I'm 26 years old I'm a multi-millionaire I took care of my whole family right now I'm here in West Hollywood I just had an amazing night with some of my best friends in the world I am living the life that I had always desired and in this video today I actually wrote something I want to share it with you guys because I want to explain today how I was able to create this life I want to explain this because these are the things that I wish someone explained to me when I was first starting on my journey over 10 years ago and I have the blueprint for anybody who wants to achieve this level of success in their life not just in worldly material things but internally so listen the first thing that I want to talk about in this piece is that I created this life first by defining it clearly in my head in these pages I set my GPS and it wasn't perfect but it was an idea now a lot of you guys want to become successful but you have never even put a definition on what success is for you okay sure you might say hey I want to make a million dollar but what what are you doing how are you making that money what does your life look like where are you living who are you living with do you have a girlfriend do you have a car what color is the car what type of clothing do you wear you don't have any idea of where you're trying to go and with that you'll never be able to go anywhere I'm using my phone to record this video but I actually have a note on my phone and it's scary it's actually scary how accurate I was able to predict and then go on to create the life that I'm living today in 2020 when I was at my alltime low $30,000 in debt addicted to drugs living the life that I was ashamed of I didn't even want to look at myself in the mirror I even wanted to call the hotline because I was having a bad day like that I was not happy and I remember I crashed out one night and I said listen I'm done with this I want to write this down and I'm going to make this happen and I put out the vision of what my dream life was year by year I put exactly what I wanted to do I put that I wanted to be a YouTuber with over a million subscribers I put that I wanted to have a wife I put that I wanted to take care of my mom I put that I wanted to live in Miami and Los Angeles I put my exact net worth and would you believe me if I said year by year every single thing that I put on this list came true I can't make this up I put things that were so specific that I cannot believe came true I put that I was going to sell my software company for millions of dollars and create content that inspires millions of people around the world when I had no subscribers on YouTube and when my software company was burning $10,000 a month of a hole in my pocket I had the vision at that point in time to say that this is where I wanted to go you have to be very clear about where you want to go and it's to the point where it's not even going to make sense to you it's not even going to make sense that that is even possible for you to achieve it but I I promise you this is the very first step even when I was dead broke when I was a kid when I was 16 17 years old I wrote down an even simpler version of this saying I'm going to be living in my own apartment I'm going to be waking up every single day at 700 a. m. what I did was I put my dream day and this is maybe an exercise that would be fun for you guys to experiment with pull out the notes app write down your dream day what does it look like what car are you driving what type of coffee are you having in the morning what does your dog look like what does your wife look like and write down what the dream day is for you and look at this every single day and compare it to your life and it's going to give you that clear GPS signal of where you want to go the next thing I included in this notebook is that I then convinced myself it was possible by putting one foot in front of the other and accumulating small winds that reaffirmed it can all be done most people start with the first thing that I said actually a lot of people have vision boards and notebooks and manifestation journals that's great but what are you actually doing to achieve that thing I'm not the guy that's going to tell you yo wake up at 5:00 a.
m. hit the cold punch hit the sauna run 20 miles get lit Focus 24 hours a day no what I'm telling you to do is get out there and take one step towards that dream life that you always wanted because what's going to happen after you fall on your face a couple times you're going to get that first little signal that hey I actually am capable of doing this thing you're going to get the signal that this is the right path that I'm supposed to go on for me I had many of those signals as a kid when I was in high school I knew that I wanted to be an entrepreneur even though nobody else in my family was a successful entrepreneur even though I didn't know a single millionaire I knew that I wanted to do that thing so I didn't say I'm going to be a millionaire I just said I'm going to be an entrepreneur and sure enough I started taking those steps I started a clothing brand I sold my first t-shirt for $20 that sounds small but back then it made me feel like I was a businessman I got to wear that on my chest that now I'm an entrepreneur I own a company I'm selling products that changed my self-image and it made me believe that I could actually achieve that dream life that I wanted it's just about taking one step and putting it in front of the other every single day and if you can do that you're going to get these tiny wins that continue to reaffirm that it's possible I said I wanted to be a YouTuber I didn't go and say oh well now I'm going to try to get a million subscribers right now and I'm going to try to make a viral video no I just shot a video it got some views 10 views 20 views oh well guess what I'm a YouTuber now then I shot another video and I got some more views and now I'm getting better and I'm moving closer to that dream life because I'm just consistently taking one step in front of the other even at this level of success that I'm at today I still look at things the exact same in fact I actually laugh when people come to me and they're like what's your what's your 10year plan brother what's your master 30-year plan I don't know I have an idea of who I want to be I have an idea of what my life is going to look like but I'm not out here scheming on some master 30-year plan I'm just putting one for in front of the other every single day and accumulating these small victories that's why I got that little slogan another day another W because if you can get a small win every single day eventually it's going to build up to that life that you always desired so that's the second step if you want to go out and achieve your dream life is put the one foot in front of the other and I learned a lot through this process the biggest lesson is that God is going to test you around every corner he's going to put you through trials and if you pass them you will be rewarded heavily as beautiful as it sounds that you set some dream vision and you put one foot in front of the other and then you walk your way up the ladder to success it don't look like that it doesn't look like that it's really rough actually um if you guys could understand some of the emotions that I've gone through over the last 10 years to achieve this life today I don't know if you guys could handle it it's just I'm just being real with you but when I look back on these times like being in debt like seeing my Mom struggle and not being able to help her financially like seeing my sister struggle with her problems and not being able to help her I realized that that was a test I realized that that was God saying hey you want this thing well here you go pass this test I think as humans we tend to take these challenges and label them as bad but in reality those trials are there to be passed and if you pass them you'll be rewarded and if you don't pass them you're going to get the opposite I don't know what the opposite of a reward is I'm not the smartest guy but it's not good I know how it feels when there's something that I want to do and I don't do it this channel is a great example I was stuck on figuring out what is the next video to post on this channel for over a month now and I'm still figuring it out how I feel every day that I don't produce a video video sucks so what do I do I get up I do that thing and I push forward moral of the story on this lesson is that there are so many failures that you are going to encounter while you're walking the path to your dream life and you have to stop labeling them as a bad thing cuz they're not that's literally the path that's literally how it's supposed to be if it wasn't that way everybody would be a decamillionaire famous rich or whatever your definition of say esses I don't care everybody would have everything they ever wanted if it wasn't this way but I know you're watching this video because you're different not everybody watches this type of stuff on YouTube I know that you feel like you were chosen to become successful in your life that's why you watch my content to get to that level though you have to pass the tests and they're never going to stop even today at this stage of my life I'm constantly being tested I'm constantly being delivered Temptation I'm constantly being delivered doubt and fear and anxiety even before filming this video I was anxious and that's why I wrote this because I felt like I'm not the greatest speaker so I decided to get this book and just start writing the ideas down before I talked about them and it made me feel better anyways I have a lot more to share and the next points in my opinion are the most important so please listen up I then made it a priority to surround myself with literally anybody who had the things that I wanted over the years this has evolved as I learned more about myself and grew to desire different things when I was broke I just wanted to surround myself with somebody that had a car or had some money because they had the thing that I wanted when I became an entrepreneur and I had no success as an entrepreneur I just wanted to surround myself with anybody else that was an entrepreneur that was having a little bit of success maybe even if they were just making a $100 a day I wanted to know them because they had the thing that I wanted and I could learn from them not even from just asking them questions but just being around them and seeing how they move I remember that when I was young and I started making a little bit of money there are not that many entrepreneurs in my hometown and there's especially not any young entrepreneurs in fact I can go by name and tell you all of them that were in my city best believe I became friends with all of them every single one of them I became friends with because they were the only people who had the things that I wanted and I knew that if I wanted those things I needed to be around them I also don't believe this thing that everybody says of like cut off your friends and go get friends that are motivational I think that's so freaking stupid I think I think it's so stupid like oh I'm not going to be friends with you because you're not successful like I think I I cannot stand when people say that but what I'm saying is that you need to have those other friends that have the things that you want and be inspired with them I remember when I was in high school my best friend we wanted the same things we both wanted to be YouTubers we both wanted to own companies so guess what we did after school we shot stupid music videos and we tried to start a creative marketing agency and we entered film festivals seeing somebody else that wants the same thing as you makes you feel like you're not crazy for wanting that thing and that's why I love sharing what I share on YouTube because maybe you guys going to connect with what I'm saying today and be like bro he gets it cuz I do get it and there's a lot of other people that get it we live in a world now where you don't have to necessarily have people in your hometown to connect with I mean I'm not uh super old but back then it was harder when I was in school to meet people that were entrepreneurial than it is today we living in the greatest time ever to be an entrepreneur Because the Internet allows you to connect with anybody so when I first started making money with dropshipping I was in Facebook groups and I was in paid communi trying to find people who are making a little bit more money than me I became friends with them I got on calls with them and sure enough I started making more money and as my journey evolved this continued to change I wanted to become a YouTuber while I start going to YouTube conferences I pay YouTube strategist to connect me with people and teach me things and sure enough I become a successful YouTuber and now at this stage of my life I'm connecting with creatives and artists because I'm entering my artistic era and I I really want to surround myself with people that make me feel like it's possible um today I was with my buddy Ray he is one of my coolest friends in the world I tell this guy all the time I think he's the coolest person in the world this guy is a multi-millionaire and he did it all off of art paintings he travels the world gets paid seven figures to go paint a building go paint a palace he's painting a palace in Italy I'm not saying I want to become a but I want my art to be worth something like that so I surround myself with people like him I was with my friends yesterday another they're DJs From the Netherlands these guys been doing this thing for 10 years and now they're traveling the world making hit records that inspires me I'm in that mode and those are the people that I surround myself with so it's important for you at whatever stage you're at to find the people who have the things that you want and spend time with them whether that's on the Internet or whether that's in person make it a priority and I say all these things right I don't want you to think that you have to like do one and then do one and then do one as you'll see it's sort of like a process they all go together like this is all one combination so make sure you combine these things if you really want to see the highest level of results then I said through it all I learned to fall in love with the journey I understood that there is no GPS final endgame destination and once you reach one spot you may want to stay a while but eventually you must go on to the next it's true I had my first Dram vision of my life and when I got there I hung out a little while then I was bored I wanted something else I wanted to go on for the next challenge that's what it's all about I think that we fantasize too much about when we have something we're going to feel better but it doesn't work that way you will feel better for a second I promise you you will feel amazing when you retire your mom or when you buy your mom her dream house but guess what couple months later that's just mom's house that's just the house it ain't it's it's it just that that chapter's done you went to that place but now you have to figure out the next thing I felt amazing when I sold my company it was one of the most elated feelings of my entire life that was a goal that I had since I was literally at my lowest point 5 years ago but very shortly after as you guys may have saw in the first video on this channel I caught this kind of wave of depression because that was my end game goal how did I fix that depression well I put a new navigation in the GPS I got a new Direction now I got new things that I'm working on now I got a new place that I want to go and now it's not about the money it's about creating some cool [ __ ] it's about inspiring the world through ART it's about inspiring the world through my message it's about traveling the world and sharing stories of interesting characters to show you guys that it's possible from no matter where you come from and of course it's about building companies because I love being an entrepreneur since I was young but not building companies for money but building companies that provide value to the world because that's the only way you can get paid I say it all the time it's impossible to make money you can't make it you don't have a money printer you can only earn money you can only earn money and the only way to do that is by providing value to people so that's my mission at this stage of my life and I've recalibrated and now I feel aligned once again finally after 2 3 months of trying to figure it out I feel realigned once again and for that I'm grateful truly I said it is learning to appreciate the space between the destinations that makes life worth living that's real I might write a book one day man I'm not even trying to gas myself up but I really be writing man writing is one of my favorite things to do but anyways okay I'm going stop stop it is learning to appreciate the space between the destinations that makes life worth living it's real stop waiting to get to that next level and just appreciate where you're at today it might not make sense to you and you might even be hating on me saying this in the comments sometimes I miss being broke I don't want to go back to being broke I I Lord please but sometimes I miss it I miss how simple my life was back then now I'm the man I got a girl I take care of her I got a mama a brother a sister I take care of them I got a dad take care of him and that side of the family guess what your life went from being I just want to figure out how to make some money to oh now I can't mess up or everybody around me is going to fall off not only that but a lot of you guys watch me and a lot of you guys look up to me in some way not look up to me I don't I don't mean that a lot of you guys respect what I'm doing and a lot of you guys maybe see my story and get inspired you you shouldn't look up to nobody but God and that's real um the point that I was trying to make by saying all that is the space in between these destinations of where you're trying to go is where things are beautiful and when I said I think it was better being broke even J.