davey here welcome back today we're going to talk about two more ways to find winning products these are the methods that i suggest for beginners existing brands as well as seasoned drop shippers basically anyone looking to find a new product i can't wait to show you why i prefer over last week's drop shipping method a lot of people out there wonder how you can drop ship or sell products and not be copied by other drop shippers the answer is simple you make your product unique and build a brand around it today the first method that
i'm going to take you through is for the beginners out there but it's also awesome to tap into if you're an established brand it's definitely something that i'm looking to do more with our brand launches it's called the local supplier method and it's pretty straightforward if you don't want to worry about long lead times and language barriers or faulty products this is the way to go the simple premise is this you find someone in your country wherever you are that has a unique product maybe they sell at a local store or maybe they're a local
producer like for example a unique region for honey or olive oil you want to make sure that they're a reputable brand and have enough production capacity you also want to make sure that their product's nice you'll also need to use that moas viability calculator that we talked about last week to make sure that you have enough margin to sell the product i'll have it in the links below once you've done that you'll go into a simple agreement with the supplier that you'll sell their products online to get your ideas flowing i'll give you a few
examples you could try out find a local furniture store that could create cool custom sofas like maker and sun another idea is approaching a local source maker and create a beautiful brand just like bachons or a local high-end bakery to sell gourmet foods like gold belly remember you're going to be selling a premium product in the space that you enter so make sure you sell the story as a unique value proposition i love this method because honestly it's so rewarding for everyone involved you're going to be working with someone that probably wouldn't be able to
do e-commerce if they didn't have you you'll also be supporting your local economy you also don't need to stress about the manufacturing side or getting copied because it's local they've got it all figured out and you get to stick to your area of expertise which is digital marketing but to be honest finding these suppliers isn't as easy as it should be and if anyone could create really easy marketplace to solve this problem kind of like a drop shipping app for local suppliers please email me or drop me a comment below because i'm probably the best
something like oberlo or alibaba means etsy it's a great idea depending where you are it's going to be super different in how you go about finding these products say if you're here in australia i'd probably start with local farmers markets or smaller boutique stores where they stop people's creations if you're elsewhere you can potentially do the same think about if there are any markets or local goods stores that you can check out the people creating these products tend to be older and all they know how to do is sell through traditional mediums like markets or
local stores which means they haven't tapped into the potential of selling online which is where you come in so to figure out an agreement with them firstly what you can do is ask them for wholesale prices then just test the product online via facebook just make sure you let them know your intentions to test it online otherwise if they're smaller you should be able to enter some kind of partnership with them here's an example of an email that you could send a local supplier to work with them remember to be confident if you have successfully
sold a drop shipping product or done any agency work show them your experience so they trust you it's imperative you have the learnings under your belt so you can successfully sell these products and not waste your time so keep watching youtube videos and learning ideally you'll be able to private label their product as well and change it into your own brand however depending on the supplier they might not be open to this if they are you can use something like vistaprint and canva to create logos and labels cheaply remember you can always do this later
after you've tested the product on facebook first all right let's move on to method three which is all about problem solving you want to figure out what problem exists out there and how you can solve it this is where you can get really creative remember last week we talked about dyson they didn't invent the vacuum but they innovated to make it better and people's lives easier you can do the same i just want to put a disclaimer you might need some cash for this method as you may need to pay for some expenses for your
supplier but we'll get into that a bit later on so first up you need to do some market research for some cool successful products let me show you how to do that by the way i'm not actually affiliated with any of these sites i've just used them in the past let's do it so this is charm it's one of the biggest stockpiles of direct-to-consumer e-commerce brands there's a ton of good shopify stores on here we can basically come to what's called the prospector and we can jump in and set some filters i like to do
all regions i like to click scaling ads because we really want to make sure that our product can work on facebook then we want to go to the success store to 100. we're trying to find ideas here and the ones that have grown really really far are probably the best then we can go down here and just remove the ad count growth we just really want to make sure that there's facebook ad count now i'm just going to apply that filter and get a list of some awesome awesome brands you can just click into these
websites and really kind of see what's working and then try to improve it we've got some amazing dresses here maybe you could use a local manufacturer for that we've got women's activewear and amazing palettes could we improve that can we put that into a different clothing we've also got magnetic eyelashes is there something other beauty accessory that we can use magnets to improve upon the other thing i want to show you is some awesome newsletters that give you really good ideas trends.vc and you've also got trends.co which is the classic there may be a subscription
but they do give you some free information as well the other tool that i really want to show you is called jungle scout we can go into amazon and we can find a category that we really like i'm going to go down to kitchen utensils which has a ton of gadgets we really want to make sure that our product has a high sale price so we can actually make enough margin to advertise we can click this tool up here which is jungle scout and really see the volumes of sales that these people are making you
can sort by monthly revenue and scroll down so some of these kits and non-stick pans are doing really really well um we can go into that one and try to understand why they're selling and then come down to their negative reviews to see if there's anything that we can improve upon another tool that i want to show you is exploding topics it can give you some really cool ideas we can go to the three-month period to show what's kind of hot now and we can scroll down we can see robotic lawnmower what other things could
we make robotic we've also got banana ketchup what other kind of combinations could we make with food ingredients to make it exciting and unique finally we've got a swiss cheese plant let's dive into that and see if we can sell something around it so with these research tools what you're basically doing is trying to find inspiration for your next invention you can find brands that are performing really well which means they clearly have a market for them that has already been tested and you can find trends that consumers are looking for and you can try
to innovate on have a look at companies that are doing well go to their site and have a bit of a snoop and ask yourself four questions what do you think you could do better than them is there anything that could make their product more effective at solving the problem why are people leaving at negative reviews do you have any better ideas in branding let me give you an example with the audi we all know that winter calls for being comfortable and warm blankets are good but they're never really portable and they move around and
can fall off hoodies are warm but not warm enough they don't cover your whole body even the really oversized ones there's two problems right there that you can solve so basically the wood is super soft super warm wearable blanket it has cuffs and a big pocket so it's more convenient than a blanket you can use your hands and you can make a coffee everything that you could do in a hoodie you can now do in a wearable blanket now say you've got your product idea you're probably wondering how do i bring it to life this
was something that i really struggled to understand when i first started i remember just out of school i had so many cool ideas for inventions but i had no idea where to start basically what happens is you get your idea and follow a design process let's say for example you want to sell a phone case with a specific shape or design to make it easier to hold you'll talk to a product designer which you should be able to find on upwork and they should be able to create a 3d design for you once you've got
that 3d design you'll need to go to speak to a few manufacturers in the phone case space and most likely get them to what's called tooling or a mould this is why i suggest this method for people that have a little bit more money because it can cost anywhere from 500 to 50 000 to create a custom mold depending on what your product is then they create the sample for you and send them over congratulations you're an inventor now but i do have to mention if you're going down this road make sure you protect your
designs with some trusted legal counsel locally and in china we'll touch on that a little bit more a bit later on in the video my videographer hey jelly i also had a great point if you're watching this and you're in uni you can totally try to talk to your tutor or faculty manager to use the facilities that your uni may already have like a 3d printer factories often create 3d printed prototypes and if you're able to send them a completed one it may speed up the process and make it cheaper if you don't have the
funds to get this sample created you can possibly start a kickstarter to fund your project now running back certain niches and certain product types have different costs to prototype if you're going to get into the clothing space or formulas that makes things a little bit easier because you don't need to create any molds for textiles it's just sewing if you're creating formulas like sunscreen skin care or even food you can probably go to a co-packer who may already have a formula or recipe for you and you just really need to brand it and make it
better now remember that you're going to get things custom designed here whether it's a cup bowl wallet watch or skincare it's really easy for your manufacturer to suddenly start selling to another buyer if you aren't careful with protecting your designs get some cheap legal advice around supplier contracts both your local country and in china to protect your designs my video on how to manage suppliers without getting scammed will be coming out soon it'll be a full class for all levels of business whether you're just getting started out or you're importing tens of thousands of units
so let's recap what the best ways to find winning products are there's the drop shipping method from last week's video the local supplier method which is a fast way to get started but heavily relies on your ecommerce ability and also building relationships and there's also the problem solving method that helps you really capitalize on trends and find ways to innovate on existing products and brands let me know in the comments below which method you'd choose and why if you want to share some ideas as well tell me about the problem you feel you could easily
solve and your invention that you want to make to solve them next week we're going to have a very special guest on our episode greta van rill the influencer queen we're going to have some super juicy chats about influencer marketing and our top tips on what to do and how to get started all right catch you guys i'll see you in the next episode peace happy with that