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what if every great technological leap until now had just been a building block data enriched by AI becomes rocket fuel for transformation clouds are no longer walled Gardens they're connected open integrated daily work routines become intelligent business processes analytics don't just tell you what happened they predict the future AI embedded across in Industries Sparks reimagined business models and new customer experiences suddenly the unbreakable barriers disappear Everything Has Changed now it's not just about solving problems it's about turning unimagined opportunities and to remarkable outcomes together we're transforming how you build how you deliver how you work
how you compete how you succeed how you win Evolution you're making Quantum leaps in productivity growth and Innovation you're shaping the future right [Music] [Applause] now welcome to Oracle Cloud World 2024 [Music] please welcome to the stage saffra [Music] [Applause] cats wow wow thank you everyone welcome to Cloud World 2024 and what an exciting moment to all be together I'm sure many of you are thinking about your careers and all the exciting things you have done and seen but I have to tell you Larry and I talk well all the time but we talk about
this particular moment when there is no question our 47 years of Oracle are now finally all coming together with two things one unbelievable capabilities and Technologies and two all of you because you our customers are what brings this all together for us us many of you have been with us for years and I hope you have seen us change over our own cloud Journey because no longer do we just provide technology we are now your partner in making that technology come to life and of course since we were founded and Le and continue to be
led by Larry Ellison just an incredible innovator and Visionary at Oracle you always know that the technology we built is not like everybody else's when we built our Cloud we built it differently we built it in a way to run faster to run more securely and to also give you the optionality to run it any way you want you can run it in a private Cloud you can run it in the public Cloud you can have your own dedicated region you can be in a sovereign Cloud you can be even in what's called an airgap
Cloud you can even be on a ship we've been able to build build it so we can reach you anywhere and of course yesterday we announced that many of our longtime Rivals are now our partners so of course Microsoft then Google and now AWS again going back to Our Roots remember it was called Oracle open world because we built our technology so that you our customers could run it anywhere you want sound familiar and of course our technology is our full stack not only not only the platform and and an AI Foundation that runs so
much faster than everyone else's that we have become the destination of choice above that the database autonomous database the most incredible use of AI in the database giving you all those capabilities on top of that Fusion are dozens of applications a Ai and generative AI infused with Incredible capabilities and then all of our vertical applications again infused with all the best Technologies but that's not enough because there's the other part our partnership with you that's what I'm going to be showcasing today on this stage we're going to travel a little bit around the world and
meet with customers who decided that they're going to lead their technology Revolution they're not going to let it happen to them they are going to embrace it use it as a competitive advantage and they've partnered with us to make success out of it in the old days when we sold license we'd sell it to you and you'd run it and work with some of our partners but now we are your partners too so today we're going to share a little bit of that but before we start you have to you have to give me a
moment to first thank my Oracle employees who have made this show and our company and everything we do possible thank our partners without whom none of this would be happening and last but absolutely Central and critical and the single most important I want to thank you because you've not only you you've not only paid and spent money to come here but you have given to us the one thing you can't replace and that is your time and I want to thank you for that our partnership with you has allowed us to bring together our Technologies
with your needs and capabilities and direction to make this all possible so thank you I thank all of you you you and with that since we are doing a little tour around the world we're going to start right here in Las Vegas so let's kick that off with MGM Resorts MGM Resorts means gaming and entertainment at 31 unique hotel and gaming location including some of the most acclaimed Resort brands in the industry MGM delivers something for everyone best-in class hotels and casinos state-of-the-art business spaces award-winning dining and incredible live theatrical [Music] experiences please welcome to
the stage bill hornbuckle [Music] so great to see you thank you for joining us my pleasure didn't know we were going to get a commercial I appreciate it yes oh yes no absolutely and uh we look forward to having Cloud world at MGM in the near future so very very exciting since we're starting here in Las Vegas thought we would really start with the star of Las Vegas and that's you and you have been in this industry really your whole career and you have watched it change Hospitality change their requirements change and Las Vegas change
share a little bit about what the future looks like here thank you um good morning everyone and welcome to Las Vegas um you know it's been a for me it's an amazing journey got here 47 years ago it was the late 1970s um and I saw saw a town with 300,000 people today we're about 2 and a half million people I saw a town that was Casino Centric and with the exception of Hilton wasn't very Hospitality Centric and over those last four decades if you think about it we've emerged as a resort town with the
emergence of the Mirage we came heavy with dining now we have world class dining world class retail we have a huge entertainment platform um our company alone and some of you I think last night went to the sphere which is an amazing attraction for the community um but our company loone has 29 venues and so we consider oursel an entertainment platform for business for entertainment um last week we had Gaga and Bruno Mars on the stage together so who would have thought 20 years a who would have thought 15 years ago you could ever make
that happen in Las Vegas and this group here and you bringing this to Las Vegas today demonstrates we have become a worldclass and world-renowned Convention and business destination and so the transformation has been incredible um excited to be a part of it I've seen much of this journey and travel through it and sit here today now as a CEO of one of the biggest companies excited by that well you're awfully modest because some of the folks out here want to hear a little bit about your career because though I started as a waitress you started
as a bus boy I did so maybe you could share a little bit about those 47 years and some of the lessons you learned along the way sure um so I grew up in Connecticut uh and at the time this is back in the mid 70s you could be a bartender when you were 18 so I was a bartender and wow this is this is fun it was social it fit it fit my Persona I said I'm going to get into the hospitality business and it started uh finding schools UNLV being one of them and
I ended up out here with a couple of my colleagues and my friends but when I got here I was 19 and didn't realize you had to be 21 to 10 bar put a little economic dent in my pocket book uh but I started as a bus boy literally room service bus boy and just transitioned my way through the industry did about 15 front service jobs ended up then making my way through little Serendipity um I was working night audit at the then Las Vegas Hilton which is now the Westgate and baron Hilton happened to
walk up to the front desk at like 5: in the morning looking for change okay Mr Hilton I'd be happy to give you change and we started a chatter I couldn't let him get away from me and literally two weeks later I was a suit and tie back at the Flamingo and um I've been in management development in this industry uh focused on Las Vegas but we're a global company we have places in maau we're building in Japan and so um it's been an amazing journey and and one that you know we have 55,000 colleagues
here we have 80,000 colleagues in the company and so it's a journey we all take but it's a great journey you know in terms of what I've learned um culture of yes is really really important to me um find a way to say yes to an employee say yes to a customer even though we're large scale we have policy and procedure it's about wanting to say yes and I think the other thing that has served me well is servant leadership um I grew up in the industry as you know I know their job I've done
their job we're all in this together and to the extent we can we can lead with that mindset and that mentality I think it makes for a better leader and ultimately a better organization and so we're proud of what we've done we're proud of where the industry is is and frankly where it's going it it and it is incredible Las Vegas there is nothing that is not in Las Vegas and as you know F1 is in Las Vegas and you know so that always means we're around too so there's really nothing not here I I
think what is very clear though is in hospitality and gaming expectations keep going up yeah they do and the the question really is how do you stay ahead of them and what role does technology have in that look you know we most all of us are publicly traded companies MGM of node and so the expectations are and the question is has Las Vegas reached its peak the answer is hell no uh between sports of note it's one more thing we have created we're hot on the tales of the NBA we've now moved the Oakland A's
to Las Vegas we're not welcoming Oakland anymore I can assure you between that and the Raiders um but the town continues to evolve um and on the front end of that particularly for us because of our scale it is about technology when you check into a place like bagio or even this hotel but I'll say bagio since it's the one we run um and there's 4,000 rooms the trick is how do you personalize it how do you make it feel like your home it's your place we understand you we want to be there for you
without showing up and having 50 people in line at the front desk and so through digital uh digital conier digital checking in Kiosk checkin many of the things now that tie to the front end ultimately tie out to what we do with you all in Opera um we've changed dramatically that whole experience because of covid we pushed ourselves into digital check-in we now check in about 35% of our guests on their phone they can start from the airport when they land and they can use it as their device for their key and the digital cerge
and so it's it's become a meaningful connection for us yeah and it also gives better service and if done correctly it's also less expensive to run yes I noticed that you mentioned Opera for those of you who don't know that's actually oracle's property management system and we've partnered with MGM on a number of different ways not only with Opera but with fusion and maybe you could share a little bit about how that's H helping your business sure um we we like having many large scale organizations that grew by acquisition and by growth You by our
own growth um were green screen all of our financial systems and so we we looked at the fusion technology we looked at the package and we said count us in uh we made the decision in 18 started to deploy it in May of 2020 good news bad news the good news um was it enabled people to work from home was the first quick benefit we picked up on that which in May of 2020 was actually a very big deal for the company since then we've put the systems in full deployment um it's reduced our labor
by about 25 to 30% uh it's helped us obviously streamline Financial systems reporting the customization of reporting uh without having to change the software itself and and ultimately programming and so it's been a huge Advantage for us moving forward and so we're excited to continue to work with that product and some of the other ones too in terms of the cloud and some of other things coming up yeah no it's it's so fun for us to be working with you it's a segment that has just been growing and been it's always fun too I mean
there's a lot of of but it's a lot of work that you all do now bill you do not think you will get off the stage without talking about AI a little bit okay that is not going to happen so maybe you could ch ch uh chat with me a little bit about how AI changes the game sure I go back to what I said earlier about and think about things like the check-in process will'll get 15 to 20,000 calls a day for reservations and or information the reality is only 20% of those calls convert
that's that's the basic math and so handling the other 80% with that front-end interaction that's efficient effective um we are leaning more and more into AI taking on that responsibility I think the ultimate vision for us is it then begins to handle the 20% with and it begins to handle it in a personalized and customized way our business has always been about particularly at the high end of gaming here's an interesting stat 50% of our gaming revenues come from 1% of our customers so we know those was 1% we know their birthday we know their
kids' birthday we know everything about them AI will enable us to know everything about not everybody but a lot of folks who have been here and ultimately tailor an experience so that when you call for a girls weekend not like when you come for a convention you've been here before we know what you want and we can tailor it and send it to you and say how about we book this for you and then the ultimate dream is it books it on through and so it it just takes all that friction and greatly reduces it
something we're excited by um you I know a lot of Industry worried about AI we embrace it we love it and we're looking forward to it well you see that's really the difference between success and failure a CEO who Embraces this who wants to get ahead of it who wants to use it as a competitive advantage and lead with it versus one who's afraid of it and wants to just keep things the old way I mean that's the reason you've been so successful starting is okay I didn't give you enough credit bartender then demoted to
bus boy but made your way back so we're all very proud thank you for joining us thank you for welcoming us here thank you [Music] next we actually have a customer that is very special to Oracle and some of you are going to know why please join me in welcoming the CIA simply put the CIA is America's first line of defense the global intelligence it provides helps leaders make decisions that protect and bolster National Security and its mission is straightforward use the power of information to keep the nation safe throughout its history the CIA has
pioneered bold Technology Solutions that have helped solve America's biggest intelligence [Music] challenges please welcome to the stage lanaa Jones [Music] [Applause] [Music] well thank you thank you so much for joining us thank you so much for having me saffra it's our honor no it's um most of you probably do not know that the Central Intelligence Agency was oracle's first customer and without which we wouldn't even be here and we view the mission of keeping the world safe as our single really our top Mission I uh it is hard to believe it was 1977 and we
are still working together Absolut and it is it is really such an honor to have you up here I think you heard the screaming when when we mentioned you and um it's not like the cia's job has gotten smaller so maybe you could share a little bit about really your thoughts on handling Global threats and and just how you do it all absolutely so first and foremost I want to say this is an immense honor and privilege for CIA to be here in this capacity uh as you mentioned Oracle was founded at CIA in 1977
and look where we are today and so for us it's bull Circle and although I'm here I represent the thousands and millions of people across the intelligence community and across the Department of Defense in the global mission of keeping us safe for National Security and so just want to say thank you on that you asked uh what is it that keeps us together and keeps us up first and foremost I want to highlight security and so we realize in this mission that this is a shared mission space it's too big too hard for us to
by ourselves and so we welcome the partnership we are absolutely enthused that security is just as important to Oracle as it is to CIA as well as the intelligence Community uh we do all we can in order to keep the nation safe to lead the way we want the best the brightest technology the best solutions to be able to do that and we appreciate having a partner such as yours that help us to to perform that Journey and so we talk about the conflict Readiness and the global resiliency uh the CIA is all over and
so with that being the case we need a global partner to be a part of that mission I I'll tell you for us you know it is it is our greatest honor and uh and I thank you back I am sort of drawn back to your really your career and I think about it you were a database administrator and so you have been on the ground floor of just watching the importance of data increase and so maybe you could just share a little bit with our group how you're using data Oracle technology and um really
keeping us all safe absolutely so as you mentioned saffra I did I humbly started as a database administrator and Who Would Imagine and I would be here today speaking with you and so I think that that is just a testament of how powerful and transformative the technology is and how it's changed everything we do um there isn't any aspect of the world from an innovation to a disruptiveness that technology is not a part of it's changed the way we've worked the way we've lived uh the way that we do our day-to-day missions right and so
we look at that at the CIA as it's part of every fact asset and asset of everything we do from finances to human resources to the mission space to being out forward to denied access areas to you mentioned being on a ship from our soldiers and our Sailors and our Airmen to everything we do and so we again look at that as an opportunity to be able to bring them the best technology the best Solutions the best data as quickly as possible to make the best intelligence decisions to perform the mission yeah when you speak
it resonates so deeply for me because our mission at Oracle is making sure that you never have to compromise that you always have the best that you have access whether you need it in a super classified uh disconnected like all those capabilities we never want you to have to compromise because frankly I'm not sure our adversaries are compromising they're taking and looking and using and we've got to always be way better with them and it's not only the ones way out on the field it's also the people running the Enterprises maybe since we haven't cleared
all of you you could share a little bit about how you're you know creating experiences for your people that really help efficiency so you can direct your resources where you need them absolutely and so you started out talking about data right it's no secret that data analysts data scientists and the way that we want to use data to help to augment our intelligence decisions has evolved right through gend of AI and so we talk about the cyber security aspect that's one line of business that we absolutely want to use the data to help make better
insights into what's going on with our adversaries and to prepare to reduce the attack Vector for the amount of vulnerabilities available uh so let's talk about security from that aspect one thing that we've seen from a shift is over the past 10 to 15 years it's moved from more of a kinetic to more of a cyber security mission right the Cyber landscape every day is evolving and getting worse and worse and so we want to be able to have the data to make data driven decisions uh whether it be for the Enterprise for larger Landscapes
all around the world and even for locations that might be one or two people but we want to make sure that they have the best in order to keep them safe and bring them back home and so that's one piece of it I talked about how the data we used it from our old school database but now it wouldn't be fair to have any type of event and not talk about gend of AI we in the intelligence community and the defense landscape want to be able to use gener of AI as well it could help
to augment our missions all across many sectors uh everything we do from Logistics to supply chain to cyber to finance to Human Resources we want to be able to have that to help augment everything we do and so I feel as though from that aspect we're no different than others we want the translation capabilities we want to be able to uh drew the summarization we want to be able to have the the rapid data and inferences to look at vast amounts of raw data and very different forms and all over and be able to make
logic of that in a much faster realm and so we have the same challenges as the commercial and that's one thing that we always look to try to have in our classified spaces as best as possible parity to have the latest and the greatest um in the spaces that we needed the most I'll tell you you are our design Point some of our colleagues out here know that we have an everything everywhere policy that in fact unless it's available all the way in a classified disconnected region we don't even consider it GA because you are
our toughest customers and you teach us so much and so the fact that you're forward leaning looking at Over the Horizon in what should be next because frankly you have the most important Mission keeping the world safe and you and your colleagues in defense very important to us and we thank you we thank you for partnering with us and we look forward to well I don't want to say the next 47 years some of us may be on a beach by that but uh um definitely thank you thank you for for the Central Intelligence Agency
and thank you to you for being so forward leaning and such a wonderful partner thank you so very very our pleasure thank you awesome thank you so [Music] much you can see I'm having fun so um well next I'm excited to hear not from just one speaker but two from B B&P Perry buug group about how they've done so much with technology and how they've never taken their focus off security and data protection while moving into the future no matter where you live or the places you visit you won't have to look very far to
find a BMP Parry bar Bank the eu's leading bank has a presence in more than 60 countries offering a Full Slate of personal investment and corporate banking not to mention it's also a good in 2023 BNP parar was named world's best bank for sustainable Finance at the Euro money [Music] Awards please welcome to the stage Bernard gavgani and Jean Eve [Music] [Applause] Pon you can see I'm getting to see all my friends today so uh thank you thank you Bernard and Jeanie thank you for joining us thank you for having us Safra pleasure it's an
absolute pleasure to be here on behalf of Bernard and I uh it's a privilege and we're thrilled excited to really share the continuing Journey between horol and BNP P you've seen the video and uh we State world the bank for a changing world I can tell you there is no way we could achieve this Mission without uh an absolute mastering harnessing of technology and I have to say the recent expansion of our partnership and the bank joining the cloud is an amazing critical step in that direction but S I may um we've known each other
for a long time uh we believe and I believe we've developed a true Mally beneficial relationship where um we at BNP PBA benefit from your amazing Services uh Innovative skills and hopefully on your side you benefit from our Global coverage and uh worldclass products I want to share that we cover or I call in over 180 countries in 16 different currenc IES on behalf of 37 of your entities worldwide and um uh I uh Beyond This Global coverage by the way just to give you a sense uh we have the privilege to serve you in
a broad array of product solution such as cash management and Trade Services but Fleet Management vendor financing uh not to forget about Landing as well as access to the capital markets then are so proud to be an important client to all I call but who are equally proud that this relationships as this relationship has developed into I can tell you one of the most strategic relationships for the bank domestically and around the world I will tell you that for us it is the model of a real partnership where everyone benefits the leadership you all show
comes to our benefit you see all of the Technologies and capabilities we couldn't actually operate without you and that's the real partnership because it's no longer vendor and customer it is true partnership and it is constantly improving capabilities and so for us I I mean when I see when I see any story about you or I go by the bank I'm always like so proud because I also know that we're part of your success and so as both a customer and a technology Partners so it's just thrilling and frankly I feel the same way with
many of our customers here because we're successful when you're successful and I think maybe I would like to share because one of the reasons we've worked so well together is because you are so forward-looking and just a few years ago you laid out a comprehensive strategic plan and I think that's going to be very very helpful for others to learn about the about how you came to that decision and sort of what were the central pillars of that plan because I have a feeling a few people may copy those but sa by the way we
love when you go by the bank we love when you visit and what you just mentioned knows how deep and well you know BMP PBA well the strategy is around growth technology and sustainability you know grow for us is to continue to further Drive our leadership position in EMA but not only is to uh realize our aspirations to become the Lead Bank for corporates in North America sustainability it's part of our mission it's C to our values but by the way it's exactly the same thing for you and Oracle I know it's critical to your
thought process your actions and we have this dimension in common but obviously now the pillar of technology which is the discussion today on bral guidance and Leadership the bank has continued to invest uh you know uh in in infrastructure in technology um and by the way as I mentioned earlier the recent agreement we just have with Oracle and basically John your cloud is a perfect illustration of that then um speaking of the expansion plan and growth plan there is no way we could achieve that no chance without you know having a strong uh commitment and
dedication to foundations and prop foundations technology and you are a critical partner in this Dimension well you've hit on one of my favorite subjects technology and that's Bernard's favorite to and it is absolutely true that you have led this technology uh Innovation and Direction maybe you could share with our audience a little bit about what you were trying to solve for and how to really bring it to fruition and success thank you zra uh the technology is the heart of our business model uh as the leading the bank or in Europe and growing our presence
in the US and and AAC this is our uh our plan to continue to improve or or speed execution and be compliant with the regulations in order to all the time uh commit with our regul Regulators uh both in the US and in in Europe but let me take a few uh uh minutes to explain the rational of uh uh the the reason why we have moved or moving workloads a few workloads to your your cloud and the way uh I am expecting to improve the management of the huge data that we are we have
in the back the first objective is to um to provide the best solution to our customers by gathering all of the the the the the databases that we have more than 10,000 databases in one single area samplify the the the the tools and managing this in one way so it's the huge benefit that we are getting from that and as you said the beauty of this solution is that it will be done in our own premises which will allow us to continue to respect our commitment to our customers so we have the different different uh
added value around these time to Market resiliency uh continuity and so on and I have to say that uh again thanks to your team and yourself because uh you took your time to study with us to understand the strategy of our our information system exactly the the the area that you could bring the added value to our value propositions and it has been done and sea once again thank you so much for your personal involvement without your involvement we would not be here to discuss together I thank you too kind it is a pleasure it
is truly a pleasure it is kind of what we live for around here and um your success is is uh really what we cherish now Bernard as the technology expert up here you know I'm going to want to talk a a little bit about Ai and security and all the things that you know you are constantly thinking about so maybe share a little bit about your vision and what you're doing and give ideas to our colleagues here so all the large companies are beginning to shift to be to the AI in rational and Industrial uh
way this is true that every most of the companies they know is not new AI in the large companies but what is today challenging for everyone is to scale up the the the their Solutions and find and Define The Right Use cases in BNP Piva we have more than 700 use cases already up and running for in the different area for the customers to satisfaction for the U payment unusual payment for corporate customers uh for the uh compliance and risk and or antim money laundering and fraud but the most important part that I see is
the really added value of AI for it for it thanks to the AI in the Years com coming we will be able to improve more and more the the our our products or applications is in order to satisfy more more and more our customers as the but at the same time this is the Cyber and cyber security but you know that the the the AI will bring us added value at the same time raise the risk of cyber security that we are going to we are working around this and I am sure that between Oracle
and BNP P we will learn from each one very very soon and toor in fact Larry even talked about that on our earnings announcement last night so it very very true but again what it is is about getting in front of it leading I mean you said a hundred different projects I mean this is all about making sure you're ahead of it so it doesn't happen to you that you're leading it and that's why you've been so successful well finally Jeanie you did mention a little bit about our partnership and how long we've been working
together but I not sure mentioned all of it was there something else you wanted to share as always you listen very carefully Safra in one word tennis tennis why tennis because let me give you some context here um was a very proud title sponsor of a tennis tournament played at Indian Wales it's called the B&P P open I have to say Beyond we spoke about the wonderful relationship we have on the technology side on the banking side side I've never experienced with any clients what happened with tennis why because 15 years ago this tournament was
sponsorless BNP PBA and Mr Larry Ellison uh we decided to take it over uh 15 years later uh by the way for whoever has been there lar has build an amazing venue players love it fans love it it's become the fifth major then what a unique experience that we've we've we've know lived together but Beyond the Lines if I may say beyond the Baseline what we did together we've extended our support to the youth uh in the Coachella Valley uh providing actually scholarships to deserving High School seniors and sending them to the best schools colleges
in California and it's another important Dimension we have together dimension of this partnership which I believe we will take further because I know you believe we believe in actually we are dedicated to positively impact the community we live in then you know in short Larry thank you so much saffra thank you so much the whole Oracle family thank you so much and by the way we want to see you all at Indian Wales in 2025 for the BNP P open now we built a big Stadium enough that we can host any one of you thank
you well thank you we've obviously been invited so we should take him up on that I I will say it is the perfect example of partnership and Larry Ellison's vision and it is very much what has happened here at Oracle it was not a big tournament and it's now become enormous and successful and I think some of you know that not everyone was betting on Oracle to cross the chasm and be such a leader in the cloud that now we are in everybody's clouds and again the vision the capability and the Never compromising with good
enough always making sure you do the best I I cherish our partnership thank you thank you both thank you thank you very much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so let's see wow well I'm now so we've seen a bank we've seen an intelligence agency we've seen the fund Hospitality now we're going to talk with a company that in some ways shares a Legacy with us because we're going to speak to a customer with the ambitious goal of building a better internet with focus on security performance resilience and privacy sound familiar let's hear from cloud Flair cloud flb
is the leading connectivity Cloud company on a mission to help build a better internet powered by one of the world's largest and most interconnected networks Cloud flare blocks billions of threats online for its customers every day trusted by millions of organizations from the largest Brands to entrepreneurs and small businesses to nonprofits humanitarian groups and governments across the globe cloudflare helps connect protect and build everywhere giving customers the control they need to accelerate their business please welcome to the stage Michelle [Applause] zatlin you thank [Music] you it's great it's very exciting here to have a younger
technology company not 147 years old like us not yet anyway not yet and I know you have many customers in the room but not every one of them is one of your customers so why don't we take a minute to really introduce Cloud flare to this entire room oh well thank you so much for the opportunity to be here it's such a privilege um hi everyone I'm Michelle I'm one of the founders of a company called Cloud flare and we call ourselves a connectivity Cloud what does that mean well actually we're hearing about so many
businesses today that are moving from how they used to do business to a more modern world and some of it's on premise some of it's in the cloud you need something to connect all of that somewhere where to control your security somewhere to think about performance somewhere to think about privacy for your users and employees and of course resilience and that's really the connectivity Cloud that's what cloudfl offers we work with businesses both small and large around the world to ensure that their applications are protected their employees are protected with our zero trust platform and
that they're unable to do whatever they need to do in this modern world a little bit of a fun fact yesterday we stopped 157 billion with the B cyber attacks on behalf of all of our customers we work with millions of businesses around the world that means we do the math about a 100 million cyber attacks we help stop automatically without any human intervention since I watched walked on stage and I think that is the power of modern technology today and what what what's left to be done well and I can tell you one thing
it's not getting safer out there and so more and more responsibility falls on companies like you and us and I think one of the things excuse me that means a lot I'm sorry guys you've been doing great you've been going nonstop and it's been you you it's been an entertaining show thank you very fun for me I apologize well for us as I mention we're always thrilled when a customer picks us always but when it's a really technical really good um expert in a field when they pick us it means even more it really makes
us want to really want to share that would you mind sharing a little bit about why you picked oci and some of the benefits you've seen absolutely well you know one of the best parts of my job is I get to work with companies around the world and one thing that keeps coming up more and more is I see so many more companies choosing oci and I think it's for so many different reasons all the things that you've been talking about today the the performance per um the built for performance the security posture how Oracle
has this huge Legacy but you're just so modern and I think one thing that has not come up since I've been on stage is how Innovative uh Oracle has been and how Innovative the oci team is bringing new ideas to the market for their customers of course you want to be um all the eyes dotted and teas cross for uh customers like the CIA but you also want to be nimble and agile In This Very Dynamic world where things are moving all the time and so one thing that I see with companies is about over
50 % of companies today have a multicloud setup and it's only increasing EV by the week five years ago that was not the case five years ago the the State of Affairs was hey I'm going to pick one Cloud I'm going to go on and on one Cloud that's just not realistic and so in this multicloud world you want to be able to mix and match the best features depending on the on the uh um cloud provider and again I think oi is just out there doing so much in the marketplace last thing I'll just
say which I think is really interesting and is becoming more important in this next inning of uh operating in today's modern world is how I how you describe yourself as uh priced pric for performance which I think is really important we are all every business is under pressure to say Hey how do I do things more efficiently so I can go take those savings and reinvest back in other parts of our business whether it's AI or building products for our customers and so I think those are some of the things that we've really seen both
at cloudfare but broadly in the industry about why more businesses are moving to oci well thank you that that is really very very kind I will tell you that I feel like we very much share this common Mission multicloud giving our customers Choice thinking about security all the time and especially in Security in multicloud maybe you could share with this group a little bit of some of the Innovative things you're doing in that exact area yes thank you well in this world now we're in this place where okay I am working with multiple clouds I
have some things maybe on premise still but then there's these places where I have different workloads running in different places how do I Stitch it all together well this is again where you need a connectivity Cloud so you have one integrated platform to have this security posture and visibility it's a way to kind of add Simplicity to what's going on in the background where it's like you don't have to move everything on the background yet but you can have this layer of security sitting in front um uh to say Okay I want to make sure
I'm protected from the latest attacks I want to make sure everything is fast whether my customers coming from Santiago Chile which is I know where your next customer is from or if they're in h Riad Saudi Arabia you want to make sure that it's fast and snappy because we have we all have customers and eyeballs all around the world and it's really this idea of being the power of being connected globally but also the power of running your business locally and I think that that's really where it's interesting to see um this new modern day
where businesses have to operate in to see which organizations are partnering together because it's not just one company that's going to offer all of this you have to partner and I think it's been uh amazing working with Oracle in this way of saying hey let's partner to bring it better make it better for end customers around the world and really um enable all these businesses to say let me pick and choose the best of of best of any world I need see again the focus on the customer the focus on partnering that is the new
reality and that is what leads to success when I think about some of the things you're doing I mean you are growing so fast you are moving forward maybe you could share a little bit about what's next for cloud flare I love to well you know you said focus on customers we are also intensely focused on customers I could not agree more customers and partnering is really those are the two key words in today's in in in how to do business today and so we think about our customers we're thinking about okay where are they
working and how are they working and so with the where it's interesting so the world is there's so many multin national businesses in this room so if you just look at countries around the world 71% have passed a data localization law in the last three years 71% of company uh countries excuse me and there's another about 10% that are about to pass laws so you might be the best at running a business a multinational business but you might not be the best at keeping up with the public private like the public policy of what's going
on around the world so there's just a lot happening in data localization and and and and privacy and so for the where we work for our customers we're saying CL runs a Global Network we're in over 120 countries we're in 330 cities around the world how do you meet your your data privacy local laws while stay still being Global I know that's something we really share with Oracle and that we we we enable this together and that's something that more businesses need every day because they want to be Global but meet their local needs on
the how people work I mean it's been about seven minutes since the word word AI has come up so let's make sure we touch on it one last time it's it's if you cannot be in business today thinking about okay how are we going to use gen to make my business more efficient and I think it's incredible what oci is offering to be where you run your models and do all the training the the piece of AI that's really interesting is where you going to do the inference and of course on the end device is
the best the mobile device the laptop that's the best but there are going to be certain things where there's not quite enough space on the phone or the device to do it you need another place and that's where Cloud fl's globally distributed Network to do inference at the edge and so we're really excited we have something called workers AI where developers can be building Pro where they can use your training sets and your models at Oracle but then the AI inference on the cloud flare Edge and I cannot wait to see what everyone in this
room builds with that because that is the future and it's going to make our businesses better and get and make um the the society move forward absolutely could not have said it better myself thank you thank you Michelle thank you for joining us today thank you so much for having me it's been pleasure thank you thank [Music] [Applause] you okay well our tour around the world and in multiple Industries continues I'm excited to hear from ntel Chile's largest telecommunications company an industry that is constantly changing and they're going to tell you about their move into
the cloud from Antarctica Easter Island and every corner of Chile and Peru as the leading Telecom in South America ntel enables more than 20 million customers to communicate today Intel has strived for 60 years to bring the infinite possibilities of Technology closer to people accompanying each one in their important moments of their lives connecting them to their dreams community and supporting business growth please welcome to the stage Antonio beeh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay okay well we are we are finishing with an industry that has gone through so many changes I don't even know
where to start and yet somehow Intel always staying in front so share a little bit about the industry the challenges and how you're doing it okay well thank you very much for inviting me to share with this great audience congratulations for first quarter results so fast announ thank you for those of you who don't know we did announce our earnings last night nine days after the quarter closed because of fusion so thank you for giving me the chance to exactly to there a little now just just to let to to let you know a little
bit about the industry as you mentioned I mean we've been going through many many changes not only technological also regulatory ones uh and uh from going to voice to data to ye 3 forg copper fiber everything uh we actually compete in one of the what's important with with our country is it's very advanced in Telecom uh we are in the last quartile in term of GDP per capita however we are in the first quartile in many of the measures of Telecom I don't know data usage M mobile fiber penetration um the mobile penetration everything measure
you want to you want to take we compete in in two countries Peru and Chile where we have four competitors mobile that is a lot for a mobile industry and uh but we're proud what we've been doing I mean tell is a is a medium-sized company three billion revenues 20 million customers uh but I would say an important thing about inel we've been trying always anticipating and pushing forward changes if you don't push changes changes will push you and will become a lagger and that has allows us to remain leaders in Revenue share in Chile
close to the leader in Peru NPS leaders in both countries uh we're very proud of that and our challenges all maybe not be the largest but always be the most advanced I mean you you've said it you've said so much even just in answering my first question first of all NPS N Net promoter scores what does that mean your customers love you okay again something we keep hearing we've heard it all day getting to yes how do we make them happy but the other thing that we've been talking about is getting ahead of it time
is of the essence if you don't get ahead you're going to be left behind and whatever industry especially in an industry changing so quickly you you really don't have a minute to rest and I think you know when you think about your digital and business transformation over the past few years I mean tell us some of the levers for success and some of the results you can highlight because everyone in this room is thinking about that right now yeah well first of all this understanding that there's no like one transformation it's a never ended story
and you really have to take it that and assume it and move it into your organization second anticipation anticipation anticipation otherwise you will be laggards third I would say is to have a bold purpose and strategy let me pinpoint a couple of points there we believe that we are guys that bring technology and transform them in extraordinary service service to transform people lives that's how we see us and cultur cultured crazy about customer experience that's F very very important of course we have to have an an a digital strategy and for that I would say
three points first top management ownership not only Embrace not only pushing but embracing it moving forward with it of course open architecture API layers and whatever all that all the things that you know you need and last but not least great Partners committed to us to our success and that's very important few few few results I mean we move uh it spending from 0% to 25% under the control of the business unit that's very very important second we've uh move almost 90% of our workloads to Cloud which is critical we will talk a little bit
later and uh as I mentioned you a few other measures that that that allows that but but the important thing that that brings results business results business with enabled by it we've been able to regain five percentage points of Revenue share we've been able to improve our NPS Gap against our forers in 10 points and most of all we lead on return on assets with 10% points about the rest of the industry that's it that's it that's everything happier customers more profitable doing more spending less but I want want to dig in to some of
the things you said because what you said is it's about the business it makes it happen but it's about making sure there's leadership and accountability so that the businesses are deciding what do they need how do they want to invest and they are in fact the beneficiaries you mentioned partnership like with us us maybe you could talk a little bit about the importance of partnership and sort of the benefits of how you you feel things going forward yeah yeah as I mentioned you a partnership commitment is great I mean from you Safra to the last
member of foro Lis May is in in Latin America great guy and always together always with the common goal our success that's critical we've done a an important transition to Cloud which we it it of course brings lower cost and higher performance but most of it it transformed the business model it makes people in charge of it of digital and simplicity agility and flexibility that's critical and we believe that cloud has enabled to push that forward see again again to points you keep making culture the people the customers everyone you're hearing the exact same thing
these are the ways to success they lead to Our Success they lead to your success but don't think again you're getting off this stage without talking about Ai and the future because you're leading it so we'd like to hear your thoughts on how it changed your industry one important thing we did was to launch recently a digital business unit for B2B that we partnering several products with you netu uh Cloud migrations cyber security we believe it that that's an area of growth and there AE AI is very critical to help our customers to push with
AI but again the most important thing of AI is not the technology the technology will be there for everyone what is important is the business guy take it and push it forward with courage to use it for example we've been using it for credit scoring for uh improving our uh assessment of the network quality so we predict churn rates we we have 60% lower turn rate than our competition and to allocate Investments better we have a bunch of use cases in different stages and we are very excited about it all of us you we don't
know where we'll take it but we know we have to be there pushing forward ahead and anticipating see everything I'm hearing and I'm sure everyone's getting is that ultimately this is about courage this is about taking advantage of everything you can and using it and getting ahead of it and ultimately it's about leadership courage in leadership and I want to thank you for everything you're doing everything you're doing with us and so focus on your customer build a culture and be courageous and you're going to be as successful as you all so thank you we
hope will remain like that with your help oh you bet you bet you bet count on it thank you okay well I think you've heard me summarize this entire time technology partnership customers getting to yes my team knows that I have a term I say just say yes and it is all about making sure you're are absorbing that technology and using it so that you can benefit from it ahead of your competitors you can serve your customers better you can partner better and you can work with your employees in a much better way thank you
enjoy Cloud world thank you for everything you do for us thank you [Music]
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