The Channeling State // Spiritual Intelligence 08

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Aaron Abke
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Video Transcript:
[Music] namaste and welcome back to the channel today we're finishing up our series on the three states of mastery as we discuss the third and highest state of mastery which i call the channeling state and as with the previous two states of mastery this is also a state that one can learn to access for short intervals of time as well as a level of spiritual intelligence that one can abide in permanently through enough spiritual discipline and because this is the highest state of mastery achievable it has a lot to show us about the nature of
consciousness of energy and spiritual ascension so please join me for this eighth episode of spiritual intelligence as we discuss the third state of mastery known as the channeling state [Music] in order to understand what the channeling state is and how it happens we need to have a better idea of the singularity level of sq that it correlates with and so just like the previous two states of mastery the channeling state manifests automatically once one raises their level of spiritual intelligence to the crown chakra level and this is where one has opened the gateway to intelligent
infinity and raw says a number of interesting things about this gateway in the law of one one of which is that a being who has opened this gateway can basically walk the universe with unfettered tread another interesting thing they say is that during the channeling sessions with carla that they would enter the instrument's body through the back upper region of the top of the head which is right where the crown chakra sits above the spinal column so the reasons why the channeling state correlates to the crown chakra level of sq are fairly obvious when the
crown chakra is fully opened it begins to bathe the brain in pure cosmic energy gifting the being with spiritual genius and profound psychic connection to the universe and this is because the crown chakra only opens to intelligent infinity or the universal mind once the lower six chakras have been fully activated and evenly balanced making the entity a kind of living channel for divine intelligence and this is the singularity state the level of the great avatars such as christ the buddha krishna shiva zoroaster ma avatar babaji and countless others throughout history we know that the crown
chakra actually rests about two to three inches above the top of the head where the toroidal field intersects and begins to enter the sushumna channel or the spinal column and so this singularity level has been represented in ancient paintings and depictions of saints and angels with golden halos above the top of the head signifying the state of radiant inner illumination and these are beings that have miracles manifesting around them without any perceivable effort on their behalf and everything that they speak is incredibly profound and full of divine wisdom almost as if that they are channeling
all the time this is why the words and teachings of these beings almost always last the test of time and even today we still marvel at the brilliance of these beings who lived thousands of years ago in most cases these are beings who pierced the third eye and crown level awakening the kundalini energy which allowed them to have such supernatural power and knowledge they are essentially walking forth density beings living in a third density body they represent the highest level of purification possible for a human or as ra calls it in the law of one
crystallization so how does one achieve such a high level of spiritual intelligence how is the singularity level reached within a human lifetime the singularity level is reached when one has transcended every possible aspect of third density consciousness but this begs the question what is transcendence what does it mean to transcend something we typically think of the word transcendence as overcoming something but it's more accurately an unbecoming of something it is a inward movement towards the unblemished true nature and so this is why the practice of meditation consists of drawing one's attention inwards past the outer
layers of the conscious mind and into the deep mind so we could say that in the meditative state one has transcended the conscious mind at the core of every soul is the one infinite creator in all of its totality and so the more that we move inwards the more that we polarize spiritually and access more of the love light and light love that exists within us so the process of transcending consists in allowing the attention to travel systematically from the grossest aspects of mind to the subtlest and eventually beyond the mind altogether or in fewer
words transcendence is the passage of attention from the outermost layer of mind to the innermost layer of all which is the self as we continue to transcend subtler and subtler layers of the mind this directly translates to our experience of the world because we are a microcosm of the macrocosm so when we transcend a certain layer of our own mind we simultaneously transcend the corresponding layer of reality we penetrate deeper through the illusion of separation until eventually consciousness is left alone with nothing left to experience but itself and this is the singularity state when the
natural silence of the unmanifest self is experienced constantly alongside the activity of the manifest self and no difference between the two is perceived any longer now that we understand how consciousness transcends illusions let's find a better definition for consciousness as well we're going to talk more about the role and function of the nervous system in reaching these higher levels of sq in coming episodes but for now it's just important to understand the role that the nervous system plays for consciousness itself so here's my personal definition consciousness is the reflection of the absolute within a given
nervous system without a nervous system the body's just an inanimate lump of flesh the nervous system is sort of the conduit or interface between the subtle body and the physical body that allows the physical body to be animated with the life force of consciousness the human nervous system consists of the seven energy centers and 72 000 nadis which feed all of the neurons and synapses of the physical body when we observe a neuron under a microscope we are watching the subtle body feeding its prana into the physical body's neurology and animating it with life so
we can see that in the same way that our neurons work together to give us life and experience each one of us is like an individual neuron of the universe we are the universe becoming conscious of itself which is why we say that when we wake up the whole universe wakes up as the buddha famously said when i awakened the whole world awakened with me in the same way that ra teaches our energy centers must be cleansed and balanced we also do that on behalf of the universe as well so when any individual becomes completely
crystallized purified of all flaws they reach the singularity level and access the channeling state permanently a channeler however has to go through this process of transcendence in a different way when someone channels they are moving inwards through the layers of the conscious mind and attempting to achieve a trance state and so although we live in much lower levels of frequency from higher density beings we can use the trans state to communicate with them or channel them from the trance state we can raise our energy level much higher so that higher density beings can lower their
energy level to meet us at the same frequency this is the art of channeling the channeling state is the highest state of mastery because it requires that one has mastered their masculine and feminine energies because one must use both sides of the brain in order to channel the right side of the brain is the feminine energy to be receptive to what's coming in and the left side of the brain is the masculine energy to organize and translate all that information into words and sentences so we've said that the three states of mastery are really just
extensions of one another meaning that until you've entered mind heart coherence you can't access the flow state and until you've entered the flow state you cannot access the channeling state so the flow state leads into the channeling state because once the body loses all sense of being separate it will eventually translate to the mind and once the mind loses all sense of separation you are in the channeling state you have become the field of consciousness and are now ready for communication and while this is a natural and normal state for higher density beings it is
a rare commodity a rare achievement for third density beings so there are different levels of channeling based upon the levels of mind transcendence that the person channeling is able to access esther hicks who channels abraham uses lucid channeling her eyes are open and she's walking around the stage and engaging with people and the physical world because this is a very low level of transcendence she can only receive a very wide band channel abraham the entity she channels is sending her impressions ideas and feelings which esther translates in her own personal way darylanka who channels bashar
practices lucid trance channeling he closes his eyes so as to transcend the surface levels of mind and then begins a few minutes of focused breath work to deepen into trance and by going deeper into trance than esther hicks does he is able to receive a medium band channel where bashar sends him calculated information ideas and imagery which daryl translates while being in a deep flow state but to his own admission he is still conscious and aware of everything that bashar is speaking finally we have full trans channeling which is how jane roberts received the seth
contact and how carla rouchart received the raw contact carla would put herself completely into a trance state where she would be unaware of anything that transpired during the channeling session don elkins actually asks raw in one of the earlier sessions if it would be okay if carla read some of the sessions they had done so far so they could show her how truly remarkable these transmissions were and raw states that the entity's mind complex was with them during the transmissions so she was completely unconscious during the sessions and therefore it wouldn't affect the contact if
she read the material raw also stated that they are a very difficult contact to make because they send a very narrow band frequency that can only be channeled in a full trance state so this gives you an idea for why channeled works that are done in the full trance state are so much more profound raw actually controlled carla's vocal cords and spoke through her slowly and carefully so that the contact was direct word for word communication from raw with no translator in between and this is why in my opinion the raw material stands apart from
all other channeled works in its depth in its complexity and in its uniqueness but there's also other versions of channeling like automatic writing which helen shuckman used to channel a course in miracles over a seven year period this technique allows for pen and paper to activate the flow state while the mind begins to become the passive bystander and slowly enters the channeling state now that we've covered the three states of mastery in the next episode we're going to dive into a foundational teaching from the upanishads which i hinted at in the first episode called the
four bodies of consciousness these four bodies are basically the four modes of perception that we move through in what i call the ascension spiral which will help us to understand the exact process of spiritual transcendence and spiritual ascension so i want to thank you for watching this video and i'll see you in the next episode hey everyone thank you for watching today's video i hope that you were truly blessed by it and i wanted to let you know that i'm really excited to now be partnering with an amazing conscious supplement company called organifi a lot
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