Something WEIRD Happened After The Election!

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in the wake of this year's election the reactions across our nation reveal something deeply profound about the human heart and where we place our trust Donald Trump's return to the White House has set off waves of emotion from exhilaration to despair on one side supporters of trump are celebrating his victory expressing A Renewed sense of optimism there is a wave of enthusiasm and hope that perhaps this marks a turning point a restoration of values they believe are crucial for our country's future across social media especially on platforms like X formerly Twitter people are thrilled proclaiming
that better days are on the horizon they share stories of Hope for the future hopes for Change and dreams of a new Direction here are some tweets one person exclaimed a golden age everyone this is going to be amazing ing another user commenting below a video of trump speaking wrote did I die and go to heaven someone pinch me a third user shared I'm crying I love him so much he's going to do right by the people he's going to make everything right again and here's the final one I'll read to you in this post
as in many others Trump was referred to as a savior a term that for us Christians enters dangerous territory take for instance this post he is the savior we've been waiting for on the other side however there is palpable sense of sadness and even grief for many who supported kamla Harris Donald Trump's Landmark Victory came as a profound disappointment this sorrow is evident in their emotional reactions some feel so deeply affected that they're shedding tears over the outcome take for instance Jimmy Kimmel a television host comedian writer and producer who was nearly in tears over
the election results I am not exaggerating this grown man was on national TV visibly in tears practically crying over the outcome Jimmy Kimmel actually choked back tears as he spoke about president-elect Trump's historic Victory it was a terrible night for women for children for the hundreds of thousands of of hardworking immigrants who make this country go um for healthc care for our climate for science for our allies in Ukraine his reaction is just one among countless others summing up how many feel about the state of the nation social media particularly Tik Tok is filled with
posts of democrat supporters and left-leaning voters crying and having literal mental breakdowns over Trump's return to power with many expressing fear anger or disbelief let's have some fun looking at reactions to Donald Trump's extraordinary win the Red Wave has cometh and the lefties are well they're giving me too much content we may not have rights tomorrow but what does this intense reaction both of joy and despair say about where our hope lies what does it reveal about our human tendency to place our faith in those who sit in Earthly positions of power this reaction to
the election results offers us a vital reminder as Christians to examine our own hearts and to remember the one in whom our true hope is found the Divide we see reflects a deeper truth about our culture's longing for something or someone to put their hope in people are at their core looking for a sense of security purpose and identity they look to leaders to shape the world they want to live in and they seek comfort in the hope that their chosen candidate will bring stability Justice or Prosperity But Here Lies the challenge when we place
such hope in human beings no matter how influential or charismatic we risk a profound disappointment for every human leader is flawed and limited these reactions show that many people's peace joy and sense of security are tied up in whether a particular candidate wins or loses when the nation's mood swings from one extreme to the other over an election it is a clear sign that we are placing too much hope in the things of this world this isn't to say that elections don't matter or that our choices are unimportant they absolutely do I voted myself and
it is your right to vote but what I preaching about today is the danger of people placing their trust in the Republican or Democratic parties or in kamla Harris or Donald Trump but as Believers we are called to a different perspective one that does not hinge on the transient success or failure of any human leader we need to return to the truth of scripture which guides us to seek our ultimate peace and Security in God alone the words of Jeremiah 17: 5-7 are a Timeless reminder of this thus says the Lord cursed is the man
who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength whose heart departs from the Lord for he shall be like a shrub in the desert and shall not see when good comes but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness in a salt land which is not inhabited blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose hope is the Lord this passage from Jeremiah shows two vastly different outcomes depending on where we place our trust the one who trusts in man who relies on human strength and wisdom is likened to a dry shrub in
a Barren desert they will be left thirsty isolated and spiritually withered by placing Our Hope in Human Solutions we forfeit the life-giving Waters of God's Eternal wisdom when we rely on humans alone on people who are here today and gone tomorrow our hearts inevitably Wander from the Lord our faith becomes fragile our peace conditional and our hope dependent on things that cannot last and isn't this what we're witnessing right now both the Jubilation and the despair tied to this election reveal that for many Earthly leaders have become the ultimate source of Hope people cling to
promises is made by men believing that true peace or Prosperity lies in a political outcome but Jeremiah's warning is clear those who depend solely on man will find themselves cursed they will inhabit the parched places in the wilderness when the source of our strength is human rather than Divine we will find ourselves in a dry and weary land far from the life-giving presence of God when we place our trust in political lead leaders parties or governments we make Idols of them this idolatry is subtle but dangerous leading us to believe that the hope of our
nation our future and even our happiness depends on who sits in the white house yet these individuals do not hold our Salvation they do not control the essence of Our Lives or the future of our souls think about it how can we truly place our hope in people who do not even know our names leaders despite all their influence are limited they have finite knowledge finite wisdom and finite resources how can we rely on people who despite their power are themselves only human no politician no matter how well-intentioned can guarantee our security or ensure our
peace the Bible warns us cursed be the man that trusteth in man for in trusting man we reject the one who created us the one who holds the world in his hands do not make Gods out of political parties do not place your trust in Republicans Or democrats for they are not the ones who sustain the very beat of your heart how can you place your trust in them how can you rely on Earthly institutions that rise and fall or on people who though well-intentioned are flawed and finite consider this would you trust in someone
who would not give their life for you or in someone who does not even know your name how can you place your confidence in leaders who one day will stand in judgment themselves how can you put Faith in people whose lives like ours are passing Vapors remember the resources of humankind are limited even the greatest Among Us are fallible and often Guided by self-interest human knowledge though it grows is still a fraction of what only God knows now consider the alternative that Jeremiah offers blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose hope
is the Lord this is where true peace security and Joy are found God is not only the creator of the universe but he is also intimately acquainted with each of us he knows our names our situations our every struggle and need the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob knows your name and your situation he knows exactly where you are in life the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob knows your children by name the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob sees every hidden tear and hears every silent prayer understanding the depths of your heart even when
words fail the candidate and political party I voted for and the one you voted for don't even know our names individually how then can we place our ultimate trust in them unlike human leaders who might be distant or unaware God knows the very number of hairs on our heads he knows us completely loves us deeply and cares for us in ways beyond our understanding the Lord doesn't merely watch from afar he steps into our lives providing comfort and strength he gave his life that we might have eternal life God unlike any human leader is trustworthy
in every way he will never fail us forsake us or forget us when we place our hope in him we are placing it in wisdom that is perfect in love that is unfailing and in power that is unending God's resources are Limitless where human governments face constraints political Financial moral God's Authority is boundless he is the one who owns the cattle on a thousand hills his resources are not limited by budgets boundaries or broken systems when we look to him we are trusting in the almighty whose wisdom and knowledge are Without End is it not
foolish to trust in man when we have access to the creator of all things God does not change with the times with polls or with the decisions of Earthly Powers he is the same yesterday today and forever he is the unchanging Rock upon which we can build our lives this is a foundation that no election no political shift and no human leader can ever alter this message doesn't only apply to our view of political leaders it extends to every area of Life many of us place our trust in those closest to us spous parents children
friends and while it is good to love and trust those around us we must recognize that even the most loyal people are limited and can fail us life can bring separations and loss our loved ones may one day be taken from us through death distance or circumstances beyond our control life is unpredictable and the older you get the more you realize just how unpredictable life is but there is one who will never leave us Jesus our savior promises to be with us always even to the end of the age he is the friend who sticks
closer than a brother the companion who will walk with us through the fires of life and the Lord who will never abandon us When Trials come when people disappoint us and when we feel alone Christ remains faithful in life's darkest moments when everyone else seems to fail Jesus is there he stands beside us in every sorrow walks with us in every trial and rejoices with us in every Victory he promises in Hebrews 135 I will never leave you nor forsake you no politician no friend no family member can offer that kind of security and Assurance
when we put our trust in him we are unshakeable for he is our refuge and our strength a very present help in trouble The Fallout from this election has stirred up Deep Emotions and divisions but as Christians we are called to stand on a foundation that is unshakable no matter who holds office our true king reigns [Music] forever he is not subject to the ups and downs of political Cycles the shifting opinions of the masses or the fleeting powers of Earth L kingdoms Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever and he alone is
worthy of our trust place your trust in Jesus and no one else place your trust in Jesus and nothing else not your money not your health not your body not in your past place your trust in Jesus and not in this world remember you are to leave this world and there is only one relationship that matters your your relationship with Jesus Jesus knows you as his sheep and his sheep know his voice John 10:27 to 28 my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life
and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand as we pray for our leaders and love our neighbors let's remember that our ultimate Allegiance is to Christ Our peace joy and purpose are found in him alone we are citizens of Heaven called to be ambassadors of his love and truth in a world that often places its hope in men as Psalm 20:7 reminds us some trust in chariots and some in horses but we will remember the name of the Lord Our God so let us keep our eyes fixed on
Jesus the author and finisher of our faith let us place our trust in the one who holds our lives in his hands and who promises us a hope and a future Beyond this world in him we find the peace that surpasses all understanding a peace that no election can give and no earthly leader can take away [Music]
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