There's No Way JOKER: FOLIE À DEUX Is a Real Movie

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okay so I know per my post on here I said the videos may slow down and they will I was at the ER a few days ago for a back issue and it was really painful and I'm in the process of recovering thank you to those who reached out and sending me your best wishes I I really do appreciate it but um if this is the kind of movie that I'm coming out to then maybe I should just chill back in the AR because what the hell is this movie Let's rewind it back 5 years
ago if I told you that the Standalone Wen Phoenix Joker movie from the director of The Hangover was going to be the highest grossing R rated movie of all time at that time lead all films and Oscar nominations with 11 in a year that featured parasite and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood just to name two of them I mean you'd think I was the Joker myself but that happened Wen Phoenix won best actor and all of a sudden the most controversial movie of 2019 was an Oscar winning film and don't be a mistaken this
movie was controversial the media coverage was so weird it was almost like they were hoping something bad was going to happen at one of the screenings I remember seeing so many news segments like hey this new Joker movie is pretty intense it may influence the wrong people I sure hope nothing happens at these screenings like why the [ __ ] are we talking about it that way and I should say I like the first Joker I enjoyed my time with it I thought it was very well made and well acted I didn't think it was
an insanely profound movie and should have won best picture but I also didn't think it was a spit in the face of Martin scorsi and Todd Phillips should pay for his crimes either so when I found out that they were making a joker sequel I Shrugged like okay of course you know Hollywood wins again I'll probably check it out but you know I'm good either way and then I hear it's a musical and I sit up right in my seat like there's no way they're turning their billion dooll comic book grosser into a musical there's
simply no way and then they cast Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn and I'm like okay so they're actually doing it and this has been especially since I've already seen some of the bigger movies that have been released this has been my most anticipated movie of the year out of sheer curiosity and after seeing it the other day I still can't believe this is a real movie that is going to be shown to audiences all over the world this movie is so strange and I almost never say this in videos I don't know if I ever
have because I hate when people say it but I'm going to use it here um who is this for because I feel like the certain quadrants of people who should be into this movie aren't actually going to be satisfied with it the Lady Gaga fans the comic book fans the first Joker is a masterpiece fans and musical fans they're all going to have their gripes with it honestly when I think about it this movie is one of the most beautiful troll jobs I've ever seen but uh okay here we go let's get into it I
will first say this movie is beautiful in a Time where our big Blockbuster or big budgeted movies so routinely look like this or this or this I will shout out this movie there is actual Artistry and Talent on screen it's vibrant it's gorgeous to look at and the musical elements really Essen youate that too as I've said before musicals just allow you to play with almost all aspects of production like lighting like the makeup like the costumes like the production design and you see it all here I appreciate that level of craft in a movie
that costs a fortune and I think that's something that we should all appreciate but it does not matter how gorgeous your movie looks if the story you're trying to tell just doesn't work and uh Lord have mercy this movie does not work it's kind of amazing how I really think Todd Phillips has created something that the fans of the first movie and the haters of the first movie will come together and dislike equally now that doesn't mean everyone is going to dislike it okay I'm not talking in absolutes and I'm sure people will let me
know that they love it and that's great for you but hear me out this script is so unbelievably undercooked you want to have musical sequences in it great I think that's a cool idea you want to have a courtroom trial component to it okay we can play along with that cool except that it adds up to nothing because this movie is so Hollow the first movie had something to hold on to whether or not you even agreed with it or you thought it was profound to me that is like kind of irrelevant at least there
was something there this movie does not have that at the same level or it's trying to repeat what the first one's trying to say in a deeper more profound way no you can only handle so many empty musical sequences before you start thinking to yourself like okay what is this actually trying to do and I'm not known as a musical person that's not my preferred genre even though lately I have been kind of into it I mean you're looking at someone who saw Wonka like five times in a week but one problem I do see
a lot with musicals and it's why they frustrate me a lot is how the musical sequences are incorporated into the movie for example I think the musical scenes in la la land never disrupt the flow or the narrative or the momentum that the movie builds they further enhance what the movie is trying to say and its themes and also they're just love but in this movie they either completely ruin the momentum that the movie just built or they add up to nothing because like oh it was just in his head who cares and I'm fine
with a fantasy element of a musical I mean that's why a lot of them exist but again this just adds up to nothing it enhances nothing then you're back in the courtroom for what might be the least compelling case at least how it's presented they want to plead Insanity basically saying that the trauma that Arthur Flex suffered as a kid kind of forced him to create that joke personality to protect him and that is what caused all the murders they're trying to prove that he is mentally ill and maybe if this wasn't tied to IP
it would be a very interesting case or a very interesting movie if that's what they wanted to focus on but let's be real the movie's called Joker like no one in the audience is like yeah like let's set him free this movie is just really confounding to me because four scenes that are so gorgeously crafted they feel directionless there's a scene where Lady Gaga is singing and waen Phoenix is like no stop singing and I felt that because the movie needed a break I just can't believe how dull and uninspired this movie came across and
as I mentioned earlier I was coming into this like with a positive like I was ready to love this it has nothing meaningful to say it has nothing compelling in its story it's just kind of there and that's no fault to the performances e aen Phoenix is still one of the best actors we have in my opinion and he's good here I mean still very striking but do not [ __ ] with me okay do not you do not waste Lady Gaga she has such a screen presence to her I mean sure because of her
f outside of acting but she's just a good actor I've said that and for her to be cast in a musical as Harley Quinn should have been a dream but can you give her something to do besides just seeing her character is so one note and so not fleshed out it's almost insulting but speaking of Lady Gaga welcome back to film drunk horny moments okay when Lady Gaga puts a finger gun up to her head I mean I was like yo shoot me instead what I mean she is just a badie totally would anyways moving
on the way this movie ends is just like a are you serious type moment it feels like story lines just end with no real resolution they're just kind off totally leaving audiences unsatisfied this movie is a case where out of context if you're scrolling through YouTube and you see a scene here and you click on it it's going to be like wow that was great that was awesome why why is this movie being received this way because there still are good individual scenes there's a great musical sequence where wiin Phoenix really gets to let loose
and starts dancing in Lady Gaga is just belting and it's awesome there's a great courtroom musical scene where it allows itself to actually get darker and it felt real for a bit but as a collection of scenes looked through the lens as a movie which it is it is a completely dull and uninteresting and flat experience one of the biggest disappointments of the Year baby Joker fad two stars okay time to rest up again I'll see you all when I see you much love [Music]
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