2025 is the year you start designing the life you've always wanted to live no matter when you're watching this video I'm going to show you exactly how to make 2025 the best year of your life something that a lot of people don't realize is that everything is in your control and essentially inputs equal your outputs so whatever you do on a daily basis this year has a direct outcome with the rewards and outputs that you're going to see now what I'm going to cover in this video are some really simple easy things that you can
start doing right away that'll make a massive difference in how this year plays out you're watching this video because you want to get richer you want to grow as a person you want to have better relationships have better experiences and just overall live the best life possible so I'll show you how to do that so the first thing I want to talk about is the importance of reflection you need to reflect on your past year before you do anything else now for me I actually looked on my goals from last year and I found out
that I actually didn't hit a lot of them but that is okay because last year was still a completely life defining year for me probably the best year in my life but with that being said there's still a lot of things that I didn't do correctly that could have done better and so I basically took a couple hours to sit down with my previous year's goals and reflect on what went right so the good the bad as well as what can I actually do like what can I actually fix to make next year an even
better year and I remember back when I was in school I hated history it's ironic because now I think history might be even more important than some of the other classes like math and science that I thought at the time were the only things that mattered and essentially it's because when you learn about history you are learning about what happened before you're learning about what they did the things that went wrong the things that went right and how that country or whatever adjusted following that so essentially you're doing a history lesson on your last year
of your life so yeah take out a piece of paper either right now or after you finish watching this video go through the good go through the bad and then go through what you're going to do next year to actually improve if you don't have goals that you set from last year that's okay you can basically just write the good things that happen the bad things that happen as well as what you're going to do this year to actually make sure more of the good things happen rather than the bad and then moving on from
there let's talk about the next year okay so next or this year whatever time you're watching this video doesn't matter it's very very important that you set goals for this coming year so that you can make it the best one possible so I like to split this into five different buckets the first one's going to be Financial these are going to be your financial goals that you want to hit next are going to be your self goals this is all about self-improvement habits that you do on a daily basis things out you to just become
a better performing or whatever your goal is type of person next is going to be your family/ relationship goals so depending on what your current you know relationship status is or your family status whatever it is this is also a very very important thing that you need to set goals for mainly setting aside time to be with your family having year defining goals with your partner because yeah your Partnerships your relationships your friends whatever these are vital to your happiness many many Studies have shown that this is probably the most important of all these in
terms of overall happiness so that's why it's super super important to set your goals in terms of your partner your relationships your friends after that we're going to have our goals in the fun department so yeah obviously this is a huge contributor to you know how exciting and how fun your life is going to be this next year so you do want to set some pretty concrete goals that you want to do maybe some events that you are looking forward to that are more fun and have that be a big part of your goals for
the next year and then of course we want to have our business and career goals Biz career right so depending on whether or not you have a business or if you have a career it's really important to set goals on how we want to grow this it's not the most fun or exciting thing for most people but it definitely is a big part of how the year goes so we do want to set goals for that so yeah break down into these five buckets set very specific individual goals that fall within each when you write
this down it's going to give you a very tangible thing that you can look at and think okay in this part of my life I want to do this next year in this part of my life I want to do this and so on this should probably take 30 minutes to an hour for most people and of course you can always add on to this list it doesn't need to all be done right now you'll probably think of more things to add on which is totally okay yeah guys do this it's really really important so
I want to show you real quick a really cool calendar that I just got for this year it's my first time having this but this is the big calendar 2025 it's essentially a calendar made by Jesse ller who's a really amazing entrepreneur that I follow all 365 days are here it's really cool cuz basically comes with a bunch of these like Post-it notes and dry erase markers you can actually write on this directly and this allows you to plan all of the events in this year that you were most excited for so right now I
have up here me going to the Swiss Alps in Paris I'm very excited for that and it's going to be things like trips it's going to be things like big physical sporting events so maybe if you r a marathon or do a triathlon whatever it is you can put that stuff here a lot of your family and friend events that's also going to go on here most of the stuff that you're not going to put on here are going to be things like business meetings work related stuff stuff that doesn't really you know make your
life more fun but this is just super cool cuz it allows me to visualize all the fun things that I'm going to do this year and also encourages me to do more of them so I'm actually going to sign up for my Iron Man 70.3 just cuz I want to put it on this calendar so I can see it every single day of course it's pretty much bare because I just put this up a few days ago but I'm very excited to see as I add more things how it looks so now's the part of
the video where I actually go through some you know very actionable things and habits that I do on a daily basis that I think have added so much to the growth in my life and just living a more fulfilled life so the first one is just going to be writing everything down there used to be a time where I consumed a lot of information but I actually did not write things down and what I found was that I learned things it make a lot of sense and uh I just forget it so I started to
write everything down that I thought was important what I recommend doing is just get a bunch of notebooks I have tons and tons of notebooks this one I've been using for like I don't know years I'll so use these little note cards to write things down every single day and I just find that this has made a very big impact on how productive I actually am and how many things I say I'm going to do that I actually do it sort of holds me accountable it could be ideas so I do a lot of brainstorming
in these Pages something about just writing something down it's just completely different than typing it out so I encourage you to try this of course I still write a lot of stuff on the computer and docs and things like that but it just doesn't feel the same as writing it down so I really encourage you go out there buy at least one two notebooks get a pen and yeah just start writing stuff down this will have an immediate impact on one your creativity but also two saying you're going to actually do things and doing them
this helps you hold yourself accountable also when you're listening to podcasts or reading it's really important to take notes I use the notes app on my iPhone and whenever I hear something that's particularly interesting or stands out to me I will type it out on a podcast notes and by now that note is super super long but can basically go back to it refer to what I wrote down and just remember things a lot better okay so the next thing I want you to do this year is think of some type of big physical event
and do it so this can be something like Marathon Triathlon it can be any type of sporting event you want to do a weightlifting competition whatever it is it just needs to be something that is really tough mentally as well as physically with a big emphasis on that physical part for this thing for example I already mentioned that I am committing to doing an Iron Man 70.3 this year I might do an Iron Man like the full one later this year and for me that's extremely scary I've never done that much exercise and physical activity
in one single day before so I know that's going to be a huge stretch for me it's going to force me to do a ton of training in disciplines that no I'm not that great at swimming biking running and I think that if you have at least one of these big physical events every single year it's just going to really help you be a more healthy person a lot of people they neglect this part and they think I don't like going to the gym I don't like exercising but that is because they're not working towards
something you need to pick something that's exciting that's hard that's going to really challenge you and that's going to give you the motivation to actually go out there and crush your workouts and enjoy them at the same time for me I've been weightlifting for you know most of my life was actually getting pretty stale and so to switch things up that is why I started to do triathlons and I found that I'm a lot more motivated to actually go out there and work out because I'm looking forward to this one specific event this year that
I know I need to train for the next thing you can do is just say yes to more things I know many of you watching this video are going to be homeb IES more introverted and that's cool because you know I am also more of a home body I'm more of an introvert than most people but what I found is that the more you say yes the more opportunities you're giving yourself to have an amazing time if I think back to some of the most special times of my life it's not when I'm just super
comfortable at home watching TV or doing something by myself it's always something that took a little bit of forcing myself to do in a somewhat uncomfortable position not knowing how that thing is going to go and of course you do need to be protective every time so saying no every once in a while is completely fine it's very normal but if you can try and say yes to more things this year I guarantee you you're going to get to experience some things that just completely change this year for you there's a huge correlation between luck
and saying yes to things the more things you say yes to the more opportunities you're going to have out there in the real world more people you're going to meet and that can lead to you getting extremely lucky in business finance relationships whatever it is the bad part is that we never know when these things can happen it's likely going to be at some completely random event that you totally could have said no to going to and so that's why I urge you know whenever there's some type of event that you are considering going to
or not going to think about this video and just go do it so in summary say yes to more things the next thing that I want you to do this year is just prioritize learning this is something I talk about a lot on my channel if you've seen any of my other content you know that I always love learning things yes I know a good amount of things in some areas but I do realize that in the grand spin things I know pretty much absolutely nothing that's why I think it's super super fun and interesting
to always be learning one of the most concrete and easy ways you guys can do that this year is to just read a lot of books so commit to reading something that's reasonable maybe one book per month the amount of knowledge and experience and like mentorship that you can get from one single book is just insane like I cannot put into words how much I've learned from books how much reading books has actually changed my life and this is coming from someone that used to absolutely despise reading I really thought it was cool tool that
I didn't read yeah looking back obviously that seems super dumb and I do regret not reading more but yeah just go out there buy some books get some audio books whatever it is you can read and consume information a lot more than you probably think if you think you can't sit down to read that much I guarantee you there's times when you can still learn from books if you're driving which you probably do for hundreds of hours per year then you can listen to an Audi book and consume information that way I guarantee you instead
of scrolling Instagram or Facebook or Tik Tok or whatever it is go and read a book there's hours and hours that you're probably optimizing and Beyond just reading books you know actually go out there use the information write it down practice it because if you don't you will you know sort of remember some of it but it's not going to impact your life as much as actually implementing the things you learn by me you can see I have like this music studio setup I'm actually committing to learning music production this year it's something that I've
always wanted to do my first YouTube channel was actually making music covers producing music and that was I don't know so many years ago over over a decade ago getting back into it and that's something that I'm going to commit to learning this year another really great site that I recommend for you guys is preply.com I'll have a link down below this is basically where you can take one-on-one lessons with people all over the world so if you want to learn some type of skill you can do that on preply and for me I've been
taking a 1-hour Chinese lesson every single week for I it's got to be at least two plus years now it's been phenomenal it's affordable I think it's definitely one of the best hours of my week in terms of Roi that is just one of many different ways you can incorporate learning into your next year so right now I'm scrolling social media it's probably something that a lot of you guys do as well and that's totally normal but for this year I promise you the less time you spend on social media the better your life is
going to be social media is made to be addicting like the algorithms are literally created that we want to keep watching and so this is extremely hard it's probably going to be one of the hardest things to do on this list but guys think about how much time we spend just scrolling on our phon looking at like a 5 6 in screen when you look up from your screen you have this entire world full of fun things to do fun things to see and yeah this is a trap that almost everyone is going to be
you know addicted to and yeah I was talking to one of my friends he's a very successful entrepreneur tons of businesses and what he told me was extremely impactful basically he has two kids and neither of them are on social media so they have pretty strict rules on having phones at nighttime as well as having social media accounts and I think that this is so so smart he told me that he learned this from many of his other successful friends who had families they found that just getting R social media had such a good impact
on their kids and what he told me about his kids just really blew me away right like they take tons of language classes they are in extracurriculars they have friends they do everything I know that they're going to grow up to be extremely well-rounded people yes you can learn from social media but it's likely taking over your life and spending the next year of your life on your phone four or 5 hours a day that does not sound like a very fulfilling year to me so what you want to do is you want to set
time limits you want to make your screen black and white if needed you need to sleep with your phone in a different room so that you don't wake up and start scrolling and yeah there are tons of other tricks out there to reduce your screen time but I just want to prioritize how important this is for the quality of your next year there's some absolutely amazing things about social media if you can force yourself to get inspired if you can force yourself to only consume social media that you can learn from then that's great but
still you do want to keep that to under a couple hours a day do not get stuck into the world of consuming social media it's going to create a bubble around yourself and you won't be able to escape from it the next thing I want to say is if you can inject five me routines into this next year it's going to make a huge difference so one of them that I want to talk about is my red light therapy machines what I've been doing is every single morning when I wake up I used to read
but now what I do and what I want to do continuing into the next year is come here into this room do like about 10 to 15 minutes of stretches while using the red light therapy machine I've been doing this for a few months already it's been phenomenal I've been more flexible than I've ever been and carving out this time having this routine in the morning has just been super super great so what I'm saying is pick five different things sort of like that incorporate that routine into your everyday schedule and I think that's going
to allow you to have a much better year another thing that I've started doing is incorporating this sauna into my daily schedule I'd say maybe four or five times a week I'll use the sauna I'll sweat it out for 20 to 30 minutes I'm absolutely drenched by the time I'm out and now basically I use this as my reading time so that full 20 30 minutes I'm in here not on my phone but reading a book I've had this Ona for maybe one or two months now and it's been really really good so one thing
that we're not in control of is how fast time passes we are in control of how we spend our time but the one thing we cannot do is just slow down the passing of time now one thing that I've been trying to do is live every single day or year as if it's my last day or year because to be honest we don't know how long we're going to be here we don't know something bad could happen tomorrow tomorrow or the next day and having this unknown time deadline has actually allowed me to or encouraged
me to do a lot of things that I normally wouldn't do now this sort of Blends together with living your life as a movie if you go into the year with this mindset of I'm creating a movie then you'll make a movie if you go into the year thinking I'm going to make a really boring film then you're going to have a really boring year and so one thing you can do is think okay there's a camera following me at all times they're documenting my life is this next thing that I'm going to do worthy
to be my film if it's not then maybe reconsider it not everything we do has to be you know super super fun or exciting but the filmmaker whose goal is to make a fun and exciting movie is way more likely to do that than someone that's out there to make a boring film and I don't even know why someone would want to make a boring film in the first place we literally only have one life and I for sure do not want to have a boring film represent my life if you want to truly have
an extraordinary life your film cannot be boring and telling yourself there's someone always filming you following you around that can go a long ways as to helping you curate what things you want to do that make this year that much better from the bottom of my heart I want to say that this year is going to be the best year of your life in fact every new year should be better than the year before and that's really because you can learn from your mistakes and just grow as a person I know for me before I
started on this journey of self-improvement you know some years were good and some years were bad it really depended on a lot of things that I thought were out of my control but what I came to realize is that a lot of these things most of them they're actually in my control and since I realized that my life just gotten a lot better every single year like there's actually a very consistent Trend upwards which I am super super proud of now many of you guys watching this video might think that a lot of the stuff
is just not in our control and I want to emphasize again that it really is in your control you have free will you probably make thousands of decisions every single day some of them very very small and unimportant and some of them very very big but the fact is that we can all control what we do we can control our outcomes and I want you to take on that responsibility just shift your inputs like we talked about in this video and the outputs that you're going to see are just going to be incredible yeah hopefully
you guys wrote some of these things down you know these things have taken me years and years to learn I'm definitely still learning a lot every single year so next year I'll probably share a video like this where I have more insights and yeah I just hope you guys can keep growing I'm going to try and keep growing myself too everyone is on their own path and how we create our life is just really up to us anyways I hope you got some value from this video if you did make sure to hit that like
button and also subscribe for more content just like this I'm Charlie I'm Mak a ton of videos about entrepreneurship investing and just teaching you how to live a more financially successful life not only that but also a rewarding life as well thank you for your time and I'll see you in the next video peace [Music] [Music]