hi everyone hello we are live welcome welcome to the live stream today we're going to discuss the shumon resonances and I guess still kind of getting slightly set up here I'm just now going to press my te this is spirituality mixed with fruit tea both of them go great together excellent for these sort of heightened energy moments like right now both of them available and more at wildre organic.com store for those in the United States mixing it with some raw organic honey and so today we are going to discuss what's happening with the Shuman residences
and go through quite a lot I think we're just going to talk about a lot of things today I can get this feeling and sense that there's probably more than just that that we should discuss we'll do a question and answer uh and also we'll do a short sound meditation nothing too long but we'll get something going um so let me see that you guys are all here hello okay yeah great a lot of comments coming in so hello everyone from around the world it is 7:24 p.m. here in San Diego California which means it's
1024 on the east coast and everything in between um in the United States people in Europe are sleeping unless they're not sleeping and then of course most everyone in Asia should be uh awake and desire is asking why am I on the Science Channel well back in 2017 I was part of a TV show called secrets of the underground for season 2 I volunteered on season one they liked me they brought me on as a co-host for season two so that's why whenever they do a secrets of the underground Marathon you'll see 2017 me there
on screen uh with all my non-acting chops I'm a lot better on camera now but it was actually it was a lot of fun we went all around the world so uh thank you Edwin for the super thanks and yeah um so this is what's happening right now with the Shuma residences out of tomsk Russia and so we see quote unquote normal schuma residences here in fact I've been looking at this I look at this every single day right what we're seeing in the spectrogram here is actually quite abnormal just there's a whole bunch of
noise and errant signals scattered throughout so if you're looking at this you're like what the heck is happening I was already thinking about making a video on this because we have like some noise some random signals down there we've been getting this stuff pop up this could be like a a power supply turning on because it's consistently from 23 to zero UTC plus 7 uh but then there's this like other just random like there's that blob there's that one there there's a whole bunch of random stuff that's been showing up in the spectrograms for like
3 days now more than 3 days but really the past three days have been wild and then all of a sudden this goes nuts right now we have 888 viewers that's awesome angel number and so we're going to talk about what this is what this is not we're going to look at some other live data feeds for the schuma residences some of them that are close to live we'll talk about space weather uh Soul activity and just in general some of the things are happening with Society so yeah I'd suggest you Coy up get comfortable
uh and this is just going to be a was it Wednesday night right now Hump Day Live stream Wednesday standing for Wen who is Odin and he represents wisdom among many things can be represented also by Mercury if we go by the Greek pantheon well the Roman Hermes if you go by the Greek pantheon but he is a wise God who sought knowledge and was willing to sacrifice things in order to gain it for example his eye so kind of fitting that today we have his energy guiding us so uh let us do a uh
switch over to our live data feed we'll come back to this graphic here but let's switch over to our live data feed Fe from the space observing system so we can see this as it's rolling in and here we have that here we have one second here we go here we have our website space observing system this is linked in the video description SOS do uh ts. Ru oh SOS rf. ts. Ru and they publish basically uh a live look at the background electromagnetic field and they use a t antenna they have it draped out
and they measure these oscillations upon the vertical electric field and actually I guess I should maybe even go back first what are the Shuma resonances that's the first question well they are these natural frequencies of light energy that exists that are created by the Earth they are resonant with the Earth because they over their wavelength overlaps with the circumference of the earth the foundational mode is 7.8 Herz on average that's a wavelength of about 40,000 km the same wavelength or rather the same circumference of the earth and so there's this natural resonance between them and
because they're constantly being produced by lightning strikes and some other geophysical phenomena they are just always present as the as these standing waves of energy and information and we evolved within them for millions of years they overlap with our brain waves perfectly frequency and amplitude they interact with our autonomic nervous system our heart they uh there's connections to geomagnetic storms and solar activity and they represent a collective Consciousness and a memory Information Network um just had a fascinating conversation with e muusik who is a wellknown biofield tuner she's really like the modern-day biofield Guru and
she talked to to me I'm going to release that interview soon we were talking and she said that you know energy and information and memories are stored in the biofield not necessarily the brain the biofield this is something that others have talked about but she's like I know firsthand after working 15 years at people that that's the case and because the biofield forms these standing waves this is according to her well the schuma resonance is our standing wave so if our biofield stores energy and information and memories within it then why wouldn't this much larger
more complex naturally produced energy field made up of different standing waves 7.8 Herz 14 Herz 20 Herz 25 Herz 33 so on so forth why wouldn't it also contain the collective information and memory of the entire world that is a good question to ask I think it's I think it does but everyone can form their own opinions do their own research I recommend you do that and so what is interesting is that when we have these uh changes to the Schuman residences perhaps it's also changing our own physiology psychology and even our perception of reality
our Consciousness so for some reason a lot of people look at the station out of TOMS Russia it's the most popular by far there are other stations we are going to look at them we are going to see if we see this pattern at these other Schuman stations but there's some sort of collective Force connected to this portal you could call it because doesn't matter how many videos I made on the schuma residences longtime viewers know this I've made a lot of videos on them I've I've talked about what they are and what they are
not and with examples like this before we saw these things go crazy back in 2023 that was June 23rd and that was actually with a full moon and now we have a new moon tomorrow so interesting how this kind of lines up but uh I've talked about what they are what they are not and even with all the education I've done people still pour into this quote unquote portal so what this is if we kind of zoom out and before we kind of go in depth as to what specifically is kind of happening here and
then some of the other stuff I want to talk about if we zoom out first and widen our perspective this is really a moment for everyone in the spiritual community in the awaken Community the conscious Community whatever you want to call it new age I don't care right labels are a thing of the past it's a moment for all of us to come together harmonize and equalize our energy so that's what we're going to do we are going to go through do a little bit of Education you know that type of stuff but we'll do
a question and answer get some of the common kind of collective questions out there I'll do my best to respond to them but then we'll do a collective sound healing meditation I'll put the gong up I have some singing bowls and we'll do that and together we can enter into meditation and do some energy purification and broadcasting love heart energy spread that out um there was someone that commented that um today is Maha sh mahash shatri in India I'm probably not saying that right I apologize but Mah Maha shivti sh shivat shivti it's for Shiva
uh and this is a day where uh everyone's celebrating Lord Shiva and they pray and there's a whole bunch of festivals and it's like some people are praying non-stop for hours so it's interesting that we have this really important religious Festival in India which is actually not that far away from Toms as this clicks on so pretty interesting and yeah maybe we we'll do an eing today that could be fun as well I have my my silver dollars we could uh we could load that up so yeah I recommend uh if you're not already drinking
some tea for example spirituality is the best Purple Lotus Flower mugw work cam meal passion flower this stuff's great for helping you to like open the third eye connect to just these energies to a little bit of a better degree helps you to ground yourself too if you've been feeling these energies very strongly a lot of people reporting headaches right now not only in the live stream just in general people saying headaches and not that much sleep and we have some very strong energies right now we have the planetary lineup on the 28th we had
the new moon right before that we have a lot of solar activity right now so there's a whole bunch of things coming together we're going to kind of go through all of it um but let's just break this down let's just kind of actually like look to see what this is is doing here we have our normal schuma resonances mode one right there 7.8 HZ on average mode two 14 Herz mode 3 20 HZ Mode 4 25 is 25ish 26 Hertz mode 6 is or mode 5 is 33 and then mode 6 is 39 but
they apply a filter below 32 so it's hard to see them this is going from 0 to 40 Hertz one Hertz is one cycle per second and this is the vertical electric field running from the ground surface to the ionosphere the oscillations that sit upon on it these are very subtle it's only like microvolt in strength or the magnetic fields like picotesla in strength um so what's what what are we seeing here well we're seeing all of a sudden the entire frequency pattern change dramatically first off the amplitude is going up I'm going to zoom
out this image just briefly to show you the scale here we have our amplitude scale right there we see blue and purple are low amplitude we go up into like orange red and white that's high High amplitude and so we see that uh all of a sudden the amplitude went up for this data feed keep that in mind for this data feed the amplitudes went up and then also the frequency pattern shifted all of a sudden we get an increase in the frequencies here sub the first foundational mode of the schuma resonance and then for
example mode one actually kind of goes quiet whereas we have about seven Hertz there waking up and then 9 Herz gets really active then this would be about 11 Herz that's about 13 Herz big activ of 13 HZ on this data feed then we also have this one there about 22 Herz or so maybe 21 and a half 22 Herz and then just in general the entire frequency pattern is totally different and so we have a normal overlap with the schuma residences in terms of our brain waves um and well I'd have to pull up
a different image but basically as you travel further back in the head uh you have greater connection to the schuma resonances mode 1 2 and three 8 Herz 14z 20 htz especially if you have a high affinity for these not everyone does and the people that don't have a high affinity for connecting to these in general have a lower brain wave power density to just their brain wave so they have literally less power pumping through their brain so people that have a lot more energy in just their brain activity have greater affinity for the schuma
residences in general but we connect to mode uh 1 2 and 3 8 Herz 14 and 20 htz very uh well we see that in brain wave patterns especially in the coddle regions back here um but if you have a shift in the frequency via resonance all of a sudden there's going to be a shift in or you know there's going to be an attempted shift over or there's going to be non-coherence or disharmony right if you have two tuning Forks that are the same frequency and hit them they'll vibrate together or if they're the
same frequency you hit one then the other will vibrate I actually have some tuning Forks let me grab them um but if you have tuning Forks that are different frequencies that are not harmonic they will not vibrate together and so here I actually have two 128 HZ Cote tuning Forks I'm not sure I'll be able to do it that well here I'll put them close together but if I put them really close together and just keep hitting this one we may start to get it to move of course these are also pretty weighted so typically
you do this with something a little lighter but actually I can start to yeah I'm starting to feel the vibration in my left hand it's not much but some of that energy is going across yeah yeah oh yeah I feel it I feel yeah now it's really growing and that's how resonance works it's called resonance amplification it takes time but eventually if it's keep being if it keeps being fed that energy will move over to the other resonant system and the two will resonate together and so and so that's just you know a simple thing
but if these are not the same frequency then there's going to be a uh dis kind of discer energy they're not going to work together they're going to create interference that perhaps just without going into further detail if we are seeing let's say there was a shift in the background resonant frequencies for the Earth then all of a sudden we'd either have to shift or we'd be in this non-coherence and in this dis resonance uh pretty quickly which then of you know could trigger these sort of health symptoms like perhaps you know headaches or sluggishness
or pain or whatever um yeah uh so that is just like just laying out some Frameworks but let us go over to some other data feeds to talk about this a little bit more because here's what we're seeing out of TOMS Russia right now this is their data feed but what about some of the other data feeds uh recently I've been looking at vf. it because we had some anomalous pre-earthquake signals out of kumana Italy and I think that was related to the campy F gr earthquake storm that we had that occurred just uh a
few days after we pick those up but if we go to our data out of kumana here here we have our schuma resonances vertical electric field and we see uh this time the frequency 0o Herz is at the bottom it goes up to 105 Hertz and our power Legend um is actually going to be up here so we see that blue is low power and then as you go up to like white you get higher power and then red is very high power and so we have perfect conditions right now this is our VF field
this goes from 0 to 1500 HZ 0 to 15,000 Herz this is more showing just in general the the atmospheric electricity we're not really seeing any because we're not seeing any big clouds of higher gain or higher decel stuff this is nice conditions right now out of kumana Italy if we go down here oh we actually do have a little bit of an anomalous signal right there uh but in general you're not seeing that frequency pattern shift out of kumana Italy everything looks normal this is for about eight hours here the last eight hours so
the data that we're looking at with uh comps Russia SOS do you know the space observing system that is about 2 to three days of data at any given time so this is a much shorter time window but we're not this is recent this is live same same data collection too and we're not seeing that anomalous signal so that is odd this is what the schuma residences normally look like we can also go to uh Hungary which is nearby and that would be right here and Let me refresh this to get the most dat now
this just started to recycle because this is UTC time and it just clicked past midnight for UTC but we can look at yesterday's data as well and we see our schuma resonances here the vertical electric field as well 0 to 40 Herz right there and we see that they're normal as well we see mode one mode two mode three mode four mode five a little bit of noise at the bottom that's kind of common uh to get more higher power Noise near the bottom especially there's like atmospheric activity um but we don't see anything there
yeah Shannon just mentioned that the power grid went down in Chile so that was yesterday complete blackout of the entire country effectively which is pretty wild and you wonder if it's connected to the proton radiation storm that's happening right now and that was Stronger yesterday and the solar activity that we've had it it it's unlike I mean it could be we just don't know it it's it's interesting though the timing of that but if I switch over to the data for yesterday uh well first let's do this right here we're looking at at 10 hours
now of data because this started basically at midnight UTC plus 7 10 hours there uh if we go over to here this is yesterday's data UTC time for Hungary but that's going to incorporate some of that 10 hours and we don't see that unusual change so uh nothing unusual out of Hungary as well nothing unusual out of kumana Italy nothing unusual out of Hungary we also some data out of the UK though this is uh yesterday's data uh yeah they update this about 24 hours uh after the day ends but we have magnetic field data
here and we don't see anything unusual now it's looking at kind of different we have mode 1 2 3 4 five this is the north south Direction they have these magnetic coils oriented that way here we have east west Direction but again you don't see that sudden abrupt frequency shift though this is further back in time than than when that occurred but I'm just kind of showing you some of the different data feeds that exist they're all Linked In the video description and what the schuma residences kind of look like across these various products so
we can see that this is very unusual and it's isolated right now to tomsk Russia now what occurred back on June 23rd 2023 was according to them some sort of power supply issue um the power grid started feeding in a weird data signal we got this crazy like Network pattern um I don't think I have that data immedi I think it's on a hard drive but uh but I have some videos on that um and so that supposedly was caused by some sort of data uh power grid air and it wasn't actually what we were
seeing in the background field it was because of some mishap some glitch in in the equipment that translates the electric signals that picks up in the the background you know atmospheric field and then puts it on screen there's a lot of steps that go in between that there's amplifiers there's audio card filters there's a software a lot can go wrong so if we're only seeing this out of tomps Russia then that is a very likely candidate of what is happening that this is not actually what we're seeing in the schuma residences that this is again
some sort of data glitch and a lot of people may not like that but that's probably what it is uh cuz that's what it was back in June of 2023 when they went absolutely nuts so that's probably what this is some sort of technical err and we've seen that they have these sort of Errors before with this station I don't know why but they they kind of have some technical difficulties every now and then and that's probably what this is but again as I said earlier on with the backup um this is a moment opportunity
for us to All Connect together and so it doesn't really matter how it gets accomplished in my opinion or whether it is occurring or not we don't actually need to see the schuma resonances shift or anything it's more about the fact that we are brought together at a single moment in time in unity and heart Consciousness I think that's what's most important so that's why we're going to do the uh the sound healing meditation later now I just saw a comment saying that um we have a gnetic storm hitting right now I do already have
the HB uh indices pulled up we can give them a look because there was a solar storm impact expected around this time and if we go to our 10-day plot we can see that values are starting to rise they are now at a value of five so we're measuring the background uh geomagnetic field volatility as measured at the surface across a variety of magnetometers they compile the data and they plot it as a index going from 0 to 9 and this is our 1 hour measure um and so when you're at a five you're at
a G1 storm so it looks like for the past two hours we've actually been at a G1 level which is it goes from one to five five being severe one being minor and we can actually look at our real-time solar wind which is right here and see what's happening with our realtime solar wind we probably just had a shock come across no but we've had a high-speed stream start to sweep in so here we see our solar wind velocity going up we see our plasma density is still quite high temperature is elevated and if I
go to here I can add on the KP index which is a 3our measure of geomagnetic volatility and maybe I should refresh this too I thought I did but maybe I didn't I just feel like it should be showing something different um and then we see our interplanetary magnetic field actually is fairly normal values 12 and zero so yeah we do have higher velocity solar wind right now but uh and we do have a higher KP index but our interplanetary magnetic field 12 is strong but it's it's a little anomalous that we're having a G1
storm right now with the solar wind conditions looking like that if we go over to our geospace ground magnetic perturbation Maps we can see perhaps what this looks like on a global scale and here we go I'll step off here we have our geospace Delta B which is effectively B is the magnetic field total magnetic field Delta is the change we see the scale uh bar right there so if you go up into the Reds you have a pretty strong uh change in a magnetic field you'll notice it's isolated at the poles that's where these
particles are flowing in so we're having enhanced solar Wing conditions right now particles are flowing in causing these disruptions to the magnetic field because you have stronger electric currents produced in the ionosphere you'll notice tomps Russia is right about there um so this is what's happening right now and it is a little odd that we have a G1 storm with the solar Wing conditions the way they are so you know that's just it is a little bizarre to say the least um we also I want to I also I also want to look at just
the astrology really quick uh because we have that's the wrong one want to move because we have a new moon tomorrow so let's talk about it let's just look at the planets briefly and then we have some other things to discuss as well um that Q&A but thank you all for being here in the live stream I hope you're all feeling well if you're not feeling well I recommend earthing and grounding go outside connect to the the Earth the electric potential of the earth bear feet is best um that's the fastest way to ground well
one of the fast fast ways the fastest way is actually lay down completely on the earth or like there ancient legends and myths of is that if people were really sick back in the day often they would dig like a mud pit and they'd put them in the pit this is like there was no hope like the the local Village healer writes them off they're going to die like they would dig like a mud pit and put them in there full body contact with the Earth and sometimes like a day or two later they would
like crawl out and they'd be healed um and so that's like an Ancient Ancient Ancient tradition so there are other ways to ground that are even more effective than bare feet on ground but that's the easiest but very effective way to do it swimming in the ocean's great so those are all things to do with these heighten energies we have the new moon tomorrow here's the moon right now here's the Sun so we are just hours away now from a new moon and fairly close to that North Node which is that point that lunar node
where the orbit of the moon crosses the ecliptic plane of the Sun and the Earth so this is like almost an eclipse it's not an eclipse but it's close it's pretty close um and so super heighten energies CU once the moon shifts over look at everything that we have here in Pisces this is Western tropical true Sky position is a little bit different um but a lot of energy just in general doesn't matter which system use congregating right now the new moon is activating all that as it sweeps through and then it'll sweep over the
rest of these um and all this is try to Mars the planet of energy and uh sometimes it's a little bit acidic energy it's kind of costic uh it can be very aggressive at times it can be a little bit too much at times uh when Mars Just stationed retro uh just stationed direct and Venus is about to station retrograde she's at 10 degrees so she's stationing retrograde on the 30th I believe and that is no not the 30 there's no 30th for February the 1st of March I believe something like that and that's just
the day after the planetary parade so we have this new moon tomorrow then we have the planetary lineup on the 28th and then we have Venus stationing retrograde and Mercury is going to be stationing retrograde pretty soon after that as well um Naomi asked where can I find a spectrogram for Canada they had one with vf. it but it got taken offline because they weren't able to maintain it so um and then JT asked you have any videos breaking down the astrological chart system I mean my planetary residences eour goes pretty in depth into a
lot of stuff I don't have a specific section on like how to read a chart because there's so many of those out there but if you take the planetary resonances eour then and you watch some of those basic videos on how to read a chart then you'll be miles ahead of most people it's really really good um so yeah this is uh the current planetary energies right now most notably Venus about to station retrograde this big grouping of planets here we have the moon we have the sun we have Saturn we have mercury we have
Neptune we have the North Node of fate and Karma all super close together and they're all in a pretty nice try to uh Mars which is just now starting to move direct again okay um I also there was something else I wanted to discuss um we can look at our we can look at this guy too let me get this uh position again see our solar wind outflow for the past 24 hours you will see a chal mass ejection at launches here uh actually we've had some filaments that have launched we can look at the
sun we'll do that next I wanted to pull up the videos for the sun nice Chon Master uh plasma filament CHR M rejection there got another outflow there so uh we have this enhanced solar wind right now uh nothing super strong directly headed towards Earth at this moment time but Sol activity has has been quite high as I've discussed in other videos um and that's looks like that may be about to change because a lot of um sunspots have rotated off but a whole bunch are about to rotate in so we have a quick reprieve
but not really here is our um here is our 193 anstrom view of the Sun and we see these big Corona holes there one two three check out the like the face that they make at the very end just now entering into that Geo effective position so these highs speeed streams are about to hit us we already have kind of again that higher velocity solar wind sweeping by us right now at this moment in time so this is occurring um notice all the sunspots are Rota out rotating out notice all the activity that's rotating in
now we've also had some plasma filaments launched just over the past 24 hours or so if I go back we can look at our 300 4 Anum view of the sun which really shows us these lower temperature plasma structures and I'll step off over here so we can see this thank you Sharon for the super thanks you always pull through with the super thanks so thank you so much God bless she I'm the only news that you watch uh so I appreciate that appreciate you here we have our uh 304 anent view of the Sun
and you'll notice this activity here I actually want to move this to make this easier for us to all see this okay um and this is going back to the 25th uh look at that right there that was a nice a nice flare right there but you'll see some activity here and so this one right there do you see that that one may have a little bit of an earth direct component it's kind of more to the Southwest this is solar coordinate system but that one looks like it's kind of perhaps going to shoot a
little bit something our way looks like it's mostly to the South but you can never discount these things we really like solar like plasma Dynamics are very chaotic there's an order to them and a physics to them but they're very very chaotic and so sometimes something doesn't look like it's heading towards us and then lo and behold it does U so it's just more important to look at in my opinion just how much activity is happening and even if it's like happening let's say like on all sides like oh this is difficult like here and
also here right it's just kind of going on all sides and Earth's in the center then like you kind of got to figure that something's going to sweep by some some enhancement of the solar wind will occur so that's what's been happening on the 300 4 an view before I zoom out and go to the one 131 notice these big plasma filaments there so we got I mean look at that guy whoa hopefully that doesn't shoot towards us though some people do they do want that uh some people love this stuff they like to go
out and search for Aurora or or more so there's a whole bunch of things um everyone has different preferences if you go over to our 131 an view so we can see solar flares directly and we click this full screen let's give this a watch look at that boom I got to say I love the combination of spirituality and fruit te is so good oh my God I love this it's like a nice dark red color I feel like it's super vitalizing just for like your blood and all your systems um so and and spirituality
is the best I mean especially for things like the sound healing for dream enhancement uh for meditation just for being able to rest and relax if you're not sleeping this is like the best stuff I mean this is so good for helping you sleep if you've been having trouble sleeping um I wish I could ship this internationally but right now it's only United States so if you want to pick it up wildre organic.com store Rachel thank you for the super thanks you have a question uh what do you think about ofius I always get this
one wrong ofius being added to the galactic zodiac and adjusting it accordingly um and before that Angel Lee sent a super thanks as well and Tommy send a super thanks so thank you so much uh well if we look at the Zodiac uh Aus is really just kind of like a very tiny little segment Crossing that ecliptic plane and so the other the other constellations have pretty like clear Zone some of them are larger some are smaller but in general they're all about the same size but that one just barely hits it and so like
I think if you are someone that looks at this stuff you just yourself can know that it's happening but it's just going to like sweep through very very quickly it's not like this long duration like anything that's going through Pisces is going through for a while or Virgo because Virgo is like the biggest zodiac sign and P or constellation and Pisces is uh I think second biggest um they're very close in terms of their size they're very large whereas Aries for example is quite small Leo is kind of tiny too um so that one's super
tiny it's only a few degrees honestly where it crosses so that's why they don't include it and then most of it is like not on the ecliptic plane whereas the constellations of the zodiac are pretty firmly on the ecliptic plane but what if it was added I just think there'd be more disharmony 12 is a nice harmonious number 13 really isn't um I mean I see some evidence of 13 and like kind of its patterns but 12 is nice and harmonious Jupiter is the number 12 12 years to orbit around the sun we see 12
reflected a whole bunch of things 12 disciples of Christ there's a whole bunch of stuff um 13 not so much so I think there's some I think it's already as it is and as it needs to be yavon thank you for the super thanks um and so yeah just in general we see our active regions are rotating out but we do have some new ones rotating in uh but no really big flare over the past 24 hours or so that guy was quite big but that was back on the 25th and now some people are
already in the 27th right still 26 for me here on the West Coast um but yeah so uh so we can look to the solar activity and we can look to what's happening with uh the solar wind and we can see that there's really nothing super out of the ordinary to explain what we're seeing out of THS Russia with this right here lightning in a bottle thank you for the super thanks I appreciate that and uh so yeah I mean I think personally personally everyone can have their own opinions and and you know beliefs and
whatever right just based off of what I know in my deep Research into this this looks like some sort of electrical glitch problem in either a their power supply is causing this frequency pattern to show up um or there's some sort of err in translating the data from the antenna to the live data feed because again we're not seeing that pattern out of Hungary here we're not seeing it out of kumana Italy and we'll have to wait for about 12 hours to see if it pops up with this mag magnetic field data out of um
esdale Mir in the United Kingdom but it's I it's almost it certainly isn't going to show up uh I save this data every day uh I'll eat a hat on I'll eat a hat on a live stream if that pattern shows up in this data here so uh this seems to be some sort of glitch but again as I mentioned this is like more a crystallization moment for everyone in the awakened spiritual community and so with that let's do a quick question and answer and then let's do that crystallization moment ourselves let us do a
sound healing meditation I'll be the facilitator we can all enter into coherence together and ripple that energy out across the world uh join in the Indians with their uh sacred holiday uh today and then hopefully you know make the world a slightly better place as a result so if you have any questions please type at Stefan Burns and I'll uh look at those and get them answered thank you Francis for the super thanks that is awesome God bless um and yeah so uh again just at ston Burns and I know there's going to be a
lot of them so I'll do my best to to answer them um and try to keep them on topic please the one other thing I'll mention about this though I'll mention one other thing and that is is that we know the Russians have done a lot of weird frequency experiments across time uh they had the Russian dugga or the the Russian woodpecker and they were much more knowledgeable in terms of frequency and how it connects to our biology than the West Was for decades and decades under the Soviet era so like of all the places
for there to be weird energy modulation or frequency weapons or anything like that it would be Russia because they they know that stuff pretty well and they've done it before they were blasting microwave energy at us with the Russian woodpecker and there was actually multiple the biggest one was near CH Chernobyl but they had two other Dugas in Russia also next to nuclear plants because you need to feed them with enough energy so like I leave all that open as well Cosmic Zeal thank you for the super thanks okay so we have some questions the
first one is from Elizabeth asking am I single yes I am single um energy talk says can you do a playback of this pattern in audio Yeah I'm not sure how I would do that uh but hopefully someone clever can take this and turn it into an audio waveform you need to basically get the certain frequency of all those and play them together uh Danny asks am I frequent Lucid dreamer do you have any tips to lucid dream I have lucid dreams quite a bit but perhaps my definition of lucid dreams a little different than
most like often I'll be flying around in a dream but I I don't necessarily call a flying dream a lucid dream I think some people do that a lucid dream for me is when I'm like holy crap I am like awake right now in a dream and it's super super clear because there's various levels sometimes you're like kind of lucid you're like yeah I know I'm Dreaming but you're still like wrapped up in the dream but sometimes you're like holy crap I am awake in a dream this is total nonsense fabrication whatever like what the
heck is happening that to me is a lucid dream those don't occur that often um though the spirituality definitely helps uh I find that I've been having a little bit more moments closer to that the more frequently I drink this and also when I first made the blend I got a whole bunch of them because it was a new stimulus um but honestly I need to be better with my dream journal and ALS doing reality checks I just don't do them that often uh because for me dreaming I it's like a portal for me to
learn things so if you go loose you kind of lose that portal sometimes um so I'd rather have the dreams give me messages but uh I've had plenty of lucid dreams they're quite fun and for tips um dream journal keep a dream journal write down all your dreams reality checks and then certain supplements like spirituality or pine pollen is also another one first time first time I had Pine on in a while boom lucid dream that night had a mega do like boom instant lucid dream um so then we have some more questions here let
me get to them we have are we currently about to go through one massive magnetic polar shift I certainly think we are this is by suzan um I I we don't have evidence that we are going through a magnet well okay we can't say definitively def definitively that we're going through a magnetic shift at this moment in time this is the North Pole and the South Pole swapping first off you have you have a few different definitions you have pole shift which is where the poles are moving and they are always moving so there's always
a pole shift happening right then you have pole flip that's where they actually flip that would be either a magnetic Excursion where the the poles will move but they won't lock in place and then they'll move back or a pull flip where they actually a geomagnetic reversal where they flip and then they stay there and Excursion will go and it typically like based on the geologic record it looks like it needs to stay there for a couple thousand years before it can finally click in now back in 42,000 about 42,000 years ago or so we
had the lamp Excursion that was a very powerful very well documented across the world geomagnetic Excursion where the polls basically Ally flipped but again it did not cement so they went back since then there have been some other minor excursions but the evidence for them is weaker because there's not as many data points around the globe and they've just in general been weaker and so some of them only have data evidence for them like the gotenburg Excursion people have this idea of like a 12,000-year cycle and they use like the gotenburg Excursion as evidence for
that being the most recent one well the only evidence for that basically comes out of China so you need evidence around the world showing these different magnetic vectors to know that you had an Excursion a strong one that data we have for lamp it's the strongest Excursion by far in our geologic record uh the last reversal was 78 780,000 years ago um and we don't have evidence of reversals occurring every 12,000 years again the last one nearly a million years ago about 780,000 years ago um so we would need the polls to really be quite
a bit out of their respective Arctic and Antarctic circles to know that we are in a g magnetic Excursion and if we look at I mean I can actually pull it up quickly we're not going to spend too long here but how about I uh pull this up for you all okay because I have a a project on Google Earth specifically for this and I've made videos on this I have a playlist on Earth magnetic field with basically lot this information in there so make sure you just go to my channel page you'll see that
playlist there either way uh basically the North Pole is actually very close the north magnetic pole the magnetic pole in the northern hemisphere is actually very close to the actual North Pole of the Earth yeah it's been moving quickly but in fact it's very close to the perfect Center top of the earth it's the South magnetic pole the magnetic pole in the southern hemisphere it's actually a north magnetic pole positive magnetic pole what whatever that one is the one that's closest to strain out of the Antarctic Circle but it still is within it and it's
moving pretty slowly only like 5 6 km a year so there's a lot of misinformation out there on the magnetic pole shift and people have said that it's a big thing when reality we can't say it's an Excursion yet because it hasn't hit certain characteristics needed the magnetic field strength needs to be way lower for a magnetic Excursion to occur as well there's a whole bunch of physics to it I explain it in my video uh playlist so you can watch that um Tommy asked is it best to align yourself to magnetic north and ground
yourself say some bathing at the beach uh East and West is best According to some research so I would do that um then drag Dragon tacular asks does the ego Soul void Source combo sound familiar uh so I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that steo ask do you think the planetary alignment on Friday will cause an earthquake or large solar flare yeah let me pull up that planetary alignment uh actually I was meaning I meant to go over that that's the other thing I I wanted to talk about um and that is I'm
just getting the slide up for you all that is right here and I can get this set for us okay so here we have our planetary alignment for February 28 2025 one day after the new moon and the moon's going to be roughly in the zone as well here's the sun it just set just set so Saturn Mercury Neptune very close to the Horizon they're going to set very quickly after the sun Venus then will be a very bright Evening Star as she has been for about two hours she eventually will set Uranus Jupiter and
Mars will be the last ones Mars will be the absolute last Jupiter will be basically exactly at Zenith at this sunset time so basically look straight up brightest thing that you see will be Jupiter Mars will be to the East and it'll be west it'll be uh red um now is this going to cause some sort of thing I don't think so because while we have all them lined up from our perspective here on Earth in fact they all have their different orbital positions and so they're not in a line like this they are all
spread out it's just they look like they're in a line from our perspective here on Earth but they are creating a unique energy pattern and frequency so there's something to that and we're also a lot of people are putting a lot of energy and intention and belief into it so that has an impact as well uh we are co-creators of this reality Universe um but do I think it's necessarily going to cause some sort of large earthquake or solar flare no I mean we'll just have to wait and see and even if it does we
can't definitively say yes that is it um but I I'm not I'm not like planning that or betting on that or anything because Neptune for example is 30 astronomical units out whereas Mercury is inside the or orbit of Earth Venus is also inside the orbit of Earth Saturn is uh 20 as or 10 astronomical units out Uranus is 20 Jupiter is five Mars is at like 1.5 or so so they're all totally different um and you would probably need a little bit more of an alignment gravitationally with like clear angles for you to have perhaps
some sort of effect a lot of questions I know I've missed some um Tommy asked on the topic P shifts any opinion about Chan Thomas's the Adam and Eve story uh yeah no I I I think that's also nonsense personally personally I think that's just a whole bunch of hogwash nonsense um be and there's there's there's no real evidence for that but it's one of the scenes that's captured the attention of certain people and has a life of its own and so a lot of people believe it but um no I I don't believe it
um silent murmur says I think their incorrect math is confusing degrees of movement with what should be miles of movement but it's definitely nowhere near kilm per year it's 8.83 miles per year you probably talk about the magnetic poles the north magnetic pole the one in the northern hemisphere the the the the pole up there that's a negative magnetic pole that one's moving just about 40 km per year uh and then the one in the south is moving about six or seven or 8 km per year it's like about 10 or under so those are
the accurate values based on the latest World magnetic model that came out in 2020 4 in December it's the 2025 World magnetic model uh C says have you ever been buried in the sand at the beach and felt the same healing effect you were talking about I haven't been buried in the sand at the beach in a long time but that'd be kind of one way to do it but you need the sand to be wet so you can have that conductive uh effect and yeah it's probably a reason why kids do that instinctively just
to have fun you know I think there's a certain uh wisdom and intelligence in in uh childlike Nativity and I don't want to say ignorance right because it's not ignorance it's actually very intelligent and smart but just like their childlike uh way I think there's a lot of wisdom there um and so yeah let us go on to our uh sound healing meditation and uh and yeah we'll have some fun with that s is saying that the world magnetic model is incorrect yeah well I I'm not here to get into an argument or a debate
about it um but if it was incorrect well yeah I'm not I'm not here to get into a debate about so let us do the uh the sound healing meditation let me get my stuff and uh T thank you for the super thanks your grounding shoes kept my feet completely dry while bathing my dog today I expected some moisture on the socks but not even that awesome so you're grounding uh which I'm sure has helped you energetically that's amazing that is what we want that's what it's all about [Music] and we have the third eye
shocker singing Bowl right here and I'll also pull out the solar plexus one I think I have enough room here on on my table uh these are the ground is shoes that t was talking about so these are the women's right here cozy slipon and these are all natural leather soulle and these are the men's right here and so if you want to be grounded more often in your daytoday uh even like if you're just out doing chores you're walking around even like in a city area with concrete these will ground you because concrete's still
conductive and leather's conductive most grounding shoes have rubber which is not conductive so they not only have a a completely conductive leather bottom they also have the copper plug um at the K1 and they're really comfortable they're great they're awesome they're zero toad drop tow drop wi toe box natural foot display really good for your foot Health posture and more posture is one of the most important things to energy flow and for the women these are great as well again all leather uh it's the only way to go with earthing shoes I was talking with
I muusic about that earlier uh today with our interview about how all these Earth Products now are trying to get away uh get get away with nonsense you could say like oh well we have a Rubber Sole but still grounding you it's like no no it's not you need you need a leather Sole for a proper grounding effect if you're not doing that then you're just fooling yourself and so there's not that many earthing shoes that have a leather sole these do they're designed with earthing in mind so that's why you know they're good and
I need to get this my yeah these guys and then I'll put the gong up right now so you'll see the green screen go away and then come back so I hope you're all feeling good and all right I know this uh kind of bizarre Shuman data is giving a lot of people a bit of a shock um and a lot of people don't really know what to think about it so I hope that provided some clarity to you all at least my thoughts and ideas as to uh as to that you can get the
grounding shoes at wildre organic.com store and they're available there and actually you can use the code grand alignment for 10% off till the end of February that the promotion that we're doing right now for this Grand alignment that's occurring and here we go put this on okay so now would be a good time to get into a comfortable position and here let me type this in the chat really quick it's www.free organic.com [Music] store uh Omaha Shaman is saying iching she wants us to do an eing for the current energies um we could do that
really quick that'd be fun what do these current energies mean for us so this is encompassing everything the new moon this is encompassing what's see what we're seeing with the schuma resonances this is encompassing the planetary alignment the solar activity what do these energies mean for us right now thank you for the super thanks Sharon Shannon Shannon thank you so much what do these energies mean for us right now we got a a Yang line we have a Yang line we have a Yin line and both of them are changing lines so that's interesting okay
we have a Yang line so Yang yin yang for the bottom hexagram trigram then we have another Yang line we have another Yang line this one a changing line okay and another Yang changing line wow so three Yang changing lines which means that they change into Yin this is very interesting so let's pull up our eing and uh have to get this guy going 64 hexagrams we'll find out which one we have right now there it is fellowship uh see I knew this was I knew this is all about it's about us coming together that's
what it's always been about Fellowship number 13 and the one that it changes into it's going to be Yin Yin Yin Yin Yang Yang Yang Yin Yin so we'll come back to this one let's see what the one it changes into is we need two Yin up top then three Yin basically in the center um this one I think is interesting so we have fellowship at the beginning and that changes into something changes into something a little different maybe a lot different we'll have to find out it's not preponderance of the great though it's close
to it duration oh how about that duration longlasting friendship and fellowship how about that we were just talking about number 13 now we have 32 um okay so we'll come back to this one let's read 13 first Fellowship Fellowship fellowship with men in the open success furthers one to cross the Great Water the perseverance of the superior man furthers which effectively means that if you have something to do and you have to go quite a distance to do it having that perseverance will get you ahead in a good way it's a good thing to do
this perseverance of the superior man he's willing to cross the great water go across the ocean to accomplish his his uh his agenda and with Fellowship in the men in the open we do this openly this is a live stream this is not behind closed doors for just a few of us right this is for anyone in the world to join in uh this this brings success very nice lovely message we have Heaven over flame which is a great combo that's a great combo Heaven over flame which is naturally a very natural progression to go
from flame and fire up into heaven right there's only a single Yin line here if we zoom up only a single Yin line but again this changes um the image Heaven together with fire the image of fellowship with man with men thus the superior man organizes the Clans and makes distinctions between things so we are being asked to to bring everyone together in this community this Consciousness awaken Community to bring everyone together and to kind of organize into a coherent Mass so our energy can work together to a greater extent that is kind of the
just the interpretation I have rather than us having disordinate energy going here here here here we need to work together for a common aim and so like we can have different ideas on what the magnetic field of the earth is doing or what's happening with solar storms or any of this stuff but I think we can all agree that we need to live from heart-c centered love energy if we have that common coherence together then we can achieve amazing and wonderful things on this planet so just a simple message now we do have a whole
bunch of lines marked the bottom line marked of fellowship with men at the gate no blame we also have the second line marked fellowship with man in the clan with men in the clan humiliation and then we have the top two marked men Bound in Fellowship first weep weep and lament but afterwards they laugh after great struggles they succeed in meeting and then fellowship with men in the meadow No Remorse so it's a whole bunch of lines basically I think it's going to be easier instead of reading the individual line L here and the interpretations
I think it' be easier to go into um the next triam or hexagram that we get which is number 32 so the Judgment True Fellowship among men must be based upon a concern that is universal is not the private interest of the individual that create lasting Fellowship among men but rather the goals of humanity that is why it said that fellowship with men in the open succeeds if Unity of this kind prevails even difficult and dangerous tasks such as crossing the great water can be accomplished but in order to bring about this sort of Fellowship
a persevering and enlightened leader is needed a man with clear convincing inspiring aims and the strength to carrying them out the inner trigram means Clarity the outer strength image Elizabeth the discount is Grand alignment g r a n d a l i GN me n for 10% off all one word image Heaven has the same direction of movement as five fire yet it is different from fire just as The Luminaries in the sky serve for the systematic Division and arrangement of time so Humanity so human society and all things that really Belong Together must be
organically arranged Fellowship should not be a mere mingling of individuals or of things that would be chaos not Fellowship Fellowship is to lead to order there must if Fellowship is to lead to order there must be organization within divers so again we have to have that common aim that we come together and there needs to be someone or you know a few people that are able to mobilize that into action um which is exactly I feel like what we're doing right now which is really nice so let's go to trigram number 32 and then we'll
do our sound healing because I do want to eat dinner tonight um now we see that we have an equal balance of Yang and Yin though they're not exactly like exactly opposite but now we have three Yang three Yin Thunder Over wind so it's basically a storm we do have a storm right now duration success no blame perseverance furthers it it furthers one to have somewhere to go Thunder and wind the image of duration thus the superior man stands firm and does not change his Direction so this is kind of bringing to mind the idea
of an opposition that there is opposition to this Fellowship the aims of the fellowship and for the fellowship to succeed they have to be willing to endure and to last and to keep going on very much like The Fellowship of the Ring and Lord of the Rings right they didn't just dissolve instantly when things got tough they kept going thank you NGC for the super thanks um yeah I've been reading his uh comments so I mean everyone's welcome have their own opinion here so thank you for the super thanks I just we're just not going
to get into on the live stream I have a video playlist on Earth's magnetic field I'm going to be making more videos on Earth magnetic field I have all my ideas over there um I didn't make this live stream to talk about Earth's magnetic field so duration uh we have to be willing to to go for long period of time with this common aim we can't let that get frazzled and frizzled apart I think that's uh important so what is that common coherent message or thing that we want to work together for I I really
think it's holding love and you know heart-c centered intention here for the benit of everybody I think that's the most important simple thing that we can do so that is the uh that is the eing for effectively what do the energies at this moment in time collectively mean together because again the solar activity planetary alignment New Moon shumon stuff that's everything that's happening right now and also all the prior earthquake activity that just kind of recently came to a bit of a quiet uh lull just over the past um week or so so yeah very
interesting glad we did that now let us get into our sound healing meditation I recommend you find a comfortable [Music] position close your eyes focus on your third eye love is the only thing that will save us now yes let's start with the third eye we enter into coherence together our Collective third eye focused with the intention of broadcasting out peace love and harmony [Music] [Music] now draw your awareness down to your heart into your solar plexus feel that solar energy [Music] [Music] Liberate the solar energy Free Yourself shine forth [Music] the Kingdom of Heaven
is inside you and all around [Music] you for [Music] [Music] whatever you're feeling right now the energies whether your s external all them combined now is the time to integrate them whatever you're feeling feel it don't ignore it don't hide from it pain pleasure whatever it is fully honor and recognize it see it for what it truly is the truth of the matter the reality of the situation be it [Music] this may not be a final transmutation but it is a [Music] [Music] transformation it's time to be reborn [Music] [Music] to find our core principles
to join together in Fellowship in coherence in love and to change the world together [Music] [Music] [Music] let's do some deep breaths together let everything go breathe out your diaphragm and now fill belly ribs chest physiological sigh relaxes your body being peace to your mind just relax your face traps your shoulders we spend too much time in parasympathetic activity we need to spend a lot more time in sympathetic activity we need spend a lot more time in parasympathetic where we just rest relax and we are more connected to ourselves everyone else and the world around
us the natural world the Earth around us not necessarily the craziness we have transcended beyond that just now so thank you all so much for joining in on today's live stream I see some new super thanks have coming thank you so much um yeah so many wonderful people here appreciate everyone uh who has join in a live stream that's awesome uh I love the community that we've developed here we're all a whole bunch of weirdos in many ways but you know we all understand the most important things which matter which we've discussed and really delved
into today on the live stream which is really peace for yourself and love for yourself and for everyone around you um treat your neighbor as you would treat yourself and those that you love and you know just seeking for the world to be a more harmonious place and how you can do that to treat others fairly to be um I mean for example if you have a business to be fair in your business practices all these things so I think it's really important that you know our actions Ripple out and they do matter and I
what I firmly believe is that the actions that you choose like what I choose ends up being reflected back to me through everyone else in the universe and opportunities and Karma so it really does start with you and if you have the mindset of like what I do doesn't matter then you're only going to get that reflected back but if you have the belief and the mindset of just I can only do what I can then you'll be surprised about how other people start to shift and change and enter into resonance with you and the
whole world starts to change as a result because again it all starts with you in your reality in your reality I'm just some guy on screen for you in your reality you're the only one that matters that's not true but it is everyone matters in your reality you are the only little speck of Consciousness that you can control and and evolve and grow and enter into resonance with source and God and in the greater consciousness of the universe and so yeah let's let's do that together love you all thanks for being here uh thanks for
all the support we have a lot of amazing things to come in 2025 it's been a wild 2025 already really excited to see how things grow eventually we will have a Shuman station in the United States and not just one eventually we will have multiples so you stick around with the channel you will eventually see that occur we hope to get that going this year in 2025 so yeah um we'll keep an eye on what's happening with the Shuma residence because it's been uh very active now for quite some time uh 10 hours already well
wake up tomorrow to see if this goes for even longer and I may have to do an update video on you uh tomorrow on that so again thank you all so much um wellness products at wildre organic.com store and you know like the video subscribe and just do a good deed every day especially tomorrow and walk around with love in the center of your heart wish you all well I'll see you all very soon