When Someone DOESN’T VALUE YOU Anymore, Try This SIMPLE TRICK | Stoic Philosophy

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The Stoic Sage
When Someone DOESN’T VALUE YOU Anymore, Try This SIMPLE TRICK | Stoic Philosophy Welcome to The Sto...
Video Transcript:
have you ever felt the sting of being overlooked undervalued or taken for granted you give you wait you hope only to realize that some people will never see your worth no matter how much you do for them but here's the truth your value is not determined by their recognition What If instead of chasing validation you could walk away with quiet confidence What If instead of trying to prove your worth you simply lived it the moment you stop seeking approval is the moment you reclaim your power because a man who knows his own value doesn't need
to convince anyone else this video isn't about quick tricks or empty motivation it's about a fundamental shift in how you see yourself and how you let others treat you by the end you'll understand why respect isn't given to those who beg for it it's given to those who demand it through action you'll learn how to set boundaries like a leader remove yourself from situations that drain you and focus on the only opinion that truly matters your own Sena once said a gem cannot be polished without friction nor a man perfected without trials the way people
treat you is a test will you let it Define you or will you rise above it if you're ready to stop chasing and start leading stay with me until the end drop a comment below I choose self-respect over approval because today everything changes one don't chase validation the quickest way to lose respect both from others and yourself is to chase validation the moment you seek approval you hand over your power you make someone else the judge of your worth and a man who doesn't own his worth Will Never command respect Society has conditioned you to
seek approval since childhood be a good boy make people happy avoid conflict you've been trained to believe that earning validation is the path to success but here's the truth it's a trap a rigged game where the more you chase the less you get picture this you're in a relationship and your partner starts pulling away she's less affectionate slow to reply always too busy what do most men do they Panic they text more call more try harder to fix things and what happens she pulls away even further because nothing kills attraction faster than desperation but this
isn't just about relationships it applies to to everything friendships career family the more you seek validation the less you receive people respect strength not neediness so how do you break free flip the script stop asking if others approve of you and start asking yourself do I respect the way I'm living are my actions aligned with my values if not change not for them for yourself here's a hard truth not everyone will value you no matter what you do and that's okay your mission is not to be liked your mission is to become the best version
of yourself regardless of who's watching the moment you stop chasing you start attracting and when you attract from a place of strength not neediness that's when everything changes two recognize the warning signs the first step to reclaiming your power is awareness you cannot change what you refuse to acknowledge yet most men ignore the signs when someone stops valuing them why because the truth is uncomfortable it's easier to pretend everything is fine than to admit you're being taken for granted but the signs are always there sometimes they're subtle a shift in tone a a lack of
enthusiasm a growing distance other times they're blatant cancelled plans ignored messages outright disrespect either way the message is clear your presence is no longer valued the only question is will you listen think about it are you always the one initiating conversations making plans compromising and in return do you get excuses indifference or silence people only value what they have to earn if you do all the work you teach them they don't have to you teach them that your time energy and attention come cheap and cheap things are easily discarded recognizing the signs isn't about blaming
others it's about taking responsibility ask yourself are you tolerating disrespect are you giving too much are you ignoring red flags because you fear confrontation if so it's time to wake up imagine this your partner cancels plans at the last minute the first time you let it slide the second time you make excuses for them by the third time resentment Creeps in but you still say nothing why because you don't want to rock the boat but here's the truth by by staying silent you're teaching them that your time is disposable recognizing the warning signs isn't just
about seeing the problem it's about deciding how you'll respond will you keep tolerating less than you deserve or will you raise your standards the choice is yours three the power of stepping back this is where everything changes when someone stops valuing you the strongest move isn't to chase argue or beg it's to step back let them feel your absence why is this so powerful because it shifts the dynamic the moment you stop feeding their ego stop proving your worth stop making yourself constantly available they notice people take for granted what they believe will always be
there but when you step back you break that illusion imagine this you're always the first to text always the one making plans always bending over backward to accommodate them over time they stop appreciating it your presence becomes predictable and predictable things are easy to ignore now picture a different scenario you stop texting first you stop calling you stop initiating suddenly they feel the void they start wondering why haven't I heard from him did I mess up that's the power of absence it forces them to confront what life is like without you but here's the key
stepping back isn't about playing games it's not about tricking someone into missing you it's about reclaiming your energy it's about saying I will no longer invest in someone who doesn't value me I will invest in myself and when you do that that when you pour your time effort and focus into your own growth you become stronger more confident more grounded you stop needing their validation because you've built your own that's when the dynamic shifts that's when they start noticing what they've lost but here's the real Twist by the time they come back you may not
even want them anymore because when you truly invest in yourself you realize that your worth was never tied to them in the first place so next time someone disrespects you don't react step back take a deep breath focus on yourself and Watch What Happens not only will they notice your absence but more importantly you'll ReDiscover your own power four invest in yourself when was the last time you truly put put yourself first and no I don't mean zoning out in front of the TV or scrolling through your phone I mean real intentional self-investment the kind
that transforms you from the inside out the kind that makes you wake up each morning feeling stronger sharper and More in control of your life because here's the truth the world doesn't reward mediocrity and people don't respect a man who neglects himself investing in yourself isn't selfish it's survival if you're not growing you're dying but most men get it backwards they pour all their energy into others chasing relationships sacrificing their time for people who don't appreciate them putting their dreams on hold for someone else's happiness and then they wonder why they feel drained stuck and
unfulfilled here's the shift when you invest in yourself you send a powerful message to the world and to yourself you declare that you matter that your goals your time your potential are worth the effort and when you believe that others start to believe it too ask yourself what would the best version of me look like not the man you are today but the man you could be if you stopped making excuses maybe he's stronger more disciplined more financially secure maybe he moves with purpose unshaken by the opinions of others now ask yourself what's stopping me
from becoming that man nine times out of 10 the answer is you not your partner not your boss not your past it's you and that's a good thing because it means you have the power to change it Imagine This instead of chasing after someone who doesn't value you you channel that energy into building yourself hitting the gym learning a new skill starting a business instead of waiting for validation you validate Yourself by setting goals and crushing them instead of worrying about what others think you focus on becoming the kind of man you respect and here's
the best part when you invest in yourself everything Shi s people start seeing you differently confidence discipline and purpose are magnetic respect isn't given it's earned and when you stop chasing approval and start building yourself you stop needing anyone to validate you because you've already done it yourself starting today commit to one act of self-investment it doesn't have to be big maybe it's hitting the gym for 30 minutes reading a book instead of watching TV setting a goal and taking the first step whatever it is do it for you because the best version of you
is waiting and it's time to meet him five set boundaries like a leader let's talk about boundaries most men shy away from the idea because they've been conditioned to believe that setting boundaries makes them difficult selfish or unkind but here's the truth boundaries aren't barriers to keep people out they're guard rails to protect what matters most your time your energy your peace of mind and if you're not setting them you're inviting people to walk all over you ask yourself how many times have you said yes when you wanted to say no no how many times
have you tolerated disrespect just to avoid conflict how many times have you stayed silent about something that bothered you just to keep the peace every time you do this you send a message my feelings don't matter my time doesn't matter my standards don't matter and guess what people believe you here's the harsh reality if you don't respect yourself enough to set boundaries no one else will but setting boundaries isn't about being rude or aggressive it's about being clear and firm it's about saying this is what I will accept and I won't tolerate anything less it
starts with knowing your non-negotiables what behaviors are completely unacceptable to you constant lateness disrespect manipulation whatever they are get clear on them because if you don't know your boundaries how can you expect anyone else to then communicate them not just with words but with actions words can be ignored but actions demand respect if a friend constantly cancels plans stop making them if a partner is repeatedly disrespectful walk away your boundaries are only as strong as your willingness to enforce them and this is where most men struggle they fear losing people they think if I set
boundaries they might leave maybe they will but ask yourself this do you really want people in your life who only stay when they can disrespect you because that's not love that's convenience here's the truth boundaries don't push the right people away they attract them when you set boundaries you show people that you value yourself self and those who truly respect you will rise to meet your standards the rest let them go they were never meant to stay six the absence effect your presence is powerful but your absence is even more so people don't value what's
always available they value what they fear losing if you're always present always giving always chasing you teach them that your time and effort are Limitless and what's Limitless is often taken for granted let me tell you a story there was a man who always showed up the first to help the first to text the first to make plans at first people appreciated him but over time they stopped noticing his presence became predictable and predictable things are easy to ignore one day he did something different he stopped texting first stopped overextending himself stopped giving his time
to people who didn't value it and something interesting happened people noticed they started reaching out wondering where he had been realizing what they had taken for granted this is the absence effect in action when you step back you create space and in that space people are forced to confront what life feels like without you but here's the key you can't fake it this isn't about manipulating people into chasing you it's about stepping back for yourself to reclaim your time your energy your focus to stop investing in those who don't invest in you and here's the
best part when you do this one of two things happens one they recognize your value and step up two they don't and you realize you're better off without them either way you win seven Embrace unshakable confidence confidence is the one thing every man knows he needs yet so many struggle to achieve it why because they've been taught the wrong definition their entire lives Society sells you the illusion that confidence is about being loud flashy or the center of attention but real confidence it's quiet it's calm it's unshakable picture this you walk into a room and
you feel no need to prove yourself you're not the loudest voice not bragging about your accomplishments not seeking approval you're just present composed grounded secure in who you are that's the kind of confidence that commands respect how do you get there it starts with one truth confidence isn't about what you have it's about what you believe six pack abs a six figure income a luxury car sure those things are nice but they're external and anything external can be taken away think about the guy who constantly shows off his job his car his lifestyle on the
surface he seems confident but take those things away and what's left nothing now compare him to the man who walks into a room with nothing to prove he doesn't need to show off because his confidence comes from within so how do you build it keep promises to yourself confidence isn't something you think your way into it's something you earn through action show up do the work push yourself every time you follow through you send a message to yourself I can handle this and the more you prove that the more unshakable you become eight stop overe
explaining yourself overe explaining is a sign of insecurity it happens when you feel the need to justify your decisions boundaries or standards to people who don't deserve an explanation and let me tell you it's one of the fastest ways to lose respect think of about it have you ever said no to a plan and immediately felt the urge to explain why have you ever set a boundary only to start justifying it when someone pushed back did they respect you more because of your explanation probably not in fact they likely respected you less because your overe
explaining made you seem unsure of yourself here's the truth a man who knows his worth doesn't need to explain it he lets his actions speak for themselves if someone doesn't like it that's their problem not his so how do you break the Habit practice silence the next time someone questions your decision resist the urge to explain simply say that's what works best for me if they push for more repeat it that's what works best for me no need to elaborate your confidence is in your restraint overe explaining doesn't just make you look insecure it drains
your energy every moment spent justifying yourself to someone who doesn't respect you is energy stolen from the things that truly matter so stop save your energy for people who accept your decisions without question for everyone else let your silence speak for itself nine cut the dead weight let me ask you a hard question are there people in your life who are holding you back maybe it's a friend who only calls when they need something maybe it's a partner who doesn't support your goals maybe it's a colleague who constantly undermines you whoever it is you know
deep down their dead weight if you want to grow you need to let them go cutting people off isn't easy it's uncomfortable awkward and sometimes feels downright cruel but let me tell you what's worse keeping toxic people in your life out of habit fear or guilt every time you tolerate their behavior you send a message to them and to yourself that you're okay with being disrespected and that message has consequences your time and energy are limited resources every minute spent on someone who doesn't value you is a minute stolen from your growth your happiness your
future so why are you wasting it why are you carrying people who wouldn't carry you imagine climbing a mountain while dragging a heavy backpack filled with useless weight things that don't serve you things that slow you down how far do you think you'll get not very now imagine dropping that backpack suddenly The Climb gets easy easier you move faster breathe deeper and focus on the summit ahead that's what happens when you cut the dead weight from your life so how do you do it identify the people who drain you who makes you feel worse not
better who takes but never gives set boundaries let them know what you will and won't tolerate and if they keep crossing the line walk away no explanations no apologies just walk but here's the truth cutting people off isn't about them it's about you it's about choosing yourself over those who don't choose you it's about creating space for people who genuinely value you it's about sending a message to yourself and the world you are not here to settle take a hard look at your life identify the dead weight set your boundaries and start cutting it won't
be easy but it will be worth it because when you finally let go of the wrong people you make room for the right ones and that's when everything changes 10 reclaim your focus let me ask you something how much of your time do you waste on things that don't truly matter maybe it's a woman who doesn't respect you a friend who takes advantage of your kindness a situation at work that drains your energy whatever it is here's the hard truth every moment spent obsessing over things outside your control is a moment wasted and wasted moments
add up to a wasted life your focus is your most valuable resource it's what fuels your growth drives your success and shapes your future but if you allow it to be scattered constantly distracting by other people's drama opinions or disrespect you will never reach your full potential why because you're giving away the one thing you can't afford to lose your attention think about it how many nights have you stayed up replaying a conversation in your head wondering what you should have said how many hours have you wasted scrolling through social media comparing yourself to people
who don't even matter how much energy have you spent trying to fix relationships with people who don't appreciate you now imagine if all that time energy and focus were redirected toward your goals imagine the progress you could make the skills you could build the success you could achieve reclaiming your focus starts with one decision stop giving your attention to things that don't deserve it if it's not helping you you grow let it go if it's not aligned with your goals walk away if it drains your energy cut it off simple Yes easy number because reclaiming
your focus requires discipline it means saying no to distractions even when they're tempting setting boundaries even when it's uncomfortable prioritizing yourself even when others don't understand here's how you do it get clear on your top priorities what truly matters to you your career your health your personal growth write it down then take an honest look at how you're spending your time are your actions aligned with your priorities or are you wasting focus on things that don't matter once you identify the distractions take action unfollow people who drain you say no to plans that don't serve
you stop giving your energy to those who don't respect you because when you reclaim your focus you reclaim your power and that's when everything changes 11 the art of subtle Detachment Detachment it might sound cold distant even unfeeling but in reality Detachment is one of the most powerful tools a man can possess it's not about being emotionless or indifferent it's about freedom freedom from the need for validation freedom from the fear of losing people freedom from the pressure to constantly prove yourself when you master Detachment you become unshakable here's where most people get it wrong
they think Detachment means not caring but that's not true Detachment isn't about caring less it's about caring the right way it means giving your best to every situation without letting your happiness depend on the outcome imagine this you're in a relationship constantly worrying whether the other person will leave you overanalyze every text every conversation every interaction you're so focused on keeping them happy that you forget about your own that's not love that's fear now imagine the same relationship but this time instead of obsessing over the outcome you focus on being the best version of yourself
you communicate clearly set boundaries and give your all but if they stay great if they leave you're still okay that's Detachment and that's freedom but this isn't just about relationships it's a mindset you can apply to everything your career friendships personal goals Detachment allows you to stay grounded and focused no matter what happens when you're detached external circumstances no longer control you you control yourself so how do you develop it shift your focus stop worrying about what you can't control focus on what you can stop seeking approval from others seek it from yourself stop clinging
to outcomes trust that whatever happens you'll handle it Detachment requires letting go of fear insecurity and the need for control but when you master it you gain something far more valuable peace of mind and in a world full of chaos peace of mind is priceless uh 12 dominate your your own path this is it the final step the ultimate shift the one thing that separates ordinary men from extraordinary ones it's time to dominate your own path and I don't mean domination in an arrogant or aggressive way I mean walking your path with confidence purpose and
unwavering self-respect because here's the truth if you don't take control of your life someone else will how many men spend their lives following a script they never wrote they go to school because they're told to get a job because they're supposed to settle down because it's expected and before they know it they're trapped in a life that doesn't even feel like their own but you weren't born to follow you were born to create so how do you dominate your own path start by taking full responsibility for your life no more blame others no more waiting
for someone to save you no more excuses the moment you take ownership you take back your power and with that power you can build the life you actually want next get clear on your vision what does success look like for you not what Society tells you not what your family expects what do you want maybe it's starting a business traveling the world mastering a skill whatever it is write it down make it real then take action because a vision without action is Just a Dream but here's the catch you can't do it alone surround yourself
with people who challenge you support your growth and push you to be better and just as importantly let go of anyone who holds you back because you can't dominate your path if you're carrying dead weight finally remember this dominating your path isn't about reaching a destination it's about waking up every day knowing you're living on your terms it's about looking in the mirror and being proud of the man you're becoming it's about leaving behind a legacy that speaks for itself so stop waiting stop doubting stop holding back the path is yours to create the time
is now and the man to do it is you now picture this the people who once took you for granted start feeling your absence they notice the void where your energy presence and power used to be but by the time they realize it you're already too focused on building your own path to care you're not waiting not chasing Not Looking Back you're growing evolving and stepping into the life you were meant to live on your terms not theirs and that's what this is really about not fixing them but transforming you you weren't put on this
Earth to beg for respect or prove your Worth to people who never valued it in the first place you're here to own your power set your standards and create a life so undeniable that people have no choice but to respect it but no knowing this isn't enough action is what separates the weak from the strong so here's your challenge start today set one boundary reclaim one hour of your time take one step toward the man you know you're meant to be because every Journey begins with a single step and your journey Starts Now if this
message hit you if it woke something up inside you drop a comment below I'm done waiting it's my time that's your declaration your first move and if you're serious about this journey hit subscribe because this isn't just a channel it's a movement a Brotherhood of men who refuse to settle for anything less than greatness and trust me the next video it's going to take you even further stay ready we're just getting started
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