Speak No Evil - Movie Review

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Jeremy Jahns
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brace yourself for this smooth transition to the sponsorship right here something something serial which brings me to the sponsor of this video this video is brought to you by Magic spoon magic spoon is a simple high protein low sugar breakfast cereal to start your day off right and it accommodates all manner of dietary restrictions I try to make protein the nucleus of my meals while cutting out sugar CU as cereal goes good times great memories those Saturday mornings as metabolisms go they eventually slow down you got to be more careful more healthc conscious each serving
has 13 to 14 g of protein 0 g of sugar 4 to 5 G of net carbs fancy way of saying z g of guilt as I said last time intermittently throughout the day if I'm having a bit of a snack craving I'll just snack it by the pinch or you can take a cup of it put it in a baggie that's the good stuff I mean I'm not saying it's perfect to sneak into the movie theater with you no just being real and as always it's backed by their money back guarantee if you're not
happy they'll refund your money no questions always appreciate that piece of mind so click the link in the description use my code JN or scan the QR code get yourself five bucks off magic spoon and now new James macavoy Thriller which is always [Music] thrilling so speak no evil is actually a remake of a movie that came out a couple years ago a Danish film as I understand it which I've never seen it so when speak no evil of family's on vacation they run across this other family this husband and wife and their son who
is oddly quiet they then get an invite by James makavo character the guy they met he's like wow how about all three of you come to our house in the middle of nowhere trust us if you've seen the trailer you know the family might be in danger and if you've seen both trailers you've seen the entire [ __ ] movie seriously you take the first trailer second trailer you put them end to end you have a 6 to 8 Minute cut of this movie and you pretty much see the movie annoying I hate it when
that happens it's why you don't watch trailers these days don't watch them on the internet if you buy a ticket to a movie theater show up about 25 minutes late so you miss all the trailers this is survival mode at this point my friends trailers are showing too much it's terrible however I was like James makavo is playing crazy I'm in and to that point out the gate I'm going to let you know James makoy is great oh well that is very sweet of you to say I that's pretty much what you're coming to the
movie to see and that's what you get to the point he's so good at making you feel uneasy that's actually a thing this movie does really well and then does a really good job at losing it it does a really good job at drawing the audience into this situation it's effective and making the audience feel easy and James makavo is just so intense but it's a passive aggressive kind of intense he is so good at playing the worst sounds like an insult but I do mean it in the most complimentary way possible but in that
psychotic kind of way he does have an excuse for everything it's a slow burn to be sure but experiencing that was actually pretty fun an uneasy kind of fun which was exactly the experience I was there to see and like I said it loses you because you watching this you personally you are smarter than the characters in this movie that is a fact that's a promise I can make to you because the couple that went to visit this other couple they don't know are the biggest couple of dumb [ __ ] I've ever seen in
cinematic history that might be the kind of hyperbole we speak on the Internet history I don't know definitely the last few years which is its own kind of impressive considering the amount of horror and thriller movies that come out on a yearly basis in which the characters in their exhibit will the very antithesis of good decision making yeah these two are just worse they're just worse and that's a shame because the movie does such a good job at pulling you win you have to take one Leap well a couple leaps from the get-go all right
three leaps but two of which I'm going to concentrate on here first of all you meet someone on vacation it's not that they hung out with this couple all day long on vacation it's that there were moments where the mask was already slipping and they still hung out with him and then you gave him your address so we can send you an invite why would you give him your address don't do that just do the whole like yeah hit me up on social media I'll find you I'll find you it's as simple as that that's
Survival that's just just how we do it now the moment at the beginning of the movie makoy had a mop pad and he was like oh yeah your kid can ride on here with me it'll be fine and they were like do you have a helmet he's like don't worry I'll be careful and they're like okay but no that's when you just draw the line like no she's not riding on a motorcycle with you without a helmet I'm just no also yeah I I'll find you don't I'll find you that's just the first 10 minutes
friends we haven't even gotten into it I won't get into it I won't spoil the movie for you he got the trailers to do that terrible it's scoop mcnary's character who's a great actor he does a really good job in the role in fact everybody in the movie does a good job you have to separate the difference between how good a job they did in the movie and how poorly their characters were written because this guy makes all the excuses in the world because this guy was just unlikable I feel like I should like the
characters more and root for them all to get out safely in a movie like this as they're like man I hope the mom and the kids get out of this but if you got if one's got to go down he just came across like he didn't like his family and granted there is a dialogue between him and his wife that sheds a little more light on that there's a little tension there but having the daughter there changes that Dynamic the moment James Mao's character had that taste of chicken on the fork and was like oh
here comes the airplane taste it taste it taste it taste it to McKenzie Davis's character knowing her character is a vegetarian and the husband didn't step in and be like nope she doesn't have to here I'll taste it it was good he doesn't stand up for his wife so I don't respect him as a husband and he keeps making excuses for these Psychopaths while their daughter is there their daughter's safety doesn't seem to be a priority for him so I don't respect him as a father granted you could have growth as the movie goes on
he could be like you know I've I've made mistakes I was a little complacent but I'm stepping up now he never really does he's always just an ineffective in in efficient bumbling idiot to the point where it became slapstick almost comedic the audience was laughing in the last Act of this movie they were laughing at how much of a [ __ ] he was I don't think the audience is supposed to be laughing in the last Act of a movie like this not that I'm letting her off the hook at a point she does make
the call like we need to get out of here but it's too little too late any parents going to watch this movie and be like why do these [ __ ] idiots just not have their daughter's safety at the Forefront of their minds priority also I'm not going to go too hard on the movie for this one cuz it might this might be a me thing did it explain that they don't have cell phone service or something I might have missed that because they definitely do have cell phones at a point you just make you
know a friendly call to the authorities see how it goes down but to be fair I might have missed that explanation that might be on me just want to be fair just thinking it through I'm actually asking you if I missed it people who haven't seen the movie yet what's the answer huh there are moments where they have outs and they just don't take them or go back on them dumbest characters I've seen in years as good a job as I felt this movie did drawing the audience into it in which you feel the anxiety
and tension of being in the situation it will lose you and mileage may vary on that somewhere between I wouldn't have given them my address when I first met them and hey it's getting really intense now but I wouldn't have seen it cuz I would have left two days ago somewhere in between there the movie will lose you you will have to take more leaps than your comfortable take all that aside I feel like I kind of went in hard on this movie but illogic is illogic that said as I've said a lot in this
video James mavo is so good in the role every time he's on screen it's just it's kind of gold and he's on screen a lot so you get your fair share I ended up still having a pretty good time with the makavo show no alcohol required side note I have no idea what dumb thumbnail face I'm going to make for this video but I was thinking of doing the tongue scissor thing but the face I make when I make it versus the face you see when you look at it might be very different I see
you internet all right so speak no evil have you seen it what did you think about it or have you seen the original how does this compare whatever you think comment below let me know and as always if you like what you've seen here and you want to see more click right here to see more
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