Bhopal 84: o maior crime industrial da história

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Brasil de Fato
Em 3 de dezembro de 1984, 27 toneladas do gás isocianato de metila vazaram de uma fábrica de #agrotó...
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it was the world's largest disaster i mean so many persons including animals have been died too many children of the gas affected parents are being born with congenital malformations people who have been affected in bhopal are 48 muslims 49 hindus and all from lower working class people it is not only issue related to some area it is related to bhupal whole bhopal is affected in some different manner [Music] oh i had a friend who was working with the carbide and he would always complain that it's not a safe place to work so he was trying to find another job but never really took it very seriously but in 1981 december another friend uh muhammad ashraf he was working on the plant and he got exposed to the the small fosgene leak the death of ashraf really alarmed me and then i started investigating then i took out all those things and it took almost nine months for me to write the first piece in september 1982. that was a small weekly newspaper i was publishing and it hadn't had any impact i would expect but still i didn't give up so i wrote another piece as a follow-up bhopal sitting at the top of a volcano second piece which appeared was on october 1st 1982 and three days later there was a small leak in the plant and it created such a situation that when all the neighboring people had to run away i wrote another piece on 8th october saying if you don't understand you all will be wiped out so my another piece on the dangers posed by this plant was published on 16th june 1984 even that didn't work and finally came the night of december second third when this disaster took place initially so many people at bhopal they know about i don't know about the union carbide what they are making what they are using raw material nobody's knows except the worker also not much aware of that the water they are making [Music] this is the basically they are making the pesticides they are using the mic you know methyl isocyanate for the as a raw material i was in delhi and back to bhopal in the same day my train was held up to the outside the police station during the my visa come from the station to my resident i saw the lot of people dying both the sides of the road the old peoples young women and old women and so many childrens also they with the women these hands lot of people in silent mode because they are not living they are just dying i was living in the old city where my family still lives and that place is quite closer to the carbide plant so even that area was affected i was sleeping and suddenly started suffocating my wife was coughing but we didn't unders couldn't understand what it was so i called up the police control room from there i came to know that the gas has leaked from the urine carbide plant there was a feeling in in my throat as if there's a pin moving in and up and down there was an quite uneasy feeling in the throat i thought since it's maybe i'm catching cold because that was the symptom i had experienced earlier but this was different i was staying at the first floor so i went to the window and found that the people were coughing and running and then i put my fan on and asked my wife to sit under the concentration of that air so that there's no gas but i couldn't think anything more because i had read all about the chemicals and how how to do this but i i lost my senses at that moment since i was aware of the toxicity of the chemicals i realized that my time is up i cannot save myself now so i started calling my friends who were staying little away and warned them that they should run away because any time the gas could reach their places but then my wife said that you are talking to your friends and making them run away and all that but you are not bothered about your parents who are in the other room said suddenly i woke up from that inertia and then i knocked the door and i found them in a very bad shape my brother my sister my parents then i decided that we should also try to save ourselves so we ran away from that place after say few hours when the police made an announcement that it's now safe to go back home we came back but obviously we were all affected so that caused lots of problems health issues but somehow we survived but thousands of people died i asked my parents to move in in an opposite direction which was towards the new mobile city but then i started moving towards the carbide factory i thought that i should go and see so my wife and my sister were with me on the scooter and the people who saw me moving in that direction so they started calling me a fool and then say salah you will die where are you going run in the opposite direction but then i woke up and i realized that i was making a mistake then i took my family away and left at a friend's place who was staying at a place which is which is a higher place so because gas goes down lot of people and relate to the victims or citizens of this city they came to bhopal and they feeling they are not live there they may be dead or somewhere there left from the house so they are searching around the city and outside the city also and go to the hospitals so in the hospital just like this very very crowd mob was around the media hospital that bodies either dump the lot of dead bodies in this campus inside the both the roadside they collected by the machinery and government machinery and take that body to the media hospital and they post multimeter and then cause identify the causes of the death then i have talked to lot of our friends and then we'll go to that area and they and then we are organizing some support to the those people inside the house and hearts so we are pulling from there and sent to the hospital what is it is [Music] my name is satina charangi and i've been here since right after the disaster [Music] zambana clinic came about 12 years after the disaster the first two years after the disaster we were fighting with the survivors for better health care and after that the government spent quite a bit of money and established a health care system but after about eight years and nine years of these system we found that no gas affected people were not getting better by taking so many drugs you ask them how many medicines have you taken and they would say in kilograms 40 kilograms and yet they were not getting better yeah i grew up in delhi i heard about bhopal i was seven years old when this had happened but like most people in india think or most people in the world just know that this is something that happened many years ago and everything is all right now [Music] and then in 99 people from bhupal survivors of the disaster had gone to u. s to protest the merger between union carbide and dow chemical and this is where they were saying that dow chemical just cannot buy all the assets of union carbide and not talk about its outstanding liabilities so that's how i came to know about bhopal in u.
s i was a student there and i got involved and i moved to bhopal in 2003 and i've been working with the survivors since then we provide medical care through three systems through the integration of modern medicine ayurveda including panchakarma and yoga every day between 120 and 150 people come to the clinic oftentimes people have to go back because they cannot get a doctor's appointment the same day and but the total number of people who are registered for chronic care is more than 35 000 and this includes people who have been directly exposed to the gas disaster the major number of people are from there but also there are people who have suffered due to chronic exposure to contaminated groundwater and this groundwater again is contaminated by hazardous wastes from the indian carbide plant that were recklessly dumped by the company [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the groundwater contamination started back in 1982 two years before the disaster so even if the gas had leaked but because how union carbide designed their waste management and the way they were dumping all the toxic waste there are about 48 communities in the area of 64 square kilometers where the groundwater has been contaminated and more than 100 000 people who are drinking contaminated water if you want to cure a patient you want you i mean not only giving a medicine will help him [Music] you want to change his dietary style you want to change his lifestyle you want to change his activities if any things are going on but come on here after giving the medicines he is going to the place which the land is poisonous water is poisonous and everything i mean it is still toxic so you can't really correct him so it is like by medicines we can help to help him or her to an extent but still the situation is saying so they protocol in the virginia they follow the very strictly but in bhupal the same initiative sometime before two three times small leakage workers affected some burning eyes but nobody taken very seriously [Music] this is not something that happened that union carbide corporation put up a factory here you know this was a disaster in making this shut down the refrigeration unit here in order to save some forty dollars a day the the gas had to be kept at cooling temperature and they shut down the system they cut down the security forces they cut down the training that was being given to security personnel they stored the this toxic gas in huge containers which they would have never done in u. s they had a sister plant in u. s where they were using better materials smaller tanks they had better facilities that were working this little box has been built with union carbide super insulation which isn't much to look at just a layer of paper so i mean obviously i mean they knew that killing people in india would not have as much uh doesn't matter as much and that is why it is continuing today can you imagine in any other city any other city where more than 100 000 people are living on a land which is heavily contaminated and you imagine that there are still more than 100 000 people which are still sick and do not know what will work for them or children being born with bird defects that there are six times more bird defects being reported in the progeny of the gas affected parents when compared to mothers who are not exposed to gas [Music] [Music] the bird defects and the congenital deformities again there has been lack of medical research here a lot of it whatever few papers that have been published by independent scientists clearly say that there are problems in the second and even in the third generation of children being born to gas exposed parents and to parents who drank and who continue to drink contaminated water [Music] and if you look at the rehabilitation side of it there are 5 000 women who were giving who were being given pension of 1000 rupees per month half a million people have gotten 500 and that is all they have received in compensation the second generation is not even included in that people who have been drinking contaminated water are not included in that so but in the supreme court now there is a petition on revising that amount of uh compensation uh for the bhopal gas victims and again uh you know government of india is not putting the correct figures of death and injury even in that petition what the people's uh people are having right now is due to the effect the gas had on the neurological system so it's been like 35 years still the effect is there with them because of the effect of the gas on the nerves actually when you inspire it it directly affects your neurological system actually it directly affects your neurological system and of course there is like it also get dissolves in blood many people here we call them gabarat that's a particular word used for that that's an unknown sensation of anxiety actually they don't know what is happening but sometimes at night sometimes in working place they feel like their heart is pumping like anything they don't know what is happening but it's common for many persons i can tell you like 70 75 percent are persons having like this sort of mental discomfort a lot of people around the factory were either daily wage earners some were even farmers who were farming in that land but mostly uh mostly poor people living around the area and when they got exposed when they were gassed on the night what happened most of them could not work because it had a direct impact on being able to do heavy labor jobs so a lot of them moved into the area behind the factory not knowing that that area was contaminated and they were doubly victimized by the contamination because they damage all the his organs most of the body organs they're not able to breathe they're not able to saw the things they are not able to move here and there they lost the efficiency of the body the only agency that had all the information before the disaster was union carbide and but union carbide is refusing to share this medical information that can be used for treating people so they are basically showing an outlaw behavior and an inhuman behavior i will say because they all they have to do is share the medical information they have and that they are saying we won't share because it is trade secret when dow chemical took over union carbide they accepted union carbides liabilities in u.
s they said we will give away money to people who have been poisoned by asbestos in u. s but when it came to bhopal they have a completely double standard and that has continued on and it continues on till today it's not just the world's worst industrial disaster but also uh the world's worst corporate massacre where nobody has been punished for with even a fine or a single day in jail for killing and naming hundreds and thousands of people and poisoning a new generation [Music] the government is not with the victims the corporation obviously is doing everything to buy the government and the u.
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