The Single Most Dangerous Person Every Chosen One Must Avoid at All Costs!

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A Word of Wisdom
The Single Most Dangerous Person Every Chosen One Must Avoid at All Costs! In this powerful and eye...
Video Transcript:
you might be surprised by what I'm about to share but it's crucial to stay silent and focused about what's coming your way I stand before you today not as just another voice but as a messenger sent to ignite a fire in your soul this is not an ordinary message and you are not here by accident I have come with a word that will shake you to your core a message that has the power to change your life if you let it take root in your heart this is a call to the chosen ones to those
who are set apart by God himself you are not like the rest of the world you are marked sealed and called for a Divine Purpose but hear me clearly with this calling comes a great responsibility today we are going to confront something that has the potential to destroy not just your calling but your very soul it's a warning that burns like a flame but it is also a path to healing and Redemption we are going to talk about the dangers of rebellion the destructive power of Pride the Venom of envy and the chaos of division
we will walk through the story of Kora a man who stood against God's appointed leaders and paid the ultimate price his story is a lesson for every chosen one for every every believer who seeks to walk in God's will so prepare your heart because this is not just another teaching this is a fire meant to burn away the impurities in your soul a sword meant to cut through the lies that may have taken root in your mind this message will not just inform you it will transform you if you are willing to receive it welcome
to a Word of Wisdom if you're not already subscribed go ahead and subscribe like the video and turn on notifications to keep up to dat with the word of God let me ask you this what happens when you stand against God's chosen leaders what happens when Pride causes you to believe that your way is better than God's plan kora's story in the Book of Numbers is a vivid warning to all who would rise in Rebellion against God's appointed Authority aora was not an outsider he wasn't a stranger to God's people he was a levita part
of the tribe responsible for the holy things of God he had a position of Honor a purpose that was divinely assigned but Kora wasn't content with his role he wanted more he looked at Moses and Aaron the men that God had chosen to lead the nation of Israel and he thought why them why should they have all the authority we are all holy before God why can't I lead numbers 16:3 reveals kora's heart they came as a group to oppose Moses and Aaron and said to them you have gone too far the whole Community is
Holy every one of them and the Lord is with them why then do you set yourselves above the Lord's assembly can you hear the arrogance Cora believed that he could do a better job than Moses he believed that he could take the role of leadership that God had given to someone else and this is where the seed of rebellion begins in the heart that questions God's order when you rebel against the leaders that God has placed in your life you are not simply rejecting their Authority you are rejecting God's Authority this is no small matter
chosen ones this is a dangerous road that leads to destruction the word of God is clear Pride goes Before Destruction a hay spirit before a fall Proverbs 16: 18 accor's rebellion was not just an act of defiance it was an act of Pride he believed that he deserved more than what God had assigned him he wasn't satisfied with his role he coveted the role of Moses and Aaron and that Pride was the beginning of his downfall numbers 16: 31-33 tells us what happened next as soon as he finished saying all this the ground under them
split apart and the Earth opened its mouth and swallowed them and their households and all those associated with Kora together with their possessions they went down alive into the realm of the Dead with everything they owned the Earth closed over them and they perished and were gone from the community let this be a warning to you Rebellion leads to destruction it may not happen immediately but it is inevitable the moment you allow Rebellion to take root in your heart you set yourself on a path that leads to ruin but why why is rebellion so dangerous
because it is a direct challenge to God's Authority when you reject the leaders that God has placed in your life you are essentially saying I know better than God I can choose better than God and that kind of prideful thinking will always lead to destruction chosen ones I urge you today to examine your heart is there Rebellion lurking in the corners of your soul have you questioned The Authority that God has placed in your life have you allowed Pride to convince you that you know better if so I plead with you repent turn away from
the path of rebellion before it leads you to destruction let's dig deeper into the heart of kora's Rebellion at the root of his Defiance was a deadly sin pride pride is subtle it doesn't always announce itself with a loud voice it often starts as a quiet thought a whisper in your mind that says you deserve better you should be in charge you're just as good as they are maybe even better this is exactly what happened to Kora Shor was not a man without purpose he had been given a significant role within the tribe of Levi
he was part of the group responsible for the sacred things of God but that wasn't enough for him he wanted more he wanted the position of Moses and Aaron he wanted to be the leader he wasn't content with what God had given him and so he allowed Pride to take root in his heart pride is a dangerous thing chosen ones it blinds you to the truth it makes you believe that you are entitled to more than what God has given you it convinces you that you know better than the leaders God has appointed and if
left unchecked Pride will destroy you Proverbs 11:2 warns us when pride comes then comes disgrace but with humility comes wisdom kora's Pride led to his disgrace he believed that he could rise up against God's chosen leaders and come out Victorious but instead he was swallowed by the Earth his his pride was his downfall but it wasn't just Kora who suffered the consequences of his pride Numbers Chapter 16:32 tells us that the ground opened up and swallowed not only Kora but also his household and all those who had followed him Pride doesn't just destroy you it
destroys everyone around you when you allow Pride to take root in your heart it doesn't just affect you it affects your family your friends your community let me ask you this where has Pride taken root in your heart have you allowed Pride to make you believe that you deserve more than what God has given you have you allowed Pride to cause you to rebel against the leaders that God has placed in your life if so I urge you to humble yourself before the Lord Pride will always lead to destruction but humility brings wisdom and favor
with God Jesus himself gave us the ultimate example of humility Philippians 2: 5-8 says in your relationships with one another have the same mindset as Christ Jesus who being in very nature God did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own Advantage rather he made himself Nothing by taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness and being found in appearance as a man he he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death even death on a cross if the Son of God could humble himself how much more should
we humility is the key to walking in alignment with God's will Pride leads to destruction but humility leads to exaltation humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up James 4:10 accor's Rebellion didn't just involve him alone he wasn't content to keep his pride and envy to himself no Kora sought to gather others to his cause he incited a spirit of division among the people of Israel he convinced 250 leaders men of renown men of influence to join him in his Rebellion against Moses and Aaron and this is where we see the true
danger of rebellion it doesn't stay isolated it spreads it infects others it creates division within the body of Christ a division is a deadly weapon in the hands of the enemy the enemy knows that if he can divide us he can weaken us if he can turn us against one another he can stop us from fulfilling the mission that God has given us that's why Unity is so important that's why we must guard against division with everything in US Ephesians 4:3 urges us to make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the
bond of Peace Unity is not just a suggestion it is a command and when we allow division to take root in our hearts we are disobeying God's command for Unity kora's rebellion was an act of division he sought to turn the people of Israel against Moses and Aaron he wanted to create factions to seow Discord to pit the people against their god-appointed leaders but let me tell you something division is a tool of Destruction Jesus himself said in Matthew 12:25 every Kingdom divided against itself will be ruined and every city or household divided against itself
will not stand division is the enemy's strategy to ruin us to tear us apart from within and we must not allow it to succeed chosen ones I plead with you today guard against division don't let Pride Envy or Rebellion cause you to seow Discord among your brothers and sisters in Christ we are called to be one body United in faith standing together in love how good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity Psalm 133: 1 finally let's look at God's response to kora's Rebellion when Kora and his followers rose up against
Moses and Aaron God's judgment was Swift and decisive he didn't allow this Rebellion to go unpunished the Earth opened up and swallowed them whole removing the threat to his divine plan in Romans 12:19 the Lord says it is mine to avenge I will repay we do not need to fight for our own Justice God will always defend his chosen ones Moses didn't have to defend himself God did it for him when we walk in obedience to God's will when we submit to his authority we can trust that he will protect us God's justice is not
just about punishment it's about protection he protects his chosen ones he defends his people against those who would rise up in rebellion and just as he defended Moses and Aaron he will defend you but remember this God's justice is also a warning just as he defended Moses he will also bring judgment against those who rise up in Pride and Rebellion just as Kora and his followers were swallowed by the Earth so too will those who continue in Rebellion face the consequences of their actions chosen ones I urge you today submit to God's Authority trust in
his Justice humble yourselves before him and he will lift you up don't let Pride Rebellion or division take root in in your heart walk in humility unity and submission to God's will and you will see his protection and favor in your life as I stand before you today I want you to understand the weight of this message this is not just a story from the past this is a warning for the present the spirit of rebellion is alive and active in our world today and it seeks to take root in the hearts of God's chosen
ones but you must resist it you must guard your heart against Pride against envy against division chosen ones hear me clearly you are set apart by God for a Divine Purpose but with that calling comes a responsibility to walk in humility to submit to God's Will and to protect the unity of the body of Christ Rebellion leads to destruction but obedience leads to life Pride leads to disgrace but humility leads to exaltation division leads to ruin but Unity leads to strength today I challenge you to examine your heart ask yourself have I allowed Rebellion to
take root have I allowed Pride to Blind me have I sown seeds of division among my brothers and sisters if the answer is yes then today is the day to repent today is the day to turn away from rebellion and pride pride and to walk in humility and submission to God's will for God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble James 4:6 let us choose humility today chosen ones let us choose Unity let us submit to God's Authority and trust that he will protect and defend us I leave you with this final word
humble yourselves therefore under God's Mighty hand that he may lift you up in due time cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you let this be the fire that burns in your heart as you go forth from here today let this message stay with you and let it shape the way you live the way you lead and the way you love you are chosen for a purpose walk in it with humility unity and unwavering submission to the will of God let's pray this prayer of faith together as one family Heavenly Father our
Mighty and Sovereign God we come before your throne of grace today with reverence and trembling knowing that you are the God of all creation the one who holds the universe in the palm of your hand you are the alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end there is none Like You O Lord none beside you you alone are worthy of our praise our worship and our complete surrender father father in the name of Jesus I lift up every heart every soul every person under the sound of my voice right now I call upon the
fire of the Holy Spirit to fall Upon Us in this very moment let your fire burn through the atmosphere God piercing through every heart every mind every spirit that is hearing this prayer father we do not come casually or with indifference we come with urgency seeking your divine interven mention in our lives oh Lord we repent we repent of every trace of rebellion that has been found in our hearts we ask for your mercy Lord like Kora and his followers we confess that we have at times allowed Pride to take root in our souls we
have questioned your Authority we have resisted your appointed leaders we have acted as if we knew better than you almighty god father forgive us cleanse us with the blood of Jesus and purify our hearts we renounce every Spirit of rebellion Every Lie of the enemy that has sought to lead us away from your will break the chains of Pride oh God break the chains of arrogance and envy that have Shackled us uproot these deadly seeds from our lives Lord and let us walk in the fullness of humility and obedience to your word father just as
you dealt swiftly with kora's Rebellion we ask that you would deal swiftly with the rebellion in our hearts where pride has risen we ask you to tear it down where division has crept in we ask you to bring healing and unity Holy Spirit sweep through us like a consuming fire burn away everything that is not of you every stronghold that the enemy has tried to build in our hearts let us be pure vessels For Your Glory oh God Lord you are the God of Justice and righteousness you defend your people and uphold the cause of
the righteous just as you protected Moses and Aron we believe that you will protect us your chosen ones we rest in your Justice Lord we rest in the knowledge that you are our Defender that you will fight our battles we don't need to defend ourselves you are our refuge and our Fortress we declare today that no weapon formed against us shall prosper ER and every tongue that rises against us in judgment shall be condemned Hallelujah Lord we stand on your promises knowing that you will never fail now father I come before you on behalf of
every person who hears this message Lord I pray that this message would penetrate their hearts with power let it be like a hammer that breaks the Stony places in their hearts like a fire that burns away every impurity let your word come alive in them let them not just hear this message but let them be transformed by it holy spirit breathe on this message ignite a fresh fire in The Souls of those who are listening let the truth of this word shake them to their core convict them of any Rebellion or Pride that has tried
to take root in their lives and draw them closer to you father for those who are struggling with pride who have been deceived by Envy I pray for deliverance right now in the name of Jesus set them free from the chains that have bound them set them free from the lies that have held them captive let them experience the freedom that comes from walking in humility and submission to your will let them know the joy of living in obedience to you the peace that comes from being in right alignment with your divine order Lord I
pray for every person who will share this message bless them abundantly father as they become messengers of your truth let your faith surround them like a shield open doors for them that no man can close use them as vessels to spread your word to the Nations and for every person who likes subscribes or comments amen to this message I ask for a special blessing over their lives Let Your Grace overflow upon them meet every need they have Lord whether it's healing in their bodies peace in their minds provision in their finances or Restoration in their
family touch them Father in ways that only you can for those who are struggling with division in their families in their churches or in their communities I pray for Unity in the name of Jesus where the enemy has sown seeds of Discord Lord I ask that you would uproot them and replace them with seeds of peace and love let us be a people United in purpose United in Vision United in our pursuit of you oh God help us to be peacemakers Lord to be those who bring Unity rather than division let us walk in the
bond of Peace reflecting the love and unity of Christ to the world around us father I also pray for the leaders that you have appointed in our lives the pastors the ministers the mentors the spiritual authorities that you have placed over us I ask that you would strengthen them protect them and give them wisdom as they lead your people help us Lord to honor and support them to submit to their leadership as we submit to you let there be no Spirit of chora Among Us no Spirit of rebellion or Pride but only a spirit of
humility and honor Lord we know that pride is a dangerous thing your word says that Pride goes before destruction and a hay spirit before a fall so we ask you to Humble us Lord teach us to walk in humility to follow follow the example of Christ who though he was God did not consider equality with God something to be grasped but humbled himself taking on the form of a servant let us be like Jesus willing to serve willing to lay down our lives for others willing to submit fully to your will and finally Lord I
pray for those who feel discouraged who feel like they are walking through a season of trial and testing I pray that this message would remind them that you are with them that you see them and that you are working on their behalf let them know that you are their Defender their refuge and their strength encourage them Lord let them feel the warmth of your presence the comfort of your love and the power of your spirit at work in their lives father as we close this prayer I ask that your blessing would rest upon every person
who hears this message let them walk in your favor let them experience your goodness and let them be transformed by the power of your word may we all walk in humility unity and submission to your perfect will and may we never forget the lessons of kora's rebellion that Pride leads to destruction but humility leads to your blessing and favor we give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise Lord you alone are worthy we declare that your kingdom come and and your will be done in our lives just as it is in
heaven in the mighty matchless name of Jesus Christ we pray amen and amen hallelujah let this prayer be like fire in the hearts of those who receive it let it awaken them to the reality of your power your Justice and your grace and as we go forth may we carry this fire with us spreading it to everyone we encounter so that your name May be glorified in all the Earth amen if this message has touched your heart and you'd like to support our mission of spreading God's word there's a link pinned in the comments below
no gift is too small your generosity even just a penny can bring hope and joy to someone's life thank you for partnering with God in this important work
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