure the new shoes fit don't give them your old ones because
that has a lot of economic benefits you're not recognizing because entrepreneurship is very expensive right yes open a stock account this is something you guys I mean this is Market Mondays when you buy a stock do something that's normal don't do this fancy stuff stop using your your written money on cryptocurrency if you want to use extra cryptocurrency is basically gambling there's nothing wrong with it my mother my wife has got Bitcoin she's done incredibly well to it but if she doesn't do well she's got me right stop using your the number one investor in
in the in the 10,000 cryptocurrencies that went bust were black people invest in blockchain now that's brilliant right this other stuff is like a gym membership it's like a it's like a digital gym membership if you use it and it sex promoted it's valuable but there's no asset value but underneath it holding it holding it the together Tony westler uh keep siging Tony but I love Tony he was at a milking conference and somebody asked him two three years ago will you invest in crypto and he said well I'm putting Bitcoin aside for a moment
because that's actually done pretty pretty well uh he said if somebody can tell me why the value goes up and why the value goes down I'll buy some of course it was crickets in the room because there's nothing tied to why it goes up and go down well so all these billionaires and and and sent millionaires they're doing basic stuff this is what I'm talking about here right so now we gotten down to stocks what do you wear what do you shop do you do you go to Walmart do you go to Target do you
go to uh McDonald's McDonald's uh do you go to Starbucks I mean do you do you have a c CU machine at home like I do what kind of clothes do you wear do you wear under armor that's what you buy do you like Nikes don't don't make it complicated whatever you if you like it your friends probably like it so just start there and if you can't get a whole stock account do fractional investing I'm sure you guys have covered that but you basically for 25 bucks or 25 cents if you like you can
buy a fraction of any stock in the world so let's stop with the excuses let's stop with being anger because angry that's not a strategy you just wasting time wealthy people talk about ideas poor people talk about other people right so let let's stop wasting all of our social media time talking about celebrities and hip-hop artists and all this stuff you know thank you and athlete wasting all of your the most pressure you have is your time you can waste my money you cannot waste my time only I can waste my time I'm ruthless about
my time so so stock portfolio real estate home ownership and I and then once you buy your home use the equity in three years to buy a duplex Triplex or just another home in the hood hood adjacent the worst house on the best block in the hood buy it rehab it and rent it you do that three times you'll be a millionaire in five years so I over anwered your question you said how do what you know how how do we create a financial if a basic business plan I just told you how to build
wealth build it become a millionaire in five years and none of that just told you it's complicated um now we can build on that and and and make it more elegant more sophisticated but we got to get the basics right and everybody needs to be obsessed with financial literacy obsessed because it dictates your entire life you can't even watch this show without private assets the government didn't give you an iPhone the government didn't give you a an Android phone the government give you a computer screen you can't go to sleep the government give you the
pillow the government give you your sheets the government not paying your light bill most places you did that the governments are paying your car note or gas like it's all around us it's everywhere but we don't we want to spend the money we don't want to nah you know I don't wanna I don't want to deal with that Sports business the business of sports music business the business of music and music was created by the mafia so in tanding with gambling yes so so and if you think you gonna make money you think you gonna
build you g well I don't do this I'm GNA go to Las Vegas I'm gonna get rich really Las Vegas keeps getting bigger what do you think what you it's been getting bigger since the mafia created you think it's an accident The House Always Wins so so do stuff you can control get your credit score right pick a good mate get the noise out of your life to get the toxicity out of your life because if you hang around nine BR people you're going to be the 10th and then do these basic things we talked
about and once you do that what's going to happen is the good idea spawns another good idea one good action creates an Offset you buy that house now you've hired a land a landscaper a painter you've hired a house hous keeper or you've hir hired you know now you're doing economic development in your own neighborhood now you got control on who you hire hire somebody looks like you uh and your whole mindset is gon to change that's a fact well offer that you had um Operation HOPE is the largest black male founded community-based nonprofit in
blackmail run in American history um 4.5 billion invested um the largest financial coach 1500 offices in 42 States um $75 million annual budget I'm trying to hit 100 million this year just on that that organization most of it's by the way from the private sector and uh I want this to be I want this to become the Starbucks of financial inclusion I want to become the America's Financial coach I want us to be like every place you go there we are and so uh we're the coach for all Delta Employees 100,000 Delta Employees and we're
the coach for UPS employees and so on and so forth the Venetian Hotel employees and Las Vegas oddly enough and and I I want our people to have an entry point so I I'm I'm going to offer through you um two things uh I'm gonna give you um everybody watching your program gets a, they just call and they just mention you earn your leisure $1,000 uh coaching scholarship um uh for good for a year and we're get your credit score up your debt down your savings up we're getting credit scores up 54 points debt down
$3,800 savings up $1,200 and in in the course of 12 six to 12 months number two I'm going to give you five $5,000 scholarships which is go people we go into much more detail we negotiate with your creditors all that stuff uh through you guys you guys decide who that is I'm gonna give you five $25,000 in kind scholarships for Shopify and our partnership for 1 mbb one milon black business initiative where we committed to create a milon black business by 2030 and we're already at 450,000 black businesses started created nurtured since George Floyd's murder
each one of these grants is worth $25,000 Shopify um free account website domain name Payment Systems Delivery Systems business plan from operation H credit counseling I just mentioned all that stuff uh free accountant for two years two two years for two hours free attorney for two hours free business manager for two business marketer for two two hours a SWAT team around you that's worth $25,000 so five five and free so the Thousand scholarships and then you guys decide who get the five and the five on the 5,000 and 25,000 that's what I love about this
this is black men talking to black men we didn't anybody else we didn't have to go to anybody else ask them to do that you're I'm on your platform because you've got you got reach you got you you've got you know you got an audience got Kos to you on that you're building a media platform which hopefully has publishing rights that you own in the back end by the way because you're just like Michael Jackson you he had his Masters and so do you you own your Masters uh and and I am self-made entrepreneur and
I can give you the whatever this value was and I just offered $1,000 for as many scholarships as they want and and five times 5,000 and five times 25,000 I did that because I'm the I'm the founder chairman CEO and I'm the boss that's what we want that's why I like the color is green I don't want to beg you for anything it's a James Brown version of affirmative action open the door I'll get it my damn self and that's what we have got to do in the next five years because this about this is
about to become buckle up is about to get really bumpy absolutely what you guys were doing which was nice five years ago it's like breathing right now that's a fact essential that's a fact essential workers now appreciate it appreciate it definitely thank you for being generous um and we'll definitely we'll work on that we'll get those names to you for the $1,000 col what should they is there like a link or a number in the call H hand app is you can download it on on the uh Android or uh Apple phones a hope andand
app they just in the when they're signing up say that that I'm I qualify for the $1,000 scholarship from ear your leisure or to operationhope.org of course oldfashioned way they just call the tollfree number it's on our website you have it can't can't ask for more than that so once again I know you're a busy person so thank you for taking the time out of your schedule and uh keep up the great work no God bless you guys man keep keep doing what you're doing this is we're sitting in a moment in history but history
does not feel historic when you're sitting in it it just feels like another day but that does not mean the moment is not historic so keep doing your great work we the world needs you appreciate you man thank you thank you you have it ladies and gentlemen Christmas has come early somebody gotta do it for real from bosses to bosses I love it I love it that's what it's about that's what it's about that's what it's about ladies and gentlemen gotta help each other um okay well that was uh another episode of Market Mondays oh
man yeah for sure for sure make sure you guys check out blackout on Wednesday and then th we got the episode with the owner say less and uh we'll figure out how we gonna pick these five 10 people actually because it's five five five yep so we'll figure that out amongst ourselves and um we'll be letting you guys know maybe next episode we'll let you guys know um be great what the deal is with that uh and if you don't have your Valentine's Day plans even though shotti said Valentine's Day de say less may not
be a back get there early Valentine's dayel Porter J or somebody get there early do as I say not as I do peekabo shout to Keys um oh yeah I'm was my baby's birthday y'all had the black greates in the yeah jayen Brown pulled up shout out to Jaylen fact um man uh Mike rashed was in the building AJ McQueen uh smth haa that's fact lot acre boys um yeah it was a lot of people in there man shout out to shout out to everybody they came out for that yeah it was dop do drip
report like the I'm not looking at the camera Drake move those are candidates those are candids somebody gotta do it somebody got do it all right it's been real all right y'all be good to each other we got to find out who get fire yo we we gotta make some changes gota make some changes y sack four times no Blitz six sound like Kermit the Frog next season boy look not that he needed more motivation yeah next season they they be I mean they got rice coming back at wide receiver back DeAndre probably leaves but
he's a little bit older never count out the Chiefs Kingo where you at my boy Z we got had a conversation again about P's value I told you peo yeah yeah I mean yeah it was a beat there a beat down it's been real y'all be good to each other man show love peace see y PE Wednesday
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