The BIBLE tells of AFRICAN History!!! The Truth About Real ISRAEL | PT 1

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Something Nice with Dinano
#AfricaInTheBible #AfricanHistory #TheBible #Bantu #Yeshua #IUIC #RonaldDaltonJR #HebrewIsraelites ...
Video Transcript:
It's important that if we don't know who  we are, then how will we know what to do now and where we're going because in the Bible  is the history of the Bantu people. Our past, our present, how we got to the situation  or the condition that we're in today and where we're supposed to be in the future.  Is that your reference point, the Bible?
[music] Welcome to Something Nice with Dinano. Thank you very much for joining us on our latest interview. It's the beginning  of 2024 and we want to bring you nothing but the best of conversations.
Before we get  going with today's conversation, I want you to think about something. This has to be your own  opinion. This has to be based on your reality, on your truth.
Take a moment and think about  the greatest lie ever told. Take some time to think about it. In your head, what's coming  through?
In your opinion, this is your view, no one else is responsible for this thought but  yourself. In your opinion, what is the greatest lie ever told to human beings? Think about it,  write it on the comments, like the video, share if you gain value from it.
We are interviewing a  very interesting man, Ronald Dalton Jr. Author, film maker, thinker, researcher, scholar, who  has written a couple of books and has produced a couple of films. One titled, From Hebrews to  Negroes Black America wake up.
He's also saying Africa wake up and I want to take it further  and say world wake up! The truth is out there. The truth is here.
It's for you to hear and You  decide what you want to do with it. Let's get into the conversation. Yeah, we're good to go. 
Ron Dalton Jr. That's my name. Movie director, author, proud, should I say Jew-Israelite?
No  Jew-Israelite. researcher, student of history, what else am I missing? Father, husband, man of  God?
Man of God. Yeah? Yeah.
Okay. So I've watched your documentary and I think it's powerful, a lot  of information and it's interesting information. I like the fact that you always revert back to the  Bible.
A lot of people that watch Something Nice with Dinano are Christian brothers and sisters  who really appreciate anything that references the Bible for whatever it says. What is your mission?  The simple answer is to wake up black people.
When I say black people, the title of the book is  Wake Up Black America. Hebrews to Negroes, Wake Up Black America. Here in Africa, when we showed the  movie, the event was titled on the flyer, Hebrews to Negroes, wake up Africa.
Because I understand  that we cannot talk about our ancestral roots and our lineage, our pedigree, where we come from  without connecting back to Africa. We all know the history of slavery. And so if we do research  like I've done, and it shows that we are connected to the 12 tribes, Israel and the original Jew, if  they want to say that, the descendants of Jacob, then we also have to look into Africa because  we come from Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa.
And so, you know, being from America, I want to wake up  my people. That's the reason why I've subtitled the book Wake Up America or Wake Up Black America.  There's more of us in the continent of Africa than in the diaspora.
Hitting the Caribbean, hitting  America or the Americas and Europe is fine, but we have to take it back to the continent  because there's hundreds and thousands of millions of people in the continent in sub-Saharan Africa  that I believe don't know who they really are. They may know what tribe they come from such as  Igbo, Yoruba, Zulu, Swati and they may say they're South African, Nigerian, Ghanaian, Congolese  but at the end of the day these words do not tell us anything about our ancestral lineage,  our pedigree, where we come from, our history as it goes back thousands of years, not just to  colonial times in the 14 and 1500s. I'm thinking, you say a lot of us don't know who we are and  I'm thinking as a South African, as an African, why should I be looking to an American to tell  me who I am, who are we?
Well, anybody can do research. If you ask somebody, what does the word  Nigeria mean? They may not know.
But what does the word Niger come from? Is it a Greek word? Is it  a Latin word?
In Latin, the word Niger or Niger means black. In the Portuguese language, the  word Negro means black. In the Arabic language, Aswad means black.
In the Hebrew language, Shakur  means black. So when you say that I'm Nigerian, what does that mean? Who is your ancestral  forefather?
If you go back to 2000, 3000 BC, when we had civilizations like the ancient Egyptian  civilization, the ancient Kush civilization, the ancient Sumerian civilization, even going  back to the ancient Indian civilization, in India, the ancient Chinese civilization. So we have to  really understand that we may be told, you know, okay, you're from this tribe, you're Nigerian,  but each person, if they talk to the elders, they talk to those that know the history of the  priests, they have an oral history that tells of how they got to where they are today. How they  even got the name Ebo or Yoruba or Zulu or Xhosa.
And if you understand that sometimes the people  that know the oral history, they can only go back so far. And sometimes you might find conflicting  information in where do we come from? But when you look at some of the most ancient historical  accounts, things that we can tangibly see and touch, we can actually see and understand that  there is an ancient Hebrew language that existed in 2000 BC.
It's written on the walls in Egypt.  They found some of these writings in the Congo. There's ancient Sumerian cuneiform writings. 
There's old archaic Chinese. When you ask the Bantu person or a person in sub-Saharan  Africa, where is your written language, your script? They're not going to know what it is. 
Every civilization has a language and they have a way that they write down things, whether it was on  rock or parchment, animal skins, or papyrus reeds, or paper. And I always ask the question, why is it  that in Sub-Saharan Africa that the Bantu people don't have their own original writing script?  When we write using our language, we write it in the English script or the Roman Latin script  or the Arabic script if you're a Muslim.
That's a part of civilization to have a written language  because with a written language you can see how far back your people have been writing things  even if it's just hieroglyphics or symbols on a wall. It's important that we, in this day and  age, we investigate things that's in the earth, like skeletons. We investigate the bones,  the skull shape, the mandible, the maximum, the angles of the face.
We investigate DNA. We  investigate a lot of these things to come to the conclusion of where we come from, who are we?  Because inside a lot of the Bantu languages, you will see evidence of ancient Hebrew and Egyptian. 
And so that makes up the foundation of the Bantu languages. And in many cases, you will see a  strong foundation, meaning a basis foundation, in the Bantu languages that links up to ancient  Hebrew and how it operates in the morphology, lexicon, and the syntax, or morphology, syntax,  and lexicon. This is how we formulate language.
And so you cannot look at that and say, hmm,  my language has elements of ancient Egyptian and ancient Hebrew in it, but I'm from the Zulu  tribe. But why does your language have elements and evidence of ancient Hebrew in it and Egyptian  in it? Well, if you ask some of the people that are of Nguni descent, they may tell you that  a long time ago that they left from Egypt, and they eventually made their way down south  to the tip of South Africa.
And we know this to be true, because to get to South Africa, either  you're going to arrive on a boat from the Indian Ocean or Atlantic Ocean, or you're going to  come from the north to the south. So there's a lot of things that I look at in our research  to uncover a lot of the historical information that a lot of us are missing in America, in the  Caribbean, even in Africa. What I've found is that it tells us more about our history than  what we have been taught in school, maybe been taught by elders, or we've been taught by church.
It's important that if we don't know who we are, then how we know what to do now and where  we're going. In the Bible is the history of the Bantu people, our past, our present, how we  got to the situation or the condition that we're in today and where we're supposed to be in the  future. Is that your reference point, the Bible, or are there other historical references that you  use?
By the way, watch your documentary, the first one. I think there are three of them, if I'm not  mistaken, the films? Okay.
I watched the first one. And what stood out for me and what resonated  with me was that you go back to the Bible, you also reference a lot of historical events  and these drawings decades and centuries past, right? Stuff from the Congo, stuff from West  Africa, stuff from Egypt.
Where's our reference point? Where's our premise? Where do we start  this journey of saying, these are the people of the Bible.
These are the Israelites, the  Hebrews, is there a difference? Just take us through your research that you've come up with  in the documentary. It's full of knowledge, and I encourage you, get hold of this man.
He's  going to leave his details here so that you can be able to watch the documentary yourself and get  this knowledge. Well, the word bantu, or a bantu, they don't use this term in West Africa. So you're  not going to hear the Mandinkas, or the Sarer, or the Wolof, or the Tukor or the Kru or the  Ashanti say the word Bantu But the word Bantu has an origin in Hebrew and Egyptian So back in  the in the in the Old Testament the Hebrews lived amongst the Egyptians Joseph was already there.
He  already had a wife and he had two kids Ephraim and Manasseh and Joseph's 11 brothers came into Egypt  and they sojourned there for hundreds of years. And remember, Jacob's only daughter was Dina.  So these men walked into Egypt and stayed there for hundreds of years.
Then who did these men had  children with to procreate and to become fruitful and to multiply in the land of Egypt? Where it  says in the scriptures that the children of Israel are more and mightier than we are. And lest they  continue to multiply and gain allies, they can take over Egypt.
So the Bible says that in those  days, the land of Egypt was full of Israelites, just as much as there were Egyptians. We have  to look at the fact that the Egyptians played a big part in the development of who we are today.  Our foundation was Hebrew, but when we started to live amongst the Egyptians and intermix among them  and have children with them, learn their language, learn their traditions, their customs, learn  all their idols, like the Bible says not to do when out of Egypt, we have to understand that our  origin of the Bantu people starts in that area in Northeast Africa.
So the word Ba in Hebrew or Bena  or Bam, which is sometimes corrupted from the Jews today, but these words Ben, Ba, Bana means the  son or the people of. And the word Ntu N-T-U is an Egyptian term that is seen with the life  giving energy or the energy of the universe or the cosmos or basically God or the creator. So  when you say Bantu, you are basically saying the people of God or the people of the creator or the  people of the most high.
Not to mess up with your train of thought, but now I am thinking back to  something I have heard growing up. We are called Bantu. Singaba (we are from) Kwa-NTU.
So Kwa  means off. And if you say Ntu means God. So it means people of God.
And it says Sisuka (We're  from) Embo. I don't know if you know the term or you've heard the word Embo. I don't know  where it comes from.
But whenever I heard the term KwaNTU Embo, they always go together. I don't  know if you know what that could mean. But carry on with your train of thought um.
. . yes so when  you look at the word bantu uh.
. . uh.
. . it also can mean people or the people and the singular  form is muntu or umntu or muntu and in each of the Nguni languages or subterranean languages  like in the Chua language in Malawi they say muntu uh.
. . t h u and in the hebrew and and that  means person in hebrew the move the move uh.
. . we see the d e m you t h you have the cost of and  the cost of t and also the h you see that this word means uh.
. . also a person or because man was  made in God's image and likeness and similitude.
So when you look at today's Hebrew lexicon, which  is a corruption of the ancient Bantu Hebrew, that word is referring to a singular person  in the rightful soul, the plural form of Muntu as Bantu. And so the Bantu people are the  children of Israel. That's just a term that we see being used today.
In the Bible, you know, we  commonly in church say the children of Israel, but in the Bible it does not say that. It says  the sons of Israel or the people of Israel. Who is Israel?
So Jacob was Abraham's son and Jacob was  renamed Israel. And so when he was renamed Israel, he was left with that name and he had 12 children  and his children were called the Israelites. So that's where the word Israel comes from.
But it  can be broken down into two words, Yasher and El. Yasher in Hebrew means the righteous and upright.  Righteous upright is Yahshua and then El means God.
So in Hebrew Yahshua El or Israel means the  righteous upright ones of God which the Hebrews or the Israelites that the descendants of Abraham  that worshiped the one created and one true God, they were the upright righteous ones of God  because they were the only people that didn't worship multiple idols. So they worshiped the  Creator and not what the Creator created. Carry on.
As you're talking, I keep having thoughts in  my mind. I did a bit of research on Thomas Sankara and how the country of Burkina Faso as we know  today became Burkina Faso and I remember I think they say Bukina Faso means land of the upright  people. So when you said upright people of God, my mind just went there.
So the thing is, the  reason why a lot of this is important is because in Africa, Africa is in the Bible the land of Ham  and Ham had four sons. He had put he had Mitsrayim or Egypt or chemit and he had and he had He had  miss Ram put Canaan and Kush The ancient land of Kush is in Sudan the ancient land of Egypt is  in Egypt The ancient land of put or Libya is in Libya the fourth son Canaan, his land was one  of the largest pieces of land that was allotted to the sons of Ham. His portion of land was the  south part of Africa, south of the land of Cush, south of the land of Mitzrayim or Kemet or Egypt  and south of the land of Put.
Now we see south of Sudan in Egypt, in Libya, if you go down to  Nile and past Sudan you Egypt and Libya. If you go down the Nile, in past Sudan, you get into  Uganda. Bordering Uganda, you have Kenya, you have Tanzania, you have Burundi and Rwanda, you have  Congo, you have the Central African Republic, and if you go further south, you get into Angola, you  get into Zimbabwe, and all these other southern countries.
These back in the day were considered  the land of Canaan. Okay. I know that in the Christian Church.
We we look at Northeast yeah,  I thought that would be the Middle East. Yes, and when where and how did that confusion come about?  Middle East is named when they come disconnected Egyptian Egypt from the Sinai Peninsula with the  Suez Canal.
The Europeans came up with that term, the Middle East, because it wasn't used back  in the Roman times. And that's just to confuse people to think that there's a separation  between that area, like there's a Middle West, there's a Middle North, and a Middle South.  But what people have to understand that I talk about in my movies, especially especially my new  movie, is that the children of Israel were told when they left with Moses and the Israelites  to possess the land I'm going to give you, the land of Canaan.
And the children of Israel  were the Bantu people. And the Bantu people today are the possessors of the land south of Sudan and  Egypt. Now, who was there in the southern parts of Africa beyond the Nile River.
It was the African  pygmy. It was the Khoi San or the Khoi Khoi or the Bushmen. They were there before the Bantu people  got there.
The Bantu people got there and just as the Bible states, they possessed the land and  in essence they dispossessed the other native people that were there in that land. So that  now. .
. Where does it say in the Bible? Just give us a scriptural reference.
In the Torah, I don't  know exact scripture, but you know God told Moses and also Joshua that I'm going to bring you into  the land that I promised your forefathers, Abraham and Isaac, the land of Canaan. When you get there  you're to possessive. When you get there you're not just going to stay there and then leave after  90 days, you're going to you're going to stay there and dispossess the people that are already  there.
So this is the reason why the Bantu people from West Africa like Senegal and Gambia all the  way to East Africa, Central Africa, South Africa, we are the majority tribe, the majority people and  you can tell this by DNA. My mind is wondering now because you're talking about leaving Egypt with  Moses We have been told, we grew up knowing and being told that these guys went and crossed the  Red Sea And the Red Sea is towards the East Going towards what you say has now been called Middle  East But now what confuses me is looking at that land and how barren and how dry it is and in  the Bible it is referenced as the land of milk and honey right? where you expect huge vegetation,  lush green environment but you don't see that and when you look at the Congo the Congo basin down  south it's just greenery it's land of milk and honey literally fat cows we got milk you know so  where does this come from that confusion this is a revelation that's been coming up the topic of  discussion lately when the Israelites left they left as a mixed multitude meaning that they left  with not left were not only Israelites, but they were living amongst Egyptians and Cushites  that left with them.
Some of the Israelites had intermarried with Egyptian women and Cushitic  women like Moses, Canaanite women, and vice versa. So when they left, there were people of different  ethnicities, although they were being led by Moses and Joshua. And they left with cattle, livestock,  and all these things.
And yes, the Bible does say they were being led to a large, vast, wide, and  spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey, a land that they would not lack anything. They  would have bread, they would have water, the Most High would attend to the land all year round, and  that it would drink from the rains of heaven and from the waters below. It says this in the Bible,  but when you look at the fact that the Israelites were very numerous in Egypt when they left, the  state of Israel, well let's just say that Egypt is 45 times larger than the state of Israel.
So  if the Israelites left Egypt and God told them, I'm going to bring you to a wide, vast, spacious,  wide land, and then they leave Egypt where they had all this land where they were living there,  and they get to Israel and they say this is it? He told them we're going to have a vast land.  When you look at the story of the Exodus on the way to the land of Canaan, there are certain  things that they had to get that God told them to get.
They had a makeshift tabernacle called  the Tent of Meeting. So they had to establish a tent and inside the tent they had the Ark of  the Covenant, they had the table for showbread, they had the golden brazen altar, they had the  golden lampstand or the menorah. They had all these things that they had to move with them  during the exodus in the wilderness and they had to cover it with skins and cloth.
And when  you look at the things that God told them to get to make the Ark of the Covenant, the altar, they  needed brass, they needed gold, they needed acacia wood or chitum wood. All these things are in  Africa. When you look at the different stones that they needed for the ephod, for the Aaronite, the  high priest, the breastplate, all these stones are found in Africa.
They're not found in the Sinai  Peninsula. They're not all found in Saudi Arabia. They're not found in Israel.
When you look at the  outer layer of the tapernacle, the outer layer of the tapernacle had to withstand all the elements.  In the Greek, they refer to the outer layer as sea cow skins. Sea cow is what we call a manatee.
It  looks like a mermaid. People back in the old days, they used to think it was a mermaid because it  was a mammal creature swimming in the rivers, freshwater rivers. The reason why most hives use  the manatee as the outer layer of the tabernacle.
A manatee skin is about an inch thick and is  waterproof. A manatee stays in the water all of its life so it cannot sweat because evaporation  can't happen in the water. So the outer layer of the tabernacle has to be waterproof.
When  you look at West Africa and Central Africa, you will find that the manatee is swimming inside  the different river systems where they empty into the Atlantic Ocean. Even in the Congo River,  the Zambezi River, the Niger River, the Senegal Gambia River, you'll find these manatees. When  you look at the King James Bible, you will see different variations.
You'll see deer skins,  goat skins, ram skins, badger skins, and all these animals are mammals and these mammals sweat.  So our skin is able to absorb water, liquids, and also to evaporate the water from inside of us when  we're trying to cool down. And so you cannot have a hide covering 45 feet of a tabernacle, 45 feet  long tabernacle outer layer that's supposed to be waterproof when we know that a single animal hide  is not gonna withstand rain, constant rain over a test of time, it will start leaking.
And how would  it be that the Israelites will go inside the inner veil where the Ark of the Covenant is with God  and there's leaks coming through the hive? The most High made sure that he told them how to cover  the tabernacle how to break it down how to move it and what things that he needed everything he  told the Israelites to collect to build the Ark of the Covenant to build the altar to build the  manora to have the tabernacle, the outer layer all these things are items they can only find  in Africa and not in the Middle-East. And when you look at the word milk and honey, we know that  cows and goats make milk, there's more livestock, big livestock in Africa than there is in Israel. 
There's more trees that produce bees that collect honey you have people like the bushmen, the  sandawey in Tanzania that actually climb trees to collect the honey so when you look at the top  fifty producers of honey, Israel is not on the list and you have tons of countries in Africa,  in Sub-Saharan Africa that are on that list.
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