12 Books for Success in EVERY Field of Your Life

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Grims are very smart people, who read, grow and bond everyday. In these Grim times it is vital, that...
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the road to the top is paved with very specific books first you reclaim your free mind and free psyche read meditations by Marcus aelius second receive good health and exit the poisonous system you are surrounded with read the science of being well by Wallace D Wat three live humbly so you can become a producer not a consumer read Walden by Henry David turu then you find good people around you read How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie after that you form a company with those excellent people read the art of War by
sansu then you make money and invest it wisely read sink and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill then you understand how to find yourself a good woman and you found a good family read War and Peace by Lial story and after that you learn the truth about the Suki system and teach your family not to be slaves read modern money mechanics by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago but don't forget to keep the beauty and poetry in your life read Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman then build the fraternity to bring honor to this word read
Bushido the soul of Japan by in it over as you grow older dive deeper into faith and God read The Dark Night of the Soul by John of the Cross you learn how to forgive to set your soul free and then die Without Regrets and Die With Honor on your death bed your brothers will read for you on the shortness of Life by cica these are the 12 books of your life and the 12 books of the Grim book Circle one book per month building character wealth and Brotherhood be honorable
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