How I Made $4M in 150 Days with a NEW Facebook Ads Offer

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Ben Heath
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$4 million in extra revenue is what we were able to add in just 150 days to one of my businesses by implementing a new strategy we introduced a new offer and it more than tripled this business and in this video I want to show you exactly what we did and explain the decision-making framework before I explain the $4 million increase though I want to give you some context on this business and show you what it looked like before we made this shift okay so let's break down this business case and if you are a business owner I think you find this really interesting and hopefully really valuable as well so let's take a look at the the business context here what is this business what it look like before we made these changes so it's a B2B service business and for those who know my background know it is not a marketing agency I know some of you who do know my background U would have assumed that but no it's not a marketing agency I'll explain more about that um later on now this business was doing 128,000 uh a month UK based business of Revenue before we made this shift that's that's the entire business so that's about 1. 5 million pounds per year roughly $2 million uh per year business so not a massive business by any means still a pretty small business but not a tiny little startup either okay and 128k that's literally the the month before U we made the shift but it had been even at around that level for for quite a while before before we made these changes now that was all coming from just one offer the company only had one offer which was a done for you service and most B2B service based businesses will offer a done for you service which is very simply we will do the thing that we do and we will do it for you and we will charge uh for our time Etc our expertise in being able to do that 128k coming from that one done for you offer they were generating about 45 leads per month that's where uh so that was a very basic sales funnel where they're generating a lead converting those leads into customers doing the work for the customers um I'm sure you're familiar with many businesses that operate like that so where were their leads coming from so leads were coming mostly from meta ads that's Facebook ads and Instagram ads about 75% of them were coming from from meta ads they were also doing some organic content um and some email marketing and email list has been built up almost accidentally not a very big one from from uh their advertising the lead generation they've done over years and also some something from the organic content so the heavy lifting was really being done by by Facebook and Instagram ads when it comes to lead genen but some organic content and some email marketing um doing some bits as well now as you can see from this video's title what we've already discuss this business grew a lot it's a really interesting story that we're going to uh to go through here uh so B of context I'm actually a minority shareholder in this business so I'm a part owner um of this business and I came in I wasn't like one of the founders or anything I came in at a later date and I was brought into help with their sales and marketing and their meta ads and organic content specifically so for those who don't know who don't have context on me in my background I've built a very successful marketing agency over the past nine years so I get offers like this all the time and and this one looked uh particularly interesting so I got involved became a par owner to help with that sort of stuff so for those of you who do know my background or just just heard what I said might be thinking okay so I know what Ben's going to say he grew this business really quickly because he created new meta ad campaigns and then the business just took took off that's not actually what I did I had a really good look at this business and analyzed the various elements of customer acquisition and some of the stuff that we're going to get into and they were actually already doing a decent job with their meta ads they've been consuming my content for years and from what they told me that had really helped them produce ad campaigns that were that were doing a decent job and yes of course their ad campaigns could be improved but I wasn't looking at that and thinking the highest leverage activity we can do for this business is to improve these campaigns you know we might be able to get a 20 25% improvement over couple of months but we're not going to Triple the business like we were able to do instead what I recommended is that we create a new offer like I said previously all they had been running all they had been advertising and offering was the one done for you service um and I felt that there was an opportunity for another offer and uh let's go through the details on that so just to break down some of the economics and the details of the previous offer because that'll help explain why the new offer was so effective and why why it worked so well okay so the previous offer was done for you service sort of thing many many people are familiar with it's the most common type of service to provide is is done for you right so it's the only thing they offered like I mentioned the average lifetime customer value for people that signed up to their done fore service is £21,000 which is fantastic more than $25,000 that's a really good lifetime customer value and that was typically paid over an average of about 4 months obviously there's variation that's an average some clients needed more some clients needed less uh but paid over four months so great cash flow for this business business always very very nicely uh cash flow positive like a lot of service businesses that that are doing well are but the thing is that only a very small fraction of their target market could afford that which on average comes out at 21k over a four month time period like they're marketing to primarily small medium-sized businesses and what percentage of those can afford £21,000 in a relatively short time period you know I've written here less than 5% I think that's probably being that's a conservative estimate I wouldn't be surprised if less than 1% can actually afford them because there be loads of businesses that that are smaller and just don't have the spare cash to be able to spend on something like that like I said mostly advertising to small and mediumsized businesses so I recommended that they keep the done for you service but also add a lower priced done with you offer and explain about the mechanics of exactly what that means and what that includes in a second uh that many more people could afford now I knew this would work because it is exactly what I did uh more than a year ago with my own business we used to just offer in our agency done for you Facebook ads Instagram ads Google ads YouTube ads where we would create manage the the campaigns um for clients and then we added a mentorship program and it was incredibly popular right out of the gate and continues to to be so um to this day we've had literally hundreds of people um go through it which has been which has been fantastic so I kind of knew this would work and that's a top tip as just a little aside by the way guys is like if you work with people that are more experienced than you with mentors with coaches that have been there and done that they can just say things like oh I did this it worked really well you do it or I did this it didn't work don't do it um saves you a lot of time makes you a lot more money that's just a little aside but um that's why my involvement in this business has been so helpful because I done something very similar previously and was able to to recommend exactly what I did because it really worked for me okay so let's have a look at the mechanics of this new done with you offer and how it differs from the the done for you Service uh so you understand the details so the price point that we settled on to begin with was 3,00 000 um it's about $4,000 now that is less than I wanted to sell it for it's less than I charged my mentorship program and I think this was being undersold a little bit I mean to some extent the the main owners of this business were arguing like they didn't have the resources to be able to provide as much um in the way of support is what my mentorship program offers which is true and they don't have the same like brand Associated like I have my personal brand and I so I totally get that maybe it's was the right call but I wanted to go a little bit higher than that just wanted to to quickly mention uh but I'm a minority shareholder so at the end of the day I you know we're going to compromise on these things so what do they get for that price the people that then buy the done with you offer with this company so they get onetoone support from a dedicated coach they get access to exclusive material like course material trainings things like that uh regular live Calles and training so they can get their questions answered in real time have like that back and forth interaction with the people who work in this business and um you know themselves the customers they can access to community of other business owners just like them like because this is a B2B service or done with you offering everyone who is interested in purchasing this from this company they're going to have similar businesses and they're going to have similar issues and be able to connect and collaborate and access communities like that is great sometimes just for support to go to be like I'm struggling with this anyone else um so effectively this is very similar to what my mentorship program has and again like I said I was able to just say that do this it worked really well and for us I think it'll work really well for you too and just really quickly if you're watching this and you'd like to find out more about my mentorship program I've put a link at the top of the video description if you'd like to find out more you can click on that and go ahead and book a free call with one of my team members hopefully we get a chance to work together okay now one of the great things about putting together a done with you offer like this if you already have done for you service offerings is you can do it really quickly because this company already had the expertise in house they already had staff members that fully trained that were doing the work for clients so retraining them as it were to say instead of actually doing this for just a handful of clients we want you to show more clients how to do it themselves um is really quite quick and and easy to do so we're able to put the uh put the offer together in 30 days that included things like landing pages creating new ads and stuff like that okay so we actually started with a 3-day launch and because this company had been creating content uh the owners of the business have been creating content for about 3 years they had a bit of an organic following nothing massive I mean B2B organic followings are never huge like mine's notably large at nearly a million people but most people even that do quite a bit of business from their organic follow might have you know 20,000 people in their audiences 50,000 people in their audiences cuz they're normally much smaller um so they had a bit of an audience nothing crazy but we wanted to take advantage of that audience and do a proper launch so we could sort of Hoover up those Keen beans and get them into this um done with you uh offer and a lot of those people who've been following the content for a while wouldn't have been able to afford the done for you offer anyway I'm going to explain more about the Dynamics between the two offers later on so we did a 3-day launch what did that look like so we did teaser posts on socials before the launch uh you know something's things coming big things coming soon big announcement to make that sort of stuff uh emailed to the list the email list I mentioned at the beginning um before and during the 3-day launch before to get people excited during to get them to go ahead and purchase um and then we created some retargeting ads that we ran on meta remember that's the main source of customer acquisition for this business uh that we ran before again to get people excited for the launch and then during the launch itself these were not sophisticated and complicated this was just like quick let's get an ad done let's not overedit it something relatively Raw um and just pop it out there just to to to put in front of our hyper responsive prospects and help get them over the line and then we also offered some special bonuses if people signed up during the launch to actually get them to take action now urgency and scarcity really important all your marketing and then they also got uh well the special bonuses were extra on toone support um and then two extra live calls if they signed up during the launch okay and then after the launch I'm going to explain how what the launch did in a minute and the results but just to cover how we promoted this done with you offer so after that initial 3-day launch the ongoing promotion of the done with you offer uh we switched ctas in organic content to be a mix of done for you and done with you so obviously before all the call to actions in their organic content was always for the done free service because that's what they offered uh we haven't stopped that but we've just added in done with you and you want to be careful overdoing it with CTA so what we do now is some content has done with you ctas and some content has done for you ctas uh we then recreated the best performing meta ads for they're done for your service CU this company had been advertising for at least 2 years I think yeah I'm pretty sure it's at least 2 years at least 18 months something in that range um so they had a good sense of like what works for them when they're done for you side of things so we just completely recreated Those ads but ended them with a done with you call to action instead and that's actually top tip for any sort of new offer promotion if you have been running ads before and things have been working well or you've worked out what's worked well and you're like we've got this new offer what sort of AD should we use just reuse that stuff with the new call to action it's that's not always going to be possible sometimes it's just not going to be appropriate given what it is you're advertising the difference between offer a and offer B uh but often it will work because it's speaking to a very similar audience and and you can do that so that's what we did to just get this going quickly uh and be able to promote this and get customers through the door on this new done with you offer that is something we will improve over time though so we know that as we have more people go through the done with you um offer and we get more um testimonials and able to show more proof more results and things like that then we will absolutely look to integrate those into new meta ads that we create we've already started doing that to some extent um for this business to help sell the the done with your offer you've probably seen that littered throughout everything I put out there are results and proof and testimonials from the stuff that we do in my agency um to be able to show you know the great work that we've done and help get people over the line and we know that that helps improve conversion rates and get people to um take action so let's get to the really exciting part which is the results okay so month one this offer did incredible well I was expecting it to do well but I wasn't expecting it to do quite this well so in month one we did an extra £11,000 of Revenue uh with just the done with you offer remember the whole business when it was just done for you would did £28,000 in Revenue before we added this in so we've almost doubled the business by adding in this new offer month one it shows that the launch did a really good job and helped activate a lot of a lot of customers um which is fantastic like I said I thought it was going to do well I didn't think it was going to do quite this well even better as I'm going to break this down in a second because we are now more than 150 days after we launched this done with you offer and the results have gotten even better done with you is also a lot easier to scale than done for you because if you wanted to like let's say this business wanted to double the amount of done for you clients they had in a month that would be basically impossible like there's no way they could manage that capacity wise they'd have to hire new staff takes a long time to train etc etc but done with you I mean yeah you could you could feasibly do that in one month uh it's why this offer was able to go from nothing to having a bunch of people on it um straight away so yeah very exciting okay so let's break down some of the metrics and let's look at the leads for done with you so more than 300 leads per month at the last count that's what we're averaging since this has been um launched is just over 300 leads per month for done with you alone now remember that done for you leads was averaging about 45 leads per month so that's a huge increase in leads by adding in the done with you as opposed to just offering the done for you and the main reason for that is it's simply much more affordable it's what I talked about the issue with the done for you at the beginning only a tiny fraction of the audience can afford the done for you service at looking at close to 21 well an average of 21k uh LTV on those customers whereas the 3K is just so much more affordable for many more people now I would still say that out of the total target market they're advertising to I doubt more than 15 20% can afford the 3K but we're still tapping into a much larger chunk um of the target market and that's part of the reason why we get so many more leads I also think that with a lot of businesses when they're looking to hire particularly B2B they're looking to hire another business to do something for them there's quite a lot of skepticism like will they be able to do a good job will they do it oh should we just do it ourselves whereas with they're done for you people often feel like they get the best of both worlds like okay well I'm going to get all the support and and Direction and and feedback that I need but ultimately it's going to be me and my team making sure that this thing happens um and that I think gives people more Comforts they're more willing to book in a call to become a lead and and go through that process okay let's take a look at the conversion rates so done for you historically converted at 14% And this is conversion rate from lead to client which I actually think is decent because remember it's 21k um average customer value here so I I you know there are lots of people who be like oh you need conversion rates from a sales call to a client of over 25% or it's I'm not sure how realistic that ever was for this business anyway the done with you has converted better at 22% um to date so I was expecting it to be better conversion rate than the done you again it's much more affordable uh people are more confident going into it because they know they have a a role to play um but actually think that done with you conversion rate can be better so it's more than 50% better than done with you versus done for you but I think we can increase that done with you conversion rate to at least 30% because I think it's so much more affordable much easier for a lot larger percentage of Their audience to to go ahead with and if we do manage to do that that's going to really increase this this offer further so something that we will work on also really interestingly . 5% of done with you clients have ascended to done for you since we launched this offer um just over 5 months ago and that makes a lot of sense and this is something that I've seen with with my own business is that there will be people that sign up for the done with you that once like the coach starts working with them and starts uh teaching them how to do things and they sort of take a look at the business and the scale they're operating at and they're like look guys I know it's going to cost you more for us to do it for you but like really you should just let let us do it for you like the cost is small to your business you're operating such a scale just let us do this for you and you can focus on other areas where you already have the expertise like you don't need to spend the next 6 months or whatever learning this stuff like just let us do it for you um so yes we've been able to get some Ascension from done with you to done for you I think we can actually improve on that number as well but we'll be looking to do that and one of the really important things when you're introducing any new offer that we have found here or or I can infer from this data is that the done with you offer has not cannibalized the done for you offer like we can see that some people have gone into the done with you and upgraded um so there's synergies between the two but what you don't want is introduce a new offer it do £11,000 in the first month but then your original done for you offer the revenue on that drops to almost nothing and you think well we didn't grow the business we just introduced a new offer that cannibalized the old offer very easy for that to happen and we didn't have that happen here I've got a bit more data on that now so leads for done for you so we introduced this new done with you how has that affected the other offer just like I said we need to make sure that we're not cannibalizing so the lead volume for done for you drop by 9% that's not big it's not a big deal I mean I was expecting it to drop a little bit it has dropped a little bit would we like that in Ideal World no is that okay yeah I think that's fine it's more than made up for by the increase in Revenue like if we end up with a little bit less done for you Revenue um more than made up for by the massive increase in revenue from done with you I'm going to show you the full numbers uh in a minute and I think that like I said what we can infer is that the done with you has mostly tapped into a new segment of the market cuz if you think about you've got their target market of small mediumsized businesses only a tiny tiny percentage can afford to just be like you L do it for me then there's a bigger chunk that's like yeah I'm willing to pay for like really Hands-On support work it out do it myself when there's obviously a bunch of people that don't fall into either category so we've tapped into a mostly new segment of the market now there is a little bit of overlap you know we've had 6.
5% of people Ascend we've seen a 9% drop in lead volume for done for you there's a good chance that those people you know we we could never work this out but there's a good chance that some of those done for you leads that we would have got ended up booking calls for done with you instead and and that's absolutely fine so there's a little bit of overlap but mostly new segments which is fantastic that's what we wanted to see so now that we've been through some of the detail let's take a look at the results after 150 days after the new done with you offer has been launched which brings us basically up to today so we're going to take a look back at last month uh so month five after this new offer was launched and see what the results are looking like so I think with new offers as well it's easy to have a great first month with the launch particularly if you do a proper launch like we did and then it just die after that and that is not what we've seen which is fantastic so let's go through this so month five total revenue so this is last month total revenue £ 386,000 that is an enormous increase let's break this down so 139,000 of that came from done for you so remember previously we had 128,000 done for you that's actually 139 uh last month now that that yes that's a small increase but I would basically just say that's effectively the same because when the customers are worth so much you have natural fluctuations because you get an extra couple of customers in a month or lose a few and it goes up and down some customers stay longer than others and need bigger uh projects bigger implementation done than others so that's effectively in the same Bart but what the really important part is is that it hasn't gone down in fact it went up slightly which is great £ 247,000 last month from the done with you offer how crazy is that from a business that was doing 128k a month total just 56 months ago um is now doing a quar million p a month with a brand new offer so that increase in revenue from 128k to 386k per month is a £ 258,000 increase which for those of you good to mass is just over a tripling so we just over tripled the revenue in a five six month period which is remarkable and if we look at what that's done in terms of added to revenue run rate so if we times the additional Revenue so 258k * 12 12 months uh we get to £ 3. 1 million for the year so that's the additional Revenue run rate which £ 3.
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