Losing Weight is Super Easy with My Method; Simply Do This! Barbara O'neill

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Discover Barbara O'Neill’s Secrets to Diet and Weight Loss! 🌱 In this video, Barbara O'Neill, with...
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but we're going to be looking at Weight Loss now 63% of Australians are either overweight or obese I think that America's not far behind and I say far behind because I know that Australia has taken over America but when I'm in Alabama and I go to the little town of lovelin I have to tell you I think that they're big are bigger than our big very large people in in those little towns so my my uh inquiry always is why and so we're going to look at again in relation to weight and it's the high
carbohydrate diet that many people are eating today welcome back I'm Barbara O'Neal and today we're tackling a topic so many of us struggle with managing our weight while balancing the demands of daily life if you've ever felt stuck frustrated or unsure where to start you're not alone the good news is that achieving a healthy weight doesn't have to feel overwhelming or impossible with the right knowledge and simple adjustments you can take control of your health in ways that truly work for you so settle in and let's explore practical effective strategies to support your journey toward
a healthier happier you so bread bread is very common cereal there's a whole aisle devoted to cereal and and many people having bread and cereal for breakfast by midm morning they're wanting something else so they reach four and we're just going to say cakes Etc because if we say everything um there's not enough room on the board for it when you go into muffins and croissant and donuts and pasties and pies and past etc etc etc so we're just going to put Etc also uh pasta I'm a fifth generation Australian Scottish descent I didn't know
what pasta and pizza was till I was about 18 so what did I grow up with sausages or chops mashed potatoes frozen peas or beans every single night of the week except for Sunday when Mom would do a roast lamb and everyone I knew ate like that our relatives ate like that the neighbors ate like that as a fifth generation Australian I grew up in a little Presbyterian Church everyone in the church ate like that I came to the conclusion as a child that everyone in the whole world ate like that but it's not quite
true is it I'd actually didn't had never even heard of brown bread so this was real traditional Australian rice I'd never had rice I don't think I went to a Chinese restaurant till I was about 18 and that's the first time I ate rice potatoes well we ate potatoes every meal and last and certainly least in nutritive value is the pure crystallized acid extracted from the sugar cane plant and as we have looked at this we've ALS Al acknowledge that I don't think anyone chose to eat that way it's just fast it's just there and
we're such a fast society today here it is and we showed how when all of these things break down in the body they break down to the singular structure of glucose our gastrointestinal tract is a hollow tube and anything that goes into that Hollow tube is not part of you or me until it gets broken down into tiny little particles then it's absorbed into the blood then it becomes part of you and me because it is the blood that carries the nutrients here to the CBD the central business district of the human body is the
inside workings of the cell in fact one writer called the blood the River of Life because of what it carries and so it brings the glucose the glucose goes in under the action of insulin goes through the 20 step pathway I'm sure everyone's very famili with the inside workings of the cell now and that 20 step pathway gives us two units of energy isn't that why we eat to get glucose to to run our energy Cycles the end result of the 20 step pathway is a chemical form of glucose called pyruvate and pyruvate as the
chemical form of glucose gets fed into What's called the PowerHouse call the PowerHouse because these eight little chemical reactions this eight-step pathway delivers uh impressive 36 units of energy and the reason why the eight step pathway gives 36 units of energy is the presence of oxygen so this is called the aerobic pathway whereas this pathway is called the anerobic pathway because it does not use oxygen it produces energy by the process of fermentation so when when we e the carbohydrates they're broken down to glucose the first place the glucose is sent is to the cell
the second place it is sent because only so much can go through the energy Cycles then it is stored as glycogen we looked at this this morning and how that's particularly useful for the diabetic having these little well it's useful for everyone because they're little molecules of glucose sitting in the muscle cell and that's why the best place to or the best time to exercise is early morning because in early morning when you're starting to move some people say well how are we going to get fuel to actually exercise it's your glycogen stores already sitting
in your muscle cell and when the when the cell needs it it's plucked and it's released while carbs are an essential energy source eating too many especially late in the day can be counterproductive most carbs are broken down into glucose which raises blood sugar levels this triggers insulin the hormone that directs glucose to be used as energy or stored as glycogen the problem arises when glycogen storage is maxed out the excess glucose is converted into fat you see it's not the fat that makes you fat it's actually these refined carbohydrates now carbohydrates are not bad
what a relief we like them the problem is when they're overdone and refined that's the problem when they're overdone and refined so you don't have to stop the carbohydrates you just have to make sure they're not overdone they're not refined and ideally use replacements for the wheat because as we looked at in diabetes this morning in the hybridization of the wheat they change the starch structure and it gets the blood sugar level up higher than even refined sugar and so changing the changing the times that you eat that makes a big difference and changing the
food you eat makes a huge difference I was reading the the testimony of a of a chef he was large obese and he said he used to eat little bits all day long all day long that's all he'd eat little bits all day long so he decided to do an experiment he decided to get all the the little bits and put it into three meals having he KN he knew the old saying and have most of it at breakfast and lunch and he lost a lot of weight and he ate the same amount of food
and he ate the same type of food he just changed the times when he did it because he gave his stomach a break you see it's like um my husband he says I had a 2-hour job to do in the office today he said at the end of the day it's 8 hours later and I still haven't done it because he said someone would ring up someone would come into the office I kept getting interrupted has that ever happened to you that's exactly what happens to digestion when we put food in our stomach we should
now leave it let it do its work after about an hour and a half 2 hours start sipping on some water then you don't water down your hydrochloric acid it takes 3 and 1 half to 4 hours to digest a meal if a person has a meal of watermelon that's probably gone in about 2 hours but when someone has a balanced Meal which is shown here it takes about 3 and a half to four hours to digest and then the stomach loves a 1 hour rest let your stomach have a rest between meals and in
that rest time it has time to revive and restore and replace the digestive enzymes it used at the last meal and that's why the time restricted eating we've talked about this a couple of times time restricted eating is basically a modern name for this time restricted eating it's from the uh intermittent fasting the 52 diet a lot of people are familiar with that Dr Michael Mosley in his book Fast diet he goes into the into the research showing why this is so effective it's eating twice in a 2 for hour period they suggest eating a
large meal at 1 and another meal at 7 but I was talking to one girl and she said I'm fading by 10: in the morning and she said and I can't sleep at night because I've got so much food in my stomach when we go to sleep our stomach wants to sleep so it's far superior to go back to the old agage that's been around for so many years probably hundreds of years that we eat breakfast as our main meal that we have a main meal in the middle of the day and then if anything's
eaten at night make it very light now if if a if a worker has a breakfast at 6:00 a.m. and then has a meal at 12:00 they may need something at night but if they have the meal at 8 and at 2 or at 9 and at 3 then it's very easy not to eat at night so you've just got to work out what works for for you one lady said to me she said I give my children a really substantial breakfast and we'll look at a illustration of meals in a minute should I give
them a really substantial breakfast she said I just give them an orange for lunch and she said and when they come home at 3:30 and by the way how much lunch do kids eat at school they just want to play don't they so she gives them something light and when they get home they're hungry how many kids get home hungry and want to eat and then they're not wanting to eat their evening meal and it's too late anyway so she said when I see that school bus come she said I got the table set the
kids come in they're hungry and have the meal there she said it works so well she said they never used to eat much at night because they had so much when they got home from school but husband doesn't come home till maybe 5 or 6 and often he wants quiet so he's very happy to just eat quietly by himself and maybe the lady who wants to lose weight she'll sit with her husband and drink a peppermint tea or maybe she'll just have a bowl of salad one lady said but Barbara that's when my family's together
my teenagers my husband I said well just make it a lighter meal make it soup make it a bowl of soup soup and crackers crackers digest easily much easier than bread late night eating amplifies this issue as your metabolism slows down in the evening the body stores more of that late night snack as fat rather than burning it for energy large carb heavy dinners can also disrupt your natural Cadian rhythms further hindering metabolism and promoting fat storage opting for lighter smaller meals in the evening aligns better with your body's natural processes reducing unnecessary weight gain
and this is what he this is his story Dr Atkins he said he was a GP uh late 40s putting on a bit of excess weight he knew his science he knew that carbohydrates stored his fat so he decided to do an experiment on himself he decided to stop all carbohydrates and he theorized that if he stopped all carbohydrates his body would start to live on his fat stores so what did he eat he chose foods that had no carbohydrates so his diet was uh Hine protein meat butter cream cheese eggs that's a lot of
protein fat meat butter cream cheese eggs that's a lot but something else surprised me that you never hear about he ate three cups of vegetables a day and one cup had to be greens and so there was the fiber the weight just fell off him he theorized right he wasn't giving carbohydrates to his body so well hardly any little bit in the vegetables so his body started to live on his fat stores the weight started to drop off him he was never hungry because these are the three foods that give the give the feeling of
satiation satisfaction he had lots of energy because your liver can convert protein and fat to glucose if it needs it and it can break down your fat stores to give you glucose it's called G glucon neogenesis cre in glucose from the fat stores has he found the perfect diet never hungry lots of energy weights falling off him so he started put some of his patience on this it is estimated that 11 million people were helped by his diet his book was number one on the New York Times best-selling book list four years running this guy
demands some attention but the problem is that after a while some of his patients were developing uh arthritis because this is a high acid food in fact I had a man come to me wanting a consultation when I was in New York a few years ago he said I used to be one of Dr Atkins patients he said I'm a I'm a vegetarian I'm an Adventist but I was getting overweight I was getting diabetes heart disease so I went to Dr Atkins because very famous doctor and Dr Atkins he said was a very gracious man
he said I'm sorry but you're going to have to stop this High carbohydrate diet so he said I started eating meat I didn't eat a lot I had a lot of vegetables he said I didn't get diabetes he said my heart problems all resolved he said the weight dropped but he said I'm getting arthritis and he said you are the first nutritionist that hasn't totally slammed Atkins I'm interested I said well Atkin's theory was correct it's it's what I have shown you today but what you can do you can do Superior to Atkins you can
do the plant proteins you can do the plant fats Dr Atkins on his first stage he got people down to 20 grams of protein of uh starch carbohydrates a day do you know there's no need to go that low all you need to do is greatly reduce the carbohydrates ideally stop the wheight eat more vegetables eat more legumes nuts and seeds and you can get a similar result because of the results that he was getting and by the way his cancer patients were going into remission people with high cholesterol were coming back to normal did
everyone hear that and his patients are eating meat butter cream cheese eggs and what are people told to get their cholesterol levels down they've got to stop there meat butter cream cheese eggs so Atkins through a spanner in the nutrition world's wheel and it needed the spanner thrown into that wheel and the only reason his patients got away with it for so long is the three cups of vegetables a day which which have an alkalizing effect but the beauty of the plant proteins it's much cleaner burning fuel it doesn't leave an acid waste like the
protein does and when I was Consulting with this man he said to me I believe if Dr Atkins had read The China Study Atkins would have become a vegetarian what an interesting comment so you can do a you can get those results but on you can do it on a plant diet as long as you do the legumes and so many people say oh legums you got to soak them you got to cook them well when you go home tonight just fill up the sauce Spin and fill it up with lentils in the morning rinse
it well bring it to the Bowl rinse it again put it in your slow cooker there's lots of shortcuts or rinse a soak a whole lot rinse heaps of them and then put them in snap lock bags in the freezer then you just pull it out cook them there's lots of shortcuts and you can get organic beans in tins just make sure you bring them to the boil and rinse them very well so there it's easy it need not be difficult you see animal protein it burns out so let's look at protein animal protein only
58% is burnt as fuel so that's a 42% waste that's the acid waste and that's what uh Dr Colin Campbell found in his book uh The China Study he could switch cancer cells on and off and we looked at this briefly when we looked at cancer on the first night because it's an acid waste and cancer thrives in an acid environment we looked at that whereas plant protein it's a lot cleaner burning fuel it doesn't have that acid waste so with plant protein you're getting up to about about 80 80% easy is burnt as fuel
that's that's a big difference so your plant protein is a superior protein what Atkins found and I found this interesting he found that these three food groups are the essential food groups fiber is essential because the colon needs to be swept we looked at that when we looked at the column when we looked at the waste disposal organs proteins essential because the crosswood bands remember we looked at the DNA on the first Nights made up of amino acids amino acids is a breakdown from the protein we we eat and it's amino acids that builds the
new cells in the body and 50% of the membrane around every cell in the body is protein That's essential fat is essential the fat-free diet is a dangerous diet there are fats that'll kill and there are fats that'll heal and because there are some killer fats they've all been dumped in the same basket what are the killer fats the altered fats you see for centuries people use the coconut oil and the olive oil they can be extracted from the Flesh of the plant but those hard seeds they couldn't really get the oils out and until
they developed high heat chemical equipment to extract oil from hard seeds and because they use chemicals and heat they destroy the oils immediately so there's clear plastic bottles that got sunflower oil peanut oil soil don't touch them they're the oils that can help to damage the arterial wall they're the dangerous oils and your deep fried foods if you do fry any food it should be always in a saturated fat because saturated fat is heat resistant and light resistant it doesn't the heat does isn't doesn't destroy them for those seeking a more structured approach the Atkins
diet offers another option by reducing carb intake the body enters ketosis a metabolic state where fat becomes the primary energy source instead of glucose high protein high fat foods like eggs meat and cheese promote satiety naturally reducing calorie consumption protein also requires more energy to digest giving your metabolism a subtle boost pair this with low carb vegetables for fiber and you'll have a well-rounded approach to weight managing M thank you for joining me today I hope these insights inspire you to take charge of your health in ways that feel achievable and empowering remember reaching your
goals doesn't require exhausting workouts or endless restrictions just simple mindful adjustments to your daily habits if you found this helpful please like share and subscribe for more tips and stories that make Health transformation not just a possibility but your new reality until till next time take care and keep moving forward to a healthier happier you so there ends my lecture on which has freed and revolutionalized many women and men thank you
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