Inside Kalki's Goa Bungalow | Brut Sauce

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Brut India
How was motherhood an introduction to human psychology for Kalki? The actor spoke about sustainable ...
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I don't know if she uh hi hi come in come [Music] in we have a table tennis right at the entrance are you a player here we go here we go I'm a little nervous there we go that's one zero oh my God you're doing it without even looking I hate you what the hell I would love to go inside see more of the house yeah and then we're going to come back and finish this business yes this is wow the living room I feel like it's I live in a church you know with all
the stained glass windows it's like I mean it's a basketball court this is a size of a basketball for sure for sure so is this where you're spending most of your time at home uh yeah on this sofa I usually sit here read games uh you know movies whatever what Drew you to want to shift to Goa lifestyle especially with a young kid you know when you have a young kid I feel like you need a little garden you need space you need outdoor activities otherwise they get stuck to the screen she was already getting
stuck to the screen and I felt like I was at a ready point it makes sense are you a chess player I am I am wow are you really good I mean maybe better than my ti does your um CH daughter play a chess oh she's learning she started to understand what are the pieces and what how they move um but you know she's not quite got the concentration to play a game yet I love this this thing did you like get it made or this is again Stephano my landlord he's a he's a retired
surgeon so this table always makes me think of a surgery table you know with the lights like I imagine like one big body and we're just the cannibals and we're eating okay that got weird okay also I love this like this popup window it feels like a diner this Hatchet is very useful when we have lots of people so this is our little kitchen m i mean it's just amazing how much space you have in go up so tell us a little bit about your diet what are you usually eating what does it look like
me and my partner make breakfast and it can be anything from French toast to uh mole to omelets to you know sometimes boa that's nice um and then lunch is Indian my my cook she makes very good she's Bengali so she makes great fish and dinner is very like salad based and like light that's so healthy I love a burger yeah like I'll get a good burger from Burger Factory in in Goa okay but I don't like the ones these like fast food ones I just don't like them it's not about being healthy like we
have french fries we have pasta we eat all those like my daughter's favorite food is pasta bones okay so like once a week at least she needs to have her pasta holiday right you're very vocal about your uh eco-friendly lifestyle yes and I noticed right all the shopping bags there no plastic over there even the very colorful soaps over there all the household products pretty much floor cleaners and laundry and you know um toilet paper all of that is like recycled or natural non-chemical products what's the origin story why did you you know why did
I get into it I think I've it's just a reminder of what I was anyway doing growing up with like I grew up in Oroville where you know everybody did take care of their own waste mostly you know the products were within the community so you you'd exchange your jams with next door for their pickles you don't end up having packaging you don't have end up having that much waste could could I please have a glass of water cuz I'm so thirsty you must have yeah it's very hot yeah it's very hot can I get
see that you want some uh ice in it cuz do you want a cup of coffee no I'm good with my water I might get myself a couple oh please help yourself yeah so we are going to do a fun little rapid fire okay while you make your coffee okay what is your go-to karaoke song probably a Joanie Mitchell song like um paved paradise put up a parking lot you know that one nope they pay paradise put up a parking lot there it is there it is if you could have any superpower what would it
be I think being invisible would be a great superpower because you could go anywhere into anybody's place and find out lots of little secrets and Run the World interesting yeah what would yours be I would ooh no one's ever asked me I'd like to fly oh really fly about fly would be nice yeah just all the world problem just look at that you don't even want to like change the world or anything just like chill just want to be a bird and fly that's actually that's like very um that's next level I feel philosophically philosophically
I think saving the world is still like you're you're trying to you think that you have the power to do it's arrogance you know yeah where what you say getting to the next level where you're just at peace M yeah I say what can I say Well done thank you this is a jack fruit tree but down there there's some chicku trees and a lemon tree oh there's Fallen Jack fruits yeah jack fruit this is where we burn our leaves and have big bonfires and drink blood and stuff tonight's a full moon you know the
other day there was a tree snake in my house but those are not very dangerous they're not poisonous yeah they're not so poisonous so the snake that came into your did a cobra ever come into your house um no thankfully no it's very hot we should we should go back in we do the segment on our show M where we quiz our guests on jenzi lingo oh damn it here we go so it's called okay Boomer I give up and at least try what does Riz mean Charisma what does ghosting mean when you like stop
calling somebody after dating them H yeah do you have any advice to like not get ghosted don't be an but okay so you're saying that's always the case you're saying only if you're anho you get ghosted no I'm saying the one ghosting is also an what does Addie mean addict address address send me the add okay I always sing send that song send me your location yeah yeah yeah that's a good one that's a good one shout out T this is the last one is a hard one what is a clout Chaser a clout Chaser
is it like somebody who who's a bully so clout is essentially Fame so anybody who does things to just chase that you're a clout Chaser that ends our uh our okay Boomer segment you've done really well if you would like to give some advice to the to the Youth of the Nation using some of the words you've learned here today what would it be don't be a cloud chaser be a cloud chaser wow find out where the clouds are going cuz that's the future hold up yo one here nailed it nailed it everybody asks this
but what truly changed from Once you became a mother what sort of epiphanies or realizations did you have wow becoming a mother is it's many things one is it's a huge huge lesson in Psychology because you really see in minute detail how to handle a human being how like you know shutting down like using words like no can like shut down someone's emotions or what do you do with an emotion like anger when we've been mostly taught to like keep it away correct and you know it's just like a really revealing lesson in Psychology um
which then leads to you going right back to your childhood and figuring out why am I like this and oh my God these are all the things I grew up with and understanding which of that is important which of it you want to not have in your life so it's it's it's kind of almost like reliving your own life and your own childhood so everything you've achieved goes away and that's why we usually have postpartum depression and we're just like lost but because of that you also refin yourself in A New Perspective because you can't
go back to who you were before you're never going to have the freedoms you're never going to have the times the everything else everything has rescheduled and rechanged so who are you in that and it it's it's it's it's exciting I don't know if you have kids if you're going to have kids you're bit you think I have kids called No but you never know teenage pregnancies are a thing sometimes people become father super young yeah uh anyway okay I mean you struggle up and down sometimes I feel like I'm still in postpartum years down
the line you know think my mother still in postpartum but you know the the that really first few months is extremely trying and you do need all the help you can get going forward if you had advice to the parents watching uh what would that be see I'm not like a really woke woke parent who's like you could let your kid do whatever they want and be like a monster because that's what's happening a lot now with pars I'm kind of in between yeah I think discipline and Boundary making is very important but I would
just say never lose the sense of like play and curiosity because it's when you're playing really playing with your child that you find out the most serious stuff about them like you'll be playing puppets together and suddenly they'll mention the their vagina you know you can ask them how was your day why are you sad why are you crying who's bullying you they're never going to tell you what's really going on but when you play and you interact with whatever level they're at you know whether that's a video game or playing with puppets or whatever
then the the truth comes out of what they're really feeling we do a lot of role playing I have to be Cinderella's evil mother uh what is it like a stepmother I don't like to call it stepmother cuz I think that's so like cliche so I call her the evil Aunt so she casted you for that role yeah interesting yeah but I'm also the prince okay okay I'm also the prince multiple roles mulp she of course is the star always she's Cinderella um yeah so we do all the characters of fairy tales we we enact
them but then like we change them like for example in Snow White um I've shown her how the heck maneuver works because we've said that Snow White chokes on the piece of apple and is that part of the story does she actually yeah yeah like it's a poisoned Apple so she bites in the apple and like die like Falls over but we've said she chokes on the apple and the guy is not a prince but a doctor and he like does the him lick maneuver and he saves her life okay instead of kissing her dead
body which is so creepy so yeah we we've kind of like adapted things a little bit no for sure okay what about like iPad time does she get a lot of or are you trying to like now thank God we hardly have to worry about iPad time because we're here and there's just so much external activity there's a cycle she goes for for Cycles so TV time she usually gets between like 5:00 and 600 in the evening but nowadays she doesn't even sometimes she doesn't even ask for it so wow it's great okay what about
your screen time time my screen time is after I put her to bed yeah that's like post 8 post 8:30 at night okay so yeah cuz that's the time we get like as as a couple as well yeah um so yeah I have an Indulgence like a unhealthy Indulgence for ser killer shows and stalker shows I think because I end up watching so much of this like child stuff that I need to counter it got you got you otherwise it's like yeah and are you on wheels are you like scrolling ah yeah that's a problem
that's a so now what I've started doing is at night I keep my phone away I keep it in a different room and I also don't have it next to my bed in the mornings so until after breakfast I don't check my phone but how did you develop that Detachment to able to just put the phone away and go to sleep it's hard I it became a discipline like a boundary setting like like I have for my kid you know I have to be like no this is not happening okay so back to our table
tennis match that we started I feel like it is time for us score is 32 that's not how I remember it no it's 32 I'll take your word for it okay so it's 32 yes sir and uh we're playing the seven all right guys for Brute choke damn it damn it damn it I'm out of here bro I'm built different please just let me walk out of there on that point
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