FOCUS ON THIS And Change Your life | John Maxwell

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if we can change our perspective how we think it just changes about everything in our life as a man thinketh in his heart so is he and um we're going to talk about perspective we're going to talk about perspective about possessions today which is a which is a tremendous principle also that that I'm going to share but but outside of sharing my faith which I try to do every day and and just love to do outside of sharing my faith if if if you and I sat down and around the table Just the Two of
Us one-on-one okay just a one-on-one conversation and you would look at me and say John what is the thing that that you would say to me that would best improve my life I would talk to you about how you think how I think our perspective in fact I I put in in in our lesson today some perspective principles that I just think are huge and let me just give them to you real quick okay you ready let's go uh first of all how we view things determines how we do things that's just an incredible principle
I now each one of these I could preach 30 minutes on but they won't let me do that but but how I how I view things determines exactly so if if if I view things if I view things in the in a perspective of of wanting to uh serve with Excellence guess what I'll do I'll I'll I'll I'll serve with Excellence if I view things in a very uh kind of a average way then then I I'll I'll put average into that into that endeavor so how how I view things is how I do things
let me give you another perspective principle that's just huge too and then is what you see is who you will be and we see things not as they are we see things as we are that's why two people can be in the same situation same experience same place and see things completely different than anyone else so what is before you isn't what you see who you are is what you see this third one is just amazing when whenever I do um conferences on how to create positive change in organizations or in people's lives this is
kind of a a Cornerstone of that thinking and so let me give that to you and that is that when we change the way we look at things the things that we look at change I mean I'm always I'm always interested people say you know what I gosh John I just want to I just want to change my spouse good luck my name is John I'm your friend let let me tell you a better way to get on with that and that is change the way that you see that your spouse then all of a
sudden everything everything begins to get turn these perspective principles I'm giving you they'll just change your life and and I know that as I'm getting ready to teach on possessions I know that you don't need it because you already have an awesome perspective but aren't aren't you glad I'm teaching this lesson for the person on your left today huh aren't you glad between you and me I know that's why you brought them here today so just look at them and say this is good for you go ahead and tell them that this this is good
for you what what some now some of you are enjoying that way too much I mean some of you are saying oh this is my chance been waiting for this for a a long time let me tell you all about this okay okay let me give you one more perspective just principle this just huge and that is what I believe about life determines how I perceive life which determines what I receive from Life powerful and the reason that I'm giving you these perspective principles is because I do a lot of reflection and uh this week
being Thanksgiving uh I I spent some time in reflecting and reflecting is good for all of us reflection turns experience into insight and so what happens is whatever we're experiencing we need to you know coch says you have to have that pause that refreshes I would encourage you to have the pause that refreshes you mentally emotionally spiritually when you look at an experience and say okay what did I what did I learn from that and as I was reflecting on Thanksgiving this week I I I I I I came up with an observation about myself
and it was just simple that when I lack gratitude it's because I focus too much on myself that almost every time that I find that I'm not grateful as I could be it's always because I'm thinking too much about John Maxwell and what does that mean to me and where am I and what am I having and what have I gotten and you this whole Pro the moment that I the moment that my perspective goes inward is is is is the moment that that I be to lose that joy and that gratitude and oh in
fact okay I'm going to do I didn't even do this yesterday okay so you're getting something they didn't this is so good I went home last night this is a perspective teaching okay and it's laminated okay whenever I laminated it's good okay okay it's all lamin it's not just paper it's laminated if I had have been Moses going up on Mount siai I'd have laminated those Ten Commandments yeah I would I I sure wouldn't have put them on rock those babies break I'd have been taking those laminated then I'd be sticking them in every Jewish
pocket I could I'll tell you right now okay here we go so this is this is a great one on perspective this now this is fun so I say that in just I say that because I'm going to talk about just for a moment dogs and cats okay so so just kind of have a little bit of humor and don't take it serious if you are a cat lover excerpts from A Dog's Diary this is all about perspective folks 800 a.m. dog food my favorite thing 9:30 a car ride my favorite thing 9:40 a walk
in the park my favorite thing 10:30 got rubbed and petted oh my favorite thing noon lunch my favorite thing 1: p.m. played in the art my favorite thing 300 p.m. wag my tail my favorite thing 5:00 p.m. Milk Bones my favorite thing 700 p.m. got the play ball my favorite thing 8:00 p.m. wow watch t with the people my favorite thing 11:00 p.m. sleeping in bed oh my favorite thing excerpts from a cat's diary day 983 of my captivity my captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects the only thing that keeps me
going is my dream of Escape there you are perspective is everything huh Ain that fine okay here we go so the scripture setting is the scripture setting is simple um uh some of the religious legalists came to Jesus and and they were trying to Corner him to be honest with you and and they ask him the question who is my neighbor and Jesus gave him the story of the Good Samaritan which is all about perspectives that I want to teach today so let's get to the screen and let's go to the scripture in reply Jesus
said A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by robbers they stripped him of his clothes beat him and went away leaving him half dead a priest happened to be going down the same road and when he saw the man he passed by on the other side so too a levite when he came to the place and saw him passed by on the other side but a Samaran as he traveled came where the man was and when he saw him he took pity on him he went to him and bandaged
his wounds pouring on oil and wine then he put the man on his own donkey brought him to an inn and took care of him the next day he took two Denai and gave them to the inkeeper look after him he said and when I have returned I will reimburse you for any extra expenses that you may have which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers the expert in law replied the one who had mercy on him and Jesus told him go and do
likewise in this story there are three different perspectives about possessions and I want to give them to you now first of all is the perspective from the robbers standpoint because a man was robbed in the story and the perspective concerning possessions for people that are robbers is that what is yours is mine and I'm going to take it that's exactly what they did they saw the man they saw he had possessions what's yours is mine hit him knocked him around took his Poss what's yours is mine I I I'm going to take it now I'm
not going to spend much time on that because there's a high well the odds are quite high that there are very few real robbers here today so you know you're you're probably feeling really good about this perspective because most of us really don't think what's yours is mine and I'm going to take it but I they'll say this we're all born kind of like robbers because there's a very similar thought of perspective from Toddlers perspective M little little toddlers you their their perspectiv of possessions is something like this if I like it it's mine if
I can take it away from you it's mine if I had it a while ago it's mine if I say it's mine it's mine if it looks like mine it's mine if you're having fun with it it's mine if I lay down your toy it's [Music] mine if it's broken it's yours huh Toddlers and robbers pretty close huh and you know why that is is because we're all born into sin we're all born with a great amount of selfishness within us and so there's a lot of people that just basically I mean they never really
go stick somebody up in that whole process but really basically they're looking around and they're basically saying truthfully my perspective about possession is what's yours is mine and and I'm going to take it okay we're we're going to we're going to leave that one let's get to more where we live okay that that first one wasn't for you it was for that person on your left okay the second possess perspective about possession is what is mine is mine and I'm going to keep it now this is very relevant in sometimes to almost every person in
this room because every one of us have that that sense that that the possessions that we have are really ours and and so what is mine is mine and I'm going to keep it and that that that perspective is birthed out of of two things it's birth out of selfishness and it's a birth out of a lack of awareness about really how possessions work I I had a friend this is good I had a friend who was talking to me recently and and he uh he took his son to McDonald's and his son loves McDonald's
fries so they went up and so dad got his son a big pack of good McDonald's fries and we all know how good those are so they sat down and his boys across the table from me got the big pack of fries and got the ketchup and taking the fries and dipping them boy just enjoying his and Dad's looking over and dad says oh those things look really good I I think I'll have one and so he reached over to get one of the fries and when he got right to where the fry was his
son grabbed his hand and he pushed it away he said no no no dad you can't have those those are those are my [Music] fries so the dad said I looked at my son and I thought three things number one is he doesn't understand where those fries come from he he doesn't understand I'm the source of those fries I'm the one that went up and ordered the fries I'm the one that reached in and I paid for he he doesn't understand where those those fries come from he said the second thing I thought and I
could tell as he was telling me the story his anger was Rising he said the second thing I thought was he doesn't understand I can take those fries from him I can look at him say if that's going to be your attitude about fries here I want to take those fries or he doesn't understand if I wanted to I I could bury him in Fry so I just thought about going you know give me a hundred fries just you know bring a bring a will just bury him just bury I can bury him in fries
I can take his fries from him he said the third thing he doesn't understand is I don't need his fries I I can get my own fries I'm the source of the fries I is I don't need his fries he said what bothered me as a father was was this I didn't eat his fries I could go get my own but I wanted to share them with my son it was the attitude of selfishness and a lack of awareness and I mean he's telling me this story as a father man I'm writing it down I'm
saying this will go in a book this this this will this will go in a sermon I mean who else can take a french fry story and make it out of a sermon like I can huh here we go but I thought to myself that it's it's so true that that sometimes we look at our possessions and we honestly think that they're ours and because they're ours I'm going to keep it and and and there are two Just What I Call incompatible words in the English language one is selfishness which we are all rooted in
all of us I am you are hello every once while I run into somebody and they say well I'm not selfish and I say what other thing are you you unaware of in life what what is there another piece of counseling we could deal with with you on the same time of course we're all selfish it's our nature it's it's who we naturally are what's mine is mine and I'm going and keep it if if you don't think your selfish just let me ask a question the next time you're in a group picture when you
see that picture who is the first person who's the first person you look for come on now you look at yourself you you know how you judge a goo preure how good you look there's nothing group about it there's nothing you looked at it if you look good you say oh my oh great picture great picture you send oh send it to [Music] me and if you don't look good okay do it again do it again come on come on come on one more time you judge every everything is judged around you [Music] you know
with one trifling exception the world is composed of others that was a good thought you just have to think about it for a while write it down and two days from now it'll Dawn on you you see selfishness and significance selfishness is or is selfishness is what I've done for myself significance is what I do for others they're just incompatible and let me let me just say this because it's so true selfish people cheat themselves what what the very thing that they're trying not to do and that is to keep everything for themselves is what
they don't understand is they cheat themselves Proverbs 11:24 it's on your screen a generous person will prosper whoever refreshes others will be refreshed so if I ask all of you how many of you just like to be refreshed wellever hand goes up well how do you do that well be generous to others you see it's amazing that every day we wake up and most people they think what am I going to reap today what am I going to receive today what's in it for me what am I going to get today everybody they just kind
of okay hope you know hope some have good at work today my gosh and and it's all about it's all about what am I going to reap what am I going to receive today and there's a there's a whole law of nature that we're missing and the law of nature is I don't want to be over complicated here you got to sew something to reap something I mean if a farmer didn't sew any seed in the spring and out went out in the fall and says man I'm hoping to reap a harvest you'd say you're
about the dumbest farmer I know what a dumb farmer you got to sew something isn't it amazing we're all committed to what am I going to get what am I going to keep what's going to be mine and and we're not committed to to the to the you see the problem in this world is not the halves and Have Nots even though there's a culture that would like to kind of make that the the issue it's not the half and have not brokes it's the give knots it's the give knots that's a problem no matter
how much or how little you have has nothing to do with having a a generous Spirit about possession so the you know the first attitude what's yours is mine I'm going to take it well come on that's terrible we know better than that but this second one now this can creep into our life what's mine it's mine I'm going to keep it so let's go to the third the third attitude and that is what's what's mine is yours and I'm going to give it and that's the picture of the Good Samaritan that Jesus gives for
us in this story he basically says the Good Samaritan saw the robber saw his pathetic condition had pity on him wi over basically said what's mine is yours and and I'm going to give it and I'm going to I'm going to take time I'm going to give you my time I'm going to give you my effort I'm going to give you my energy and it is interesting the priest the levite and the Good Samaritan in this story they had some many similarities in the story that they all saw the problem isn't it interesting Jesus wanted
to make sure that every one of us knew they saw the robber it wasn't like they missed him they you know they were walking by and looking over to the left when he was over no no no he said they all saw the man he he wants to make sure everybody understands they all saw the they all saw the robber so they all saw the problem and they all had an opportunity to help they all could have done what the Good Samaritan did I mean he was right there they could have reached over they could
have helped him and they all had a reason not to help and see the the reason reason not to help the reason not to give the reason not to serve that's what gets us if we're if we have a kind of a selfish mindset you see you know the worst excuse is a good excuse the bad excuses don't mess us up much but man when it's the good excuses we buy into that so we we have a tendency just to you and and and by the way the priests and the levite I'm sure they had
good excuses here's the difference the priest and the levite they had an inside perspective it was all about them it was all about what is this going to do to me this is huge this is huge the the the the Good Samaritan he had an outside perspective he not only saw the robber but but he saw the potential of helping somebody and when you have an inside perspective like the priest of the levite in other words it's all about you there's a reason they didn't stop and I'm going to tell you why stop it's very
simple they looked at the robber they saw he was in bad condition and they selfishly said if I stop it will inconvenience me oh my gosh this is going to be a real inconvenience if I stop I I had an appointment I'm going to miss the appointment and besides he's a mess look he's bloody and he's all I mean there's nothing convenient about stopping and helping the guy that's robbed and and so the the qu the question that the that the priest Levi I had that they they that inside selfishness well this will inconvenience me
but the Samaritan when he looked at him I I believe that he went I went through a process and I believe that that he he basically said three things to himself first of all I think he said to himself if I don't stop what will happen to him well I'll tell you what will happen to him he's already half dead he'll die and I just want to say to you without being overly dramatic if you don't have a generous heart towards people and giving and serving and loving and living if if you if you have
a tendency to be tight and closed let me just say something to you there's a whole bunch of people that you could help that you don't help and because of that they're not going to get the help that they need that's that's just that's just a fact so if I don't stop what's going to happen to him but let me just say something else he asked another question and another question I love this question he said if I don't stop now listen to this this is huge what will happen to me in other words what
happens if I ignore this person what happens if I pass by like the other two on the other side and just keep on going because you see the Good Samaritan realized that what would happen to him is that he would begin to have an indifferent heart that he' have an indifferent heart towards people that his soul would begin to slowly be calloused and there would be a day that he wouldn't care and there would be a day that he wouldn't share and there would be a day that those those things wouldn't in any way affect
him in any kind of emotional way and then he's asking but if I do stop if I do stop and I love this if I do stop what will happen to me and what will happen to me is that I will make a difference you see let me just say this you got to stop and meet the need to make a difference and the question is very simple do you want to make a difference in the lives of people if you want to make make a difference in the lives of people you begin to understand
that what is mine is yours and I'm going to give it Albert Einstein said it so well it's an incredible quote said a person who starts to live starts to live when he can live out a person first starts to live when he can live outside of himself in other words until I live outside of myself I don't really live what I would talk to you about is I would talk to you about perspective because your perspective right now uh concerning God uh uh your family your work where you live you this the perspective that
you have right now is your world your your your perspective is your world you see how we view things is how we do things and that's why it's possible for two people to live in the same world and have two totally different viewpoints of that world you see we don't see what is before us we see what our perspective is it it so you run into somebody that has an abundance mindset they see opportunity you see somebody that has a scarcity of mindset they see closed doors now let me it's the same world the the
the world is the same but our perspective I is not the same most of my life 80% of my time I really deal in the business community and and I I deal with people that by and large don't know God and so when I would become friends with them and and speak to their companies Etc and I would have conversations with them people that don't know God I would ask them I say well how what what is your picture of God I mean when you think of God what what do you see and and almost
immediately I began to understand that and this was an incredible breakthrough for me for a moment that that people who don't know God are not anti-god they just have a wrong picture of him and in fact one of the joys of my life for several years now is to help people have a a correct picture of God because the moment that their perspective of God changes their relationship changes and that's true in in everything in your life that that perspective is is just huge if if if if I can change in how I see things
everything around me begins to change I'm I'm I'm one of my least favorite places to go is the dentist I see I have friends here don't I huh I mean okay I mean it's just I mean it's not like wow I get to see the dentist today you know and you know I don't need to tell you everything it's just it's not really I mean the question is will Dennis go to heaven that's the question I suppose they will but they won't be dentist there they won't be dentist there that's for sure but you know
they're they're always you know they you know you got your teeth cleaned and you know and and and you know you get the go you know go do that you know you do all that stuff okay well sometimes I would I wish I could help a person I wish that I wish our heads like had a zipper and you could unzip it you could like take the mind out and you know like spray the sucker off you know what I mean and and and and and kind of get you know get all the cobwebs out
and get all the get all the dust off and get off get get all all that that stuff off because it's you know when I go to the dentist I get dental floss well I I would like to help people with Mental Floss I I would just I would just like to to walk in the life and say look my name is John and I'm your friend and I want to give you a a perspective that's going to be an asset in your life and not a liability so the story we're going to look at
today is the story of the Good Samaritan we know the story well Jesus tells it to an attorney who comes to him one day and basically he asks the question who is my neighbor and so Jesus tells him the story so we're going to pick it up it's on the screen you can follow along in reply to the question Jesus said A man was going from Jerusalem down to Jericho when he was attacked by robbers and they stripped him of his clothes beat him and went away leaving him half dead a priest happened to be
going down the same road and when he saw the man he passed by on the other side and so to a levite when he came to the place and saw him pass by on the other side but a Samaritan as he traveled came where the man was and when he saw him he took pity on him and he went to him and he bandaged his wounds pouring on oil and wine and then he put the man on his own donkey brought him to an in and took care of him and the next day he took
out two Denai and gave them to the inkeeper look after him he said and when I return I will reimburse you for any extra expense that you may have and then Jesus asked the lawyer which is these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers and the expert in law replied the one who had mercy on him and Jesus told him go and do likewise in this story are three different perspectives and I want us to look at them just briefly it's very simple because their
perspectives determined their behavior so let's look at the robbers first and and and basically the robbers perspective was this what is yours is mine and I'm going to take it so they see this guy coming down the road they said hey we're going to rob him that that's a robber's perspective what's yours is mine and I'm I'm going to take it now honestly I don't have to spend too much time on this perspective because I think most of you are saying well well thank God I I'm not that I wouldn't be so quick you got
some robber in you yeah you do I'm not picking on you I got robber in me too we let me explain it this way we were born robber we're born in sin and and if you don't think you have some robber in you think of the behavior of a toddler in fact let me give you property law from a toddler's perspective if I like it it's mine if I can take it away from you it's mine if I had it a while ago it's mine if I say it's mine it's mine if it looks like
mine it's mine if you're having fun with it it's mine if you lay it down it's mine if it's broken it's yours we all got a little robber in us every one of us we born in sin and to be honest with you there are times when I look at those and say you know wow what yours is mine I'm going to take it but let's go to perspective number two because I I I we you know we've matured beyond that hopefully you know so somebody they told me well they're they're immature but they're going
to get older and I said well maturity doesn't always accompany age you know sometimes age comes alone perspective number two this is the perspective of the priest and the levite remember they saw the man crossed on the other side kept going their perspective is what is mine is mine and I'm going to keep it so when they saw this man in terrible trouble they basically said well I you know that I I feel bad for him but that's his problem I mean what's mine is mine and and you know I'm going to keep it I
have a wonderful friend who told me about taking his son to McDonald's to his his 10-year-old son loved McDonald's french fries and I mean I mean think about it who who doesn't love McDonald's french fries so son wanted to go one you know Saturday morning and so Dad you gets him in the car takes him to McDonald's goes up gets a pack of price sits down at the table with him and they're starting to talk and you you know that I mean if you're if if if you're near McDonald's fries it's only a matter of
time you look at them and you smell them and he he did what we would all do he you know soon he's reaching over into that pack to to get some of the fries and his son grabs his hand and pushes it back he said no no dad you can't have these fries these fries are mine and he said I pulled my hand back and then as a father I immediately thought three things number one he doesn't understand where these fries came from I'm the one that drove me McDonald's I'm the one that went to
the counter I'm the one that paid for them the only reason he has fries is because of me he doesn't understand that I'm the source of his fries he said the second thought it came to my mind was he doesn't understand that I can take him away from him with that kind of attitude I can say if if that's the way you're going to be about you don't want to share fries I'm going to take those F I mean I'm the father I could take the fries from him he said in fact I not only
could take the fries from him if I wanted to could go back up to the counter and Order 20 packs of fries and go over there and dump them on him and bury him in McDonald's french fry as soon as he said that I thought wouldn't that be wonderful H how did you die was it Mana from Heaven it was McDonald's fries from Heaven I I smothered in fact two people tried to rescue me and I smacked them off you know I I I I I I just he you know he he doesn't I'm the
source he doesn't understand I gave it to him he doesn't I take it away I can bury him man and he said the third thing is he he doesn't understand and this was huge he doesn't understand I don't need his fries I can go back up to the counter and I can get my own pack and I could sit at the table I can have mine he has his and I eat my fries and he he said what he doesn't understand is as a father I I don't need his fries but I would sure love
for him to share them with me of course you would a father son moment what I've discovered is that selfishness and significance are too incompatible words let me explain selfishness is all about me it's it's it's all about my stuff significance is all about others now I know a lot of su very successful people that their perspective is what's mine is mine I I know a lot of them I know a lot of wealthy successful people and I know a lot of them that are very unhappy a lot of unhappy successful people because what's mine
is mine but when you go to significance when we begin to see others I've never I've never met an unhappy person that spent his or her life living insignificance I I never have and I know what you're thinking you're thinking well I'm not selfish you didn't think you were a robber either you're 0 for two I had a lady really one time coming to me and she said well I I just I just want you know I'm not a selfish person and I smiled and I thought to myself no I I don't I think you
think that you're a delusional person and wait no no wait wait if you don't if hold on hold on my name's Shan I'm your friend if you don't think you're selfish when somebody takes a picture of you in your group when you see the picture let me ask you a question you know where I'm going with this don't you how many are guilty the first person you look look for is yourself and you're not selfish you're look at yourself and if it's a good picture you say oh my gosh great picture said that to me
oh oh my gosh oh super picture wonderful wonderful oh that's such a great picture and hey and if you don't look good you say oh my gosh take another one take another one take another one take come on let's go get it get the whole group around you judge the whole picture but how you looked there were 15 of you in the picture and you're not selfish so the Rober says what's yours is mine I'm going to take it and the priest and Levi their perspective is what's mine is mine and I'm going to keep
it let's go to perspective number three this is the perspective of the Samaritan and they call him good for a reason it was his perspective he had a good perspective so he was a good Samaritan his perspective is what is mine is yours and I'm going to give it now this is beautiful in fact in our life we basically say this would be the the top tier it's really not but this would be the top tier of perspective on possessions I'm going to give you a Higher One in a moment but this is a very
good perspective he was a good Samaritan what is mind is yours and and I I'm going to give it now let's make sure that we have the similarities of the three people the robbers priest and levite Good Samaritan they all experienced the same thing the priest and the levite they saw the man Jesus is very clear they saw the man walked on the other side the Good Samaritan saw the man there it's the same road it's the same time it's the same place but the perspective is entirely different that's why your perspective is so essential
to the success of your life it's it's not what happens to me it's what happens in me that truly matters wow i' I've spent this week I had some fun I was in Nashville and uh we we've decided to take some of my books and put them to music we're writing songs right now and it was so much fun because I was I was with the top five songwriters in Nashville they have like a hundred number one hits between them with all of them and I was in the studio of course I'm not a songwriter
I'm a writer of Books but they were taking my books and I was explaining what the books all were about and we were writing songs and they let me in and we had so much fun and and we wrote four songs four songs and we're going to do four more we're going to have an album we're going to release it it's going to be so and different artists are going to sing it and it was just a it was just a now I'm I'm like I'm the least of the least they're the song writers I
just write books and so I'm I'm learning and I'm asking questions and I'm having fun and and and it was it was just and and one of one of the songs that we wrote is going to be called get over yourself I just love it because I tell people all the time I tell people say oh my gosh get over yourself in fact I tell people you ought to laugh at yourself more everyone else is get get over yourself and so the chorus which is just so much fun I can't sing it to you but
the chorus it goes like this you got to find yourself to know yourself you got to know yourself to be yourself you got to be yourself to improve yourself you got to prove yourself to get over yourself so you can give yourself you can't give yourself until you get over yourself thank you thank you does that mean you'll buy the album when it comes out of course of course it's it's it's it's I wish I just wish I could tell you all the wonderful experiences now here here's the point the Good Samaritan said no what
is mine is yours and and I I'm going to give it there's one more perspective that's higher than those three this is kind of unusual because we would say wow that's huge but there's a perspective higher than that let me give it to you this is a Biblical spe perspective I'm going to teach it now for the next few minutes it's even higher than the F than the first three and here it is what is mine is not mine and I'm going to manage it in other words the highest perspective is to know that your
stuff is not your stuff it isn't it's God's it's all God's Psalm 24:1 the Earth is the Lord and everything in it the world and all who live in it it's it's all his James 17 every good and every perfect gift where is it it's from above and comes down from the Father of Lights in other words everything that you've got it's not yours everything I have it's not mine it's not my stuff it's he serious thank you thank you I saw you clap first lady it was so wonderful thank you the rest of them
had no clue and you just led the way and then they you know if few them follow kind of begrudgingly cuz you know we kind of like to think it's our stuff we really do and [Music] God loves her cheerful Giver by the way I I talking to the family in the green room and we're going to go lunch afterwards I told him I would buy and then I looked in my wallet gosh I don't have enough money and I just thought well man you know where could I get money well would anybody want to
you know like bring me $100 and I can help you know help with the the deal so oh oh my gosh wait wait wait wait wait don't wait wait wait hi my name's johnra nice to meet you nice to meet you I need friends like you this is so thank you for the $100 man that wow I'll buy oh on okay where was I maybe I should ask again now let me just stop here because I know you're you're thinking what just happened he's doing this teaching and all of a sudden he wants a hundred
bucks and she steps out and gives him a $100 what happened what why did she do that why did she why did she why did she do that like immediately and and then you're probably asking yourself why didn't I do it I'm asking that question myself no no no let me let me explain to you something about the $100 when I ask somebody to bring me $100 the reason she stepped out so quickly and brought it to me it's it's not her $100 before the service I gave it to her I said this is my
money and during the sermon if you don't mind if I asked for it would you just bring it back to me and she said of course why did she do it so quickly she did it so quickly why did she do it so readily she did it so readily because it wasn't her money and when you when you have a hard time giving and being generous with God you got a problem you got a perspective problem you thinking it's your money it's not yours it's all his if you took a package down to get it
delivered the FedEx or whatever and you gave it to the person and so you called the the friend you were sending it to the next day and she said well no no I didn't get the the Box you'd look at it and say what you didn't get the box I just what happened and so you go down to the delivery guy and you say you remember me oh yeah you brought in a box yesterday yes I did then he looks at he says I want to thank you for that box my gosh I just you're
very generous generous it wasn't for you you're just the delivery boy same something I'm just God's delivery boy God gives me blessings and God only gives to me what he knows will flow through me it's not mine it's his and the moment that we understand that that we just we continually just give it and pass it on you see I've got a shovel and God's got a shovel and God shovels blessings on me and I take my shovel and I pass them on to you and and I can't keep up with his blessings because his
shovel is bigger than mine but it's not my stuff if it's if if you think it's your stuff when you die tell me how much you get to take with you you and I are stewards and managers for a very short time of our possessions and the moment that we have this perspective all of a sudden we begin to have joy and giving we begin to we begin to be our Brother's Keeper all of a sudden Everything Changes now what made the change it was our perspective all of a sudden we realize what's mine isn't
mine I'm just a steward of it I'm just a manager of it you're beautiful people it's a simple message and you got it I can tell you got it so let's pray father what beautiful people these are they they have learned that there are four perspectives about possessions and help me help us to get to love level four help us to understand that it's all yours it's not ours what's mine isn't mine I just manage it I just Steward it help all of us to be your delivery girl your delivery boy help us all to
understand that that you entrust to us what is yours to Steward it and manage it well and may we do it well in your name I pray everybody said God bless you very much thank you and I want to I will talk to you about change your world the book that just came out but but understand I'm an author but I'm also a leader and so I'm going to give you an example of that when when I write books I you know of course people pick up and they read my books but but I write
books from a leadership perspective and I'm going to show you exactly what I mean here so I we're we're going to go two two tracks for for the next uh 35 40 minutes we're going to go on a a a book track of of I'll share with you kind of what change of world is all about but we're also going to go on a leader track and I'm going to I'm going to talk to you about how when you write or when you speak you always connect from a leadership perspective and let me give you
an example of that okay change your world the title is very empowering oh my gosh change I I I get to change my world so when I write the write the book as a leader I I ask myself okay how do I equip people and how do I Empower people and I came to the conclusion that there are nine things that have to happen to equip and Empower people uh in your business okay this this works for you wherever you are whatever you're doing if you're equipping and empowering people the nine things I'm going to
share with you will help you equip and Empower you now because I'm a leader when I write this book I'm a author leader or leader author my nine chapters are the nine things that you need to equip people so what I almost always have is a leadership story inside of my book and I I never I in fact I'm trying to think Sarah I okay I was with a small group of major leaders recently and I sat down with them and I shared a little bit of what I'm going to share not as extensive I'm
going to share with you now I I've never shared this so this isn't like a sugar stick but I'm going to give you an overie of the book it'll be a little choppy because I'm just wanting to get like highlights but but what what I want you to catch is the fact that the nine chapters of the book are the nine things you need to do to equip and Empower people so so let's get going you know so the best way I would if I was taking notes where are you I would I would kind
of start this off to change our world we must have dot dot dot okay that's kind of like the heading to change our world we must dot do have okay what what do you have to have number one to change your world to change my world we have to have a passion that stirs us um and I I I I begin with passion because uh passion is the uh is the great motivator when people are passionate about something you don't need to motivate I let's put it this way you never have to motivate a passionate
person you if somebody's passionate about the business you don't have to wake him up and say could you you know get out of bed and kind of you know do your thing now passion energizes people so in equipment empowering if we're going to change our world we really have to have a passion that stir us so my first chapter is entitled we can't wait for change now you see that's a that's a passion phrase we can't wait for change in chapter one I quote Augustine of Hippo and and I use this quote because it's so
powerful hope has two beautiful daughters their names are anger and en courage anger at the way things are courage to see that they do not remain as they are and what I'm doing in this first chapter is I'm I'm making sure that the reader has a passion and energy for what I'm about to share in fact I I'm I'm I'm really upfront here and I say change your world was written for you if you want to change your world and and and if you want to have your own life changed and I really talk about
the fact that this is going to be a this is for this is for a certain kind of person this is this is not for the person who says I want you to motivate me to change my world this is for the person who says I'm already motivated I just need somebody to now to give me direction and so chapter one is is all about uh H how how do I have hope how do I have hope for myself how do I have hope for others because again when you have hope there's a there's a
passion that you have I I've never okay I've never known anybody that had hope that lacked um energy and passion it it they go together just like a loss of hope uh has the opposite negative effects so I talk in chapter one about the difference between optimism and hope and I think this is huge because I think again in your business there's an awful lot of optimism and there's not near as much hope for example optimism is kind of like a belief that things can be done that things can be accomplished I a belief that
well things can get better I can I can reach my G it it's a belief but hope is a faith and and and and and and belief says things can get better where faith says I can make things better there there is an action that Faith requires that belief doesn't require optim let me put it this away optimism is a passive virtue and and and hope is is an active virtue uh optimism really takes no courage takes no commitment hope takes a lot of courage and it takes a lot of commitment and so chapter one
I I really kind of you know what I try to do in chapter one I try to separate the players from The Pretenders and and I do that often in fact maybe this is a little leadership teaching point just for a moment uh Sarah when I cast Vision you know I hear I hear all the time people say well you know Vision unites people and I I want to say I want to say to them that that's not necessarily true Vision also separates people and I don't cast Vision to unite people I honestly cash I
cast Vision to separate them um I I've got to figure out who the players are from The Pretenders and here's why if I'm going to lead people I got to lead people people that want to be led and that want to go and and and nothing is more tiring and timec consuming than trying to lead people who don't want to really want to go and so the quickest thing I can do as a leader is to separate the players from The Pretenders and say okay I'm going to work with the players and that's why that's
why as you know Sarah I teach all the time that I unconditionally love all of you as my team but you have to earn my time and you will not earn my time by being on my team just because you're on my team doesn't mean you earn my time you you have to be on my team but you have to earn my time through production and and and and I I've got to I've got to see you want it worse than I want you you got to bet on yourself before I bet on you uh
you know not you know when people says well I need a sponsor or you you don't need a sponsor sponsor yourself you know you you why why why should I why should I give you my time or my money or whatever if if you haven't proven that you're deserving of it so chapter one is is the the to empower people you just you really got to make sure that they really want to be empowered that they want to be passionate so that's chapter one okay go to chapter two to change our world we must have
secondly a transformation that changes us uh in other words chapter 2 is entitled become a catalyst for Change and and how do I become a catalyst for change I become a catalyst for change by the fact that I have been changed don't miss this you cannot give what you do not have and there's nothing worse than people trying to sell things that hasn't change their life uh in fact I was just speaking Friday in Orlando to uh uh we have seven companies okay in the John Maxwell Enterprise and so I was talking to the salespeople
of all of our companies and and I shared with them that that I um that I've never sold anything in my life I I I I don't do sales um I I I have just all my life added value to people uh and and so I I I I never come into your life saying I want to sell you something I really come into your life and say I would like to add value to you now let me explain something to you you can't add value to others if it hasn't added value to you and
so the you you there are a lot of people that are Vision casters but but but but they're not Vision carriers and and and you've got to live this to have the authenticity to sell it I want to talk about changing your world but I want to talk about it from a family perspective again um so many times I think that we become overwhelmed by the bigness of the world and we miss our our first priority and that is our home our family and how are we uh preparing ourselves and how are we equipping ourselves
educating ourselves to really uh to do what we need to do and to be who we need to be so that those around us can see that influence and we can truly be Salt and Light in their life I have a um book coming out the last part of January 2021 and it's entitled change your world and this book is is all about uh what do you and I do on whatever level of influence we have to make a positive difference and I would like to in this teaching talk about family and and how you
can how you can make a difference right in your own home that has incredible Legacy uh possibilities and incredible life change possibilities for the people that you love the most so let me begin uh this teaching by by giving you a definition of success that in the middle 1980s long time ago okay that I came up with this definition of success because I was watching a lot of people that seemed to have outward success but they were you know going down in flames and it just really wasn't working and so I came up with this
definition which will kind of be core to the teaching and and it's a definition of what success is and here's what I say success is those who know you the best love and respect you the most you see to be honest with you those who know me the best don't love and respect me the most and somebody who hardly knows me at all you maybe they read my book somewhere Etc they think oh my he's amazing but my family doesn't think I'm amazing there's there's got to be a Miss somewhere there don't you think and
so when we're talking about change your world I want to talk about how we do this as as parents and I want to talk to you about intentional parenting now when we have children we're parents but that doesn't mean that we're great parents and if we're going to be really great parents uh it has to be more than just good intentions it has to be good actions and if it's going to be good actions it has to be foundational of of Good Intentions and and and having an intentional life so I'm going to share with
you today uh what I think intentional parenting is all about okay and let's just kind of see if this adds value to you I hope so the first thing I want to say about intentional parenting is this if you want to be successful and really succeed in this area I think you have to ask yourself a question and that is what are the essential wins that you want for your children I think that has to be uh you know intentional living assumes that there's some intentional thinking and and and that intentional thinking has to even
be before those intentional actions and uh uh I think lesle I think you call this the the uh the family five and when you were sharing with me about the family five it resonated so so what's interesting is without that conversation I'm going to share with you what I'm talking about many many years ago now Margaret and I when we began to have children what we basically said was what our our family five were going to be and and again this is totally uh separate from you and yet It just fits into what you have
thought of as a as a leader and as an educator p and these are our values you know what are the because as one of the things as a parent understands very quickly is you don't want to get in a battle with your children on every issue I mean I mean how many how many disagreements do you want to have how many longtable conversations you want to have AR you're going to get worn out you're going to wear your kids out quit making everything a life or death issue quit you know quit saying this is
the you know if you're going to if you're have to fight for something you know really figure out what's worth fighting for and one of the things I'm a grandparent now we have five grandchildren and one of the things that's different between parenting and grandparenting is and the reason I think grandparents are so beloved by grandchildren is because by the time you're a grandparent you realize that a whole bunch of stuff you did as a parent didn't really matter and I'm not trying to diminish parenting I'm just saying a whole bunch of stuff that I
thought was important when my kids were young I found out later on that they weren't that important so what hill are you going to die on what what what battle are you going to say this is something I'm worth that's worth fighting for what what what is your family five and and again we're talking about many many years ago I mean we're talking about 40 plus years ago uh honestly um we just looked at things that we valued five values that we wanted to have and I'm going to give you mine not because those are
the five you should have but I sometimes I teach as for an example okay and and and so uh our our five our family five now you have to understand I'm a person of faith not trying to put that on you at all but because of that our family five the values that we held that we said these are the ones we want our kids to really Embrace and live out was Faith attitude responsibility relationships and generosity we just felt that if our children would be people of faith if they would have a an attitude
that would allow them to um handle adversity in their life that they would never be victims but they would take responsibility for who they are and what they did and that they would understand that the most fulfilling life is one that has good relationships in it and that they would give back give back that that they're not to be a consumer in life they're to be a Giver of Life so those were our our family five lesle that we had okay and um so I think the first thing you do as a parent is you
just say okay what are the essentials and start there now once you determine what those five Essentials are what those wins are then what you need to do is you need to maximize those wins it's not something you just talk about but but there's a way to take those values and get a high return for your children and for your family and and I'm going to give those I'm going to give these these M way to ways to maximize these wins right now first of all is is example okay um example isn't everything but it
almost is uh people do what people see children do what children see and so I I think when you basically say okay this is one of my family five I think the first question you ask is not is this what I want for a children I think the first question you ask is this what I do because if I do this if I live this if I am this then my teaching of those values is going to be so much easier because it's going to be backed up by a life that is lived in front
of them remember Stanford research says that 89% of everything we learn we learn visually 10% through the ears 1% through the other senses in other words 89% of everything I learned I saw it first and where do you see it you see it in the family I mean this is who you are with not 24/7 but for a long time periods of time and so I think we just have to ask ourselves if I'm going to get a win out of these family five these values that I have am am I an example I mean
do they not only hear me talking about it but do they see me living it remember leadership is highly visual what I mean by that is is the fact that nobody ever followed an unseen unknown leader they see that leader and that you know the maybe maybe the maybe the most I don't know most powerful leadership words a parent or a leader can give anybody is are the words follow me just just follow me you know do as I do just hang with me watch me um my father this year passed away on July the
4th okay he was 98 years of old he's was an incredible incredible dad a terrific leader and uh so on those last couple days before it passed away uh knowing knowing his time was very short uh one day I walked into uh his room where where he was very peaceful um he couldn't respond to me at all uh but he could hear me I sat there for I don't know maybe two and a half three hours max and I just began to share with him lessons that he had taught me and I had my iPhone
there and I I began to go through these lessons that my my father had taught me and I think what made him incredible it was a very tender time for it was just the two of us was a very tender time because I was beginning and was able to express back to him over all of his years 98 plus years he was almost 99 uh what he had taught me what what had been the SE that had been planted within me and what was so powerful about this is that um that he not only said
this to me he showed this to me and I think words are quickly forgotten but not actions and uh the way I look at it is words may come out first but actions kind of underline those words they highlight those words they italicize those words words they call attention to those words and so as I shared with them there were 29 lessons in fact they after that if you uh I think if you go to I don't know John you could I did a tribute to my dad after he passed away and I think
there were three uh different teachings on the lessons that he taught me uh oh my gosh it was you know I it was I think listened to by over 3 million people and uh but anyway these were lessons taught me but but what was so precious was as I was saying Dad this is what you taught me then I would say Dad this is what you showed me and I would sit in the chair right beside him and this is what you taught me but then when I said Dad this is what you showed me
I I'd get up out of that chair and I'd go over and I would kiss him on the cheek I'd hold his head and i' kiss him on the cheek you showed this it's it's kind of like I took notes on what you taught me but I I have to kiss you I have to hold your head because of what you showed me you underlined those lessons with your life so to maximize your family five example is that maximizes those values and that win secondly is exposure you want you want to give your children exposure
and uh allow them to uh have a World open up to them my father again understood this and in the seventh grade I'm the middle child older brother younger sister when we entered the seventh grade we were paid an allowance from the seventh grade through High School uh for reading books and my father picked out the books and what however much the book cost that's what he would pay us to read it now all of my friends they didn't get paid read book books like you know my friends got paid to do chores in fact
I went to my dad and said dad you know my friends get paid to do chores I think that's a good idea what do you think he said that's a terrible idea it's a terrible idea he said you do chores because you're part of a family I I don't pay you to be part of the family in fact he' laugh he said if if we're in the payment system and being part of the family then let me just explain to you by the time you were born you already owed your mother for nine months of
room and board you know so so you know and then he'd say you know shut up and take out the garbage take out the garbage you know and he said and then he'd say why would I pay you to take out the garbage unless I want you to grow up and be a garbage man I want to put my money where my values are and my values are reading good books that have good teachings and principles and he picked the books out for us and we were required every day to read 30 minutes and our
dinner conversations were about the books we were reading and and what were we learning and and it was it was life-changing if you would talk to my brother sister myself you would uh and you said what what what what what was the most important what was the most important thing that happened to you as your in your childhood all three of us would say uh the book reading program and and by the way I i' I've done that for my children I've done that for my grandchildren and and uh it's just it's just kind of
lifechanging you know for my grandchildren when they're reading something I've recommended to to them we we have a we have a little section with the grandchildren we'll we maybe try to get on what they call the papa list they call me Papa and what they'll do is they'll take a quote out of one of the books that that I've asked them to read and they'll say I think this is a good quote what do you think and if I say yes it it made the papa list now this is just very simple it's very simple
there there's nothing you're ever going to do better for your children than to uh do what my father did for me what I Tred to do for my children want to try to do for my grandchildren that is the the these books exposed us I'm telling you in the seventh grade I read here How to Win Friends and Influence People I read that book every year through High School took two Del cor Carnegie courses by the time I graduate waited from high school and I'm here to tell you change my life the magic power of
thinking big thank and Grow Rich as a man thinketh I mean I can go through these incredible Classics and they just changed my life I was on a plane on a flight going from the states to S Paulo to speak at a conference and I was reading a a Success Magazine on the plane and in it they had this incredible article on the 25 books that that you should read to be successful and I thought this is interesting so I started and it would have the book and then maybe have three paragraphs describing the book
and then the next book and there were 25 of them in this article and and as I'm reading them I think well I've read that one yeah I read that when I was in school my that was on my dad's reading program and when I finished 19 of the 25 books to be successful I had read by the time I graduated from high school 19 or the 25 and by the way the only reason I hadn't read the other six none of them on that list had been written yet in fact I'll have to I'll
have to tell you there was a little pride popping on the plane when one of the 25 was one of my books and I thought oh my goodness yeah yeah so I I suppose I've read that one too if I wrote it but here's the point the the point is exposure is essential to take those values and just expand and open up the world and not only books but my father was very um committed to giving me exposure to people uh um Norman Vincent pill was a long-distance mentor of my father's and when I was
in the seventh grade I believe I was Junior High he took me to Veterans moral Auditorium in Columbus Ohio to hear Norman Vincent Peele and get to meet him and uh when I was a junior in high school we he he he again he he took me and and and and and exposed me to uh uh just this great great missionary Statesman in India for so many years and I've just had a senior moment is is is his the Name Escapes me but I I'll get it back in a moment I'm 73 so give me
a give me a little slack here but but just incredible again lifechanging exposure to you know bigger people when you're exposed to them just make you feel bigger better people make you feel better by the way smaller people when you're exposed to them make you feel smaller and and and my father just understood put me in the right place uh get put the book right put the right book in my hand it's it's it's lifechanging and so example exposure another one is experiences um if you want to maximize those values make sure that you um
give them experiences that really U Express and teach those values uh I I did that constantly and by the way with our children uh whenever we would have one of these experiences which we had them weekly uh I would I would always ask them two questions because by the way experience is not the best teacher we hear that all the time it's not true it it's not true at all if experience were the best teacher that as people Everyone that got older would get better because you you have as you get older you have more
experiences I know a whole bunch of people trust me they're getting older but they're not getting better they are not getting better just trust me on that you know too I lesle you know I see you over there laughing you're just you got it down lady you understand this you know so it's not experience that's the best teacher at all it's the evaluation of that experience it's it's after you've had it pulling back and I would ask my I would ask my children two questions out of every experience what did you what did you love
and what did you learn and because they were children I'd always ask them what they loved first because you know kids are kids and Oh Daddy this is what I really loved okay okay now now let's talk what what what did you learn out of that experience I taught them how to be reflective I taught them how to evaluate all those experiences and for years Margaret and I for Christmas have always given our children and grandchildren a trip every year that's our be we again you know if you buy them stuff they they break it
and lose it but if you but if you create memories it stays with them for life and and so every year we you know Christmas time you know where are we going this year here's our trip this year that we're going to we're going to do we're going to do as a family why we're trying to give them experiences I'm proud to introduce my friend Tim Elmore who will be delivering today's word I work side by side with Tim more than two decades and I can promise you that he is someone you want to learn
from Tim went on to found growing leaders and today we are excited to have him as a maxwood leader ship thought leader he has spoken to more than half a million leaders in business and schools around the world and has written 37 books so he's ready to give you his wisdom today thanks John the word I'd like to talk to you about today is the word perspective we all know that every human being we interact with every day at work or at home brings a different perspective to the table don't they did you know there
are five different generations of people working together in a workplace today meeting because people are living and working longer and young professionals are still coming into the team five generations are working together Each of which has a different perspective so the builders are way past retirement age but many of them are still working because they're healthy and they love work the Baby Boomers I'm one of them are old enough to retire but we are staying around and working then the Gen xers who are in midlife right now are in the heartbeat of the of the
workforce the Millennials those young professional now make up the majority of the workforce and now there's Generation Z the New Kids on the Block who are graduating school and entering the workplace just know they all bring different preferences they all bring different expectations and most of all they bring different perspectives to the team this can be bad news for you or good news based on how you respond to them so I have an acronym for you this is a leg we have to stand on okay it's an acronym A L EEG the letter A reminds
me as I approach somebody from a generation I need to ask questions first I don't need to download information I need to ask some questions the letter L I need to listen well I'm going to learn something if I listen after I've asked that question and when I listen they feel heard the letter e I need to empathize you see when I empathize they feel understood not just heard and then the letter G guide if I do those first three steps I've earned the right to guide them in this conversation and lead them well so
remember perspectives are a given you're going to get a bunch of different different kinds of perspectives whether you leverage them to the advantage of the organization is up to you but just know they're coming it's all about perspective but the Apostle Paul said something that really was the callous for me giv in the title of my first book I ever wrote think on these things here's what he said summing it all up friends I I'll say that you'll be best if you fill your minds and meditate on things that are are true Noble reputable authentic
compelling gracious in other words he said you're you're really going to be your best if you meditate on good stuff and then he begins to contrast good stuff with bad stuff he said the best think on those things not the worst the beautiful not the ugly things to praise not things to curse now the Apostle Paul says we have a choice and in a crisis I can either think about all the things to curse and there's a whole bunch of cursing going on and a lot of things to curse or I can look at that
and I say no no no there there's something there's some praise in here there's something I can I can be thankful for now Paul why is he why is he asking us to focus on these things why is he doing this because he knows that a positive perspective in every situation upgrades that situation Paul is not saying deny reality in that verse what did he say he said there are some wrong things bad things things that you could curse he's not denying that they're there he's they're right in front of you he's not acting as
if they're not possible they are possible they're reality but he's saying what we get to choose is what we think on wow I love that so I'm going to give you a challenge in fact this morning remember I said I've been thinking quite a bit from yesterday this morning I I put this in my notes I'm going to challenge you this is one of the most important parts of of my teaching I'm going to challenge you to be one of the few that take a bad experience and turn it into a better experience now now
how are we going to do that so write down that challenge okay uh you know John challenges me to take a bad experience and turn it into a better experience okay you got that now now I'm going to tell I'm going to get real practical with you here for the next three minutes how do I do that how do you do that how do we take something bad and make it better we have to be intentional what I'm going to give you can't be accidental it has to be intentional I have to be intentional in
six things right now I have to be intentional first of all in my personal time I I have a more personal time than I've ever had before because I've had a whole bunch of stuff canceled in my life so what am I going to do in the time that I have and I hope the answer is not watch TV I I don't mean that's un kind a TV's fine but I hope we're going to upgrade ourselves just a little bit for for example for me on my desk if you went into my home right now
on my desk on the left side right here on my desk are six books six books that I have purposely intentionally picked out and said okay in this downtime I'm going to read these books now I I haven't been able to get to them until now but I can and so I'm going to read those books I'm also going to make it a time of exercise I'm going to make it a time of of trying to to get a little bit better and healthy and eat a little bit better in that whole process okay well
that's just that's personal but what the question is is what are you going to do with your personal time you've got to be intentional I challenge you to be intentional in your personal time to do something that'll make you better number two your family time what are you going to do in your family time I mean you're having more family time than ever before Margaret and I have kind of developed a list of movies that we kind of want to see at home perhaps together and and and you know we're going to take more walks
than we've taken before in other words what what are you going to what are you going to do with your family that that's just going to be uh positive maybe hey maybe with your family you would want to sit down and share what I'm teaching wow wouldn't that be good sit and gather them around and say look this is this is how we need to be thinking here's how we need to be acting during a crisis time how okay how about catch-up time the how about your catch-up time that that's the third area and I
mean I'm not talking about ketchup that you put on on with fries I'm talking about C A you know I I got I can catch up on some things that that I that I would ever gotten to and you know things like I mean mundane things like I I commitment I've made is to clean my closet out that closets need to be cleaned out for three years every time I go into it it just looks at me says clean me out clean me out and I've ignored it but I got a little time I'm I'm
going to do that but I'm also I'm going to have some time now to really give to a new book that I'm writing on that that I'm very excited this is going to come out soon and so I I now I can really focus on that book okay how about oh here's a good one for you number four be intentional in your adding value time okay in a crisis people need encouragement and added value more than any other time so why don't you every day write down one name of a person that you need to
encourage a call that you need to make that you know just a touch that say I'm going to I'm going to add value to these people today get intentional you you'll be surprised not only how it'll help the people but how it'll help you number five there okay I'm a person of Faith you don't have to listen to this but I have what I call my faith time what am I going to do as a person of Faith well one of the things I'm going to do is I'm going to I'm going to develop my
trust muscle I'm going to really work on that and a trust muscle basically means I'm going to have to trust God to give me uh strength and peace when I don't have all the answers and and uh by the way if you're not a person of Faith you go ahead and do that you'll find out he'll help you too he's no respector persons he loves you every bit as much as he loves me but I'm going to work on my trust muscles I'm going I'm going to work on my gratitude now because gratitude is most
hard to express during difficult times and and I'm going to and I'm going to work on my prayer life in fact I I spent I spent time in prayer for you today okay just just asking God to give you strength during this time and then okay the this the sixth thing I want you to work on is your thinking time your thinking time and I want you to put yourself through a positive grit this morning I wrote three questions I want you to consider every day as you think question number one how will this crisis
make me better it's a great question give yourself 10 minutes 15 minutes every day and say okay I'm going to write these questions down I'm I'm going to think upon this how will this crisis make me better there are answers if you think about it you'll find them number two how will I use this crisis to help other people wow that's huge and by the way that you're going to get an abundance of answers in that because everybody needs help in a crisis and number three what action will I take oh my this is great
what action will I take that will improve my situation what what action am I going to take that'll just I what can I do that'll just make me better [Music] welcome to the Maxwell leadership executive podcast where our goal is to help you increase your reputation as a leader increase your ability to influence others and increase your ability to fully engage your team to deliver remarkable results
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