This Sucks, But It Makes Me $33,405/day

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Charlie Morgan
Imperium Mastermind:
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we good near in the finish line so I think we probably left the most important thing till last ironically um at least someone had the balls to bring up when I asked you what you want to talk about which is good so usually when I'm talking about mindset I have a specific Direction I want to go in um but this time I kind of don't so I'm going to ask you guys what you want to talk about relevant to this it can be anything productivity related before we get into that I kind of lied I
do have a slight Direct here um if we actually Define what this thing is at first principle really we have two words in this sort of amalgamation here mind and set okay now obviously set we're referring to as lock so if you think about mind it's really just a collection of belief systems like your Paradigm and the way you see the world and SE in order for you to be sane and to be able to operate in the World Unite you kind of need to be locked in on specific things and the thing is I
can tell you for pretty I was going to say for free but you're all paid to be here I can tell you for a mastermind fee I can tell you that the biggest jumps that Bo and I have ever had have come from unlocking a specific belief system it's it's it's never been about the funnel we've used or the ad copy or the product or anything it's been about breaking a specific belief system and like for example like less is more that's one thing that we had to sort of break out of you guys so
what I want you all to know right now is if you have where you are now and you have where you want to be and there's a gap between these two things like yes there's things you can do to bridge this Gap like marketing or product or whatever but usually like it's just about switching a belief system so usually you're just one belief system switch away from your goal now the belief system is the thing that is the Catalyst for the action that you're going to take okay so for example um one belief system people
have is I can just make a half ass product and be successful it's like no but you in order for you to build a product that's going to make you successful you have to believe it's worthwhile doing so we can talk a lot about beliefs and how these things work and everything but if we're asking ourselves what actually is mindset it's just the way your mind is set okay and you're set on these belief systems and you will defend these with your life no matter how wrong you are I said this to Bo last night
I was talking to him about like different belief systems and stuff and I said to him it's funny how how often I've been so wrong about something but I will defend that point to the ends of the Earth like like my life depends on it and that's not a good thing to do so I kind of wanted to start with a brief definition as to what we're actually talking about here because mind mindset is very abstract and it could all woo and [ __ ] like that but all of you have belief systems and all
of you believe certain things to be true that aren't true me B brona no maybe not no I don't know he's he's pretty he's pretty perfect but all of you guys have [ __ ] in your brain that is not true and if that wasn't the case then you'd all be where you wanted to be the how' you navigate being aware of the things obviously so any problem you have you can pretty much boil down to a belief system you have about reverse engineer the problem problem like let me think of an example okay so
um yeah let's take it in this direction so I used to I let's give you the story so when we were starting northl um I this was [ __ ] seven years ago um I believed that people would not respond to cold emails I believe that people wouldn't trust me I believe that like um the thing that you said about like you know I need to nurture them and stuff like that I believed it to be true and therefore for me it was but typically the only thing that's going to be true is what you
believe to be true once you change a belief and you unlock it it's an elaps of time before you actually recognize it is true so any um Financial or Scientific Revolution throughout the history of humankind has come from someone changing a belief system so for example um Dr Barry in the 2008 financial crisis predicted the collapse of the market everybody believed housing was safe okay everyone just thought it was he looked and he changed his mind and it took the market 5 years for him to for his belief to actually come to fruition and so
the better you can get at this the first further for you're going to get so I did this with Outreach where like I believed that no one would reply and there's something called practice which basically denotes that you give Ascent to belief through action and so if you believe something is a certain way you will behave as if it is true because how could you possibly behave any other way okay we we we act out what we believe so if you're ask if you want to know what someone truly thinks or believes don't look at
what they say look at how they act because that's how beliefs manifest and the real danger of this is if your belief is out of alignment with what you want to achieve then you're never going to act on it the action is the thing that M the belief doesn't really matter the action matters but to take the action you have to have the belief unlocked so remember your mind is set in a certain way and everything you want and more is just behind you telling yourself you're wrong about something specific and where was the Breakthrough
with the realization of the email for example I just okay so I couldn't get it to work for ages for like I just wouldn't I just couldn't get it to work um and then I basically what I did is I like didn't audit on my belief systems I asked myself I said what is everything I believe to be true about Outreach and I listed them all down and I make a bit made like a big old document and then I thought well of course I'm not achieving success because I believe it's not even [ __
] possible so then what I did is I looked at all those belief systems until you make the unconscious conscious it will rule your life and you will call it fate a belief is unconscious typically so you make it conscious you state the truth and that's it's hard to do because this is already what you believe yeah right so you make you you look at it and then you invert it and you ask yourself what the complete opposite of that thing would be and then you try to engineer that into your life people believe scale
is hard it's not but it's only hard if you believe it's hard you act out what you believe so what do you guys want to talk abouta trauma for [ __ ] sake child the shadow oh God I can Hammer you here all day you good this is where the Leverage is man I'm telling you like SCS and stuff like balancing life 16 hour Focus days well that's just you just do it like you just do you believe you can then just do it it's not something you strategize or talk about you just walk to
your desk you sit down and you work see what I mean it's the way your mind is set you think you believe there's some crazy thing you have to know to achieve that there's not as is the case with nearly everything you guys want to do I want to scale my ads how just [ __ ] do it surely there's some crazy strategy no just spend more and then watch it like a ha everything's very simple all you have to do is get out of your own way that's all growth is is just getting out
of your own way how to change of belief until you have okay do you know self- sabotage doesn't exist mean I like how explain this so Yung so Yung was a um psychologist um he was an unconscious he studied the unconscious and he believed that you as a human are basically a fragment of individual selves okay think of it like this here we have a table for all intense purposes this is a table right let's just pretend that's a table and I want you to imagine that this is a company around this table we have
the board okay people sit at the board to make decisions about how the company should be run okay now the company is going to have a goal in case you guys can't tell by now the company represents your your goal and you okay and the reason self- sabotage doesn't exist is because inside of you you have you're infinitely complex okay not just you all of you I'm not targeting you on that and inside of you you have fragments of yourself and they all want different things but they all have the same goal so you have
your goal right now which like this is the company's goal which is to make as much money as possible but all of these directors inside of the company want to do it in a different way or they have different ideas as to how it should be done and so what you need to learn to do is sit here on the chair so every company has a chairman of the board this is your identity this is your conscious mind and what the chair of the board will do is mediate the discussions between all these people to
figure out how they can achieve their goal whil it's making everybody individually happy so the reason self-sabotage doesn't exist is because part of you like this part let's say this part of you wants to party now this part will actively sabotage your work part in order to you know fulfill its needs and stuff like that and if you're wondering why parts of us do things it's unmet needs it's pain and it's trauma now that's a whole whole thing but the point I'm making here is like you need to figure out how to achieve this whilst
appeasing every single part of you because if you try and polarize yourself just for one part of you all of the other ones are going to fight it and so as if you're running a company as the chair of the board your job is to make sure everyone's happy they all want the same thing otherwise your goal couldn't possibly exist you have your goal but they all want to do it and make sure their own needs are met along the way so you know for example let's say there's part of you that's introverted and let's
say this is um introverted Charlie okay like that's that's a fragment of my personality or my shadow in essence if I want to achieve my goal I can't be introverted all the time but if I know that part of me wants this deeply then I need to learn to perform something called integration and integration exists when I still allow this thing to manifest What It Wants in its own way not in its own way but in the way that the chair of the board will dictate so if I know that this thing is going to
kick and scream when I try and start a personal brand what I might do every month is just spend a weekend in the forest by myself to appease it and I can still work in the forest and stuff like that but you need to understand what these things want and then orchestrate them so they can still get what they want whilst you're moving towards your goal otherwise what will happen is one of them will become so angry and so upset that it will cck the whole thing down all of these things have to get what
they want if they don't then they're going to just sabotage you so you might think I I don't want to start a personal brand oh that's self-sabotage it's not you how could you how could this thing be sabotaging itself it's benevolent it wants the best thing for you because it's part of you so what you guys have to understand is that you are a composition of lots of different things that all want different things therefore you need to figure out how to give them what they want now the thing you start with this place is
awareness of them so you do things and you we all do things we all do [ __ ] it happens for a reason you guys are all here for a reason you all want to achieve your goal you want to um manifest your conscientious energy along a trajectory towards something meaningful and so you're all here because of that there's another thing that like maybe some of you have bad habits that you don't like you do them for a reason and when you take an action all of your physical manifestations of action or cause are these
things trying to appease themselves that's all your life is you are kind of like a puppet to these things so what you have to learn to do is become conscious of them and start labeling them so for example if I know that um every time I go to a social engagement or if I get too much if I if I socialize too heavily I start to feel an anxious and panicked I say oh there's introverted Charlie coming up and so every time you feel an emotion it's one of these parts trying to talk to you
these things they don't have mouths they can't like communicate verbally so they use emotions so anytime you guys have an emotion come up out of nowhere it's one of these things trying to tell you something that it needs something and you can't kick it away or get rid of it so the only way that I figured out how to stop self-sabotaging was to essentially figure out how to appease these things so for example you know I've got in my mind gaming Charlie okay and he exists and the only way I could get rid of not
get rid of you can't get rid of it the only way I could appease him was to turn the game into the business right so what I started to do was gamifying business I got an aura ring to like gamify my stats and then I started like and you start doing it like that and so this is the process called integ integration and you have to do it and if you try if you if you have these emotions and you don't listen to them you can get away with that for like a month but then
it all blows up and then you find yourself like in a massive rut for like seven days and the longer you wait to fulfill one of these needs the longer the rra who's had this before where you know you try and do this discipline thing when you just push it down push it down push it down and then everything breaks apart yeah well this is your Consciousness so this is what we're using right now to discuss this is the the light that shines on the unconscious this is the unconscious your goal like why do you
have why do you have your goal where does that thing come from that's a that's a weird thing to think about like why do you want what you want it's not like you just wake up well yeah it's trauma usually usually we the adult is developed to protect the child from that regard um but that's how it works that's why you sabotage yourself it's because you're waiting too long to fulfill a specific need now there are things there are behaviors that you there might be maybe maybe you have like um alcoholic Charlie and it's really
bad well it's not really alcoholic Charlie but what that is is you're trying to ignore something we trying to numb something and you have to get to the bottom of figuring out why you want to numb it and that's when you perform Shadow work to you know combat that um negative behavior and turn it into the work so I had this where I was like bullied for a long time in school and that manifested by me like self-sabotaging or part of me trying to sabotage because it believed I wasn't worthy of power CU like part
there's basically somewhere where I believe I'm powered because when you when you have trauma what happens is you repress it you push it down and that part of you always exists until you integrate it so this is why these people these things they come from unmet needs like oh I'm part of me is introverted but I'm not getting that or it comes from trauma if you process the trauma and resolve it it goes away so if anyone in here has got a terrible addiction or habit that's probably coming out of some trauma so if you
can clear this thing out and it's one less person to have to contend with and deal with yes but what about a core desire that is preinstalled and not really based on traumas only such a status I think it's like as for me status is so difficult to overcome and as much as read psychology at every single corner I read start one of four main desires and it's not like you can just deactivated because it's so no you have to integrate it so you have to channel it it's as energy cannot be um created or
destroyed it can only be transferred that's true in physics it's true in Psychology so trauma status Freedom these are all pieces these are all pockets of energy that you can use right and so this is what I did I still want status but I now get it from standing up here right instead of having to like prove myself through a car or a watch I get it from people watching my YouTube videos I still want it there's still part of me that's insecure that needs it every man needs it right but you basically if you
refuse to give it what it like okay so look at it like this with something like status with something like status it can manifest in what we could call a shallow way or easy way and this is basically like a car or a watch or any indication of like status right or it can manifest in a deep way which is hard and anything related to this is going to exist from your work so all you have to do is resist this for long enough for that part of you to realize that the only way it's
going to get what it wants is if you work and this is how you unlock a [ __ ] insane work ethic this is how you get those ridiculous hours and how you just never want to stop working if part of you understand the only way they're going to get what they want is through your business now like I mean if you can get all of these guys on the same page to March the same beat you're on for example if introverted Charlie knows that if he works really hard he can afford to just block
everyone out for two days he's going to want to work really hard for that and the only way you do that is by resisting the shallow urges to you know like me with the Instagram thing for example like I really want to post on my personal Instagram to show everyone who I used to know how well I'm doing it's like don't do it don't do it don't do it I really want to make a YouTube video that's how it goes it has to the energy has to go somewhere and if you give it no choice
it will have to go into the work that's how you unlock an work ethic huh you build a yeah so I've got like a I'm not going to show you because it's very personal but every time I acknowledge just something weird like some sort of behavior that just like for example like a need or urge or no like if if there's like something coming up like H let think an example I'll try and think of that happened recently the roex watch H the RO watch yeah primary example status Charlie you know I I out of
nowhere comes this ridiculous impulse to buy a Rolex why is that there they don't just come out of nowhere you're a puppet to your unconscious and then as soon as you have an Impulse or an emotion for something you note it down you become cognizant of it and aware of it you make the unconscious conscious and then you label it oh there's status Charlie again and over time it will keep kicking up and then how did it transition you just you just you kind of just you can't no you kind of just tell it like
every time that would come up like the the Rolex thing or the car thing like I sold the car for example but every time it would come up I just be like i' noticed the impulse and just not act on it knowing full well that after a while that thing will learn that it's not going to get What It Wants through that so it has to go to somewhere else the danger is if it goes somewhere even worse but I've never had that before Char like vering yes all you are is a fragment of personalities
vering is where you you think about psycholog I've never really thought about that before so I'm not sure like always learn but in that also you're kind of sabotaging yourself in the that learning is self sabotage that learning is like sabotage because like once you know what to do you don't need to learn anything else until you do that and then you need to learn something else let's say you're do at the same time as well but like let's say like let's take your example with s like when were you at a point like I
am like good enough in the sense like I know stuff and I don't need to look further even you're taking action but you're like was there a point like in that in that sense no well you I never you should never feel like you know enough or you're good enough but it comes back to that vision and the goal thing I know what I want I know what I have to do to achieve it I know what I have to learn to do those things and that's all I'm focused on once I hit the goal
I'll redo the exercise and think again kind of like Charlie Munga who buff its business partner used a bit of a crude analogy here um he said that like your goal should be like the sperm and the Egg but like once one gets in it just locks off nothing else can get in and that's the only thing that matters you just yeah that's weird I'm not going to go down there stops become so like what if your goal is shared like having a business partner how do you manage the dynamic of like introvert as in
you guys spend all this time together because you're working together yeah and all of this stuff pops up all the time like when you're on your own all the time mindset can be very much personal as just me but then the more you're sharing with other people yeah I mean b and I share literally everything like married couple the only way a partnership works is if you tell each other the complete truth no matter how painful it is and because of that I understand Bo better than he understands himself and vice versa and therefore he
knows when I'm doing something stupid and I know when he's doing something stupid and we can call each other out accordingly um yeah do you ever satisfy the shadow urges yeah of course you still get yeah they still get me but how do you then detach yourself from that or make sure it doesn't then it's just like biger like do you not feel guilty for then gain 100% at any time you game you won't allow yourself to like do it without having the guilt well this thing's this thing's good now I don't have I don't
I don't have the urge to play any video games anymore ever but you still do well I game the business this gets What It Wants through work yeah but I'm like G partying Whatever It Is Well like the partying thing like I'll get [ __ ] up every now and then because if I don't if I don't if I let's say let's say part of me wants to party right if I don't do that every now and then then if I let's say that I push that thing down and I bury it needs and its
trauma for 2 years I'm going to this is why midlife crisis has happen man like this thing becomes so [ __ ] like big and it's just like a um it's just like a volcano like it's it's like your psychology is kind of like psychology is like a big volcano like this let's just pretend that's a volcano and you know obviously in the volcano we have this build of pressure and it builds and it builds and it builds and your job as an entrepreneur or as a human in general is every now and then to
just come in and release a bit of this pressure through tequila shots or something like that and if you don't and you sit on it for too long then what's going to happen too many shot but so because you say the gaming thing you satisfy with the business and you transort that urge into what The Parting thing you have still and you still need to that kind of valve that like I drank with the team the other day yeah to work yeah and I'll drink with b and we'll just talk about business stuff like you
know it's it's difficult because it's not binary like if you want to party every weekend and you give into that every weekend that's not good there's a line where you still need to try and tame this as the chair of the board you still need to be able to sort of keep an eye on these things my point it's not parting for me playing go where's the B do I feel guilty for that or do I feel guil you have a life man yeah like this this whole [ __ ] polarization discipline thing it does
not work I've tried it for six years like entrepreneurs run out of paper here entrepreneurs are like elastic bands okay so imagine imagine this is an elastic band here okay and it's obviously stretchy you can stretch this thing out now at the beginning we have some slack oh it's fine but the longer that you put off these things and the less like the more you work this is what happens to me with easy grow the easy grow build for example the more you work the more you stretch this thing out and the more you stretch
it out and the more you stretch it out and it's only so far you can push your body before this thing just [ __ ] snaps like you have to be able like the discipline is being undisciplined that's the secret it's it's being able to be in a you know three Monon month mode R and to have the wisdom to discipline yourself to be undisciplined that's the secret it's the only way to sustain healthy good consistent Behavior over time the only way to achieve consistency is to consistently meet all of your needs and wherever you
can you need to try and funnel them into that work thing but some of them you can't funnel into the work thing you just can't like you know when I was building easy grow I had like an extroverted part of me that was just dying you know is there is there any position there gets too full so this is a right so we don't there's more people in the the table there's more yeah well some of them are bigger than others so it's not like they all have the same level of prevalence in terms of
um psychological significance so you know for example there might be a part of you that uh I don't know um oh well let's just take the introvert extrovert let's say there's a part of you that values um orderliness but only a small part of you it's not that significant like every now and then you just like have the random urge to clean your room at 5:00 in the morning and it happens once every six months it's getting what it needs you don't need to worry about it it's the big ones that are relevant to your
you you'll know what they are because they're all going to come up there's going to be massive patterns that consistently repeat themselves and those are the ones that you have there's the big leverage points for me it was gaming it was like um it was just like just doing stupid [ __ ] like just bit L lazing around doing nothing going matter to the discipline and then down and up and down like it's not healthy like this this whole notion of Monk mode and like lock in it doesn't work because it suits one part of
you but then you've got like five other parts saying like just biing their time he'll break eventually and when he does we're going to have four months off and go to Mara for three months this happens to us all the [ __ ] time like you know we're all like you you go through this like rut and this lazy period and then you have this massive surge of motivation like all you're trying to do in physics and in math they call it frequency right so you know how like you know how we go up and
we go down and we go up and this is the average state of your existence here you know of of how anything really in your life is but what you're trying to do is you can you can't break this up and down thing but what you can do is reduce the frequency at which it happens so you can start going like this and like this and then eventually you're still going to be going up and down but this is balance this is when you exist in your average State more often than not and by the
only way that you achieve and reduce the frequency and the pain of going through this bloody thing is by having that release every now and then this like I only figured this out in the last like year I operated with that whole like just have disciplined thing but you get the point I'd love to be a double wi light part from you and Bo on this last session you know we haven't heard anything from Bo not China what's the name but uh I'd like to hear both of your inputs for me like we are are
literally nothing I can tell that won be am there you goant be a politician like yeah can this be applied in terms of the content of the journey where you're at in the business we've spoke about this before so like the people that are watching your YouTube videos that monk mode kind of cutting all of that out contextually makes sense because they need to get a rid rid of a lot of bad habits and then reapply them whereas a lot of people in this room have surpassed that part of the journey now it's more about
long-term growth and development and applying this to the appeasement of everything there's like a different frame of thinking about long-term growth rather than just like starting in the journey M does that make sense the same thing it's Universal it doesn't matter where you are you got to realize man like it's it makes me laugh because like you you start the journey with the monk mode thing yeah but it's monk mode is really painful it hurts more to do monk mode than it does to just do those shitty behaviors so you can make the argument that
monk mode is self- sabotage because how do you define it you define it on putting yourself through pain like in order for a part of you to grow another part of you must die and anyway so yeah I think that's a pretty pretty good SW start I need to get better at this okay um yeah so I think that kind of explains the balance thing really yeah anything taken to its extreme will become its opposite like you you you you're made of Flesh and Blood like there's only so far you can push yourself before you
blow up and I've had it happen twice like you can't out discipline the body it's just not possible like why do we want to go to the [ __ ] gym why does that happen like when you when you think about it it's like why do we do things it's unconscious there's an unmet need or some trauma that's cropping up yeah man it feels like it's our SPAC version of steroids it's like the equivalent everyone preaches this so everyone thinks that's well the monk mode discipline thing it works but it doesn't work forever like your
job as an entrepreneur is to figure out what you can sustain for like 60 years so related to this how do you think about goals like obviously can think about those things as Milestones that you're hitting or something that you become or someone that you is a goal for you for example is that like like a thing that you attach to Identity yeah so yeah so we don't achieve goals we achieve characters or identities really and what you have to realize I mean no one really gets this but when you set a goal that you
need to reset your belief systems does that make sense because you're an aggregate of your beliefs right and so when you tell yourself you want something more than you have right now like your reality needs to change and the only the way reality manifests to you is based on what you believe to be true about it there's people in the world who think the Earth is flat and their actual because their actual reality is that the Earth is flat and that's how they it's hard to imagine but that's how they go through the world which
is which is crazy to us because well I don't know some of you might be bit bit bit different to us but but that's fine so when you when you like you set the goal the goal sets the conditions of who you need to become to achieve it and then all you do is you try to achieve that person so my 30 mli year goal for example like I have to figure out how to become an influencer I've got a lot of belief systems I don't like thumbnails you know or like being famous is bad
you know all of these blockers that I have to get in and like reset and in doing so I have to shuffle those board members around to sort of appease them you know like you got to do it the goal sets the conditions for who you need to become yeah um honestly man it's just think a lot work and then think about why you're doing it uh I mean anything by car young is going to be a good place to start but his books are phenomenally hard to understand I got one of these books called
um psychology and Alchemy by K young and it explains how like science was born out of this idea of alchemy which is like obviously turning base metals to gold and that's kind of what science is through the scientific method and I read that I didn't really understand the word of it though so you said in one of YouTube videos like going back to entry level university courses and textbooks yeah so like expl the yeah basic psychological knowledge you can just get from entry level college textbooks but the Deep stuff only really comes from reflecting on
your own [ __ ] for like five years because I had that up and down pattern it just would not go away and it wasn't until I was like ah this is what's going on like there's parts of me that there's a really good YouTube channel called The Diamond net which is um the best Shadow work Channel I've ever found she explains her name's Emerald spoken to her she explains a shadow really well I bought a bunch of her stuff for the mindset module diamond the diamond net like a careful said um you know where
you needed to be but like basically you pass certain certain um squad or my so you know where you want it to be so I want to like thinking of the M you gave last year the M model um how do you feel something changed CU back then he told me like oh there's the shadow there's this part of you like draging you down this part of you like for the thing but now it's yeah so since then Balan thing I think that most people's lives can be boiled down to one word but it's dependent
on their existence so you have a North star you have a Polaris Star right and mine is growth so I've come to accept the fact that it does not matter how far I go I will never be content or happy because that's the nature of growth the second you're happy the second you are where you want to be you stop growing the only incentive for growth is unhappiness so that that might sound morbid but I'm happy when I'm growing so I get my happiness from the process not the outcome makes sense yeah the goal the
goal doesn't [ __ ] matter man it's the it's just giving yourself something to do that means something from last year do you feel like you've got youve accomplished you got any we at that moment yeah we're getting there yeah so what else do you have a routine tole because when you are in the work no like if I'm in if I'm it's not a priority it's something that I do when I haven't got anything to do my ex-girlfriend summarized me very well by saying your problem Charlie is when you don't have a problem to
solve you create which I thought was pretty [ __ ] ironic right um so if I've got the academy to build for 4 months I'm not going to be reflecting on my shadow but it's just when I've it's that period between having achieved a goal and setting a new one that I've got time to actually think and just think about it you give frame of what you think about no just just happens all of the stuff I'm teaching you here today is just from my experience I haven't like planned it or written it out or
thought it through it's just what I what I know do you feel like you're like not doing enough yes every day every H you just get used to yeah suppose yeah like I mean what's enough how did you define enough like yeah do you feel satisfied or no no I don't feel satisfied I've never felt satisfied ever the second I have and then it just leads to like comfort and then I'm unhappy you know it's like it's less painful for me to not be satisfied than it is satisfied because ask yourself like you've done what
you want to do now what yeah you've become this conscientious being that is goal striving and hardworking and now you've done it but now you've built this character to do what you've just done and that character wants to keep doing what it's just done so how on Earth like there's only so many beaches you can go to man before you get depressed happens man I see it all the time these guys like oh I want laptop lifestyle and then then they get it and then they're like Thailand's nice and then and then they're just like
bored du is nice yeah well duai is different no because like I I think I'm like the same we probably all are like we want to grow but but then you like get into the knowe that you're like work work work work and maybe not like relationships and stuff like that yeah but I guess that's like the med thing with the well I used to like I used to like beat myself up for like dating and stuff like I would do it whilst I'm working I'm like this is a distraction and then I was like
oh no there's just someone sat at the board yeah that just wants to be loved you've got to [ __ ] meet that thing otherwise like you're in what do you know what I mean otherwise you're going to go on some sort of Bender in Amsterdam I haven't done that by the way so I have no I I've been to Amsterdam I with my sister so it's a very different story what are your thoughts on thinking you free thinking you can never be free yeah like in terms of like you run businesses and you have
this screen that V allow choice in you never truly free have to always still be within that thing yeah you never free because you Chase Freedom well Freedom that's the thing Freedom doesn't exist because a second you're free you're going to want to not be free like freedom is the freedom is to me having the choice to be free but choosing not to doesn't it kind of come back to the goal like well like what could be what could be more freeing than having the freedom to pick anything you want to achieve in your life
picking exactly how you want to do it and then going and doing it like what's more free than that like we we're all free we can make we we get to wake up when we want we get to make our own decisions we get things are meaningful like you have a company that relies on you yeah not relies on you but like you've created this Vision Mission Vision Y which everyone's pulling forward you never you're truly but it's like I want to do like I want it's like I'm so do you yeah and do you
have like sometime you have a moment back in your thing than working I think it's no because who you are changes so what makes you happy will change so I can't compare my happiness to who I was five years ago because I like it would be like me comparing my my happiness to your happiness totally different person totally different identity different Paradigm different belief system different people so I can't relate who I am now to who I was because they're two different people if I hadn't changed then I could look back and say oh that
made me happier but if I went back to what tried to make if I went back to what made me happy like 3 years ago it wouldn't make me happy now because I have different needs and wants yeah man thing about this a lot CU like there's times where like if I have to write copy to a deadline like I [ __ ] ha it whereas if I do it because I enjoy it I want to jump in or out or whatever like like it's really fulfilling do you feel the same feeling where like when
when it got to the point where you didn't have to work you making the choice to work it was more fulfilling at that point than it was like when you had to or well it's the same thing man like I'm know more or less happy than I was before because I'm a different person now I was happy before when I was in the early stages it [ __ ] sucked like it was horrible but at the time I was like I know that I'm doing this for the right reasons like what makes you happy is
the end not the means so what about belief systems what do you guys want to talk about with these things like how to change them I me first of all like how do you stoping because he already mind if you come across someone else's Paradigm that makes sense to you but you kind of just keep ring yourself like maybe it doesn't work for me or how you look at yeah it's abstract man well look the thing to know about beliefs is you don't have beliefs beliefs have you okay that's an important thing for everyone to
know you do not have belief systems they have you they're like these [ __ ] pathogens okay and the way you change them I mean look if if I'm here right now and I'm here at 26 and I believe that sales sucks right the reason I believe that is because of one thing that happened one time before this age and I've just compounded it by reimagining it and repeating it and seeking to confirm it the dangerous thing about beliefs is you seek to confirm them so every belief that you guys have you have actively sought
to reconfirm no matter how wrong or inaccurate it may be and that's why they're so hard to break because you've spent your last however many years defending them and reinforcing them and so the way that you try and change this is you become aware of it so that's you can't change anything until you're aware of it at the beginning and then you change it to you know sales is amazing and then the only real way I found is just the affirmation visualization thing rep yeah so like you know I used to think Outreach sucked and
I just told myself like 10,000 times it didn't and then like I get a booking and be like I knew it I knew it didn't suck and then and then like you'd reimagine that feeling of getting a booking and oh maybe it is amazing you know what else have I had this with um yeah in that example what happens if you never booked an appointment and you never like reconfirm that then you imagine you did because the brain can't tell the difference between the what you've imagined and what is actually true and if you don't
believe me just think of the last time you watched a horror movie or any movie like if if if if a stimulus um makes your unconscious conjure up an emotional reaction then to your mind it's real okay so if you can start to create imaginary circumstances that create emotional states in your mind that confirm that that thing was true well then you're going to believe it's true so really you delude yourself into success one of the things I'm doing active work with a mindset coach for about a year they're the worst amazing yeah I mean
mindset coaches it depends if you're trying to solve a problem though man like is it a mindset coach for a specific thing or like are you trying to work on a trauma or something like oh it's is that it's like uh business for making PL and then oh that's fine yeah okay and then whenever we encoun problem then we go like good and like a mindset coach that just talks about mindset is like it should always be with a business goal in mind okay cool and then he has a very helpful system which is like
for changing beliefs which is going into the like how how do you define the for me at least because I'm super logical and sometimes rigid with the with the explanations of things and I need to understand why and then we go very deep in so for example like what is Sal kind definition and then when we we manage to redefine what is sell some sometimes we have to go a little bit deeper about like revealing the kind of like the road Network where where was it born like for example the trauma but then then we
can find a logic there's always Logic for example for negative uh associations and then then it comes down a lot to your definition of the thing what are you doing when you're doing sales in this example and then if you can redefine it for yourself that's for me at least um that's it's like the first place of drawing a new road Network into a different direction but you still have to pave it by walking by repeti but it becomes like like any anything that's true is usually only true because you believe it to be true
like unless there's some natural force or like physics or something that says otherwise like that's almost always how it work what do you think are the believe B turns at like six seven eight figures like oh man yeah the biggest one is no one can do this better than me from six to seven yeah that's the big one is no one can do my job better than I can it's that like you know it's an unconscious thing it's it's um control Charlie how do you count just tell yourself that someone can do it better than
you tell 10,000 times you know H like he's exp's neuroscientist and he's explaining all the attraction of like science really good yeah I've never looked into the science but so what else do you want to talk about with mindset come on yeah because I've never done it before um well I can tell with Bo and I like we have this joke as as partners that if our pain avoidance aligns then we're in deep trouble and that's almost always like if we make a mistake in business or just do something stupid it's usually because like we're
both like not checking each other um but then again man like a lot of this progress that I've made is just from thinking and there's no strategy behind it it's just like I have a problem okay reality is manifesting to me in a way that um confirms that that problem exists what do I believe to be true about this thing um and is that objective or not answer is 99% of the time no it's not and then um then you just invert it and then you you ask yourself What would life be like if I
believe the polar opposite to this thing and then you work on reconfirming that belief like Bo and I believe for like a year that sales reps did not need to be managed and we sought to confirm it every mistake we've ever made like we believed as well that um I mean there's a ton all the mistakes we've made like for example um I'm pulling for straws here well the Sales Management one's an easy example like what else well it's like the easiest most prevalent one in the room is the nurturing thing people need to be
warmed up before they bpe it's not real like it's like you all have this like i' I've I've been picking up on it from all of your questions and stuff like all of you are asking questions when you already think you know the answer you're not seeking advice you're seeking to be confirmed so like Charlie should I do this or this and I say that really like like really I thought I thought that one would be better it's like you're not asking me to for advice you just want me to confirm what you already to
believe to be true we all do it we're all guilty of it but the more often you do it the worse off you're going to be it's like it's like you guys like you're very I can tell you're very reluctant to remove those products no you are I get it and that's because you believe it's better to have more and someone tells you you're wrong and you're like nah couldn't couldn't possibly be the case [Laughter] question how do I become the person that I need to become to achieve what I want to achieve that's the
only thing you [ __ ] off question that's really all you should be cons in yourself with what's my goal who achie who has achieved that goal what do they look like how do I mold myself into that change my belief systems you are an amalgamation of belief systems and those belief systems will come from those parts of you and stuff as well yeah I think one I don't know if you're able to talk about this but one thing for me is my whole career was in this space of idti change and I was always
trying to work to do that I made so many down mistakes in business and took so long so many wrong turns you kind of like lose hope for a while and think like why is it not happening it seems like you've had such a fast trajectory I know that's not the case you be doing so long but anything those people who are still going through those those times like thankfully managing to be a bit out the other side now yeah yeah so there's where the leverages you have to look at metab beliefs so for example
it's your beliefs about how beliefs work so your example there is like oh this isn't going to work so you believe that changing your beliefs doesn't work does that make sense or at least you believe that your you believe that changing your beliefs is going to take too long that you're going to quit does that make sense that's definitely not me but no but you might have done in the past so the way you explained it to me was you said that um it was taking too long and you were losing hope no I'm not
talking about belief change sorry there that's being my whole career so I'm fully bought into that I mean in terms of trying to become this person but you keepes bus TR yeah we just have to believe mate have to believe that it's going to work which I know is like a cop out answer just believe in yourself but really that is the answer do you know how like when when I was doing the the belief thing like at the beginning like I would go to bed every night with like crippling doubt that it wasn't going
to work like I remember it like I mean you you probably have all had this at some point like staring up at the ceiling this isn't going to work [ __ ] I should just give up you know but yeah what was the long time you and went six a year yeah Co because we believed that gyms wouldn't transition to online yeah yeah probably like a year in Co we've never gone down that's one thing we make sure never happens I mean we well we've we've gone like this where we'll we'll grow Plateau grow then
maybe go down slightly where we were before but we always pick it up like we never let ourselves go below a certain point grow Plateau up down like it kind of looks like that but we we've never come we've never like each new sort of trough is always going to supersede the trough prior to it but you know this this thing during Co was like a year before Imperium yous kind of do you put deadin no deadlines create disappointment which makes you quit because if you don't meet it now you feel like a failure the
only way way to fail is to put a time frame on something because like if there's no time frame on it how can you fail yeah you only fail if you think oh I didn't I didn't do it by the time I wanted it to the the only way you can fail is quit but the only reason you're going to quit is if you if you didn't do it before or on the moment you thought you were going to disappointment comes from do you set goals then because isn't there an important aspect of setting a
goal in terms of time frame no just pick what you want and then go after it as hard as you can like you don't set a goal but you still work as if you you don't set a deadline but you always work today as if the deadline is tomorrow because you don't want to lose track of the time thing because then you're just going to be lazy like oh it's just going to happen it's fine but you don't put a time frame on it but you work as if there is one immediate pressing urgency always
constantly right now in the moment like we're not smart enough to predict how long things are going to take you're either going to overshoot it or under to shoot it and both are tragic aside from aside from business aside from making money what's what's one big question that you're still struggling to find the answer what's one big question I still struggle to find the answer to I don't really know I stopped asking myself the man cuz I was like I'm probably never going to figure it out that there's only so much energy and time I
have and I'm struggling to figure out how to create a big personal brand at the moment let alone the meaning of life you know so I don't really go there anymore so like fear of failure is basically like Charlie so let's say that when you were a kid you were four years old and you got kicked off the football team and your dad would not let it go for two weeks and he shamed you and punished you and you felt that that's trauma okay so what that means is part of you becomes um traumatized and
you fragment this thing and you push it away and now this thing is like you're always going to be afraid of failing always because part of you is right and what this means is you're never going to try to do things because it's less painful to stay where you are now than it is to relive the trauma that you went through right so what you need to figure out is where the hell did that come from and then process it and when you process trauma it's like taking this little child that you know was in
your brain and just saying hey mate you're good you're not in the the bath crying anymore you know you're friends with your dad now like it's chill and then once that little person realizes that it's good then it stops trying to sabotage you you know but that's where the leverages man like there's more like B and I have made more progress in business by dealing with [ __ ] like this than any vsl because you can't create the vsl you think it's going to fail all you're trying to do is just clear out all this
[ __ ] it's like you know it's like you've got well it's just getting out your own way like doing what you need to do is very easy but it's really hard if all of these people are trying to stop you so if you can figure out how to get them to stop you then it's just all you've got to do is just do the work the reason everyone procrastinates and has doubts and fears and struggles is because parts of them are like ah if we do that then I'm not going to have what I
want which is to cling on to this fear now when I say what I want it's either unmet needs or trauma so if part of you isn't I mean part of you would probably not have this unmet need of failure so it's probably a trauma one think what are you need a therapist really it doesn't have to be a therapist it just needs to be someone that you really trust so you know um I've done it a few times with a lot of personal things um the obvious one is the bullying one that I'm comfortable
talking about and that was with um a shadow work coach but then also with my girlfriend at the time doing it on your own is impossible you need all you need to do is like talk about it and acknowledge that it's there and then cry on someone you love for like four hours that's it but it's like there's so much resistance to doing that because it's so [ __ ] painful but honestly it's like the most productive thing that you can do cuz we're all weird right we're all entrepreneurs we're not normal we're not like
we have strange psychological we have strange psychological conditions that manifest in strange ways which means that strange things have happened to us so we have weird [ __ ] to deal with all of us I'm sure that all of you resonate with this message right now some something maybe not all of you but maybe something bad happened to you and it has to find a way to manifest the adult is developed to protect the child not in a maternal or paternal sense but you as an adult will do everything you can to pacify the person
that you were when something bad happened to you whether it's drinking or whether it's shouting at people or whether it's being insula or whether it's gaming or whatever it is there's usually one or two maybe more big things that happen to you that you just don't want to look at and they will [ __ ] you're like a puppet to this thing what are your thoughts on like using these negative things as like Fel I like I think most studies Champions and like people see the champions in the elites as like holes whereas actually like
typically broken and there's something that you know fuels them and that's why they like weird in that context yeah Fuel Man pain is petal right yeah so I mean because if you flesh all this out you're like oh I'm happy look I'm content now yeah so that kind of doesn't happen because okay this is a this is a question I always get asked about this it's like if I'm motivated to like for example The Bullying thing right I was motivated to um build a business so that I wouldn't have a boss so that no one
can bully me okay and then the argument is kind of like well you know if if this version of me if I kill this off and this is what's given me most of my motivation surely if I kill this off then I'm in trouble but this is the thing is until you get rid of this you don't truly know who you are because you're being run by a child essentially and what you can do when you get rid of this is your goals might change you know what you want might change but typically the rest
of your identity has been so um ingrained in your goal that you just clear this thing out and then everything ticks up it's very rare that removing this will remove your motivation if anything you'll be way more motivated because now you can actually do what you want like I've done this with a few people privately and I've never seen it strip their motivation away ever how do you look look uh about recognizing the things that you want and the motivations behind them and then kind of like analyzing them what is destructive or what is useful
to have as a motivation in order to avoid the things as goals that you want for the wrong what so sorry I don't mean it in a rude way but I'm just so I think what you're saying is this so okay so how do you recognize those things and figure out if they're productive or not yeah because like I also hear from a lot of the questions around is that like there's goals that might be there for kinds of motivations that when that goal is achieved is not going to like fulfill the real motivations yeah
you have to tell me if this answers it or not right so I'm just redrawing this diagram so okay every time you have some we weird random emotion it's telling you this something inside of you is telling you that it wants something okay and that thing could be alcohol or it could be a car so use try examples could be a girlfriend or something like that but below the want is the need so for example with alcoholic could be it could be the need to release control with a girlfriend it could be the need to
feel love okay so you need to get to the Baseline bottom of the needs and whether you like it or not you have to fulfill them you don't have a choice to decide whether or not this is going to be good for you or not you kind of haven't got much to do about it now what you can do is the argument is then well if I need to feel like I'm out of control and the only way I can do that is through drinking then I'm [ __ ] because I'm an alcoholic but no
you need to try and find something else that like Okay so this so let's say that this person here is um no control Charlie so I I think that the question is more related to likeing let me explain this point and then we'll visit it it might it might contextualize it this is for everybody as well so let's say that I've got no control Charlie there are plenty of ways that no control Charlie can manifest his needs one primary one could be alcohol okay and maybe this is how it manifests a lot at the moment
um so I feel the emotion of like I'm I don't know I'm sad I want alcohol to numb that sadness but really what I need to numb that sadness is a feeling like I'm just releasing control and I'm not trying to keep it all together alcohol is going to be the thing that I go to most of the time because it's how I've conditioned myself but another way that you could try and overcome this me need could be like Sky duck now I'm not going to give too many examples because I'm on the spot here
but there's dozens of ways that you can achieve the same need to satisfy the want to gratify the emotion other than something destructive like alcohol it doesn't have to be something destructive could be skydiving I mean could be some freaky [ __ ] I don't know that's how it works though it has to go somewhere so you don't have a choice like you are at the mercy of this thing you just need to orchestrate as the chairman of the board where this thing gets what it needs from so anyway your question so about like finding
the finding your wi def finding the North Star like finding a good reasoning behind so that you're actually chasing something that will be conducive to building something instead of chasing something that when you achieve those things uh it's uh not really fulfilling the the the need yeah I know so this is like the vision thing right yeah yeah so I mean like well first of all you can only really come up with a vision when you've got when you've got rid of all the trauma right it's very hard to think in a 50-year Time Horizon
when there's a 11y old boy inside of your mind trying to like stop you from working like it just won't work so you need to do the whole maso's hierarchy of needs thing clear out your psychology as much as you can and then you just think the how I did it there wasn't any strategy behind coming up with the the 50-year vision it was just I've got nothing to do so I'm going to think of what I should do and I'm going to make it as big and as meaningful as humanly possible then I was
like what are two things that I love with the exception of like my family and stuff I like entrepreneurs and I love education that's what my passion lies so I was like What if I can just educate every entrepreneur oh and then you feel it you're like [ __ ] that feels amazing so you find the group of people that you love the most and you find the thing you love the most and you try and bend diagram them together that's how you come up with a big vision and then you just make it as
big as you can every entrepreneur who wants to succeed does imagine a world will that actually happen yeah like that super and this is always existed I've always had a seat in the board of um Visionary Charlie like it's always been in there which is why the goal just consistently gets further ahead but I've never cleared all this [ __ ] out enough and had enough time to think about it to actually you know process it and now that they've got the vision Visionary Charlie he's signed off I paid his dividends it's one less thing
to have to think about now that's difficult to achieve with these fragments because obviously the vision is just this concrete final thing Char on that really like to be the like you said you think it's is the thing just race as fast as you can to the next level and like do the stupid [ __ ] not do it but like you have to be there you can't just jump over it well it's kind of like that diagram I drew at the very beginning like here here I am now and here's my goal and between
these two points is this big crazy windy path and maybe I'm like here I can only just about see how to get here I'm not going to concern myself with how to manage an office of 20,000 people because I don't know like I it's one little step at a time driving a car at night if I try and look down the road to some pedestrian when there's a hedgehog of me let's say 10 hedgehogs then I'm probably going to run over 10 hedgehogs so is that the case run towards Freedom if freedom is the motiv
as soon as you get there realize that's not the thing yeah like you have to sort of like it's yeah you have to kind like look around the corner and open the door because I used to think it was status you know and like I used to think it was having a mansion so like you peek around the corner you step in you're like really that bothered by that and then there's like another corner and another corner and then you look at something you're like God damn it's like finding a wife I'd imagine I'd hope
Charlie sorry this is a big one for us when did you decide to come back to the UK I mean because we struggled a lot he said where to live one of the big decisions that we have to make and I mean we wonder why decided to come back here well first of all it's home which is helpful but it's the vision map like it's either going to be London New York or la like where's the talent all right but what why not LA or New York never been so like if you want Talent the
ants go where the sugar lies right so you need to be in a hot spot for the talent you want it's like why Elon Musk lives in like where where does he live he like in he live inic yeah some go to the yeah well look start starting a software company so where the LA baby so move to New York because that's where the best Consultants were move to LA because that's where the best Engineers are so for you it's really important to have your team your people in place it's becoming more and more important
as week it's fine at this level but I want to do 30 m year I need like team of like 30 people I also want to see nor suit be London name me one brilliant company that's ever done it remote name another it's like well we could try but I just feel like it's kind of time I feel like company is not really serious until you have an office that's a belief system remote team built an in house team you've never built an in-house team everything's that's what you guys are good at well I'm going
I'm basing this off the fact that gym launch um uh and all the all the big info businesses that I'm trying to emulate they all had office space so I'm just looking at the evidence like Co Gordon office Sam mu office in New York so it's like just look at the clues office like you just look at you just try and copy what works man you know I can give a real time example like it's really culture side so like we did a sales team meeting last Saturday in person for the first time
and I'd say we as sales reps got more out of that in one day than we did in two months of manag next about day just like even the just the culture the relationships you buy more into the vision you know it becomes more tangible andic you know like I'm sure this I hope you're okay this say it's like Charlie's not going to get to $30 million a year without people who also want to get him to $30 million a year y kind of thing so it's just like cultural buying from everyone else and that's
made that every time we've met up that's made the biggest impact for us as a team even on an individual level regarding to the Future growth people need to F out their part something because it gets pretty lonely just sitting on Mon we made all our [Music]
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