Several people live to be a hundred years old and they have great lives. But somewhere in their life, they had a decision to make. They can go left or right on this path.
Left was the easy route. Right was a hard route. A lot of people take the easy route.
But the better life was going to the right side. Because many of us are cuffed to convenience. Comfort and convenience is killing your calling.
Your plan will not be convenient. If you want to be ordinary, you ain't even got to listen to me. If you think ordinary is cool, just go on about your business.
But if you are sitting in this room and you have extraordinary aspirations, then you're going to have to do extra. You put extra on top of ordinary and you come up with extraordinary. It's no other way.
All of you have extraordinary capabilities. All of you. You have to decide if you are willing to do the things to put you in that category.
You have to struggle. The bigger the struggle, the bigger the peace. The bigger the suffering, the more peace.
If dreams were easy, everybody would make them happen. The problem is that most people, they can't get up in the morning. They ain't got no energy.
Most people that I'm with, they don't got the energy to keep up with me. I'm like, boo, ain't nothing wrong with you. You just ain't got the stamina.
You just ain't got the energy. You can't smart everything. You can't outthink everything.
Some stuff is just, you gotta be powerful. You just too slow. It just takes you too long.
You wake up, take you three weeks to do what it can take 24 hours to do. It don't make you a bad person, but you're gonna forever be average, because to be great you got to keep up. I'm shocked more people aren't on beast mode.
There are people who live in from check to check and they comfortable. It's the weirdest thing to me, I'm like boo, you broke. Some of you broke and you still entertained.
You ain't got no money and you sitting here complaining about but then you watching all the TV programs. You need to look at yourself in the mirror and say why are you only given 50%? What's wrong with you?
You need to put yourself on punishment. You need to tell you, no more tv. No more snacks.
No more desserts. No, we working out now. I want you to ask yourself, why aren't you putting more effort forward?
Why aren't you getting A's in math? You can. Why aren't you getting A's in English?
You can. You got to look at that man or that woman in the mirror, and say, hey, get serious. You've been seriously not serious.
You've been wasting valuable time. Get serious. Take control of yourself.
You don't have the luxury of being reckless, or procrastinating, or putting things off. Come on. You got work to do.
Unless you number one in your industry, you shouldn't be chilling. And if you number one in your industry, you got enough common sense to know you better not be chilling. So I need that dog.
Every time something good happens to me, I don't get satisfied. I get hungry. When I put forth 120 percent effort, can't nobody stop me.
I didn't get here off being smart. I didn't get here being talented. I got here off that dog.
I got that dog. I got that grind. And whenever I put my mind to, I can do.
Expand yourself. Take yourself out your comfort zone. You will fail in your comfort zone.
Success is not a comfortable procedure. It is a very uncomfortable thing to attempt. So you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable if you ever want to be successful.
Start putting some pressure on. Put some pressure on yourself. Most people want it easy.
Easy come, easy go. See, but when you handle those hard things close at hand, making those hard decisions right now, that you don't want to make. Learning those things that you don't like to do.
You do what it is you're supposed to. You're supposed to build something, you're supposed to create something, "I don't know how to do it. " Learn.
Do whatever is required. You're gonna have to f*cking suffer man. To grow, you must suffer.
I'm going to fail. I'm going to fail. I'm going to fail.
I'm going to fail. And I will succeed. If you stay in bed, if you stay on the couch, if you stay in your comfort zone, if you only do what is easy, your life will be hard.
But if you do what is hard, if you get up, if you grind, if you are relentless, if you work as hard as possible when other people are slacking off your life will be easy. If you're willing to take the harder way, the one with more failures at first than successes, the one that has ultimately proven to have more meaning, more victory, more glory, then you will not regret it. Everybody's living off the hope factor.
They hope the water was never cold. They hope the weather was good. I don't live off that hope sh*t.
I wish the water was cold. I wish for f*cking rain. Whenever anything is challenging, whenever anything sucks, good.
I like it. It's going to give me a good story to tell. It's going to toughen my mind.
And it's going to make us stronger. It's your trial, it's your tribulation, that's going to get you out of your comfort zone. It's your trial, it's your tribulation, that's going to take you to the next level.
When the end is unknown, and the distance is unknown, that's when you know who the f*ck you are. When you're working out and you want to die, feel the pain happening in your legs as you rep out one more squat. Because it'll be all the more pleasurable when you reach the other end, where you're relaxing.
Boy, I really went hard on that set. I really went hard in school. I really went hard in my career.
I really went hard in life. I turn around in exhaustion. Salute my former self that was right there.
Proud of that motherf*cker. Yeah, I'm tired. That motherf*cker gave it his all.
To ensure that, right now, I got the most out of it. I realized I was on the right path because it stopped being easy. I'm f*cking exhausted.
I'm tired as f*ck. But I'm not gonna complain because I asked for this sh*t. So I'm gonna smile with tired f*cking eyes and realize that everything I'm doing on a daily basis is for a f*cking reason.