8 DEMONIC Objects in CHRISTIAN Homes | Remove INSTANTLY.

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eight demonic items you must remove from your home [Music] immediately jeez did you know that there are many things Satan may have tricked you into getting into your home we are often not aware but these items can be dangerous tools Satan used to direct his demons into the homes of unsuspecting Christians to fully grasp this concept let's go to the very beginning of the Bible to recall the warning God gave us about Satan he said now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made he said to the
woman did God really say You must not eat from any tree in the garden Genesis 3:1 in 2 Corinthians 2:1 Apostle warns do not let the enemy let Satan outwit you for we are not not unaware of his schemes These Warnings are even more relevant today because many people including born-again Christians choose to be oblivious to the dangers and schemes of Satan in spite of God's warning the Bible says in Romans 10:4 how will we know about these things of the spirit unless a teacher is sent please consider this message another lesson the schemes of
the devil so that he does not outwit you and cause you to accept something that looks normal but dangerous and capable of destroying you here are the 10 most common demonic objects that you might have in your home number one dream catchers a dream catcher is a handmade object traditionally used by Native American cultures particularly the ojibway Chipawa people it typically consists of a circular frame often made from a willow hoop with a woven web or net in the center various items like feathers and beads are often attached for decoration the primary purpose of a
dream catcher is to act as a protective charm It is believed to filter dreams allowing only positive dreams to pass through the web and reach the sleeper while negative dreams are caught in the web and dissipated with the light of dawn dream catchers are often hung over beds or in sleeping areas it says great right it is not the Bible says that Satan comes imitating an angel of Light witchcraft always comes in the form of false hope and false help the picture of a dream catcher many seem peaceful harmless and Serene the reality is that
it could be a demonic conduit get it out of your home often times people will criticize messages like this and saying it is not culturally sensitive they will say it's bashing the Native American culture let's be clear I have tremendous respect for culture just not those that could potentially serve as demonic conduit my first priority is to preach the scripture and not to be overly sensitive to cultural practices that stand in opposition the word of God the Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities powers and rulers in high places Ephesians 6:12
this is not about denigrating a culture or a group of people it is about heeding the warning of the Bible if we are not wise we will end up being taken captive by these spirits who are operating in through and around these objects in Deuteronomy 7:26 the Bible says nor shall you bring an Abomination into your house lest you be doomed to destruction like it you shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it for it is an our csed thing this verse references how Israel which was bordered by many Pagan Nations as result often times
they would sin by bringing the other nation's Idols into their homes over and over again in scripture God said You shall not have any other gods beside me I think Deuteronomy 7:26 is very important because it says you always become the thing that you worship so what happens when you bring these Idols into your life is that you begin to conform your identity to the idol instead of becoming more like Christ you become more like that thing you're not putting your trust in Jesus you're putting your trust in that Idol or object if you have
a dream catcher you need to destroy it now number two Sage mind you I am not talking about someone who is profoundly wise often with deep knowledge and experience particularly in areas of philosophy spirituality and life neither am I talking about what you rub your turkey with at Thanksgiving or what you use to season your chicken soup I'm referring to the ritualistic burning of sage some people claim that burning sage has medicinal purposes that it is antimicrobial and that when you burn it in your house it helps destroy bacteria if that is the purpose for
which it used fine but we know that they are used for more than that they are used in rituals and spiritual ceremonies for so-called cleansing and purification the enemy is Crafty in scripture the enemy First shows up in the garden in the form of a serpent and that means that he is stealthy he is always stalking and creeping the enemy will cause you to normalize things that should not be normalized so you'll say well I burned Sage for antimicrobial and antibacterial purposes but if you have studied witchcraft Sage is a very very common part of
the practice it's used for summoning Conjuring and creating atmospheres and environments that are conducive to Witchcraft and other demonic practices so if you have or use a sage in your home get rid of it right now number three tarot cards the Bible contains several passages that explicitly warn against practices such as divination which tarot cards are often associated with for example Deuteronomy 18:10 to12 says let no one be found among you who practices divination or sorcery interprets Omens engages in witchcraft anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord in Leviticus 19:26 the warning
could not be clearer it says do not practice divination or seek Omens we are to trust in God's guidance and plan for our lives rather than seeking Insight from other sources relying on tarot cards for guidance is tantamount to placing trust in something other than God and that is dangerous it opens the door for Satan to pounce and exploit your faith tarot cards can open one up to negative spiritual influences that can lead you away from the path of Salvation thus I ask that you seek wisdom and guidance through prayer reading the Bible and developing
a personal relationship with God engaging with tarot cards can distract from these spiritual disciplines the Bible says the holy spirit will teach you all things and that God will give you Revelation wisdom and knowledge and that he uses the church to make his manifold wisdom known we don't have to consult tarot cards we have scripture get rid of them number four crystals is not a interesting that the new age philosophy is packaged with everyday things such common materials as candles Linens and Home Decor are packaged right along with crystals yet you won't see many bibles
or crosses in such home stores the reason crystals are so popular is that they're aesthetically beautiful you can collect stones and enjoy nature God created crystals gems and stones but you need to discern the spirit Spirit Behind these items Deuteronomy 7:26 says nor shall you bring an Abomination into your house lest you be doomed to destruction like it you shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it for it is an our csed thing when you purchase these crystals often they'll come with packaging that has statements or phrases that have ungodly intentions on their own these
are mere items but these crystals can be demonic items because of the spirit ual system behind them so if you're a geologist or a researcher great you may work with these but if you're buying Crystal and the source of it has a value system that is cursed and demonic please rethink your decision take for instance healing crystals as Believers we're supposed to help the world understand that by the stripes that Jesus Christ bore on his back we are healed so it's not healing crystals that help us it's our healing savior these crystals disconnect the Savior
from healing and connect healing to crystals to Satan it's pure idolatry if this is why you have crystals in your home get them out right now number five religious statues okay this one is controversial because of our Catholic brothers and sisters as well as other denomination that heavily favor the use of statues religious statues are sculptures that represent deities Saints prophets or other significant figures within various religious Traditions these statues are created to embody the attributes virtues and stories of these figures they represent for example often the statues of Jesus Christ the Virgin Mary and
various Saints are commonly used in churches and homes to inspire devotion and remind the faithful of the virtues and deeds of these holy figures if that is where it ends perhaps you are safe but for many it is not many people turn these objects into objects of worship a pure adulatory practice that the Bible warns against in Exodus 20:4 to5 it says you shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in Heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below you shall not bow down to them or worship
them furthermore when when you rely on religious statues for your inspiration there is a risk that you might focus more on the physical statue than on developing a personal and spiritual relationship with God if you believe that Jesus is Way the truth and the life then you will reserve your worship for him and him alone and not any religious statue number six evil books your mind is a gateway to your soul what you read can find its way into your spirit engaging with literature that promotes evil immorality or antichristian values can negatively impact your spiritual
well-being as apostle Paul says we are to focus on what is pure Noble and righteous he says in Philippians 4:8 finally brothers and sisters whatever is true whatever is Noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things in other words avoid books that does not add glory to God when we talk about evil books you must ask yourself who does the book glorify what does the book glorify how do you determine whether or not it is demonic a lot of people
are addicted to sexual fantasy books I would say it's a demonic object because what that book is doing is unrighteously fulfilling a sexual desire you have to be led by the Holy Spirit as you are going on this journey to determine what is demonic and what's not reading material that glorifies evil or sinful behavior Can tempt individuals to engage in similar thoughts or actions avoiding such literature helps minimize exposure to potential Temptations in 1 Corinthians 10:13 Paul says no temptation has overtaken you except what is common to Mankind and God is faithful he will not
let you be tempted beyond what you can bear but when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it in spite of these assurances an even more relevant verse is Romans 12:2 it says do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will will be able to test and approve what God's will is his good pleasing and perfect will avoid books with demonic flirtations especially if you are not spiritually matured enough to handle its content number seven Evil
toys the goal of every parent is to provide spiritual and moral guidance to their children toys that glorify Satan or depict evil can send conflicting messages about what is good and acceptable for example a toy that is themed around demonic characters or promotes witchcraft might contradict the values parents are trying to instill such as love kindness and faith in God children are impressionable and the toys they play with can influence their understanding of the world toys that depict evil characters or practices can shape their perception of what is normal or acceptable action figures or dolls
designed to look like demons with dark and Sinister appearances might lead children to become desensitized to evil or view it as exciting or fun Children's imaginations are powerful and the toys they engage with can fuel their creative play encouraging imaginative play with wholesome positive toys is more beneficial for their mental and Spiritual Development the Bible warns against involvement with anything that represents or glorifies evil parents who adhere to these teachings will avoid toys that conflict with Biblical principles the Bible says in Ephesians 5:1 have nothing to do with the fruitless Deeds of Darkness but rather
expose them instead of toys with occult or satanic themes parents please choose toys that teach about biblical stories virtues and characters such as Noah's Arc sets or figurines of biblical Heroes number eight evil jewelry these are items like the allseeing eye and masonic rings that are sometimes handed down from generation to generation people believe these artifacts are supposed to help they they are supposed to ward off evil listen to me right now no they are not what they do is attract evil they are evil magnets they may bring demons into your life how do I
know this because the scripture warned us the Bible consistently warns against idolatry and adopting practices associated with Pagan worship wearing jewelry that glorifies Satan or demons means participating in or endorsing such practices in First Corinthians 10: 20 to 21 the Bible says no but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to Demons not to God and I do not want you to be participants with demons you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons many times we
will excuse keeping these items because of the value of the gold or stones but we don't realize that the cost of keeping it is greater than the value of the gold inside of it it's a form of deception there are a lot of new age raiki healers going about tattoos piercings and things that happen that are associated with ritualistic practices evil eye jewelry and jewelry connected to the Saints avoid these practices and stay grounded in Jesus some these jewelries holds the images of saints these Saints become an idol of worship stop praying to the Saints
the sacrifice of Jesus Christ means that there's no Veil between you and God you can come boldly Before the Throne of Grace it Grieves the heart of God stop praying to Peter Peter was just a man pray to God he's the one who adopted you and made you a son or a daughter Peter was just a person get rid of those deceptive evil jewelies this ad just a sample of objects in many homes that can be demonic and dangerous please note that it's not just about removing objects but about removing the belief systems and ideologies
that are connected to them first find and destroy the objects don't keep them second examine your heart and ask yourself what gaps in your spiritual life need refilling ask yourself if all is right in your relationship with Jesus if there is something to be done get down on your knel and start with prayer of forgiveness and reconnection whatever protection you were seeking from jewelry or crystals or age or whatever knowledge or wisdom you were searching for outside of Christ you now turn to Jesus and ask his favor and protection and guidance on your life thank
you for watching God bless you amen
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