Mama Gadzhi's Birthday! (Greece Vlog)

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Iman Gadzhi
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[Music] so guys I am hella hella tired wait one second wassup so guys as I said I am a hella hella tired I just had the Meridian a mastermind weekend so I'm spent from that and tomorrow or like in like four or five hours I actually have a flight to Greece I have to wake up like 4:00 a.m. I can't remember the last time I woke up that early for a flight but yeah I'm taking my mom to Greece for her birthday and yeah it's gonna be fun everyone last time I took my mom away
to Paris that was probably one of the props moments of my life I was around like eight months ago nine months ago at this point just seeing the smile on her face was an incredible feeling and to do it again is gonna be incredible feeling once again so as always whenever I travel and do stuff that isn't just work and the reality of entrepreneurship I'm gonna take you guys with me so [Music] it's a few miles the roundabout straight on so guys here at the airport about to board the flight I think the gate closed
in like four or five minutes it is early as hell it it's been like eight months since you've been on the vlog I think was the last time you run here I remember you scared to go home my mama daddy bro I could see the tears fall from my eyes good job and Caspian sealed others it's similar to this place making friends all right we are here this is in the hotel yeah I can [ __ ] about this place sorry what did you say what did you say thank you so guys as you can
see we're here just shine at the place yeah homes pretty happy with it which is good so guys we are in the hotel room now so I'm gonna give you a little tour this is a bathroom very Mediterranean see you come in through here that is my luggage e yeah just looks pretty dope just to the vibe of it in general it's good one thing I love about this place and it had at the last place an espresso machine so I can actually have good coffee in the morning rather than that shitty like instant one
this is like one of or an off one of this is the nice suite you can get here I'm glad they threw that in I got my home looks plenty SL and yeah this is this is the view out we're right at the top I don't know how well that shows but seriously guys the ocean here you in the Mediterranean so the ocean here is so so blue and yeah in general this resort looks just freaking dope okay you're my facebook right are you seeing it I mean I can see I can see the chat
pod okay okay in the basement before we start so guys literally an hour and a half later and I just got off of Skype as I said just building all this chap off visibility it out for a while now it's got a few purposes it's got you know a ie man it's got entire back-end follow-up for first of all webinars second for some of my affiliate offers that I'm promoting and in general it just autumn eise's and will autumn I and will streamline a lot of stuff then I have to do myself my assistant has
to do or just yeah really really cool tech and I'm really excited to roll it out so yeah I am dead I think I've been awake for like 18 no like 19 19 20 hours now so yeah time to go to bed so guys it is like three four days later and has actually my mom's birthday today I just turned on guys hope you enjoy this vlog I know it really didn't record much really you know as I said I just came here suffering my mom's birthday you know get her in some Sun get her
some you know dinner enjoying this place this place is all mostly beautiful you know the the place we're staying at first of all and second just like you know mentoring the Mediterranean I was always just like really really nice the water is just so like one thing that I want to leave you guys off with is if you're going through a tough time if you are going through you know if you're going through a tough time if you're second-guessing why you're doing this which is entrepreneurship or bettering yourself I know if you're watching this channel
you know you may not be an entrepreneur like 80% chance you are or you're aspiring to be but I know you of a higher caliber because I think that's the sort of message that is promoted on here and I think you know the incredible people who have gone through my online programs who have gone to my events who are just even subscribe to my youtube channel you know I connect with you guys I connect with you guys to DMS through comments you know I don't respond to too many YouTube comments because you know I see
when I see people who claim to be high level responding to their YouTube comments like I mean you know as someone asked me like why don't you do a vlog every single day I run three businesses like you know I'm leading just bringing on employees now I've been a one-man team up until this point except for you know a couple people who work remotely including like my Chapel okay you know I try to respond as much as I possibly can but you know when I do actually get a chance and I do get some free
time and respond to DMS or YouTube comments or Facebook messages and stuff like that like you guys are freaking incredible I can't even begin to like explain the incredible things you guys are doing and the mentality you guys have it you know it's completely different to anything I've seen in this whole like entrepreneurship space so anyways my point is and if you are at a place where you know you're wondering why the hell you're doing this and you just need some sort of tanker or some sort of you know why just do it for your
mom like you know do it for your mom do it for your dad you know it's that's always been my why and to this day that's someone why you know I can honestly say I still work for my mom to make sure that you know she's protected and she's taken care of and that is living what got me through a place where you know through my darkest darkest moments where I just wanted to give up where I went I literally have the entire world on my shoulders have the well-being of my family and the well-being
of my self I have the well-being of the people around me I have so much pressure on me and to this day I have ridiculous amounts of pressure on me and sometimes it's long easy sometimes I you know sometimes I wonder if I went back and just had a normal kid's life if I didn't have the sort of pressure I had put on me at such a young age to take care of the people around me I don't you know I wonder what my life would be like and sometimes like I'm kind of envious of
people like that but you know it's made me who I am today so guys seriously if you need an anchor if you need a why just think about the smile on your mom or your dad or your brothers whoever it is that you know you're using as an anchor imagine the smile on their face when you know wherever you guys are at now you take them to you take you and your family so completely to another level you know you take you and your girlfriend to where you guys are right now which might be eating
[ __ ] ramen and wondering you know where you're gonna get the money to pay the next bill you take them from that level to traveling the world you know imagine the smile on your girlfriend's face when you are able to do that and I know what that's like personally you know my my ex-girlfriend incredible incredible girl she literally used to pay for my laundry because I had no money you know because single mom very just weird intricate like childhood you you know I can talk about that you know in a little while when current
things that are going on right now clear you know I'll definitely tell you guys a lot more about my background stuff like that in half a year a year when some legal things clear my point is you know I know you know I know what that's like if you're using your anchor your girlfriend as an anchor you I know what it's like to have your girlfriend pay for your lunch because you live you have no money you know and then to go from that to web map right now my girlfriend being able to take on
holiday you know being able to treat her because I think you know it's not about the money it's just the fact that you can take care of the people that you know given so much to you so guys use that as an anchor seriously you know the house the car the Rolex the Gucci whatever stupid [ __ ] we want to buy it's all just a piece of metal that's all just a piece of this you know and this goes you know but um you know how you make people feel and and sort of the
impact on the legacy you leave in this world that's that's gonna be the only thing you have left so guys be that catalyst for you be that catalyst for your family for your girlfriend three friends you know be the one who changes everything for you know for your circles so yeah signing off from a beautiful Greece and I'll see you guys in the next video
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