Michael Singer - Learning to Work on Your State of Mind

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Seats of Contemplation
We love Michael Singer’s work. As long as he and YouTube allow us to post these videos, we will. We...
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g g Masters not so long ago decades ago people were not as conscious about their food about their diet about the care for their body I mean they took care of diseases and things but they didn't understand at all not even close how much of an influence your diet and smoking and things like that had on your health to look back it looks barbaric to see how people did not take care of their bodies now it's common there's organic food there's vegan there's all sorts of stuff but even going shy of that the whole diet
is the whole American diet has changed people understand that your food is very important and there's been a real move very big move on stopping smoking because we know how unhealthy it is do you know that you will reach a point in your life in your spiritual growth will you realize what you do with your mind the food you eat of your thoughts is Thousands thousands of times more important to your health and to your state of well-being than what your diet is if you could get your thoughts together and we'll talk about that you
could eat Twinkies and pasta and coax and you'd be fine you'd have a much happier life than if you sit there and struggle with your diet the way we do but did not deal with your thoughts people don't know that just like they didn't know how influential the diet was now what does this mean you can't know how influen your thoughts are on the quality of your life until you realize you are not your thoughts this is why I try to be labor this as much as POS possible if you're sitting here and your thoughts
are saying yeah it's true I had some trouble with my diet but I'm really not focus on those are the thoughts I'm talking about I'm not talking about something every once in a while that pops up I'm talking about the constant dialogue that is created by your mind that is what I mean by thoughts not bad thoughts not good thoughts just thoughts the mind creates thoughts that's what it does it is a thought generating machine if you put it on a table and step back from it you would see thoughts coming out that's what it
falls down to it just creates thoughts it's always thinking something isn't it what do I want what I don't want what I do wrong what I do right why does this to be like this it's not fair yeah but I do about I can't do anything I can't do anything about anything just all of that is what I mean by thoughts but nobody will listen to me somehow it just goes on constantly L it's just like a doctor saying my God you're getting cancer you're smoke what's the matter with you we have 100% correlation between
smoking and lung cancer and nobody's listening nobody's listening nothing same thing with your diet so especially Health Care Professionals that are taking care of people's bodies should understand how far off we were in understanding how important the diet is I am telling you you must come to the point of understanding that your mind is creating thoughts you're not creating the thoughts your mind is creating the thoughts it's exactly the same as I put the mind over there on the table I'm telling you it would create thoughts and you'd hear them talking but because I got
it at a distance from you you would see that you're not it well who are you I'm the one who's noticing that my mind creates thoughts are you in there do you notice your mind creates thoughts you notice there's thoughts in there all the time yes or no are you creating them you know how I know you're not creating them stop them not a chance in the world okay if if you meditate for 12 years and you take you know great teachings from the great llamas and swamis and all stuff maybe for a little while
10 minutes you can stop your thoughts but it ain't going to be that way when you're at work and not going to be the way you're driving your car it's not going to be that way all the time your mind is creating these thoughts you are the Consciousness the awareness the being who is noticing that all these thoughts are being created in there that is the first step like if you're eating unconsciously I can't talk to you about your diet you don't even know you're eating I Lally I don't eat much I just have one
meal a day all day it's a standard joke all right but you you you just you're not even paying attention so you don't stand a chance to get it together because you're not even there how about do I say that there are people like that aren't there they're not even conscious enough to say that they're there noticing that eating is constantly taking place or they're not there I don't smoke much I don't smoke much you smoke three packs a day oh I don't smoke much they're not paying attention that is how we are about our
thoughts all of us the mind is standing over there it is constantly creating a barrage of thoughts you are the Consciousness you are aware of it while you are not aware of it you don't see it you don't notice how much it's happening and then you don't notice what effect it has on you so now let's talk about what effect it has on you what what difference does it make their private thoughts it's not in your big business make have thoughts so what how's it hurt anybody it hurts you and it hurts Everybody Hurts your
family hurts you hurts your job your thoughts are more important than your diet your thoughts are way more important your thoughts are more important than who you marry your thoughts are more important than what your career ends up to be in terms of having an impact on your life your thoughts that are going on inside your head are the most important thing in your life now there are more important things but not while you're not dealing with your thoughts all right as long as those thoughts are just being created by themselves and you're letting them
just spew and you're not paying attention and you'll see that they run your life there's nothing more important into their thoughts nothing nothing you're going to see how powerful this is in most cases every single thing you're doing is because of your thoughts if you get married it's because of your thoughts if you get divorced because of your thoughts if you decide to have children because your thoughts you decide to change careers because your thoughts if you move from Florida to New York C your thoughts your thoughts just started thinking like that and the next
thing you know bye-bye bye-bye nice knowing you why you leaving I don't know why you getting divorc it just I don't know I'm just not happy anymore all right so let's talk about it so what happens first do you admit and notice that you have thoughts do you admit and notice that you are constantly having thoughts that there are no moments which you're not having thoughts there are different types of thoughts but you're having thoughts then do you admit that you're not creating your thoughts you don't decide what thoughts to have do you let's say
I meet somebody never met him before do you say gee when I meet him I'm going to decide to like him you don't your thought just says God I like him or I don't like him doesn't it and then guess what that means it means you like them or you don't like them that's the funniest thing i' ever heard of it's just a thought that's created by the Mind eventually you will catch on it has nothing to do with you nothing you are the Consciousness that is aware that the thought got created what right do
you have to listen to that thought you don't even know where it came from you didn't create it it just all of a sudden said nah I don't want to go I don't want to go and then your mouth said no I don't want to go it's so funny it's like I you to call putting your mouth in gear the mind's always moving but the mouth's not always but sometimes it is all right I told not to do that I don't am I going it's so funny it makes me laugh so the mind creates thoughts
you are in here noticing this if you not noticing it then you're sucked into it and what is going to end up happening is you're going to find the following just like there are different vibrations of things in the world there's weather that's Pleasant there's sights that are Pleasant there's music that's Pleasant there are thoughts that are Pleasant and there are thoughts that are not pleasant have you noticed that what happens when you have not pleasant thoughts you don't feel good you're not a happy camper are you if your mind just starts saying oh my
God I love him but I got hurt so bad last time I don't want to do this again I can't do this again I know but it's even caused me trouble right now because I like him and yet I want get hurt again here I am tensioned again oh my God I can't handle this how you feeling those are thoughts they're not you they're thoughts thoughts are things they are just being created by your mind how do you feel what that type of thought is going on you feel terrible you feel lost you feel in
trouble don't you and sometimes your thoughts could say God this is the best thing my life it's beautiful not a thing can go wrong everything's just going my way it's a beautiful how you feel all right please pay attention when you have nice thoughts you feel good when you have negative thoughts you feel bad we're getting some ground rules here so you're not creating your thoughts your mind is creating your thoughts you are experiencing your thoughts thoughts can be negative thoughts can be positive the next thing you notice is that your emotions are in conspiracy
with your thoughts they go absolutely hand in hand the moment your mind starts saying I don't like this your heart starts getting upset doesn't it it starts feeling weird who has noticed that their emotions line up with their thoughts and if your mind always says oh I like her oh my God it's exactly the kind of person I could like what happens to your heart pay attention your thoughts are running your life so because there can be thoughts that are not pleasant and then they make you feel not pleasant and they they create unpleasant emotions
and because there can be thoughts that are Pleasant and they make you feel Pleasant and they make you feel uplifting Pleasant emotions what happens you're not stupid even though if I never have this talk with you and you don't even know what's going on you're kind of subconsciously notice that there are nice thoughts and there are nice feelings to go with them and there are bad thoughts and there are bad feelings to go with them which one do you like better duh all right and so then what happens is what you do is instead of
paying attention to your thoughts and paying attention everything I'm talking about you say to yourself I like nice thoughts I don't like not nice thoughts I like nice feelings I don't like not nice feelings what in the world makes me have nice thoughts and what in the world makes me have not nice thoughts you're not stupid you notice that right certain people make your thoughts be nice certain way people treat you make your thoughts be nice in a new car your thoughts are nice for a little while your car breaks down all the time your
thoughts aren't very nice so you have noticed that events in the outside world seem to affect what thoughts your mind is creating all right that's very dangerous why because then instead of dealing with your thoughts which are the problem therefore the solution you start trying to manipulate and control the world around you to be a way that you think will make your thoughts be nice Therefore your emotions will be nice you want to be around people that you feel Pleasant around you want the weather to be the way you want it to be you want
to go on vacations and have experiences and you try to avoid to the best of your ability things that would happen outside that would make the bad thoughts come up it sounds perfectly reasonable it's not reasonable it's absurd you don't even know why your mind is creating the thoughts it does and yet you decided yes boss whatever you say boss right it's like all of a sudden the Mind comes up and he says I won't like that okay we won't do it I didn't like that make sure it doesn't again and now you are out
there devoting your life to try to control the environment around you so that it will make the thoughts be a little bit nicer and have the thoughts not be negative and therefore the emotions will go with it and if you not careful you'll be doing that for the rest of your life you'll be out there attempting to control the world around you to try to appease what thought is going to come up are you always right about what thought will be generated about what happens have you ever sat there and said oh if this happened
I'll be so happy and you were miserable when it happened have you ever sat there and said if this ever happened I would die and it happened and turned out to be the best thing ever happened to you yes or no that's very important so what's happening is the mind creates thoughts you are subject to the types of thoughts it creates they create nice feelings or bad feelings for you so you try to figure out by living in there what it is that's going to appease this mind what will make it not go negative what
will make it be positive and then you go out there and try to think about how to make make it happen and by the time you're done you're tired I mean really tired Buddha said the highest state is compassion I understand why if I look at somebody who's doing that I feel tremendous compassion why one you do not know what's going to appease your mind do you understand that you're just kind to guessing your mind is deciding what to think and it's the exact same mind that's deciding what you go move move maybe you'll be
happy in Vermont it tell you that doesn't it get a new one new one husband wife what's the difference you know something this one's not working it literally does that it's just absolutely unbelievable and you use the same mind to figure out what to do about it it's insane and it doesn't work it will never work you will never ever ever appease the mind in other words get the mind to create nice thoughts and not negative ones because of controlling the environment around you you will not do it why because just the act of figuring
out how you want it to be creates tension doesn't it you don't really know what you want you just know you want to be happy and so now you got to figure out what your objective in life how do you know what your career should be how do you know if you should get married or not how do you know what she should be like or he next thing you know your mind's trying to figure out what you want and what you don't want and it can't and so that's tension and then if it does
think it figured it out tell me what it's like to go out there and try to control the world to be the way you think it needs to be to make you okay that creates tension so the next thing you know the very Act of being okay made you not okay that's what worry is what is worry that I have a way I want it to be I'm afraid it might not happen what's worry I have a way I don't want it to be I'm afraid it will happen and so the very Act of deciding
that I need to get the world a certain way so that my mind will be good about it so I can feel good in my heart that whole cycle is very destructive because you will end up neuronic you will end up tense you will end up scared of doing the wrong thing ever feel scared of doing the wrong thing ever feel you said something stupid you ever walked the from saying oh why did I say that can't believe I said I'm so embarrassed why is the mind doing that because you're not okay the mind is
trying to figure out what needs to happen for you to be okay and it has just defined that what happened as not supporting what it decided it needed to happen so that it could think nice thoughts do you see it I beg you to see it because you do not have to live like that and you're not supposed to live like that that is not what life's about life is not a war where you go out there and fight with everything that comes in front of you to be the way that will make you feel
okay within your mind what's the alternative if you have noticed that getting something that's pleasing to your mind makes you feel good and it does if you've noticed that getting something that's displeasing into your mind makes you feel bad then why not deal directly with the Mind why don't I just deal with my mind why don't I just say I'm in here and there's this mind that creates thoughts I think that if I have a choice it should create nice ones I'm going to do very basic level stuff here would you rather have your mind
say nice things or not nice things how do you feel when your mind says I like something a real lot how do you feel when your mind says oh I hate it I don't like it at all YY well then why not get the mind to say nice things it's like cheating all right if I can get the mind to say nice things I don't have to do all that junk of fighting with the world how about if I could get the mind to like everything that happens who would like a mind like that that
whatever happens some girl walks up to you and says oh you're so cute it's so beautiful I love you so much right and you say well it's really nice just kidding not funny you're cute and you really enjoyed both of them equally how much would you pay for that money that'd be a good mind to have wouldn't it okay what's wrong with being happy what's wrong with enjoying the experiences of your life right now you can't because your mind will not let you it complains about things doesn't it it thinks it needs things and it
complains about things if it doesn't get them etc etc that very act causes you trouble so I'm going to pull out the big guns in a second right here does anybody have a mind that creates thoughts about things that are already over they're already over they're not even happening yet it creates thoughts that are Troublesome does your mind ever create thoughts about the past that bother you why do you tolerate that why would you tolerate that your mind would do that it's over it happened 20 years ago it happened 10 years ago we got divorced
7 years ago why are you still doing this why are you still carrying on conversations about what they used to say to me and how mean he was and why would you talk at that your mind would be so broken that it would be bothering you with thoughts that are literally meaningless anything that happened to you in the past it's over it's not happening anymore so why do I want a mind that has the right to create thoughts that haunt me with stuff that's not happening do you know that you can buy one that doesn't
do that you're going to trade in the model you don't live with a car that doesn't start why would you live with a mine that creates negative ugly thoughts when there's no reason to I mean okay if something's happening I understand the mind has some trouble with it I I tell my mind if something's happening you're having trouble with it you can tell me about it but if something's not happening and you're having trouble with it because you're making it up shut up you don't get to do that I'm not interested in you ruining my
life over nothing and I'm telling you if your mind is bothering you about anything in the past it's bothering you about nothing because the past is over and the only reason it's still bothering you is because your mind keeps telling you about it and keeps bothering you about it so you wake up and you realize how important it is to see the mind for what it is a thought creating machine and then to learn how to get it to create nicer thoughts right it's your mind it doesn't have to be like this it's just that
you're not paying attention you're not doing anything about it and it's default state is pretty broken why is that Just for kicks is your mind mostly negative okay why have the rain I'm trying let something go I like the rain I got out of the car all right it's just it's too hot doesn't complain a lot pick on people well he's all right I I really liked him and so on you know but I don't know the way he shuffles his foot when he sits down it irritates me you know he pulls a blanket off
and I I just kid if you have that going on in your mind you are not going to be happy I don't care who you meet I don't care where you go I don't care what your career does if your mind is doing that you are listening to that and you're not going to be happy have you ever changed your mind we use the term have you ever change your mind then change the thing is that simple okay decide when I asked you youever change your mind what's that saying it is capable of changing isn't
it it's amazing how fast it changes when you fall in love with somebody they have totally different views in you oh I I guess I just wasn't looking at it right yeah right yes or no will it change its mind real quick when it wants something it is amazing so you sit there and you take a final look at it and you say I got some work to do this thing is broken this thing is a weight a burden I have to carry I can't take them anywhere you can fix that period all right how
do you fix it first you have to understand why it's doing what it's doing it's not against you it's not evil it's not trying to ruin your life what has happened I've explained this to you before just get it down there have been experiences that came into you and therefore your mind because your mind picks up your experiences you experience them but your mind images them realizes them to you it it renders in your mind so it comes in and it's not a nice experience I didn't say every experience is nice there are experiences that
are not nice had a fight with somebody you saw a rattlesnake you know your mother yelled at you when you were little there's all kinds of things that goes on so there are experiences not mind experiences that don't feel so good and there are experiences that feel very good some of your first dat your first kfts your wedding day first child there all kinds of little experiences graduation people proud of you your first job your first music concert whatever it is there's all kinds of things that happen that create pleasantness that feel nice inside very
good that's not a problem that's part of the experiences of Life all kinds of things are going to happen they feel different and you get to experience them the problem happens when you decide you don't want to experience them that is the entire problem there's nothing wrong with what happens that doesn't mean it's all Pleasant you know sometimes it rains sometimes it's hot sometimes it's cold it's not wrong it just feels different fair enough so events are that way they feel different that's not a problem because they're going to come and go they don't stay
nothing stays but if you don't want to experience it you who's in there if you're resisting the experience of what actually happen I don't want to experience this it's not fair I don't like that Mommy and Daddy got divorced you resist the exper experience the experience still happened resisting an experience that actually happened does not stop it from having happen does it ever all it does is blocking inside of you and if you want to understand mine that's all you have to understand when you block it inside of you it gets stuck in your mind
gets stuck in your Energy System you've blocked this experience because you weren't willing to have it so it got to get stored somewhere cuz it didn't make it through you if you're willing to have it just goes right through it becomes part of you you're experiencing it becomes whole it's like water Rivers the rivers flow into the ocean all the time don't they what if the ocean didn't want them whoa that would be a really it would start damning stuff up and things would flood all over the place be a constant struggle that's what you're
doing when these experiences happen they come in and then they pour into your Consciousness they pour into your being and you become an experienced person have you ever SE sailed the boat no have you ever sailed the boat yes I have to go sail a boat guess who I want to go with I want to go with a person that has the experience how about you so experiences are rich they come in they feed your being but if you can't handle them if you resist them if you do not want to have had them then
the energy of the experience which is real it's got a vibration to it the energy the experience that came into you is resisted by you you push it away that Act of pushing it away makes it stay stuck in your mind if you push it away it stays if you let it go it passes it's just the thing that's done there are things in your life that happen to you but you don't let go of they keep coming back up you're in your dreams and you think about them all the time that's because they didn't
finish they didn't make it through so they have energy that's unfinished inside of you in yoga we have a name for it's called a samcara it is an impression that got stuck in the mind due to an experience an event that took place that the soul resisted you I say soul mean you you in a resist thing sometimes you push it away if you do that it stays now you've built all of these up inside and I am telling you I've watched it for 45 years that's why your mind creates the thoughts that it does
it is not random it is not evil it is the fact that you have stored in your mind these past experiences most of them Negative they weren't what you want how many things that happen that aren't what you want to happen versus what you want to happen if I asked you honestly how many more things have happened in your life that you didn't like that you didn't want than things that really turned you on notice it's not even close is it you want to know why I can tell you why I'm a statistician I can
tell you why there are 800 billion quillion things that could happen at any given moment you've picked one that you wanted this is the person I want to talk to me this way at that time when nobody body else is around when I'm feeling good and I don't have bad breath and like I've picked this thing it's down to what you might as well win the lottery it's one in a trillion that what I want is going to take place this is exactly what I want this is the job I want and I want to
have an office that's in the corner and I want to make this type of salary to start with I don't want to be any glass ceiling and I don't want anybody that's competing with me and I want to have at least three people to help me and I want okay there you go that's my dream job because you define this tiny narrow thing of what you're going to say it's what you want it never happens and because anything else could happen but it isn't what you wanted it has a negativity to it you did it
it's odds the odds are so against the positive and are so in favor of the negative because what you said is if I don't get what I want it's negative and I only want this tiny little thing that's why the mind is so full of junk because you did it because these events are taking place they aren't what you want or they are what you don't want okay you defined all these things and so you end up storing all this negativity inside of you even when you get what you want you want to keep it
what kind of person wants somebody to walk up that they really love and say wonderful thing and walk away you never see them again nobody so here I got what I wanted but then it became a negative he walked away is he going to call back didn't didn't take my number all of a sudden you're miserable you're happy for a moment all right I used to do what's called a truth table getting what you want makes you happy not getting what you want makes you miserable getting what you don't want makes you really miserable and
not getting what you don't want is somewhat of a relief those are the only combinations most of them weren't so good there was only one that really worked out well all right and it's not going to happen and so the next thing you know you have story pour inside your mind all this stuff that happened that you didn't want you created it you didn't create the experience but it was your resistance of the experience that left these scars inside of you experiences do not scar you water going into the ocean does not cause disturbance it
is the resistance that causes the friction that causes the scars that cause the disturbance so you have done this just like everybody else don't be guilty you have done this thing of collecting within your mind this poor little mind is This brilliant computer and you filled with all these things you didn't like it's it's broken it's got all this stuff in it that's why it creates the thoughts it does that's why it's trying to release this stuff it got hurt when it was little and so it feels insecure cuz it didn't get to play the
part and now some Wonderland that it wanted to and everything and now it's afraid nobody likes it and it's grown up now so it's in big trouble and it grew up with all that now it has to prove itself every meet somebody has to prove themselves all the time you can just tell they're constantly trying to prove themselves they have to be in the lead role they have to do this thing they have to everybody like what they did they could never be wrong anything anybody says wrong no defensive that's where it came from that's
what the mind is doing so it has this garbage inside of it now it's trying to release it and it releases it through your personality it releases it through what comes out of your mouth it releases it by your thoughts can you see that your thoughts are completely different than his they are so different you would freak out if I put his thoughts inside your head because you just have these thoughts that got developed because of your past experiences that you resisted and so now those thoughts are just oozing oozing out of the mind because
it's trying to release them and what you're doing is the same thing you did before I didn't want it to happen when it happen so I resisted it now it starts talking about it or something reminds me of it I don't like it and so now I have a mind that needs to release all these thoughts thoughts and because it needs to releasee them everything it sees reminds it of it you understand that free association so now I'm struggling with all this junk that's in there and the only way I know how out is to
find someone who's really nice to me who always behaves the way I want them to everything has to be exactly the way I want outside because I can't handle what's going on inside if I can't handle myself I need to manipulate you all so you behave in a way that I can handle myself and what you get down to is the lowest part of your is running your life anytime you feel you need another person to be a certain way for you to be okay you are in big trouble because they are not going to
be that way and even if they were you would not be okay right you're not okay you can't be okay because of somebody else you can't be okay you got a new job you can't be okay because you got a new suit you can't be okay you got a new car you can't be okay because you went to Hawaii for a minute it can distract you from the noise that your mind is creating but it didn't get rid of any of the causes as to why your mind is doing what it does how can a
vacation in Hawaii change all this junk you've built up inside your mind about things that happen that you didn't like it can't it can just be that the volcano in the beautiful birds and the beautiful flowers and all that distract you from yourself temporarily and you come back you're right back there Earth it doesn't change please see this I care about you again if you did nothing but eat twinkies and smoke cigarettes I would be talking to you like this about your diet and you're smoking all right cuz I care about you this is way
bigger than that I would rather have you smoke and eat Twinkies than not pay attention to what your thoughts are doing so the mind is broken it is creating these thoughts because it's trying to release the garbage you stored inside of it you can't handle the thoughts because you couldn't handle the stuff you stored inside that's why it's there and so now you're sitting on a powder cake aren't you you're on top of a volcano every one of you know it any minute somebody can say something do something you're gone you're in big trouble for
a week or two or a month or three years or 10 years I have met people I'm serious and it's sad good people something happened they were moving along doing their soda doing practice something happened it hits something bye-bye 5 years 10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years 50 years did he ever return no he never return fate is still un learn you got to be old to appreciate that song oh my God are you kidding me that's all it takes you've seen people go south haven't you say w gone unbelievable you do not
have to be at the mercy of this broken mind you are not supposed to be the servant of the lowest part of your being it's not that your mind is low your mind is very high what you have done with it is very low you used it to Res exist reality and now you store that inside and it's trying to release it but you won't let it so now you're struggling that's where all the struggle comes from Buddhist said all of life is suffering you've heard that haven't you that is the first Noble Truth this
is why he said it everybody's doing this aren't they all right they got all that junk in there and they're suffering all the time they're struggling with everything to try to be okay you can't be okay that way but you can be okay but it starts with your relationship with your mind not your relationship with your husband or your wife or your children or your job starts with your relationship with your mind and well here's how you deal with a mind one it is sitting out there on the table and it is creating thoughts do
not try to make it not create thoughts I'll give you all the wisdom I've learned do not fight with the Mind do not fight with the mind the reason the way the mind got the way it is because you fought with it you push stuff into you resisted stuff you put the mind on the table inside yourself you just see you are distant from the mind it is creating thoughts tell it that's fine it's okay you create thoughts and I'll watch you're going to have trouble watching because it creates some seriously sick thoughts I'm telling
you the very thoughts it creates are custom made to bother you do you see that because you stored what bothered you since it's trying to release what you stored and you couldn't handle it what it's releasing is what you couldn't handle and that's why it's always thinking about what bothers you well your thoughts wouldn't bother him at all he'd wonder why you so much trouble big deal so you got divorced big deal was 10 years ago why is that still a thing I don't understand it's because the experience you had that was difficult for you
I told you I didn't say that experiences are always nice there's different things in life that come in and their vibration is heavier their vibration is like that and there's other things in life that come in their vibration very pleasant nobody's questioning that nobody's saying reality is not reality all we're saying is will you please let it be done when it's done if something happens and it's not pleasant why do you want to keep it it doesn't even make sense you should want to let it go so you can go about your business and have
a nicer experience and go about your life but that's not what you do is it you resist the experience and because you resist the experience it stays inside of you so now the key becomes what do I do about this you put the mind on the table that's what you spend some time meditating you do whatever you want I want you to put the mind out in front of you just put it down and I want you to try and just watch it create its thoughts Why by watching its thoughts it creates you understand what's
making it create them all right it's right there I want you to be just you're you're a scientist you're objective scientist you sit there there's the mind it's creating thoughts that's fine with me that's fine with me it's okay M just create whatever thoughts you need but she you see what she doing I was young yep I see it I see it don't get pulled into it it's just sitting on the table don't pick it up and start running around with ah just sitting over there and creating thoughts now I already warned you if you
do this you're going to notice that when it creates thoughts your heart jumps there is a connection between your heart and your mind okay and if the mind starts thinking nice things sometimes it does not very often but sometimes it does the heart opens up and it starts feeling Pleasant and if the mind starts thinking negative things which it normally is the heart closes down and it feels protective of course if I walked up to you and started yelling at you you would close up if I walked up to you and started complimenting you and
saying the nicest thing you ever heard you'd open up therefore if the mind is saying negative things you close up your heart closes up it doesn't take somebody outside of you to screw you up up you can do it to yourself it's true isn't it all right so you put it out here and you understand it has nothing to do with me it is just the sum of the Learned experiences that I had that I was unable to digest and you have one objective only one not fix it not make it stop hurting not make
it stop talking like that not freak out not hide behind other people your only objective is I want to let stuff go I do not want to spend the rest of my life carrying this garbage inside of me making me manipulate and control my friends family people everything outside of me to try and make myself be okay I choose not to live like that I don't want this stuff inside of my mind not that I don't want my mind to say what it's saying if it's saying what it's saying I guarantee there's a reason like
some people I was talking to somebody the other day about rebellion some you young ones you get rebellious don't you right so whatever it was that got shoved on you that you didn't want to handle whatever it was like some of us grew up like that you pushed it away and you resisted it now if you hear anything about it you want to do the opposite you to rebel against it right if what was pushed on you is making you be like that if what is pushing on you is making you rebel against that you
are not running your life your suppressed stuff is still running your life so you just basically have to sit there and say yes I grew up in a household that there was a problem and this what's happening is what they did what they did that's all got dumped on me I don't want it inside of me not I want to rebel against it not I want to do what it says because I'm scared not to I don't want to in me I'm growing up now I'm older now and most people are 50 60 haven't said
that yet okay I'm older now Mommy and Daddy don't get to leave Impressions inside of me that are going to determine how I act and how I be and this and that so the whole thing becomes first theoretically is it possible that mind that's sit on the table over there creating those thoughts based on those past impressions is it possible to cleanse that mind so that it doesn't have those Impressions inside you look at me yes it's possible for everybody why you're the one who held it in there you know if it was somebody else
holding it in there I don't know you can get it out all right if there was super glue in there if you can get it out but if the only reason it stays in there is because you are exercising your will to push it away and you are what happens when it comes back up something you don't like you push it back down don't you give me a minute just give me a minute stop I told I don't like when you talk like this come on stop it so give me a minute give me a
minute what are you going to do with that minute okay I'm all right now sure okay and so you sit there and you realize there is only one reason and I'm telling the stuff that's in there since you're six you're formative years it doesn't impress me those big words it can all go because the only reason it's in there is because you're holding it in there that's why I can say every one of you can do it cuz it's not a matter of doing something it's a matter of not doing something everybody cannot do something
okay pick up Mount Everest I can't don't pick up Mount Everest it's not hard at all it's not hard to not do something you can argue with me that you may not be able to get it out to go down there and find it and get it out I didn't tell you to I told you to stop pushing it back down when it cames up it's going to come up naturally cuz it doesn't want to be in there so the question is are you willing to relax and release that that's why surrender is the deepest
state are you willing to relax and release for no reason not because you want to go to heaven not because you please God there's only one reason you do this I would like to know what it's like to live in here without all this trouble wouldn't you I would like to spend one day where it's just nice in here I don't have to do anything out there to make it be nice in there it's called unconditional well-being I'm okay because I'm okay I'm not okay because she loves me I'm not okay because I got the
house of okay cuz I got the job I'm okay because I don't have anything inside of me that's not okay why are you healthy because I don't have a sickness inside of me that's that to be a reason why are you okay because I don't have the Neurosis going on inside of me anymore that's why you do it if you're out there trying to get married you're out there trying to get a job if you're trying to get money you don't really want those things you think they're going to make you okay this will make
you okay this cannot not make you okay you're working with it Direct directly you've grabed the bull by the horns the Buddhist called working at the root you're dealing with the cause of all problems that you have and that is the stuff you stored inside of you so you start to say to yourself people say what do you want to do with your life what do you want to do I want to get empty I want to get rid of all this stuff I want to see what it' be like to take on the day
clean excited enthused you hear me and whatever is unfolding in front of me I want to be passionate about it I don't want be afraid in the garbage from my past I I want that junk going on inside of me that's what I want to do with my life I want to cleanse it's called cleansing that's spiritual cleansing spiritual purification purification doesn't mean you don't swear purification doesn't mean you don't ever eat something bad no purification means you have that garbage inside of you so how do I do this you put the mind over there
on the table you sit here it's there it's free to create thoughts and you're free to let it let your way out that's witness Consciousness that's mindfulness that's what Krishna M called objective observation objective observation what's the big deal if you are willing to keep your hands to yourself inside and notice I am the one who's noticing what the mind is doing and I understand why it's doing it I'm not embarrassed if it's having this kind of thought or that kind of thought I understand you know there's problems it's got stored inside of it now
it's rebelling or now it's thinking stupid stuff stuff it does anything doesn't matter it can think whatever it wants doesn't make any difference it's not your responsibility it's not yours it's just the result of the Impressions that got left on it your responsibility is do you want to keep those impressions in there or you want to let them go and that is every second of your life and you become a Letting Go machine how do you let go ultimately what you do is when it talks you relax it's going to say what it's got to
say and it's not going to be pleasant it's going to get you freaky and your heart's going to start hurting all kind stuff's going to go on because that's what's in there what's in there is going to come up and so now when it starts to come up I'm telling you I know you can't do it yet but you'll learn your highest state is when it comes up you see you see yourself start to get defensive or start to get involved relax you relax don't make it relax people say to me I tried to make
it relax it wouldn't of course it wouldn't it's got all this garbage in it I'm not asking it to relax I'm asking you to relax you who's in there noticing that the mind is doing this relax it's okay it's just a process it's nothing it's not important but I want to get married in my biological tou just relax relax but how will I get relaxed you understand that don't let it pull you in it's amazing how if you leave it alone life seems to unfold pretty good you meet who you're supposed to meet when you're
supposed to meet them you get the job you're supposed to get when you're supposed to get it all kinds of things go on but you won't let them because you got only one thing you want to go on the thing that you figured out will make all this work all the garbage don't do that instead relax and what will happen is you'll give it room what you're doing when you're relaxed is you're giving it room to release and do it with small stuff to start with I told you all the time the car was driving
in front of you the fact that the light changed when you didn't want it to so relax now are there other techniques beside relaxing there are no higher techniques there are no higher techniques than if you can relax it's going to have the room to release and you're going to step back into the deeper part of your being but it is true that people need other techniques people need things to help them that is the purpose of meditation that is the purpose of putting aside 15 minutes morning and evening and what do you do then
you put your mind out there and then you're going to notice that the next thing you know 3 minutes later you're listening to everything your mind says oh I you get sucked in why I'm telling you the thing is perfectly programmed to get you cuz it's programmed with your stuff so don't get mad at yourself don't wonder why I can't do this and don't wonder why the mind is saying what it's saying and don't wonder why you have trouble with it do you see how it's custom fit best tailor that could ever live custom fit
that thing for you all right it's a perfect universe so it's over there pull back and then you're going to notice that not getting sucked into the mind is is difficult what is much easier is to distract your Consciousness focus it on something other than the mind that way I'm not just sitting here letting the Mind pull me in that's why they tell you to follow your breath so if you'll just sit there 15 minutes in the morning 15 minutes in the evening preferbly at the same time and notice that your breath is going in
and out and people say what's so important to notice my breath going in and out nothing but the alternative is to NOS what your mind is saying I would rather have you nose your bre bre going in and out so during the time that your breath is going in and out and you're paying attention to it you don't have to pay attention to your mind you can only focus on so many things at once and if the Mind pulls you out for a moment oh why did she say you're right I don't know why come
back just come back and wash the breath and you just do that twice a day 15 minutes is fine you want more fun but that's fine and you're going to find over time just like if you put 15 minutes morning and evening into playing tennis you'll get better put 15 minutes into playing a you'll get better you can't not you will get better at this better at what not paying attention to the stupid stuff that your mind has to say that is ruining your life and the next thing you're going to know you're driving your
car and your mind starts to go oh my God I forget to talk to Sally is she mad at me why haven't I hurt from her so the next thing you know you'll follow your breath while you're driving why it's nicer than washing your mind that's as simple as that and eventually you will get to the point I remember that day I got there way long ago in the 70s early' 70s that I realized oh my God I don't have to listen to this stuff there's no law I do fine I do better if I
don't listen to it I'm ready I'm here I'm present and so you start more and more letting the Mind release the stuff it needs to release and guess what eventually it's not there anymore I love the highest thing people sudden come to me and say I you always ask me am I growing I don't know but what I saw was there's something that always bother me I don't to talk about it but it always bothered me years and years oh my God whole life something happened the other day that would have really hit that but
it didn't and it wasn't until later that I noticed oh my God nothing happened so the event took place and nothing happened inside oh man it's beautiful isn't it what does that mean you let it go you let it go and I'm telling you it all can go why can't it all go you're holding it in there so it's just a question are you willing to let it go let your past go stop it don't hold on to this stuff just keep letting go and what will happens little by little you'll grow now the final
thing is what happens if I let go all that energy that was involved in resisting and manipulating you know what I'm talking about that's a lot of energy if you release it that energy becomes yours and you literally feel all this energy welling up inside of you feeding you lifting your heart making you brilliant Lally you can be a thousand times Smarter Than You Think You Are they say you only use tiny percentage of your brain this is why it's all blocked up in that garbage you let that go and you'll feel all this rushes
of chi of shui welling up inside of you feeding you and then it it becomes an ocean a river and it takes you deeper inside I'm saying literally you are supposed to be feeling ecstatic Joy all the time there is a state within your being that is always feeding you it's like your natural state is beautiful it's more beautiful than anything you ever received in from outside and that happens from the moment you wake up in the morning and all through the day and it never stops that's what you're supposed to be feeling so spirituality
is this and I haven't said the word god once tell you a secret when Energy starts flowing it starts pulling you inside you come tell me about God because you're going to start to know about all the mystical teachings that all the great ones taught and eventually you'll know what Christ meant when he said my father and our one you may not be there but you'll see it you'll see that what's deep inside of you is something very very beautiful the mind not so much but it's funny ready and I'm going to close when the
mind is done with all that stuff ramach Krishna said the purified mind is no different than the self that's very very deep in other words when you stop storing all this stuff inside the mind the energy that the mind is natural of it's made of Shakti it's made of chi which is exactly what the self's emanating and all of a sudden it all starts to merge and the purified mind is no different than the self the unpurified mind is really different than the self it's a mess and then the self stares at it right so
this is your work it's a great work isn't it so your life is wonderful there's nothing wrong there's just something wrong with what you did about your past and how you lived your life so far but you can redo it you can let go you can grow every second of your life so work with this work with this so meditation you can do Mantra you can do affirmation if you're really having a lot of trouble I don't use it very often but once in a while I do if having the mind is just fixated on
something just I don't know I don't know what's going to happen I will just step right in there if I can't really relax and I just sit there and saying I can't wait for this to happen this is going to be such good growth I really like this this is going to be beautiful and the mind is so stupid that it starts to like it hey can you train a dog to sit up you train these animals to do all kinds of thing you're the highest species there is if you can train their mind why
can't you train yours it's brilliant and so all of a sudden you start playing with this and make a game of it use whatever techniques you want or need they're good fine but ultimately I want you to relax and leave room for it to let go and if you do this every day of your life you become a hoer person work with these things G
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