The SOUL Is The Real "YOU", Not Your Body!

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Library of Tehuti
Find out the truth about your real identity - you are not your body, but rather an eternal soul usin...
Video Transcript:
you think you're human but you're not that's the first illusion you need to shatter that body of yours it's not you it's yours a temporary vessel a tool a sophisticated instrument that you as a soul are using for this particular lifetime but you are Timeless existing far beyond time space's third dimensional reality Don't Let My Words threaten your ideology stay till the end of the video because I'll break this down thoroughly in nine different ways listen think about how you say my hand my body my thoughts you never say I am hand or I am
body there's an intense truth hidden in these simple patterns of speech your very language reveals what you've always known deep within you are not this flesh and Bone construct close your eyes right now feel the weight of your body the sensation of breath moving through your lungs the beating of your heart now ask yourself who's noticing these Sensations who's aware of these experiences that awareness that Consciousness observing everything that's the real you not the sensations themselves not the thoughts about them but the Eternal witness behind it all your body changes constantly every 7 years every
cell is replaced the body you have had as a child isn't the one you have now yet something in you remains unchanged unaged Untouched by time that unchanging Essence that's you as the soul watching the endless parade of physical Transformations through the window of Consciousness think about your dreams in dreams you experience entire worlds without using your physical senses You See Without Eyes hear without ears move without muscles that's you as the soul creating and experiencing reality independent of the physical form your dreams reveal your true nature as a being of pure Consciousness temporarily wearing
this flesh and Bone costume the ancient Masters knew this truth they left us wisdom that speaks directly to your Soul's nature when tahuti says gods are Immortal men and men are mortal Gods they're pointing to your true identity you're not a human trying to become spiritual you're an eternal spirit temporarily experiencing human form your body is incredibly sophisticated trillions of cells working in Perfect Harmony systems within systems a Marvel of biological engineering but it's not autonomous it requires Consciousness you as the soul to animate it without you it's just matter organized but life less you're
the force that gives it life the awareness that gives it purpose breathe feel that breath moving through you that breath isn't you it's something you're experiencing your heartbeat isn't you it's something you're aware of your thoughts aren't you there are objects appearing in your Consciousness you are the space in which all these experiences arise the awareness that contains them all while remaining for ever untouched this understanding changes everything when you realize you're not limited to this physical form that you're the Consciousness experiencing through it all fear dissolves death loses its sting because you know you
can't die only the body can pain becomes bearable because you recognize yourself as the awareness witnessing pain not the pain itself the ancient Egyptians built their entire civilization around this truth their temples weren't monuments to death but celebrations of eternal life they knew the body was temporary but you the soul animating it are Eternal every hieroglyph every symbol every teaching pointed to this one truth you are not your body if you're starting to see how you as the soul are truly in control of your body then give us a like And subscribe I'll guide you
through this truth while you help us grow now let me show you exactly how your body serves as an instrument for your Soul's [Music] expression your physical form exists as a masterpiece of cosmic engineering every cell every atom vibrates with intelligence specifically designed to house Consciousness in this three-dimensional reality when you move your hand when your heart beats when neurons fire in your brain these aren't random biological processes they're the intricate mechanisms through which you as the soul interface with physical reality think about the sophistication of your body's design your heart beats without conscious control
your lungs breathe automatically and your cells know exactly how to replicate themselves this intelligence doesn't come from the brain it flows through your entire system your body operates as a self- regulating Universe yet something must animate it that something is you the soul the Consciousness that gives it life your DNA contains more information than all the libraries on Earth combined scientists once called 97% of it junk DNA because they couldn't understand its purpose now they're discovering this so-called junk function as a Quantum antenna receiving and transmitting information beyond space and time your body literally comes
equipped with technology to communicate with non-physical Realms the pineal gland sits at the center of your brain containing crystals identical to those used in modern communication devices these crystals can receive and transmit frequencies beyond the physical Spectrum the ancient Egyptians called it the seat of the soul the interface point between Consciousness and matter modern science now validates this understanding finding these crystals respond to light sound and electromagnetic frequencies your heart generates the body's strongest electromagnetic field extending several feet beyond your physical form this field carries information influences other biological systems and responds in instantly to
your emotional states when you feel love gratitude or peace this field becomes more coherent affecting not just your own body but everything around you the water in your cells exists in a fourth phase neither solid liquid nor gas this structured water forms crystalline patterns that respond to Consciousness your thoughts emotions and intentions literally reshape the molecular structure of your body you're not just inhabiting this form you're constantly recreating it through your Consciousness your nervous system processes millions of bits of information every second yet brings only a tiny fraction to conscious awareness why because your body
handles these processes automatically freeing you as the soul to focus on higher purposes you're not me to micromanage your body it's designed to serve you to translate your Consciousness into physical reality the fascial network the connective tissue running throughout your body conducts light and information like Fiber Optic Cables this living Matrix responds to your thoughts and emotions storing or releasing energy based on your Consciousness physical tension emotional blockages past traumas they're all held in this network until your awareness transmutes them consider your breath right now feel the air moving in and out of your lungs
notice how bringing attention to your breath automatically changes its pattern this demonstrates your power as Consciousness to influence automatic bily functions through conscious breathing you can affect your heart rate blood pressure immune system system every aspect of your physical form your cells emit light measurable biophotons that carry information between tissues the more coherent your Consciousness the more coherent this light becomes Advanced spiritual practitioners emit more organized biophotons literally glowing from within your body transforms based on your level of Consciousness the quantum field Theory proves solid matter doesn't really exist everything is energy vibrating at different
frequencies your body seemingly solid consists mostly of empty space held together by Consciousness you're not trapped in matter you're organizing energy into the appearance of physical form when you understand your body as an instrument Everything Changes physical limitations become opportunities for growth health challenges become messages from your soul every sensation every emotion every experience serves your evolution in Consciousness comment below if you're ready to learn specific techniques for mastering your body instrument now let me show you how to operate this Cosmic technology with full [Music] awareness your body stands as the most sophisticated techn techology
in existence a Divine instrument crafted for your Soul's expression the ancient Egyptians spent lifetimes perfecting techniques to strengthen this connection between Consciousness and form in the temples of Kemet initiates learn to love their physical vessel while maintaining complete non-attachment to it they understood a fundamental truth your body serves as a sacred tool but attachment to it creates limitations manipulating this vessel doesn't mean controlling or dominating it think of a master musician with their instrument they don't fight against it or force it they work in harmony with it understanding its nature and respecting its design while
bringing forth incredible music through it your body operates the same way through conscious connection you can create Magic with this physical form the ancient Masters left us specific practices techniques passed down through Millennia these aren't theoretical Concepts but direct methods for experiencing your true nature as Consciousness while fully honoring your physical form when you treat your body as the sacred instrument it is it responds with increased Vitality sensitivity and power right now I'll guide you through an intermediate meditation designed to help you feel the distinction between you as Consciousness and your physical vessel find a
comfortable position where your spine can remain straight this alignment matters it allows energy to flow freely through your system close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath don't try to control it simply observe its natural Rhythm feel the the air moving through your nostrils filling your lungs then flowing back out notice how the simple Act of observation begins to shift the breaths pattern this demonstrates your power as Consciousness to influence physical processes now expand your awareness to include your entire body feel the weight of your form the points of contact with the surface
supporting you notice any areas of tension any Sensations calling for attention don't try to change anything maintain the position of the Observer here's where it gets interesting start to recognize yourself as the awareness observing these Sensations you're not the tension in your shoulders not the tingling in your hands not the thoughts about these feelings you the Consciousness watching it all unfold bring your attention to your heart center feel its steady Rhythm the ancient Egyptians called this the seat of intelligence the primary brain as you focus here you might notice a warmth or expansion this is
your heart field responding to conscious attention now visualize Golden Light filling your entire body see it flowing through every cell every tissue every organ this isn't mere imagination you're directing Consciousness to influence your physical form feel how your body responds to this focused attention maintain this state while I explain something crucial your body contains crystalline structures that respond to Consciousness the pineal gland the water in your cells even your DNA they're all waiting for direction from you as the soul through consistent practice you strengthen these Pathways of communication keep breathing keep observing notice how different
parts of your body might begin to pulse or vibrate these Sensations indicate energy movement your physical form responding to increased conscious attention some might feel heat others coolness each body instrument responds uniquely the Ang ancient texts speak of advanced abilities levitation bilocation instant healing these aren't myths but natural capabilities that emerge through complete alignment of soul and form every practice session strengthens this alignment building the foundation for these abilities to manifest your body's water molecules are restructuring themselves in response to your focused awareness your DNA is receiving new information your heart field is expanding influencing
the quantum field around you these aren't metaphors their measurable phenomena occurring right now as you maintain this state feel the boundary between physical and non-physical beginning to blur this state reveals your true nature as Consciousness using a physical form some might experience floating Sensations others a feeling of expansion beyond the body these experiences offer glimpses of your Soul's true capabilities slowly gently begin to bring your awareness back to your physical form notice how different your body feels now more alive more responsive to your Consciousness this heightened State shows you the potential that exists when soul
and form align perfectly your body serves as the most sophisticated technology you'll ever operate every cell contains the wisdom of the cosmos every atom vibrates with infinite potential through direct experience and consistent practice you transform this vessel from a limitation into a Gateway for your Soul's expression your DNA responds to conscious intention your heart field influences reality your pineal gland receives information Beyond physical dimensions these aren't theories they're aspects of your Cosmic technology waiting to be activated through direct experience each meditation strengthens the connection between Consciousness and form each practice session builds new Pathways for
soul expression your body becomes more refined and more responsive to your Soul's Direction This is the true purpose of spiritual practice not to escape the physical but to transform it into a perfect instrument for Consciousness the sensations you felt during meditation the warmth the vibrations the expansion indicate your body instrument responding to increased Soul connection through regular practice these states deepen leading to a permanent transformation of your physical form remember you're not human trying to become spiritual you're an eternal Soul using a human body for evolution and expression every challenge every limitation every physical experience
serves your growth in Consciousness your body isn't a prison it's a sophisticated vehicle for your Soul's development the power to transform your physical reality lies within you not through force or control but through conscious alignment through Direct experience of your true nature as a soul practice reveals what words can only point to your infinite potential as Consciousness in form
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