BEST TIKTOK HASHTAG STRATEGY EXPOSED | Use TikTok Hashtags To Go Viral and Grow Your Account

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Modern Millie
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this video is sponsored by HubSpot which hashtags should you use how many hashtags do you use does using hasht fyp actually work look no further friends here is everything you need to know about Tik Tok hashtags and how you can create the best hashtag strategy to grow your account go viral or simply attract your ideal audience make sure you stay to the end where I'm going to share with you some of the most common hashtag mistakes I keep seeing creators make and you sorry sorry too aggressive it's fine why use hashtags hashtags are a tool that you can use to categorize your content to the algorithm why do you want to categorize your content because that's one of the ways Tik Tok is able to better connect users with what they're looking for Tik Tok uses hashtags to index content feed their SEO and determine who to show your content to let's take a look at what Tik Tok themselves have said about hashtags in Tik tok's blog post how Tik Tok recommends video for you they explain their recommendation system AKA algorithm behind the for you feed in this article they go on to explain that each user's individual preferences and expressions will create a for you page that's unique to them we know this know for you page is the same so what feeds the algorithm information about what should go on someone's for you page or how your video could get on someone's for you page user interactions videos you like share comment on an accounts you follow video information such as the caption sound hashtags and device and account account settings so this is expressing that how you engage is important and while that is important it's not the only way to shape your furue page when you decide to follow new accounts for example that action will help refine your recommendations too as will exploring hashtags sounds effects and trending topics on the Discover tab so why are we going over all of this how does this affect your hashtag strategy one this validates that Tik Tok does use hashtags to help push content to the right set of eyes and two it emphasizes my point that hashtags are just a piece of the puzzle there are a lot of things that go into having a successful post creating good content that people want to see having an attention grabbing hook posting at the best time for you using SEO and keywords the list goes on we're not going to get stuck on SEO and keywords because I'll save that for another video if you want a video dedicated to Tik Tok SEO strategy just let me know down in the comments below and I'll just you're welcome any who so while I created this video to help you with your hashtag strategy I don't want you to get stuck or caught up in the hashtag hamster wheel hashtags are a piece of the puzzle for example let's say you have this post and the post doesn't do well maybe it gets poor engagement or low views so you're like let me try again so then you do another post this time doing different hashtags and the post does do well you get higher engagement your views double triple quadruple most people's immediate thoughts who are stuck in the hash hamster wheel think oh my gosh my post performed well I must have used the right hashtags when in reality it's probably a combination of a bunch of things it's likely that because your content was performing well on its own then Tik Tok suggested it to more places like hashtag search and showed up on more people's for you page basically what I'm saying is that if your goal is to rank higher on the for you page or in searches then your goal should be to create quality content that your audience actually wants to see and then use hashtags and keywords as tools to push your video to the right set of eyes when setting up your hashtag strategy there are three types of hashtags that you can use broad Niche specific and trending broad hashtags are more General they probably have way more uses like hasht fyp hasht viral # lifestyle # love #y and so on you get my point now for the broad hashtag you can use hashtags like # fyp # viral that can be your choice of a broad #but we're going to get into this a little bit later spoiler alert you don't want to use the same hashtags over and over and over and over so just use it sparingly don't use it every time there's a lot of other really really great broad hashtag options that can be more relevant to that video so pick ones that are more relevant to that video Niche specific hashtags are exactly what they sound like these are hashtags that are unique to you your Niche the video that you've posted Etc to get some Niche specific hashtags open up your Tik Tok app go to search type in your Niche your industry press search swipe on over to the hashtag section and it's going to give you a list of Niche specific hashtags so if you type in travel go to the hashtag section right below that you're going to see a bunch of other hashtag recommendations based off of that industry most of the time the niche specific hashtags have less uses than a broad hashtag so broad hasht travels probably going to have like a million or billions of uses whereas like # trvel tips it's a little bit more specific and specified to your video or your content and probably has less uses finally trending hashtags these are hashtags that are trending did I need to add these definitions probably not any who there are two ways of discovering trending hashtags one way is the way that most everybody and every tick tocker or coach will teach you it's the same thing as the niche specific ones you type in your industry you press search you go to hashtags those recommended ones the ones closer to the top are the ones that are trending that's what everybody says that's how everybody teaches it so I'm presenting that as an option to you however this is a great way to see some of the top used hashtags in your Niche but it doesn't really tell you which hashtags are currently popping off you know what I mean like if you think of hashtags as a river shout out to hashtags Slayer for this analogy let's say there's two rivers that you can go down next to each river is a sign One River says a million boats have gone down the river the other one says 250,000 boats have gone down the river what the signs aren't telling you most people will see the 1 million and be like wow that's trending that's popping off but what the signs don't tell you is how many people are currently on that River what if the 1 million sign was that's how many boats went down the river for the past 5 years but the 250,000 is a new River and it got 250,000 boats in 2 months ideally you want to find those current rivers that aren't outdated and are currently happening currently trending hence trending people are there right now people are searching it up right now it is happening in real time so what I like to do to find trending hashtags is going to this website that I will link down below www. ads. Tik tock.
com buus SL creative Center SL inspiration SL poopular slashtag you're welcome basically this is like Tik tok's website and it'll tell you the current trending hashtags that are being used and you can filter it by industry so just a little little secret for you there you go don't tell anybody now before we set up our actual hashtag strategy how many hashtags we'll be using and all the things I want to show you this free guide called the marketer guide to Tik Tock for businesses if you're watching this video and the Tik Tok account that you're trying to grow as a business account this free downloadable is just for you and the best part is that it was created by this video sponsor HubSpot y all know that this year I agreed to only partner with two to three brands and businesses that I genuinely love for the entire year on YouTube that's it and I picked these businesses based off of Brands I love and who I think my followers will genuinely benefit from and that is why I went with HubSpot I really admire that through our partnership they continue to create free guides trainings and workbooks for my viewers because it shows that they genuinely care about businesses entrepreneurs and they just want to educate people and help people for free just like me so you can go download this guide for actionable advice and examples for Tik Tok marketing learn the market how to advertise and create confident content on Tik Tok for businesses yes it's free multiple Pages use the link down below you're welcome all right hash strategy let's get into it now that you know how hashtags are used on Tik Tok and you know the different types of hashtags that you can add to your videos let's set up your Tik Tok strategy strategy number one sticking to three to six Niche specific Hashtags with this strategy as an option what you're going to do is use a handful of hashtags that describe these three things who you are what your page is about what the video is about and what's actually being shown in the video for example let's take a look at this video this video was a get ready with me that I did on my Tik Tok What I'm going to describe is who I am or my account the type of video that that is and what is visually shown in the video so first of all who am I I'm a content creator right so I'm going to do hasht content creator or # influencer # YouTuber right so I'm going to describe who I am what my account is about maybe it's YouTuber tips right so what's my account about the next thing I'm going to use for my hashtags is what the video is about so the video is a get ready with me so I'm going to do #g rwm the get ready for me hashtag # get ready with me # grwm for work cuz I'm getting ready for work so I'm describing what that video is the theme of that video another hashtag I could do is Hash brand collaboration tips because what I'm talking about in the video what that video is about is I am giving brand collaboration tips or I'm talking about how I get brand collabs and how other people can get brand collabs so I'm describing what the video is about now visually if you couldn't hear anything what do you see in the video that's the third thing so I'm doing my makeup so I'm doing #g rwm makeup or # makeup with me # daily makeup so I'm describing those three things within this handful of Niche specific hashtags strategy number two choosing one to two of each hashtag type so what I mean by that is like you could do one Niche specific hashtag one broad hashtag and one trending hashtag on one video or you could do two Niche specific two broad and two trending on one video an example for how to utilize this let's say for this example you like making coffee videos aesthetic coffee videos okay we all know those accounts we all love them guilty okay let's start with the broad one broad is # coffee right everybody does it but it's a broad one there's uses it's being used it's cat categorizing your content to Tik Tok it's telling Tik Tok this is a coffee video let me tell you so we got one broad then for Niche specific maybe it's more than just like a coffee related one maybe you're showing off your new espresso machine right so you could do like # espresso machine recommendations hash espresso recipes maybe do the brands hashtag I have a MrCoffee espresso machine so #m coffee #m Coffee espresso so we're getting more specific to what that video is about or what that video is and then of course we have the trending hashtag so we would go to that website ads. Tik Tok what was it ads.
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