A math GENIUS taught me how to LEARN ANYTHING in 3 months (it's easy)

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when I was 17 I accidentally discovered a learning technique so effective that I used it to take a 2-year A- level maths course in 3 months I got over 95% in the exam and thanks to that I got into a top university I also got into a lot of trouble I want to share that technique with you that's what I'm looking for and tell you how I found it and to do that we need to go back in time to my school days final year of a levels my future depends on passing maths and it's
not going well not at all at this point I know I need a miracle so I asked my teacher Mr Parkinson sir I I don't understand linear algebra or vectors or calculus really we shouldn't have let Someone Like You on the course work hard you might get a d but math isn't for you yes that happened a couple of days later as I was sitting in an empty maths classroom wondering how to turn things around a man walked in anyone can learn maths he said I'll help you and I promise you'll get more than a
d i was doubtful but I had no other options so we agreed that I'd see him twice a week for half an hour during break I turned up for the first session and he handed me a stack of A4 papers pick one at the top was a handwritten question and underneath a handwritten answer but part of the solution was missing fill in the gaps but I don't know how to do this you learn maths by doing maths fill in the gaps so I tried if I got stuck he told me to write down what was
a reasonable answer and give it a go he gave me sheets to fill out between our sessions if I ran out before the next lesson I went to a textbook and work through the examples in the same way covering up parts of the solution and then figuring it out no thanks within just a couple of weeks my confidence are grown in Mr Parkinson's lessons i' spot errors that he'd made and pointed them out he like that Mr Simpson my new teacher gave me more and more sheets to complete hundreds but some of these were now
getting too easy so I deliberately selected questions that were more challenging on topics that I didn't understand after a couple of months I'd answered every single question in every textbook in the entire math department thousands of them and then we had the mock exam the final test before the actual a level you were allowed 3 hours to complete it I finished in 90 minutes and left the room in the next math class with Mr Parkinson everybody got their result well everybody except me I was told to stay behind after the class was dismissed Mr Parkinson
looked at me in disbelief and said you scored 99% in your mock exam there was a pause I waited for the praise and congratulations and possibly even an apology for being so dismissive about me previously that didn't come instead tell me how you did it what how you cheated it's the only explanation for you scoring so high I'm just curious to know I didn't cheat okay well your result is disqualified and you won't be receiving the prize for coming top in the exam off you go that's what happened I went on to take the a
level found it just as easy and scored top Marks Mr Simpson's learning method was by far the most effective learning technique that anyone has ever taught me certainly when I was at school and if you can't quite work out what it is don't worry I'm going to explain in detail shortly but the whole experience was tated really because it was quite traumatizing because the school never accepted that I hadn't cheated in those exams and I was banned from the math department I was banned from going to math class they wouldn't let me in the in
the room and I was almost expelled from from the school uh so those last three months at school were were awful um I don't know it's quite sad really the other sad thing is that Mr Simpson was a part-time temporary teacher I met him by chance and because he was he wasn't brought in to teach me and and he he just went and vanished one day I never saw him again so I I never even got a chance to say thank you anyway you want to know the learning method and it's coming up next it's
difficult to learn if you're feeling anxious I know that and it's why I dropped out of my first attempt at University I was 18 struggling with my mental health it got got worse I was finding it difficult to cope I didn't talk to anyone I just bottled it up and tried to battle through it but I guess inevitably that didn't work and I ended up leaving my course and University now if I notice my mental health start to slide I get therapy and talk to someone which is why I'm really pleased to have this paid
partnership with better help because I've experienced the difference that therapy makes and I know how vital it is to care for your mental health the learning techniques I share on this channel are effective but they won't work if you're struggling with your mental health better help connects you to a credential therapist who's trained to listen and give you helpful unbiased advice you can do it all from your phone or computer via phone call video chat or messaging however you feel most comfortable it's an easy way to start talking to a therapist let betterhelp connect you
to a therapist who can support you all from the comfort of your own home visit betterhelp.com / python or choose python during sign up and enjoy a special discount on your first month okay so here's how you can do what I did here is the method and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this now a few of you suggested I read this book Ultra learning by Scott young Scott young is well known for for learning he learned the MIT computer curriculum which is a four-year course he learned that in one year he learned two
languages in six months um and other things too and I read this book recently and as I read through it and he described his method method it struck me that his method was very similar to the method that Mr Simpson or the method I discovered through Mr Simpson now he says that you need nine steps to mastering something quickly I think you can do it in seven so here are the seven steps step one learn how to learn the thing you want to learn this is where I got lucky with Mr Simpson he knew the
best way to learn maths whatever it is that you want to learn you need to figure out the best way to do it you can do that on the internet but I still think books are best you can go to a library and if you do that you can speak to Librarians and they know loads if you can't go to a library use the internet but do it carefully because you can easily become distracted and finding the best price to Quality ratio for that air fryer that you want to buy is not doing research step
two Focus you're going to have to dedicate time if you really want to do this I had two sessions a week with Mr Simpson and in between those I would find an empty math classroom and work through those problem sheets and the questions you you have to do the same find somewhere with no distractions a place where you can work try the library you'll find a space there step three do the thing that you want to be good at I needed to get better at solving maths problems so I solved a lot of maths problems
now Mr Simpson's worksheets started me on that track and gave me the confidence to do it what do you need to do do that and don't waste time on other tasks step four find your weakest points and work on those after a couple of weeks of doing the math sheets I knew the topics that I wasn't so good at and I focused most of my time and effort on those that's the fastest way to improve but the Temptation is to work on the things that you're good at because it makes you feel better I don't
know if you play an instrument but it's the same with that it's much more satisfying to play over the bits that you know well and that sound good rather than working on the bits that don't sound very good but if you want to improve quickly work on the weakest points and don't do the other stuff step five test yourself now I think I must mention this in virtually every single video that I make but it is the most effective way of learning testing yourself doesn't just uncover what you don't know it actually teaches you when
I work through those math sheets I was testing myself on maths that I didn't know yet and I was learning so find a way of testing yourself as frequently as you can step six is feedback now this is more difficult if you're a self-learner I was lucky I serendipitously found Mr Simpson but if you can find someone that can evaluate your work and give you feedback on it that is incredibly useful and it will accelerate your ability to learn find your Mr Simpson if you can step seven don't take the answer for the answer you
need to know why the answer is right you need to build your intuition and insight into the subject it's not good enough just to know the answer you've got to know why the answer's right why is this the solution why is this the right way of doing it why is the derivative of x^2 2X
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