7 Dark Side Effects of Spiritual Awakening No One Tells You About

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Wisdom Nuggets
Spiritual awakenings can be transformative and life-changing experiences. They often lead to a deepe...
Video Transcript:
here are the seven dark side effects of Spiritual Awakening that probably no one tells you about you become boring waking up spiritually can feel like you're stepping into a different world and sometimes people around you might not understand that new world they'll say you've become boring they miss the old you the one who'd never miss a party the one who loved to let loose and get wild now you'd rather sit under a tree and meditate or dive deep into books that unlock life's mysteries sure you still try to fit into the old molds go out
and have a drink but it just doesn't feel right anymore the conversations that used to make you laugh now seem shallow the places that used to be your favorite Hangouts now feel like they're squeezing the life out of you it's like trying to wear an outfit from your childhood it just doesn't fit so what happened to that outgoing always ready for fun person you once were to put it simply you're evolving you're listening to a deeper part of yourself a part that is hungry for meaning for connection for something more than just surface level fun
this change might feel like a loss at first but it's actually a sign of growth your soul is nudging you towards what truly fulfills you not just what entertains you now does this mean you're boring well that depends on how you look at it if if exciting means always looking for the next Big Thrill then sure you might seem less exciting to some but ask yourself this isn't there something incredibly exciting about discovering who you truly are about connecting with the world and people on a deeper level about finding a sense of peace that no
Night Out could ever give you the truth is what's boring for some is deeply meaningful for others the friends who say you've changed might not understand your journey right now and that's okay we're all on different paths and sometimes those paths diverge you might even find new friends ones who resonate with your newfound interests and who won't find your discussions about Spiritual Awakening or self-improvement boring you haven't lost yourself you're just uncovering another layer of who you are think of it as shedding an old skin to reveal a more authentic you you have every right
to honor this new version of yourself even if others don't get it you doubt yourself even more this is the roller coaster of Spiritual Awakening one moment you're on top of the world feeling like you've cracked the code of Life you've met amazing people who get you who are on the same path and it's exhilarating but then comes the dip the self-doubt that cre Creeps in and shakes you to your core questions start bombarding you who am I really what's my purpose why am I here these are heavy questions my friend and they can make
you doubt all the progress you've made in those moments you might even consider going back to your old ways just for the comfort of what's familiar but when you try you find out something shocking you don't fit there anymore yet you also feel like you haven't fully settled into this new version of yourself either it's like standing between two worlds belonging fully to neither here's what you need to know doubt isn't your enemy it shows you're taking this seriously and that you're grappling with life's big questions doubt urges you to dig deeper question more and
explore further without it how would you ever ever grow how would you ever discover what truly resonates with you doubt can feel like a heavy burden but it's also a tool that hones your understanding and molds your character you might doubt the progress you've made but don't forget progress isn't always linear it's often two steps forward one step back and that's perfectly okay each step back is a moment to reflect recalibrate and come back stronger so if you're doubting everything again welcome it as part of the journey take it as an opportunity to examine your
beliefs refine your path and learn more about yourself talk to your spiritual friends about it read books that challenge and inspire you or seek guidance from mentors but whatever you do don't use doubt as an excuse to quit or to settle for a version of yourself that no longer serves you now you might be thinking if Awakening is about finding peace and understanding why why is it making me so uncertain because true wisdom isn't about having all the answers it's about asking the right questions and trust me you're asking some of the most important questions
anyone can ever ask you're on this journey for a reason don't let doubt derail you instead let it deepen you let it make you more compassionate more humble and more open to Life's Endless Possibilities you're not just growing you're becoming and in this becoming you'll find not just answers but also a deeper more meaningful connection with yourself and the world around you you get confused about real spirituality what is spirituality really you ask yourself is it about believing in God diving into Buddhist teachings or maybe becoming a dedicated Yogi you start collecting experiences and items
perhaps a deck of tarot cards some crystals or a bundle of sage you listen to to philosophers like Alan Watts consider living like a monk or get fascinated by taism but the more you explore the more you can feel like you're sinking in a sea of confusion it's like you're at an endless Buffet of spiritual teachings and practices and you're trying to find the one dish that will truly satisfy your hunger except the more you taste the more confused you become about what you're really hungry for you might even start wondering is all this real
or are we just making things up to feel better here's some comfort confusion is a natural part of the journey just like doubt confusion is not your enemy it's your companion it's proof that you're engaging deeply with the big questions and that you're not taking anything at face value confusion means you're challenging your assumptions pushing boundaries and stepping outside your comfort zone and yes that can be disorienting but it's also where real growth happens spirituality isn't a one-size fits-all experience it's deeply personal what resonates with one person might not resonate with another that's okay the
beauty of spirituality is its diversity the endless ways in which humans connect to something greater than themselves your path doesn't have to look like anyone else's and just because it's filled with questions and confusion doesn't mean you're doing it wrong it means you're doing it sincerely so next time you feel confused take a deep breath remind yourself that this is part of the process every question every doubt and every moment of confusion is a step on your unique spiritual journey it's all shaping you refining you and preparing you for the next phase of your Awakening
you lose friends one of the most Bittersweet aspects is realizing that not everyone you started with will continue with you on this path friendships that once seemed unbreakable may start to Wayne conversations that used to be fulfilling now feel shallow you find yourself craving depth wisdom and authenticity while some of your friends still get caught up in Gossip social status or material success it can feel like you're speaking different languages you've started to question societal norms and seek meaning beyond the material world while they're still playing by the old rule book they might even start
seeing your spiritual Pursuits as woo woo stuff dismissing it as a phase you're going through and that can hurt especially when these are people you've shared so much of your life with but here's the Silver Lining growth often involves outgrowing certain aspects of your life to make room for the new you don't wear the same size shoes your entire life do you similarly as you grow spiritually you may need different kinds of support companionship and convers ation and that's perfectly okay saying goodbye or distancing yourself from lifelong friends doesn't mean you failed or that those
friendships weren't meaningful it means you're honoring your own growth and that's a brave thing to do remember every relationship serves a purpose some are meant to last a lifetime While others serve as stepping stones or lessons it's okay to cherish the memories and move on you think you have arrived the exhilarating feeling that you've arrived can be a spiritual Pitfall in itself the moment you think you figured it all out is the moment you risk closing yourself off to further growth the focus on transcendental experiences Visions or stepping into a higher Dimension can give you
the illusion that you've crossed some imaginary Finish Line you might think I've awakened I've seen the 5D I've attained Enlightenment I'm done but the truth is spiritual growth is a NeverEnding Journey believing that you've arrived can be a form of spiritual bypassing a way to sidestep deep-seated issues or avoid doing the hard work you start to use your newfound spirituality as a shield a way to deflect from confronting your darker aspects or unresolved matters but true spirituality is about facing these things headon not skirting around them how enlightened are you if you haven't yet realized
that Enlightenment was within you all along that you don't need extraordinary Visions or outof body experiences to validate your growth these can be valuable Milestones yes but they are not the destination don't get stuck at the Overlook continue hiking up the spiritual Mountain the real work starts the moment you think you're done it involves continuous self-exploration and confronting your shadows those hidden uncomfortable aspects of yourself that you'd rather not deal with but which hold keys to your deeper understanding it means consistently applying your spiritual insights into your daily life staying aligned with your principles even
when it's difficult and continually aiming for inner balance there will always be more layers to peel more depths to explore more lessons to learn the moment you think you know it all you set a limit on your own potential keep that humility and openness that sparked your spiritual journey in the first place be a Perpetual student of Life Keen to learn eager to grow and willing to adapt every day presents a new opportunity to learn to grow and to become a better version of yourself and that's the true beauty of spirituality it offers endless avenues
for expansion pushing you to explore Realms you never even knew existed you wish you never entered this stage in your life sometimes the more we know the more we wish we didn't before we go any further let's take a moment to breathe inhale deeply exhale completely feel your feet on the ground you're here in this moment and you've got the full power to shape your next one the feelings of regret or disillusionment are real and they are valid you may ask why did I walk down this path filled with false prophets confusing messages losing friends
and family and loneliness this might sound strange but congratulations are in order why because you're asking questions and questioning is the lifeblood of true spiritual growth the real point of a spiritual awakening isn't to provide you with easy answers it's to disrupt your status quo and provoke you to ask deeper more uncomfortable questions it Shakes You Makes You doubt brings you to tears and yes sometimes it even makes you want to turn back you might wish you could return to the simpler times but were they genuinely fulfilling or were they just comfortable there's a difference
the life you left behind might have been easier but the path you're on now has the potential to lead to a life that's genuinely worth living a life filled with purpose depth and connection feeling lost or regretful doesn't make you unspiritual it makes you human even the most revered spiritual leaders faced periods of doubt and disillusionment these are the moments that test your metal urging you to dig deeper into your spiritual toolkit there's a saying that goes the only way out is through that's especially true in the context of a spiritual awakening a sense of
entitlement after a powerful Spiritual Awakening it's easy to feel like you're special or better than others it's like discovering a hidden treasure inside you and you can't help but think wow I've got something others don't you might start thinking you're here to lead or guide people maybe even save them you believe you're helping by pushing them towards their own Awakening their own Moment of clarity but here's the thing thing you can't rush someone else's Journey no matter how much you care for them what can you do instead should you keep all this wonderful wisdom locked
up inside you not necessarily but instead of throwing it at people try to understand where they're coming from think of your interactions like making a nice meal compassion should be your main ingredient just a pinch of wisdom will do if someone is ready and open they'll ask for more compassion and love have a way of opening doors when you approach people with genuine care and understanding they're more likely to listen you're not forcing wisdom down their throats you're offering them a safe space and sometimes that's all people really need to start figuring things out for
themselves until then focus on being a source of love and compassion let your actions speak Let Your Presence be felt but don't force your wisdom onto others because at the end of the day it's not your wisdom that people will remember it's how you made them feel that's the real gift you can give to the world but let's not forget the good things about a spiritual awakening you become your own source of peace and it's a peace that doesn't rely on external conditions it's a peace born from understanding from having faced confusion and doubt and
having emerged on the other side stronger and wiser you're no longer looking for others to complete you or validate you you're complete and your validation comes from a much more reliable source yourself let's talk about happiness the pursuit of happiness is often what starts us on our spiritual journey but what we find is so much richer than the happiness we initially sought we find joy happiness is often fleeting and dependent on circumstances while Joy is a deep abiding state that persists regardless of what's happening around you Joy comes from a deep connection with your true
self a connection that A Spiritual Awakening nurtures your newfound sense of self might even drive you to change your career or life Direction entirely suddenly the money The Prestige or the security that seemed so crucial before faded in importance your desire to make a difference and live a life that is about more than just your comfort comt and success now drives you and let's not Overlook the most beautiful aspect your ability to connect with others in seeing the Divine in yourself you begin to see it in everyone else too empathy and compassion don't just become
words or ideals they become your natural states of being you understand that everyone is fighting their own battles often battles you know nothing about instead of judgment you offer understanding instead of indifference you offer love as you grow you lift others up with you sometimes in ways you're not even aware of your energy your wisdom and your love become gifts not just to yourself but to the world around you you become a source of light in a world that so desperately needs it so yes Spiritual Awakening is a complex multi-layer Journey filled with both thorns
and Roses but remember it's the Thorns that protect the rose giving it the space and safety it needs to bloom if you're still here I would like to say thank you for tuning in until the end I hope I have not wasted your time if you love what I'm doing please share it with your friends and family who might need this message and comment on your experience so others can learn from you too I wish you a beautiful day
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