enemies of the mind you got to do battle with in the summer one is pessimism that tries to get you only to see the negative side of course there's the negative side life is part negative what else is new if the glass is half empty it is half empty you say well I've been only taught to see that it's half full well sure it's half full but it's also half empty I mean can't you handle that I mean you know that's not too difficult but here's what pessimism would try to get you to do believe
that it's only half empty and when pessimism comes to your mind you've got to educate pessimism because pessimism is stupid pessimism tries to get you to believe that it's only half empty you got to say pessimism you've never been to school too dumb and stupid to know of course it's half empty but it's not only half empty it's also have full I'm asking you to be in charge be in charge of your own mind be in charge of your own destiny do battle with your enemy in the summertime in the summertime you got to learn
to love like a mother hate like a father give life like a mother nourish take life like a father father says to whatever threatens his family take two or three more steps toward this family and threaten them you'll cease to exist I'm father I killed to battle with your enemies now it's also possible to love like a father and hate like a mother I'm not saying that is impossible nothing more dangerous than an angry mother [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I saw an article in a magazine a little bit ago up in Canada it showed a man
with some claw marks on his back had his shirt off big teeth marks in his neck this man was out in the woods had his flash camera saw Mama Bear with a little cub thought though this is cute took a flash picture mama bear takes unkindly to this flash picture promptly chases the man catches him almost kills him before somebody rescued him so beware Mama Bear okay love like a father hate like a mother give life like a mother take life like a father or however you want to arrange it just so you nourish your
values nourish your family nourish what's valuable for you nourish your organization nourish your Distributors nourish your customers take care of your responsibilities feed nourish but then I'm also asking you to do battle with your enemies take sword to your enemies whatever is going to destroy those values take sword to it if it's worry take sword to it if it's threat threaten back you got to be like your bloodstream good illustration red cor pusles to nourish like a mother white cor pusles to fight and kill like a father you got to do some negative thinking can't
just think positive thank God for white cor pusles that think negative all [Music] day white cour bule say just show me some infection I'll kill it whatever threatens this body in its future gets threatened whatever's got to kill this body gets killed I'm asking you take sword to your enemies whether they're on the outside or whether they're on the inside protect your family protect your future protect your values love nourish but also do battle with whatever is out there to do battle with you take some courage from some of those that have been through the
battle they've given you their stories on this stage they've been through it they know what it's all about take some courage from that and in the summer do battle and nourish now here's the last one in the Harvest Time number four take your Harvest and all that comes your way with full responsibility don't [Music] complain that fourth season complaining telling you could ruin all of your [Music] chances complaining sometimes starts as an infection if you don't take take care of it it becomes a disease do battle with it in the Harvest Time reap your Harvest
without complaint it's your crop you sewed it you either made the calls or didn't make the calls you wrote the letters you didn't write the letters you were steady or you weren't steady you did it or you didn't do it you put together a good day or you didn't put together a good day take responsibility when the Harvest Time finally comes and say hey it's my crop got to take responsibility for it I do not complain and then here's the next do not apologize if you've done well we offer no apologies when these winners that
walked across this stage here go back to their communities we offer no apology for making the kind of money they make because of the lives they touched and the people that they helped no telling what would have happened if these people had not touched many people's lives who touched many people's lives when you go back to the community all of you that were winners here I ask you to go back with no apology because you've done your job well and you've given good hands to everybody you've touched you deserve all the [Applause] [Music] money