Como Montar TREINO ABCDE Passo a Passo!📝 (Divisão de Treino 5 Vezes na Semana)

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Laércio Refundini
Como Montar TREINO ABCDE, Divisão de Treino 5 vezes na semana 🔥Meus Cursos na Muscle : https://bit....
Video Transcript:
ABCDE. It is this training style that I am going to give you, and then we talk about training that lasts from Monday to Friday, or you can take a break in the middle of the week and train on Saturday too. First, it is better that you exercise the muscle, train it and stimulate it more than once a week.
I could just come here and say "Chest, back, shoulder, leg and arm workout. " But damn, it could be so much better. The 1st day you can train your chest, but I will recommend training your back because the 1st day is the power day.
It comes after a day of rest and you will be able to train with more load. On the first day, I want you to train your back, a shoulder exercise, and a biceps exercise. The back training alone will work a little on the biceps, and will work on the back of the shoulder, but we are giving these muscles more reinforcement.
"Lalá, so the first workout is back, shoulders and biceps? " No, because you're not going to do an entire shoulder or biceps workout, that's not it. You're giving a little encouragement.
Here we can have a front pulley, a low row, and an open row. Then you go to the reverse crucifix, and do a simultaneous curl, with 2 dumbbells. You're done with the biceps, then I want you to do a lumbar extension bench.
Why in the end? Because you need that lower back to stabilize you, to do biceps, to give you comfort to do reverse crucifixes or posterior deltoids. If you train your lower back beforehand, it could hinder you.
3 sets for each exercise is enough. "Lalá, how many repetitions? " Bro, no reps.
You get close to failure, and in the last series of each exercise you go to failure. This will apply to every training session every day that I will give you here. The 2nd day of training you will do chest press.
We will make a light pass on the side of the shoulder, and a light pass on the triceps. First exercise, do a machine bench press. Take the opportunity to work with higher loads, exercise provides this.
Then, you go to the dumbbell press, but at 30°. We know that this angle works the upper part of the chest more, and you will end the chest training in a crossover. or on the machine crucifix.
These 3 exercises already work the anterior part of the shoulder considerably, so now you will just do a lateral raise to work this middle part. And then we're going to do a triceps pulley, which is a good exercise for the triceps , but I want you to be careful to keep your elbows close to your body, because if you falter, they move away, and with that you lose muscular work. Now, you put on abs.
Let's put the abdomen on the machine, which I like because you can manipulate the load. The abdomen is important to train like any other muscle in your body, so put a load on this, work it with high intensity. Let's now go to our 3rd training session, it's training C.
Rani told me. . .
You can surprise me, I thought it was just counting, and Rani if ​​you tell him "How much is 2+3? ", he it comes like this. .
. - 5, this one is easy. - You got it right.
Who taught you? We're going to go down and do the leg. You did chest, what joints did you use?
Shoulder and elbow joint. He used his shoulder a lot. And the back?
The back also uses the shoulder, right? And he uses a lot of elbows too. What am I doing now?
Asking you to do leg work so your joints can rest. When you train your legs, you place demands on the muscle, which is why it develops, and you also place demands on your joints. When you put pressure on a joint, it will go into the recovery process, just like the muscle, but its recovery is slower.
Be more careful with this. They are not enervated. "What does that mean, Lalá?
" You don't feel pain if you're hurting them. Do you know cartilage? She has no enervation.
If you are doing some exercise wrong, or exaggerating the amount of exercise on that joint, not giving it time to recover, you don't feel it wearing out, degrading. You will only feel it when it has gone to space, because when bone hits bone, there is pain. Another piece of information about cartilage and joints that is important: it is not vascularized.
You don't have a blood supply to bring nutrients and oxygen for her to recover. Take care of your joints if you have them perfect. I didn't know this information, and I hurt my joints to the point that today I feel pain in them and live with it.
It's pretty bad, okay? We will do quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles. ;It's a lot to train in one day.
And the cool thing: you will have C1 and C2. In C1 you will do quadriceps, then hamstrings, then calves, I'll talk about the exercises in a moment . When you do C2, you will do the calf, then the hamstring, and then the quadriceps.
Why do this? If you do quadriceps and hamstrings, in the calf you will want to leave, tired, you will train your calf poorly. The back of the thigh will already lose a little.
Now, when you invert, you pay attention to precisely what you paid less attention to in the first training. How do you organize this throughout the week? - Week 1, which one do you do?
- C1. - And week 2? - C2.
- And week 3? And that. - C1.
Give a round of applause to the professional. First exercise: warm up and such, and free squats. Then, leg press 45°.
It works well, and you finish your quadriceps on an extension chair. Squats are a great exercise for working your glutes, and you can develop your thighs well. However, it demands a lot from your lumbar spine.
The leg press demands a lot from the glutes and quadriceps, a great exercise, but the lower back is supported. And now, you can continue to exhaust these muscles with your back calm, without tiring it. The leg extension is important, because among these 3 exercises, it is the only one that will work with a certain intensity to develop the rectus femoris, the muscle that is located exactly in the middle of your thigh.
In squats and leg presses, it contracts but does not develop. Now, hamstrings, it is important that you have at least 3 exercises for this region. Normally, what I do is: unilateral standing flexor, chair flexor and stiff.
Unilateral standing flexor: unilateral exercise fits well within a variety of stimulus training, and you have your hip extended, the muscle is shortened. Then we go to a chair flexor, which works this more elongated muscle. Final, stiff, because it keeps the knee stabilized and allows the hip to move, because the posterior thigh is a hip extensor.
In other words, it is an exercise that works the same region, but with completely different mechanics . It's great to have this diversity. Calf: you need to do 1 exercise with the knee flexed, because then you will pay more attention to the muscles in your calf called the soleus, and one exercise with the knee extended, because then you will pay attention to the gastrocnemius muscles.
If you think about it, I train my entire body, right? At this moment, if you can fit it into your routine, it's nice to have a day off. I knew that athletes in the past defended the idea that after training the entire body, it was good to take a day of rest, and in a way we even used that.
As you will train 5 times, if you have the possibility to train on Friday and Saturday, take a rest on Thursday. You can go to the gym to do cardio, you can go to do abs and cardio. Enough, I'm already tired.
Imagine that on Thursday you took a day of rest. Why this rest? Your muscle will develop and grow with rest.
Training is to stimulate the muscle to grow. Muscle growth is attributed to two main things: rest and nutrition. And when we talk here, we talk about the main macronutrient that will help you with this.
It's protein. Muscle is contractile protein. From the moment you train, you want to build more muscle, you want to build more protein, it is important that you keep your protein intake OK.
Some literature shows us that consumption per day is an average of 2g of protein per kg of weight, and I'll tell you right away from Growth, which will help you a lot in this aspect. Growth whey is the best value for money on the market, you have a discount coupon, there is the link below to go to the Growth store, which will make a difference in your results. Let's now go to the 4th training, and it could happen on Friday, and if it happens it will be good, you will understand, because you will work on the shoulders, biceps and triceps, and in this one we will also have D1 and D2.
- It's getting confusing! Next: D1 we start with biceps, go to triceps and then shoulders. In D2, we start with triceps, then biceps, then shoulders.
The muscle you start with is the muscle that develops the most, and you can even use it as a strategy to pay more attention to the triceps if you want to make your arm bigger than the triceps, it is 2/3 of your arm. Or do you continue the way I'm telling you. 1st exercise: barbell curl.
It's interesting at the beginning of training, because it's at a medium fiber length, and this gives you more strength. Take advantage and work these exercises with a slightly heavier load. Then, you go to the Scott thread.
Give preference to it on the machine due to force vectors, and then you go to the 45° curl, which will work the most stretched muscle. Now let's move on to the triceps, and we'll start with the forehead curl, but I want you to do it on the pulley, and this will help you a lot by not demanding so much on your elbow. Once you've finished the overhead curl, you'll continue on the pulley and do the triceps pulley with a rope, and this exercise is fantastic especially for putting more peak tension, mainly increasing the tension in the muscle, because it's shortened.
Then, French triceps. French is good at the end of the training because it stretches the muscle more and you understand that at the end I put a 45° curl on my biceps, which stretches, and now I'm adding French, which also stretches. In each part of the training it is important that you exercise the muscle in a certain way to get the best possible result.
This is putting together training intelligently. I'm giving you this training, an idea of ​​what this is like, but you can also become our student and receive our entire platform, including the training sessions I put together, the periodization, the entire progression, factors that science argues are important for hypertrophy. There's the link below so you can find out more about all this.
Go take a look. Once that's done, you go to the shoulder, and I want you to do 9 sets of lateral raises. Use whatever you have at your gym.
"Laércio, I don't have a lot of equipment here, I can do lateral raises with dumbbells, and I can do it with the cable. " So do it. Put half in one, half in another.
If you have a lateral raise machine in your gym, it's perfect. Then you do lateral raises with dumbbells, then on the cable, and finish on the machine. You've finished the lateral part of the shoulder, I want you to do the posterior part of the shoulder, and then we're going to use the unilateral posterior deltoid on the pulley.
Notice that I'm doing exercises that are a little different from the ones you did at the beginning of the week. The proposal is for you to provide more diversity of stimuli. Now you're going to do a front raise, and with the front raise the idea is to work the anterior part of the shoulder in a different way than you worked on the chest.
This workout will be a little longer, as there are more exercises, but it will not be as strenuous. Biceps are easier to train, triceps too, shoulders more or less the way I set them up, you'll be able to do a good workout, leave with a pumped arm, a nice shoulder, on a Friday - you already understand, be happy. - I'm naughty.
Now for Saturday's training I want you to do the full body, which involves taking an exercise for each muscle and doing it in a single day. Then, you will build your full body exactly with the exercises you have already done that week. I want you to do the full body with exactly one variety, changing the exercises.
First, in full body, you do machine bench presses. In the second, you do an incline dumbbell press, third, you do a cross over, and in detail, the hamstrings and quadriceps are different exercises. If you do squats, you will need to do something for your hamstrings as well.
For the shoulder, just add lateral elevation. So, we will have 1 chest, 1 back, 1 biceps, 1 triceps, 1 lateral shoulder, 1 quadriceps, 1 hamstring, and 1 calf. There are 8 exercises so it's a longer workout, but because it's on the weekend , you might have that time to work.
Regarding cardio, it is important to do it at the end of training, with the exception of leg day. That workout of yours that is your legs, whether C1 or C2, without cardio. Finished training, go home.
In others, it's worth going home, if you're going to take this break in the middle of the week, on Thursday, as we talked about, go to the gym, do a 30, 40 minute cardio, a longer cardio. On other days you can do 20 minutes of cardio. It will help you a lot both to build muscle and to reduce fat.
Now, I want you to click on this video, which are Things You Should Do During Training to make sure it was a good workout. Click there.
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