This Is The Most Important Video You’ll See Today ( must watch)

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Beyond the Veil
Join us on a journey to uncover the hidden connections between science, spirituality, and the power ...
Video Transcript:
in nearly every ancient tradition we find a mysterious reference to something called the Waters of the deep an endless dark expanse symbolizing a void filled with pure potential waiting to become something real in Daoism for example it's described as a constant flow of source energy Limitless and inexhaustible take from it they say and it's instantly replenished this idea is mirrored in Christian creation where before the world took form the Earth was described as without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep this might be the most important video you'll see today
maybe even this year because what we're about to explore is bigger than any single self-help tip or manifestation hack this is about uncovering the very nature of reality itself the forces shaping it and the role you play in bringing your world to life this isn't just Theory it's practical transformative and grounded in ancient wisdom backed by modern science but to truly unlock it you have to watch all the way through these Waters aren't just a poetic image across cultures they represent the roar unshaped Foundation of existence the primordial Essence from which everything Springs in Gnostic
law this concept appears as the ploma a boundless fullness containing all possibilities waiting to emerge into form when touched by conscious thought similarly in alchemy there's the concept of Prima Materia or first matter the core material that Alchemists believe can be transformed into anything Guided by intention and skill the same theme appears in hermeticism where the virgin of the world holds hidden knowledge within a silent waiting void accessible only through an awakened mind here as in other spiritual teachings we find the idea that beneath the visible World lies an Endless Sea of potential a boundless
source that flows into reality through our awareness and intention to understand how we interact with reality we have to talk about one of the most fascinating discoveries in modern science the double slit experiment it's a famous experiment in quantum physics that reveals something profound about how our Attention our very Act of observing changes what's real here's how it works scientists sent particles like electrons through two slits and observed their behavior when they didn't observe the particles directly they behaved like waves creating a pattern of possibilities a spread of potential outcomes like ripples on a pond
but the moment scientists actively observed or measured the particles everything changed the wave of possibilities collapsed into a single fixed outcome the particles suddenly acted like well particles tiny solid points instead of spread out waves of potential this is known as wave function collapse and it suggests something astonishing reality at its core exists as a set of potentials until we focus Fus our attention on it it's almost as if the universe itself waits for us to decide what's real think of it this way reality is a canvas of infinite possibilities waiting for us to bring
it into Focus through our conscious attention so what does this mean for us in simple terms it shows that observation isn't just passive conscious observation plays an active role in shaping the world this concept is echoed in ancient philosophies like her ISM which teaches that as above so below suggesting that the outer World mirrors our inner focus and the gnostics spoke of a primordial awareness that brings form out of chaos much like how particles emerge from the wave when observed as powerful as the double slit experiment is it's just the start of understanding our role
as creators in the universe if our attention can influence something as small as a particle what could it mean for the world around us the impc indication is that every moment consciously or not we are shaping our reality by where we place our focus and that Focus has the potential to bring our intentions and dreams into the physical world now that we understand how Consciousness shapes reality let's look deeper into ancient wisdom that guides us on how to use this power hermeticism an ancient philosophical tradition rooted in the teachings attributed to Hermes Tris magistus offers
a framework of principles that can transform our understanding of reality these hermetic laws teach us how the universe operates and when we align with them we can manifest with greater Clarity and purpose one of the most well-known hermetic principles is As Above So Below as within so without this means that the outer world is a reflection of our inner State and vice versa if we want to see change outside of us we must first change within this principle aligns perfectly with the double slit experiment we just discussed our internal Focus determines what becomes real in
the external world next is the law of vibration which teaches that everything in the universe is in constant motion constantly vibrating these vibrations create what we see as solid matter our thoughts and emotions too carry vibrations that influence what we attract into our lives by raising our vibration through positive thoughts gratitude and love we align ourselves with higher outcomes just as tuning to a radio station connects us with a specific frequency then there's the law of mentalism which says that the all is mind essentially the universe itself is a mental construct shaped and influenced by
the collective mind this is why Focus thought is so powerful our minds are many universes projecting outwards and influencing the collective reality when we think with intention we are literally influencing the fabric of existence another key low is the low of Correspondence which teaches that there's a Harmony and symmetry between different levels of reality this means that changes we make on a small personal level can Ripple outward to create change on a larger Universal scale this interconnectedness is echoed in modern ideas of the unified field where every part influence is the whole and finally the
low of cause and effect nothing happens by chance every action every thought every emotion sets into motion a corresponding effect this is the foundation of Karma and manifestation alike if we want to create positive outcomes we must start with positive intentions and actions every decision we make sets a cause in motion shaping the outcomes we experience together these hermetic lows don't don't just explain the mechanics of reality they Empower us they show us that when we work in harmony with these principles we become active participants in the universe directing the energy around us instead of
being at its mercy so how can we begin applying these principles to manifest what we desire the answer lies in conscious alignment understanding these laws and aligning our thoughts feelings and actions accordingly we'll EXP explore exactly how to do this as we continue so we can move from understanding to truly embodying the art of manifestation at the heart of every great spiritual teaching and modern understanding of reality lies one fundamental question what is consciousness and perhaps more importantly what role does it play in shaping the universe around us to truly manifest the life we desire
we must first understand the nature of Consciousness and the role of the self in the grand desire in neoplatonic thought Consciousness is seen as the animous Mundy or the world's Soul a universal mind that connects everything it's the creative force that breathes life into the universe expressing itself through every individual being this isn't just a poetic idea it's a reminder that each of us is connected to something infinitely larger we're like individual waves within an endless ocean and yet each wave wave contains the essence of that entire ocean in hermeticism this connection is reflected in
the concept of the Inner Circle which represents the soul or the self surrounding it is the Outer Circle the greater Universe the source of all potential these circles are one and the same showing us that what we seek outside of ourselves already exists within our Consciousness Bridges this inner and outer reality making us both The Observer and the Creator but to access this creative power we must go Inward and understand the nature of the self think of the self as an artist holding a brush with the potential to paint any picture it desires to bring
that Vision to life the artist must first know themselves their tools and their intentions when we understand that our thoughts emotions and beliefs are these tools we gain the power to shape reality with intention this is where the process of self-reflection or nosis comes in in gnosticism nosis means knowledge specifically self- knowledge through deep self-awareness we become attuned to our thoughts and emotions and we realize that we are not merely our minds or our bodies instead we are the conscious beings Behind These experiences with the power to direct them meditative practices can help us reach
this state by observing our thoughts without identifying with them we start to see patterns in how we think and feel we understand that we're not just products of our thoughts we are the awareness beneath them choosing which thoughts to nurture and which to release as we align with this deeper sense of self we begin to shift from being passive receivers of life's experiences to active creators of them when we embrace our Consciousness as a creative Force the potential for manifestation becomes Limitless we stop seeing ourselves as separate from the world around us and start to
recognize that everything we see feel and experience is deeply interconnected the separation dissolves and with it so does the illusion that life just happens to us this journey of self-awareness and self-mastery is the foundation of manifestation by understanding and aligning with the true self The Observer the Creator we can begin to consciously shape reality in ways that reflect our highest intentions in the next section we'll explore how this inner alignment paves the way for manifesting change in the external World bringing our vision from thought to reality to understand how reality takes shape we need to
look at two powerful forces that are all around us light and sound both of these aren't just physical phenomena they're carriers of information and energy that connect us to the deepest layers of existence let's start with light in both science and spirituality light is seen as the essence of creation physically light is made up of photons but it doesn't behave like a simple particle or a wave it exists as both carrying potential until observed this ties directly into what we've seen with wave function collapse where light takes on a specific form only when it meets
conscious observation ancient teachings knew this truth as well describing light as Divine energy the messenger that connects the heavens and the Earth in many spiritual Traditions light is associated with knowledge and Awakening when we talk about someone being enlightened we're referring to a state of awareness that comes from within a state where they are in tune with the deeper truths of existence in the same way when we become aware of the light within ourselves our true Essence we begin to see reality with greater Clarity recognizing our role as co-creators of the world around us sound
too is much more than it seems at its core sound is vibration a frequency that moves through space it's invisible but its effects are deeply felt just like light ancient cultures understood this often describing the universe as being spoken or sung into existence in the Bible for example creation begins with the word words let there be light in Hinduism the primordial sound is said to be the vibration that set the universe into motion modern science shows us that sound can physically change matter through resonance sematics the study of visible Sound Vibrations demonstrates how certain frequencies
can form complex symmetrical patterns in materials like sand or water this isn't just a scientific curiosity it's a glimpse into how sound like light can organize reality shaping the formless into form so why does this matter when we speak think or even feel we are generating vibrations just like light and sound our thoughts and emotions emit frequencies that resonate with the world around us attracting experiences that match their vibration by becoming aware of the frequency we're putting out we can begin to consciously align ourselves with the outcomes we desire tuning Our inner vibration to match
the life we want to create light and sound remind us that reality isn't just physical it's vibrational the more we understand and work with these forces the more we can align ourselves with the energy we want to bring into our lives in the next section we'll explore how this understanding of vibrational reality can be used to manifest change on both personal and Collective levels turning intention into reality some of the most groundbreaking discover discoveries in science have come from thinkers who weren't afraid to explore ideas on the edge the so-called Fringe where science meets spirituality
figures like Nicola Tesla Leonardo da Vinci and more recently Rupert sheldrake dared to ask questions that crossed boundaries blending curiosity with an openness to the unknown Tesla famously said if you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration these words resonate deeply with what ancient spiritual Traditions have been teaching for centuries that the fabric of reality is fundamentally energetic made of vibrations that we interact with every day Tesla's pioneering work in electricity and energy was driven by this insight and it led him to ideas that seemed almost
magical in his time another example is Leonardo Da Vinci who didn't limit himself to one field but explored art science and atomy and mysticism together for him nature was a living text Rich with interconnected patterns that mirrored the Divine his studies bridged science and spirituality challenging the rigid beliefs of his day and leaving a legacy of innovation and insight more recently scientists like Rupert sheldrake have studied the interconnectedness of living organisms proposing theories like morphic resonance which suggests that all forms of life are connected by a collective memory that influences growth and behavior this concept
of a shared energetic field isn't just scientific speculation it echoes the Hermetic principle of Correspondence the idea that all things are interconnected and changes on one level can Ripple across all others what's remarkable is how these Forward Thinking scientists arrived at conclusions that align with ancient wisdom teachings that go back thousands of years any spiritual texts from the vadas to hermetic writings suggest that the universe is a web of relationships a living system where Consciousness energy and matter are intertwined in today's world however science and spirituality are often kept separate almost as if they're two
entirely different languages but when we bring them together we see a bigger picture spirituality offers a heart-c centered experiential understanding of life's mysteries while science gives us the tools to observe measure and explain each fills in gaps left by the other providing a fuller view of our reality and the forces that shape it so what happens when we allow these two perspectives to meet we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves in the universe we open up to new ways of thinking that honor both intuition and logic mystery and Discovery in the next section we'll dive
into how these insights and Empower us to align with the universal principles at play helping us use our awareness to shape our lives with purpose and intention our journey into manifestation wouldn't be complete without exploring one of the most powerful tools we have the Mind throughout history spiritual and philosophical traditions have recognized the mind as the primary creative force behind all of existence in hermeticism this is known as the low of mentalism which states the all is mind this principle tells us that the universe itself is a mental construct one shaped by thought awareness and
Consciousness in nostic ISM the concept of noose or the creative mind reflects this same truth NOS often described as the Divine spark within us is what allows us to perceive imagine and bring things into form this creative mind isn't just about personal desires it's the part of us that connects with a higher intelligence the universal mind that holds the potential for all existence when we align our personal mind with this universal mind we become channels for bringing higher intentions into reality but the power of the Mind comes with responsibility our thoughts don't just influence us
they influence everything when we focus on positive uplifting ideas we raise our vibration attracting experiences that match that energy but if we dwell on negativity or fear we create barriers shaping a reality that reflects those limitations by mastering our thoughts we become masters of our reality this is why mindfulness and self-awareness are essential to manifestation when we observe our thoughts without judgment we begin to see patterns and identify beliefs that no longer serve us through practice we learn to let go of limiting ideas and replace them with thoughts that align with our highest intentions understanding
the Mind as a creative force is empowering it means that change is always within our reach no matter the circumstances by consciously choosing our thoughts and focusing our intentions we can align ourselves with the life we want to create in the next section we'll explore how to harness this awareness to direct our energy toward intentional manifestation so we can actively participate in shaping our world at the core of every spiritual teaching is a simple truth that we hold the answers within ourselves this inner wisdom often referred to as the inner Guru is the guiding force
that connects us to the universal source of knowledge insight and creation when we learn to tune into this inner voice we realize that we're not just participants in life we're active creators deeply connected to the universe the concept of the inner good Guru teaches us to look within for guidance rather than seeking validation or answers solely from the external world this doesn't mean isolating ourselves it means recognizing that the same Universal wisdom that created the Stars the Earth and all living things also flows through us when we silence the noise of the outside world and
listen we tap into this boundless well of intuition creativity and purpose in spiritual Traditions from Buddhism to hermeticism there's a common theme to know the self is to know the universe when we truly understand our inner world we begin to see how it's connected to everything around us we are not separate from the universal Consciousness we are expressions of it this connection to the a is what empowers us to manifest change in our lives and the world when we Embrace this Universal connection manifestation becomes a natural extension of our awareness we're no longer trying to
force outcomes we're co-creating with the universe flowing in harmony with the energy that binds all things this is the key to True manifestation not manipulating reality but aligning ourselves with it trusting that as we move inward the Universe moves with us in closing as we come to know ourselves we unlock our connection to the universe we become the inner Guru the wise creator manifesting a reality that reflects our highest intentions and with this awareness we're ready to step forward creating a life of purpose Clarity and connection
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