Animals and creatures that GOD DID NOT CREATE

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creatures and animals that God did not create but sin created the last one will surprise you first Nephilim Before the Flood an Abomination occurred a creature was born that embodied the entire plan of evil forces it was a mixture of two beings that should never have United Genesis 6: 1-4 captivates many Bible readers because of the mysterious identity of the sons of God and the Nephilim there was a problem with unrighteous marriages between the sons of God and the daughters of men during those days of Rapid population growth largely due to the long lifespan in
the pre flood world we can deduce why Satan sent his angels to marry human women directly or indirectly Satan attempted to corrupt the genetic pool of humanity with satanic corruption planting something akin to a genetic pathogen to make the human race unfit to carry the seed of the woman the Messiah promised in Genesis 3:15 the Savior could not be born from a demon-possessed mother so if Satan could infect the entire race the deliverer could not come and Satan almost succeeded people became so polluted that God decided to start over with Noah and his sons and
imprison the demons who had corrupted the race so that they could never do it again now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth and daughters were born to them the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and desirable and they took for themselves wives whomever they chose and desired then the Lord said my spirit shall not strive and remain with man forever for he is indeed flesh sinful corrupt given over to sensual appetites yet his days shall be 120 years the were Nephilim men
of great stature notorious men of the Earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God lived with the daughters of men and they bore children to them these were the Mighty Men of old men of renown great reputation and fame the Lord saw that the wickedness and depravity of man were great on the earth and that every imagination or intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually Genesis 6: 1-7 God did not intend for the human race to remain in this state of rebellion indefinitely this means that our rejection
of God reached a point of no return God will not draw us indefinitely there will come a time when he says enough yet his days shall be 120 years this is interesting because the flood also happened 120 years after this announcement we then read about about Giants on the earth in those days both pre-christian Judaism and the early church believed that the sons of God were Spiritual Beings or Angels who took human wives and fathered Giants known as Nephilim this view has become less prevalent today due to our modern aversion to the supernatural while the
average Christian May reluctantly accept the Bible's teaching on the Virgin birth and Christ's Resurrection the idea of giants born of human and Spirits is simply too far-fetched but why did men suddenly become so violent was it because the Godly line mixed with the ungodly line or was it at least in part because Humanity mixed with Spiritual Beings I would like to argue in favor of the latter option the three main perspectives on the identity of the sons of God are as follows first they were Fallen Angels second they were powerful human rulers or third they
were God descendants of Seth who married the ungodly descendants of Cain the arguments in favor of the traditional view that the sons of God were Spiritual Beings who United with human women and produced the Nephilim are as follows the fact that the phrase sons of God always refers to angels in the Old Testament supports this idea in job chap 1: 6 it says now there was a day when the sons of God angels came to to present themselves before the Lord and Satan the adversary the accuser came also among them in all cases the sons
of God Are Spiritual Angelic beings including Satan the use of the phrase in job suggests that Genesis chapter 6 is referring to Spirits Angels Genesis 6: 1 and 2 contrasts the sons of God with men implying that these are non-human beings Genesis 6:1 one says that men began to multiply and daughters were born to them the Hebrew word for man is the generic term for Humanity as used in Genesis 5: 1 and 2 the sons of God are contrasted with men and thus the sons of God must be non-human beings of some sort another theory
about the parents of the Nephilim the context implies that the Nephilim were The Offspring resulting from spiritual and human being the Nephilim or Fallen ones mentioned in Genesis 6:4 are mysterious personalities the Mighty Men of old men of renown the text does not explain how the Nephilim came to be it simply says that there were Nephilim on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them but why are the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis 6 alongside the marriage between the sons of
God and the daughters of men it is unclear how these Mighty Men of renown came about if not as a result of unions between spiritual and human beings there is a theory about the parents of the Nephilim Jude probably understands Genesis 6: 1-4 as a reference to the marriage between Spiritual Beings and humans verse 6 of Jude mentions Angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their prop a dwelling unless Jude is referring to an unknown event it seems to refer to the angels who left heaven to live on Earth in Genesis
6: 1-4 these arguments support the traditional view that the sons of God United with human women and gave birth to the Nephilim while this may sound strange to Modern ears the same can be said of the entire Bible truth is Stranger Than Fiction and The World God created is far from what we commonly believe the sons of God saw the daughters of men it is more accurate to see the sons of God as demons angels in Rebellion against God or men possessed by demons and the daughters of men as human women Jude verse 6 mentions
that the Angels who did not keep their own designated place of power but abandoned their proper dwelling these he has kept in Everlasting chains under thick Darkness for the judgment of the great day this verse also explains what God did with these evil angels 1 Peter 3: 19-2 informs us that Jesus proclaimed his victory on the cross over them while God ordered that the entire Earth be purified from this pollution he found one man with whom to start over Noah Noah was a righteous man perfect in his Generations however the next being was worse second
Lucifer becomes Satan from glory to curse a personality referred to as Lucifer in Isaiah 14 the Latin root of Lucifer means the one who brings light while the Hebrew translation is morning star Lucifer was described as a radiant brilliant and Majestic being in any language he was a high ranking Angel Lucifer was one of God's Chief Angels alongside Michael Gabriel and God's Heavenly hosts however at some point Lucifer made a grave mistake he challenged God Luke 10:18 says and he said to them I saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven during one of his teachings
to the disciples Jesus shared a vivid description of a scene he had personally witnessed in heaven this event took place before he was born as the son of Mary he used this encounter to warn his followers about the dangers of allowing Pride to control their actions and decisions the scene he described was God's judgment on a created angel named Lucifer Lucifer held a unique position of Honor in heaven son of man take up a lamentation for the king of Ty and say to him thus says the Lord God you were the Seal of perfection full
of wisdom and perfect in Beauty you were in Eden the Garden of God every precious stone was your covering the Ruby topaz and diamond Barrel Onyx and Jasper Sapphire lapis lazuli turquoise and emerald and gold the workmanship of your settings and sockets was prepared for you on the day you were created you were the anointed cherub who covers and I placed you there you were on the Holy Mountain of God you walked among the fiery Stones The Shining precious stones you were blameless in your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness was found
in you Ezekiel 28 veres 12 to 15 Lucifer is described as the anointed cherub who covers the cherubim stretched out their wings above covering the mercy seat with their wings they faced one another the faces of the cherubim were toward The Mercy Seat Lucifer was exemplary in Beauty Pride led him to challenge God and seek a place of equality with him apparently Lucifer had authority over a group of angels and managed to alienate some of them from their loyalty to God he led them to join him in his Rebellion against God in response God cast
Lucifer and his Partners in Rebellion out of his presence to describe Lucifer's activities and how he led some angels to turn against God through his persistent scheme Ezekiel 28: 6-19 says by the abundance of your trade you were internally filled with wickedness and violence and you sinned therefore I have cast you as Prof Fain and impure from the Mountain of God and I have destroyed you oh covering cherub from the midst of the fiery Stones your heart was lifted up because of your beauty you corrupted your wisdom because of your Splendor I cast you to
the ground I laid you before kings that they may gaze at you you defiled your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities by the unrighteousness of your trade therefore I have brought forth a fire from your midst it has consumed you and I have turned you to ashes upon the Earth in the sight of all who beheld you all who knew you among the peoples are appalled at you you have come to a dreadful end and shall be no more forever in some Bible versions we see the word trade applied to someone acting as a
gossip or slanderer in other words it can describe someone who trades both goods and rumors in several other Bibles for example in Leviticus Proverbs and Jeremiah this word is translated as slanderer or gossip for example in Proverbs 20: 19 he who goes about as a gossip reveals Secrets therefore do not associate with one who flatters with his lips this kind of practice being a slanderer is closely tied to someone who boasts with their lips and we are warned against both types of people apparently this illustrates exactly what Lucifer did he walked among the created angelic
beings and promoted an organized Rebellion against God promising higher positions in the governance of the universe the devil never had to change his tactics whether in heaven or on Earth for one simple reason they still work all this did not happen suddenly nor in a few days we have no way of measuring the time Lucifer took to promote his Rebellion but it was long enough for him to organize a carefully planned revolt against God and convince approximate ly a third of the angels to join him this estimate is based on a statement about Satan in
the Bible in Revelation 12:4 his tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the Earth the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth so that he might devour her child the moment it was born this passage interprets the stars of Heaven as referring to the totality of the Angels the Revolutionary acts that were produced originated in heaven not on Earth as the master of slander and defamation he continues to seek to undermine various forms of authority that God has established both in the
church and the world when Lucifer was cast out of Heaven he did not stop his Rebellion but continued establishing his own kingdom in opposition to the kingdom of God Pride the original sin your heart became proud because of your Beauty you corrupted your wisdom because of your Splendor so I threw you to the earth I made a spectacle of you before Kings Ezekiel 28:1 17 Lucifer's heart was filled with pride because of his Beauty and that was the reason why he was cast out from the Mountain of God what was Lucifer's initial motivation what was
the original sin Pride the original sin was committed in heaven not on Earth it wasn't drunkenness adultery or even lying it was a matter of pride pride Remains the most deadly of all sins many churches would never dream of committing adultery or getting drunk but they are easily seduced by Pride without realizing how damaging it can be Lucifer was so beautiful that he became proud of himself his pride completed the transformation of Lucifer into Satan I believe it is vital for all of us to realize that the first sin in the universe was not murder
nor or adultery but Pride it was Pride that produced the Rebellion moreover it was Pride that arose from the blessings that God himself had bestowed God gave Lucifer his Power Authority Beauty and wisdom all these were gifts from God but Lucifer's wrong attitude turned them into instruments of his own destruction I shocked to realize that men and women called and equipped by God still today commit the same tragic error that Lucifer did in Isaiah 14: 12-15 the prophet analyzes the motive behind Lucifer's Rebellion it was an ambition to be equal to God Lucifer made five
successive declarations each preceded by the phrase I will he said I will Ascend to Heaven I will exalt my Throne I will sit on the Mount of the assembly I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds finally comes the climax I will be like or equal to the most high like God himself Lucifer's ambition for self-promotion was the cause of his fall scripture confronts us with a deliberate contrast between Lucifer and Jesus Lucifer was not in the form of God he was a created being he had no right to be equal to God but
he tried to attain that equality and in trying to rise he fell on the other hand Jesus was divine by Eternal nature and enjoyed equality with God therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father God exalted him greatly God gave him a name that is above every name at the name of Jesus
every knee will bow those in heaven meaning all the created hosts who serve God in his heaven those on Earth meaning that ultimately every creature on earth will submit to Christ's Authority and those under the Earth referring to Satan's realm in Hades including death hell the grave and also the unrighteous Dead who previously rejected God's mercy every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord there is only one path to promotion self-humiliation this is an absolutely unchanging principle there are no exceptions the Way Up Is Down this is the great secret as Proverbs 18:12 declares
Before Destruction the heart of man is hay and before honor is humility referring again to Philippians we see a wonderful truth revealed therefore God also has highly exalted him and given him the name which is above every name self humiliation is a matter of will not emotions it is a decision each of us has to make for ourselves Lord I choose to humble myself before you I renounce Pride arrogance and personal ambition before you and my brothers and sisters in Christ your Pomp and Splendor have been brought down to shol along with the music of
your Harps maggots are spread beneath you as a bed and worms are your covering Babylonian rulers how you have fallen from Heaven oh Morning Star bringer of light son of the Dawn you have been cast down to the ground you who weakened the Nations king of Babylon but you said in your heart I will Ascend to Heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit enthroned on the Mount of the assembly on the utmost Heights of the north I will Ascend above the tops of the clouds I will make myself
like the most high but in fact you will be brought down to shol to the far recesses of the pit the realm of the Dead Isaiah 14: 11-15 Lucifer's desire was to be on the same level as God he imagined himself so intelligent beautiful and Majestic that he allegedly thought to himself I could be God according to scripture Lucifer undermined the Loyalty of a third of God's angels and Drew them into his rebellion and downfall biblical Scholars generally agree that Lucifer was in charge of orchestrating worship in heaven he was a musical master who continues
to use music to Captivate people to this day Lucifer was in charge of God's sanctuary in heaven he was responsible for religious Services he was the Cherub who guarded the place where God's presence manifested he was in charge of Music he was an artist who was very successful then he rebelled and fell Pride the battle lines were drawn he was cast out of God's presence after becoming proud of his wisdom and beauty and after planning his Rebellion against God his treacherous Angels were cast out with him Lucifer was perhaps the wisest and most beautiful of
all God's creatures but scripture says that his heart became proud the fall of Lucifer Satan began from within before it led to his actual fall after growing in Pride because of his wisdom and beauty and after scheming his planned Rebellion against God he was cast out of God's presence and his treacherous Angels were cast out with him we should consider this in our own lives God created Adam as unique among all creatures there was something special in the way Adam was created that was designed in the mind of the Creator to combat Pride Adam came
from a different Source than any other created being we know from the lowest point the most humble and yet God made him capable of becoming the highest God combined in Adam both the lowest and the highest here is the description of of Adam's Creation in Genesis and the Lord God formed man or Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and Man became a living being or Soul unlike Lucifer we can remember this and remain grounded and humble Satan's Counterattack Satan the already fallen angel enemy of God
and man retaliated he had a particular enmity against man for two reasons first he could attack attack the image of God in man man visibly represented God to the rest of creation Satan could not touch God directly but he could wage war against the very image of God within man his pleasure was to stain that image destroy it and humiliated and to that end he worked tirelessly when someone stops worshiping they start seeking to be worshiped Heaven is too small for two objects of worship and it is written in Jude verse one that the Angels
who did not keep their proper domain were cast down the lesson from Lucifer's fall is clear first when you refuse to worship you descend if you want to be a declining Christian be too proud to worship second pride is a fast descent the devil was once the Bright Morning Star a beautiful Angelic being who fell from the heavens when he rebelled against God becoming Satan the adversary of God what you don't don't turn into praise becomes pride and we were never created for that the higher We rise the more we must give glory to God
honor to God the more God blesses you you must not become arrogant thinking look at me I don't need to worship like those humble people you were nothing before but God lifted you up and blessed you according to the Bible let everything that has breath praise the Lord in the Book of Genesis God breathed into Humanity be a worshiper if you have the life of God in you then praise the Lord that is the command of scripture we have been Justified to glorify freed to love him redeemed to Rejoice liberated to dance freed to sing
be humble and praise God praise is a serious Topic in the Bible however there are those who mock it even within the church the only thing that can keep you in a spiritual environment and I emphasize this is praising and worshiping God the day you decide not to worship God you will leave his presence a fish cannot survive without water the human body cannot survive without oxygen and a Christian cannot survive without praising and worshiping God you will have to thank God sooner or later you will have to learn to clap your hands and say
hallelujah sooner or later praise God thank you Lord Jesus I worship you Lord praise be to God in any case sooner or later if if you don't do it you will no longer be in God's presence and will perish if you don't spend time in his presence the final form of the serpent imagine a place more beautiful than any park or garden you've ever seen remember that the Garden of Eden was more than any common park or garden you can imagine the Garden of Eden was a perfect Paradise created by God it had every kind
of tree that was good for food and pleasing to the eyes God placed Adam and Eve in this Garden providing them with everything they needed to be happy and healthy Adam had an important job in the Garden of Eden God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone so he decided to create a companion for him Adam and Eve lived in perfect harmony with God and nature God gave Adam and Eve one rule to follow they were not to eat from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil this was a
special tree placed in the middle of the garden and eating from it would bring ter terrible consequences God wanted to protect them from those consequences so he clearly instructed them not to eat its fruit and the Lord God commanded the man saying you may freely unconditionally eat the fruit of every tree of the garden but only from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil you must not eat otherwise on the day you eat from it you will certainly die because of your Disobedience Genesis 2: 16 and 17 in the Garden of Eden there
was a very clever snake this snake was different from the others it could speak and had a cunning idea to deceive Adam and Eve now the serpent was more cunning subtle and skilled in deceit than any other animal of the field which the Lord God had made and the serpent Satan said to the woman did God really say you shall not eat from any tree of the garden Genesis 3:1 the Bible tells us that the the serpent was more cunning than any other animal of the field which the Lord God had made the serpent began
speaking to Eve asking a deceptive question to make her doubt God's command it asked if God really said they couldn't eat from any tree in the garden the serpent was trying to confuse Eve and make her think that God's rules were irrational Eve responded to the serpent explaining that they could eat from the trees in the garden except for the one in the middle she also added that they were not to touch it or they would die the serpent then told Eve a blatant lie directly contradicting what God had said it claimed they wouldn't die
if they ate the fruit instead it said their eyes would be opened and they would be like God knowing good and evil Genesis 3: 4 and 5 this lie made Eve doubt God's goodness and his warning Eve began to look at the fruit of the Forbidden tree differently she saw that that it was good for food pleasing to the eye and desirable for gaining wisdom the Serpent's words made her think that eating the fruit might be a good idea after all this shows that Eve was tempted in three ways through her physical appetite her visual
attraction and her desire for wisdom these are common ways people are tempted even today have you ever been tempted to do something because it looked good or seemed like a smart choice even though you knew it was wrong Eve made the Fateful decision to eat the fruit she took some and ate it then gave some to Adam who was with her and he also ate this act of Disobedience was the first sin and changed everything for Adam Eve and all of humanity and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food pleasing to
the eyes and desirable for gaining understanding she took some of its fruit and ate it and she also gave some to her husband and he ate it Genesis 3:6 after they ate the fruit their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked for the first time they felt shame and guilt and tried to cover themselves with fig leaves this was a huge change from their innocence before the fall this story shows how the serpent who was Satan in Disguise uses deception and lies to lead people away from God it reminds us to be careful
about whom we listen to and to trust in God's word have you ever felt deceived by something that seemed good at first but later turned out to be harmful Adam and Eve's Disobedience brought not only physical consequences but also spiritual consequences they were separated from God in a way they had never experienced before this separation is called spiritual death they no longer had the perfect and close relationship with God that they once enjoyed for the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God which is his extraordinary and abundant grace to Believers is
eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord Romans 6: 23 the punishment of the serpent after Adam and Eve realized they had disobeyed God he began to announce the consequences starting with the serpent the serpent used by Satan to deceive Eve was cursed above all other animals it would crawl on its B and eat dust for the rest of its life this curse marked the serpent as a symbol of Deceit and evil so the Lord God said to the serpent because you have done this you are cursed more than all livestock and more than all wild
animals you will crawl on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life Genesis 3:14 this curse showed that there would always be a struggle between good and evil God said there would be strong enmity between The Serpent and the woman and also between their offspring this prediction meant that one day good would triumph over evil and I will put enmity open hostility between you and the woman and between your Offspring and hers he will fatally crush your head and you will strike his heel Genesis 3:15 the judgments on Adam Eve and the
serpent reveal several important truths about Sin and its consequences first sin disrupts our relationship with God and with one another Adam and Eve's actions brought separation from God and introduced conflict into their relationship therefore just as through one man sin entered the world and death through sin and thus death spread to all men because all sinned Romans 5:12 second these judgments highlight both God's justice and mercy while he punished ad ad and Eve he also provided a way for their Redemption the message about the offspring of the woman who would crush the Serpent's head points
to Jesus Christ who would defeat sin and death therefore as through one man's offense judgment came to all men resulting in condemnation even so through one man's righteous act the free gift came to all men resulting in justification of Life Romans 5:8 God's actions show that he is just and must punish sin but he is also loving and merciful providing a way for Humanity to be restored to him if you like this video and want to continue exploring topics like this don't forget to subscribe to the channel leave a like and turn on the notification
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