SMMA Owner Day In The Life VLOG - Sales Call & How I Got My First Client!

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Iman Gadzhi
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Video Transcript:
I just put up in this [ __ ] [ __ ] it so he's and gentlemen welcome to the I won't tell you what the floor a cure we'll get back to that later but we had just arrived at the new spot for the next few months Pete is actually seeing this family Kieran is here for five days yeah we're just doing a bunch of work out here he flew out here so you happy we'll be back and I think three days and Pia and I are gonna be staying here for the next two months
and yeah now this place isn't as big as the last one but I think in a lot of ways I prefer that because the last one was five bedrooms three floors there was a cottage like you know like 90 percent of space wasn't used so I think a long ways I prefer this because this is it feels a little more homely it still has three bedrooms so more than up space two bedrooms up there another bedroom their living space obviously you know this is where most of the work will happen kind of little lounging area
and yeah everything just is fitted super well in this place all appliances or say they are we exact same thing at the old place but yeah although all the bedrooms furnish nicely everything anyway just looks very new york bachelor pad esque I won't bother showing you guys upstairs because all the bedrooms are pretty much the same big king-size bed I said you just kind of like the state-of-the-art so yeah it is currently 448 in 12 minutes we have a live Q&A called with the community so Kieran's literally hopped off the plane had a quick lunch
and then now straight to work and after that heading to dinner and yeah this is a very uninspired start to vlog I don't feel like there's much else to add so let's get it I don't know I mean it to be quite frank it's it's a totally different niche it's not something that's cheap do they have some sort of sales process like like what is the goal you're optimizing for because quite clearly you're not gonna be running ads and then they're putting their in their credit card information for something that cost ten thousand USD so
what are you optimizing for are you optimizing for calls booked that's it you always need to be looking at a number that you are held accountable to then you're optimizing for so your your KPI that you're optimizing for isn't CPA it it's Cpl and in order for you to understand the upper thresholds of how much you can spend per lead you need to know once you pass the baton over what closing percentage do they have you know because that tells you you know if it's 800 F they can spend 800 to acquire and funeral they
only have a 10% close percent if you want you know you're gonna want a a margin of safety you know let's say it's 10 percent integrity you can spend 80 per lead by the setting more a little margin of safety so I'd say 70 dollars per lead at that point or F it's 25% that office it's 200 is the upper threshold where you can spend per lead but once again you want margin of safety so let's say 180 dollars per lead so you see what I'm saying here yeah so right long-form copy based on that
and that's what I would do and in terms of but targeting I'm not sure in terms of demographics as I said 24 to 34 and in terms of actual the the interest targeting behavioral targeting I'm not sure it would take me a little off think about that but hopefully that point you in the right direction and I said in terms of a copy do long form and and may just make it human to human not like all these other just horrendous University ads where it's like I don't do University are among some of the worst
advertisers on earth it's it's actually funny of [ __ ] ever so just make it human and and said you explain what the main benefit is right there so ladies and gentlemen just finished up a live Q&A call and dragged basically I kind of hid the suitcases on the side because I wanted to look all presentable and not but yeah the place is a mess that's that Kieran has brought me a lot of goodies I don't know why the hell you brought me my watch case when yeah when usually brought me one watch but he
went ahead and brought me my Hulk I picked this up I think probably around four months ago and I've worn it maybe four times Jaime my friend Jaime who works at Rolex also makes fun of me he says that I just don't wear a watch unless it's like one of my gold pieces or my Patek by the way my Patek - I wanted Kieran to bring and he refused to bring it because he said it was dumb wearing a sixty thousand pound watch or actually if the market values around 55,000 watermark it's kind of taken
a fifteen twenty percent nosedive and last lasts for five months actually but anyways my point is I want to wear the Nautilus but he said I'll be idiotic cuz I'll get my arm chopped off and Cape Town first of all I've been here a month it's a lot safer than you would imagine second I think this is more like everyone knows what Submariner is no one knows here what an all this is in my opinion but anyways happy to have this I've worn this probably four times you can see it I think it's pretty just
gotta know enough scratches on or anything one is four times this thing gets is your wrist time but it'll be my only watch what I say my only watch I've got my Timex expedition that one of my clients boyfriend actually got for me I also have my Timex q incredible incredible Walker probably my favorite watch under 200 pounds and then I also have my Apple watch and you guys have seen my Apple watch review video and my thoughts on that but there is I'm so happy to have one of my nice watches back on I'm
gonna go ahead and set the time properly well not but Kiran brought me some more goodies so I'm here for two months I'm not messing around so I got here to bring out all the stops first things first I got my Beamer now I really don't want to get into detail what this thing is but I can just tell you that REM sleep and deep sleep this accounts for this gets me and I have the data to back it up obviously with my or ring this gets me around 25% more REM and deep sleep I
get around two hours REM two hours deep on average a night without this thing and kind of like and kinda you know with my sleepy time tea making sure that I'm following my routine and whatnot but with this thing I get around two and a half hours of REM and you slow so just going out there I am in my opinion the undisputed champion of sleep but next thing is actually a gift for Pete it is a portable SSD now he edits on his lacy I added all my stuff on my computer because I have
a two terabyte specs out twenty 2019 or 2020 out of the 16 inch macbook pro the latest one but here that's on the LaCie so I'm getting a little technical here but that the lacey has right speeds of 150 megabytes per second i believe this has 500 so this is three times as fast and he's editing 4k for example like this 4k footage the computer i believe has the right speeds of 1.5 or two gigs so obviously the fastest thing to do is edit on your computer but not everyone has the space in or do
so so yeah i know my computer because the fastest thing pete edits on his LaCie which as I said is around probably one tenth the speed of the computer this pretty much does all you need if you're editing 4k footage so yeah that is that as more wants the next thing this is just a little cable for my blue Yeti which I forgot to bring I got Karen to bring me my sleepy time tea now and you guys having trouble with sleep to go ahead and get this it is these sweet dreams from t2 this
is what is this okay this is some Chanel I think I had so and actually asked me on one of my Q&A is what do I use and trust me gents this is the best actually enough [ __ ] but trust me like I've tried a bunch of different clones out there this isn't as musky as a Tom Ford Tuscan leather but it's also not as sweet as a Hollister it's still pretty musky so you're not smelling like a girl and you're also not smelling like a six year old okay look are you sure you
can't say what are you sure coatsy just know just and it's also not a twenty-pound cologne but it's also not you know Clive Christian territories so all in all I tried to find this thing here they said it was in their own words too expensive so yeah they didn't stalk this I got hearing to bring this over go ahead and give everyone a discount code I wish i next thing is oh I've missed these babies this isn't actually the company that makes them and I've had a ton of people ask me what company makes them
and I'm not gonna tell you the reason I'm not gets I use because I actually used to use these and they're like 35 pounds it's a little flimsy though and everyone started wearing them and guys to me also certain stuff with my style that I like to keep my style but these are my blue light blockers I've missed you so much I haven't had any blue light blockers out here Kindle don't tell Pete but I guess he'll see this in editing actually they already have it by now but this is a gift for him this
is my Amex which obviously I'm not gonna show you but um my Amex gold card as you guys know I think I mentioned on another video I'm just gonna sit down I think I mentioned another video that I have a platinum card for the business this is a gold card for me personally to go out my credit so that goes there is there anything else fun in here yes this this is for the Sony a7r three that I have this is for basically just to charge the batteries because I remember the port a little little
station thing but I forgot this so onto this which is a teapot for the loose leaf tea oh you'll love this it sucks Oh lanes this is a good size this is a good size I like this do you want to rifle through my luggage CP package liner that's cool I do that plan I see I have a pair of some lidocaine what does that do so [Laughter] we're going to Nepal and we have a layover in Doha and like we get stopped okay we get stopped on my own he's probably an idiot and has
some like hand cream or something that's over the limit but they pull out a Swiss Army knife in Doha and they're like sir you know you're not allowed this cuz this thing's like a proper weapon his Swiss Army knife in there like sir and at this point I'm like and then they were like sir can you stay here and on this one of my gosh Caryn's are now joining us in nepal like he's i mean look at this thing this is a proper weapon I'm like at this point I Jenny thaws like okay you know
we're going to Nepal without Kiran they come back and they're like sir we're gonna have to confiscate this I was expecting confiscate this and confiscate your your Liberty so yeah it turns out they just took it away and the funniest thing is when we got to Nepal he had another one so that's this so I don't know why you carry on so many Swiss Army knives but I'll show you this Wow if only you had something to open it oh that's so kind of the magic book give it battery with it's a battery front I
think that's a strap so what this is is a I am now a member of the like a club but with no lens I went to the entire box to there's no lens but with the tool so this is a big issue then this is a very big issue well guys you've seen my lab reaction of what it's like to get a Leica m6 but have no lens to shoot it with here's my new Leica m6 someone's getting fired [Music] yes this is my Leica m6 as you guys know I think I have my contacts
t3 I have my Nikon FM which I picked up here and this is basically alike in my opinion for 35 millimeter film this is the Holy Grail I say in my it is it's the Holy Grail this and the MP but the MP is a more modern version I think this was contagious continued in two thousand seven or eight and this is the TTL which kind of this and the the m6 and the TTL just kind of same thing anyways whatever in my humble opinion what I went for this over the m7 they had at
m7 for three hundred-pound cheaper but I went for this because I mean it's let me look at it it's like black it's stealthy it's it's so beautiful like this is in my opinion it's the most gorgeous like it's just in general just the most gorgeous cameras ever created but I was so excited to shoot on this thing but Kieran's definitely getting fired because I know because I've been to all the film stores here that there is not a single place we're gonna be able to find a like a lens it's offseason here they're not really
stalking any so this is a muy Grande issue very very big issue yes alright so that is pretty much it I'm gonna turn off the camera Charlotte Karen won't let you guys see that so capture the next clip so just sat here doing some work with Kieran and got Tim call in three minutes but was going back trying to find some just trying to find a document in my archives it's it's so funny sometimes I just find stuff that just just sends me an honest throwback to when I first started my agency so this is
one of my proposals actually used to make all my proposals in canva as you can see by the quite obvious template actually wait no I think I made him pay jizz I think I yeah no I think I made him pages I think I found this as like as an image yeah I definitely do this in pages anyways my point is that yeah this is a proposal I sent a company called skin yoga we were in talks and that you can see here Instagram content distribution account management 150 and then for account management and content
creation so an extra 150 pounds a week it's actually curate the content you can see right there this is a proposal and then I ended off and I say I would like to remind you the December is a business month ago for an Instagram page out of the whole year we could really get the ball rolling in December as well as campaign for 2017 let's build momentum on our social media so you can have a best fourth quarter in the whole of the company history so I actually sent this I remember pulling around October 2016
know I got my first agency client August of 2016 it was my old football club for 75 pounds a week so 300 pounds a month and for that I was doing 30 Instagram posts 3 Facebook posts and also curating all that content as well and for YouTube videos but it took me six months of sending out proposals like this reaching out to clients until I got my second client and I was athlete for 1,900 pounds a month retainer athlete is actually now rebranded to Gen flow and the part of that that I love so much
is the fact that obviously they used to be a client of mine and then I'm a client of theirs they actually helped some of the biggest influencers on earth build out their info product they have all the operations in place for that they also do that for physical products which is kind of their their go-to these days so they're actually the ones that help with the logistical side and the fulfillment of the gadget clothing line that's why that company runs so smoothly people have their tracking numbers and you know there's so many neighbors they can
go on with having a clothing line that we were able to mitigate by bringing them in to do that and as I said is just this really cool full circle story Shawn who's the CEO and founder just that's so much respect for that guy we would spend a long time together so so much respect for that guy one of the best businessman I've ever met in my entire life and I've met a lot so it was a point of just showing you guys this is like first of all for me because it's kind of special
to look back at this this is three and a half years ago this year will be my fourth anniversary of signing my first agency client I've been in this game a decent amount of time I've been through every single trial every single tribulation I've had a creative agency I've had a blend sort of a full-service agency now I have just an advertising agency I fall in I've scraped my knees I've you know I've kind of been through the wringer and all I can say is for those of you guys right now who are trying to
get your first clown or maybe you have one cleaner where things are just getting a little tough like trust me that wasn't enjoyable sending out these proposals I'm just getting no response and and having deals faults like that was excruciating for me at the beginning but now three and a half years later being able to look at stuff like that is just yeah it just puts the biggest biggest smile on my face so guys just about to hop on a call with a client that I had a call with on Friday now I always say
that you know unless you close the client on the call just in your mind mentally assume that they're they're not paying now there are certain occasions where yes they need to talk to a business partner etc etc and for those of you guys in agency incubator you guys know the way that I actually circumvent that and you guys know that if there's a business partner involved the way that I navigate it and make sure that it's still pretty much closed even if one business partner is bought in and the other one obviously has no idea
of the service but nonetheless I still like to assume that unless you close on the call they're not closing as a client but just have a 15-minute follow-up call with a client that I came to an agreement with on Friday for 5,200 pounds which i think is around 6500 dollars per month so I have the follow-up call now with all three of the business partners there was only two present last time and what I will say is that both other business partners said that even if the ultimate business partner said no they just override his
decision and do it either way because they were that bought in so I'm gonna go ahead and say I'm 80% sure that this is close by as I said in my mind there's always that air of unless they close on the call it's not happening and it was the top on the call let's build on that first payment on five thousand two on her pounds send him the onboarding link for the agency and yeah walk into another client I'm tired I don't use an how tired I am I do we have the exact same feasible
OJ right you sent over the video so we actually dr. Dre last night what I hadn't spoken a lot everything about everything will be doing you didn't have time to call but we went ahead and broke down everything you'll be doing you sought me something ecstatic about getting you started about you know making everything happen we didn't have a couple of other offers from other competitors that were you know cheaper but there's a reason you charge so much I mean that's it's pretty obvious and so like the best like in our industry the best isn't
always the cheapest right like maybe if you're buying a bottle of water it might be ready to go with the cheaper option but when it comes to a service it's typically better to pay for more so yeah I mean I mean why what phone do you guys have 10 s yeah iPhone I mean we all you know we all know iPhones are pretty damn expensive my question is you know why didn't you guys buy a Nokia yeah exactly that so yes I can't agree with over there no so I mean the way it works is
obviously well first of all you know welcome to IG media very sad to it for you guys so obviously today we'll go ahead and we'll process the payment and I'll send you guys the onboarding link like are you running as in that format and you just want to be popular so we say yeah you have to have a you have to have a photo so even if you look at my stuff it's 90% photo text-based like we you know we've gone the best results for our clients with with just photo and text so I'm you
know I wonder no I have no doubts you guys have just a bunch of photos and you know the photos don't have to be you know shot on a five five five thousand dollar you know a seven or three they can literally be shot with your iPhone I would doubt they were cost more than maybe even $50 to be honest in the first month so you know with that being said you're getting booked in around 40 calls ha the Geo perfect and yo and that is it stay online will go ahead and process the payment
now yeah yeah that's the thing because we're this Dre wasn't able to go on the call again as well so what we're gonna do is go to the contract with Jay because he's putting in on this payment and swallow so we're gonna go over that with him and then pay from that I mean if you want to I mean what's the sort of apprehension no it's it's not it's not yeah you know I on our first initial call like I told you guys up front I was like hey look you mind if I skip to
the salesy stuff cuz you guys you know with us we're gonna get on board we just need you know to go over the contract with Dre so we can you know like we were good we're supposed to be together by today already but um like my home is in like Palm Beach he lives like Ghana Miami and we all gotta fly out to New York leave today and meet up and you know like we're gonna you know we're actually serious about this or I'm gonna get started but you know what that means that we just
need like the contract just we can go really the final details no yes sir so uh exactly as I said very weird they want to like to look over the contract and stuff which is there's multiple businesses yeah I guess yeah because I mean to be honest like literally we've had clients sign 15,000 pound a month retainers and like not request look at the contract cuz it's like I don't know it's just something this illusion would never come up because I'll see they pay and then after that they get the onboarding link and then the
onboarding funnel and then part of that is they sign a contract using hello sign bubbling skin you can use I think panda dog or panda sighs you know when one of these electronic contract software's see yeah the is weird a part of me was like that's why I said like you know there's that chance that they don't close so I thought the closing may be like oh maybe the DISA partner like really was against it but the part of his partner said he's super enthusiastic about it but yeah you know so that's kind of annoying
thing about having multiple people involved but I got a call with them at 4:15 Capetown time tomorrow and that will lock it in hopefully and if they don't lock in then obviously you know I know they don't not being serious so everything so far kind of like the the stalls cuz usually for me it's a one call close you know to get to the second sort of follow-up 15-minute call and then now surgical that rarely ever happens free but you know everything has been valid so far and it stems from the fact that there's not
one person in charge not two but three so I'll call them 4:15 tomorrow and I also got another very very promising call tomorrow at 7:15 and that is with this really really cool software company that I would be very very happy if I'm actually close because yeah I just I just think they're super dope but anyways there you go there's a real life of being an agency owner which is you don't always get the outcome that you want but hopefully tomorrow I can lock it in even though it took like all right so it is
one day since I picked up the camera and the situation is literally exactly the same we basically haven't moved because to be honest you know after that last clip worked for three four more hours was in bed by 9:30 and just been working all day since so nothing really that eventful but now I have the follow-up call to yesterday's phone call so yeah let's uh let's get into it all right so as it stands they are seven minutes late so just want to hand in a follow it up so I'll stay on the cold maybe
some eight more minutes and then wrap it up there all right so it's been 15 minutes gonna end it up there yet not entirely sure what happened I'm sure there is a viable reason obviously like clients never just not gonna show up and not tell you or at least at this stage of the sales process so I'm sure there must be a very viable reason but obviously this once again is just another sign in my opinion that the client is less likely to actually come on board so from their side is looking less likely and
then obviously from my side leaves I'm gonna point my agency where unless it's a 100% match I don't take clients on and this is almost leaving a little bit a sour taste in my mouth where I'm even starting to reassess is this client worth taking on are they gonna be those sorts of clients where they asked too many questions and no just let us do our thing and get the results but yeah Ennis and that's that I got another call in two hours and 45 minutes another sales call so hopefully with that we can return
to good ol Eman and just we'll call closed yeah changed up imma know me ain't no kind of money from the room me smack you if I see when go see I've been doing good though I know you ain't asking you really wanted those Sade I know what about that I know so there's a combination of things first of all I was totally off on the sales calls second he wouldn't have been a good time and saying something and then the audio cut and basically my Sony a7r 3 which I shoot with is kind of
mess just the audio is messed up con it's a very common issue that happens when you just keep the you know cuz most of time will pre much this entire trip we believe you just kept the rode videomic pro plus which is such a funny name I don't know why they call her that but um yeah the Pro Plus we just keep that into the microphone input and apparently it's a very common thing where when that happens it just kind of wears against the audio input and that kind of messes with the system so that's
really really annoying because that means that I basically can't shoot I can shoot sit down and stuff but then now we're gonna have to record to an external source or how pulling an external sources from from some manner and here's long story short this camera is basically broken so gonna have to find a way to get it repaired which here in South Africa that's AC impossible or basically just going out to buy a new camera and this is really also annoying because either way I was gonna get the e7 s3 whenever that comes out that's
been meaning to come out for like two years at this point so yeah whenever the hell that actually comes out I was gonna pick that up regardless even though my a seminar 3 was working and whatnot but yeah I just I haven't had a lower look with equipment recently you know my Leica lens getting lost some we're still trying to figure that out now my seminars to you like I mean you know I got pretty much in camera equipment I got like 20,000 pounds of camera equipment creating car that is very very expensive it can't
be very cheap most you can just do with your iPhone or table if you want to make good quality content if you want good mics if you want good lenses lenses all net the lens on this right now is 2,000 pounds got another 2,000 pound Len heat lens here got a 2,000 pound lens and there the camera itself 3000 pounds you know this is two-and-a-half grand the lens for is 1,500 the contacts I have is pretty too bad this is very expensive it's very expensive I is very expensive like my watch hobby and creating content
very expensive stuff to do and on that note I spent more money morning and I didn't even know my a summer 3 was broken down yeah I got some LED panels only like 600 pounds cuz the lighting in here is your small prettier not very good to be honest and then what else I got was this I got the road caster Pro with that it was like this little set it came with like Mike's boompole and some other stuff you know some other cables and what law so you might be wondering at this point and
once again I apologize for the terrible audio the reason that the audio is terrible if they see we're having to use the inbuilt audio so yeah I think we're gonna start shooting a lot of logs with the a 6500 that Pete's got and just use it at a seminar truth you might be wondering even why do you have a pocket basically what this thing was the thing crossing the thousand pounds which I thought was super tree but for this entire set up it's basically just a podcasting system and it's like super cheap super easy to
use etc etc and you might be wondering email why do you have a podcasting system when you don't have a podcast and you would assume that this would be my leeway in telling you guys I'm a very proud and very happy to announce a private victories podcast but you'd be wrong because I'm not announcing it and it's not happening or at least yeah Kieran has been all over my dick for like six months probably a year at this point uh me start our cast start a podcast start a podcast start a podcast and it's just
yeah it's something there like I don't know I I'm thinking it's a distraction and I don't know if I want to do it I still picked up the set either way just just in case / - be honest I just think it's useful to have anyways yeah I left my rode podcaster set up in London so here I just have my blue Yeti but I have a system similar to that obviously not for podcasting now it's just a USB so that plugs straight to my computer with a boom and something up I love that -
if you guys want me to create a podcast in 2020 let me know and the reason that I've been apprehensive about it is because I don't want to do a podcast in like over soon or over Skype you know I don't want to be a remote podcast I want like a proper studio like I'm talking like impulsive you know Logan Paul's podcast I'm talking impulsive or true journey if you guys have ever seen truth or the true glory that's like a legit space like a studio and it would be not just not only myself it'd
be myself in Kieran and a guest and the guests wouldn't be all to do with digital marketing and whatnot you know I want to get I want to get home a podcast I'm thinking like for some of the first few guests I want to get my friend George so Jordan he's a he's a rapper he's an artist I want to get him on I want to get my friend Charlie Charlie Frederick's he was on love island 2019 I think that'll be like a really funny interesting podcast on I want to get up like so my
friends who own like nightclubs in London man this really just about I want to get some of my friends who all like nightclubs in London I want to get some of my friends who are the reading the hundreds of millions from their real estate portfolios like a lot of people that like either just have very interesting stories I want to get some of my old clients on because it feels without we were really interesting perspective like there's gonna be another digital marketing podcast obviously that if I create this podcast it's gonna be the private victories
podcast it's always gonna be entrepreneurship based but as I said I don't want it to just be some other lame podcast so by the level of enthusiasm that you give me in the comment section I will decide if it's a go ahead then I'm gonna go ahead and shoot the first episode here see if I can get some sort of interesting guest out here I don't really know who's in South Africa to be honest and then if it goes well then when I'm back in London then I'll say like in the first three four guest
song for that so yeah let me know if it's something you guys watch the SSL like if I do it I want to do it right and if I do it I think I'm actually gonna get an office in London slash I say an office book basically I'll I'll get like a two three-bedroom apartment and make that into an office from the legal perspective just long as the landlord isn't that's what we find so no issues there but as I said it will be like a legitimate like podcast studio I wanna do all the podcasts
in person Kyra and I had this idea for he'd be drinking a glass of his favorite drink I'd be drinking a glass of my favorite drink or just that would just kind of be something I have to move away slightly but anyways my point is that we would ask the guests before the podcast what drink they would want so after they want a really hard to get a ball of wine doesn't matter we're gonna get it if they want a specific con yak if they want a specific whiskey if they want a specific mineral water
it doesn't matter we get it for them and then Kyra and I would both have our drinks will that be match a glass of wine a glass of whiskey I'm thinking kind of leather couch chairs like I don't necessarily be everything except for just a nerdy digital marketing podcast because the thing is Kyra and I we're digital marketing nerds anyway it's so like no matter what that's gonna come through and the entrepreneurial aspect is gonna come through but I wanna have the environment set up so we talk about stuff that it's not really talked about
on YouTube get really deep and the reason I want to do with Kieran is because as much as I have a good perception of myself to be honest I don't think people would really want to listen to me for like two hours like I'm not I'm not genuinely not really that interesting and also I know me I know I wouldn't take the time to do a ton of research about the guests and whatnot we're a secure and I know he would have show notes and he'd bring up something that the guests did like seven years
ago that everyone forgot about not to like Alstom out or bring up an article or a song they wrote like you know three years ago they're like no one really knows about or like discuss some thing that happened in their childhood then they would have to go on this huge like website trail go to like the extreme edges of the internet to find you guys hopefully should kind of get any of what I would want this podcast so my point is it would be a financial investment it would be a time investment but I also
think it'd be a good sort of entry point for a lot of people to find out about myself about my agency IG media to find out about gauging McMullan line to find out about the education company query agency because other than they I think at least in the business of online space I have I don't know I think top 10 at least agency specific YouTube channels I know 100% I have the biggest agency specific YouTube channel that I know for sure but yeah kind of in the Entrepreneurship space like if you have a channel about
entrepreneurship finances stuff like that and you have a hundred thousand or above like that who rests for other industries other issues like that's that's a tiny amount so it's a very small certain issues very small sort of market the digital marketing online entrepreneurship that sort of space so instead I'd be kind of interesting to to reach a larger audience but I'm rambling now I want to go ahead and thank you guys for watching this vlog I want to wrap it up here so I said if you guys want to see a podcast in 2020 done
properly video and audio in the studio leather couches that's kind of how I'm envisioning it interesting yes guess that you really wouldn't expect a digital marketing online entrepreneur ship podcasts to have let me know and we can make it happen so you refused me for working with someone else on a couple of bees what are you really thinking and [ __ ] that's making your beats I've done things for
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