Firebase vs Supabase — I Built The Same App With Both

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AI but the same exact application using Super Bass and Firebase and these are my thoughts on the two I'm making this video so that you can learn about the pros and cons of using Super Bass versus Firebase so that in the end you can decide which technology you want to use for your next project fun fact the app that I actually built is my new startup idea and in the end I'm going to tell you which one I decided to move forward with for those of you that are looking for my opinion on a particular
topic here is a list of time stamps of everything that I'm going over first up is what app am I building the app that I'm building is called linkful it's a better way for Content creators to do affiliate marketing there's a pretty good chance that you run into the situation before where you're on Tick Tock Instagram YouTube shorts and you see a certain video talking about a product and at the end they say if you want to buy this product you can go to the link in my bio but then you go to the link
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linkful you never have to scroll through hundreds of different links on linktree or you don't have to scroll through 100 different links on their Amazon so that's the app now let's cover the actual technical topic so for those of you that don't know Firebase and Super Bass are basically at its core a back end as a service platform so you don't have to manage your own servers it scales up automatically for you it's a little unfair to directly compare Firebase and Super Bass because Firebase is a much older product and Firebase has a lot more
product offerings compared to Super Bass but let's go over the features that both Firebase and Super Bass have in common and see how they stack up to each other so number one is authentication Firebase authentication and Super Bass authentication are very similar because they are really easy to use you're able to implement authentication super easily with both platforms and honestly I find them to be pretty similar they both have really intuitive user interfaces to handle the authentication overall the developer experience of implementing authentication on Firebase and Super Bass are very similar I can't think of
any simpler way to implement authentication between those two they both get one point education number two is databases and these are where things start to get pretty different I'm primarily going to be talking about firestore which is firebase's Premier database offering and what makes firestore unique is that it is a real-time database and it is built on a nosql database it is proprietary specifically to Firebase itself or as Super Bass actually builds their database off of postgres which is an open source platform and that's going to be the biggest difference between using Firebase versus Super
Bass Super Bass is built on a completely open source technology so you never have to worry about getting vendor lock-in whereas firestore and Firebase is going to force you to do a lot more vendor lock-in because the database that they're using is proprietary to it depending on what type of application you are building sometimes a relational database is going to be more advantageous compared to using a non-relational database like firestore so that's something to consider when you are building your next application both Firebase and Super Bass offer security rules but the way that they offer
these security rules is very different super based security rules are written completely in SQL so for those of you that are very proficient in SQL it's going to be really simple for you to write these security your Firebase does not use SQL and actually just uses its own syntax which is decently intuitive but I do think as you get into more complicated use cases the Firebase security rules are going to be harder to write so in the end they both offer very similar features but just the way that they Implement them is different I am
going to give the advantage in this case to Super Bass though because everything is written in SQL from the authentication rules to how the database is actually set up number two is cloud storage both offer cloud storage and it's very simple to use and very easy to set up you just create a bucket add some security rules to it and then you can start uploading whatever you want in there there's really no major advantage or disadvantage between the two product offerings of a storage bucket so I'm going to give them each one point next up
is cloud function both super bass and Firebase offer Cloud function they're both very easy to set up but I will say the one downside the Super Bass functions is that it is a little bit trickier to develop locally with them the one downside to locally developing with super based functions is that you can only run one at a time I'm pretty sure that the Super Bass team is actively working on this issue to make sure that you can test all of your functions all at once and I do believe that there is one workaround to
test all of your functions at once but it's not officially supported out of the box by supervision so overall super based functions and Firebase functions are both pretty similar but I will say I'm going to give a slight Edge to Firebase functions in this case simply for the local development experience next up is pricing which one is more expensive this really does depend also quick pause in the video but if you are enjoying this video up until now and you're finding informative definitely feel free to hit that like button and you know what while you're
at it why don't you give your boys a subscribe there are certain things that are cheaper on Firebase compared to Super Bass and there are certain things that are cheaper on Super Bass compared to Firebase for example Firebase author is free unlimited authentications for users whereas superbase only offers 50 000 monthly active users for free but superbase does not charge you on read and write requests and simply charges you on the data transfer to whereas Firebase does charge you on the read and write request so that can get pretty expensive if you're doing a lot
of read and write operation with pricing it's hard to say one is a clear winner so I'm gonna give each of them one point because really it depends on your situation some other miscellaneous things to consider is the fact that super bass is built on completely open source technology so you don't actually have to pay for their service you can host everything in a Docker image and then post it on your cloud provider of choice whereas with Google you are completely going to be locked into the Google Cloud platform and you're going to get locked
into that Google ecosystem another thing to consider is the fact that superface is definitely still a startup and there are always risks about building anything on a startup technology because one day they might go out of business and then your app is not running on anything anymore and you definitely don't want that to happen now do I think that's gonna happen no I've heard that they're doing very very well so I don't think that's something you should be afraid of but it is something to keep in mind and then in terms of other client Library
support if you're looking for your One-Stop solution to support your mobile apps as well as your Unity games as well as your web application Firebase is going to be the definite winner here because they support Android iOS web and I believe Unity as well whereas Super Bass officially only supports JavaScript so it's typically going to be a web application or a react native mobile application but if you're trying to do some native development with kotlin or Swift or Unity I mean you probably aren't going to be wanting to use super bass anytime soon for my
new startup that I'm building right now I actually decided to go with Super Bass my number one rationale for this is that I really wanted to use a relational database so I really wanted to use the postgres database that super bass is built on compared to the very proprietary nosql database that Firebase is built on all right well that's super bass versus Firebase
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