you can't manifest until you know who the Antichrist is and you have the capability to transcend the Antichrist now this word is entirely loaded AJ told me that my Antichrist here ain't scary which is good because [ __ ] need to stop being afraid of this stuff now I'm going to break down who the Antichrist is but simultaneously how you are Jesus and the devil but not only that but how knowing this will put you in a path actually materializing your desired reality because I'm not here to just talk and let you [ __ ]
listen as I always say spirituality without the ability to control your reality's vanity so everything that we're going to be building upon today will actually make your path to materializing your desired reality much more easier without you having to do all this [ __ ] that this industry has been making [ __ ] do like look in a mirror and talk like a psychopath saying I'm so happy I'm so happy and writing down [ __ ] in a gratitude Journal that you don't even [ __ ] mean or making boards on Pinterest now let's get
into it someone said what [ __ ] is somebody said what's no Diddy if you know you know it if you know you know all right cool guys as always I don't just rush into I like to take time with it pause before I actually get you to the point where you need to be I need to lay down the foundations the wood must always be laid first pause again chances are depending upon how you were raised there's going to be a certain level of cognitive dissonance that I'm going to trigger throughout this video so
it's important that I give things in steps so relax you're going to get some the first thing that I have to lay down is the difference between what you've been taught and the truth of the matter now typically whenever when whenever we're looking at religious text or religion themselves there's two categories that one can fit into there is what's known as the esoteric and then there's what's known as the exoteric now both of these words have eological origins in Greek esoteric comes from the Greek word esotericos which means inner specifically a reference to the Inner
Circle and exoteric comes from the Greek word exoteric which means outer reference to the Outer Circle now what you have to understand is this and I say that as somebody who has read the Bible I have the nagadi text I have the Apocrypha um Book of Enoch book of Adam book of Judas book of Thomas I have a Quran I have a bad Gita I have a Torah I have a t Moon I have the da Ching I'm somebody who simply looks for the esoteric interconnectedness of religion so I can use that to practically materialize
the life that I want and what you have to understand is this religion is a business on an Institutional level most of us most of us who grow up in church are taught the exoteric we're taught this stuff for people on the outer and the way that I would conceptualize this is like slop so if you ever see like slop in films it has no no nutritional benefit but it sues the appetite which is exactly how I would conceptualize what goes on in the world because the truth of the matter is and you can just
like this or not but it's a fact the most oppressed poor struggling areas of the world are those that are the most religious and that's just how it is and it's for the mere fact that even though millions and billions of people across the world claim that their appetite is soothed their lives aren't being changed which is Vanity as Solomon said esoterically in the Bible all is Vanity on his deathbed but the esoteric is typically what's reserved or what was reserved for the high priests for those that the secrets were pass down and of course
all of these religions break down from ancient civilizations typically the N valley civilizations if you want a good book that breaks that down the origins of these religions go get a book by Anthony BR called um now Valley um civilizations so now Valley contributions to civilization yes perfect book the way that I would conceptualize the esoteric is soul food so a lot of the things that I'm going to say in this video don't think I'm a religious [ __ ] cuz I'm not a lot of the things I'm going to say in this video and
I'm not a spiritual [ __ ] we don't like them [ __ ] over here a lot of the things I'm going to say in this video might hit your ear wrong it might sound demonic maybe maybe even satanic but I can assure you there's no pentagrams in this room or anywhere here ask AJ he's been here how you been here a lot a lot he's always com into my house pause you said that at the same time Jinx you just want to beat me so bad stop fling with me but anyways as I was
saying esoteric is a reference to the information that was typically passed down to the high priest or kept within the occultic orders this isn't the information that everybody else is going to sound this is the type of information that when it's said to you it's going to hit your ear incorrectly so I just had to lay that down before I do what I'm about to do right now so relax you're going to get some and you're probably thinking what does the Antichrist have to do with manifesting my reality bro relax you're going to get some
relax relax relax relax somebody triggered me on one of my videos and said that you didn't clean your board properly listen what you [ __ ] have to realize is this you guys have dirty screens clean your screens there's no dirt on this board ever trust me that's impossible okay perfect so let's get down to this right so when we talk about the Antichrist I think it's very important that we actually draw some parameters as a prerequisite to knowing the Antichrist now when we think about the Antichrist it's a word that is often thrown around
it's often utilized in fear mongering um by religious people in order to scare people into becoming religious which is completely paradoxical considering that fear is one of the lowest frequencies that one can experience so how can one be close to God the highest of frequencies while in a state of fear the lowest of frequencies but nonetheless when we look at the concept of the Antichrist anti- means against against Christ but here's the thing a lot of us grew up with this idea that Christ is some white boy with long hair so on and so forth
and for you smart [ __ ] of course you can say yes he was from The Middle Eastern for you extra smart [ __ ] you can say yes he was black so and so forth and we could have that conversation but nobody's got time for that the only thing that I have time for is to get you closer to your desired reality so make sure you take notes leave them in the comments as usual lock into what I'm about to say typically whenever we hear about the Antichrist we actually never pay attention to First
what does Christ truly mean and here's the thing if you ask the average n on the street who is Christ they'll tell you Jesus as if that's his full name Jesus Christ no Christ is exactly what I'm about to explain so Christ has two particular eological Origins you can either look at Christ as originating from the hind tradition of Krishna or you can look at it from the eological origins of the ancient Egyptian also known as the Ancient Ancient chemet the word KR St k s meaning the anointed one Krishna being somebody of spiritual Divinity
a title of spiritual Mastery same thing with Christ the anointed one but it was a reference it was a reference sorry to a level of spiritual Mastery a title so Christ isn't a person Christ is a title in the same way that you would say Mis and Ms is a title or sir or maam so on and so forth Christ is a title of spiritual Mastery and Jesus wasn't the only Christ there were 16 christs before Jesus including Krishna being one of Indra of Indra Enoch in the Bible also known as the prophet Idris in
the Bible in the um Quran also known as mercury to the Romans also known as Hermes to the Greeks multiple christs before Jesus the level of spiritual Mastery and the easiest way we can conceptualize spiritual Mastery for the purpose of us moving closer to our desired reality is being above Illusions because you cannot be in the reality you want until you're above the illusion of your reality currently because in order for you to manifest your desired reality you actually have the C you need to have the capability to put yourself above the illusion and move
closer to the aspect of you that is closest to truth which is God in order to alter reality down to the lowest level which is what we called the physical plane or the third dimensional realm that is what Christ is Christ is a high level of Consciousness Christ is the materialization of the highest level of Consciousness when I say materialization I just mean it's solely existing within the physical plane and I want you to think about it like this Philippians 2:5-11 if you just read that particular passage it said let this mind Consciousness let this
mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God did not find it robbery to be equal with God didn't find it robbery or blasphemy to be equal or one with God because Christ had allowed that level of Consciousness to materialize physically hence why typically in these Traditions there's God the Father God the son God the holy spirit this is nothing more than a reference to the Triune nature of us as human beings who exist on the mental plane physical plane and spiritual plane Mind Body Soul it's the
exact same thing just repeated differently for different levels of consciousness to understand this and one thing that I want to say before I preface this of course for most people this is going to sound completely evil but I can assure you I have nowhere I want to leave you lead you sorry um I don't have a cult technically I kind of do they made the cult themselves in the comments it's got nothing to do with me so on and so forth but this is why it might hit your ears differently because you've been taught to
conceptualize Christ as an individual but Christ is a high level of Consciousness hence why Jesus said The Works that I do you can do them too and you can do greater because I go to my father I go to the highest level of Consciousness look at all the crazy [ __ ] that Jesus was supposedly doing Water to Wine raising people from the dead so on and so forth do you think you can do any of those things and of course I'm not one of them spiritual [ __ ] that's going to try get you
to levitate and do telekinesis with all that and all that corny [ __ ] that you see [ __ ] doing but what I'm trying to get you to understand is that the potentiality for you to alter your reality if that was something Christ had the capability of doing for him to say the things that I can do you can also do and do greater that should get your head to understand but here's the thing you don't see yourself on the same level as Christ you don't because you've been taught to see a distance between
you unless except sorry for what it really is which is an aspect that is part of you Christ is an aspect that is part of you and I want you to think about it like this don't worry we're just getting started relax you're going to get some you're going to get some think about it like this so of of course you're thinking all Coro if Christ isn't a physical person how we you know what are we what are we doing right here what are we doing right here I ain't a tough guy I always make
everybody laugh I could spit all of my bars wearing a PO gr bro nines is on a different level oh yeah I told you he's retiring I don't believe he's retiring it's all marketing though you think it's marketing I say I say we come out next video and say we going to re what should I tell him we're retiring yeah bro for nines to retire is so sad because but I think he's going to do a Jay-Z thing Jay-Z retired and then came back in like 2006 with kingdom come you don't know what that is
because you've never listened to a Jay-Z album okay we don't need to do this again but I think that's what NES is going to do I could see it because Jay-Z and on the same too much Jay-Z off Jay-Z and N are on the same level I don't know about that too much Jay I would say at 9es is the equivalent of Jay-Z in the UK that's going to be da no I'll be honest it's not it's not bro you need to put some respect on his name I would say that Dave is our equivalent
uh Dave is um the equivalent of Kendrick Lamar like I don't think I don't think Jay-Z I don't think Jay-Z is the best lyric I think he's a high level Lyricist but his influence in what he's been able to do is high level I think Kendrick Lamar is a highle Lyricist like would you say reps 32 or Dave terms of lyrics yeah oh don't don't put me on the spot bro don't do that list let's not get distracted let's not get distracted bro let me give it to these guys first pause now as I was
just saying so you're like Christ you know but Nero Christ was crucified what are you talking about well you have to understand that Jesus was crucified Jesus Christ Christ is a title it's not an individual it is a high level of Consciousness that is one with God that exists within you because whether you realize this or not as Jesus said in John 10:34 is it not written in your law I have said you are Gods the law he was referring to was Psalm 826 feel free to look this up I have no desire to lie
to anybody or I'm not one of them spiritual [ __ ] that's going to tell you don't even bother looking it up because they're going to lie just look look for look for look for it yourself now so on that note when we're looking at Christ so you have to understand that Christ was crucified in a place called Calvary either spot like that or like this depending upon what you're looking at Calvary in Greek you get the word golgatha gotha in Aramaic means skull please look this up I'll get AJ to put it on the
screen so you [ __ ] know we're not just talking a good game Christ was crucified in the skull whose skull yours where was Christ crucified he was crucified in Jerusalem Jerusalem is where in the East if you pull up a compass you see that the East is always to the right reference to the right hemisphere of your mind right hemisphere of your brain your brain is bit into two regions right Hemisphere and left hemisphere ironically when you have the capability of balancing the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere you then activate the neocortex which
is synonymous with the third eye this is what the CIA spent Millions on in their um process called um the Gateway experiment hemisync balancing the two left hemispheres of the brain in order to enhance your spiritual capabilities now this is why biblically and on a religious in a religious tense you know it's always about sitting at the right hand of God Jesus sits on the right hand of God the right hand of my father someone commented on the last video I'm left-handed am I cooked you're cooked buddy it's game over for you it's completely game
over for you but of course all jokes aside you know when they're talking about it they don't mean it literally they mean it from a point of you this is why in John 21:6 the disciples go fishing they cast their Nets to the left side of the boat boat Jesus or Christ comes and says cast your nets to the right side of the boat the right side of the boat then they couldn't even pull up the fish because there was a multitude of fish it's always a reference to the right side and this is what
you have to understand so you're like okay Nero I get this I get this it's making sense it's making sense Christ is a level of Consciousness that is within me when I have the capability of placing myself above the illusion so what you need to understand is that everything that Christ was saying were instructions on how you can rise yourself transcend yourself up to his level because the truth of the matter is Christ doesn't give you life you give life to Christ that's a bar right that down because you need to resurrect Christ in the
same way Jesus or Christ was resurrected in the Bible now don't worry we're just getting started we're just getting started so you're like all right cool what is okay what is the anti CR have to do with me manifesting my desired reality I get it you're eager it's okay it's okay bear patience tranquil get while or tonight while or tonight why are Jamaican songs so sexual what's up with you guys why why what's going on with you look when people say they just listen to bashment yeah you wake up and listen to you get me
how can you wake up and do bashment I remember being in school and this girl I won't I won't say her name she would study to bashman I'm thinking that's insane what are you doing what are you doing all I'm going to say there subconscious like if she cocking me a f out tonight and you're just studying to that like anyways here's what you guys have to understand so we're conceptualizing two particular Parts the first thing you have to understand is this so Jesus or Christ and the Antichrist well here's the thing now that we've
properly defined what Christ is then it makes sense when we're conceptualizing what the Antichrist is if Christ is a high level of Consciousness or the highest level of Consciousness materialized in a human's body then anti means against that so the true definition of antichrist isn't some individual some devil that wants to ruin your life so on and so forth and here's the thing the devil's no different from the boogeyman I know it's going to hit your ears a bit difficult but what's the difference between the devil and the Boogeyman one is that children believe it
and the other is that adults believe it nothing more nothing less and here's the thing Antichrist means against what a high level of cons Consciousness an antichrist is anything that is against a high level of Consciousness now this is where it gets a bit scary where it gets a bit scary oh oh your Antichrist could be you it could be your old you it could be your friends it could be your family in a larger sense it is the word world the Antichrist is anything that is against you ascending to your high level of Consciousness
being materialized in your physical human vessel nothing more nothing less that is what the Antichrist is and if Christ is a high level of spiritual Mastery and in order for you to materialize your desired reality it is an entirely spiritual process it's just spiritual science if something is working against you now do you see how your capability of materializing your desired reality is hindered at every step but don't worry I'm going to explain how you can actually get past all of this to materialize your desired reality but this is the truest definition of antichrist Antichrist
isn't some being sat in the depths of the earth waiting to snatch your soul pause in the afterlife it is anything that is representative of being against your ability to rise yourself to a high level of Consciousness a high level of frequency when I'm talking about highest level of Consciousness I'm not meaning that you got to be one of them vegan sandal [ __ ] that are doing telekinesis and you know whatever else these spiritual [ __ ] do these days all I mean is that anything that has when I'm talking about a high level
of Consciousness I'm talking about a high level of awareness seeing reality from a higher perspective hence why biblically all the major individuals that spoke to God went on a mountain the mountain is representative of the elevation in your Consciousness above what the world is showing you at that particular time Elijah Moses Jesus Jacob Abraham all these individuals went up to a mountain ascending a mount going up to the mountain is nothing more than a metaphorical metaphysical representation of you ascending yourself above the level of Consciousness that the world wants you to have such as life
being unfair which ironically when you believe the idea that life is unfair because your subconscious mind accepts it as truth it becomes materialized into your reality and then life is no longer fair and we can pick apart any particular belief like this the truth of the matter is hence why in the Hermetic tradition they say all truths are half truths because is it true yes if your subconscious mind believes it is it true no if your subconscious mind doesn't believe this and we can extrapolate this to multiple aspect everything that you regard to be a
truth I want you to understand if your truths aren't serving you then they're just there to control you so Antichrist is is anything could be the world in a sense it is your family your friends you the old version of you that you're trying to escape anything that is against a high level of Consciousness anything that is against you being above the illusion and here's the thing this is what Jesus and the devil represent both of them they're one they're both aspects of you relax we're going to get there by the way these AI spiritual
channels are out of control like these [ __ ] are out of control like we'll drop a video like 3 hours later they'll have the exact same video with the exact same title I Blame You [ __ ] I blame All of You [ __ ] that will get in spirituality from AI you know what I'm saying they're out of they're out of control like fair enough one of them like must have tagged us and been like oh you know credits to you the other ones they just morally bankrupt I'm just like damn I'm certain
these [ __ ] will like download this video as a MP3 transcribe it tell chat gbt to rewrite it get it um out a voice to and slap it on that's insane at least you know they got post notifications you know what's crazy we've never asked anybody to subscribe oh by the way in case you're new here we've never asked anybody to subscribe we' never asked anybody to like a video we've never asked anybody to turn on um post notifications somebody actually said we have mental notifications cuz some people don't have them on but when
I post it's like they know quantum entanglement were connected me and you now here's the thing as I was saying Jesus and the devil both represent two particular paths that you can go down so here's the thing let's say over here and over here we'll put Jesus on the right side because it's to do and that's that's very very intentional by the way somebody said Nero drops triple on tandas I actually do but people don't catch it I really do cuz even me putting Jesus to the right side why did I put it to the
right side AJ something about Jesus being on the right right side of the b e points to the right yeah yeah yeah all right cool exactly for those who didn't hear he was referring to the points that I made earlier about the right side being where Jesus was crucified in the skull the mind golgatha the resurrection Jesus sitting on the right hand of the Father the right hand of God or referring to the right hemisphere of your brain which is a side of your brain that is more creative intuitive and spiritual that's what it's representative
of and the devil being on the left side because the devil represents the logic and logic is quite the enemy and I'm going to explain why now I'm not saying this you can you know just go out here and do a Mad T cuz I know there's always some dumbass who likes to be like so you're saying I shouldn't be logical and I should run into a wall like you're a funny guy [ __ ] but anyways these are the two paths that you can go down because what they represent is this they both represent
a descend of Consciousness and when I say descend of Consciousness think about Fallen Angels what if I told you that you the Fallen Angels now of course there's the Fallen Angels created the Nephilim so on and so forth but just listen to what I'm about to say Fallen Angels is essentially Consciousness that descends down where to the physical plane which is essentially what happens with you that's how you got here on this Earth You descended down from being part of God think about it like we're all in a cloud of God and some of all
of us are rain droplets we all rain down to the physical plane and that's us that's what your spirit done your soul and your spirit decided to come down to this physical plane just like the Fallen Angels now here's the thing you can be Jesus or the devil because what Jesus represents is consciousness your Consciousness falling down to the physical plane but recognizing its true identity and because of recognition of his true identity was Beyond and above the illusions of reality and essentially had the capability to once again become one with God but what the
devil represents is your ass taking a false identity falling into the illusion and when I say the illusion I'm referring to the illusion of reality in the ancient Hindu um traditions this is what they call the world of Maya world of Maya meaning illusion what you see in reality isn't necessarily reality I need you to understand that reality or what you conceptualize as everything real or the third dimensional realm or the physical plane you only see 0.035% of it so you see a small fraction of what truly exists for the mere fact that visible light
constitutes a constitut sorry a small fraction of the entirety of the visible the electromagnetic spectrum so once again visible light only constitutes a small fraction of the entirety of the electromagnetic spectrum the only reason we see anything around us is because of visible light visible light bounces off surfaces through a process called refraction hits your eye your eye doesn't create your eyes don't see your eyes send electrical signals to your brain your brain creates an image of what it thinks it's seeing this is why optical illusions and magicians with slight of hand can trick you
so be being an illusion and simply meaning that it's not the full picture the devil took on a false identity descended into illusion and supposedly is separate but here's the thing anytime that we're separated from God God being the highest level of Consciousness the impersonal energy every anytime that we're separated from God we suffer we suffer because it's not our Natural State and anytime you go against your natural state of who you truly are it's always going to result in suffering and these are the two paths that you can go down as an individual this
is what the devil and Jesus represent now here's the thing it's very important for you to understand this when we're talking about being above Illusions you need to pay very close attention to some of the things that were being said by Jesus to make sure you're not falling into the Trap Of The Devil because the devil fell down to the world saw all around him and saw everything around him and took it literally and as real and he decided to claim it to claim an illusion is that doesn't make any sense but Jesus the difference
between these two individuals comes down to two particular words I'm on my knees no Diddy mindsight versus eyesight I want you to tell me who allow who had eyesight and who had mindsight hopefully you said it the devil's the one that got tricked by eyesight and Jesus is the one who had mindsight now what does this mean and this is what this whole video is about when we're talking about a deep level of manifestation I want you to conceptualize like this Jesus is mindsight the devil is eyesight Jesus is mindsight the devil is eyesight and
I'm going to explain exactly what I mean slow down I just want to get to know you but don't turn around cuz the pretty round thing let's get to me that [ __ ] was a menace bro said slow down but don't turn around cuz that pretty round thing looks good to me Chris Brown just Chris Brown's what Chris bro Chris you know Chris lyrics you think so if you actually listen to Give Me That by Chris Brown like you know Chris Brown actually doesn't get the ratings that he deserves obviously l i mean he
did be it's true it's true it's true it it's true but he is like that though like musically oh kiss kiss give me that um forever tell me how I'm supposed to be with no thing Brown yeah yeah he does do that but he's tapped in you know he posted the cabalion the other day on his story and people sent it to me yeah proba I don't know about that I don't know about that cool now as I was saying the easiest way to conceptualize these two individuals or the the most obvious distinction that you
can make between them both is that Jesus is mindsight let me put Jesus on the right why did I put him on the right side guys hopefully you said it uh mindsight somebody said I don't come here for knowledge I come here to laugh I don't know how to feel about that to be honest like I know I'm a funny niggaer I know but like simultaneously I'm not just talking for fun you know what I mean anyways yes mindsight versus eyesight anytime that you allow your eyes to dictate your internal state you will always be
a slave to reality and for the mere fact that it's actually your internal state that leads to your external State and if your internal State can be altered down to a level of negativity or somebody can implant a particular idea and it's so easy look I'm going to show you how I can plant an idea into your head right now don't think of the word elephant right you see what I you see what I'm saying like it's that it's really that simple and this happens on a down to a level you're not even aware of
now of course when we're talking about your desired reality your desired reality of course has a particular appearance I've been accused of having OCD um I don't know well we talking about your desired reality that desired reality is essentially a frequency that's a fre a frequency in that sense is something that you need to hold now when you say how do I change my frequency please go watch my other videos like I like I can't I can't repeat the same thing every single time trust me it's there but understanding this your desired reality is a
particular frequency now that frequency isn't something that has yet materialized down onto the physical plane so the world will always try to do one thing and this is to do this make you lose confidence and I need you to remember this the world will always attempt to make you lose confidence why because confidence is the base Foundation it is the most important word when it comes to manifestation and I know this because this is exactly what I'm hired by entrepreneurs to help them with confidence is the most important word when it comes to manifestation the
world will always try to shake your manifestation and to make you feel what's the opposite of confidence self-doubt the world will always attempt to inspire a certain level of self-doubt in you it will always attempt to shake your confidence and it does that because it knows if I can show them something that is opposed to their desire reality cuz the only reason you want your desired reality because it hasn't manifested but because you take your ey so serious you allow the world to make you internally become imbalanced and that internal imbalance eventually becomes externally imbalanced
because as within as without this is the course this is this is the nature through how reality is materialized and if you do that if you allow your eyes to allow your internal state to be balanced you will always be a slave to reality each and every single time and that's what what the devil essentially represents being a slave to your reality with that being said we want talking about the conceptualization of what mindsight means mindsight as it says esoterically in Corinthians is to be absent from the body and present with the Lord to have
a high level of Consciousness and when we're talking about high frequency I'm not talking about you [ __ ] that think drinking coconut water and eating plant-based food is going to make you high frequency and saying Grand Rising instead of good morning it's not it's it's nothing to do with that when we're talking about frequency we're essentially talking about a lens through which you see reality we're talking about a certain level of awareness and to be on a high frequency or to be step by mindset is to have the high level of awareness of what
that reality has its Illusions and one of its Illusions is what you can see because everything that we can see is only 0.0 0 35% remember to be absent from the body and present with the Lord absent from the body absent from the physical plane that gets trapped by its fire physical senses that has Associated the world to be real because it can touch it and see it and to be present with the highest level of Consciousness which is the high frequency to understand that your desired reality is a frequency that is invisible it's not
something that doesn't exist you're not creating anything you're simply taking what is invisible and making it visible by your ability to maintain frequency how do I maintain frequency Nero relax you're going to get some you maintain the frequency of your desired reality quite simply left pocket full of pink fitties right pocket got blues and you maintain by not becoming a slave to your eyesight and once again this will require a certain level of practice a certain level of discipline everything that I'm giving you right now is mental instruction so make sure you're taking those notes
make sure to leave them in the comments understanding this the only way that you can maintain your frequency is being one equipped to be able to survive the tests that the Universe throw at you when it's testing and G checking your frequency and you can go watch a video what's our video called pass these two tests and it'll manifest you can watch that video that will help you maintain frequency and then the other one about outsmarting the old version of you those two videos essentially wrap all of this up because you have to maintain your
frequency because if you don't have the ability to maintain your frequency then it will never have the ability to materialize in your reality and you'll never get to experience it in order for you to materialize your desired reality it is absolutely critical that you live by mindsight and not eyesight if you live in eyesight you will be trapped down to the level of the devil who is an individual who got caught up in the illusions of everything around him as opposed to the highest level of Consciousness like Christ had the ability to ascend to and
this is what mindsight represents and it's quite obvious and I'll give you I'll give you this example I'll give you this small small example I believe it is Matthew 13:12 give me a second guys and yes we really do all of these in one take there's no edit it's there's no stuff in this stting this just how it is you reckon people would call you delusional for living in mind people would definitely call you delusional for living in mindset because here's the thing mindset requires you to actually deny what your eyes are seeing think about
it like this um there's a story of Daniel in the Bible he got thrown in the Lion's Den this dude was thrown in a den with lions bro but they didn't eat him why because he turned his attention away from what he was seeing and placed his attention up to God that's representative the lions are representative of everything in the world that wants to eat you paes or ruin you or a certain level of suffering or a certain level of pain the more you have the capability to allow your eyes to dictate your internal State
then your internal state will be reflected into your reality and materialized as a condition which then you stay in a Perpetual cycle of being continuously in this Loop that you never get to break out of or because you didn't have the understanding that what you're seeing isn't real simple and stop calling me the Black Bob Proctor like I'm me [ __ ] like I'm just me please oh now Matthew 13 12 I believe AJ and please fact check me because some people are shocked that I just know these verses off the top of my head
Matthew 13:12 states that something along the lines of paraphrasing to whoever has abundance more be given and those who do not have even what they do have will be taken away right perfect how do you know these vers off the top of your head Nero cuz I know this [ __ ] how do you why don't you have a script or a transcript Nero cuz I know my [ __ ] told you me and these [ __ ] Ain't the same you need to understand this now Matthew 1312 AJ will put it up on the
screen thank you AJ in advance Matthew 13:12 States something to the effects of to whoever has abundance more will be given to him but whoever does not have even what they do have will be taken away now what does this have to do with anything Nero of course this is a simplistic example into the understanding that the devil represents a certain level of scarcity because anytime that you make the world your Source you're drawing from a finite Source but anytime you're align with God being your Source then you're tapping into an infinite source and this
is one thing that I teach all my clients to do in particular but I'm going to give you guys an understanding into this but in order to understand this you have to understand one very very what I call the annoying law of the universe the annoying law of the universe is you can only have what you already have and this is essentially what this verse is esoterically saying and this this can explain why poor people stay poor and rich people get rich on an esoteric level Whoever has abundance more will be given to him but
whoever does not have even what they do have will be taken away having isn't about anything to do with the material remember mindsight not eyesight it's not about having more it's about mentally being more it's about mentally being on the frequency of abundance because here's the thing you can only have what you already have and this is one thing that Christ was teaching this is one thing that you need to understand when it comes to the materialization of whatever it is that you want and please extrapolate this to money EXT this to clients extrapolate this
to um potential relationships in order for you to materialize what you want you can only have what you already have and what is the true Testament of having something not wanting it not wanting slash needing it cuz if you want or need something that indicates a frequency to the universe that you don't have it and if you don't have it you can only have what you already have and whoever has abundance more be given why because because the universe and I want you to understand this the universe simply will magnify your internal State a lot
of people say the universe will reflect your internal state but I don't like that because the universe actually magnifies it through the process as follows the universe will magnify your internal state by making it be manifested into your internal State and when it's manifested into your internal State you end up in this Perpetual Loop where based upon what you're seeing it makes you feel worse and based upon what you're seeing it makes you feel worse and based upon what you're seeing it makes you feel worse and then your internal state is in this Perpetual cycle
of being worse internally and being reflected externally the universe will magnify however you feel internally so what is a true Testament of abundance the true Testament of abundance is not needing it or not wanting it but how do I stop needing how do I stop wanting Nero relax you're going to get some you need to understand what the real game is so if we put Dr here once again not for the [ __ ] thinking the Dominican Republic let's say that that's the let's say that this is you the only reason you want to go
into your desired reality is what and I need you to understand this why do you want to go into your desired reality ask yourself and when you get an answer ask yourself again go and ask yourself and when you get that that answer ask yourself again what do you think it is why do you think you want it do you think you want it for the money do you think you want it for the security do you think you want it so you never have to worry about bills again do you want it so you
never have to go a day without food again do you want it so you never have to worry about bills light bills Wi-Fi which awesome [ __ ] I've been through by the way once again they call me The gh's Alchemist but why do you want those things and here's the thing the mind will trick you into thinking you want these things because you want the material no the only reason you ever want anything in life anything anything anything the only reason you ever want anything in life is to feel a way that you don't
feel know you want more money because you want more security you want more security so you never have to feel scared about not having money again extrapolate this on anything you don't want that person because you want that person you want that person because how you're going to feel when you get that person whether that's a relationship whether that's [ __ ] that's entirely up to you [ __ ] I'm not here to tell you which one that is the only reason you want that burger or that I don't know what are these spiritual [
__ ] the only reason you want that aable is because you're going to feel a way that you're currently not feeling this can be extrapolated to all aspects of life so then what you have to understand is that your desired reality is a middleman we cut out the middleman and go straight to those feelings because if that's what you really want then what you don't understand is that feeling a way that you don't feel right now how would you feel in your desired reality that's a frequency and ironically that's going to be the same frequency
if you enter that now that will lead to your desired reality because what you think is the destination is the starting location how you think you're going to feel when you get to a point is actually the prerequisite to experiencing that you being abundant before the world proves it to you is exactly how more abundance will be given unto you and I'll give you an example and remember um growing up of course you know in the ends in the ends what we call the ends over here Council estate what you like call the ghetto over
there or projects whatever and I was used to see homeless people and I was used to you know be like to Mom you know can you you know give them money whatever whatever and sometimes she would but more often than not she'd be like I don't have anything to give of course you know she had their own issues struggling financially so on and so forth and I could just I always just wanted to give to homeless people and we never we never give us we we never give we never gave now when I got older
and I actually met the global head director of spec Savers when I was donating for you to a homeless guy once at like half 11 crazy and he was like can I take for a drink and I was like No And he was like what do you do I told him I was like what do you do he was like Global head director of SP I said let's go but I tell that story to say something in particular let's say you and extrapolate this to all aspects of life whether it's your time whether it's your
love whether it's your money whatever it is that you desire to materialize the particular act of giving in that sense giving to a homeless person let's say that indicates to the universe that you're giving because you have if if you're not giving if you're like ah I don't have any money to give damn well [ __ ] we know you have something to give even if you think you have nothing somebody has less trust me so if you then give to that individual that indicates to the universe that this person is giving because they have
and whoever has abundance more will be given unto him but those who don't have and I don't have any money to give I don't have anything to give even what you do have will be taken away because what you're actually doing is aligning yourself with the Antichrist which is the lowest level of Consciousness and that lowest level of consciousness is trapped up in the illusion of things you think you don't have enough you think you don't but the truth of the matter is the very truth of your essence is abundance so you'll suffer now of
course Jesus the devil Christ Antichrist in order for you to actually materialize your desired reality you need to be above the illusions of reality and in this video I've given you that now you don't need to worry about the Antichrist