[Music] hi hi are you a new student I saw you in my math class yes I'm a new exchange student from Spain I'm studying at Boston University for a year I'm Emma I'm Martha how has your first month in the u.s. been are you having a good time yes it's really great I'm glad I made the decision to go abroad I've always wanted to live in another country what made you finally decide to do it I knew that studying abroad would make a difference in my education in my life but I was afraid I would
miss my family too much my grandpa told me to follow my dream and take the chance then one day I decided to take my grandpa's advice and just do it I was tired of making excuses for why I couldn't go that's how I came to this decision you're really brave I don't know if I could spend a year in another country especially if people spoke another language actually I've been learning English my whole life I've always had a passion for it I saw Boston in some American movies it looked so nice that I wanted to
make the effort to come here have you seen any sights yet not yet I've been too busy to do my homework I didn't realize how many assignments American professors give I know I've been thinking about making a complaint to the Dean of Students some of my teachers make me take a test every week wow that's terrible that reminds me I have an assignment I need to get started on soon one of my teachers wanted me to write a 10-page paper Wow that's long I hope you get to take a break soon there are so many
things to see and do in Boston I might see some sighs this weekend I have to do the shopping for my apartment so I'll be out anyway do you have any recommendations [Music] Faneuil Hall is a fun marketplace to visit I think you would love to spend time looking at all the shops and getting some food I'd love to try some American foods I do the cooking at my apartment so I only eat Spanish food Wow you cook I'm terrible at cooking every time I try to make dinner I make a mistake one time I
added too much seasoning and the taste was horrible Oh another time I forgot I had left something on the stove and it caught fire the food stuck to the pan I made a mess ah I could do you a favor and teach you how to cook that's okay I've come to terms with the fact that I'm not a good cook would you do me a favor then sure what is it could you make time to take me to Fanueil Hall this weekend I'm afraid I'll get lost if I go alone sure that'd be fun I
can show you where to find a cheap meal so that you don't go bankrupt Thanks it's always good to save money I can't get a job to make money in the US so I can't spend too much I must spend my money wisely I know what you mean what time do you want to go this weekend I'm having a haircut on Saturday morning can we make place a little later I need to make a quick call to my mother sure take your time and talk to her we can meet in the cafeteria for dinner at
5 o'clock p.m. sounds good I see you soon [Music] hi Emma hi Marta take a seat Thanks did you manage to speak to your mom yes I did she had called me a few times before but I couldn't take her calls but I quickly texted her and made a promise to call her later so I had to keep my promise the guy behind you keeps looking at you I think you caught his attention really yes just take a look honey hi do you know him yes we take a class together from the way he is
looking at you I'm getting the impression that he likes you can you keep a secret sure I like him too that's great you should give him your phone number I don't think that's a good idea I get frightened just thinking about going on a date haven't you been on a date before yes but that was his pain I don't know what to expect with American boys I don't want anyone to bring my heart besides every time I catch sight of a cute boy I'm too afraid to talk because I get worried you might find my
accent weird are you kidding your English is so good you don't need to worry besides the right guy will like you just the way you are okay I'm go talk to him then I'll do my best not to make a fool of myself what happened I was going to go break the ice and talk to him but someone has sit down who was it I hate to make assumptions but I think she's his girlfriend yes I think you're right sorry Marta that's okay I'm just glad I've made a friend today really who you collocation refers
to a group of two or more words that usually go together here are a few examples [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel