Why Hip Hop is Turning on Lil Wayne...

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Go to http://manscaped.com and use code LOU20 to get 20% off and free shipping. Lil Wayne isn't ge...
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Lil Wayne is a legend in hip-hop and arguably one of the best MC's of all time when he was in his prime but it's fair to say that the past couple of months have been pretty rough for Wheezy and well he's not making things any easier for himself as his ego and sense of entitlement keeps contrasting with the reality of where he's at now because these days people are really on his neck in a way that you usually don't expect to see happening to a legend it's your boy Lea and this is why hip hop is churning on Lil Wayne generally Lil Wayne is a man who gets plenty of flowers and with good reason for starters he's responsible for an incredible catalog of Music dominating the mid 2000s with classic projects and mixtapes which have gained him the respect of his peers and love of fans the day we recorded that verse I'm in the studio with Wayne Wayne was at Hit Factory he had like the one upstairs his own little corner know saying that Wayne was that was his own Vibe they I'm going to be honest it was one time that was cash money I'm talking for years but the thing is that he recorded that verse I was in the studio he was smoking like he's smoking now the only difference is he was rapping smoking rapping and he did like 30 records in my face no no Ross did like 30 and 30 records that you hear on the radio right now yeah yeah yeah without a doubt not just doing [ __ ] to be doing it no no no no it's back to back so I'm like damn how do I like get this is dir I'm like he got to be tired I playing myself he's not lying because we witnessed it ourselves in that era Wayne is literally a machine people who don't grow up listening to Wayne really don't understand how that dude was just incredible mixtapes and then go commercial and make hit after hit as for the current generation of rappers they owe an immense debt to Weezy not only because of how he Rhymes in the influence of his music but even how he reinvented how an artist is supposed to look and carry himself look at me like it was that's honestly an honor for you to say some [ __ ] like that I'm giving that like it is that so it's just like what what can I say like what am I what what can I say about that like it's look at me bro just look at me and what you see I learned Little Wayne I wanted to be Little Wayne I would talk when I was younger girls would say I look like Lil Wayne so I would run with that and I would wear the fedoras and I would wear the tight polo te's with the skinnies and wear the Vans and [ __ ] back then I ordered a fake piercing off of Amazon and I had it right here and I used to wear every day like I was little Wayne but while his position as a legend is intact things aren't exactly going so well right now and the problem resides with Wayne not being able to see the forest for the trees recently Wayne took the stage at Louisiana Fest his own special event taking place in his native New Orleans during his show Wayne tore through a set of Classics before rounding the night off with a major moment when he reunited with cash money Legends Hot Boys more happy than the fans I believe you feel me so was it a call from Wayne like what brought it all back call from Wayne what was that like call from Wayne it were like me you calling me you feel me it was like a God answer prayer you know what I'm saying you know just to get that right energy to finally come you know what I'm saying weey you know he is God but as important as this moment was to the city the whole thing was ultimately overshadowed by two things firstly just how bad his performance [Music] was this got him clowned almost universally and for a good reason I would have shot my TV if I seen this [ __ ] at the Super Bowl Halftime Show Low Wayne is one of the greatest rappers of all time and possibly the worst life performer ever shaded by Tyler the Creator who declared that those little humps right before kill me under a post I was making fun of him this came just days after his feature on sticky pushed Wheezy to 187 career Hot 100 hits extending his record-breaking streak to 21 years to make matters worse his performance was eerily close to Orlando Brown's parody of his vocals especially after he had campaigned hard to land a spot on the Super Bowl halftime show in his hometown and as the footage of that performance went viral people realized that Wayne's fans should never have been losing their mind over Wheezy getting overlooked for the gig this is the performance y'all were screaming and crying for Wayne my goat but thank you Hove but while that got clowned online the real problem was that during this special moment in front of his hometown crowd he still couldn't accept that the Super Bowl was never his to lose that moment I said to myself I want to be on stage for the Super Bowl One there in front of my mom and I worked my ass off to get that Fu position and it was ripped away from me in recent times hip hop has gotten a little fed up with him wallowing over the loss of a dream how can something that was never offered to you be ripped away from you the location of the Super Bowl doesn't always determine the performer this pity party needs to stop immediately this is soing sorry so why is this bothering people so much and what can he do to save his legacy well there's a lot of reasons for it but It ultimately boils down to the fact that he was never the right man for the job and his entitlement isn't making it any easier to feel sorry for him back when it was initially revealed Wheezy didn't hide the fact that he was pretty much destroyed by the news that Kendrick Lamar would be performing at the Super Bowl halftime show in NOA rather than him first of all I want to say forgive me for uh forgive me for the delay just the delay I want to say I had to first of all I had to get strength I had to get strength enough to do this without breaking um I must say thank you I must say thank you to every voice every opinion all the Care all the love and the support out there is your your words turn into to arms and it held me up when when I try to fall back that hurt hurt a lot you know what I'm talking about it hurt a whole lot um I blame myself for not being mentally prepared for a let down for just automatically mentally putting myself in that position like somebody told me that was my position so I blame myself for that but you know I thought there was nothing better than that that that spot and that stage and that platform in my city so it hurt I heard a whole lot but even though he was upset it seemed like to begin with he was taking responsibility for getting ahead of himself so like I said it broke me and I'm just trying to put me back together but my gu you all help me thanks to all my peers my friends my family my homies on the sports television and everybody repping me I really appreciate that I really do I feel like I let all of y'all down are not getting that opportunity but I'm working on me and I'm working thank you it's a weird situation that's only got stranger with his claim that it was snatched from him and for some Wheezy speaking like that leads to questions about what really happened behind the scenes because he's T he's very entitled or he was promised something but when I heard that I I had actually went backstage cuz this was after like he did more songs after the reunion happened I was like yo I need to take a break went backstage we watched it on the monitors when I heard ripped away from me I said oh Wayne is starting to fire again but while it's clear that the scars of that experience are still lingering the fact that he's been so ungracious about it towards someone who loves him really isn't helping his case in fact is building animosity towards Wayne that we aren't used to seeing Kendrick Lamar is going to be the first rapper to headline the Super Bowl solo and is a gigantic fan of Lil Wayne who's done nothing but act like an entitled brat instead of congratulating Kendrick who rightfully deserves it this is a blemish on Wayne's Legacy and while people were happy to ride for Wheezy initially that argument has worn thin after performances like what we saw at Louisiana yeah it's more of a rap thing unfortunately and I get it's it's in New Orleans so people thought you know it was going to go to I I don't even know how people thought that yeah I don't know I don't even know how people weird narrative like yo it's in New Orleans should go to Wayne nobody thought that but Twitter it's a internet Twitter rumor that they just ran with and to to the I'm sorry but like Wayne the audacity to say this was ripped from me it was never yours to have you were never in consideration for it some guys on Twitter took the opportunity to throw your name out there and be like would have been cool if way and then it got enough steam that all of a sudden it should have been yours that's not how [ __ ] works yeah it was never yours instead the sentiment has changed to have people including longtime tuni fans feeling like needs to act more naturally Wheezy needs to grow up this man is 42 and hating still goated but damn he's looking weird the first time Wayne complained about the Super Bowl was slightly tolerable hearing him complain about it again comes across as whining this is a strange situation for Wheezy to be in where even those who identify as Wheezy fans are looking at him like this it wasn't so long ago that Nori claimed Wheezy to have the best and most loyal audience of them all be honest with y'all Little Wayne might have the best [ __ ] fans in hip-hop they're polite they're annoying but they're polite they are in my DM how you doing sir when is this Wayne interview dropping when is this I just want to go out on the limb and tell y'all Little Wayne got the best fans Not only they crazy but they're polite but in all fairness to those fans they have tolerated a lot sticking with him all these years including situations which had directly contributed to Wayne never ever getting that Super Bowl show that he wanted in the first place over the years Wayne's loyal followers have tolerated a lot because because it's not like he's never let his fans down before at times he's even behaved in the kind of rash way that Wheezy is now when it comes to his refusal to acknowledge Kendrick's show or even wish him well let's start with the infamous onstage walk-offs which have proven that he's not exactly the guy you want to sing millions of dollars of investment into among his brattiest moments were his appearance at the High Times cup where he demanded to never be booked for the show again don't you ever call me to do this [ __ ] again ever don't you ever ever ever ask me to do this [ __ ] again I like to thank y for time I don't know appreciate it in another instance he stormed off stage after just a half an hour throwing microphones to the ground [Music] just last year there was an incident where he ended a show in La prematurely as he F his Young Money artists such as Alan cubis and L twist weren't getting the respect they deserve from the crowd so he literally short changed his fans and left we appreciate it but we about to be about toing over back for these folks we work too hard for this [ __ ] for this [ __ ] we work way too hard this my [ __ ] artist Adam that was twist that was We Are Young Money we appreciate yall [Applause] time appreciate you at that time the hip-hop world wasn't exactly pleased with his overly emotional and entitled display I understand Wayne's loyalty but you can't make an audience SL crowd cheer or accept a new artist it needs to happen naturally over the years a crowd not giving him the response he feels he's earned simply by being who he is has been a persistent problem in one instance it even led to him quitting a co-headline tour with Blink 182 at the Midway Point as he didn't like being an opener I just want the people to know if you wondering please forgive me but I am so not used to performing to a crowd and there's not too many you know like Ste for that's not my swag I'm not sure how long I'm going to be able to do this tour but make some noise for Blink 182 for include me anyway in other instances medical emergencies got in the way of his ability to perform he had to cancel a show in Las Vegas in 2017 when he had multiple seizures and was found unconscious in his hotel room this followed a similar incident in 2013 alongside many other scares over the years while none of his fans would fault him for having a genuine health issue Wayne's health problems unfortunately are self-inflicted for most of his career Wheezy has been wrestling with his love of sipping syrup and over the years he's veered from defending it as part of his cultural identity to claiming that he doesn't want to be a bad influence on others I know I picked up the cup and I started drinking with is promethazine mixed with Codine what you all know is s I started drinking it because I'm from South New Orleans I was young and I watched Michael Jordan game six and made me want to go right into my driveway and shoot around well I was also young and I listened to Pimp C and they said we was drinking we drinking that lean maybe want drink the lean a drug that killed some of the Legends he looked up to including Pimp C Wayne has been asked time and time again about what it would take for him to kick the cup everybody want me stop and all this and all that but ain't that easy bro it ain't that easy it felt like death in your stomach when you stop with it you you got to learn you got to go do deep test and at times he's even publicly declared that he was trying to take this powerful opioid out of his life forever do you do that anymore at all no I can't and what made you stop the doctor really I was doing it too much and you know doctor kind of told me you know like you know we can't tell you what to do but I suggest that your mom tell you to stop but his adventures with the purple drink are well known so too is the extent that he consumes it in fact he has so much of it around him that he almost killed currency by accident he pulled up the whole six thing and then put them back in the Rings so they look like harmless purple hawaian punches in the fridge so I ran in basketball thirsty and [ __ ] down one of them [ __ ] standing in theway of the bus just killing and he came on the bus was like oh Lord cuz he know I don't [ __ ] with you like you probably about to die an addiction that's threatened his life time and time again Wheezy even spoke about the Pains of withdrawals on the fame track I feel like dying he literally said the following lyrics I'm at the top of the top but still I climb and if I should ever fall the ground would then turn to Wine pop pop pop I feel like flying then I feel like frying then I feel like dying and while it's unclear how much he still consumes it Wayne very much still seems to be intoxicated in public on a regular basis whether that's via weed drink or drink is unclear but it still seems like sobriety still isn't a way that you'll often find him and when he got arrested after a private jet search in late December 2019 the cops found not only a goldplated handgun but a whole array of drugs including suspected cocaine ecstasy marijuana herin painkillers and prescription strength cough syrup at 42 years of age wheezy's fans want to see him begin to look after himself a little better and from the outside looking in it's his continued celebration of this kind of lifestyle that made him ineligible for the Super Bowl Wayne spent 90% of his career promoting liquid dope and raised a generation of junkies and y'all think the NFL is about to put him on because when you examine Wayne's Legacy it's impossible to gloss over all the good he's done from a musical standpoint but it's fair to say that he also contributed to a culture that has negatively impacted hip-hop too even claiming some of its best brightest and youngest you have those people take it to the extreme like for the example uh I think Wayne has said after a while he wasn't even pouring coding with pop he was drinking it straight out the bottle while Wheezy has been able to survive with his life intact there's no denying that drug abuse has had a massive impact on him both physically and mentally and this causes another level of frustration for hip-hop in that it stops him from being as great as he truly could be not to mention that it has ruined his memory to the extent that he can't remember his own lyrics or feel any emotional tie to he was at when he made his classic projects I don't know the Carter 3 The Carter 2 The Carter 1 from the Carter 4 he admitted and that's just my God honest truth you could lie you could ask me about such and such song I wouldn't even know what we talking about because of this the music doesn't hold any significance to him in the same way as it does for others so lyrics that his fans cherish can be presented to him as if he'd never heard them before this might be my favorite Wayne line of all time person this last one is fine all right here we go Dave sex is great T better wear a late text cuz you don't want that late text and I think I'm late text I don't know when I said it or why I said it or I said I said come on wall help me out wall sex is great sex better use a lat text cuz you don't want that late text I think I'm lat Tex in fact this isn't just a problem in a life setting because now it's a crucial part of his songwriting process too I literally bro when I'm doing some of my [ __ ] you can if you go through my phone history my Google history is going and you press L first thing going to come up is Lil Wayne lyrics I literally have to Google My lyrics to make sure I didn't say certain stuff my God before yo I swear to God I do that too that's how long we've been doing this yeah I just did that [ __ ] last night that's why I just told you that's why I say soon as you go to my Google history my Safari is going to be Lil Wayne lyrics now Wayne has taken drastic measures and uses a teleprompter to help him with the words essentially meaning that this legendary rapper is now doing karaoke to his new tracks understandably fans are able to understand the limitations of where he can perform today I love Wayne and I will never take credit away from him as a genius but I can understand why they didn't have him perform he never remembers his lines and his performances are trash Beyond those lingering issues there is the simple fact that Wayne doesn't handle his brand well for starters his recent catalog has been far from spectacular haven't dropped anything that's that crazy crazy the anticipation for Carter 5 was that we would been we had been anticipating it for how many years I don't know it was a long time coming but beyond that it hasn't been anything crazy so when I think about it like this I'm like even projectwise outside of your performances it's not really given that much for somebody to hold on to for you to even perform at the Super Bowl why would they ask you and at times he does and says things that you would never expect a top tier rapper to engage in including performing at weddings for a bag where he should be selling out arenas [Music] but at the minute is that victim complex he's having which came about around the time of him not getting the Super Bowl placement which is really hurting his reputation because now fans are wondering if it was him who is responsible for the notoriously bad attitudes of some of his Young Money SES too before I show you that clip I got to tell you guys about today's video sponsor manscaped with the holiday season here cuffing season family dinners all that you don't want to show up looking like you just crawled out of a cave well that's where the performance package 5. 0 Ultra from manscape comes in picture this the lawn mower 5. 0 Ultra this thing is smooth reliable and it keeps you fresh whether you're prepping for a date 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