5 Habits That Make You Powerful | Best Speech | Dr. Joe Dispenza

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#MindsetShift #PersonalTransformation #PowerfulHabits DESCRIPTION: This speech offers a deep dive i...
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ladies and gentlemen imagine for a moment what it would be like to live a life where you're not bound by your past where the limitations that once held you back no longer exist and where the future you desire is unfolding before you with effortless Precision now what if I told you that this isn't just a distant dream that this life your most empowered Limitless self is accessible to you right now in this very moment what if I told you that there are simple repeatable habits that can trans form you that can literally change the way
you think feel and exist in the world taking you from survival to Creation these five habits are the keys to unlocking a version of yourself that operates Beyond fear doubt or any perceived limitations they make you powerful not because of what they give you but because of how they reveal who you really are let me take you on a journey a journey within where we dismantle the old self and give rise to a version of you that is capable of extraordinary things these habits are not just actions they are states of being where your mind
and body align in coherence and in that coherence you become the architect of your own destiny when we live from that place of inner power the external world must change because you are no longer at the mercy of the conditions around you instead you are creating your life Moment by moment from the inside out these five habits I'm going to share with you are aren just tools their gateways to the Future you've always wanted and the life you've always dreamed of so let's dive in and unlock the power that's already within you the first habit
is mastering your inner environment every single day we are bombarded by stimuli emails notifications social media conversations all buying for our attention but the truth is where you place your attention is where you place your energy and for so many of us our energy is scattered across multiple areas leaving us feeling drained anxious and overwhelmed this first habit is about reclaiming that energy about becoming aware of how often you let the external environment dictate your internal State the key to mastering your inner environment is learning to take back control of your focus instead of reacting
to life you start responding you become deliberate in where you place your attention because you understand that the power lies not in the external world but in your ability to shape how you experience that world from within now you might be asking how do I do that how do I master my inner environment when everything around me is chaotic the answer is simple but profound awareness awareness is the first step to change when you become aware of the patterns the habitual thoughts and emotions that arise in response to your environment you can start to break
the cycle it's about becoming an observer of your inner World recognizing that every emotion you feel every thought that crosses your mind is shaping your future when you begin to master your inner environment you are no longer reacting to the conditions outside of you instead you are creating from a place of centeredness calm and power and that my friends is the foundation for True personal transformation the second habit is living with intention and elevated emotion I cannot stress enough the power of intention combined with emotion intention alone is not enough we can sit and think
positive thoughts all day but if our body is emotionally stuck in the past if we're still feeling guilt shame anger or fear we will continue to create from that Old state of being think about this every thought in you have sends out a signal and every emotion you feel draws experiences back to you like a magnet to become truly powerful you must align your intention what you want to create with the elevated emotions that make you feel like it's already happened because when you feel gratitude love joy and excitement for a future event your body
believes that future is already occurring in the present moment this is how you begin to rewire your brain and body to a new reality when you combine a clear intention with an elevated emotion you are broadcasting a new electromagnetic signal into the field and the quantum field responds to that signal by bringing back to you experiences that match the frequency of what you were brought broasting it's not enough to think about the life you want you must feel it in your heart and body you must live from the energy of your future self not the
old self that's been limited by the past as you practice this you begin to condition your body to a new mind and soon your external reality will begin to reflect the internal changes you've made this is how you move from being a victim of your circumstances to being the creator of your reality the third habit is consistent meditation practice now I know you've heard it before meditation is powerful but let's dive deeper into why meditation is more than just a relaxation tool meditation is the doorway to the subconscious mind it is the place where you
can go beyond the analytical mind beyond the stories and identities you've constructed about yourself and enter the realm of possibility every time you meditate you are giving yourself the opportunity to disconnect from the habitual thoughts and emotions that keep you anchored in the past in this space of no time and no space your brain waves slow down and you enter a state of coherence where the brain and heart are in sync in this state of coherence you are no longer your body no longer your identity no longer your problems you become pure Consciousness connected to
the infinite field of possibilities and from this space you can create anything meditation allows you to install new neurological heart Hardware in your brain Hardware that reflects the future you want to create it is the daily practice of becoming familiar with the future version of yourself the more you do this the more you start to see synchronicities opportunities and experiences unfold that align with your vision meditation is not just about quieting the mind it's about transforming it it's about rehearsing your future until it becomes your reality the fourth Hammet is Breaking Free from your emotional
addictions now this one surprise you you see most of us are addicted to emotions and we don't even realize it whether it's anger frustration fear or sadness we've conditioned our bodies to live in a state of stress we've become so used to these emotional states that they feel normal even though they're keeping us stuck our bodies are so used to the chemicals of stress that when we try to change we actually feel uncomfortable it's like the body craves the very emotions that are keeping us from moving forward for to become powerful you must break free
from these emotional addictions this requires awareness and a willingness to let go of the old familiar feelings that have defined you for so long when you begin to notice the emotions that no longer serve you you can make a conscious choice to shift into a new emotional state it's about rewiring your brain and body to live in elevated emotions like Joy love and gratitude rather than in the survival emotions of stress fear and anxiety this doesn't happen overnight but with practice you can train your body to become addicted to the emotions of your future rather
than the emotions of your past and when you do that you are no longer living in a state of survival you are living in a state of creation the final habit is embodying the future you want to create now this is where it all comes together it's one thing to think about the future you want but it's another to embody to embody something means to live it to feel it in your body to walk talk and act as if it's already your reality every day you must wake up and step into the energy of your
future self how would that future version of you think how would they feel how would they act when you start to embody the future you want to create you are sending a powerful signal to the universe that says I am ready this is where true power lies when you no longer have to think about the future you want because you are living it your energy your state of being becomes a match for that future and the universe has no choice but to align with you you are no longer waiting for something outside of you to
change you are becoming the change when you embody the future you are collapsing time and the gap between where you are and where you want to be disappears you become a magnet for the life you've always desired and it all starts with how you show up in each and every moment let's take a deeper dive into into the power of these habits remember this isn't just about knowing these habits intellectually it's about living them embodying them and allowing them to shape every part of your being that's the key to becoming truly powerful when these habits
are not just something you do but something you are and once you make this shift the results in your life will be undeniable when you commit to mastering your inner environment you are saying to yourself in the universe that you are no longer living at the mercy of the external world this is the habit of emotional Independence too many people walk through life believing that their happiness their success or their peace is dependent on circumstances outside of their control whether it's a job a relationship financial status or the opinions of others but what if none
of that had the power to affect how you feel what if you could maintain a state of inner peace focus and purpose no matter what was happening around you this is possible when you commit to mastering your inner environment it's about taking full responsibility for your internal State you realize that no one and nothing outside of you can dictate how you feel unless you allow it and when you make this shift something incredible happens you reclaim your power no longer are you the victim of your circumstances reacting to Life's challenges with stress anxiety or frustration
instead you become the creator of your life responding to whatever comes comes your way from a place of strength and Clarity your emotional state becomes unshakable because it's no longer dependent on fleeting external conditions this level of Mastery requires presence it means being fully aware at each moment noticing when your emotions start to shift due to something outside of you and consciously choosing a different response it's the habit of mindfulness of being so in tune with your inner world that nothing can pull you out of alignment with your higher self and when you live in
this state of inner Mastery the outer world begins to reflect that same order and peace you attract experiences people and opportunities that are aligned with the energy you're putting out now let's revisit the second habit living with intention and elevated emotion we've already touched on the importance of aligning your intentions with elevated emotions but let's go deeper what does it mean to truly live with intention it means waking up each day with a clear sense of purpose it means knowing without a shadow of a doubt what you are creating in your life most people go
through life without this Clarity they wake up and let the day happen to them reacting to whatever comes their way but living with intention is about starting each day with a vision for what you want to create it's about knowing what your future looks like and holding that Vision in your mind and heart as you move through your day but here's the key it's not enough to just think about what you want you have to feel it you have to feel as if that future you desire is already happening right now this is the power
of elevated emotion when you combine a clear intention with the emotions of your future whether it's gratitude Joy love or excitement you're creating a powerful magnetic field around you that draws your future to you and the science backs this up research shows that when we combine intention with elevated emotion we activate the prefrontal cortex of the brain the area responsible for planning decision- making and goal setting this shifts us from a reactive state where we're stuck in old habits and patterns to a creative state where we can Envision and create new possibilities for our lives
but the magic doesn't stop there when you consistently live in this elevated emotional state you're sending a signal to every cell in your body that says this is who I am now this is my new reality your body begins to change on a cellular level new neural connections are formed in your brain old limiting beliefs are dissolved and your body starts to align with the energy of your future you're no longer just thinking about your future you're living it in the present moment and the universe responds to this by aligning people opportunities and circumstances to
match the frequency you're emitting I think about it this way your thoughts are the electrical charge that sends signals out into into the quantum field and your emotions are the magnetic charge that draws experiences back to you so when you live with intention and elevated emotion you're literally programming your future into existence and over time as you consistently practice this habit you'll start to see evidence of your future unfolding before your eyes the third habit consistent meditation practice is where the real transformation happens meditation is more than just a tool for relaxation is the key
to unlocking the full potential of your mind and body when you meditate you are training your brain to move Beyond The Limited analytical mind and enter the subconscious where true change takes place in this space you have the power to reprogram your thoughts beliefs and emotional patterns you see the subconscious mind is where 95% of our thoughts actions and emotions are stored it's the autopilot system that runs Our Lives based on habits and patterns we've developed over time and if we want to change our lives we must first change the programming in our subconscious this
is where meditation comes in when you meditate you enter a state of brain wave coherence where the brain and heart are in sync and the analytical mind is quiet in this state you can bypass the conscious mind and access the subconscious this is where the magic happens because in this space you can rewire your brain to think feel and behave in ways that are aligned with your desired future you can install new beliefs that support the reality you want to create and dissolve the old beliefs that have been holding you back but here's the thing
consistency is key you can't meditate once and expect your life to change overnight just like any other habit meditation requires practice and repetition it's about showing up every day even when you don't feel like it and making the choice to go beyond your old self and over time as you continue to meditate you'll start to notice shifts in your thoughts emotions and behavior you'll become more centered more focused and More in tune with the energy of your future this is how true transformation happens now let's dive even deeper into the fourth habit Breaking Free from
emotional addictions this is perhaps one of the most powerful yet challenging habits to master we are all addicted to emotions in some way whether we realize it or not and these emotional addictions are often the biggest barriers to our growth and transformation I think about it how many times have you found yourself stuck in a cycle of negative emotions maybe it's anger frustration or sadness maybe it's fear anxiety or guilt these emotions have become so familiar to you that they feel like a part of who you are you wake up every day expecting to feel
them and when you do it reinforces the belief that this is just the way things are but the truth is these emotions are not who you are they are simply patterns habits that have been reinforced over time and just like any habit they can be broken but it requires awareness and intention you must become aware of the emotions that are keeping you stuck and make a conscious choice to shift out of them this is where the work of Breaking Free from emotional addiction begins it starts with becoming aware of the emotions that no longer serve
you when you notice yourself slipping into a familiar emotional pattern take a step back and observe it don't judge it or try to push it away just observe it this awareness is the first step to Breaking the cycle next make the conscious decision to shift into a new emotional state this is where living with intention and elevated emotion comes into play when you find yourself feeling stressed angry or anxious ask yourself what emotion would I rather feel right now maybe it's gratitude love or peace whatever it is focus on that emotion and allow yourself to
feel it fully this is how you begin to rewire your brain and body to a new emotional state but here's the thing your body will resist it's so used to the old emotional patterns that it will try to pull you back into them you might feel uncomfortable or even anxious when you try to shift into a new emotional state this is normal it's just your body's way of trying to maintain the status quo but if you stay committed into the process something incredible happens over time your body starts to adapt to the new emotional state
it becomes more familiar with feelings of Joy love and gratitude and less reliant on the old emotions of stress and anxiety and as this happens your entire reality begins to shift you start to attract new experiences people and opportunities that are aligned with the new emotional state you're living in finally let's talk about embodying the future you want to create this is the culmination of all the habits we've discussed it's about becoming the future version of yourself right now in this moment you see most people think they need to wait for their external circumstances to
change before they can feel empowered successful or happy but the truth is you don't have to wait you can embody the energy of your future self right now and when you do you accelerate the process of creating that future embodying the future means living as if your dreams have already come true it means thinking feeling and behaving like the person you want to become even before your external reality reflects it this is the ultimate Act of Creation because when you embody your future self you are sending a powerful signal to the universe that says this
is who I am now and when you consistently embodying the energy of your future self the universe responds you start to attract the people opportunities and experiences that that align with the energy you're putting out you become a magnet for your desires and your future begins to unfold in ways that you never could have imagined but remember this isn't about faking it until you make it it's about genuinely becoming the person you want to be it's about feeling the emotions of your future now and allowing those emotions to guide your thoughts actions and decisions when
you live in this state you are no longer at the mercy of your old self you are creating your life from a place of pure power and possibility so as we come to the end of this journey together remember that these habits are not just actions they are ways of being they are the keys to unlocking the Limitless potential that already exists within you when you master your inner environment live with intention and elevated emotion practice consistent meditation break free from emotional addictions and embody the future you want to create you become Unstoppable you become
powerful beyond measure because you are no longer limited by the past or the conditions around you you are living from a place of true creation where anything is possible when we talk about mastering your inner environment it's important to understand that this goes beyond just maintaining emotional control it's about mastering the very essence of your inner being your thoughts your emotional states and how these things influence your life most people are living in a state of unconscious reaction to the world around them the moment something unexpected happens a challenging situation at work a difficult conversation
or even an inconvenience like traffic their emotion shift their energy drops and they feel out of control this is the normal human condition but it doesn't have to be your condition mastering your inner environment means you transcend these reactions you become the person who can face any external circumstance and remain centered unshaken and focused on what truly matters how do you do this you start by recognizing that your external world is simply a reflection of your inner State your reality is not happening to you it is responding to you every moment your thoughts and emotions
are communicating a message to the quantum field a message that says this is who I am this is how I feel this is what I expect when you're stuck in a reactive state driven by fear stress or anger the message you're sending is one of lack limitation in survival but when you master your inner environment you stop reacting and you start creating you become the conscious Observer of your thoughts and feelings and you realize that at any moment you have the power to change your internal State independent of what's happening outside of you to master
your inner environment start by practicing mindfulness develop a heightened awareness of how your body feels and how your body feels and how your mind reacts throughout the day are you often tense anxious or distracted these are signals that your inner environment is being shaped by external forces when you notice this happening pause take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are the creator of your inner World bring your attention back to the present moment and choose a new emotional state one that reflects the future you want to create rather than the past you've been
living in the more you practice this the more you'll realize that nothing outside of you has the power to affect how you feel unless you allow it and this is the secret to Inner Mastery you reclaim your power by reclaiming your attention you stop letting external circumstances dictate your mood and instead you direct your focus toward the life you want to create this habit allows you to enter a state of being where your energy is no longer scattered and depleted by distractions and stress instead your energy is focused aligned and Powerful because it's coming from
within living with intention and elevated emotion is the next step in becoming powerful it's about understanding that your energy your thoughts and emotions are the most powerful tools you have to create the life you want too often we think of manifestation as a passive process where we simply think about what we want and wait for it to come to us but that's not how the quantum Field Works the truth is you are constantly creating your reality whether you're aware of it or not every thought you think every emotion you feel sends out a signal to
the universe and that signal is attracting experiences that match its frequency if you want to change your life you need to change the signal you're sending out and that starts with intention intention is a powerful force because it brings Clarity to what you want to create it's like setting the coordinates for your destination in a GPS without clear intention your mind and energy are scattered moving in all directions without purpose but when you live with intention you are telling the universe this is where I'm going this is what I'm creating but intention alone is not
enough you need to combine it with elevated emotion the emotion the emotions of your future self you see most people are living in the emotions of their past frustration anxiety fear disappointment these emotions are tied to past experiences and they keep you anchored in the past even if you set a powerful intention for the future if your body is still feeling the emotions of the past you will continue to create more of the same the universe doesn't respond to your intentions alone it responds to the energy you're emitting and that energy is made up of
your emotions so if you want to manifest a new future future you need to feel the emotions of that future right now you need to live from the energy of Joy gratitude love and excitement as if the future you desire has already happened when you do this your body doesn't know the difference between the present moment and the future you're imagining it starts to believe that your desire future is already real and it begins to align with that future on a physiological level when you live in elevated emotions you're literally rewiring your brain and body
to match the energy of your future your brain creates new neural connections that support the thoughts and behaviors of your future self and your body starts producing the chemicals and hormones that reflect the emotional state of that future over time this new way of being becomes your new normal and your external reality will begin to reflect the changes you've made inter internally meditation is more than just a tool for relaxation it's the gateway to reprogramming your subconscious mind every time you meditate you are giving yourself the opportunity to move beyond the analytical mind and into
the subconscious where true change takes place this is crucial because your subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your thoughts behaviors and emotions is the automatic pilot that runs your life and if you want to create lasting change you need to reprogram the subconscious mind to align with your desired future most people are trying to change their lives by working at the level of the conscious mind they set goals make to do lists and try to change their habits through sheer willpower but this approach rarely works because it doesn't address the deeper programming that's running
behind the scenes your subconscious mind has been conditioned by years of Habitual thinking and emotional responses it's like a computer program that's been running the same script for years and unless you change the script you'll keep getting the same results this is where meditation comes in when you meditate you enter a state of brain wave coherence where the brain slows down and you can access the subconscious in this state you can install new beliefs thoughts and emotions that are aligned with your future it's like rewriting the software of your mind so that instead of running
on Old patterns of fear doubt or limitation your subconscious starts operating from a place of possibility empowerment and abundance but the key to reprogramming the subconscious is consistency meditation is not a one-time event it's a daily practice every time you meditate you are reinforcing new neurop Pathways in your brain you are teaching your body how to feel the emotions of your future and you are conditioning your mind to think in alignment with the life you want to create over time this new way of being becomes second nature and you'll start to notice changes in your
thoughts emotions and behavior without even trying think of meditation as a process of becoming familiar with your future self each time you meditate you are rehearsing the thoughts emotions and behaviors of the person you want to become the more you practice this the more familiar the future self becomes until one day you wake up and realize that you are already living the life you once imagined this is the power of consistent meditation practice that allows you to step into your future before it happens emotion addictions are one of the most Insidious forces keeping people stuck
in the past you see the body becomes addicted to the chemicals produced by certain emotions whether it's stress fear anger or sadness these emotions may feel uncomfortable but they're familiar and because they're familiar the body craves them even when they're destructive this is why Breaking Free from emotional addictions is so difficult your mind may want to change but your body is still addicted to the emotions of the past to break free from emotional addiction you need to become aware of the emotional patterns that are running your life what emotions you feel most often what triggers
these emotions how do they influence your thoughts and actions once you become aware of these patterns you can start to break the cycle the first step to Breaking Free from emotional addiction is conscious Choice when you notice yourself slipping into a familiar emotional pattern pause take a deep breath and remind yourself that you have the power to choose a new emotional state this doesn't mean suppressing your emotions or pretending that everything is fine it means recognizing that your emotions are just a response to your environment and that you can change that response at any time
the next step is rehearsing new emotions just as your body has become addicted to the chemicals of stress or fear you can train it to become addicted to the chemicals of Joy love and gratitude the more you practice feeling these elevated emotions the more familiar they become and the less power your old emotional patterns will have over you this is how you break free from the past and start living in the energy of your future but be patient with yourself Breaking Free from emotional addiction is a process and it requires consistent effort you may find
yourself slipping back into Old patterns from time to time and that's okay the important thing is to keep practicing to keep choosing new emotions and to keep aligning yourself with the energy of your future the final habit is perhaps the most powerful of all embodying the future you want to create this is the art of becoming the process of stepping into the version of yourself who is already living the life you desire most people think that they need to wait for their external circumstances to change before they can feel empowered successful or happy but the
truth truth is you can start embodying your future self right now and when you do you accelerate the process of creating that future to embody your future self you need to think feel and act as if your Desir future is already a reality this means living from the energy of your future rather than being pulled down by the emotions of your past when you embody your future self you are telling the universe this is who I am now this is the reality I choose to live in but embodying your future is not about faking it
until you make it it's about genuinely becoming the person you want to be on a mental emotional and physical level this requires more than just positive thinking it requires a complete shift in your state of being you need to live from a place of certainty as if your future is already here this means feeling the emotions of your future thinking the thoughts of your future and taking action from the perspective of your future self when you consistently embody your future self you start to attract experiences people and opportunities that are aligned with the energy you're
putting out the universe responds to your energy and it will bring you the resources you need to make your vision a reality but you must be willing to live in the energy of your future even when your external circumstances haven't yet caught up this is where true faith and commitment come in because it's easy to embody in your future self when everything is going your way the real challenge is to stay aligned with your future even when the evidence around you suggests otherwise but if you stay committed to this habit you'll start to see the
results in your life little by little your external reality will begin to reflect the internal shifts you've made you'll start to notice synchronicities opportunities and breakthroughs that move you closer to your vision this is the art of becoming it's not about waiting for your future to happen it's about creating a from within and embodying it every single day
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