Because God is always a mystery. There is always one step further and beyond anything I can say about Him. God escapes.
God is untameable. God is indefinable. God is in that silence in the face of the absurd.
Because maybe God is the absurd. If there is anything I can say about this mystery, about this silence. .
. If any content in this void is love incarnate. God is the original source of all love.
God's address on earth is where love manifests and materializes. So it's not a doctrine. It is not dogma.
Neither minor nor restricted to a religious experience. If there is any voice in this silence, it is when incarnate, materialized love is made in the world. I believe the best thing for you to ask God for is exactly what he wants to give you.
When. . .
there's no holding clinch. Asking God for the ability to perceive him in all things, I believe that is what we need at a time like this to know how to perceive his goodness. Because people sometimes only realize the goodness of God when they win something but it is sometimes difficult to see the goodness of God when things don't look so good.
Imagine that you are a very large rocket aimed at the sky but without fuel. and you just dream about that place and suddenly you don't see any way out even because the law of gravity operates on you. Suddenly Jesus appears and says, "Come.
" This comes means: "You have fuel now in your rocket. " My sim is to start the engine and make that rocket go up. In other words, I need to use all the strength in the world to get rid of the law of gravity of what holds me back from where I was.
I need to use all my strength to run. In other words, the impression. .
. no one is born to mature Christ. No one is born for Christ theologian, teacher, prophet.
People are born without knowing who He is right. Martin Luther said that men wear a mask to hide their face. God wears a mask to reveal himself.
And that He is so great that His way of showing is by hiding. Then the gospel of John begins like this: "In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God, and He was God. " God knows what will be, God knows what would be.
God knows until the end of time the history of man with Adam sinning and He really knows what it would be like if man did not sin. What a hypothesis for us is true for Him. Eternity makes God know everything before He says, "Let there be light.
" All things are already known to Him. And all things will converge in Christ. Even in the fall of man there is a purpose.
God, it was not God that caused man to fall but it was the fall of man that exalted Christ. What moves the heart of God is repentance. That's when I reach out to God and say, "God, I'm shit.
. . I made a mistake again, I couldn't.
" God has mercy. The bible says that God dwells in the highest place. But He also dwells with a contrite spirit.