hey guys some of you have heard the rumors online and the rumors are mostly true today December 10th will be my last day hosting the comment section and working for the daily wire it is not true that I am being forced out it was my own choice to leave and believe me this is Bittersweet I have had the most unbelievable three years helping to craft the show building this community and telling stories and sharing the truth every day through the comment section you all have made me braver more articulate more thoughtful more hopeful than I
could have ever imagined and I'm grateful that we spent this time together and I'm grateful that the daily wire gave us a platform to grow this community but at this point in my life I am ready to take on a new Direction both personally and professionally this means new challenges and new Endeavors which I will share with you soon as for this show the comment section will continue with the daily wire my producer Reagan is taking over as host of the comment section and I wish her in the daily wire all the best we have
had three great years and I'm proud of what we've accomplished together leaving this show and the platforms that we've built is hard but I'm very excited for what's to come knowing that we have brought so many people together in laughter over these last three years means the world to me I adore I appreciate all of you so let's chat again soon but in the meantime go touch some grass kick some rocks and we'll catch up shortly and now for some final thoughts from the god king himself Jeremy boring Bittersweet indeed we're sad to see Brett
go but we're excited to see her take the next step in her journey Brett's an amazing talent both as a personality and as an actress it's been a pleasure to see her bring the comment section to life these last three years and her performance in the pin dragon cycle is Sensational I'm certain that whatever Brett creates next will be filled with the same joy and laughter and heart that she's brought to all of her work at the daily wire and we wish her nothing but the best so my friends while I have you here I
thought we could run it back one last time with the comment section and last night I was sitting at my laptop literally racking my brain trying to think about what would be the perfect last episode I mean there was so much that happened over the weekend that I desperately wanted to talk to you about from Trump in France and the handshake Wars with the Crone chatting with Joe Biden obviously she looked very interested in him I wanted to react to his wildly insane Meet the Press interview obviously we can't forget Alex Cooper from call her
daddy literally admitting on stage with the New York Times that she was the one who turned Trump down not the other way around and of course the absolutely incredible incredible news that Daniel Penney was found not guilty on all charges basically sending a huge Fu to New York's woke Pro criminal justice system I mean it has been a long long 5 days but there was one story that really stood out to me something that encapsulates how I've always viewed my show the perfect mix of politics and culture and Scandal and chaos and celebrity so we
need to talk about Jay-Z we need to talk about Jay-Z who was just accused of a 13-year-old girl along with Diddy more than 20 years ago the New York Post put this up yesterday Jay-Z accused of girl 13 with Shan Diddy Colmes more than two decades ago allegedly as The Story Goes this girl attended the 2,000 VMAs at Radio City Music Hall afterward she was coerced allegedly into a car by somebody on Diddy's team and was brought to a secondary location from there the statement reads she was offered a drink that made her feel woozy
light-headed and felt like she needed to lie down the suit said she went into a room to rest shortly after the suit said that coms and Carter that's shayy entered the room with coms saying you are ready to party that's when she alleges that Carter removed her clothes held her down and her while coms and another unnamed female celebrity watched she said that Combs also her as Carter and the woman looked on the suit says that she was able to resist being forced to reform or on combes by hitting him in the neck and that
he quote unquote stopped I mean the entire like it's horrifying it is absolutely disgusting we sort of know what's going on with the city case we know the allegations but seeing it all written out is just horrifying but unfortunately I'm not even surprised reading these allegations because this type of behavior runs rampant through this crowd and after years literally Decades of people warning audiences trying to blow the whistle it is coming out it's important to note that Jay-Z was not originally cited in this filing this woman who has decided to stay Anonymous she's going by
Jane Doe in this case filed the complaint back in October but has just now revised it to include Jay-Z making him the first celebrity to actually be named in a case with Diddy and let's just say that the internet is not surprised nor do they have much sympathy somebody commented and said this is the least surprising headline I've read on X in years another person said I was waiting for the Jay-Z stories I believe it I mean guys like the comments go on for Miles here well we tried to tell you not shocked we already
knew he was involved obviously this is incredibly important to note especially for being consistent here but in this country people are innocent until proven guilty even people who have been close friends with Diddy for like 30 years and most likely knew about or attended his freak offs even they are innocent until proven guilty that is how our justice system works and hopefully we still have a shred of Integrity but in the court of public opinion Jay-Z is done and apparently he's been done for a while somebody commented and said Jay-Z was close friends with R
Kelly Diddy Harvey Weinstein and now suddenly there's no way he could be a LMFAO there is thread upon thread upon thread exposing him going viralon literally racking up upwards of 20 million views each one of them said Jay-Z a criminal turned Tycoon a threat exposing all the rappers involvements with Miners and a real and the one thing that all of these threads bring up and really start with is the age discrepancy with when he met and started dating Beyonce who was 12 years younger than him and the fact that they've never really given a clear
answer they've said anything from 15 years old to 19 years old I mean that is rough for them did you guys see that one coming had to do it one last time so guys as you know when it comes to nutrition we want what's best for our elves and for our loved ones but what about our four-legged friends and their nutrition and as you know by now dog food is dead food but rough Rens brings their kibble back to life with the live vitamins probiotics enzymes Omega oils and antioxidants in their tasty formula that your
dog will love Rocky Tater and Opie certainly do and it will do all of this while improving their digestion their coat Health their breath their energy and so much more and of course your dog can try it before you buy simply go to Ru greens.com use promo code Brett and get a free jump start trial bag which is normally $20 but use promo code Brett to get the bag for free you just need to cover shipping and for the cat lovers out there they have now announced meow greens for all of your feline friends so
get the same deal for your cat with my promo code Brett Ruff greens.com so whether you have a dog or a cat or both like me as you guys know I just got two cats bring their dead food back to life with Ruff greens go to Ru greens.com use promo code Brett and get a free jump shot trial bag you just need to cover the shipping fet food is dead food bring it back to life with rough greens let's also bring this case back to life because Jay-Z this is freaking insane this same account said
Beyonce Met Jay-Z in 1997 when she was 16 and he was 28 but also they point out that in a 2007 interview JayZ admitted that he had noticed Beyonce and had been checking her out when she was 15 years old how long have you known her uh wow a long time 10 years how long how long however long she's been recording that's when I met her uh well don't you remember how long it was yeah when I met her I mean was it 5 years ago was it I met her 10 years ago they also
talk about his less than positive track record with friends from touring with R Kelly after he had married an underage girl to stand standing by Diddy through it all one person said quote you or The Company You Keep has never been proven wrong yet I mean guys like on a smaller scale let this be a lesson you are a some of the people that you surround yourself with if you don't like the way that they make you feel if you don't like what they drive you to do if you don't like their behaviors then remove
yourself choose to leave that is what Jay-Z should have done if he is actually innocent if he did not do any of this everybody should have removed themselves from Diddy and stopped apologizing for him years ago but alas back to the point back to these threads they go all the way back to when he shot his brother brother at 12 years old now for Jay-Z's fans Jay-Z and Beyonce have always been the beacon of relationship goals and overcoming hardship as you guys know I know a lot about Beyonce fans considering that my best friend Amir
odm literally has traveled the world seeing Beyonce probably has seen every single concert that she's ever done so I know that there are DieHard fans but Jay-Z himself at one point showed them that you could change your life despite of your upbringing despite of the circumstances that you were brought into this world with but now with everything coming out people are having to reevaluate and Jay-Z really isn't helping because in response to these allegations he dropped the statement my lawyer received a blackmail attempt called a demand letter from a lawyer named Tony Busby what he
had calculated was the nature of these allegations and the public scrutiny that would make me want to settle no sir it had the opposite effect it made me want to expose you for the fraud that you are in a very public fashion so no I will not give you one red Penny these allegations are so heinous in nature that I implore you to file a criminal complaint not a civil one whomever would commit such a crime against a minor should be locked away would you not agree these alleged victims deserve real Justice if that were
the case now based on my understanding and I have asked a couple of lawyers about this an individual does not usually bring a criminal case you can file a civil case and then if there is enough evidence the state will then bring a criminal case against you but they are like two different tracks it's like how OJ was found not guilty in this criminal case but was found liable in his civil case so basically what I'm saying and what a lot of people have pointed out online is that it's not as easy as Jay-Z makes
it out to be he goes on and he says I have no idea how you have come to be such a deplorable human Mr Busby that I promise you I have seen your kind many times over I am more than prepared to deal with your type you you claim to be a marine Marines are known for their Valor you have neither honor nor dignity my only heartbreak is for my family my wife and I will have to sit our children down one of whom is at the age where her friends will surely see the press
and ask questions about the nature of these claims and explain the cruelty and greed of people I mourn yet another loss of Innocence children should not have to endure such at their young age it is unfair to have to try to understand inexplicable degrees of malice me to destroy families in human spirit that part is where I agree with him because this truly is awful for his family regardless of whether he did this or not my heartbreaks for his kids and for Beyonce if she was not complicit and a lot of people think that she
was but mainly for his kids This truly is awful but that isn't the lawyer's fault he is just doing his job he's representing the woman that wants to go after Jay-Z and Diddy like you allegedly made your bed Jay-Z now you have to lie in it now guys this is the best part this is where it does get a little funny he said you have made a terrible error in judgment thinking that all celebrities are the same I am not from your world I am a young man I am a young man who made it
out of the project of Brooklyn we don't play these types of games we have very strict codes and honor we protect children you seem to exploit people for personal gain only your network of conspiracy theorists fake physics will believe the idiotic claims that you have levied against me if not for the seriousness surrounding harm to kids would be laughable young man Jay-Z you are 55 years old you 55 that is not a card you can play anymore but you know what I kind of admire the fact that you're trying but everybody immediately called that out
now as a side note people were quick to pull up diddies original response to his allegations which read enough is enough for the last couple of weeks I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character destroy my reputation and my legacy sickening allegations have been made Against Me by individuals looking for a quick payday let me be absolutely clear I did not do any of the awful things being alleged I will fight for my name my family and for the truth we saw how that worked out for you Diddy and how it
is currently going now as a response Jan's lawyer responded with this I mean the fact that this is all so public guys is just wild it's so messy it's so messy but he posted this photo of him as a marine and he said recognize this guy this is a picture of the weapon Splatoon Commander Alpha Company first Battalion fourth Marines from our old Western Pacific Cruise book despite a coordinated and aggressive effort that is included harassing my kids contacting my clients and former clients to encourage them to sue me contacting my colleagues or former employees
asking if I've abused them showing up at my current employer's homes to harass them filing frivolous cases against me and my Law Firm defaming me with outrageous assertions to anyone who will listen and having mysterious people follow me and my family I am still that guy oh there we go I won't be bullied or intimidated people will see through this effort to discredit me and my client and the truth will be revealed I also won't allow anyone to scare my client into silence sunlight is the best disinfectant and I am quite certain the sun is
coming I mean badass I mean like of course you can't pick sides based on what statement you like better you have to wait until the facts come out but I'm just saying that one was pretty tough now obviously we are going to have to wait for the facts and the truth to come out and with Trump coming into office with cash Patel running the FBI thank God I think that all of this will come out sooner rather than later and so hopefully corruption and immorality will be exposed on every level of our country and I
cannot wait to see it I mean it is beyond time that we got our country and our culture back on track and started seeing these people and exposing them for who they truly are so enough with the games the Reckoning cannot come soon enough January 20th can't come soon enough so with that guys I am going to head on out thank you so much for building this amazing Channel and this amazing Community with me I'll see you guys soon we'll stay in touch