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Absolute Motivation
Your biggest enemy is your uncontrolled mind. This is one of the best motivational speeches ever, fe...
Video Transcript:
[Music] Hey listen let's be real you won't always be motivated but you have to learn how to be disciplined enough to keep going you're always afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 m down the road but you can do anything you want you are bound by nothing what are you passionate about what do you want [Laughter] I love thinking about the quote every guy essentially has two lives and the second one starts once you realize you only have one I like that a lot because it's so true
man you know you've only got one shot at this so you may as well at least make it kind of cool and that's what the great ones do they Marshall and harness their resources their mental focus their physical energy their personal willpower their individual gifts their time and they focus them on just a few things and if you I want you to think about it in your life you Stripped Away all the noise you focused on the signal you Stripped Away all the complexity you got monom manically concentrated on just a few things of course
you'd be brilliant at those few things everybody wants to feel like a winner everybody wants to feel like a winner so how do you get the winning feeling simple answer you win okay how do you win well you cross the finish line first now fortunately in life what successful people do and I learned this after many years it's so important is they set up Finish Lines for themselves that they can cross and so if you complete a task of any value it's like winning a little bit and you feel like a winner you start you
work you complete the task silence the voice of Doubt within you let your actions speak louder than your fears your dreams are built on the thoughts you choose to believe 90% of your self-doubt is the result of a lie that you overestimate the degree to which other people are noticing or observing your actions or behaviors it's called the spotlight effect it says that we think everyone is looking at us and focusing on us when in reality everyone is just focusing on themselves no one is looking at you no one really cares about the things you're
doing because they're just concern concerned with themselves so it's a reminder there's no one to impress you don't have anyone to impress with your actions or decisions or the things that you're doing the only person you need to worry about impressing is yourself so remember that the next time you're Paralyzed by inaction the next time you're Paralyzed by self-doubt no one really cares about you that should be liberating that should encourage you to live according to your values your principles to just be you the bloodline breaker is is you it's any person any you're qualified
to be one and so am I and I don't care what anyone else says that decides they want to break the generational curses and the crap and the [ __ ] they've had going on in their family genes and bloodline it's going to take you getting pissed off it's going to take you getting stirred up grab the rearview mirror point it in your direction is that who you're supposed to be if it's not you can make a decision today to be the bloodline breaker in your family and I promise you you can literally curve history
just by waking up at this moment life's not fair there is plenty of uncontrollable luck that deeply impacts our lives where we are born who we are born to and the circumstances of our early childhood all have an outsized impact bad people win and good people lose all the time but within that dark context there are bright spots the opportunity playing field is leveling the world may never be truly fair but it will always belong to those who make the most of what they have before them be grateful for what you have and make the
most of [Music] today I want to make sure everybody knows that they're enough no matter what they go through what they've been through that they are enough the number one CS for anything is people not knowing that they're enough they feel like they're not enough just because you have some bad chapters doesn't mean your story can't end well and every story has bad chapters it's about you find the strength to turn the page and so hold on to that in your struggle in your journey in your pain and then turn your pain from your worst
enemy to your best friend do that use pain I'll let it use you time and consistency is a powerful combination because the passing of time is already an absolute and now it's up to you to do a little bit every day just understand that doing a little is not hard but you got to do it every day that's the hard part and whether you choose to do it or not the time will pass anyway if you aren't willing to give it your all if you're not willing to go 110% just give up you're doing nothing
but wasting your time understand that the path to success is not going to be easy you're going to suffer you're going to face hardship there are going to be days where you don't feel like moving forward but if you're able to push through it if you're willing to give it everything you've got to achieve your goals you will achieve success if you acknowledge that the path is going to be easy but are willing to commit yourself to giving it your all to giving it 110% I guarantee that you will achieve your goals don't quit you've
come so far already look back at the beginning see how much ground you've covered it wasn't easy right but you did it I'm all about perspective cuz I truly believe if you change your perspective you can change your life when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change how you view what you do impacts and affects how you do what you do perspective is everything you can either look at mistakes and mess ups as hindrances and roadblocks or you can look at mistakes and mess ups as opportunities and ways
to grow and learn right and when you shift your perspective the way that you navigate those things the way that you deal with them the way that you go through them changes drastically more than you can chew and then chew let go all of your growth will come from pushing beyond your current [Music] limits and life is tough sometimes but you are making it and that there is a reason that you are going through what you're going through wherever you are in your life is where you're supposed to be and it's part of your journey
and I believe you know that that this all ends really really well it can be tough right now it all ends really really well we say we want to get better we say we want to learn about this or that we say we want to make a change we say we've decided to get serious but is this [Music] true stoics had an expression ACTA non verba Deeds not words so it's ironic that most of us say we want to make these improvements but we can't or won't do the bare minimum in life you either change
intentionally or you change by crisis happening in your life most of the we change because of a girl broke up with us somebody ripped us off you got backstabbed you lost everything you change because [ __ ] hit the fan right the guys that change intentionally you're almost like but he's not the same you don't see him for 6 months and he's changed again if you can change intentionally without crisis happening to you you're ahead of everybody by 99% of people you're head of it's not even a question those were willing to risk going too
far can possibly find out how far one can go you have to take the [Music] risk it always looks impossible when things change it always feels impossible when that thing ends It Feels So Impossible but only when you keep telling the old story cuz in the old story you can't see the vision you can't feel it in the old story you'll do the old actions and you can't imagine a better future but that's your job job one each day bring the best of who you you are and move in the next right direction of Integrity
for you you don't have to know all the steps move in the next right direction always be moving in the right direction of Integrity for yourself and if you can do that Faithfully over and over and over again you keep growing if you stop growing you just got stuck in an old story stuck in an old pattern stuck in Old thoughts and concerns and worries and of course mired in that you can't see and you can't move [Music] when we're just focusing on getting to the Finish Line we end up underappreciate and really disrespecting the
process of where we're at right now and sometimes where you're at right now it might be a low and that's why you're looking to the finish line so much but that low is a weakness and we should be patient in that weakness because there's an opportunity to learn and grow right there you you never grow from crossing the Finish Line because that's where we grow develop evolve get better but it's so easy that when you're in the hard you just want the easy so it's tough but learning how to truly be patient in that weakness
I believe is such it's a hard thing to do but it is transformative if you just focus on okay every single day I'm trying to be the best I can in that day it's not about being perfect like we always say progression over Perfection every single day I'm just trying to get up and be the best I can for that day and I'm I'm going to keep on doing this over a long period of time what do you think will happen if you do that for a long period of time I'm talking 6 months a
year 2 years 3 years what do you think will happen where do you think you will be every single day you just try to make the most out of that day one step at a time one moment at a time 1% at a time think about where you'll be whether it is a missed opportunity a breakup a stupid decision an embarrassing mistake or simply just an unfortunate event there's something in your past that is continuing to weigh on you and it is seriously affecting the way you're able to Simply operate on a day-to-day basis why
is that and how do you fix it but before we even get to that you must understand one simple thing your past is your story and the reality is eventually this darkow that continues to haunt your mind will eventually become the very stepping stone that brings you closer to the version of yourself that you strive to be world will see you as you see people think that the world sees you a certain way and then that's how you are and then you have to change it that's not how it works when you see yourself a
certain way the world respects that and sees you that way as well and that goes for your habits your lifestyle or anything you're trying to work on we create the image that the world accepts and other people think that the world tells us what to be and I think there is two classes of people right you have a class of people that understand like no you I'm going to become what I want to become and that's the small percentage and in the rest of the percentage the world tells them no three or four times they're
like okay I'm just going to take my place over here and be little and be small and live small you know and just be a regular person and you know then they're like why is my life like this well bro because you're not seeing yourself as the way you should be and if you can't see yourself that way then you need to build yourself into someone that you can see that some days it's not about having all the answers or making huge strides forward some days the wind is just showing up you don't need to
be at your best every single day to make progress you just need to stay in the game progress is made in the moments that you keep going when your mind is telling you to stop don't overthink it just show up for yourself today one step at a time don't waste your life set your goals high quit thinking about what's wrong start thinking what's right love a little more hate a little less you have no idea what you're capable of doing make up your mind today you're going to figure it out it's not what you're capable
of it's what you're willing to do it's not what you capable of it's what you willing to do I know plenty of people that are capable I know fewer people that are willing don't let any experience that you've ever had in your life act as a break on your potential because there's hundreds of thousands of people who had it worse than you could ever dream of who've gone on to accomplish wonderful things people want to find their passion but you don't find it you create it and you create it by getting good at something and
to get good at stuff you start by doing something you suck at then you get good then you like it then people ask how you found your passion answer by starting when you sucked and not giving up here are seven thoughts you need to hear at least once in your life number one be so great you can't be ignored number two take care of the work and the work will take care of you three growth is on the other side of discomfort four failure teaches you everything you need to know to be successful five show
me your friends and I'll show you your future six there's only one person you spend all your time with and that's you so do yourself a favor and be as fascinating as possible and seven I'd rather regret the things I did than the things I never tried so make this note dreams and goals can become magnets dreams and goals can become magnets and the stronger the goal the higher the purpose the more powerful the objective the stronger this magnet is that pulls you that direction now not only does your goals and your object objectives pull
you that direction here's what they also do they pull you through they pull you through all kinds of down days they pull you through a difficult time it'll pull you through some winter of your life some people get lost in the confusion of the day simply because they Gold's not bright enough to pull them through one writer of ancient times said we can walk through the valley even though there's Shadows Of Death Around we walk through the valley and here's why it's possible to walk through the valley even though there's death and shadows and difficulties
is because we have a view of the other side of the valley well one of the greatest obstacles to success is self-doubt is we doubt ourselves we think maybe I'm not smart enough or maybe I'm not old enough or experienced enough or educated enough and so self-doubt holds people back now the reverse of self-doubt is self-confidence you can achieve any goal you can set for yourself but but I also say you are a thoroughly good person you are a very good person and you must never doubt yourself no matter how many problems you have in
life hold on to that it's hard to change the world it really is but if you can take a reason and a purpose on your drive your hustle your grind and make a dent just creates a little bit of impact that creates a ripple effect for the future cuz you are the future I often ask people what is the future that you're stepping into lean into the possibility of something versus looking back at the failure of something right I say past hurt informs future fear so wherever we've been hurt we tend to superimpose that as
though that's what's going to happen again and we're now trying to avoid it which is that self-fulfilling prophecy versus if you can really truly let your history be recognize the nature of life is complete uncertainty and so you stay open to life surprising you there's a famous quote about his analogy for successful life and the quote says that in life there's two major seasons and if you think about it like you're floating on a river there's times where you let the water take you where it's supposed to take you and you trust and let the
river flow where it's going to take you so there's a time for floating but there's also a time for swimming where you know I need to go there and you give it all you got because something inside of you tells you it's time we all have Ambitions we all have dreams and goals and desires that we want and our culture fills us with these kind of vague hopes and dreams I'm going to be this I'm going to be that but really what gets you to where you want are daily habits there are negative habits that
you can't get rid of but there are other Habits Like discipline like working every day like taking steps to get reach your goals that are immensely liberating and you can get rid of your bad habits through developing positive habits the goal here is to focus Less on the giant dreams and on the everyday process of changing your thinking the heaviest things in life aren't iron and gold but unmade decisions the reason you are stressed is that you have decisions to make and you're not making [Music] them the fastest way to take control of your life
is to stop controlling everyone around you you have no idea how much time and energy and attention you are wasting trying to control other people you have no idea how much energy you are burning through thinking about worrying about obsessing about what other people are doing what they're not doing what they're feeling all of which you have zero control over overthinking comes from a lack of self-trust more specifically you don't trust yourself to handle the big uncomfortable feelings you might feel if your overthinking fears come true so instead you search for control you catastrophize and
strategize you create a plan of action probably several as you imagine any and everything that could possibly go wrong and exactly how you could react to avoid or minimize the hurt right well if this is the case then you're probably frustrated and exhausted so here's another option trust yourself make a decision preferably one that's well intentioned and aligns with your values if things go according to plan great keep it moving if they don't great keep it moving the control and safety that you're looking for doesn't come from manipulating the external circumstances but rather they're found
in your ability to consistently show up and support yourself regardless of external outcome you can only build a dream as high as your foundation and the foundation of the dream is realism that's why people don't stay with the dream long it's not realistic you see the dream is free but the journey isn't you know what life a is going to get you you've been doing doing it over and over and over and getting the same results you want something different you got to do something different it's that simple you want different you got to do
different you want better you got to be better you want change you got to [Music] change the true horror of existence is not the fear of death but the fear of life it is the fear of waking up each day to face the same struggles the same disappointments the same pain it is the fear that nothing will ever change that you are trapped in a cycle of suffering that you cannot escape and in that fear there is a desperation a longing for something anything to break the monotony to bring meaning to the endless repetition of
days you listen to other people to their opinions or their winess it'll beat you up and you'll never be able to to reach the goals that you want to reach in life so the answer is to become internally oriented to know what you want to know what your goals are to know what your desires are to know what makes you unique and to put your focus on that and not on other people's expectations of you and remember before you do something special just do something and when people say to me well I can't predict my
future I'm in the unknown and I always say the best way to predict your future is to create it not from the known but from the unknown known what thoughts do you want to fire and wire in your brain what behaviors do you want to demonstrate in one day the act of rehearsing them mentally closing your eyes and rehearsing the action sometimes life is asking you to stop being so worried about everything that's going to go wrong when the reality is you're the one manifesting the thing that you don't want to happen because you're choosing
to believe that that's what's going to happen it's always going to feel scary to Your Ego to do something that it's never done before for that's what the fear actually is so it just draws you back to going back to thinking that I don't know if I should do this when the reality is there's an internal part of you that knows it's time for change just learn to trust it because you will come into realization after you make the decision that it was the right decision and you'll feel how it actually helped you let go
of that identity that's been fing dragging you down into a reality that you've already outgrown if you're definit of success is win or lose giving everything you've got and growing or learning along the way then you're setting yourself up for success I really think the biggest cheat code in life is just going after it and not being concerned of whether or not you fail at one specific task instead understanding the big picture what your long-term goal is and knowing if you keep driving forward and never [ __ ] quit in the end you will succeed
Waldo Emerson once said to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment so yes staying true to yourself is a powerful Act of rebellion your authenticity becomes your greatest strength in an environment that pressures you to fit in I prefer to be the kind of person who steps up and facing the challenge than the kind of person who stays below the line and avoids the challenge what kind of person do you want to be what do you want how badly do you want it how much
you want it to suffer those three questions are high performance faing every day don't aim for happiness aim for purpose happiness is temporary it comes and it goes like the waves of the ocean so enjoy it as it comes and smile as it fades away purpose touches your soul now pursuing it doesn't always make you happy and a lot of times it actually makes you frustrated and Confused it also sometimes brings you Joy and Adventure but it is complex like a Renaissance poem there's ups and there's Downs there's twists and turns stagnation and Chaos it
is pure and that is the journey in which you will be fulfilled you only have one chance at this life you do know that right and if you are always playing that supporting role as Ed mlet says when the credits roll at the end of your movie at the end of your life it's just going to say supporting actor number three and it'll have your name don't you want to be the main star don't you want to be the key character in your life story don't you want to make the best decisions human beings have
the ability unlike animals because we have the ability to create our reality and my reality is as I proceive it you have the ability to create your reality what you see here in your head is what you will see as your exterior it's always like that I walk into a party I say man I don't like that guy you know what I'm right you walk in and say that's a wonderful guy you're right too we're both right starting is the hardest part but you've already done that most people never even get to this point they
let fear failure rejection or embarrassment hold them back but you're already ahead of the game because you took action don't waste time worrying about people who doubt you they're just projecting their own insecurities the ones who laugh at you for starting are the ones who are too afraid to start themselves keep pushing real ones will recognize your effort and the rest they don't matter so every time you show up and every time you're on point if you do that on the regular even if every day you're not even making 1% improvements you're making 0 1%
improvements over time those will add up and those will add up exponentially so on a day-by-day basis I mean you're not going to expect anything crazy but you can become completely unrecognizable you do whatever the hell you want just do it well that's important and don't do any damn thing that you will be ashamed of doing tomorrow isn't it what other people say doesn't matter but you should not be ashamed of what you have done isn't it so this much you must keep this much pride and freedom you must keep in your life it doesn't
matter the whole world says you're wrong but you are not ashamed of what you have done that much you must always keep in your life if that one thing if you give up I'm telling you you'll live a very poor life you may have everything but you'll have nothing [Music]
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